H42. The Creator is leaving .
After creating people's bodies or conceiving a creation, the creator or his representative leaves for a while. Another character, out of malice or inability, spoils or tries to ruin the results of his work, creates what the creator would do better. Most often, this results in people being mortal or susceptible to illness. See H40 motif.
Algerian Arabs, Sicilians, Palauans, Lushi, Kachari, Toto, Rabha, Korku, Birkhor, Mundari, Kol, Santals, Semangs, Nias, Dusun, Dayaki (ibanas?) , ngaju, toraja, loda, bukidnon, manuva, fox, Bulgarians, Russian written tradition, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Novgorod, Pskov, Vologda, Kostroma, Vyatskaya, Smolenskaya, Yaroslavskaya, Orlovskaya , Penza, Tambov), Ukrainians (Kharkiv), Kalash, Lithuanians, Estonians, Setu, Komi, Udmurts, Mari, Mordovians, Chuvash, Kazakhs, Chulym Turks, Altaians, Teleuts, Kumandins, Shors, Tubals, Khakas, Tofalars, Buryats, Mongols (Khalkha, Inner Mongolia), Tundra and Forest Nenets, Mansi, Eastern Khanty, Southern Selkups, Nganasans, Yakuts, Evenks (Western, Baikal, Far Eastern), Evens, Negidals, Orochi, Russian Ustye, Yukaghirs.
North Africa. The Arabs of Algeria (Tiaret Plateau) [when man was expelled from paradise, it was an intangible spirit; God made man out of clay; Satan came down to earth to see what shape God would give man; The man looked so disgusting that he spat at him; the spit hit where the navel is now; when the angels brought (the soul) of the man to place it in the body, they saw it on the body a stain; one of them scraped off the soiled clay from this place and threw it aside; the dent in this place remained; God turned the piece thrown away into a dog; because the dog was created from the devil's saliva, Muslims consider it unclean, but since it is also from a part of the human body, the dog is his best friend; angels began to infiltrate the soul from their feet; when it reached his knees, the man tried to get up, angels prevented; same when the soul reached the waist; and only when the soul reached the head did angels allow a person to stand up; impatience is a characteristic feature of man]: Aceval 2005:10-11.
Southern Europe. Sicilians [Sicilian peasants say that God made two human figures: one from finely tormented clay and gilded clay, and the other from simple clay; the first had a brain from a diamond, the heart is made of iron; the second has a bone marrow made of cork oak bark, a heart made of gold; God revived the first figure and left; Lucifer came up and blew into her mouth and revived the second; from the figure that the devil had revived, the rich come from God's revived, and the poor come from God's revived]: Sébillot 1908b: 433.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Palau [Obagat wanted to put a stone in people's breasts to make them strong and not in need of food; however, Tariit (water shepherdess aka coot, Rallus pectoralis) advised it is better to give people breath, but O. did not agree; sent his son to water the man and make him immortal; T. arranged that the Hibiscus populneus tree quietly pierced the vessel from a tarot leaf containing water; the woman lost her immortality, and the hibiscus became tenacious, any branch, if planted, grows; O. hit T. on the head with a stick, now it is red striped with blood] : Kubary 1873:222-223; apparently the same text, but from a different edition of quotes in Anell 1964:21, in Frazer 1924:259-260.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lushey (aka kumi, hami) [God first created trees and crawling creatures, then sculpted a man and a woman out of clay; while sleeping, the snake ate the figures; so two or three times; then he made a dog, she drove the snake away; so now if a person dies, the dog howls]: Lewin 1869:90 in Shakespear 1909:399, in Kapp 197:51; kachari [water is everywhere at first; Alow Ilaja tells crabs to dive to the bottom; they scrape off the silt in a heap until a mountain of earth shows above the water; having created land, AI creates a man and a woman; he made their bodies before nightfall, went to rest before he had time to invest in their breath; at this time, his five brothers found the figures, divided them into pieces, and hid these parts in different places in the forest; the same thing happened the next day; on the third day, AI created two dogs, leaving them to guard the figures; when the brothers came, the dogs drove them away; these man and woman became the ancestors of humanity]: Soppitt 1885:32; toto [Itpsa came down from heaven, made man and animals and returned to heaven for a stone soul for people to make them immortal; he forgot to remove the staircase (i.e. the log with notches) leading to the room where the figures were located; Pidua (his brother, the owner of the forest and spirits) climbed there, sprinkled water on the heads of humans and animals, they came to life; when he saw I., P. ran into the forest; I. threw stone life into the sky and its parts became stars]: Majumdar 1991, No. 3:207- 208; rabha (northern Bengal) [Thakur created man and animals; followed the iron soul of immortality, forgetting to remove the stairs; his wife and her younger sister climbed the stairs into the room, to see T.'s creations; they brought water and sprinkled it on the bodies of people and animals; they came to life, began to dance and sing; thus, living beings missed the opportunity for immortality]: Majumdar 1991:84.
South Asia. Cork: Elwin 1949, No. 73 [Mula saw that his wife Mulai was dripping blood, collected it into a vessel; at this time, Mahadeo was making people's bodies out of clay; the trees decided that people would cut them, broke them bodies while M. was not around; he angrily put the trees in the ground, roots out; made new bodies; when he sprinkled them with blood from the vessel, they came to life; thanks to this blood, people were covered with skin, otherwise would be naked; Mula buried a vessel of blood, a tree grew; when the fruits were ripe, he gave them to Mahadeo's men and women; then women had their periods]: 280-281; Fuchs 1988 [Bhagawan decided to make a man, but did not have clay; he was told that the Raven knew about clay; that the Earthworm and the Ant had made clay out of stone; the Ant refused to give or sell clay, agreed to lend it; After sculpting a man, B. left the figure to dry in the sun; the human enemy Horse came to trample it; B. bent the horse's head, hit the ground; sprinkled two figures with water, revived them; dressed them]: 386 in Osada 2010; Howey 1923 [Mahadeo (~Shiva), at the request of Rawan (Ravana), decided to populate the uninhabited mountains Vindhyan and Satpura; to do this, he made figures of a man and a woman out of clay; Indra sent two ferocious horses, they came out from under lands, figures were trampled on; M. made new attempts to create people for two days, but with the same result; then M. created a dog, it drove away the horses; the sculpted couple of people became the ancestors of the crust]: 214; birjya [Mahadeo made a lot of Mua (people's souls, presented as small figures) out of clay, left it to dry in the sun; horses came running out of the forest, trampled on the figures; so several times; then M. left the dog as a guard and it drove away the horses; the figures turned into people of different nationalities]: Das Gupta 1978:57-58 in Osada 2010; Birkhor [at first there is water everywhere, lotus on the water, the great The Sing-bonga spirit came to the surface at the core of the stem, told the Turtle to bring clay from the bottom; the turtle: where will I leave the house? S.: take it with you (this is its shell); the water washed away the clay from the turtle's shell; The crab also could not bring it; the leech took it out by swallowing clay; S. squeezed out the clay from it, threw it in four directions, creating land; the land was moist and uneven, S. began to level it, but mountains remained in some places; threw seeds, forests appeared; then S. created a winged horse, and then sculpted the human figure and left it to dry; the horse came and trampled on it, fearing that the man would harness it; then S. made a dog and a new human figure; when the horse came again at night to trample on the man, the dog barked away; the figure dried up and S. her revived, but the joints did not bend; S. took his life and made a new man with bent joints]: Roy 1925:398-402; mundari [Singbonga made male and female figures; while they were not yet alive the horse trampled on them so that people would not force it to work later; S. sculpted new figures and created a spider to protect them; the spider protected them with a web, S. breathed life into them]: Roy, ii, 201 in Elwin 1949:19; stake [Singbonga first created a child; a horse came and trampled on the figure; then S. created a dog to drive away the horse; also created a girl {except for the young man}; S. called on all the living, but everyone lingered and the tiger came first, so it was so powerful; people became vicious, only dancing and drinking; then S. sent a flood of water and fire; brother and sister were saved inside the tree; since then the wood of this tree has been black, as if charred; all people come from this couple; they chose different occupations, so castes appeared; in order not to cause the flood anymore, S. created the Lurbing snake (Lur is the name of a rare snake species, bing -" snake" in Mundari); it exhales its soul from the clouds and is a rainbow, then the rain ends; Lurbing is the ubiquitous name for the rainbow in the Munda languages; Urauh Kohls's brother and sister escaped from the flood in a hole crab]: Jellinghaus 1871:332-333; Santals [water first; Thakar Jiu's servants suggest creating humans; he tells them to summon Malin Budhi, who lives in an underwater cave; she created two human the figures, either made of some divine foam or clay; left them to dry; Singh Sadom (Horse Day) trampled on them; TJ made them again at the request; TJ said that there is bird life above the lintel, and MB should revive figures with human lives to be taken from under the skate beam; but MB couldn't reach it, took bird life, the figures flew to heaven, became birds Has and Hasin; asked TJ to create for them a place they could sit; he created the land, the karam tree on it; the female laid two eggs in a nest under the tree, but Raghop Buar ate them twice; TJ sent Jaher-era to guard them, and the eggs hatched a man and a woman named Pilchu Haram and Pilchu Budhi]: Campbell, 15 ff at Elwin 1949:19-20 (this myth mentions Bodding 1929:155, note 13).
Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangi (batek) [Allah's older brother and younger Ta' Allah descended to earth; A. sculpted a man in the east, TA a woman in the west; named their body parts; figures are inanimate; A. went to Tohan, who lived at sunset, persuaded him to give him the soul of a long life (water life-soul); on the way back he stumbled, dropped, Tohan no longer gave him; I had to take the soul of a short life (wind life-soul) from a banana; humans came to life but became mortal]: Endicott 1979:83-84; (cf. semangs (Kěnta) [thunder Kaei made a clay figure, wrapped it in a mat, left it overnight; in the morning the figure became a girl; Kaei and (his wife) Manoid made the second figure, she became a boy; they got married; they found a flower, a stone in it, a stone became a woman; the woman found a stem, plucked it, it turned into a stone, a stone into a boy; the boy grew up, married a woman; this is the first couple of people]: Schebesta 1931:221); Nias [(by Chatelin 1881:110); man is created from the fruits or buds of a tree that grew from the heart of one of the first ancestors, and gods from buds on top of a tree; Latoere said Barasi- loeloe and Balioe, that the lower fruits are small and belong to him; Balioe agreed on the condition that L. could make people out of them; he could not; then Lowalangi ordered Barasi-loeloe to be made people; he created lifeless figures of a man and a woman; Lowalangi gave Balioe the wind, told them to put the figures in their mouths; if you invest a lot, people will live long, few will die soon; Balioe obeyed the order, gave people names]: Dixon 1916:176; dusun [Kinohoigan and Sinumundu came out of a big stone; K. told S. he was going to create the sun, moon, stars, earth, people and animals, and then left for a while; in S. did everything herself at this time, and when K. returned, she was just sculpting human figures; K. cursed his wife and everything she had created, threw away the clay figures; they broke, the fragments stuck to the sky and became stars; one female figure remained intact and became the moon; S. managed to put two figures aside, they became the ancestors of the dusun]: Staal 1925:941-942; dayaki (ibanas?) [The Nagapousai snake embodies the earth; it had a huge head and tiny body, so it swayed on the waves; Hat-alla sent his servant Praman to find out what N. was complaining about; when he found out what was going on, he descended and connected N.'s head to a larger body, and to protect the snake from the sun, he placed the ground on top; his son Batou Djompa noticed two eggs on the surface of the snake, went down and broke them, and a man came out of them and a woman; they gave birth to 7 sons and 7 daughters, but they were soulless at first; BJ told the man named Soupou to bring 14 souls from the snake; when he left, he told his wife not to go out from under the canopy above her bed ; but she got hot and went swimming; as soon as she lifted the curtain, a thunderstorm broke in and revived the children; therefore, people are mortal; when S. returned, became angry and scattered the children away in pairs; one couple fell into the water and gave birth to the sea god Djata; the rest inhabited the land ("fields") and the air]: Backer 1874:280-281; ngaju [first water, god created the snake Nagapusai; he is unhappy that his the body is too small for his head; Hatala sent his servant Praman to find out what the serpent was complaining about; gave him a huge body, covered him with earth to protect him from the sun; Hatala Batu-Djampa's son (more precisely Ratu Tjampa) saw there are two earthen eggs on the ground, went down, broke them, and a man and a woman appeared, gave birth to seven sons and seven daughters without signs of life; BD gave her husband a porcelain vessel, ordered him to go to the snake for souls for children; when leaving, the husband told his wife not to go out from under the mosquito net at that time; she looked out, a gust of wind revived the bodies; now people are mortal, for their lives is only wind (breath); the husband is angry, drove the children out in pairs; from those who fell into the water comes the water god Djata, from those who fell into the fields, into the forest - the corresponding categories of evil spirits; three couples flew to heaven, settling on three rivers, gave birth to three categories of immortals; the man left the last couple on the ground, people come from them; Hatala gave them everything but rice; his son stole rice, iron, fire, dropped it to people; fire fell on the rocks, including his are mined]: Hupe 1846:138 in Schärer 1966:71-73; ngaju (or bidaya?) [a serpent swam in the primary sea, land was placed on its head, it grew; Ranjing Atalla descended from the sky, found seven eggs; one was a woman, the other was a man, both breathless; RA returned to the upper the world ask the Creator for a breath to revive people; in his absence, the wind god Sangiang Angai came to earth, breathed life into people; RA returned to heaven, became mortal]: Schwaner 1853:177 in Dixon 1916: 169-170, in Fischer 1932:217-218; ngaju: Schärer 1966:68 [at first there is water everywhere, with Naga Bussai snakes in luxurious clothes and jewelry; Hatala threw the ground on his head; Ranjing Mahatala Langit came down, found seven eggs made up of earth; out of five all plants and animals came out, the first two were male and female; he went to the Creator for a breath for them, at which time Sangiang Angoi came out lands, breathed into people, they came to life, but became mortal; RML saw this, took back divine gifts: immortality, eternal youth, the enjoyment of eternal leisure], 68-71 [(according to Schwaner 1853:179; in brief Dixon 1916:160 reference to Hupe 1846:138); there were two trees in the sky, one appeared a growth, broke off under the weight of a bird sitting on it and a second winged creature, fell into the Sangiang River (S. - category of heavenly spirits), the Serpent who lived in it tried to destroy him, but the build-up washed ashore, a woman arose from it, made a boat out of a banyan leaf, sailed along the river to the sea, where she met with a man, caused by waves from a floating log; the first six times she had miscarriages, each became a woman, who gave birth to different gods and spirits from different creatures (the first gave birth to Djangan Hatuen Peres, leader of diseases); the sons Mahadara Sangen and Mahadara Sangiang were born for the seventh time; Sangen took the embryos of plants and animals, descended to the ground; there an egg was born from the marriage of two trees, in it a lifeless female image; Sangen went to heaven for living water; at this time, Angoi breathed wind into the woman, gave her blood from the rain, bones from bamboo (probably); Sangen returned in anger spilled living water, she sprinkled plants; they now grow back cut off, and humans are mortal; he killed A., cut the corpse, and snakes, tigers, and other harmful creatures have emerged from it; from his marriage to that woman humans happen; Sangiang gave birth to many gods, including the guide of souls to the world of the dead, Sangsang Tempon Tellon], 76-77 [(Mallinckrodt 1924); after creating the earth, Mahatara threw a piece of garing wood from the sky on it, at one end of which he carved the figure of a man, on the other a woman; the tree split, the male image fell into the water, the female image fell on land, both came to life, began to live in the boat on which the woman descended to the sea; the first miscarriage fell into the water, turned into evil water spirits, the second to land, into evil terrestrial spirits; the third was wrapped in a banana leaf, left on a tree, it turned into wood spirits; then M. went down, taught a man and a woman marriage customs, the woman gave birth to three sons named Maharadja Sangian, Maharadja Sangen, Maharadja Bunu; the sky was near the ground and served as food; Mahatara gave the first the seeds of all edible plants, the second "floating" iron that kills only for a while, the third "sinking", killing iron; in the end, Mahatara stopped carrying living water to the ground, reviving the dead, the sky moved away from the ground, MB was left alone on earth; made a woman out of clay, Mahatara promised to revive her; at this time angoi (chameleon) offered his services; Mahatara returned with live water, upset, explained that since the figure was revived by a mortal being (chameleon), people will also be mortal; this woman Hantelo Petak ("three times the earth") and MB are descended from people; M.Sangiang and M.Sangen also married, gave birth sangian and sangen air spirits], 144-146 [Lahatala created everything except land and people; Ramjing Pahatara found seven earth eggs, made them the figures of a man and a woman, went to bring them stone breaths and bones; at this time, his wife Andin Bamban came to the spirit of disease Peres (Raats 1970, p.40-41: pe - "good", res - "bad"; associated with the lower world), said that people with stone breath would live forever, the earth will overflow, we must take a breath from the wind, bones from wood, blood from the water; AB agreed, Angoi, Uncle Rangang Tingang, carved the bones out of the tree; when he returned, RP found people alive, from The stone they brought was made only by their hair, teeth and nails; people first hung in the air, RP caught a sea serpent, placed people on it, the serpent became earth; var.: RP poured earth on the snake when it moves, it shakes]; Münsterberger, p. 226-227 in Mabuchi 1969 (no ethnic group listed in the original but probably Oloh Ngaju) [water first; Hatallah created Naga Pasui in the sea; Khatallah's son I saw two "earth-eggs" on naga, went down, smashed them, a man and a woman came out, got married; 7 boys and 7 girls were born, but without a soul; son H. sent her husband for souls for children; he told his wife not peeking out the canopy of the bed; she went swimming, the wind revived the children; therefore, people are mortal; when the father returned, he threw the babies in pairs in pairs, they became different categories of spirits; the last couple gave birth to people; H. gave them fish and poultry, refused to give them rice; son H. stole his rice, gave it to people]: 50; toraja [heavenly father and mother earth created stone figures of man and woman; God went to the sky is behind an immortal breath for them; in its absence, the wind revived them, so humans are mortal]: Kruijt 1906:469 in Dixon 1916:174; the Eastern Toraja [the lower and upper gods came together to make humans; the first pair was made of stone, then made of wood; a spirit named Bamposari pointed to the last defects that were then corrected (calves too flat; belly that was too protruding; inconspicuous women genitals - pieces were cut off from the foreskin of the man, made the labia out of them); after that, Toen Poee-Lamoa went to heaven for a "long breath" for people; in his absence, Kombengi ("night") took figures to the top of the mountain, where they were revived by the wind; this is how people got a "short breath"; so people are mortal]: Adriani, Kruyt 1951, No. 5:7; loda (Halmahera) [the messenger of the supreme deity made from clay images of people, returned to heaven to receive souls from God for them; in his absence, the Devil (O ibilisi) broke the images; so twice; the third time the messenger made two dogs out of the Devil's bowel movements, a female and a male dog, told them to drive away the Devil; he would disgust them, for they were made of his feces; when the messenger brought souls for the third time, the dogs replied that they had driven away the Devil; messenger put my heart into figures, they came to life, became man and woman]: Baarda 1904, No. 13:442-444 (French translation and comm. Platenkamp 2005:128).
Taiwan - Philippines. Bukidnon [creator (Harita mga) Magbabaya descended from seventh heaven to earth, made the bodies of the first people out of clay; before breathing soul into them, he went to heaven for a hard surface for bodies; at this time, his brother Mangilala rose from the seventh underworld, breathed soul into the creations; Magbabaya was only able to cover people's nails with a hard layer, the skin remained tender and fragile]: Eugenio 1994, no. 179:302-303; Manama [Manama created the world, asked Diwata Panayangan to cover the rocks with soil; he sent bees and wasps, they found soil in (underground?) the world of Ogassi, brought it; M. created mountains, sea, rivers; sculpted human figures out of the ground; due to O.'s intervention, some nostrils were open upwards, they drowned in the rain; M. went to look how to breathe life into figures; at this time O. breathed life into them using knotty abaca fibers; therefore, human life is short]: Eugenio 1994, No. 184:310.
China - Korea. The fox [two deities decided to sculpt the figures of a man and a woman; after finishing it, they went to bed; in the morning they found that the figures were broken; the same the next day; then they found the spirit of the earth; he broke figures, because the deities took what belongs to them without asking; the deities promised to return everything in 60 years; those who have lived less or longer are punished for their sins or rewarded for virtues]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:157-158.
The Balkans. Bulgarians [God created Adam from the ground. Then the devil came and made 41 holes in the man's body with his fingers. When the Lord saw this, he covered 40 holes with herbs (they have since become healing) and left one open. When a person dies, a soul flies out through him, so they say that there are medicinal herbs for all diseases, but death cannot be cured]: K. Rangochev, personal report, 2005.
Central Europe. Russian written tradition: Afanasiev 1994 (3) (apocryphal Scroll of Divine Books) [The Lord, who created the body of the first man, "will go to heaven for Adam's soul; Satan does not know that create for him, and I will rub Adam's body with my finger. And the Lord will come to his creation, and the form of Adam's body and say: about the devil! What did you do? The devil answered: Lord! This man will forget you; (but) he still has something that hurts, then he will remember the Lord. And the Lord turn (illness) Adam inside, and therefore Satan create a disease in every man; whoever hurts will breathe about the Lord: have mercy on ma! "] : 61; Afanasiev 1994 (3) ("The Legend How God Created Adam") [God created the first man in eight parts, "and go to Imati's eyes from the sun and leave Adam lying alone on earth. But Satan, cursed, will come to Adam and smear him with feces and tinn and ages. And the Lord will come to Adam and put your eyes on the sun, and the sight of his husband is smeared, and the Lord is angry with the devil and began to say: Cursed to the devil! Can't you die? What did you do for this man's dirty trick - his smear? and damn you wake up! And the devil will disappear like lightning, through the earth from the face of the Lord. But the Lord will take Satan's dirty tricks off him and mix him with Adam's tears, and in that create a dog, put up a dog and lead Adam's streaks; and he himself will go to mountainous Jerusalem by Adamlevo's breath. And Satan will come second and rise to Adam, let evil filth, and see a dog lying at Adamlev's feet, and Satan, afraid of Velmi. The dog began to bark evil at the devil; but the cursed Satan took the tree and the leaf of all Adam's man, and gave him 70 ailments"; God had mercy on Adam, drove Satan away, and turned all ailments inside human body]: 61-62; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Shenkursky district) [snot and drooling are given to man at Satan's request by a dog that received hair on her body as a reward]: Efimenko 1874:189; Russians (Kostroma) [God left a woman called Baka, to protect the soul of the deceased; the devil came when it was very cold, promised her a fur coat that was not hot in summer and not cold in winter; for this she let the devil come to her soul and he took her away; God returned and punished a woman, made a dog; she is not allowed to enter church]: Andronikov 1909:19-20; Russians (Orlovskaya) [God created Adam and Evga, let them live in paradise, left the clean Dog to guard paradise from the evil one; he gave the Dog a piece of bread, she missed it, he spat on A. and E. from head to toe; God turned A. and E. inside out, so the saliva is filthy; made the dog an unclean beast, it is naked in its hair, and clean in her gut, it's not a dog's name, but a dog]: Vlasova 1986, No. 41:38; Russians (Novgorod, Pskov, Vologda, Vyatskaya, Smolenskaya, Yaroslavskaya, Penza, Tambov) [God created the body man, walked away, leaving the dog, which was then without hair, to guard him; Satan, having let the cold in, seduces the dog with warm hair to let him near the man; spat on man; God twisted a person inside out unclean inside]: Kuznetsova 1998:99, 160; Russians: Vlasova 1986, No. 41 (Oryol Gubernia) [God created Adam and Evga, let them live in paradise, left the clean Dog to guard paradise from the evil one; he gave the Dog a piece of bread, she missed it, he spat on A. and E. from head to toe; God turned A. and E. inside out, so the saliva is filthy; made the dog an unclean animal, it is naked by its hair, but clean in its gut, it's not called a dog, but a dog]: 38; Morokhov 1998, No. 457 [God created man, the Devil smeared him with snot and mud; God removed the dirt, made it a dog, ordered him to protect man; the devil was frightened of her and left; (zap. E.T. Solovyov in 1874 in Kazan Gubernia)]: 427; Ukrainians: P.I. [Vanov] 1892 [God made a man out of clay, left the dog to guard, flew to heaven for his soul; the devil let the dog cold go, gave the dog a warm one a fur coat so that she could miss it; spat on a man; God turned the man inside out, then blew his soul]: 89-90; Kuznetsova 1998 (Kharkiv) [God created the human body, walked away, leaving the dog, which was then without hair, guard him; Satan, having let the cold in, seduces the dog with warm hair to let him approach the man; spat on man; God turned man inside out unclean]: 99, 160; Belarusians [God made a man, walked away, told the dog to guard; Damn it cold, gave the dog a fur coat, for which she let him go; therefore, the dog is not allowed to go to church, and the cat is left to catch mice; Satan spat on man, God turned man inside out]: Dobrovolsky 1891, No. 9:230-231.
Baltoscandia. Estonians [after creating man, God left him to dry; man's devil has come and stuck from all sides, so a person's body is tender and feels pain easily]: Eisen 1926:197 in Masing 1998:64; set [after God created man, hell came and spat on him, so God had to turn man inside out]: Eisen 1926:100 in Masing 1998:64; Lithuanians [Damn spit/pierced a person sculpted by himself/by God; that's why people get sick]: Kerbelite 2001:76.
Iran - Central Asia. Kalashi [when God created the first humans, hell encouraged horses to trample Adam and his comrades; however, human bodies became more and more beautiful; God wanted to give them souls; hell persuaded souls to refuse to move into the dark depths of the human body; God was forced to promise to free souls as soon as they wanted to]: Yettmar 1986:359; kho [before it was created man, the world was inhabited by horses; their efforts to trample Adam's clay-made body (their hoof mark is the navel) were in vain thanks to a sensitive dog that has been guarding man since then as his loved one friend; the clay stuck to the finger of a human figure has become a falcon, which is why it always returns to this place]: Yettmar 1986:444.
Volga - Perm. Komi; Udmurts; Marie; Mordovians; Chuvash; Komi-Zyrians [in the darkness, two pigeons called each other brothers; the first found land, the second found mud; land gathered for land, tina blossomed; the first pigeon was Yong, the second was Mistletoe; everything E. created during the day, O. spoiled the person at night; spoiled the man by smearing him with his own saliva, but could not deprive man ability to speak]: Nalimov 1903, No. 1:80.
Turkestan. Kazakhs ("Siberian Kyrgyz") ["Akmola Regional Gazette, 1890; God created the human body from clay, followed his soul, leaving the dog as a guard; Damn, the dog did not let him in; C. let the cold go, the dog disappeared, C. spat on man (hence sins, torments, illnesses); God returned, put his soul into it, scolded the Devil, left diseases and sins because they are necessary; he rewarded the dog with a warm fur coat ]: Ivanovsky, 1891:250.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chulym Turks [water is everywhere, loon is swimming; God: what do you eat? - Earth. - Where is it? - Underwater. - Get it, thank you. Loon brought the earth three times, it turned out to be a cake, God lay down on it; the devil grabbed his leg and threw it into the water; God was on land, a lot of land was formed; the devil grabbed the sleeping God by the legs, pulled him into the water, and the earth expands; dragged until it was dry all around; hell asked for half the earth; God refused; well, at least stick the stake; God allowed, damn stuck the stake and took out mosquitoes, midges; God plugged the hole; did dog; made a man; went after his soul, told the dog to protect the man; the devil asked to miss: I'll feed and shower it with black hair; the dog missed; the devil pierced the navel and did not care; God told the dog serve a person; since then, people have been ill]: Lukina 2004, No. 5.1:97-98; Altaians; Teleuts [(Western missionary you. Postnikov in d. Myyuta, whose population was formed mainly from Bachat migrant teleuts - see below. Potanin 1883:130, note 2; Funk 2004:9); there was only water; Ulgen went down to create the earth; Yerlik volunteered to dive, brought earth from the bottom in his mouth; W. made the earth, it was all from turf; There was a little land left between E.'s teeth; he spit it it out, a hummocked swampy place formed; W. scolded him; he asked for as much land as the end of his stick took; he fell into that the place he asked for; the swallow brought turf in his beak; W. scattered it; made the forest and everything on earth; created the human body from earth, bones from stones; a dog without hair; went to look for a soul for man, left the dog as a watchman; E. appeared, promised to give the dog hair and soul to the man; the dog ate E.'s excrement, overgrown with hair; E. put a pipe in the man's ass, blew, thereby reviving him; W. came, I wondered whether to exterminate people; the Frog persuaded them to leave them as they are]: Potanin 1883, No. 46a: 218-220; Kumandins; Shors; Tubals; Khakas: Katanov 1963 [first was the duck; having made another friend, sent her to the bottom of the river for sand; she brings it three times and gives it to the first; the third time she left some of the sand in her mouth, this part became stones; the first duck scattered the sand, crushed for nine days, the earth grew; mountains grew after the messenger duck spit stones out of her mouth; because of this, the former refuses to give her land; agrees to give land the size of a cane; messenger pierces a hole in the ground, goes into it; the remainder sends the swallow for the human soul, telling the dog to watch and bark at Erlik Khan; E. created winter, gave the dog a fur coat, spat on man; God poured on man's soul, made him a wife out of a rib; ordered him to eat red currants at sunrise, but not at sunset; the wife ate; a woman with a child and a mare with a foal eat grass, the woman is over seven a hill, a mare in one; God decided that if people eat grass, they will eat it all; see motive D13]: 155-156; Mindibayeva et al. 2016, No. 1 (Kachins) [a naked man lived on earth without a soul; Thin went for his soul, he put a naked dog to the man; when he left, Irlik Khan came, the dog did not let him in; he covered it with hair, she let him go to the man; Irlik Khan spat on the man; Khudai returned, failed cleanse the man, turned him inside out, drooling was inside; Thin breathed soul into the man; then I. began to ask X. for land; he does not give; for I. to fall behind, H. gave land to stick a stake; I. stake pulled it out, the snakes crept out of this place; so snakes and other reptile worms spread; giving soul, H. made man a herbivore; let a mare with a foal and a woman with a child into the steppe; the mare pinched the tops of the grasses, and the woman ate the grass along with the ground; H. sees: after a woman, even the grass will not grow; then H. made the man eat wheat; the ear grew from the very root; the woman baked bread, the child got dirty; she wiped it off with pancake pancakes; H. began to cut off his ear, but the dog howled what it would eat; H. felt sorry for her, left the tip of the ear - the dog's share; the man knew the time of death; one should have die in the fall, began to make a grass hedge - enough for his life; H. decided that this way a person would drink everything, he would leave nothing to the children; made it so that now a person does not know about the time of his death; Irlik- Khan sent a mosquito the size of a bull to the ground to find out whose blood tasted better; it turned out that a person had a mosquito; the mosquito sat down to rest, the swallow asked to show his tongue, tore it off; the mosquito tried to grab it, but only tore off part of his tail, now it is split; the mosquito flew underground, but could not tell Irlik Khan anything; he got angry, hit him, told him to become a thousand mosquitoes; this is how mosquitoes appeared]: 77-81; Sagalaev 1992:39 in Bhutan 2003 [Ah-Khudai created a human body out of clay, but did not know where to find a soul; went to his younger brother Irlik Khan, who played khomys; without noticing the presence of AH, he sang: Even if he and smart, but I didn't have enough thought. Can't you take a person's soul from the breeze coming from a water source coming out of the ground?" ; hearing the hint, AH went for his soul, instructing the dog and cat to guard the creation; the dog was without hair; I. came up, the dog did not let him in; I. created frost, promised the dog a fur coat, the dog agreed show him a man; the dog ordered not to touch the person with his hands and I. did not touch it, but spit on the person; the cat began to lick mucus, and the dog to cover the person with its body; since then, the cat's mouth has been dirty , and the coat is clean, it can be ironed, and the dog's mouth is clean, but the coat is dirty; AH came back, turned the man inside out, the mucus remained inside in the form of saliva and snot; the dog was set to serve man and depend on it]: 110-111; Tofalars; Buryats; Mongols (Khalkha, Inner Mongolia).
Western Siberia. Tundra and Forest Nenets; Mansi; Eastern Khanty; Southern Selkups; Mansi [Yoli-Torum-Xian (Earth Mother, Older Sister of Num-Torum; aka Kaltas-ekva) tells Krylataya Kalm (God's messenger, daughter of Torum) to ask her father to make people; he promised, but others must revive people; ordered Topal-Oike to make people; he cut seven figures out of larch; Hul-Otyr sculpted seven from clay; T.-O. agreed to change with him because H.-O. would revive the figures; H.-O. took the wooden ones to T., he blew, they scattered, T .-o. failed to catch them; took the clay ones to K.-E., who revived them, telling him not to watch (so men can't see childbirth); because people are made of clay, their eyelids are short, they drown in water, sweat because of the heat speaks; larch people would be stronger and would not drown in water; H.-O.'s creations should have become menquas (apparently, they were larch people)]: Lukina 1990, No. 113A: 298-299 (similar version in Chernetsov 1935:26-28); Mansi (Losva) [Num-Torum made people by mixing clay with snow, covered the bodies with a hard shell; went after his soul; at this time Shul-Atyr spoiled the figures, the shell remained only on nails; that's why people get sick]: Munkácsi 1908:228; Mansi (Upper Sosva) [started like Lukina; old man Tapel carved seven figures out of larch; Shul-Atyr made his own out of clay; suggested to change, he agreed; SHO's wooden men became menquas; only Mother Earth (the creator's sister) was able to revive clay; therefore, even now men are not present at childbirth; humans easily break limbs; if humans were made of wood, they would be strong, they would not sink]: Munkácsi 1908:228-230; Nganasans: Long 1976, No. 1 [earth first - bare ice; first man all white finds the first woman; she says she gave birth to worms, birds, all living things; they gave birth to a blade of grass, which gradually covered the icy ground with grass; the man fears that "something is flying" will destroy the child, the earth will not grow; they give birth to a second child, this is a hornless deer; the flying man has appeared, this is a horned deer, defeated the hornless; he asked the White Man to give him horns; the father made one horn stone, another mammoth bone; the son of the White Man defeated the enemy, he left; the earth became big; many flying flew in, the son of the White Man defeated everyone; White man and woman gave birth to many people; the son of the White Man asks to clean his horns; the cleaning of the stone horn strengthened the earth with stones, it was soft, moved; cleaning the mammoth horn became mammoth bone; the mouse asks for help, her all they are overcoming; the son of the White Man threw his stone horn, clouds became out of it, it snowed; the mouse wants a long winter not to be found under the snow; so it was; the mammoth horn threw it up - it was frost, I see; thunder - stones are knocking above, lightning is sparks from stones]: 39-44; Popov 1984 [a white man lived in the ice plague; a woman who gave people eyes had a child with a twig with one leaf; the woman gave it, the man planted it, watched it grow; the disease came and messed up; the man asked the woman for her second child to guard the first; this is a hornless deer, he asks his father to give him horns to fight worms and reptiles; got one horn from mammoth bone, the other from stone, destroyed reptiles; the horn peel turned into underground mammoths, iron, copper; the branches of the northern horn into the northern red cloud and the aurora; the southern one in the thundercloud and the snow cloud; people live on the back of this deer; the white old man is Syrade Nguo; the mother of the plant and the deer is Nema Nguo]: 42-43.
Eastern Siberia. Yakuts; Western Evenks (Ilimpic, Chirinda, 2007) [A long time ago, a dog knew how to speak like a human being; God made men and women out of clay, sprayed them with special water - they came to life; one day he went to get water, ordered the dog to protect people; the dog told the evil spirit (hargi), who spat on people's faces; when God found out, he became angry with the dog and said that from now on it would eat scraps and become dumb; if an evil spirit hadn't spit on people, they would not die]: Duvakin 2013; Western Evenks (b. Katanga); Cyrene Evenks; Baikal Evenks (northern Transbaikalia, 1951) [water is all around; in the upper world, two brothers are discussing how to make land; the eldest had a duck; the youngest let it go get sand from the bottom of Lake Baikal; the duck brought sand, the youngest put a leaf on the water and the ground {sand} on top; the wind blew, the leaf crumpled, mountains appeared; the youngest made a dog and a man, covered the whole man shell - strong; put the man in one barn, the dog in another; went to make rivers, told the dog not to give the keys to his older brother; he came and promised the dog warm, colorful skin; she opened barn; the older brother ripped off the man's shell, left only his fingernails; the younger brother returned, punished the dog, depriving him of the ability to speak]: Pinegina 2019:70-71; Baikal Evenks (north Transbaikalia) [God created a man, a woman and a dog, put him in a storage shed, told no one to lower the stairs, left; avaasi asked for a ladder, the dog took pity and lowered it; avaasi got up, spat man and woman, ripped off the dog's skin and put it on; when God returned, he left the dog speechless and told him to bark; people ripped off their spit on and wrapped them inside; avaasi drooling causes diseases]: Pinegina 2019:166-167; Baikal Evenks (Olekminsky) [the elder brother made insects on the lower ground, the youngest lived on the upper ground; made people; locking them with a key in the barn, left the Dog to guard; the eldest bribed the Dog with woolen clothes, went into the barn, blew on people; the youngest came, saw that people were sick; told them to become bloody, people recovered; told the dog to be with the man, eat from him hunting prey]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 32:31; Evenki Orochons; Evens; (cf. Western Evenks (Turin) [hazel grouse was a giant; Heaveki made people; hazel grouse fluttered, frightened H. ; he was making a man at that time; in fear he dropped the image on the ground; when the statue fell, his elder brother H. smeared him with a nozzle, said, Let them drool, snot, take up diseases; X. got angry with hazel grouse, divided its meat between other birds; if hazel grouse hadn't frightened H., people would not fall or die]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 33:32 (=1959:178).
Amur-Sakhalin. Negidals; Orochi.
SV Asia. Russian Mouth [human bodies were prepared; Christ went to heart, left the dog without hair as a watchman; Satanael promised her wool, for which she missed it, he spat on the bodies ; Christ returned, put his heart into it, said that now people would be sick; the dog would be beaten, would live in the cold]: Azbelev, Meshchersky 1986, No. 76:214; Yukaghirs (forest, p. The ridiculous Verkhnekolymsky ulus of Yakutia) [Christ decided to create people; made a temple; left, collected what was necessary to make people; locked the temple, and gave the key to the guard dog; when Christ flew away, hell came to the dog; asked for keys again, this time he brought food that made the dog drool; she forgot everything, ran and lost her keys; the hell took them and while the dog was eating, spit and grumbled at people; Christ came, scolded the dog and told it to climb the garbage; then he cleaned people, cleaned some completely, some were left with mud (they are now bad character)]: Zhukova, Prokopyeva 1991, No. 3:146-147.