Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H43. One creates the soul, the other one creates the body.


One character creates people's bodies and the other makes them come to life.

Yoruba, Malgashi, Lushi, Meitei, Toto, Rabha, Barela-Bhilala, Santals, Semangi, Nias, Ngaju, Toraja, Tboli, Bukidnon, Manuva, Serbs, Macedonians, Romanians, Russians (Tambov, Penza), Ukrainians, Balkarians, Mordovians, Altaians, Teleuts, Shors, Mongols (Khalkha), Nenets, Mansi, (Eastern Khanty), Negidals.

West Africa. Yoruba [The creator of Ol-orun trusted the Great God Orisha Nla to mold people's bodies out of the ground, but he brought them back to life; HE was jealous, hid for the night where the figures were to learn how to bring them to life; O. knew it, HE sedated it; O. still puts his souls into; HE only sculpts bodies that can be seen if HE is dissatisfied]: Parrinder 1967:20-21; Jukun [Earth-Ama sits in front of Chido sky/sun and sculpts people like a potter vessels; C. puts his soul into them]: Meek 1931:178-190.

Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi (Betsimisaraka): Abrahamsson 1951:115-116 [Earth-Ratany made a human figure out of wood, asked Nebo-Ralanitra to revive it; after a while R. sent the son of the gods for human; B. agreed to give only the soul, and let the body remain on Earth], 116 [1) the first couple made human figures out of wood and clay; Zanahary's son agreed to revive them, but did not receive payment; therefore, she takes her soul, but the ashes remain; 2) the daughter of heaven Zanahari married earthly Z. (the first man); they made human figures; the wife breathed soul into them; the couple divorced, each took theirs; 3) six Zanahari created the sky to have a place to live; the first three also created the earth to walk; one of them, Ratsivalanorama, was sent to live on earth, but he decided to live in the depths of the earth; created a man and a woman out of clay, could not revive; he was visited by heavenly Z., he asked to revive figures; they agreed, asked him to make birds and animals as well; they dropped a grain of rice, the rice was only in the sky, R. grew it now on earth for people; envious, the heavenly Z. sent it to earth misfortune and death; R. told people he would keep at least what he had done - bodies], 116-117 (prov. Vohémar) [earthly Zanahary made figures of humans and animals out of clay; heavenly Z. made the sun, received animals and birds in exchange; but wanted women, he revived figures in payment for them; but earthly demanded more and people's ability to reproduce.; earthly and heavenly quarreled, heavenly trying to harm, take life]; malgashi (Betsileo) [Andriamanitra created flesh and form, Andriananahary - bones and blood, Ingahina - breathed life into the first human couple; people were told to call on all three gods for help, but they forgot about I., he began to take his gift - life]: Abrahamsson 1951:117; Antanala [Raondiana's first man made figures out of wood and clay, Zanajanahary breathed life into them; they quarreled over who owns the creation, Z. began to take away his gift]: Abrahamsson 1951: 117; Malgashi (Antaimoro): Abrahamsson 1951:117-118 [son of heaven Zanahary came to earth where Matiaho and Irira made human figures; promised to revive them if he got half; went to heaven to his father for blood and life, revived; people began to multiply on their own; son Z. came for his share, but M. asked to wait because I. went somewhere; next time both disappeared; Z. advised his son take away his gift], 118 [the lord of the earth Rahorohoro made human figures; the daughter of the god of heaven put blood and life into them; asked R. to allow him to try (taste) man, R. refused; began to kill people taking the soul and giving R. the body]; the Malgashi (Bara) [1) God came together with the Earth, they have a child; God refused to perform a legal marriage ceremony, so the Earth kept the child for himself; they got into a fight, God metal stones into the Earth, the Earth settled, the child died; God gave the Earth his body, took his soul; 2) God and Earth got married; decided to divide the rights to the inhabitants of the earth, God takes his breath, Earth takes their bodies; 3) Ndriyanakatakati revived a person on the condition that he would receive a gift from the person who owned the person Ikutuvului; he did not pay, so N. began to take his soul and I.'s body]: Abrahamsson 1951:118; malgashi ( Sakalava) [Zanahart created empty land, returned to heaven; Ratovoantany came out of the earth, sculpted figures of humans and animals out of clay; Z. agreed to revive them, but wanted to take them to heaven; argued with R. agreed that he would take souls and R. would leave their bodies; man dies like wood because he is made of wood]: Abrahamsson 1951:118-119; Malgashi (Sihanaka) [the first man and woman on earth did a boy and a girl made of clay; the woman could not revive them, asked Zanahary; he revived them, the children grew up, got married; Z. came for a reward, the elderly spouses did not give it, he killed them; so did the young; has been killing people ever since]: Abrahamsson 1951:119; malgashi [Earth was God's daughter; playing, made human figures out of clay, God revived them; people multiplied, Earth flourished; God out of envy demanded half of the people, Earth refused; then God began to take their breath away]: Parrinder 1967:59; malgashi [Zatuvu, who had only half the body (vertically), was not created by Zanahari, but grew out of the ground like a plant; he had zebu and sheep that did not eat Zanahari's grass; Zatuvu lit a fire, Zanahari sent an ambassador to find out what was going on, got angry, rained; this is how the seas and lakes appeared ; Zanatuva created a mountain, sat in a cave; Zanahari tells Zatuva to determine who is the cow, who is the heifer (the mother is mooing), where the stick is (threw it, it stuck at the lower end); Zanahari's daughter went to get water, saw Zatuva's reflection, decided that she was her own, upset; next time Zatuva became a fat man, married Zanahari's daughter; made clay figures of people and animals, could not revive them; Zanahari revived them, people ate everything, hunger came; Zatuva recognized Zanahari's superiority, who sent rain and rice; made women give birth; allowed Zatuva to take the bodies of the dead, hide them in the land where he grew up from]: Korneev 1962:70-74.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Best: Singh 1985:170 [After the creation of the world, the Lord commissioned Ashiba to create humans; he created fish, frogs, and monkeys; the Master is dissatisfied every time; showed A. his reflection and ordered him to do it people according to this pattern; he did so, but he could not revive creation; the Lord himself breathed life into it], 172 [Atiya Shidaba extracted the deity Kodin from his own body; ordered him to create a mortal man ; he created 7 monkeys and 7 frogs, but ASH was dissatisfied; let man be created in his image or shadow; then K. created man modeled on the shadow of the heavenly god, but could not revive him; he did an immortal heavenly god, and previously created creatures were sent to the water or forest]; meitei [when Sanamahi grew up, Salailel (Atiya Shidaba) commissioned him to create humans by order Lords of the Universe; Salaile showed Sanamahi what he did but didn't like it, he called it fish and let it go into the water; same with several other attempts; finally, Salaile created a man in his likeness; Salailel breathed life into him and decided that due to the circumstances of his creation, man would be mortal]: Singh 1985:170-171; toto [Itpsa descended from heaven, did man and animals and returned to heaven for a stone soul for people to make them immortal; he forgot to remove the staircase (i.e. a log with notches) leading to the room where the figures were located; Pidua (his brother, owner of the forest and spirits) climbed there, sprinkled water on the heads of humans and animals, they came to life; when he saw I., P. ran into the forest; I. threw stone life into the sky and its parts became stars]: Majumdar 1991, No. 3 : 207-208; rabha (northern Bengal) [Thakur created man and animals; followed the iron soul of immortality, forgetting to remove the stairs; his wife and her younger sister climbed the stairs into the room to see T.'s creations; they brought water and sprinkled it on the bodies of people and animals; they came to life, began to dance and sing; thus, living beings missed the opportunity for immortality]: Majumdar 1991:84.

South Asia. Santala: Abbi 2015 [At first only darkness; voice from darkness: is anyone there? another, one of the voices was female; then another; Thakur Jiv (TJ), Thakuraiin Gogo, Saru, Baru, Jiva and Jangar were created, they were all waiting for the light to come out; Thakuraiin Gogo (TG) created Siny Chando and then it was light; but now everyone is waiting for it to be dark; TG created Yinda Chando and darkness is back, darkness and light alternate; Siny means "day" and Yinda means "light"; in TJ's hands, the rest they saw a clay vessel; it blew on it, the clay blurred in the water and the universe drowned; this ocean was Jalaapuri; TG came to the Kolelavka place (in the shape of a boat) to swim; she sculpted mud washed away from her body a human figure and left {two figures?} ; the horse came to drink, trampled on the figure; TG sculpted a new one, but it turned out to be less perfect; asked TJ to revive it; the figure came to life, but in the form of a pair of Hans-Haansil (XX) birds; that's why that TG was doing it in a hurry; XX asked TJ to give them shelter and food; he created a tree in the middle of the water and the birds began to live on it; foam produced by the horse floating on the water, and hair that fell into the water TG gave birth to Saaraanpuri; TG and TJ came to live there; but some of the foam and hair remained in Jaalaapuri and moss appeared there, a plant and grass grew on it, XX made a nest in the grass; from two eggs laid Two figures hatched - the same as TG sculpted and trampled on the horse; when they saw that the figures did not look like them, the parent birds flew away; TJ created a cow and she began to feed everyone with milk; created people named Pilchu HaAram and Pilchu BuraHii; TJ created Marang Buru and he began to hiccup whoever could bring earth from the bottom; (9 creatures are named, but only in santali); Radho BoVar reached the bottom, collected clay in his mouth and I put it on my back, but the water washed everything away; the same with the others; only Kacchim Kuwari and Raaymaat Len om brought (from the bottom) the land and the land was created; TJ created the bull and sent it to the ground; with his help Marang Buru leveled the ground; the first two people were brought to the ground and they began to live there]; Campbell, 15 ff in Elwin 1949 [water first; Thakar Jiu's servants suggest creating humans; he tells them to call Malin Budhi, who lives in an underwater cave; she created two human figures, either from some divine foam or clay; left them to dry; Singh Sadom (Horse Day) trampled on them; at TJ's request, made again; TJ said that there is bird life above the lintel, and MB should revive the figures with human lives to be taken from under the ridge beam; but MB could not reach it, took bird life, the figures flew to sky, became birds Has and Hasin; asked TJ to create a place for them to sit; he created land, a karam tree on it; the female laid two eggs in a nest under the tree, but Raghop Buar twice ate them; TJ sent Jaher-era to guard them, and the eggs hatched a man and woman named Pilchu Haram and Pilchu Budhi]: 19-20 (this myth mentions Bodding 1929:155, note 13); Shrestha 2019 [first water, above it Thakur and his servant Jahereda; Malinburi lived under water; T. told her to make two human figures; she sculpted them from clay, brought it to the bottom of the sea, put them to dry in the sun; Sinsadom's horse flew in, smashed the figures with flaps of its wings; M. made new figures, asked T. to revive them; T. sent her for souls, but M. brought not human souls, but bird souls; T. breathed into them life and they flew to heaven; these are the first swans, Hans and Hansini; they have no place to sit, there is water everywhere; they asked T. to give them a place to live; Solehako fish, Katcom cancer, and Lenden worm lived in the water; S. and K. could not lift the ground; L. threw bits of land to the surface, but they sank back to the bottom; T. called Kachik the turtle, told it to lie motionless on the water; L. began to throw the earth on turtle shell, an island was formed; T. grew a Kadam tree and Syrom grass there; Hansa and Hansini built a nest of grass; Hansiner laid two eggs, Raghopabu's beast ate them; T. sent his servant J. protect eggs; a boy and a girl hatched from them; the children grew up, T. created a cow and two calves for them; taught the young man to make a plow and plow the land, he started farming; Maranburu (big mountain) was guardian of a young man and a girl; taught them how to make an intoxicating drink; they got drunk and got together; M. told them not to worry, let them be husband and wife; they have 7 sons and 7 daughters; they quarreled and began to live in different localities; the father took his sons with him and the mother of his daughters; girls and boys met, began to live in pairs; their parents also reconciled and came to live with them; 7 clans went from 7 brothers and sisters]: 567 -570; barela-bhilala [Mrs. Velubai made human figures out of clay, left them in the sand; Ruma Dhuma Gorole, the heavenly queen of Sovriya eagles, cut off the heads of the figures; so twice; Dongri Ravot RDH compartment head with his 12-edged dagger; Mrs. W. complains that people do not come to life; supreme god Bhulu Bhogwan breathed breath into them]: Kapp 1977:46.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs [Kari created everything, but Ple created the earth; P. created humans and K. put his soul into them]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:213; dayaki (ibanas?) [The Nagapousai snake embodies the earth; it had a huge head and tiny body, so it swayed on the waves; Hat-alla sent his servant Praman to find out what N. was complaining about; when he found out what was going on, he descended and connected N.'s head to a larger body, and to protect the snake from the sun, he placed the ground on top; his son Batou Djompa noticed two eggs on the surface of the snake, went down and broke them, and a man came out of them and a woman; they gave birth to 7 sons and 7 daughters, but they were soulless at first; BJ told the man named Soupou to bring 14 souls from the snake; when he left, he told his wife not to go out from under the canopy above her bed ; but she got hot and went swimming; as soon as she lifted the curtain, a thunderstorm broke in and revived the children; therefore, people are mortal; when S. returned, became angry and scattered the children away in pairs; one couple fell into the water and gave birth to the sea god Djata; the rest inhabited the land ("fields") and the air]: Backer 1874:280-281; ngaju [first water, god created the snake Nagapusai; he is unhappy that his the body is too small for his head; Hatala sent his servant Praman to find out what the serpent was complaining about; gave him a huge body, covered him with earth to protect him from the sun; Hatala Batu-Djampa's son (more precisely Ratu Tjampa) saw there are two earthen eggs on the ground, went down, broke them, and a man and a woman appeared, gave birth to seven sons and seven daughters without signs of life; BD gave her husband a porcelain vessel, ordered him to go to the snake for souls for children; when leaving, the husband told his wife not to go out from under the mosquito net; she looked out, a gust of wind revived the bodies; now people are mortal, for their lives are only wind (breath); the husband is angry, drove the children out in pairs; from those who fell into the water comes the water god Djata, from those who fell into the fields, into the forest - the corresponding categories of evil spirits; three couples flew to heaven, settling on three rivers, gave birth to three categories of immortals; the man left the last couple on the ground, people come from them; Hatala gave them everything but rice; his son stole rice, iron, fire, dropped it to people; fire fell on the rocks, including his are mined]: Hupe 1846:138 in Schärer 1966:71-73; ngaju (or bidayu?) [a serpent swam in the primary sea, land was placed on its head, it grew; Ranjing Atalla descended from the sky, found seven eggs; one was a woman, the other was a man, both breathless; RA returned to the upper sea the world ask the Creator for a breath to revive people; in his absence, the wind god Sangiang Angai came to earth, breathed life into people; RA returned to heaven, became mortal]: Schwaner 1853:177 in Dixon 1916: 169-170, in Fischer 1932:217-218; ngaju: Schärer 1966:68 [at first there is water everywhere, with Naga Bussai snakes in luxurious clothes and jewelry; Hatala threw the ground on his head; Ranjing Mahatala Langit came down, found seven eggs made up of earth; out of five all plants and animals came out, the first two were male and female; he went to the Creator for a breath for them, at which time Sangiang Angoi came out of lands, breathed into people, they came to life, but became mortal; RML saw this, took back divine gifts: immortality, eternal youth, the enjoyment of eternal leisure], 68-71 [(according to Schwaner 1853:179; in brief Dixon 1916:160 reference to Hupe 1846:138); there were two trees in the sky, one appeared a growth, broke off under the weight of a bird sitting on it and a second winged creature, fell into the Sangiang River (S. - category of heavenly spirits), the Serpent who lived in it tried to destroy him, but the build-up washed ashore, a woman arose from it, made a boat out of a banyan leaf, sailed along the river to the sea, where she met with a man, caused by waves from a floating log; the first six times she had miscarriages, each became a woman, who gave birth to different gods and spirits from different creatures (the first gave birth to Djangan Hatuen Peres, leader of diseases); the sons Mahadara Sangen and Mahadara Sangiang were born for the seventh time; Sangen took the embryos of plants and animals, descended to the ground; there an egg was born from the marriage of two trees, in it a lifeless female image; Sangen went to heaven for living water; at this time, Angoi breathed wind into the woman, gave her blood from the rain, bones from bamboo (probably); Sangen returned in anger spilled living water, she sprinkled plants; they now grow back cut off, and humans are mortal; he killed A., cut the corpse, and snakes, tigers, and other harmful creatures have emerged from it; from his marriage to that woman humans happen; Sangiang gave birth to many gods, including the guide of souls to the world of the dead, Sangsang Tempon Tellon], 76-77 [(Mallinckrodt 1924); after creating the earth, Mahatara threw a piece of garing wood from the sky on it, at one end of which he carved the figure of a man, on the other a woman; the tree split, the male image fell into the water, the female image fell on land, both came to life, began to live in the boat on which the woman descended to the sea; the first miscarriage fell into the water, turned into evil water spirits, the second to land, into evil terrestrial spirits; the third was wrapped in a banana leaf, left on a tree, it turned into wood spirits; then M. went down, taught a man and a woman marriage customs, the woman gave birth to three sons named Maharadja Sangian, Maharadja Sangen, Maharadja Bunu; the sky was near the ground and served as food; Mahatara gave the first the seeds of all edible plants, the second "floating" iron that kills only for a while, the third "sinking", killing iron; in the end, Mahatara stopped carrying living water to the ground, reviving the dead, the sky moved away from the ground, MB was left alone on earth; made a woman out of clay, Mahatara promised to revive her; at this time angoi (chameleon) offered his services; Mahatara returned with live water, upset, explained that since the figure was revived by a mortal being (chameleon), people will also be mortal; this woman Hantelo Petak ("three times the earth") and MB are descended from people; M.Sangiang M.Sangen also married, gave birth sangian and sangen air spirits], 144-146 [Lahatala created everything except land and people; Ramjing Pahatara found seven earth eggs, made them the figures of a man and a woman, went to bring them stone breaths and bones; at this time, his wife Andin Bamban came to the spirit of disease Peres (Raats 1970, p.40-41: pe - "good", res - "bad"; associated with the lower world), said that people with stone breath would live forever, the earth will overflow, we must take a breath from the wind, bones from wood, blood from water; AB agreed, Angoi, Uncle Rangang Tingang, carved the bones out of the tree; when he returned, RP found people alive, from The stone they brought was made only by their hair, teeth and nails; people first hung in the air, RP caught a sea serpent, placed people on it, the serpent became earth; var.: RP poured earth on the snake when it moves, it shakes]; toraja [heavenly father and mother earth created stone figures of man and woman; God went to heaven for immortal breath for them; in his absence, the wind revived them, so humans are mortal]: Kruijt 1906:469 in Dixon 1916:174; the Eastern Toraja [the lower and upper gods came together to make humans; the first couple was made of stone, then wood; a spirit named Bamposari pointed to the last imperfections that were further corrected (calves too flat; too protruding abdomen; inconspicuous female genitals - pieces were cut off from the foreskin of the man, made labia out of them); Toen Poee-lamoa then went to heaven for a "long breath" for people; in his absence, Kombengi ("night") carried the figures to the top of the mountain, where they were revived by the wind; this is how people received a "short breath"; so humans are mortal]: Adriani, Kruyt 1951, No. 5:7; northern Nias [by Chatelin 1881:110, two paraphrases of the same text]: Dixon 1916 [man is created from the fruit or buds of a tree that grew out of the heart one of the first ancestors, and the bud gods are at the top of the tree; Latoere told Barasi-loeloe and Balioe that the lower fruits were small and belonged to him; Balioe agreed on the condition that L. could create from them people; he could not; then Lowalangi ordered Barasi-loeloe to make people; he created lifeless figures of man and woman; Lowalangi gave Balioe the wind, told them to put the figures in their mouths; if you invest a lot, people they will live long, few will die soon; Balioe obeyed the order, gave names to people]: 176; Münsterberger 1939 [Tuha-Sihai and a primary land the size of a house arose from darkness or fog; from it a wind appeared in his breath, giving birth to Tuha-aloloâ-nangi; he died, the Tora tree grew from his heart; three buds appeared at its top; from the fruit of the first appeared the supreme god Lowalangi, from the second the spirit Lature, the third is the evil spirits of Nadaoja and Afocha; three buds also arose from the middle of the tree; the first two were Barasi-Luluö and Baliu perfumes, and the third was Feto-Alito, the ancestor of many generations of evil spirits; humans appeared from the fruits at the bottom of the trunk; at first Lature said that these lower fruits were his, but he could not create humans from them; then Lowalangi sent BL down, but he was only able to create bodies men and women; Lovalangi took something from the Wind (das bestimmtes Gewicht), told Baliu to put his figures in his mouth; if you put everything in, a person lives to old age, if less, he dies earlier; BL and Baliu even now they do this to every person's soul]: 9-10.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tboli [d'Wata, son of the supreme god, has two wives, Hyu We and Sedek We; D.'s sons dug holes for the pillars of his house; D.'s wives sculpted human figures from this land; H. wanted to place the figures on the moon so that they would always remain children; S. wanted to place them on a stone to be hard as stone; H. disagreed, turned away, then S. put it on a banana; so people multiply like bananas and die; D. revived the figures by blowing on them]: Eugenio 1994, No. 182:307-308; bukidnon [creator (Harita mga) Magbabaya descended from seventh heaven to earth, made the bodies of the first people out of clay; before breathing in their soul, went to heaven for a hard body coating; at this time his brother Mangilala rose from the seventh underworld, breathed into the soul's creations; Magbabaya was only able to cover his nails with a hard layer humans, the skin remained tender, fragile]: Eugenio 1994, No. 179:302-303; manama created the world, asked Diwata Panayangan to cover the rocks with soil; he sent bees and wasps, they found soil in ( underground?) the world of Ogassi, brought it; M. created mountains, sea, rivers; sculpted human figures out of the ground; due to O.'s intervention, some nostrils were open upwards, they drowned in the rain; M. went to look how to breathe life into figures; at this time O. breathed life into them using knotty abaca fibers; therefore, human life is short]: Eugenio 1994, No. 184:310.

The Balkans. Romanians [God was born out of nothing; made a butterfly out of a woodworm, a man out of a butterfly; Tartar comes from God's thought; God sends him to dive, T. brings land, God weaved on the sixth day the earth; the land is too large; God sends a bee, it overhears the Hedgehog thinking out loud what valleys and mountains should be made, the size of the earth will decrease; T. makes a man out of clay, asks him to revive, he revives; they agree that God will get the living and T. the dead; God knows that there are more dead; sends an archangel to learn how to break the contract; this requires a flower that Mary smelled; Maria conceives, gives birth to Jesus Christ, the contract is broken]: Murgoci 1929:137-139 (retold in Johns 2005:269); Macedonians [{God does not directly say about the creation of the body and soul by the Devil, but this follows from further} St. John learns from the devils that God will not be able to take away his (i.e. soul) until he incarnates on earth; Peter wants to tell God about this, but the Devil is watching Peter; then Peter offers the Devil dive, who will be the first to bring something from the bottom; when the Devil dives, the sea is covered with ice; Peter runs, the devil has time to scratch his heels with his claws; God tells him to cut off and throw the flesh off his feet since then There are notches on people's feet]: Johns 2005:267; Serbs [God made a sheep, the Devil made a goat; Ox God, Horse Devil, Dog God, Wolf Devil, and so on all living creatures; God created an angel in his likeness, and the Devil He made a creature like an angel out of earth and water, but could not revive it; began to blow into him, the air escaped, forming an anus; the runoff water made a furrow in the ground, it became a snake; the devil could not to revive man, God put his soul into him; they agreed that the living would belong to God and the dead to the Devil; all the dead began to go to hell; God heard their moans; began to send different animals to serve To the devil to learn how to break the contract; the devil sent them away; the bee served not three years, but nine years; the devil told her that if God gave birth to a son, he would not be bound to the Devil by contract; bee flew to God, the Devil managed to cut it, God folded the halves, but all the insects became thin-waisted; Mary became pregnant by smelling the basil given by the angel Gabriel; gave birth to Jesus; hid it from Judas in the hay; the ox and the sheep covered the baby, and the horse ate almost all the hay, almost revealing the child to the Jews; the Mother of God cursed the horse, telling them to be full only once a year on the eve of St. George; when Christ ascended, the Judes threw ropes and hooks, tore off a piece of their leg; so people had a dent on their feet; the angel opened the door to hell, souls came out of there, went up to heaven]: Vukicevich 1915: 109-114.

Central Europe. Russians (Tambov, Penza), Ukrainians (Podolskaya, Hutsuls) [devil's body, Bogova's soul]: Kuznetsova 1998:100; Russian written tradition (The Tale of Bygone Years) [ The story of the Yaroslavl Magi from 1071: "God washed himself in the bathhouse, fogged up, wiped himself off with a twig and threw it from heaven to earth. And Satan argued with God as to which of her to create a human being. And the devil created man, and God put his soul into him. That's why when a person dies, his body goes to the ground, and his soul goes to God "washed himself in the bathhouse, sweats up, wiped himself off with a twig and threw it with non-bag wine portends the birth of new rich prolific, T. Egypt, Ra sends Shu and Toth]: Kuznetsova 1998:100.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Balkarians [Allah created a man; Ibeliz laughed that he was not good, created a beautiful woman, but could not revive her; stole a pipe from Allah with which he blew life into creation; blew life is a woman, but the evil spirit was purified by going through God's pipe; therefore, the woman's body is diabolical and the spirit is God's]: G. Malyavkin 1893 in Jurtubayev 2007:419-420.

Volga - Perm. Mordva [(Veselovsky, Research..., vol. 5, pp.11-12); Shaitan collected clay, sand from 77 years old, began to create man, but it turned out to be a pig, a dog, or a bastard; sent a bat to the sky where Cham Pas's towel hangs, he wipes him off after the bath; you have to make a nest in it, raise the children, the end of the towel will become heavy, it will fall to the ground; S. wiped the towel he made with that towel man, man acquired the likeness of God, but remained lifeless; the state of emergency revived him, and S. began to ask Man for his share; the state of emergency gave him his body, took his soul; the bat punished the emergency by taking away his wings, putting his bare tail and paws like Sh., he acquired the likeness of God, but remained lifeless; whether it was a pig, a dog, or a bastard; sent l]: Kuznetsova 1998:100.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Anokhin 1924 [Ulgen created human bodies, sent Raven to Kuday to ask for souls for them; he gave them, the Raven carried them in his beak; flew past the corpse of a camel, The horse, when he saw the cow's corpse, shouted, Carr, what eyes! Souls fell into the coniferous forests, which became evergreen; at this time Erlik gave the dog guard a warm fur coat, blew his soul into people's bodies, their bodies came to life]: 18; Verbitsky 1893 [Ulgen did men, including Maidera, who was made of clay and reed, was a woman; she began to fall apart, he wrapped a snake around her; left the dog to guard; Erlik came and gave the dog a fur coat (wool) and food (crap) blew seven frets in his nose with an iron pipe, reviving a woman; she is as evil as a snake, always seven frets; M. cursed the dog]: 92-93; Ivanovsky 1891 [Ulgen created 7 men, left for three days; Maider created woman; ran towards God, leaving the dog to watch; Erlik blew an evil soul into the woman, gave the dog a fur coat; M. ordered the dog to be a servant of man, to eat droppings; men rejected that woman; W. created the other of the man's two ribs]: 251; Nikiforov 1915 [after the flood, Ulgen ordered the Dog to guard people's workpieces; Yerlik bribed her with a fur coat and food, breathed mortal souls into people]: 241; Teleuts [(you are a missionary named. Postnikov in d. Myyuta, whose population was formed mainly from Bachat migrant teleuts - see below. Potanin 1883:130, note 2; Funk 2004:9); there was only water; Ulgen went down to create the earth; Yerlik volunteered to dive, brought earth from the bottom in his mouth; W. made the earth, it was all from turf; There was little land left between E.'s teeth; he spit it it out, a hummocked swampy place formed; W. scolded him; he asked for as much land as the end of his stick took; he fell into that the place he asked for; the swallow brought turf in his beak; W. scattered it; made the forest and everything on earth; created the human body from earth, bones from stones; a dog without hair; went to look for a soul for man, left the dog as a watchman; E. appeared, promised to give the dog hair and soul to the man; the dog ate E.'s excrement, overgrown with hair; E. put a pipe in the man's ass, blew, thereby reviving him; W. came, I thought whether to exterminate people; The Frog persuaded them to leave them as they are]: Potanin 1883, No. 46a: 218-220; the Shors [Ulgen created luminaries, smooth earth, rivers; Erlik - mountains; W. created man, went to look for a soul, left the naked dog to guard; E. gave it wool so as not to freeze in winter, for which she let him approach the creation; E. smeared the man with mud; W. returned without finding a soul; agreed that E. would breathe in his soul, it would belong to him; E. breathed his soul through his mouth through the hollow stalk of Angelica; W. agreed to give E. the land against which his staff rests; snakes crawled out of the hole and insects; E. fell into it, lives in the lower world; W. got fire, dispersed reptiles with smoke]: Khlopina 1978:71-72; Mongols [(recorded by the missionary you. Postnikov from Khalkhas); water was everywhere, the Ochurmans lived in the sky; decided to make land, looked for a friend, found Chagan-Shukuta; both went down to the water; the Frog that noticed them dived; O. sent ChSH find it in the water; he took out the Frog, put it belly up on the water; O. sat on it, told ChSH to dive, get the ground; he brought an armful of liquid earth from the bottom, said O., If it weren't for me, you wouldn't get it land; the earth immediately fell out of his hands, fell into the water; O. told him to dive again, take the land and carry it on his behalf; O. poured the land he had brought onto the Frog, the earth began to grow, both sat on it, fell asleep; Shulmus grabbed them to throw them into the water, but the earth grew faster than he ran to its edge; he left them; O. and ChS made a man, went looking for a soul, left the dog as a guard; promised find hair for the dog; The devil gave it wool, fed it, lit yarn, blew smoke into the man's nose, reviving him; O. and ChSH put a cup of water; on whoever side he would grow up in the cup, rule the earth; Sh. he also asked for land, got as much as at the end of his stick; stuck worms, snakes, reptiles in the ground, crawled out; the flower grew from O.'s side, but he dozed off and ChSH put it on his edge; O. said that now both people and animals will steal and enmity; he has gone to heaven; he is a real god, and Ulgen was invented by the Kams (shamans)]: Potanin 1883, No. 46b: 220-223; the Mongols [there were water and air, in the sky Ochirvani Buddha; he decided to create the earth, found Tsagan Shukhert's assistant White Umbrella; told him to turn a turtle swimming in the water over his stomach, dive, bring it from the bottom of the earth, think about it (O.), sat on turtle; the CSH grabbed the ground, but felt that something was interfering; thought that O. should take the land; immediately a handful filled with earth, the CS surfaced; poured the earth on the turtle's stomach, instead of the turtle appeared earth; both celestials fell asleep; Shulmas went to the edge of the island to drown them, but as he ran to the edge, the earth expanded; O. and the CSH sculpted people, O. ordered the CSH to make a guard, he sculpted the dog, O. and the CS went for intelligence for man and hair for the dog; Damn gave the dog hair, said that it would be fed by its owner, a man; lit a thread in front of the man's nose, he came to life from the smoke; O. and TS they argued which of them should rule living beings; decided who would have a flower in a cup of water first; O., but the CSH put it in its cup; O. said that now people would deceive each other , flew to heaven]: Skorodumova 2003:35-37.

Western Siberia. The Nenets [a red-throated loon and a dog swam on the water; the loon dived, brought blades of grass; the dog asked her to make land; the loon from many blades of grass grew dry ground; the dog met two people in copper clothes, who asked her to have a master; they made two brass idols, promised to return in seven days, told her not to give idols to those who came earlier; on the third day a black man came , blew on idols, they turned into people, he called them the owners of the dog; people in copper clothes came back, said that now the dog's owners would be mortal; if they (two in copper clothes) did the owners' dog, people would not die]: Labanauskas 1995:13-15; Mansi [Yoli-torum-xian (Earth's Mother, Num-Torum's older sister; aka Kaltas-ekva) tells Winged Calm (God's messenger, daughter of Torum) to ask the father to make people; he promised, but others must revive people; ordered Topal-Oike to make people; he cut down seven figures from larch; Hul -Otyr sculpted seven out of clay; T.-O. agreed to change with him, because H.-O. would revive the figures; H.-O. took the wooden ones to T., he blew, they scattered, so he could not catch them; took the clay ones to K.-e ., she revived them by telling him not to look (so men cannot see childbirth); because people are made of clay, their eyelids are short, they drown in water, sweat protrudes from the heat; larch people would be stronger in the water did not sink; H.-O.'s creations were supposed to become menquas (apparently, they were larch people)]: Lukina 1990, No. 113A: 298-299 (similar version in Chernetsov 1935:26-28); Mansi (Upper Sosva) [started as in Lukina; old man Tapel carved seven figures out of larch; Shul-Atyr made his own out of clay; offered to change, he agreed; SHO's wooden people became menquas; she only managed to revive clay Mother Earth (the creator's sister); that's why even now men are not present at childbirth; humans easily break their limbs; if humans were made of wood, they would be strong, they would not drown]: Munkácsi 1908:228- 230; (cf. Eastern Khanty (Surgut, b. Tromagan, western 1992) [the Khanty god made a man and a woman out of material that is now only nails; ordered to have only two children, live until the age of 100; left on business; at this time, the Russian god deceived the dog, which was a watchman, gave people's bodies a modern look; ordered them to have many children; then people will die quickly, the Russian god will eat them; the Khanty god returned, decided to take revenge; went to the city, turned Russian people into ants there; therefore, there are many anthills in the forests; otherwise the Russians would have inhabited the entire land]: Kerezhi 2000:185-186).

Amur-Sakhalin. Negidals [Buga created a man and a woman, went to get a breath for them, left the Dog to guard; Amban said that B.'s breath would make people immortal, they would have no place to live; gave The dog had a fur coat, for which she missed it, he put mortal breath into people; B. deprived the Dog of the ability to understand speech, told him to eat crap; B. asked who wanted to have how many children; Hare: three or four, Dog: five or six; the woman was shy, asked only one thing; B. told the animals to beware of people; Wild hazel grouse did not hear because of the sound of the water in the stream; B. told him to remain in the dark; Wild boar said he was not afraid of a bipedal; the man jumped on him, dragged him by the ear, the Pig recognized his strength]: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003, No. 1:51-53.