Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H3A. Violated sexual prohibition. (.


People die (get sick) and cannot come back to life because a ban on sexual intercourse or pregnancy was once broken. {The motive may be a national team that includes historical unrelated options}.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Karanga (hungwe): Frobenius 1931 [God Maori created a man at the bottom of the lake, Mwuetsi ("The Month"); he went to empty land; God gave him a wife, Mossassi ("Morning Star"), she gave birth to plants; took gave birth to her wife Morongo ("Evening Star"), she gave birth to pets; the morning after re-copulation, she gave birth to sons and daughters, who immediately became adults; God warned against further copulation, but Mvuetsi did not listen; after the fourth copulation, the wife gave birth to predators, snakes, scorpions; then told her husband to marry their adult daughters; slept with the snake herself; Mwuetsi wanted to be with her to sleep, the snake was under his bed, bit him, he fell ill, the rains stopped; his children strangled him, burned him, Morongo also killed, chose another ruler; (=Frobenius, Fox 1937:215-220; retelling in Abrahamsson 1951:72)]: 237-240; Beier 1966 [{source? This is a slightly different text than in Frobenius 1931}; god Maori created a man at the bottom of the lake, Mwuetsi ("The Month"); he went to nothing; God gave him a wife, Mossassi (The Morning Star), she gave birth to plants; two years later, Maori took her to live in heaven, eight years later he married Morongo (Evening Star) for two years; she gave birth to pets on the first day, wild herbivores and birds on the second day, and wild herbivores and birds on the third - people; contrary to warning, the Month slept with her for the fourth time, she gave birth to predators, snakes, scorpions; the Month met with her daughters, they gave birth to many children, the Month became the king of a large people; Out of jealousy, the Evening Star sent a snake to bite her husband, who fell ill, the rains stopped; the children killed the Month, threw them into the sea, chose another king; the Month ascended to heaven, haunting its first wife The Morning Star I was happy with]: 15-17.

West Africa. Efik [the supreme god Abasi created man and woman; did not want to have rivals in his affairs, so he did not allow the first couple to go down to earth; Abashi's wife Atai did not agree, sent people to the ground; Abashi forbade them to make love and get food on the land, every day, at the signal, the first couple returned to heaven to eat; the woman violated the ban, cultivated the field, fed her husband, food They thought it tastier than heaven, they slept together; to hide Abashi's pregnancy, her husband replied that the woman was unwell, so she did not go out; but Abashi knew everything; when the woman gave birth to a girl; Athai him reassured: people would not be stronger than him because she sent them death; parents died, children began to quarrel]: Scheub 2000:3-4; bambara [when they reached 59 years old, people turned into seven years old again, did not know physiological needs and labor; Musokoroni, out of envy, deformed their genitals, introducing circumcision and excision; death became final; to prevent people from becoming extinct, M. taught them how to farm]: Scheub 2000:269.

Melanesia. South Pentecost (Vanuatu) [among the Barkulkul brothers, the elder; they descend from the sky on a coconut palm tree, drink coconut milk instead of their mother's milk; castrate one of the brothers; his name is Sermorp (split chestnut), creating the first woman; each brother wants her for himself, but only B. chooses the right food and the right term for kinship; his brother Marerul commits adultery to S.; B. kills him, puts him in the ground like a long yam (the origin of yam); this was the first death (the origin of death)]: Jolly 2001:189-190; Yande (New Caledonia) [Paimu Purehevasi invited Berangaat's wife to change her skin and live forever; she said it was better to have children; the husband did not want to go home to change his skin, did not tell his wife to follow; she came, husband agreed to get together with her, she gave birth to children, but her husband did not change his skin]: Permyakov 1970, No. 81:193.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [the woman died, told her son and daughter to dig her out of the grave seven days later; they dug her up, fed her, buried her again; so twice; the third time the sister climbed a palm tree, her brother saw her genitals, thought it was a wound; sister explained what it was; brother and sister got together, they liked it, they taught others; and the mother was completely dead; since then, people have not been reborn on the seventh day, but completely are dying; people wanted to kill the culprits, but they ran to the mountain, lit a fire, climbed a pandanus, and from there they took to the sky in a column of smoke and became a constellation]: Müller 1918, No. 37a: 520; Nauru [ When heaven and earth were not yet separated, their friction gave birth to Tabakea and his sister Tituabine; Banaba, many islands, appeared on the upper surface of the sky; on B. Brother met his sister, and they have many children, Nakaa elder; these people did not know sex, T.'s sons lived in the northwest in Bouru, daughters in the southeast; the men had an inexhaustible peak and tree of life Tarakaimaiu (you pick one coconut, a new one appears, the same with fish); the women had a Karikibai tree, a "woman tree"; N. warned the brothers not to pick flowers from K., but they were attracted by the aroma, they picked the flower and got together with the Woman (played with her); N. found flowers in the hair of men and women, said that they would now die; once again suggested choosing between the Tree of Life and the Woman's Tree; they chose a Woman, this tree is also called the Tree Tarakaimate's death; N. threw insects on the back of people's heads, they will slowly eat life out of them; took the Tree of Life and the inexhaustible peak with him, went west, where he catches the souls of the dead in the sky with a net; if he likes his soul, he lets him go to the Tree of Life; if not, he throws him into a pile of teeming souls]: Maude, 1994, No. 8:44-46.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Nanais [when dying, the shaman orders not to bury the grave, promises to come to life; his wife demands to be buried, converges with her lover; on the seventh day, people open the grave, see that the shaman has turned over back on the stomach]: Bereznitsky 2003, No. 83:279.

NW Coast. Quakiutl [the chief's servant pushes him off a cliff, takes his wife, takes his position; Owl invites him to wear an owl mask, but he cannot fly; cannot control a boat that there is a killer whale; brought to the world of the dead on another boat; does not eat local food, does not look at naked women; other men copulate with women, they will never return to the living; the chief is sent back; comes to his house, the killer servant faints; the chief becomes a famous shaman; can cut boats and make them whole again; a menstruating woman gets on boats, they remain broken]: Boas 1910, No. 25:337-353.

The coast is the Plateau. Halkomel: Boas 1895, No. 7 (lower reaches of the Fraser River) [wife dies; husband goes to the mountains, comes to heaven; the dead dance; the husband takes his wife, brings home; observes the prohibition not to copulate with her until returns; restores sight to his parents, who have become blind during his long absence]: 42; Hill-Tout 1904b [the wife dies, the husband goes to the mountains; when he gains strength, he comes to the leader of the dead; he tells not to trying to capture his wife; the husband breaks the ban, the wife disappears; next time he waits enough, brings her to her native village, does not sleep with her on the way; another widower followed his wife, got her, but on the way back he met to the deadline; the wife disappeared]: 339-341; ne perse [Coyote's wife died; the spirit leads him to the world of the dead, allows him to take his wife, tells him not to touch her five days on the way back; On the fourth night, Coyote tries to hug his wife, she disappears; he comes for her again, finds no one; death becomes final; (cf. Spinden 1917, No. 11:190-191: Coyote heals an old bison who defeats a young rival, gives Coyote one of his 10 wives for it, tells him not to touch her for 10 days; on the twelfth day, Bisonicha looks already just like the Coyote; Coyote tries to lie down with her, she turns into a bison, runs back; Bison says she can't send her a second time)]: Phinney 1934:282-285; Walker, Matthews 1994, no. 38:121-125; southern okanagon [Coyote goes to look for his dead wife; on the shore of the reservoir he screams, he is not noticed; they hear him yawn; returning K.'s wife, the leader promises that she and all the dead will be reborn if K. will copulate with her on the way home; on the fifth night, K. violates the ban; his wife disappears]: Cline in Gayton 1935a: 278.

Plains. Wichita [a man's wife dies, a friend dies in war; a husband sees a dead friend at his wife's grave; he brings him into the world of the dead; women dance; father-in-law returns his wife to her husband; on earth he must Go back four times with scalps before he can lie down with another woman; he breaks the ban, his wife disappears]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 58, 59:300-310.

California. Tubatulabal [wife dies; husband cries at the grave; wife appears, takes him overseas to the land of the dead; they dance; the chief agrees to let the woman go; the husband should not sleep with her for three days; that violates the ban; the chief refuses the repeated request]: Voegelin 1935, No. 6:203-205; yokutz [the wife is dead, the husband sleeps on her grave; on the third night the woman gets up, goes west; the husband follows her, passes safely between the crushing rocks; a woman crosses a body of water on a shaky bridge; Tipiknitz is the owner of the dead, his two daughters accompany the husband of the deceased; he is given an inexhaustible supply of food; man sees the dead in the guise of guns; he manages to stay awake; he returns home with his wife, breaks the ban on sleeping with her, his wife disappears; her husband's parents were in mourning, he tells them what happened]: Gayton, Newman 1940, No. 146:102; serrano [mother-in-law kills daughter-in-law by putting a point on her seat; clouds of dust rise from the cremation site; the husband follows the biggest, distinguishes the silhouette of his wife; she carries He is on his back across the river, beyond which the world of the dead; he must eat special food, sees the dead only at night; when hunting deer, he presses two black beetles; these are deer, the dead are grateful; send his wife back to the world of the living with him; tell her not to sleep with her for three days; the couple do not know what it is three years; on the morning of the fourth day, the wife disappears]: Benedict 1926, No. 5:8-9; Gabrielino [young wife the old woman who raised her kills; her husband waits three days at the grave; a tornado rises from the grave, he follows him south; his wife (= tornado) carries him across the sea; he successfully passes the tests, the dead allow pick up his wife; he copulates with her before three days are over; in the morning he has a rotten deck in his arms]: Gayton 1935a: 270.

Big Pool. Northern Payut [the husband comes for his deceased wife; the owner of the dead allows her to return, tells the spouses not to make love until the deadline, to dance when she returns; the ban has been violated, woman comes back to the dead]: Park at Gayton 1935a: 277-278.

The Great Southwest. Hopi: Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 7 [young wife dies; Owl agrees to take her husband to the border of Maski (the world of the dead); Old Spider gives him deer skin to wrap his legs, here and further teaches that do; he manages to pass through cacti; he kills a rattlesnake who tried to block the way with an arrow; when he crosses the river in a boat, he slips between diverging and converging rocks; paralyzes with the giant Maasaw's potion, the cougar on the roof of a kiva; the Spider tells the man not to touch his wife, calmly watch the Master of the Dead (he has a huge penis) get along with her; not get along with the girl (it was his the first girl in his life), who will be offered; a man does everything, gets his wife back; crossing the river, splashes a potion on a horned water snake, he disappears; contrary to Spider's ban, converges with his wife before reaching home; wife flies away owl]: 55-64: Voth 1905, No. 76 [Badger revives girl; Coyote wants to consider her wife rather than sister; combines with her, she dies]: 207-208; Zunyi [The young man's brothers and parents want to kill his tame eagle; the eagle tells him he will fly away, the young man asks him to take him too, the eagle brings the young man to the turquoise mountain, flying a hole in the zenith of the sky; there's an eagle's skin a girl comes out; again in the form of an eagle brings the young man to his pueblo; the young man marries her, receives an eagle's robe; the food he brought with him has run out, and the Eagles eat only raw meat; the storks gave him cooked vegetable food; a young man flies to a party, his wife warns him not to laugh there; girls dance, scream, "Dead, dead"; one of them pays attention to him, he smiles dead girls fascinate him, he wakes up among skeletons, runs, they chase him, Badger hides him in a hole, gives him broth; his feathers have fallen out, Storks give him old wings, on which he descended to the ground; his wife- the eagle took its wings and flew away; people have been mortal ever since]: Cushing 1901:34-53; Western Keres (Laguna) [the Zunya boy has a hand eagle; the young man goes to Isleta shopping; the father warns that on the road The player beats passers-by, taking their property, hearts, killing; the young man loses everything, returns home, his parents leave him; the eagle takes him to his house in the middle of the abyss; flying away, whirls above the field, people regret to see that the young man is leaving them; the eagle's relatives warn that hunting is dangerous; the spider gives a potion, he blows it over a monstrous moose running from the north, kills it; in the evening He goes west to dance with the spirit girls; the eagle girls tell him not to laugh, otherwise the dead girls will take him away; he laughs, the dead lead him to their house, in the morning he sees only skeletons around him; uses eagles to tell him to return to earth; his former pet eagle carries him by flying through a hole in the sky; parents are happy]: Boas 1928a: 140-146, 266 [summary]; mojave: Devereux 1948 [all died of illness; an old man remained, found a girl alive among the corpses, married her; Snake Soul (SS) and his three friends came to the party; the girl fell in love with him, he took her away; first husband asked the sorcerers, they killed the woman with witchcraft; SS sailed on a raft, drowned; two sisters collected the remains, the youngest brought home, SS is reborn; the younger sister says that when the dead SS wife comes, he should not touch her for four days; on the third day he tries to hug her, his hands go through the void; the dead woman tries to draw her husband to the land of death; at the rat hole, a whirlwind separated them]: 249-252; Kroever 1972, No. 9 [like yuma]: 5; yuma [leaving home at night, the Creator accidentally touches his Frog Daughter's genitals; she harasses him with witchcraft (first death)]: Harrington 1908:337.

NW Mexico. Huichol [see motif H12; Kauymáli asked a woman to marry him, but she died; he came to the world of the dead, the gods of the sea gave him a bamboo jar with a cotton cork, told him not to open it on the road; throwing a magic arrow thorn in his wife's heel, K. turned his wife into a fly, placed him in a vessel; hears his wife asking to open it; on the fifth night K. opens the vessel, the wife turns into a fly, flies away; K. comes to the gods again, but they only teach him funeral rituals]: Zingg 1938, No. 4b: 544-546 (=1982:235-236).

Mesoamerica Lacandons [after three years, a person returns from the underworld with an object that resurrects the dead; his wife is disappointed with the return of his former husband; finds and destroys an object; man and all those resurrected by him die]: Boremanse 1986:93 [the flower of immortality], 297-302 [arrows?]

Honduras-Panama. Hikake [a person bitten by a snake, despite the ban, sleeps with his wife, dies]: Chapman 1982, No. 12:75-76; bribry: Bozzoli 1977:176-177 [sister pregnant with brother; dies from a bite snakes; this is the first death], 189 [because the brother has copulated with his sister, the snake bites and devours her; God kills the snake so that it does not destroy all people].

The Northern Andes. Amber [for sexual abuse, God pours coconut contents on people's heads, people start to grow old]: Torres de Arauz 1963:29; see H12 motif. Guajiro [husband follows his deceased wife; she asks to refrain from copulation; he insists; wife disappears].

Llanos. Sicuani [the boy asks his grandmother to buy him in the trough; produces starch; people tell him to swim in the river, collect starch; when angry, the boy tells his grandmother to stay awake to hear a rumble; she falls asleep; only Kinkaju hears it and knows where the Kalievirne tree grew; all edible fruits grow on its branches; Chamani (a lizard) vomits Kinkaju, people know he is secretly eats other food; Aguchi fails, Paka follows the river beyond Kinkaju, fights with him, finds a tree; C. asks Palemecune for axes, he does not give him; he is given vomit, he regurgitates his tools (= bird beaks); gives people parcels of mosquitoes that open them turn into capybaras; people cut K.; outside the trunk is pure cassava, and the core is strong; the next morning the trunk is intact; to work at night, you need fire drill; it was swallowed by Cayman; Frogs lure him; Cayman rips open his belly, takes the drill; the trunk is cut, but the tree hangs on the vine; the bird fails, the squirrel cuts the vine; the branch with the fruits of a peach palm fall into the water, Tapir unsuccessfully tries to hide it; after the tree falls, people are mortal; C. tells us to dance to find lightness and go to another world; old woman Ibarruua breaks abstinence, takes Cayman as a lover; summons him by putting an inverted calebass on the water and tapping it; people kill his lover, let I. eat his penis; I. tells the fish to swallow C.; his brothers arrange rapids on the river to stop the fish; revive the regurgitated C.; shoot up, only a virgin manages to fix an arrow in the sky and make a chain; in the form of termites, C.'s people climb on heaven; thunder Yamahyonë lives there; C. replaces his club, Y. cannot kill people, C. kills him; his wife tells ants to collect pieces of his flesh, I. revives; I. and C. reconcile; People continue to climb the chain of arrows; the Bat cuts it off, the fallen ones turn into turtles, parrots]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 44:191-199.

Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [young man dies after incest with his sister]: Guss 1989:57; Yanomami [in old age, people changed skin in the river like snakes; this ability was given to them by the lunar deity Poré/Perimbó , living in the form of a snake (red jiboya) in a lake of blood (only Becher believes that the Yanomami moon is dual, masculine and feminine; in other sources, the Month is male); Petamí woman just changed her skin in the river; her son Karumá, at the sight of his younger mother, was excited and raped her; P/P put the skin his mother had shed on his body, K. himself turned into an old woman; after This P/P deprived all people of immortality; but their souls, after cremation, rise to the moon with smoke and later return to earth]: Becher 1974:29 in Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 37:88-89.

Guiana. Varrau [older brother forbids pregnant women to go down from heaven to earth with everyone else; a pregnant woman descends, he makes people die as punishment]: Wilbert 1970, No. 146:311; arekuna [ Kalapijéima tries to catch a frog sitting on a tall tree; she drags him to an island in the sea; leaves him under a tree where vultures nest; they stain it with their excrement; it's cold; K . asks the Morning Star to give him fire, take him to heaven; he refuses, because when K. dried manioc cakes in the sun, he dedicated the offering not to him, but to the Sun; the same episode with the Month; the Sun takes K. into his boat, tells his daughters to wash it, cut it; when he puts on a feather crown, a silver hat and ear jewelry made from the elytra of beetles, it gets hot; gives K. his daughter, tells her not to cheat on her; K. leaves the house of the Sun, falls in love with the daughter of the Vultures; in the morning he becomes old and ugly; if he stayed with the daughter of the Sun, he would be forever beautiful and young; now people's youth and beauty are short-lived]: Koch-Grünberg 1916, No. 13:51-53

Western Amazon. Aguaruna [while the temporarily deceased husband is away, his wife converges with the possum]: Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 14 [the sun husband, makes death final]: 193-195; Jordana Laguna 1974:39-44 in Blixen 1994 [husband returns to the world of the dead, people die forever]: 31-32

NW Amazon. Cubeo [boy dies after incest with sister]: Goldman 1963:230; Desana [Sun daughter's son thought a lot about women, so he died]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1968:24; 1971:35-36; Letuama [two young men returning from heaven from the realm of death break the sexual taboo prematurely and die]: Palma 1984:169-170.

Eastern Amazon. Hissing [an unabstinent person is killed by a reed arrow when tested]: Nimuendaju 1922:386; zhuruna [women reject an ugly man; he decided to die, saw a ladder from the sky, went up; in the sky, a woman showed the path to Alapá; he called him handsome, A.'s three daughters took turns sitting on it, but out of fear the man cannot get along with them; the girls were happy, A. told them to take the guest to swim, he emerged handsome, married his youngest fourth daughter A.; the man goes down to visit his mother, then his wife and daughter go down; stepping on the ground, the girl became a bird, turned into a girl at night; another man also went to heaven to be handsome; when A.'s daughter sat on him, he met her; A. ordered him to be bought in dark water, he became a mako (araraú una), turned black, eats excrement; the mother of the first man was tired of taking care of her granddaughter, she threw her away; the heavenly wife left, the husband followed; the other followed, despite the ban slept with his wife before that; A. cut off the stairs, he fell; A. wanted the aged to climb into heaven and get younger, but because of the person who broke the ban, this does not happen]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:137- 142; tenetehara [after the first sexual intercourse humans become mortal]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 1:131.

Montagna - Jurua. Setebo [after the flood, a man spies on his wife giving birth; a baby dies, now people are mortal]: Bardales Rodriguez 1979:46-47; characterbet [a sea of fire is approaching; a parrot bears fruit, throws a virgin into the vagina; a huge Vanamei tree grows; a young man climbs on it, saves his sister; when he wants to pull another girl's hand, she has already burned down; he meets his sister and so we are now mortal; after three months it dawns; it is clear that B. leaves are birds; people throw branches down to see if the earth has hardened; first the branches sink in the ground, then remain on the surface; but farther from the trunk, the earth is still soft; those who descend fail, only brother and sister remain; V. also goes underground, will rise at the end of time]: Gray 1996:26-28.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chiriguano [husband brings his wife back from the afterlife; violates the ban not to hug her for twenty days; wife turns into a fly and flies away]: Cipolletti 1978:58.

Southern Amazon. Kamayura: Münzel 1973 [a man refuses to spend the night with a girl and is killed by an arrow during the test]: 53-54; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [a man who spent the night with his wife violates taboo to observe the ritual of resurrecting the dead]: 56; kalapalo [instead of going to greet the resurrected, the hero's wives allow themselves to be seduced by the water spirit; because of this, death is final]: Basso 1987:200-206; trumay [Vani Vani wanted people to rejuvenate; told them to jump into boiling water; they did not dare, and lizards and insects jumped and have been molting ever since; the people of the Sun and the Month were bees; they also jumped into boiling water and almost died; at the festival, one person had sex with the wives of the Sun and the Month; then the fire went out, the water cooled down (i.e. it became impossible to rejuvenate anymore?)] : Monod Becquelin 1975, No. 9:65-66; kayabi [a man who fell from a palm tree shortly after copulation was the first to not return from the world of the dead]: Grünberg 1970:167; Rickbackza [resurrected returns to the world of the dead when he sees his wife with her lover]: Pereira 1994, No. 13:129-130; umotina [1) the boy went to get water, the sorcerer Zetódo asked him for calebas; he reluctantly gave it back; the sorcerer brought water to Calebas, gave the boy, which caused people to have a toothache; 2) the sorcerer Apó saw a woman lying on the path with whom her husband copulated; the woman had two husbands, brothers; A. long claws, like an anteater; he picked the bed, the woman felt a toothache; he clawed into her tooth, took something out, but the tooth fell ill again, the woman died; A. said you can't copulate in public; her husband attacked him, but A. took the blow, but her husband's brother still killed him]: Schultz 1962, no. u: 256-257.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo (shikrin) [Vuairoro changed the skin of those who come to him, making old people young; one man seduced his wife V; he waxed his anus, turned him into a frog; no one else does not dare to come to V.]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 176:514-515.

Chaco. Nivakle [God rejuvenated a person by changing his skin; he dies prematurely having sex with his wife]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 238:560-561; caduveo [breaking the ban on looking at his daughter creator (why she became pregnant), the shaman was unable to bring a cure for old age from the realm of the dead]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990, No. 56:96-99.

Southern Brazil. Ofaye [the anaconda asks the boys to paint it; they climb it, she crawls into the lake with them; the man hears voices, sees the children in the water; they say they are happy with their new life, that fathers, but not mothers can come to the lake; one woman makes her penis out of wax, comes; penis melts in the sun, woman laughs; men turn into vultures, death becomes final]: Ribeiro 1951, No. 3:121-123.

The Southern Cone. Tehuelche [Elal forbids sex until the next morning, when he finishes the world order; the Sea Lion copulated with his wife and died; the cockroach pulled a small bone out of his throat for E. could not revive it; the cockroach wanted people to die and fewer of them, otherwise they would trample all cockroaches]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 63, 64:106-107.