Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H37. The hunter gets the superweapon of the spirit.

.19.21. (.34.) .38.41.-.

A magic item that makes hunting or fishing easy and trustworthy falls into the hands of a character who is unable to control it or abuses it.

Melanesia. Pondoma [one man had the moon and used it as a lantern; kept it in a bamboo vessel; thanks to this lantern, man caught more pigs than others; one day he went to a festival, and his wife was on her period, she stayed at home; her husband forbade her to talk to anyone; her husband's friend came and told her to get up from the bamboo she was sitting on; took the moon and took it away; began to kill pigs, but did not allow her to the moon should drink their blood as it should have; the moon jumped out, climbed the vine into the tree and then ended up in the sky; the dark spots on the moon are the mark of an onion strike by that man trying to detain the moon]: Slone 2009:44-46.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Miri [a man injures a boar, follows the trail; sees a giant spirit shoot at the same boar, the animal immediately falls; the spirit patronizes the hunter, gives a bow, the arrow from which is always hits the target; when the hunter is old, he was asked to shoot a bird in the sky, he hit it; the grandchildren persuaded the hunter to tell his secret; at the same moment the magic bow was gone and the hunter died]: Bori 1995: 29-32.

(Wed. Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols (Khalkha) [the young man is drafted into the army, spend the night with his father on the road, the son shot at a fire, saw a killed tiger in the morning; the chief ordered the soldiers to leave for a while, leaving their hats; ran the tiger tore the young man's hat; the young man spends the night in the forest by a hole; a hand with a cup leaned out of the hole, the young man put meat in there; wrapped a doll in his clothes, climbed the tree himself; something reached out of the hole long, this is Orolyn-chitkur; the young man shot, picked up a xiuzhi bone in the morning; sees something tearing meat off the camels, shooting, ripping off his wand; found out that if you aim it, it kills animals and people; he destroys the enemy's army; the llama sees his magic items, asks him to give them back, stole them from the lamas Orulun-Chitkur {Orolyn used to be}; the young man receives other things in return]: Potanin 1883, No. 118:401-403 ).

Japan. Ainu [see motif G12; Kurumi brings millet to people from the sky, teaches culture; gives an arrow that follows the animal's trail itself, even if it's been 24 hours ago; the Ainu sends an arrow at an even older trail; the arrow gets tired, disappears]: Etter 1949:70.

Subarctic. Yellowknife [the giant gives two brothers male and female arrows that hunt males and females; tells them not to pick them up, they come back on their own; the youngest shoots a squirrel, climbs a tree for with an arrow, she takes him to heaven; he comes to the old woman; her eldest daughter's vagina is caress, the youngest is a mouse; the old woman stains his face with soot, but in the morning he washes and his sisters ask him to lie between them; he falls down; the sisters go to look for their guest, meet a monster with one eye, one hand, mouth from ear to ear; this is Edzil's death; he promises to spare the young man if one of his sisters marries him - E.; E. is carried away by an eagle; the sisters take the arrows given by the old man to the lower world; the Thunderbird brings them to the seashore; their mother predicts that two brothers will marry them; Thunderbird brings young man to earth; giants help sisters; both brothers and both sisters come together]: Petitot 1886, No. 4:352-370.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [the old man gives the chief an arrow, which kills himself, returns to the owner; the chief accidentally points it at the boat with the old man's relatives; the arrow flies to the old man, he points her on the chief, killing him]: Swanton 1909, No. 31:122-123.

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson [The tick kills deer with a magic rod; warns the Coyote to kill one deer, no more; the Coyote kills many; the rod loses its strength, dead deer, their skins, bones, dried meat come to life and run away; The tick rushes at the last deer, turns into a tick]; coutenay [The Coyote heals the Old Man's eyes; he gives him an arrow that hits the deer without a miss; tells him not to kill again than two times; Coyote kills more, arrow goes missing]: Hanna, Henry 1996:53-55: Linderman 1997, No. 7:70-72.

The Midwest. Steppe Cree [the spirit agrees to give Visukejak an arrow that always hits the target; for this purpose, he is targeted three times, remains alive; apparently, the spirit does not tell you to shoot more than a certain one numbers of times or shoot up (the ban is not expressed but follows); V. hits the game first; then the arrow disappears]: Skinner 1916, No. 1 (13): 351-352.

Northeast. Tuscarora [young spouses live separately, they have a baby; the Stone Giant (KM) comes, picks up a baby; a woman calls KM father, assures that the baby is his grandson; KM believes, wants live with them; a woman teaches her husband to call KM father-in-law; KM gives him his finger, which finds and paralyzes game; the husband hunts successfully; KM says that his wife will come, start fighting him, let his son-in-law hit him her Amur linden bark (seven mallow) falls on her hips every time she falls; giants fight for a long time; bark blows from the giantess cause half of her stone cover to fall, she dies; KM cannot eat cooked food; they give him a potion, he belches all sorts of rubbish; now he can eat what people, the stone cover falls off him; he is given clothes; all the women in the village want him to be a husband]: Rudes, Crouse 1987, No. 30:471-489; Seneca [Skunniwundi young hunter goes north to find out why the game is gone; sees stone giantesses, they killed the game; S. hides in a tree; the giantess's necks are not they bend, they do not look up; they take out their finger pointing to the prey, it stands upright; S. jumps off, grabs his finger, rushes into the river; the giantesses follow, but every time he only dives to the other side finding himself with the giantesses on opposite sides of the river; having a finger, S. easily catches game; uncle advises S. to return the finger to the giantesses; he beckons them, they lay down, fall off a cliff, break to death; finger remains with S.]: Parker 1989, No. 54:337-339.

Plains. Wichita [The Sun or Swallow gives the Coyote arrows, which they kill themselves, return to their owner; teaches them to grab the magic bison, which turns into a shield; you have to grab the bison every time until Dawn; one day the Coyote tries to do it after dawn; the arrows lose their power, the bison kills the Coyote, he turns into a coyote]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 3 [Sun], 4 [Swallow]: 36-47.

Big Pool. North Payute (Owens Valley) [Lynx gives Coyote a bow with the only arrow that always hits rabbits; tells not to shoot if the rabbit is not running at or away from him, but by; do not kill too many rabbits; the Coyote violates the ban, loses the arrow; the bow throws away; Lynx replies that the rabbit took the bow]: Steward 1936, No. 17:374-375.

Mesoamerica Lacandons: Boremanse 1986:170-173 [the forest owner's arrow kills the game and returns; one hunter uses it skillfully, it almost kills another; when they return home, hunters forget spells required to use an arrow], 367-369 [one of the gods gives the loser hunter an obsidian tip; he kills when directed at an object; the hunter's wife's second husband spies on him; he falls dead].

Guiana. Warrau: Wilbert 1970, No. 27 [(Roth 1915:186-187); a man, his wife and two sons went to a nearby village for a holiday; two daughters stayed, cooked kashiri; went to the river to get water, heard the voice of Siwara, the owner of the wild pigs, imitating a bird the size of a hawk; they called him; he came to their house in the guise of a young man, brought a turkey, stayed overnight, but did not touch the girls; the father became ask where the meat came from; gave S. his eldest daughter; S. has four shamanic rattles: drive away tame pigs, call on tame pigs, drive away wild ferocious ones, urge them; ordered not to touch them without him; once brother his wife took a rattle, she found herself to call the ferocious; everyone climbed the trees, and the child, S.'s son, was torn apart; S. ran away, drove away the pigs; when he learned that his son had died, left and took away the rattles; with It's hard to hunt ever since], 143 [arrow always flying at the target]: 82-85, 299-300; pemon [rattle, hunting comb]: Armellada 1947, No. 13:50-56; camaracoto [calebasa for fishing]: Simpson 1940:577-581; taulipan: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 28 [Atitö's wife's brother is unhappy that he is a bad hunter; A. found an otter calebasa; if filled with water and poured out, fish from there; for now The otter picked up the fish, A. took the calebas; his wife's brother found it, dropped it into the water, the pirandira fish swallowed it, it became a fish bubble; A. stole a paddle from another Otter (stick it ashore, the river dries up, pick up fish); his wife's brother found it again, lost it, swallowed the crab, the paddle became the crab's claw; A. sees Zalimang shooting into the air, all the birds fall; took the arrow away; his wife's brother found, Z. took the arrow while he was picking up the birds; The battleship rattles with a rattle, all the animals immediately come; A. took it away, began to call the game, kill it; his wife's brother stole the rattle, the pigs took it away; A. ordered his iron hook to dig into his wife's brother if he would take it; the hook pierced all the thief's members, he died; the victim's mother told his shadow to become reindeer meat, which A. should eat; A. avoided several such traps, but ate bananas in which The wife's dead brother turned into; the more he ate, the more acute the hunger; asked for fire; swallowed his wife with a torch, mother-in-law, everyone who brought, became a spirit that eats everything; jumped on the man's shoulder, ate all his food; one day, while eating fish, a man ran away, crossed the tapir path; ate after the tapir, ate his shoulders, ate the fruit that the tapir was trying to get, and the tapir starved to death; vultures flew; ate, jumped on the shoulder of the royal vulture, the father of vultures; he is glad that he now has two heads (Atitë is left)], 41 [digging stick, machete, clearing axe and site treatment]: 92-96, 124-128; arecuna [calebasa, fishing paddle; comb, hunting rattle]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 29:98-104; waiwaii: Fock 193:86-89 [boy disappeared; father dreams that he was stolen by vultures (Kurum-yenna); smeared with Brazil nut liquid, pretends to be dead, grabs Vulture when he takes a knife to cut prey; Vulture says that if he is killed, the sky will fall; the person releases Vulture with his knife, water jar and feather clothes; in the absence of a person, Vulture in human form comes to his child , he gives a knife, feathers, Vulture flies away with his knife], 91-92 [hoping to destroy his son-in-law, father-in-law sends him to kill akri {agouti?} and frogs; in fact, Uruperi lives in this place - a snake covered with hair, with the legs of a jaguar; a man runs, grabs a tree; W. swallows it, but the man did not release the tree, W. regurgitated it; on human skin remains an imprint of the waratapi meander pattern, which covers W. (it is now reproduced on cassava screens); while inside W., the man became bald from the heat; died and soon came to life; went back to W.'s habitat; W. appeared as a man, gave a rattle covered with that with the same waratapi pattern; if you shake it, lightning flies out; if you point it at the beast, it kills it; W. warned not to show the rattle to others; the man became a good hunter; soon died, and the spirit of W. took the rattle]]; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 56 [hunting amulets]: 194-196; Magaña 1987, No. 14 and 88 [plot clearing axe], 18 [hunting rattle]: 134, 135, 151; oyana : Magaña 1987, No. 3 [hunters throw their loser comrade in the forest; the bird sends him home, tells him not to open his bag on the way; he opens it, cannot shove the meat back (his very a lot); The woodpecker gave him a rattle to lure game; other people in the village take it, use it too much, jaguars come; the rattle disappears], 74 [hunting rattle], 75 and 96 [hunting arrow] : 34, 49, 53; aparaí [battle club]: Rauschert 1967, No. 20:191-192; oyampy: Grenand 1982, No. 53 [hand-held jaguar for hunting], 67 [hunter sleeps in a hollow; the forest spirit requires him to give him eat parts of his body; he gives parts of the body of a killed monkey; asks the spirit for his liver; the spirit gives, dies; when he returns to this place, the hunter finds his skeleton; takes his jaw, the spirit comes to life; leads to himself gives an arrow that kills game itself; tells you to keep silent about it; relatives solder the hunter, he speaks, the arrow loses its strength]: 303-305, 393-394.

Western Amazon. Siona [hunting machete]: Cipolletti 1987a, No. 1, 3:128-133, 144-148; Napo: Mercier 1979:110-111 [hunting feather necklace], 143 [snake battle flute]; Ortíz de Villalba 1989 , No. 49 [the loser hunter began to stubbornly chase wild pigs, they took him with them; for him they were beautiful women; he became their master, they gave him a horn; when he returned to people, he blew it, pigs went out, he killed as much as necessary; gave it to his brother, who began to blow many times, the pigs took the horn away; they gave a dart that came back by himself, killing the pig; the man gave it to his brother again, he threw the dart again, he came back, hit him; the pigs took the dart, did not give it anymore]: 95-98; shuar [vulture's stone hunting amulets; when the hunter's children are alone at home, the vulture comes disguised man and takes the amulets back]: Pelizzaro 1993:186-187; Rueda 1987, No. 37:158-159; Aguaruna [woman gets amulets]: Guallart 1958:79-81

NW Amazon. Carijona: Schindler 1979, No. 10 [the younger brother is a good hunter, the younger brother is not; he makes a jaguar mask out of his bast, painted it (there were no jaguars then); began to hunt as a jaguar, brought meat into the hunting hut, became human again, fired an arrow into the carcass to think that he had killed the animal with an arrow; began to catch more game than his younger brother; the younger brother followed, also made a mask jaguar, went to Maloka to scare people, but the mask grew to him; he tore the elder and his wife, then all the inhabitants of Maloka except his mother; at her request, he agreed to go to the forest; promised a month later come back, let the mother cook chichi; a month later, people dug a hole, hid, cook to tear off the mask, throw it into the fire, put fish poison in the chicha; the Jaguar became intoxicated, began to dance with his mother, said that He can no longer drink with his mouth, he ordered him to pour chicha into his ass; when he fell, people threw it into the fire; pieces of skin became jaguars, ocelots and other cats; mosquitoes, gadflies, etc. appeared from the smoke, from the burnt meat - mites], 11A [people who went to the Ajuju River were missing; they were grabbed by a snake with a beak living on a mountain in a cave; brother and sister grew orphans, remained virgin; sister had her period; brother found a friend; painted a rod with intersecting lines with menstrual blood; brother, sister and their companions went to the mountain; killed the snake with arrows, also poisoning them with menstrual blood; the snake fell, with his beak pierced into the ground; the brother never left his magic weapon in Maloka; only he and his friend used it; one day he went out into the yard with his wife and daughter; the daughter took an arrow and directed it at him, asked how he killed the snake; he fell dead], 11B-D [the pen of an invisible creature to make boats], 15A [demon beetle axe; after changing its appearance, the beetle comes for its ax, saying that it was sent by the leader; after receiving an ax, it turns into a beetle and flies away with it]: 100-105, 106-108, 108-110, 131-132; mestizos (Leticia) [hunting flute]: Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 8E: 104-105; cocama (? Upper Amazon, west of the tupi) [the hunter spends the night in the forest, Korupira comes, demands to give him a hand to eat it; the hunter gives the hand of a killed monkey; the same is the second hand, the heart; he demands from K. heart; K. cuts himself with a knife, dies; a month later, the hunter returns to take K.'s blue teeth for the necklace; K. comes to life from the blow; gives the hunter a bow and an arrow that does not miss; tells him not to shoot at the bird pack ; the hunter violates the ban, the birds kill him; K. revives him, tells him not to eat hot; the wife gives the hunter a hot cake, he ate and melts]: Teschauer 1906:28.

Central Amazon. Moore [a newly married man hunts wild pigs; they drive him to a tree, tear his roots apart; the little red-haired mother of pigs takes him with her; he sees pigs in human form; two He runs away for months, climbing a tree, jumping from one tree to another; takes the pig flute; when he plays, the pigs go out, he kills as much as necessary; his brother takes the flute without asking, plays; pigs they kill him, take the flute back]: Nimuendaju 1948:265-266; Rio Branco [the hunter gets lost, sleeps under the roots of a tree; the forest spirit of Curupira demands that he be given his hand, leg, heart to eat ; the hunter gives the body parts of the killed monkey; asks K. for his heart; he gives, dies; a year later, the hunter comes to take K.'s teeth as an amulet; takes his jaw, K. comes to life; gives man a snake arrow that herself kills game; tells no one to tell; people followed, stole an arrow; she hit the target and came back killing a boy; he died like a snake bite; people left the place]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:32-34 ; The Middle Amazon [like Rio Branuc; people killed a man, cut him to pieces; K. revives him, waxes the pieces, tells him not to eat hot; his wife gave him hot food, he died again]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:38.

Montagna - Jurua. Urarina [after shooting monkeys, the hunter sleeps under the roots of a tree; Asage's forest spirit asks for his liver, then his leg; the man gives the monkey's liver and leg, he eats them; asks for A. to give him his liver; A. rips his stomach open, dies; in the morning, the hunter hits A. in the face with his machete to knock out his teeth (they are like a jaguar); A. jumps up alive; in gratitude that he was woken up , gives a person a bow and arrow that always hits game (without continuing; since there is no arrow now, it must have been lost somehow; most likely the text is simply incomplete)]: Bartolhomew 1995:304- 305; machigenga [a woman marries a Stork; he catches fish with a magic hook; warns not to open his bag; mother-in-law opens, the hook kills her; the stork leaves people, his wife follows him]: Pereira MS, March 27, 1996; Kashinahua [see motif F18B; Naimbo builds a staircase, the end reaches the sky; the storm breaks it, takes N. far from the village; on the way home he meets various creatures; at night he hears, Oh, leg, leg! It is the anaconda that broke its tail; N. heals it by inserting a vine instead of his spine; the anaconda leads him home, but he gets lost again; removes the splinter from the jaguar's paw; he leads him home, gives him a little a bundle with a lot of meat inside; gives a stick that kills game and packs meat in small quantities; tells anyone not to talk about it; N. opens the bag before reaching home, live and dead animals run away, he only manages to grab two; when he gets home, he uses a magic wand, then talks about his adventures; the wand loses its strength]: d'Ans 1975:214-232.

Southern Amazon. Kamayura [self-fishing boat and arrow]: Münzel 1973:281-296; Rickbackza: Pereira 1994, No. 5 [the claw of a killed jaguar hits animals; the owner dies when his wife is killed accidentally put a claw at him; it lost its strength], 9 [the hunter gets vulture feathers to fly and hunt; while the hunter is not at home, vultures come to his children, ask for feathers to fly, hide]: 73-74, 101-107; kayabi [Kuewma'up is the elder, Me is the younger brother; their father is the Month; their mother died in childbirth, her mother threw the twins into the forest, but they are shamans, they are back; she is happy; tells do not go down the river; the brothers want to kill the mutum bird, which tells us not to shoot, says that their father lives downstream; they come to him; his new wife is old and ugly, but after swimming, is made by a young beauty; the brothers' father Moon leaves the ax to cut on the site; K. repeats the trick, M. begins to cut himself {since then he has not cut the ax himself?} ; in the Month, the arrow, which kills monkeys itself, returns in the form of a snake; K. also uses it; M. finds, sees a snake, cuts it in half; The Month finds pieces, turns it into three types of snakes; its top full of fish, K. has only small fish; the month wraps in bark and leaves, turns into fish, people shoot arrows at it, he brings arrows home; K. repeats the trick; M. wrapped badly, he was killed, eaten; his father turned into a cricket, took away a bone, revived M.; took shelter in a tree covered with thorns, lured wild pigs with a flute, killed a pig; the same K.; M. made a shelter between the two trees, one of them is not prickly, the pigs knocked down the shelter, ate M.; his father revived him from a drop of blood; went to another village, crushing stones on the path; he slipped between them, the same on the way back, then But K.; M. is crushed, his father revived him]: Pereira 1995, No. 2:28-34; Iranwoman [the man does not kill Jararaki's children, but takes them to their home; Jararaka gives him an arrow; she kills the game herself, returns; in this time you have to hide behind a tree, otherwise he will kill; the man's wife's brother asks her for an arrow; she kills him, returns to Jararak; the man goes back to Jararak, but in that place there is only a lake with prickly fish]: Pereira 1985, No. 48:203-206 (=1978:29-31); paresi [for hunting]: Pereira 1986, No. 30 [stick], 35 [arrow]: 347-354, 374-378; 1987, No. 52 [boy]: 462-465; Umotin [people did not die, old people were rejuvenating; three people decided to put an end to the old people because there were too many people; they came to Hári (Month), who said that he had no means to kill old people, sent them to the Sun; he reluctantly agreed to give people diseases; he also gave an arrow that kills game itself and returns to the hunter; you must shoot while hiding behind a tree; people who have returned from the Sun spread diseases, but die They were not only old men; one man borrowed a magic arrow, did not stand behind the tree, the arrow killed both the deer and himself; the arrow's owner buried the victim and buried the arrow so that it would no longer kill people flew to the Sun as a black hawk]: Schultz 1962, no. r: 254.

Araguaia. Karazha [two brothers met monkeys with arrows in the forest; they shot first, but missed, the monkeys killed them; |var. Ehrenreich 1911:42; on the way, the brothers met a toad, she offered to meet her, they refused, the toad warned them that they would die in this case|; the third brother is small, ugly, the mother gave him away grandfather; he fed him cassava peels and fish bones; his arrow fell at the entrance to the hole; a man living in the hole rubbed him with medicine; that man's sons (var.: daughters) greeted him badly, only one (s) called into the house; |var. Ehrenreich 1911:42; the boy did not stay with his grandfather, but with his grandmother, the arrow fell at the snake hole, the snake smeared him with ointment, told him not to talk about it|; the boy became strong, handsome; the grandfather ordered him to lie down with a toad if she will ask you not to shoot monkeys first; |var. Ehrenreich 1911:42; the grandfather ordered the monkeys to be shot in the eyes|; the young man killed the monkeys, returned to the man in the hole, he gave two rods; with one, the snakes must be summoned, they will enter the other rod, he will call honey, fish, game; the young man eats his grandfather's peels and bones; when he got food with sticks, he began to eat what his mother cooked; got married; his little son took the rod in his absence, snakes appeared, and ate everyone; met a hunter, he did not have rods with him, they killed him; |Ehrenreich 1891:43; his wife's brother took the rods, or rather arrows; summoned fish and wild pigs first; when he used the arrow for honey, he appeared a grinned mouth, a ghost ate everyone; the man came back, pacified the arrow; came to the snake's daughters|]: Baldus 1937a: 267-271; Ehrenreich 1911:42-43; Krause 1911:348-350.

Chaco. Chamacoko [a hunter finds a dwarf woman; if you thread her body and put a thread on an animal trail, it is easy to kill the beast; another person runs a thread through a woman's eyes, injuring her; he loses her mind, the Chamacoko takes the woman away]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 115-116:444-451; nivakle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 151 [], 152 [Itôclônaj asks his wife to weave a rope, rubs her with ash; she turns around and drags him game; once caught Cò (antbird); I. teaches him to make the same rope; she works; I. warned not to write on ash, but Cò's wife wrote, the rope was no longer valid; then Cò pretended to be dead; the Hawk saw the corpse, said to the Vulture, then to the Royal Vulture; he has different knives for fresh or rotten meat; he tells the fly go into the nose, get out of the corpse's anus; then he believes; Cò grabs a knife from him; he gives him another one in return, for very fresh meat, tells him not to throw it; one day his wife threw him a knife, he flew to the old to the owner], 153 []: 359-361, 362-363, 364-369; (cf. toba pilaga [(Metraux 1946e: 130-131); the old woman made a child who was born in a pot; two months later she was already bringing fish to his mother; the old woman did not give it to others; the fox saw that boy magic arrow; took an arrow from the boy's cache, shot three fish, failed anymore; showed fish in the village, said he owned a magic arrow, would make the same others; everyone guessed that the Fox had stolen the arrow; not finding the arrow, the boy cried; the grandmother told the birds and animals to disappear; the next day the hunters returned empty-handed, all cursing the Fox; he had to return the arrow; people shot fish; the boy fired his arrow into the sky, it disappeared; he told not to shoot big fish, otherwise the storm would destroy everyone; told the water to swallow whoever would shoot; the fox did not find an arrow the boy in the cache, started shooting from the fish tree with his arrows; when he shot at the big one, she waved her tail, the thunder fell from the sky, the Fox fell and died]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 126:244-246).