Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H43A. Broken figures. .

Having created the human body, the creator leaves. At this time, another character tries to break a figure that has not yet come to life.

Limbu, Lushi (Kumi), Kachari, Khasi, Barela-bhilala, Korku, Birkhor, Birjya, Mundari, Santals, Haria, Oraons, Gondas, Loda, Galela, Fox, Abkhazians, Swans, Armenians (Lori), Oirats ( derbets), steppe ojibwa.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Limbu [Niwa-Buma made the figure of the first man out of gold; before he could revive it, a monster in the form of a horse destroyed it out of envy for the perfection of creation; for this, the NB commanded horses walk not on two legs as before, but on all fours and be a pack animal; man and woman were made of ash and bird droppings]: Hermanns 1954:10-11; best (Kumi) [God He made a man and a woman out of clay, did not go to bed, at which time the snake ate the figures; as happened several times, the snake still carries people away when they die; God sculpted the dog, it drove away the snake, so dogs howl when a person dies; if God hadn't slept, there would be no illness and death]: Shakespear 1909:399 (=Lewin 1870:224-226 in Frazer 1919:18); kachari [water at first; Alow Ilaja tells crabs to dive to the bottom; they scrape silt together until a mountain of earth shows up above the water; by creating land, AI creates a man and a woman; he made their bodies before the onset at night, went to rest before he could put his breath into them; at this time his five brothers found the figures, divided them into pieces, and hid these parts in different places in the forest; the same thing happened the next day ; on the third day, AI created two dogs, leaving them to guard the figures; when the brothers arrived, the dogs drove them away; these man and woman became the ancestors of humanity]: Soppitt 1885:32; khasi [god created man, left him on earth, an evil spirit destroyed him; so twice; then God made a dog first, then a man, the dog drove away the evil spirit, the creation was preserved]: Biwar 1876 in Kapp 1977:50.

South Asia. Barela-bhilala [Mrs. Velubai made human figures out of clay, left them in the sand; Ruma Dhuma Gorole, the heavenly queen of Sovriya eagles, cut off the heads of the figures; twice; Dongri Ravot Ravot RDH compartment head with his 12-edged dagger; Mrs. W. complains that people do not come to life; supreme god Bhulu Bhogwan breathed breath into them]: Kapp 1977:46; crust: Elwin 1949, No. 73 [Mula saw that he had Mulai's wife drips blood, collected it in a vessel; at this time, Mahadeo made people's bodies out of clay; the trees decided that people would cut them, smashed their bodies while M. was not around; he angrily shoved the trees with crowns into the ground, rooted outward; made new bodies; when I sprinkled blood from a vessel on them, they came to life; thanks to this blood, people were covered with skin, otherwise they would be naked flesh; Mula buried a vessel of blood, a tree grew; when the fruits were ripe, he gave them to Mahadeo's men and women; after that, women had their periods]: 280-281; Russel 1916:551f in Frazer 1919 [Rawan asked Mahadeo to populate the Vinfhyan Mountains and Satpura; he told the crow to bring red clay from an anthill in the Betul mountains; M. sculpted figures of a man and a woman from this clay; but Indra sent two horses and they trampled on the figures; so several times; then M. sculpted the dog and breathed life into it; the dog drove the horses away; the man and woman Mula and Mulai came to life and became the ancestors of the crust]: 18-19; birkhor [at first there is water everywhere, lotus on the water, great spirit Sing-bonga came to the surface at the core of the stem, told the Turtle to bring clay from the bottom; turtle: where will I leave the house? S.: take it with you (this is its shell); the water washed away the clay from the turtle's shell; The crab also could not bring it; the leech took it out by swallowing clay; S. squeezed out the clay from it, threw it in four directions, creating land; the land was moist and uneven, S. began to level it, but mountains remained in some places; threw seeds, forests appeared; then S. created a winged horse, and then sculpted the human figure and left it to dry; the horse came and trampled on it, fearing that the man would harness it; then S. made a dog and a new human figure; when the horse came again at night to trample on the man, the dog barked away; the figure dried up and S. her revived, but joints did not bend; S. took his life and made a new man with bent joints]: Roy 1925:398-402; birgja [Mahadeo made a lot of Mua out of clay (people's souls presented as small figures), left to dry in the sun; horses ran out of the forest, trampled on the figures; so several times; then M. left the dog as a guard and it drove away the horses; the figures turned into different people nationalities]: Das Gupta 1978:57-58; Mundari: Osada 2010 [author's notes; text A: on the Ganges, on the sea, we will create a land, a field; for this purpose we sent Mother Turtle and Mother Crab; the Turtle put The Crab took the ground on its shell with ticks, but when they rose, the water washed away the earth; they sent Mother Worm, Mother Leech, they drank the earth, spewed it out, urinating, and earth appeared; to decorate the earth they created stone and wood; they sculpted a human figure out of clay, left it to dry in the sun; they made a winged horse for beauty; a winged horse came from the east, came from the west, they trampled on the figure; they made a male dog named Chaura, a female dog Baura, put them on guard; they drove away a winged horse that came from the east, drove away the one that came from the west; text B is almost identical]; Roy, ii, 201 in Elwin 1949 [Singbonga made male and female figures; while they were not yet alive, the horse trampled on them so that people would not force her to work later; S. sculpted new figures and created a spider to protect them them; the spider protected them with a web, S. breathed life into them]: 19; Roy 1916 in Osada 2010 [the earth is covered with water, there are no stars in the sky; the Old Man ("Old One") created aquatic animals; told the Crab to bring land from under the water; he dived to the bottom, but while he was rising, the ground was washed away from his claws; the same with the Turtle (the ground was washed away from the surface of the shell; the Earthworm swallows the earth, floats up, regurgitates into the Old Man's palm; he does the earth is big, creates land and everything on it; sculpts a human figure out of clay; before he could put his soul into it, the Horse came, trampled on the figure; the Old Man tried again, and this time the Tiger drove the Horse away , preventing her from approaching her figure; the Old Man cursed the Horse, people will put iron in its mouth, sit on horseback, hit the cereal; Tiger rewarded by making him strong, everyone will be afraid of him]; Santals: Abbi 2015 [At first only darkness; voice from darkness: Is anyone there? another, one of the voices was female; then another; Thakur Jiv (TJ), Thakuraiin Gogo, Saru, Baru, Jiva and Jangar were created, they were all waiting for the light to come out; Thakuraiin Gogo (TG) created Siny Chando and then it was light; but now everyone is waiting for it to be dark; TG created Yinda Chando and darkness is back, darkness and light alternate; Siny means "day" and Yinda means "light"; in TJ's hands, the rest they saw a clay vessel; it blew on it, the clay blurred in the water and the universe drowned; this ocean was Jalaapuri; TG came to the Kolelavka place (in the shape of a boat) to swim; she sculpted mud washed away from her body a human figure and left {two figures?} ; the horse came to drink, trampled on the figure; TG sculpted a new one, but it turned out to be less perfect; asked TJ to revive it; the figure came to life, but in the form of a pair of Hans-Haansil (XX) birds; that's why that TG was doing it in a hurry; XX asked TJ to give them shelter and food; he created a tree in the middle of the water and the birds began to live on it; foam produced by the horse floating on the water, and hair that fell into the water TG gave birth to Saaraanpuri; TG and TJ came to live there; but some of the foam and hair remained in Jaalaapuri and moss appeared there, a plant and grass grew on it, XX made a nest in the grass; from two eggs laid Two figures hatched - the same as TG sculpted and trampled on the horse; when they saw that the figures did not look like them, the parent birds flew away; TJ created a cow and she began to feed everyone with milk; created people named Pilchu HaAram and Pilchu BuraHii; TJ created Marang Buru and he began to hiccup whoever could bring earth from the bottom; (9 creatures are named, but only in santali); Radho BoVar reached the bottom, collected clay in his mouth and I put it on my back, but the water washed everything away; the same with the others; only Kacchim Kuwari and Raaymaat Len om brought (from the bottom) the land and the land was created; TJ created the bull and sent it to the ground; with his help Marang Buru leveled the ground; the first two people were brought to the ground and they began to live there]; Campbell, 15 ff in Elwin 1949 [water first; Thakar Jiu's servants suggest creating humans; he tells them to call Malin Budhi, who lives in an underwater cave; she created two human figures, either from some divine foam or clay; left them to dry; Singh Sadom (Horse Day) trampled on them; at TJ's request, made again; TJ said that there is bird life above the lintel, and MB should revive the figures with human lives to be taken from under the ridge beam; but MB could not reach it, took bird life, the figures flew to sky, became birds Has and Hasin; asked TJ to create a place for them to sit; he created land, a karam tree on it; the female laid two eggs in a nest under the tree, but Raghop Buar twice ate them; TJ sent Jaher-era to guard them, and the eggs hatched a man and woman named Pilchu Haram and Pilchu Budhi]: 19-20 (this myth mentions Bodding 1929:155, note 13); Shrestha 2019 [first water, above it Thakur and his servant Jahereda; Malinburi lived under water; T. told her to make two human figures; she sculpted them from clay, brought it to the bottom of the sea, put them to dry in the sun; Sinsadom's horse flew in, smashed the figures with flaps of its wings; M. made new figures, asked T. to revive them; T. sent her for souls, but M. brought not human souls, but bird souls; T. breathed into them life and they flew to heaven; these are the first swans, Hans and Hansini; they have no place to sit, there is water everywhere; they asked T. to give them a place to live; Solehako fish, Katcom cancer, and Lenden worm lived in the water; S. and K. could not lift the ground; L. threw bits of land to the surface, but they sank back to the bottom; T. called Kachik the turtle, told it to lie motionless on the water; L. began to throw the earth on turtle shell, an island was formed; T. grew a Kadam tree and Syrom grass there; Hansa and Hansini built a nest of grass; Hansiner laid two eggs, Raghopabu's beast ate them; T. sent his servant J. protect eggs; a boy and a girl hatched from them; the children grew up, T. created a cow and two calves for them; taught the young man to make a plow and plow the land, he started farming; Maranburu (big mountain) was guardian of a young man and a girl; taught them how to make an intoxicating drink; they got drunk and got together; M. told them not to worry, let them be husband and wife; they have 7 sons and 7 daughters; they quarreled and began to live in different localities; the father took his sons with him and the mother of his daughters; girls and boys met, began to live in pairs; their parents also reconciled and came to live with them; 7 clans went from 7 brothers and sisters]: 567 -570; haria [God sculpted human figures and left them to dry; two winged horses named Geese Tsar and Winged King flew in and smashed them; then God made four dogs named Caõra, Bhaõra , Lili and Bhuli, sculpted two new figures, told the dogs to guard; the dogs drove the horses away, the figures were dry, God blew their souls into them; he cut off the horses's wings, told them to walk under the saddle, and the dogs would run free]: Pinnow 1965, No. 26:142-143 (quoted in Kapp 1977:13-14); Oraons: Koonathan 1999 [on Old Mother's advice, Dharmes created Kingfisher, who dived into the ocean, brought the seed of earth from the lower world; D. made earth out of this; Sit advised to make human figures out of clay, but D.'s horse trampled on them, fearing that a person would harness it; S. advised to make dogs drive away the horse; soon people inhabited the earth]: 144 in Osada 2010; Rosner 1982 [Dharmes (=Mahadeo) made the figures of a man and a woman out of clay, left it to dry in the sun; a horse flew from the sky, trampled on the figures; M. tried again and put one of his dogs, Khauri, as a watchman; M. breathed life into the figures, they came to life]: 156 in Osada 2010; gondas [Sambhu Mahadeva sculpted human figures out of clay, left them to dry for the night; Indra's horses they smashed the figures; SM created a dog to guard and put other guards with swords, covered the figures with cloth; at night, the dog barked, the guards cut off the horses' wings; SM poured nectar on the figures, but they did not come to life; Guru advised me to go to Sirma Guru; he brought his daughter, took veins for people, her figures came to life; at first they were as small as rats, Parvati did not approve; then SM made men 16 feet tall, women - 12 feet; P. disapproved again; then did the current ones]: Kapp 1977:44-45.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Loda [the messenger of the supreme deity made images of people out of clay, returned to heaven to receive souls from God for them; in his absence, the Devil broke the images; so twice; for the third time The messenger made the devil's feces two dogs, a female and a male, and told them to drive away the devil; he would disgust them, for they were made of his feces; when the messenger brought souls for the third time, the dogs replied that they had driven the Devil away; the messenger put their souls into the figures, they came to life, became man and woman]: Baarda 1904, No. 13:444; galela [the creator created two people, went for souls for them; in It was this time that the evil spirit destroyed the figures; then the creator made two dogs out of the bowel movements of the evil spirit, they drove him away, the figures were revived]: Kruijt 1906:471 in Kapp 197:55.

China - Korea. The fox [two deities decided to sculpt the figures of a man and a woman; after finishing it, they went to bed; in the morning they found that the figures were broken; the same the next day; then they found the spirit of the earth; he broke figures, because the deities took what belongs to them without asking; the deities promised to return everything in 60 years; those who have lived less or longer are punished for their sins or rewarded for virtues]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:157-158.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians: Bartsyts 2005 (the author is an ethnographer, knows from his mother) [when the world was being created, the devil sent horses to smash him, otherwise they say will torment them all his life; the man managed to snatch a handful of clay from his stomach and throw them into horses, these clods became dogs, drove the horses away]; Gabnia 2002 (recorded by folklorist V. Kogonia 11.07.1991) [God created man from clay; Damn warned horses: "If a person comes to life, you will not live. Kill him!" The horses rushed at the man. Dogs, seeing this, rushed to horses to save humans; therefore, humans and dogs are considered close]: 56; swans [like Abkhazians; archaeologist Alexey Vladimirovich Turkin was in 2004-2005 Svaneti and heard this story from an old man; translated by Ruslan Champrioni]; Armenians (Lori, West 1941) [The world consisted of water and darkness. God walked on it and cared for it. He separated light from darkness, then water from land, created plants, then animals. God had twelve ranks of angels, three ranks did not obey, he cursed them, they turned into demons (letters. - "Satan"). God told angels to bring land to create man from four sides of the world, let man take care of plants and animals. If demons ask you to open your hands, do not open them. The angels did not open their hands to the demons, they brought the earth, God stretched it, made a man, put it in the sun to dry. The demons told the horses that people would sit on them every day and torture them. The horses trampled on the figure. God sent angels to land again. This time, the demons made them open their hands and spit inside. God mashed the ground, squeezed Satanic saliva onto his navel, then tied it up, cut off the umbilical cord (there is still room), saliva, and told it to become a dog, to drive away enemies from man. The dog did not let the horses in, the man was dry, God blew into his mouth, gave him his soul, called him Adam, put him in paradise]: Zhamkochyan 2012, No. 8:138-140 {translated by Lilit Simonyan}.

Turkestan. Kyrgyz (Susamyr and Jumgal volosts) [Karakirgizes consider a horse a friend of man on the grounds that God created it from the remnants of the very land from which man was created, why did God forbid it to be eaten; the horse, after his creation, began to dig with its hooves the land prepared by God to create some more creatures from it, and scattered and scattered it all on the sides, for which the Lord condemned her to serve man; before the appearance of the Prophet Mohammed, none of the people ate horse meat; but one day the prophet was in the desert, hungry, and the horse came up and dutifully stood next to her; M. considered it God's favor and satisfied her hunger with a horse; since then Muslims have been allowed to eat horse meat once a year, but nomads often; if Karakirgiz does not eat all year round horse meat and won't drink koumiss, he'll go crazy]: Poyarkov 1900:11.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Oirats (dyurbuts, Ubsunur aimag of Mongolia, zap. 1984) [God sculpted two people out of clay; a cow came, picked up one figure with its horn, it fell and broke; the fragments became a dog that since then He is angry at a cow and barks; dog and man have a common origin, so their bones are the same]: Skorodumova 2003:51-52.

The Midwest. Steppe Ojibwa (Lake. Winnipeg) [Weese-ke-Jak makes a human figure out of stone, goes to admire it; the angry Bear gets out of the den, rubs against the figure, it falls, breaks; V. makes a new one out of clay, so people weak]: Simms 1906:338-339.