Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H40. A dog protects a person.

(.14.) .

The dog protects and protects (successfully or unsuccessfully) a human figure that has not been finally completed by the creator.

(Anauk, Algerian Arabs), Lushi, Kachari, Khasi, Birkhor, Birjya, Korku, Mundari, Kol, Haria, Oraons, Gondas, Loda, Galela, Russian Written Tradition, Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Novgorod, Pskov, Vologda, Vyatskaya, Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Penza, Tambov, Kostroma, Orlovskaya), Ukrainians, Belarusians, Abkhazians, Svans, Armenians (Lori), Iranian Zoroastrians, Pamirs, Kho, Komi, Udmurts, Mari, Mordovians, Chuvash, Kazakhs, Chulym Turks, Altaians, Teleuts, Kumandins, Tubals, Shors, Khakas, Tofalars, Balagan Buryats, Mongols (Khalkha, Inner Mongolia), Tundra and Forest Nenets, Mansi, Eastern Khanty, Southern Selkups, Central (?) and northwestern Yakuts, Western Evenks (including Kirensky), Baikal Evenks, Far Eastern Evenks (Orochons), Evens, Russkoe Ustye, Negidals, Orochi, Russkoe Ustye, Yukaghirs.

(Wed. Sudan - East Africa. Anuak [at first, those who died were reborn a few days later; the creator god Juok decided to throw a stone into the river: let the person die for good; the dog found out about this, invited the person to look after for the cattle, and she would go to J. herself; but the man stubbornly went on his own; he did not hear what J. was talking about; he told the animals to throw a stone into the river, they threw it; the dog told Man to gather people and pull them out a stone, but they only stood on the shore laughing; the dog managed to break off a piece and pull it out; therefore, a person's life is quite long; if all the stone remained at the bottom, people would die very quickly] : Evans Pritchard, Beaton 1940, No. 1:56-57 (=Scheub 2000:87-88).

(Wed. North Africa. The Arabs of Algeria (Tiaret Plateau) [when man was expelled from paradise, it was an intangible spirit; God made man out of clay; Satan came down to earth to see what shape God would give man; The man looked so disgusting that he spat at him; the spit hit where the navel is now; when the angels brought (the soul) of the man to place it in the body, they saw it on the body a stain; one of them scraped off the soiled clay from this place and threw it aside; the dent in this place remained; God turned the piece thrown away into a dog; because the dog was created from the devil's saliva, Muslims consider it unclean, but since it is also from a part of the human body, the dog is his best friend; angels began to infiltrate the soul from their feet; when it reached his knees, the man tried to get up, angels prevented a person; the same when the soul reached the waist; and only when the soul reached the head did angels allow a person to stand up; impatience is a characteristic feature of man]: Aceval 2005:10-11).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lushey (aka kumi, hami) [God first created trees and crawling creatures, then sculpted a man and a woman out of clay; while sleeping, the snake ate the figures; so two or three times; then he made a dog, she drove the snake away; so now if a person dies, the dog howls]: Lewin 1869:90 in Shakespear 1909:399, in Kapp 197:51; kachari [water is everywhere at first; Alow Ilaja tells crabs to dive to the bottom; those they scrape off the silt into a heap until a mountain of earth shows up above the water; having created the earth, AI creates a man and a woman; he made their bodies before nightfall, went to rest without having time to put his breath into them; at this time, his five brothers found the figures, divided them into pieces and hid these parts in different places in the forest; the same thing happened the next day; on the third day, AI created two dogs, leaving them to guard the figures; when the brothers came, the dogs drove them away; these man and woman became the ancestors of humanity]: Soppitt 1885:32; khasi [God created man, left him on earth, his evil spirit destroyed; so twice; then God made a dog first, then a man, the dog drove away the evil spirit, the creation was saved]: Biwar 1876 in Kapp 1977:50.

South Asia. Birkhor [at first there is water everywhere, there is a lotus on the water, the great Sing-bonga spirit came to the surface at the core of the stem, told the Turtle to bring clay from the bottom; turtle: where will I leave the house? S.: take it with you (this is its shell); the water washed away the clay from the turtle's shell; The crab also could not bring it; the leech took it out by swallowing clay; S. squeezed out the clay from it, threw it in four directions, creating land; the land was moist and uneven, S. began to level it, but mountains remained in some places; threw seeds, forests appeared; then S. created a winged horse, and then sculpted the human figure and left it to dry; the horse came and trampled on it, fearing that the man would harness it; then S. made a dog and a new human figure; when the horse came again at night to trample on the man, the dog barked away; the figure dried up and S. her revived but joints did not bend; S. took his life and made a new man with bent joints]: Roy 1925:398-402; crust: Elwin 1949, No. 73 [Mula saw his wife Mulai dripping blood, collected it into a vessel; at this time, Mahadeo was making people's bodies out of clay; the trees decided that people would cut them down, smashed their bodies while M. was not around; he angrily put the trees in the ground, roots outside; he did new bodies; when I sprinkled blood from a vessel on them, they came to life; thanks to this blood, people were covered in skin, otherwise they would be naked; Mula buried a vessel of blood, a tree grew; when the fruits were ripe, he gave them them Mahadeo's men and women; women then had their periods]: 280-281; Russel 1916:551f in Frazer 1919 [Rawan asked Mahadeo to populate the mountains of Vinfhyan and Satpura; he told the crow bring red clay from an anthill in the Betul mountains; M. sculpted figures of a man and a woman from this clay; but Indra sent two horses and they trampled on the figures; so several times; then M. sculpted the dog and breathed life into her; the dog drove the horses away; the man and woman Mula and Mulai came to life and became the ancestors of the crust]: 18-19 (=Howey 1923:214); birjya [Mahadeo made a lot of Mua (human souls) out of clay presented as small figures), left to dry in the sun; horses ran out of the forest, trampled on the figures; so several times; then M. left the dog as a guard and it drove the horses away; figures turned into people of different nationalities]: Das Gupta 1978:57-58 in Osada 2010; mundari [Siege records; text A: on the Ganges, at sea, we will create a land, a field; for this purpose we sent Mother Turtle and Crab mother; The turtle put the ground on its shell, the Crab took it with ticks, but when they rose, the water washed away the earth; sent Mother Worm, Mother Leech, they drank the earth, spewed it out, urinated, appeared earth; they created stone and wood to decorate the earth; they sculpted a human figure out of clay, left it to dry in the sun; they made a winged horse for beauty; a winged horse came from the east, came from the west, they trampled on the figure; made a male dog named Chaura, a female dog Baura, put them on guard; they drove away a winged horse that came from the east, drove away the one that came from the west; text B almost identical]: Osada 2010; stake [Singbonga first created a child; a horse came and trampled on the figure; then S. created a dog to drive away the horse; also created a girl {except for a young man}; S. called for everyone alive, but everyone stayed, and the tiger came first, so it was so powerful; people became vicious, only danced and drank; then S. sent a flood of water and fire; brother and sister escaped inside the tree; c Since then, the wood of this tree is black, as if charred; all people come from this couple; they chose different occupations, so castes appeared; in order not to cause the flood again, S. created the Lurbing snake (Lur - the name of a rare snake species, bing is "snake" in Mundari); it exhales its soul from the clouds and is a rainbow, then the rain ends; Lurbing is the ubiquitous name for the rainbow in Munda languages; Urauh Kohls brother and sister escaped from the flood in the crab hole]: Jellinghaus 1871:332-333; haria [God sculpted human figures, left them to dry; two winged horses named Goose Tsar and Winged Tsar flew in and they smashed them; then God made four dogs named Caõra, Bhaõra, Lili and Bhuli, sculpted two new figures, told the dogs to guard; the dogs drove away the horses, the figures dried up, God blew their souls into them; he cut off the horses's wings, told them to walk under the saddle, and the dogs would run freely]: Pinnow 1965, No. 26:142-143 (quoted in Kapp 197:13-14); Oraons: Hahn 1906, No. 44 [Dharme sculpted a man out of clay and then the woman left to dry; the horse came and trampled on the figures; D. sculpted again, put the dog as a watchman, the man and woman came to life, gave birth to people]: 82; Koonathan 1999 [on the advice of the Old Mother, Dharmes created Kingfisher, who dived into the ocean, brought the seed of earth from the lower world; D. made the earth out of it; Sit advised to make human figures out of clay, but D.'s horse trampled on them, fearing that man will harness it; S. advised to make dogs drive away the horse; soon people inhabited the land]: 144 in Osada 2010; Rosner 1982 [Dharmes (=Mahadeo) made the figures of a man and a woman out of clay, left it to dry in the sun; a horse flew from the sky, trampled on the figures; M. tried again and put one of his dogs, Khauri, as a guard; M. breathed life into the figures, they came to life]: 156 in Osada 2010; gondas [Sambhu Mahadeva sculpted human figures out of clay, left them to dry overnight; Indra's horses broke the figures; SM created a dog to protect him and put other guards with swords, covered the figures with cloth; at night the dog barked, the guards cut off the horses's wings; SM poured nectar on the figures, but they didn't come to life; Guru advised them to go to Sirma Guru; he brought his daughter, took veins for people, the figures came to life; at first they were small as rats, Parvati did not approve; then SM made men 16 feet tall, women 12 feet; P. disapproved again; then did the current ones]: Kapp 1977:44-45.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Loda [the messenger of the supreme deity made images of people out of clay, returned to heaven to receive souls from God for them; in his absence, the Devil broke the images; so twice; for the third time The messenger made the devil's feces two dogs, a female and a male, and told them to drive away the devil; he would disgust them, for they were made of his feces; when the messenger brought souls for the third time, the dogs replied that they had driven the Devil away; the messenger put their souls into the figures, they came to life, became man and woman]: Baarda 1904, No. 13:444; galela [the creator created two people, went for souls for them; in It was this time that the evil spirit destroyed the figures; then the creator made two dogs out of the bowel movements of the evil spirit, they drove him away, the figures were revived]: Kruijt 1906:471 in Kapp 197:55.

Central Europe. The Russian written tradition ("The Legend of How God Created Adam") [God created the first man in eight parts, "and go to Imati's eyes from the sun and leave Adam lying alone on earth. But Satan, cursed, will come to Adam and smear him with feces and tinn and ages. And the Lord will come to Adam and put your eyes on the sun, and the sight of his husband is smeared, and the Lord is angry with the devil and began to say: Cursed to the devil! Can't you die? What did you do for this man's dirty trick - his smear? and damn you wake up! And the devil will disappear like lightning, through the earth from the face of the Lord. But the Lord will take Satan's dirty tricks off him and mix him with Adam's tears, and in that create a dog, put up a dog and lead Adam's streaks; and he himself will go to mountainous Jerusalem by Adamlevo's breath. And Satan will come second and rise to Adam, let evil filth, and see a dog lying at Adamlev's feet, and Satan, afraid of Velmi. The dog began to bark evil at the devil; but the cursed Satan took the tree and the leaf of all Adam's man, and gave him 70 ailments"; God had mercy on Adam, drove Satan away, and turned all ailments inside human body]: Afanasiev 1994 (3): 61-62; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Shenkursky district) [snot and drooling are given to man at Satan's request by a dog that received hair on her body as a reward]: Efimenko 1874:189; Russians (Orlovskaya) [God created Adam and Evga, let them live in paradise, left the clean Dog to guard paradise from the evil one; he gave the Dog a piece of bread, she missed it, he spat on A. and E. from head to toe; God turned A. and E. inside out, so the saliva was filthy; made a dog An unclean animal, it is naked in its hair, but clean in her gut, it is not a dog, but a dog]: Vlasova 1986, No. 41:38; Russians (Kostroma) [God left a woman called tank to protect the soul of the deceased; the devil came when it was very cold, promised her a fur coat that was not hot in summer and not cold in winter; for this she let the devil come to her soul and he took her away; God came back and punished the woman, making her a dog; She is not allowed to enter the church]: Andronikov 1909:19-20; Russians: Kuznetsova 1998 (Novgorod, Pskov, Vologda, Vyatskaya, Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Tambov) [God created the human body , went away, leaving the dog, which was then without hair, to guard him; Satan, having let the cold in, seduces the dog with warm hair to let him come near the man; spat on man; God twisted the man inside out unclean inside]: 99, 160; Russians (Vologodskaya, incl. Belozersky, Kaluga, Kostroma, Orlovskaya, Tambov, Saratov) [combines the plots of creating sushi and creating man]: Kuznetsova 1998:205, 214, 216, 219, 221, 228, 232; Russians (West. E.T. Solovyov in 1874 in Kazan Gubernia) [God created man, the Devil smeared him with snot and mud; God removed the dirt, made a dog out of it, ordered him to protect man; the Devil was afraid of it and left]: Morokhov 1998, No. 457:427; Ukrainians: P.I. [ Vanov] 1892 [God made man out of clay, left the dog to guard, flew to heaven for his soul; the devil let the cold go, gave the dog a warm fur coat to let him through; spat on man; God twisted man inside out, then blew his soul]: 89-90; Kuznetsova 1998 (Kharkiv) [God created the human body, walked away, leaving the dog, which was then without hair, to guard it; Satan, letting the cold go, seduces a dog with warm hair to let him approach a person; spits on a person; God turned a person inside out unclean inside out]: 99, 160; Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina, Galicia, Podolia, Volyn, Kharkovskaya) [the plots of creating land and creating man are combined]: Kuznetsova 1998:206, 209, 211, 224, 226, 236; Belarusians: Grynblat, Gurski 1983, No. 21 [after the creation of heaven and earth, God decided create man; created Adam and left because there was not enough material; left "abaka" to guard; Satan threatened the "abaka" to let the cold go, gave her a fur coat; for disobedience, the dog is not allowed to enter church, with since then they have been called a dog; and the cat is left in the church to catch mice; Satan spat and spoiled man; advised God to turn a person inside out; if he coughs, he will remember God first, then the devil, and He will not remember otherwise]: 46-47; Dobrovolsky 1891, No. 9 [God made a man, walked away, told the dog to guard; The devil brought the cold, gave the dog a fur coat, for which she let him go; so the dog did not go to church they let mice in, and leave the cat to catch; Satan spat on man, God turned the man inside out]: 230-231.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians: Bartsyts 2005 (the author is an ethnographer, knows from his mother) [when the world was being created, the devil sent horses to smash him, otherwise they say will torment them all his life; the man managed to snatch a handful of clay from his stomach and throw them into horses, these clods became dogs, drove the horses away]; Gabnia 2002 (recorded by folklorist Valentin Astamurovich Kogonia 11.07.1991) [God created man from clay; Damn warned horses: "If a person comes to life, you will not live. Kill him!" The horses rushed at the man. Dogs, seeing this, rushed to horses to save humans; therefore, humans and dogs are considered close]: 56; swans [like Abkhazians; archaeologist Alexey Vladimirovich Turkin was in 2004-2005 Svaneti and heard this story from an old man; translated by Ruslan Champrioni]; Armenians (Lori, West 1941) [The world consisted of water and darkness. God walked on it and cared for it. He separated light from darkness, then water from land, created plants, then animals. God had twelve ranks of angels, three ranks did not obey, he cursed them, they turned into demons (letters. - "Satan"). God told angels to bring land to create man from four sides of the world, let man take care of plants and animals. If demons ask you to open your hands, do not open them. The angels did not open their hands to the demons, they brought the earth, God stretched it, made a man, put it in the sun to dry. The demons told the horses that people would sit on them every day and torture them. The horses trampled on the figure. God sent angels to land again. This time, the demons made them open their hands and spit inside. God mashed the ground, squeezed Satanic saliva onto his navel, then tied it up, cut off the umbilical cord (there is still room), saliva, and told it to become a dog, to drive away enemies from man. The dog did not let the horses in, the man was dry, God blew into his mouth, gave him his soul, called him Adam, put him in paradise]: Zhamkochyan 2012, No. 8:138-140 {translated by Lilit Simonyan}.

Iran - Central Asia. Iranian Zoroastrians: Boyce 1989 [the dog created by Ormazd to protect Adam's physical body from Ahriman is at the Chinwat Bridge, preventing those who were cruel to during his lifetime dogs, and barking scaring virgins away from the righteous; he also helps Mihra identify demons trying to punish sinners more than they deserve]: 146; Litvinsky, Sedov 1984 [created Gaiomard's first man, Ormuzd instructed the seven wise men of Amesh Spent to protect him from Ahriman, but they failed; then Ormuzd put Zarrīngoš ("yellow ears") as a watchman, and he Since then, he has been successfully protecting souls going to another world from demons; even if the soul must go to hell, but a person fed dogs during his lifetime and did not harm them, Z. did not allow demons to take possession of the soul; those who was cruel to dogs, he prevented him from crossing the Chinvat Bridge]: 165; Pamiris (Deputy Researcher at the Institute of Humanities N. Kurbonkhonova in 2001 from Mekhrubon Akdodov, 60 years old, a resident of Khorog) [God sculpted Adam's body out of clay, and until he put his heart into it, he was guarded by a dog]: Yusufbekov 2009; kho [before as man was created, the world was inhabited by horses; their efforts to trample Adam's clay-made body (one of their hooves is the navel) was in vain thanks to a sensitive dog that has been guarding ever since man like his close friend; the clay that sticks to the finger of a human figure has become a falcon, which is why it always returns to this place]: Yettmar 1986:444.

Volga - Perm. Komi: Konakov 1999 [=Konakov et al. 2004:272; originally, people had a strong corneum instead of skin, now left only on their nails; parents left the child under supervision dogs; Omöl, seducing the dog with warm hair, gained access to it to the child and coated it with his snot and saliva; after that, the horn coating remained only on his nails]: 43; Konakov et al. 2004 [ Jen put the dog to guard the unfinished man; Omegave it a warm fur coat, which allowed him to approach the human figure, O. smeared it with drooling]: 271-272; Nalimov 1907 [Yong created the first man a helpless child; Mistletoe tried to harm him; Yong put the Dog as a guard; O. began to caress her, promising a fur coat as a gift; she missed him to caress the man; O. smeared him with his saliva; the man became drooling, snotty; Yong ordered the man to give the dog as much bread as it could fit on its nose; many options, all similar]: 20; Rochev 1984, No. 107 [the peasant hired a dog to babysit; the goblin promised her a fur coat if he let her examine the child; the goblin spat on the child, turned it inside out, gave the dog a fur coat; the owner returned, drove the dog into the yard; the child used to have hard skin, now he remains only on his nails]: 114 (=2006:156); Udmurts [Inmar blinded a man, went to heaven for his soul; Shaitan bribed a dog guard, giving wool to protect him from the cold, spat on a man; I. turned the person inside out, so all the diseases are inside; and the dog serves man faithfully]: Vladykin 1994:321-322; Perevozchikova 1988:39; Marie: Aktsorin 1991, No. 7 [Humo created man, left To protect a naked dog; Uday caught up with the cold, promised the dog a fur coat if it let him go to a person; spat it on; because of this, a person has various diseases]: 38; Anonymous 1858 [Yuma created the human body, went to another place to create the soul, left the dog as a watchman; the dog was without hair; Keremet produced cold, gave the dog hair, which allowed it to enter the body; K. K. laughed at the man, putting the embryo of all diseases]: 210; Vasiliev 1907 [Yuma blinded the man, went to heaven for his soul; Kiremet spat on his body, Yu could not clean it, turned it inside out]: 50-51; Vereshchagin 1996 [(based on V. Bekhterev 1880); Keremet swam in the form of a drake, Humo told him to get land from the bottom; K. brought land, but hid some in his mouth; Yu covered the water with earth, and K. spit out the hidden, creating mountains and bare rocks; Yu. hit the stone with a hammer, the sparks turned into angels (shukchias); the sparks from K.'s blows turned into evil spirits; Yu left the black dog to guard the human body, went behind his soul; K. sent cold, bribed the dog warm hair, spat on the human body, making it sinful]: 134; Mordovians: Veselovsky in Kuznetsova 1998 [Cham Pas made a man out of clay, left to create a soul, putting the dog to guard the body ; Shaitan let the dog fall, offered to dress the dog with hair if it allowed him to see a person; spat on the man, this caused illnesses; began to blow his bad breath into him; the emergency drove W away, the dog ordered to always wear unclean hair, turned the man inside out, breathed his breath into the man; now man is prone to both evil and good]: 101; Devyatkina 1998:169 [Shkai made a man out of clay, put the dog on guard, went to breathe himself; the devil bribed the dog with hair, spat on the man; Shkai turned the spit places inward, they turned into diseases], 297-298 [in the absence of Shkabavaz Shaitan comes to the gates of paradise, deceiving the dog, penetrates there, spits on a person, except for the tips of his fingers and toes; before that, the skin was horny; Shkabavaz could not clean the spits, he twisted human skin inside out]; Sedova 1982 [Cham-paz (sun god) spits, the spit turns into a stone, he breaks it, it turns into Shaitan; C. tells you to dive, get the earth from the bottom; S. hid part in his mouth, spit out, mountains appeared; C. made a blue sky, Sh. - clouds, C. ordered them to bring rain; C. made useful animals, Sh. - predators, snakes, spiders, mosquitoes; C. made a man under the protection of a dog, W . blew cold on her, she was naked, hid in the hay; S. spat on the man, giving him diseases, vices; C. gave man reason, S. sent him to the lower world]: 13-15; Chuvash [Tură creates an even land , it grows; Shuittan spits out the silt hidden in his mouth, creates mountains, ravines, or causes a storm in the ocean before the earth has time to harden; for S. to spit out the silt, T. hits him, blood splashes evil spirits; T. begs for land, agrees to a patch to lean on his staff, makes a hole in the ground, falls into the lower world; diseases and reptiles come out of the hole; T. drives them back; S. clumsily imitates T.; T. makes apples, cow, sheep, S. - potato berries, goat, pig; predatory and harmful animals, reptiles, fish (throwing pebbles into the water); T. made a man, went for his soul, left to guard the dog without hair; S. let the cold go, promised the dog a fur coat, spat on the man; T. turned the man inside out, ordered the dog to eat bones and be beaten]: Egorov 1995:117-118.

Turkestan. Kazakhs ("Siberian Kyrgyz") ["Akmola Regional Gazette, 1890; God created the human body from clay, followed his soul, leaving the dog as a guard; Damn, the dog did not let him in; C. let the cold go, the dog disappeared, C. spat on man (hence sins, torments, illnesses); God returned, put his soul into it, scolded the Devil, left diseases and sins because they are necessary; he rewarded the dog with a warm fur coat ]: Ivanovsky, 1891:250; (cf. Kondybay 2005 [source in Kazakh; in a Kazakh fairy tale, a motley mare made a man from clay, and a dog helped her]: 203).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chulym Turks [water is everywhere, loon is swimming; God: what do you eat? - Earth. - Where is it? - Underwater. - Get it, thank you. Loon brought the earth three times, it turned out to be a cake, God lay down on it; the devil grabbed his leg and threw it into the water; God was on land, a lot of land was formed; the devil grabbed the sleeping God by the legs, pulled him into the water, and the earth expands; dragged until it was dry all around; hell asked for half the earth; God refused; well, at least stick the stake; God allowed, damn stuck the stake and took out mosquitoes, midges; God plugged the hole; did dog; made a man; went after his soul, told the dog to protect the man; the devil asked to miss: I'll feed and shower it with black hair; the dog missed; the devil pierced the navel and did not care; God told the dog serve humans; since then, people have been ill]: Lukina 2004, No. 5.1:97-98; Altaians: Anokhin 1924 [the messenger of the flood was a blue goat with iron horns (temir müüstü kök teke); he ran around the earth for seven days and bleated violently; there was an earthquake for seven days, mountains burned for seven days, it rained for seven days, hail for seven days, it snowed for seven days, then frosts began; oh Seven righteous brothers knew the onset of the flood in advance; of them the elder Erlik, and the other Ulgen, his name was Namchi (scribe); they built a boat (kerep), into which they captured a couple of animals and birds, reptiles; when the flood was over, Ulgen released the rooster (takaa), but he died from the cold; for the second time he released the goose, it did not return to the boat; the third time Ulgen released the crow (couscun); the raven too did not return because he found the corpses and ate them; seven brothers descended to land; W. through wisdom (us) began to create man; put anemone (kök chechek) in a golden cup; E. stole part flowers and cursed creation, saying, "Let the people you created be black and girded with a black belt; let my white people spread to the east of the sun and your black people to the west"; black the people covered the circle with skin and were the first to cry; Ulgen created human bodies, sent the Raven to Kudai to ask for souls for them; he gave them, the Raven carried them in his beak; flew past the corpse of a camel, a horse, when he saw The corpse of a cow, shouted, Carr, what eyes! Souls fell into the coniferous forests, which became evergreen; at this time Erlik gave the dog guard a warm fur coat, blew his soul into people's bodies, their bodies came to life]: 18; Verbitsky 1893 [Ulgen made men, including Maider, who was made of clay and reed, was a woman; she began to fall apart, he wrapped a snake around her; left the dog to guard; Erlik came, gave the dog a fur coat (wool) and food (crap), blew an iron pipe in his nose seven frets, reviving a woman; she is as evil as a snake, always 7 frets; M. cursed the dog]: 92-93; Ivanovsky 1891 [Ulgen created 7 men, left for three days; Maider created a woman; ran to meet God leaving the dog to watch; Erlik blew an evil soul into the woman, gave the dog a fur coat; M. ordered the dog to be a man's servant, to eat litter; the men rejected that woman; W. created the other of the man's two ribs]: 251; Nikiforov 1915 [after the flood, Ulgen ordered the Dog to guard people's preparations; Yerlik bribed her with a fur coat and food, breathed mortal souls into people]: 241; Teleuts [(Western missionary you. Postnikov in d. Myyuta, whose population was formed mainly from Bachat migrant teleuts - see below. Potanin 1883:130, note 2; Funk 2004:9); there was only water; Ulgen went down to create the earth; Yerlik volunteered to dive, brought earth from the bottom in his mouth; W. made the earth, it was all from turf; There was a little land left between E.'s teeth; he spit it it out, a hummocked swampy place formed; W. scolded him; he asked for as much land as the end of his stick took; he fell into that the place he asked for; the swallow brought turf in his beak; W. scattered it; made the forest and everything on earth; created the human body from earth, bones from stones; a dog without hair; went to look for a soul for the man, left the dog as a watchman; E. appeared, promised to give the dog hair and soul to the man; the dog ate E.'s excrement, overgrown with hair; E. put a pipe in the man's ass, blew, thereby reviving him; W. came I wondered whether to exterminate people; the Frog persuaded them to leave them as they are]: Potanin 1883, No. 46a: 218-220; the Kumandins [The Creator made the human body, went after his soul, left the Dog and the Cat to guard; The demon bribed the Dog by giving it a warm skin, spitting on the man; The cat did not let the Demon pass, he spat in her mouth, she fell silent; the Creator had to turn the man out; the dog has a filthy skin, but a clean mouth, cats - vice versa]: Khokholkov 1997:16-17; Shors: Khlopina 1978 [Ulgen created luminaries, smooth earth, rivers; Erlik created a man, went to look for a soul, left naked to guard the dog; E. gave it wool so as not to freeze in winter, for which she let him approach the creation; E. smeared the man with mud; W. returned without finding a soul; agreed that E. would breathe in his soul, she would to belong to him; E. breathed his soul through his mouth through the hollow stalk of angelica; W. agreed to give E. the land against which his staff rests; snakes and insects crawled out of the hole; E. fell into it, lives in the lower world; W. got fire, dispersed reptiles with smoke]: 71-72; Shtygashev 1894 ("Kuznetsk foreigners") [first one water; God often spits in one place, saliva forms a heap, the devil Aina comes out of it, calls him a friend; God tells him to dive to get the ground, say, Help me, Lord! A. does not say, the earth is washed off his hands twice, but at the bottom he eats it; the third time he brought the earth, God dried it, scattered it, creating land; the earth in A.'s stomach began to grow; God cut it, cleaned it, cured A., went to bed; A. tried to turn the earth over, but only stretched it; begged for a piece of land at least the size of a crutch; fell down, and reptiles and insects, prickly plants came out of the hole, mountains and swamps appeared; God strengthened the land on three whales (ker-palyk); when they change places, earthquakes occur; God created man from clay, went after his soul, left the dog as a watchman; the devil Aina gave the dog hair, for which she let him near the man, he spit in his mouth; so people have saliva and harkotin in their mouths; God revived the man, told the dog to be his servant]: 1-8; tubalars [ Poyana created a man, went to Kuday for his soul, ordered the dog to watch; Erlik promised to give her golden hair, she gave him a man, he spit on him; K. could not clean it, turned it inside out, made the dog filthy]: Radlov 1989:221; Khakas: Katanov 1963 [first it was a duck; having made another friend, she sent her to the bottom of the river for sand; she brings it three times and gives it first ; the third time I left some of the sand in my mouth, this part became stones; the first duck scattered the sand, crushed for nine days, the earth grew; the mountains grew after the messenger duck spit out of its mouth stones; because of this, the first refuses to give her land; agrees to give land the size of a cane; the messenger pierces a hole in the ground, goes into it; the remainder sends the swallow for the person's soul, telling watch the dog and bark at Erlik Khan; E. created winter, gave the dog a fur coat, spat on a man; God poured his soul on a man, made him a wife out of a rib; ordered him to eat red currants at sunrise, but not at sunset suns; wife ate; woman with child and mare and foal eat grass, a woman has crossed seven slides, a mare over one; God has decided that if people eat grass, they will eat it all; cf. motive D13]: 155-156; Mindibayeva et al. 2016, No. 1 (Kachins) [a naked man lived on earth without a soul; Khudai went for his soul, put a naked dog to the man; when he left, Irlik Khan came, the dog did not let him in; he covered her with hair, she let him go to the man; Irlik Khan spat on the man; Thin returned, failed to clean the man, turned him inside out, drooled inside; Thin breathed soul into the man; then I. began to ask H. for land; he did not give it; for I. to fall behind, H. gave land to stick the stake; I. pulled out the stake, the snakes crept out of this place; so the snakes and other reptile worms spread; giving a soul, H. made man herbivorous; let a mare with a foal and a woman with a child into the steppe; the mare pinched the tops of the grasses, and the woman ate the grass along with the ground; H. sees: after a woman, even grass does not grow it will be; then H. made the man eat wheat; the ear grew from the very root; the woman baked bread, the child got dirty; she wiped it with pancake pancakes; H. began to cut off the ear, but the dog howled that it would yes; H. felt sorry for her, left the tip of the ear - the dog's share; the man knew the time of death; one was supposed to die in the fall, began to make a grass fence - enough for his life; H. decided that man was all he will drink, he will not leave anything for the children; he made sure that now the person does not know about the time of his death; Irlik Khan sent a mosquito the size of a bull to the ground to find out whose blood tastes better; it turned out that a person has; the mosquito sat down to rest, the swallow asked to show her tongue, tore it off; the mosquito tried to grab it, but only tore off part of its tail, now it is split; the mosquito flew underground but could not tell anything Irlik Khan; he got angry, hit him, told him to become a thousand mosquitoes; this is how mosquitoes appeared]: 77-81; Radlov 1907:523-524; Sagalaev 1992:39 in Butanayev 2003 [Ah-Khudai created a human body from clay, but not I knew where to find my soul; I went to my younger brother Irlik Khan, who played Khomys; without noticing the presence of AH, he sang: Even if he was smart, he did not have enough thought. Can't you take a person's soul from the breeze coming from a water source coming out of the ground?" ; hearing the hint, AH went for his soul, instructing the dog and cat to guard the creation; the dog was without hair; I. came up, the dog did not let him in; I. created frost, promised the dog a fur coat, the dog agreed show him a man; the dog ordered not to touch the person with his hands and I. did not touch it, but spit on the person; the cat began to lick mucus, and the dog to cover the person with its body; since then, the cat's mouth has been dirty , and the coat is clean, it can be ironed, and the dog's mouth is clean, but the coat is dirty; AH came back, turned the man inside out, the mucus remained inside in the form of saliva and snot; the dog was set to serve man and depend on him]: 110-111; Burnakov 2008 [the dog was naked, without hair; Aina went to the man's house, the dog did not let him in; Aina let him in the cold, offered the dog a warm fur coat in exchange for being his will miss; Aina could not harm a person because there was a cat in the house, drove him out of the house; since then, the person has been happy to pet the cat, but does not like to pet the dog, believing that it has a damn skin] : Venary Alekseevich Burnakov, researcher at the Siberian ethnography sector of the IAET SB RAS, the Internet; tofalars [when the earth thawed and dried, the burkhan made human grass; his eyes did not remain done, the burkhan left the naked dog to guard the creation, went to look for his eyes; Aza spat on the dog, which was covered with hair; spat on the man, left; the burkhan found a man covered in snot, twisted inside out]: Rassadin 1996, No. 8:16; Balagan Buryats (Khangalov's recording): Gomboev 1890, No. 1c [=Khangalov 1960:8-10; there is only water everywhere; Shibagani-Burkhan, Madari-Burkhan and Esege- Burkhan saw an angata bird, it was swimming with 12 children; they told it to dive, get black clay, red clay, sand (hara-shoro, ulan-shoro, ilhe); she dived and took it out; they scattered black earth, red clay and sand, created the earth, grass and trees grew on it; then they created man; from red clay, a body, a bone stone, blood from water; they made a man and a woman, went to bed; Whose candle will burn the next morning, in whose pot a flower will grow, will revive people and patronize them; Shibegani Burhan woke up and saw a candle burning in front of Madari-Burkhan, his pot was replaced by a flower; changed, lay down again, was recognized as the winner; M.: now the people you animated will also steal and quarrel; after that, M. and E. rose to heaven, and S. remained on earth, revived the two people made; the Burkhans made them covered with hair and the dog naked; Shibagani-Burhan went to heaven, left the dog to guard; Shithir came, the dog began to bark, that seduced her by giving her hair and food, spat on people, left; Shibagani-burhan returned, cursed the dog, telling it to gnaw bones, eat excrement; scraped off people's hair, leaving it on his head, for people held hand on his head, so it was not spat on], 1g [=Khangalov 1960:10; Burkhan made the ground flat; Shithyr stood beside him, hiding some earth under his heel; when Burkhan finished creating, Sh. hidden, scattered, mountains and valleys were formed; explained to the Burkhan that when people go down the mountain, they would call, Ay, Burkhan; and when they climb, they would remember, "Shitkhyrova is high mountain"; thus both of them will be remembered constantly]: 65-66, 66-67, 67-69 (the creation of land on p.67), 69; the Mongols (khalha) [(recorded by the missionary you. Postnikov); water was everywhere, the Ochurmans lived in the sky; decided to make land, looked for a friend, found Chagan-Shukuta; both went down to the water; the Frog that noticed them dived; O. sent ChS to find it in water; he took out the Frog, put his belly up on the water; O. sat on it, told ChSH to dive, get the earth; he brought an armful of liquid earth from the bottom, said O., If it weren't for me, you wouldn't get land; earth immediately fell out of his hands, fell into the water; O. told him to dive again, take the land and carry it on his behalf; O. poured the land he had brought onto the Frog, the earth began to grow, both sat on it and fell asleep; Shulmus grabbed them to throw them into the water, but the earth grew faster than he ran to its edge; he abandoned them; O. and ChS made a man, went looking for a soul, left the dog as a guard; promised to find for dogs wool; the devil gave her wool, fed her, lit yarn, blew smoke into the man's nose, reviving him; O. and ChSH put a cup of water; on whoever side he would grow up in a cup, rule the earth; S. asked himself he got as much land as at the end of his stick; stuck worms, snakes, reptiles into the ground, crawled out; the flower grew from O.'s side, but he dozed off and ChSH put it on his edge; O. said that now both people and animals will steal and enmity; went to heaven; he is a real god, and Ulgen was invented by the Kams (shamans)]: Potanin 1883, No. 46b: 220-223; the Mongols [there were water and air, Buddha Ochirvani was in the sky; he decided to create the earth, found Tsagan Schuhert's assistant White Umbrella; told him to turn a turtle swimming in the water over his stomach, dive, bring it from the bottom of the earth, think about it (O.), sat on the turtle himself; grabbed the ground, but felt that something was interfering; thought that O. should take the land; immediately a handful was filled with earth, the CSH surfaced; poured the earth onto the turtle's stomach, earth appeared instead of the turtle; both the celestial fell asleep; Shulmas went to the edge of the island to drown them, but as he ran to the edge, the earth expanded; O. and the CSH sculpted the people, O. ordered the CSH to make a guard, who sculpted the dog, Oh . and the CSH went for intelligence for man and hair for the dog; Damn gave the dog hair, said that it would be fed by its owner, a man; he lit a thread in front of the man's nose, he came to life from the smoke; O. and the CS argued which of they should rule by living beings; they decided who would have a flower in a cup of water first; O., but the TS put it in his cup; O. said that now people would deceive each other, flew to heaven]: Skorodumova 2003:35-37; the Mongols (Inner Mongolia) [God descended to earth, made a man and a woman out of clay; their figures were covered in hair; went to heaven for holy water to revive the figures, leaving the Dog and the Cat to guard; the devil gave the Cat milk, the Dog meat, they missed it, he urinated on the figures; God came back, told the Cat to lick the figures; the hair came down and God covered the skin with it Dogs are covered with hair; humans have hair left on their head (this part of the Devil's urine is not dirty), in the groin and under their arms (the Cat did not reach there); therefore, the cat's mouth and the dog's hair are filthy; if people were revived according to God's plan by the water they brought in, they would be immortal]: Nassen-Bayer, Stuart 1992:324-325; (cf. Oirats (west from Tsagdaghiin Zodova Dyurbut, born in 1911, in Ubsunur aimak, 1984) [God sculpted two people out of clay, left them to dry; a cow came, picked up one figure with its horn, it fell, crashed; this figure became a dog that has been angry at the cow and barking ever since; the dog separated from human, so their bones are the same]: Skorodumova 2003:51-52).

Western Siberia. Nenets: Golovnev 1995 [(4 options); Num Vesako (Old Man) made a man and a dog out of sand; went to bring them clothes, ordered the Dog to protect the person; Nga Sesako gave the Dog clothes, they didn't bark, he spat on a man, now the man is sick; Num Vesako told the Dog to serve a man]: 399-400; 2004 [1) Num Vesako made a man and a dog out of clay ; went to get clothes for them, told the dog to protect the man; Na Vesako bribed the dog with clothes, spat on the man; Num W. said that now the man would be ill; made him the master dogs; 2) Num wanted to make a dog, Na was ahead of him; if Num made a dog, it would have a valuable skin; 3) Num created a dog and a man, left; the dog was forgotten; Na came, scattered ash, which became human diseases; Num returned, saw diseases, kicked the dog, her left side was dumb]: 100; Kuleshevsky 1868 (the area between the Gulf of Ob and the Tazovskaya Bay) [Num created the man and the dog, both naked, the man did not feel the frost, the dog guarded him; the devil let the frost in especially severe, the dog agreed to let the Devil see the man because the devil covered her with a fur coat; the devil spat on the man, he became blistered, fell ill with smallpox; the dog stopped guarding, began to chase the animal; to comfort the man, Noom gave him a woman, since then people began to multiply]: 116-117; Labanauskas 1995 [a red-throated loon and a dog swam in the water; the loon dived, brought blades of grass; the dog asked it to make the ground; the loon grew dry from many blades of grass land; the dog met two people in copper clothes, who offered it to have an owner; made two copper idols, promised to return in seven days, told her not to give idols to anyone who came earlier; the third day a black man came, blew on idols, they turned into people, he called them owners of the dog; people in copper clothes came back, said that now the dog's owners would be mortal; if they (two in copper clothes) made the dog owners, people would not die]: 13-15; Lar 2001 (Yamal) [Num and Nga are sons of old woman Puhutz; Nga asks for food, P. says let Num first will make the earth; tells her to build a plague where she will live underground with the old man Wesoko (Iri-Vesoko); Num tells Gagara to dive, she brings sand from the bottom first, then silt, and grass for the third time ; Num sculpts the earth, throws it into the water; it is unstable at first; Num puts it on a whale, the earth trembles again; throws a stone of copper, iron and transparent stone behind the ground; the earth freezes; for his mother, Num does red earth, puts a plague; Nga wants land for herself, brothers fight for a long time; reconcile; Num rolls a ball, throws, the sun comes up; Nga gets a moon; Num sculpts a naked man, he wants to eat; Nga does hairy people, they fight, Num advises to send them underground; brothers fight, Numu has to agree for them both to breathe life into man; it was warm, man and dog walked naked; Nga gave the dog had warm skin, for which she let him see the man, Nga spat on him, sent him illness; the man began to hunt, dress in the skin of a dog; Num told the dog to eat feces, to be a servant; taught a person to shamanize; went to heaven, gave Nga the underworld]: 188-205; Lehtisalo 1998 (Forest Nenets) [Num made a man from a piece of land, then a naked Dog; ordered to protect a person, left himself ; Nga told the Dog that she was cold because she was naked; gave her hair for permission to eat a man; Num came back, told the Dog to eat human feces; made a man and a woman, gave advice how to live]: 9-10; Nenyang 1997 (Taimyr Nenets) [the Loon and the Dog swam on the water; the loon dived, on the third day brought a blade of grass from the bottom; at the request of the Dog, she continued to dive, collected the island, it grew up; a man in iron mittens and bacaries made a man and a woman, went for souls, telling the Dog to protect the creation; a man with a black face came, revived the dolls, left; the first man returned, said that now people will get sick; people have inhabited the land, started building a stepped house; a man in iron gauntlets and bacars hit with mittens, people are scattered, they speak different languages]: 21-23; Mansi (southern, western A. Cannisto in 1906 on the river. Pelymka) [God pushed the Devil out, thought it was in vain; Damn came back, said he knew that God intended to create man, but there was no black earth; God offered him land; Damn dived brought God from the bottom to in both hands of black earth, God drew a man and a woman on paper, made them out of the ground, created people; the devil himself tries to make them too, but it turns out to be a lizard, then a beetle, a toad; God left the Dog to guard the people he created, the hell let the frost fall, the dog began to freeze; the devil began to cough, pulled his skin over the Dog for letting him approach people; smeared people with snot and drooling; God turned people inside out, told them to blow their nose and cough now; told the Dog to stay taut in Devil's skin]: Kannisto 1951, No. 3:10-12 (translated in Lukina 1990, No. 114B: 300); Eastern Khanty ( Surgut, r. Tromagan, western 1992) [the Khanty god made a man and a woman out of material that is now only nails; ordered to have only two children, live until the age of 100; left on business; at this time, the Russian god deceived the dog, which was a watchman, gave people's bodies a modern look; ordered them to have many children; then people will die quickly, the Russian god will eat them; the Khanty god returned, decided to take revenge; went to city, turned Russian people into ants there; therefore, there are many anthills in the forests; otherwise the Russians would have inhabited the whole land]: Kerezhi 2000:185-186; Southern Selkups: Pelikh 1972 (Narym) [The dog drove away The vine (Devil) barked from the owner; he had skin like a man's nails; another Loz invited the Dog to change his skin, the Dog agreed; God told him to eat what man would throw; The dog was no longer barks at Loza, a person does not know when he will come]: 341; Baulo, Tuchkova 2016, No. 4, fragment 3 [recording by I.N. Gemuev, 1980, an informant shamanil when he was young; "The Earth was the first to sink. God sent a loon, it didn't get anything. Gogol (porya) took out sand. This is our land. God let the snake go, then the bird, the speckles. And earlier - to a hoof. And the speckle frightened the hoof. The hoof began to bite at him, which is why the grouse only has a little white meat, the rest is black. And he let everyone go ahead - he let people go. People got into a fight, he let the snake go to disperse them. He let the dogs go, as he let a naked man go. She's freezing - damn it. - What happened? I'm freezing. Got the hell out of her skin. Now we are sick - we cough. God sent - made a man out of clay, he sits like a man. And the hell spit, I spit. This is what we're rooting for].

Eastern Siberia. Central (? ; recorded from a Yakut guide) Yakuts [the creator built a stone house, made statues of people, put a watchman not to let an evil spirit inside; he bribed the watchman with a promise to give him a warm fur coat; when he entered the house, he stained the statues with sewage; the Creator turned the watchman into a dog, turned the statues inside out; since then, the people inside have been full of dirt]: Middendorf 1989:20 (retelling in Ergis 1974: 152, in Holmberg 1927:374); (cf. Sivtsev, Efremov 1990 [The dog serves as God's key holder; opens the forbidden box where the plan of hell lies; after the second time, God deprives her of the ability to speak, takes half of her mind, and tells her to become a friend of man ; A dog kills a Wolf, a Bear with an arrow; a man dodges, she becomes his servant, loses its bow]: 33-34); northwestern Yakuts [Ayy-Toyon created two wool-covered creatures, left them in the barn under the protection of a naked watchman; Allaraa Ogonyor created cold; gave the watchman wool, for which he was allowed into the barn; hungry creatures asked him for food, he gave one berry, the other half a berry; from this wool came down, the first creature became a woman, the second a man; Aiyy-Toyon turned the watchman into a dog, ordered him to eat garbage]: Gurvich 1977:195-196; Evenks: Vasilevich 1959 [(everywhere, many options); God began to make man, told the watchman not to let anyone in to look at the blanks; Hargie promised the watchman a warm fur coat, he let him in; H. spoiled people's preparations, made them mortal; God made the watchman a dog, a servant of a man who eats his excrement]: 175-179; Romanova, Myreeva 1971 (Yakutia) [Seveki (the master spirit of the upper world) secretly made human figures from his older brother and animals; The dog was watching; her brother (or Awahi) promised her unusual clothes or make her tireless, received figures; S. drove the Dog away, made her a servant of man], No. 1, 2:325-326; Western Evenks (Ilympic, Chirinda, 2007) [A long time ago, a dog could speak like a human being; God made men and women out of clay, sprayed them with special water - they came to life; one day he went to get water, ordered the dog protect people; the dog told the evil spirit (hargi), who spat on people's faces; when God found out, he became angry with the dog, said that from now on it would eat scraps and become dumb; if only an evil spirit I didn't spit on people, they wouldn't die]: Duvakin 2013; Vasilevich 1936, No. 31 (b. Katanga) [God (shovoki) cultivated the stone and earth; put it on the board to dry, said that let the person have a strong soul, left the Dog to watch; Satan gave the Dog a caftan, for which she allowed him to people's souls, he spit on them; God returned, cried, Satan's spit made people die]: 30-31; Pinegina, Konenkin 1952 (Cyrenian) [two brothers lived in the upper world; the elder told the duck dive to the bottom of Lake Baikal, get sand; the youngest put a leaf on the sea, earth on it; from the wind, the leaf crumpled into folds, turned out to be mountains; the youngest made a dog and a man, covered it with a strong shell, ordered The dog should not give his older brother the keys to the barn where the man is; the elder promised to make the dog a warm skin, received a key from it, ripped off the man's shell, left only on his nails; for this, the youngest deprived speechless dog]: 49-50; Baikal Evenks (northern Transbaikalia) [God created a man, woman and dog, put him in a storage shed, told no one to lower the stairs, left; avaasi asked to serve the stairs, the dog took pity and lowered; Avaasi got up, spat on the man and woman, ripped off the dog's skin and put it on himself; when God returned, he speechless the dog and told him to bark; he ripped off people spit on and wrapped inside; Avaasi drooling causes diseases]: Pinegina 2019:166-167; Baikal Evenks (northern Transbaikalia, 1951) [water all around; in the upper world, two brothers discuss how to do it land; the elder had a duck; the youngest let it get sand from the bottom of Lake Baikal; the duck brought sand, the youngest put a leaf on the water and the earth {sand} on top; the wind blew, the leaf crumpled, mountains appeared; the younger made a dog and a man, covered the whole man with a shell - it will be strong; put the man in one barn, the dog in another; went to make rivers, told the dog not to give the keys to his older brother; he came promises the dog a warm, colorful skin; she opened the barn; the older brother tore off the man's shell, left only his fingernails; the younger brother came back, punished the dog, depriving him of the ability to speak]: Pinegina 2019:70-71; Baikal Evenks (Olekminsky) [the older brother made insects on the lower ground, the youngest lived on the upper ground; made people; locking them with a key in the barn, left the Dog to guard; the elder bribed the Dog with woolen clothes, went into the barn, blew on people; the youngest came, saw that people were sick; told them to become bloody, people recovered; told the dog to be with the man, eat from his prey with hunting]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 32:31; far-sighted Evenks (Orochons) [two brothers Kharga and Saveki made animals, muscles from clay, hearts from iron, blood from diluted ocher; S. made useful animals, H. - harmful; the dog knew how to speak, was supposed to protect people's sculptures from H.; in the absence of S. let H. in, he made people sick; S. left the dog speechless, did human assistant; S. and H. quarreled, H. went to the lower world, S. stayed on earth]: Mazin 1984:22; Evens: Bolshakova, Chaiko 2015 [Havki made his children out of clay, hid them, left the dog to guard; Arinka (devil) bribed the dog with warm eternal clothes, began to poke at people, say what illness they would suffer from; H. returned, took away the dog's tongue, ordered them to be a watchman; since then the dog is covered with hair and does not speak]: 23; Danilov, Danilova 1991 [God told the dog to hide the person under his arm, not to show the line; the devil promises to give warm, nervous clothes; the dog showed the child, the devil rubbed his joints, the person became weak; God told the dog to live in need and be wordless; a person, when he is sad and rejoiced, remembers God, and when he is angry, a devil]: 21-22; Limorenko 2008 (Momsky Ulus of the Republic of Sakha) [Savki entrusted the dog to protect the newly created person; Satan (arivki or arinka) promised the dog warm skin, made his way past the dog to the man and drew his veins; diseases spread through his veins, so since then the person has been susceptible to illness; for this, Savki punished the dog - it lives on a leash and feeds on garbage]: 19; Robbeck 2005 [Havky ordered to protect the dog, not to show Arinka (Aringka); A. promised her a warm coat if she showed what she was hiding under her arm; when he saw the man, A. told him to live badly, and before that he was strong; H. told the dog not to talk anymore; A.: if a person does not know need, he will never remember H.; and now he remembers in grief, and remembers A. in anger]: 230; Chadaeva 1990 [God told the Dog guard the man from the Devil; The dog was without hair; Damn blew on her, froze her, she said where the man was; Damn spit on him, now the man is sick; God gave the Dog hair, ordered him to serve a person, eat his feces]: 124.

Amur-Sakhalin. Negidals [Buga created a man and a woman, went to get a breath for them, left the Dog to guard; Amban said that B.'s breath would make people immortal, they would have no place to live; gave The dog had a fur coat, for which she missed it, he put mortal breath into people; B. deprived the Dog of the ability to understand speech, told him to eat crap; B. asked who wanted to have how many children; Hare: three or four, Dog: five or six; the woman was shy, asked only one thing; B. told the animals to beware of people; Wild hazel grouse did not hear because of the sound of the water in the stream; B. told him to remain in the dark; Wild boar said he was not afraid of a two-legged; the man jumped on him, dragged him by the ear, the Pig recognized his strength]: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003, No. 1:51-53; Orochi [Hadau created man, told the Dog not to feed, went to get clothes; The dog fed the man; for this, H. made the Dog a dog, ordered him to eat gnawed bones; H. wanted to give the man hard clothes, now he did not; the remnants of this clothing were nails; H. killed two of the three suns with arrows; a woman was born; children from her marriage to the first man became ancestors of separate families]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 49:195-196.

SV Asia. Russian Mouth [human bodies were prepared; Christ went to heart, left the dog without hair as a watchman; Satanael promised her wool, for which she missed it, he spat on the bodies ; Christ returned, put his heart into it, said that now people would be sick; the dog would be beaten, would live in the cold]: Azbelev, Meshchersky 1986, No. 76:214; Yukaghirs (forest, p. The ridiculous Verkhnekolymsky ulus of Yakutia) [Christ decided to create people; made a temple; left, collected what was necessary to make people; locked the temple, and gave the key to the guard dog; when Christ flew away, hell came to the dog; asked for keys again, this time he brought food that made the dog drool; she forgot everything, ran and lost her keys; the hell took them and while the dog was eating, spit and grumbled at people; Christ came, scolded the dog and told it to climb the garbage; then he cleaned people, cleaned some completely, some were left with mud (they are now bad character)]: Zhukova, Prokopyeva 1991, No. 3:146-147.