Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H46A. Dog and ear .12.22.26.-.28.29.31.-.37.


peculiarities of cereal vegetation (usually the size of an ear of bread) are determined by the dog's behavior during the creation era. See motive H46.

Lele, French (Upper Vosges), Karen, Chinese (Sichuan, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Hubei), Lisu, Slovenes, Bulgarians, Romanians, Gagauz, Poles, Russians (Bryansk, Tverskaya, Arkhangelsk), Belarusians, Ukrainians (Western and Eastern), Armenians, Latvians, Karelians, Komi, Udmurts, Mari, Chuvash, Kazakhs, Dungans, Altaians, Khakas, Buryats, Oirats (merchants), Mongols, Siberian Tatars, Central Yakuts, Manchus.

West Africa. Lele [Kounimo (god of rain and thunderstorm) spread seeds of cultivated plants across the ground; one woman pushed them into a mortar, hit K. with the end of the pestle all the time, told him to move away; one dog She could not find a place to relieve herself - crops were growing everywhere; K. went up and took the cereals with him; now they had to be grown]: Ruelland, Caprile 1993:19-21.

Western Europe. The French (Upper Vosges) [a rye ear started from the ground, but God decided to punish people for their transgressions, leaving only straw; one angel asked if the dog and cat were also to blame; God replied no; then let an ear of grain be left at the end of the stem, which people leave for dogs and cats; God agreed]: Kabakova 1998, No. 98:112-113.

Burma - Indochina. Karena [as soon as the pregnant woman hung her clothes to dry, the sun disappeared behind the clouds; got angry at the Sun and cursed her; she remained pregnant for three years and gave birth to a son Ta-ywa the size of a yuyuba fruit; it is voracious; becomes monstrously strong; makes an onion; comes to a spring from which the children of the Sun take water, threaten them, they have to ask their father to make T. larger; The sun sends different animals against T., but in the end he is forced to comply with the requirement; people are afraid of the strongman, they try to get rid of him; he leaves, meets, takes Long-legged as companions, then Long-armed, Big-Eared, Three-Toothed, Empty; they quarreled while sharing fish; T. went one way with Long-armed and Long-legged and others to the other; T. and his companions decided to cook rice, there was no fire; came to Shie-oo for fire; he offers to fight: the loser will support the ground; they knocked him down and drove him into the ground; when Shie-oo moves, earthquakes occur; come to an empty house; under the floor where T. lies down is a girl; she stabs him with a needle; he thinks that someone is biting, raised the floorboard; the girl says that the eagle ate her parents and siblings, and her parents herself managed to hide; T. hid the bamboo iron roof, the eagle could not break through the roof; T. asked for permission to shoot it with an old bamboo bow, but shot an iron bow and killed; then killed the other two eagles; T. took out swallowed bones from the eagle's womb, spread them out in groups (men, women, buffaloes, pigs, etc., hit each with a rope and revived them; revived the girl's parents; left Long-legged there, commanding look at the plants planted: if they wither, he's in trouble; goes on; the same episode with another girl, where tigers instead of an eagle; T. kills them, leaves the Long-armed one there; with the third girl, three snakes; killed two T., the third swallowed him; the plants planted by T. dried up, Long-legged and Long-armed understand that T. is in trouble, they come, kill the snake, revive T.; he returned home and saw his brother cook live fish; he shot him in anger; repented; fired an arrow into the sky to hit him; the tenth arrow hit him; he weakened; sent a monkey-tiger (?) bring the Karen and the tupaya to him - bring the Burmese; gave the first flint to cook the shrimp quickly; the tupaye gave two pieces of bamboo: it is difficult to get fire with them, let him hesitate; but monkey-tiger decided that the shrimp was still raw, since it was red, waited, and the dumaya quickly came to the Burmese, who were the first to come to T., asked him for elephants, horses, oxen, and their dogs asked for ears of rice the size of the ends of their fluffy tails and three harvests a year; the karen came when T. had already died and was burned, with baskets and wicker fans; only a trace of the patterns remained on the ash, the karen remembered him; buffaloes and The Karen couldn't catch elephants, they only caught a pig; that's why the Karen have pigs]: Mason 1865:178-187.

China - Korea. Chinese: Eberhard 1937, No. 86 (Sichuan, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Hubei) [after the flood, God sends pets to people; they should take rice with them, but only the Dog takes; swimming across the sea, loses almost all grains, remains a little on its tail; therefore, rice only has grain at the top of the panicle]: 130-131; 1965, No. (Sichuan) 10 [after the flood, people came down from the mountains, but nothing to eat; saw how a dog crawls out of a water-flooded field, and has clusters of rice grains on its tail; since then, some rice has always been given to the dog]: 9-10; fox [rice grains were the size of a human head; you should eat it was three times a month, and harvested every 12 years; one woman wiped the baby with rice; the spirit of Dza-ni rice flew to heaven, people and pets were starving; the dog reached heaven, saw a pile of rice at the residence of the supreme god Vusa, rolled in it, ran back; when she sailed through Salwen, most of the rice was washed away, but she brought three to the owner and new rice was grown from them; but since then the grains are small, you have to harvest every year and eat often; on the 15th day of the second moon, they celebrate the New Rice Harvest Festival; dogs are given grain, vegetables and meat; depending on what they choose, More attention should be paid to growing cereals, vegetables or raising livestock in the coming year]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:233-234.

The Balkans. Bulgarians: Kovachev 1914 [the sky was low; the reaper wiped the child with her hand and wiped her hand against the sky; the offended sky began to rise, taking with her ears, which were half as high as at the time covered with grains; the dog jumped and held part of the ear; since then heaven and God are far away, the ear is small, and what the dog eats is halal]: 16; Marinov 2003 [the ear was full of grains from root to top; woman wiped the child with an ear, God destroyed the ear; some returned when the dog asked me to leave some for her]: 88; Gagauz people; Romanians: Brill, Ispas 2005 {translation and localization clarifications of records N.G. Golant}, No. 10907 (Muntenia) [the ear was from the ground; the Tatars attacked, burned the fields, people fled into the forests; the dog snatched one ear from the fire, brought it to people; when these grains were sown, wheat grew from with an ear only upstairs - this is how much the dog has seized with its mouth; therefore, the dog should be given plenty of bread], 10908 (Transylvania) [Noah got off the ark, began to sow, the ear was from the ground; people became angry, for which God took an ear, began to shake it off; when his hand approached the top of the stem, God decided that he would leave the birds of heaven without food; so the ear remained only at the top], 10909 (Olthenia) [God created wheat with with an ear off the ground, gave it to the dog; she ate only the top, so God made the ear short], 10910 (Transylvania) [the wheat was with an ear off the ground; the woman wiped the child with wheat stalks; God decided to take it ear; people begged him to feel sorry for birds at least; God left only a (short) ear; var.: the woman was Jewish, so wheat sown by Jews does not grow and there are no Jewish farmers], 10911 (Moldova) [ the corn cob and ear of wheat were from the ground; one woman mocked the grains, God took the cereals; the Mother of God grabbed a part, told them to leave as much as necessary for the cat and dog; so with they should be treated well]: 229-231; Niculiţă-Voronca 2008 [God at the beginning of the world gave bread such that the cob was from the ground to the top, the ear from root to top; one woman mocked bread , God grabbed corn and wheat so that people could not eat; the Mother of God grabbed the ear and the cob with her hand, and said: "Lord, have pity, at least leave as much as you need for the cat and for dogs!" And how much she grabbed in her hand then, the corn and ear were left]: 130.

Central Europe. The Poles (Polish-Lithuanian-Belarusian borderland) [1) people forgot to take bread into the ark, the dog grabbed ears in its mouth, so we live on a dog's share; 2) there are so many ears left after the flood how much could fit into the dog's mouth; 3) dogs and cats escaped from the flood at the top and starved; God left them a spikelet (at that time the bread was branched)]: Belova 2004a: 262; Russians (Bryanskaya) [ many options; the ear grew from the ground; God punishes a lazy reaper or punishes sins; a dog and a cat ask for a share]: Belova 2004:495-498; Russians: Belova, Kabakova 2014, No. 335 (Kurskaya ) [The bread had many ears; the woman wiped the baby with pancake; the Lord starved for three years; people drove the dogs out of the house - there was nothing to feed; the Lord asked why they were howling; returned the ear, but only one on the stem], 336 (Tverskaya) [=Cherepanova 1996, No. 423, Ostashkovsky, Ovinets, 1991; the woman wiped the child with a pancake; the Lord began to rip off the grains from the ear; the cat and the dog prayed, the Lord left part grains for their sake, told people to feed the dog and cat]: 216, 216-217; Belarusians [everywhere, many options; the ear grew from the ground; the woman wiped the child with a pancake; God began to rip off the grains, but left some for the dog and cat]: Belova 2004:477-495; Ukrainians: Bulashev 1909:372-373 (Starobelsk County) [people ate linden leaves and bark, God gave wheat to the dog because it howled with hunger; the man snatched an ear thrown from the sky from the dog's mouth, began to sow; therefore, it's a sin to kill a dog], 373 (Kupyansky County) [the ear began from the ground, the ears were cut with an awl; Christ with St. Peter, in the form of wanderers, went to the woman to beg for alms; she wiped the traces left by the child with a pancake, threw the pancake to those who asked; Christ began to sniff his ear from the bottom up; the dog began to howl, Peter begged her to leave the grains for her share], 373-374 (Kupyansky County) [Peter and the Savior walked as beggars; the woman snatched a piece of bread from under the child, gave them; the Savior began to sniff his ear, the dog howled, The Savior left a dog's share on two peaks]; Sumtsov 1890b [was stocked bread; the Savior, Peter and Paul, walked in the form of beggars, asked the woman for mercy, she gave a piece of bread with which she wiped the child; God I began to rip the wheat from bottom to top, but left some for the dogs]: 12.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians: Harutyunyan 2007 [the sky was close to the ground; the woman wiped the child with an ear of wheat, threw an ear into the sky; the sky deprived the wheat of its ear; the dog began to howl, asking for bread; the sky took pity, allowed wheat to have a small ear; humans took their share from dogs]: 36; Lisitsyan 1992 (Nagorno-Karabakh, 1920s records) [the sky was so close that it touched the ground, and God walked on the ground and talked to people; cereals reached the sky right from the ground, without stems, in long ears; an old woman with a child in her arms walked through the field; the child defecated; the old woman began to look for something to wipe him off; tore off several ears (according to another version, Dzamdzor, took out lavash bread) and wiped the child with them, but so carelessly threw it back dirty ears that fell into the sky; there was thunder, and the sky rose miserably; God's angry voice was heard: "From now on, none of the people will see me except the righteous"; they reached for the sky up and ears, but the dogs began to howl plaintively; God took pity on them and left a small ear at the tops of the elongated stems]: 167-168.

Baltoscandia. Latvians: Brivzemniaks 1887, No. 40 (Livonia) [bread plants consisted of only ears; one woman wiped a baby with a hump; God forbid ears to grow; the dog begged him to leave an ear as long as it fits in her mouth]: 43-44; Pogodin 1895 [ears were up to the ground; God collected alms; the woman baked pancakes, wiped the child with a pancake, told God that it was better than giving a beggar; God destroyed the ear, but the dog and cat asked them to leave it for them; as many as they grabbed in their mouths were left]: 438; Karelians [there used to be an ear on every section of the cereal stem; Syöjätär: and why so much, their hands are pricked when you knit a sheaf; God threw ears into the fire, but the dog managed to grab one: what am I going to eat? Therefore, dogs have a black nose - taking the ear out of the fire, the nose is burnt]: Pentikäinen 1978:311.

Volga - Perm. Komi; Udmurts; Mari; Chuvash.

Turkestan. Kazakhs (Tarbagatay) [people and horses ate grass, people had no choice; God began to send people cereals from the sky; the boy stayed in the yurt, got dirty, hid the sewage in a bag of cereal; God began to send snow instead of cereals, people began to eat each other; a one-eyed three-legged big-eared man remained; he was thin, returned to the camp, found a girl and a dog there; the girl told that God was the dog gave two grains a day, she gave one to the hostess; began to eat every other day, and sowed some of the grains; from them the current cereals, from the marriage of a girl with one-eyed people]: Ivanovsky 1890b: 264-265; Dungans ( Gansu).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians; Khakas (Kachins) [a naked man without a soul lived on earth; Khudai followed his soul, put a naked dog to the man; when he left, Irlik Khan came, the dog did not let him in; he did not let her in; he He covered him with wool, she let him go to the man; Irlik Khan spat on the man; Thin returned, failed to clean the man, turned him inside out, drooling inside; Thin breathed soul into the man; then I. began to ask X. for land; he did not give; for I. to fall behind, H. gave land to stick the stake; I. pulled out the stake, the snakes crept out of this place; so the snakes and other reptile worms spread; giving a soul, H. did a herbivorous man; let a mare with a foal and a woman with a child into the steppe; the mare pinched the tops of the grasses, and the woman ate the grass along with the ground; H. sees: after a woman, even the grass will not grow; then H. made man eat wheat; the ear grew from the very root; the woman baked bread, the child got dirty; she wiped it with pancake pancakes; H. began to cut off the ear, but the dog howled what she would eat; H. howled regretted it, left the top of the ear - the dog's share; the man knew the time of death; one was supposed to die in the fall, began to make a grass fence - enough for his life; H. decided that this way a person would drink everything for children He will leave nothing; he made sure that now man does not know the time of his death; Irlik Khan sent a mosquito the size of a bull to the ground to find out whose blood tastes better; it turned out that the person had a mosquito sat down to rest, the swallow asked to show her tongue, tore it off; the mosquito tried to grab it, but only tore off part of its tail, now it is split; the mosquito flew underground, but could not tell Irlik Khan anything; he got angry, hit him, ordered him to become a thousand mosquitoes; this is how mosquitoes appeared]: Mindibayeva et al. 2016, No. 1:77-81; Balagan Buryats; Oirats (Tarbagatay traders); Mongols.

Western Siberia. Siberian Tatars.

Eastern Siberia. The Central Yakuts [the ear of bread began from the ground itself; the woman wiped the child with an ear; God decided to take away people's ears; the dog asked to leave her share; these are the grains that are now available in ears; (western in 1934, Nemyuginsky Nasleg)]: Ergis 1964, No. 36:106-107; retelling to Sivtsev, Efremov 1990:16-17.

Amur - Sakhalin. Manchus (Liaoning) [at first, the dog ate what humans ate, but then began to eat excrement; when people first arrived they ate wild fruits and roots; in winter, many died of hunger; the divine farmer (BZ) found out about this and sent people suffering, which was so abundant that pigs, dogs, and cats also began to eat it; people soon ceased to appreciate her; BZ descended into the human world disguised as an old woman to see what they were doing with the flour she sent; she asked for food in a wealthy house, but the hostess, instead of feeding her, gave the cakes to her children as bedding for seats; BZ returned to heaven and instead of flour began to send snow; people again began to eat wild plants and starve in winter; BZ felt sorry for them again and sent the fairy a hundred cereals (F.) in the spring to bring people had five cereals; this is how bread appeared on the ground; corn grew five cobs per stem; corn tasted worse than white flour, but there was also plenty of it; F. turned to an old woman, went to see what people do with corn, and saw people throw their cobs at each other; she asked her for a treat, but she was refused, people began to throw their cobs into the lake; then she took people's corn; but to the fairy The dog ran up, bowed and begged her not to take all the grains from people; F. refused, but the dog promised that if F. left people at least a few cereals, the dogs would no longer eat them, and will eat excrement because it comes from the same grain, and as long as people have grain, dogs will not starve to death; F. saw that the dog was sincere and agreed to comply with the request; since then corn grows one or two cobs per stem, and gaoliang and millet no longer grow one ear per leaf, but one ear per stem; to keep people occupied, F. sent weeds and people had to weed them and fertilize the land; people realized that growing grain was not easy and began to appreciate it; dogs have been eating excrement ever since]: Chen, Wang 1989 (31): 50-54.