Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H38. The owner of the valuables comes for them. .

A supernatural character changes his appearance, comes to the hero's children (less often to himself). Those, unaware of the catch, give the previous owner the magic item they have obtained, the character hides with him.

Guiana. Waiwai [the boy is missing; father dreams that he was stolen by vultures (Kurum-yenna); smeared with Brazil nut liquid, pretends to be dead, grabs Vulture when he takes a knife to cut prey; Vulture says that if he is killed, the sky will fall; a man lets go of Vulture, taking his knife, water vessel, and feather clothes; in the absence of a person, Vulture in human The appearance comes to his child, he gives a knife, feathers, Vulture flies away with his knife]: Fock 1963:86-89; trio [someone steals fish from the top of Yaravare; Frog, Hummingbird and other watchmen they fall asleep; the Nightjar sees the Royal Vulture remove his feather crown, dive for fish; the Nightjar takes the crown away, gives me; in the absence of I. The Royal Vulture comes to the village, asks the children to try on the crown, says that it does not suit them, puts it on himself, flies away; bird people hit him with arrows, smear his blood, share fat; at a general festival The sloth has been shoved into the fire, since then its skin has been stained; the monkeys have burned their hands; the frogs have been given a drink made from Vulture fat]: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 2:22-25.

Western Amazon. Shuar [vulture stone hunting charms; when the hunter's children are alone at home, the vulture comes disguised as a human being, takes the amulets back]: Pelizzaro 1993:186-187; Rueda 1987, No. 37 : 158-159.

NW Amazon. Karijona [Rachaike, out of curiosity, puts his foot in a noose, falls into the Dung Beetle; pretends to be dead; the beetle tries to cut off his head, hits a tree; juice flows, Beetle thinks it's fat, mixes it with crap, takes it as a side dish for meat; he carries prey in a basket; puts it on the ground near the house, sends his wife for her; R. runs away with Beetle's ax; The beetle took the form of a leader, came ask R. to ask him for an ax, he gives it; The beetle takes his form and flies away]: Schindler 1979, No. 15A: 128-132.

Southern Amazon. Rickbacz [the hunter gets vulture feathers to fly and hunt; while the hunter is away, vultures come to his children, ask them to let their feathers fly, hide]: Pereira 1994, No. 9: 101-107.