Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H54B. Deadly look. (.12.) .

The character's gaze brings death (and destruction).

(Krachi), Irish, Jewish literary tradition, Niue, Malays, Koreans, Ancient Greece, Albanians, Poles (Galicia), Ukrainians (Podolia, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kievskaya (?) , Poltava, Kharkiv).

(Wed. West Africa. Krachi [during hunger, a man saw a giant lying on the ground of an unimaginable length; his hair was silky, not curly; the man asked him for food; it was Owuo ("death"); he gave very tasty meat, but ordered the food to be worked out; let the man go on the condition that he would send another instead of himself; the man sent his brother; one day he wanted meat again and came to O.; the brother was not visible, O. said that he went on business; the next time the man sent his sister to marry O., with her a maid; when he came by himself, there were no girls; when he received the meat, he realized that it was his sister's flesh; he ran to the village in horror ; people came, set fire to the giant's hair, and he died; they found a potion at the roots of the hair; when they smeared the remains of the man's brother and sister (as well as the maid) with it, they came to life; the man applied the drug to O.'s eyes; he opened; he has been blinking ever since; as soon as O.'s eyes close, someone dies]: Cardinall 1931:30-33 (paraphrase in Paulme 1967, No. 4:51-53).

Western Europe. The Irish: Vassilkov 2001 [among the opponents of the gods (fomors) is the giant Balor, who has an "evil eye" (apparently capable of killing with his gaze); this eye is covered by his eyelid hanging to the ground; on the field Fomora battles raise this eyelid with a stake]: 484; Kalygin 2002 [as a child, Balor spied on druids preparing a potion; its evaporation penetrated into the eye, which B. spied on, giving it its quality kill; the destructive eye opened only on the battlefield; four people were needed to lift the eyelid with four polished ones (?) with sticks passed through the eyelids; an army that looks into this eye would not be able to resist even if it numbered many thousands]: 119.

Western Asia. The Jewish literary tradition [Talmud: Rabbi Simon ben Yehon, who spent thirteen years in a cave, gains the power to "burn with his eyes". Whoever he looks at, "even a bird flying through the air," turns into a "pile of bones." And only eyelashes that have grown to the ground save people around him from death]: An-sky 1908:298.

Polynesia - Micronesia. Niue [The ruler of Tutuila is named Moa and is a noble, noble leader. He never looks up from the ground, because as soon as he looks at any plant, it dies immediately. The same thing comes from his view of everything on earth - animals, people. Therefore, he always keeps his eyes down so as not to destroy his island with everything it has]: Polinskaya 1986, No. 120:270.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays [Maharaja Ravana, the great-grandson of Brahma himself, the ruler of the Rakshasa demons, has a son named Buta Bisa ("The Toxic Blind Man"). Everything he looks at flames and turns to ashes. Therefore, Maharaja Ravana forged small gold bowls out of gold and covered his son's eyes with them. Maharaja Bibisanam reports that in order to fight Seri Rama, Maharaja Ravana will take his son out of his underground stone shelter and take him to the battlefield to turn the entire army to ashes. As soon as Raja Ravana opens his closed eyes, everything he looks at will burn and burn. Seri Rama immediately orders to make a huge mirror, the height of a person, and polish it. This mirror is given to Hanuman. Maharaja Ravana puts Buta Bisu on his feet and turns him to face Seri Rama. Two ministers come from both sides to open Buta Bisa's eyes. At this time, Hanuman puts out a huge mirror in front of Buta Bisa with his tail. Buta Bisa looks and sees herself in the mirror. His gaze, reflected in the mirror, falls on him and turns him to ashes]: Mervart 196:223-224.

China - Korea. Koreans [the daughter of the leader of the nobility felt a shaggy beast next to her at night, which immediately crawled away; parents advised me to tie a silk thread to the visitor's leg next time; when they walked along the nit, she led her to the lake; the girl's father pulled the thread, the beaver surfaced, then dived and did not appear again; the girl gave birth to a son Norachi ("red"); he grew up, married and settled on his lake father; once the ancestor of the Ni-chai family dreamed of a dragon flying out of the lake; the old man said that it was the beaver who died; whoever goes down to his underwater palace and put his father's bones in the right room is will be the Chinese emperor, and whoever is on the left will be Korean; Ni-tea did not know how to swim and ask Norachi to dive and lay his bones; said that the Chinese emperor would be the one with his father's bones on his left room; but Norachi did the opposite; No tea came to terms with it; Norachi had three sons; the third, Khan, had a terrible hairy face, and his gaze brought death; he did not leave rooms and always sat with his eyes closed; No tea died; the old man told his son that there was a saber at the bottom of the well; whoever took possession of it would be the Emperor of China; the young man took out his sword and went to kill Norachi; but when he went in into the room, frightened, put his sword at Khan's feet (his eyes were closed), galloped away; after learning from his father what had happened, Khan collected his Manchus, moved to Beijing and became emperor; stones for construction Natcho served fortresses from the Sea; he only stuck his terrible head out of the water for a moment; the artist managed to draw it and since then Natcho's head has been decorating the entrances to the temple]: Garin-Mikhailovsky 1958: 482-485.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Gorgon Medusa]; Albanians [Bular is a big and fat snake, his eyes are closed and only opened on St. George's Day, and if he sees anyone, eats. If his eyes were open, he would eat people. He opens his eyes on this day because when Saint George went hunting, this snake crawled out to meet him and wanted to eat it. But Saint George prayed to God and cursed the snake: "Always live blind, and on my day let your eyes open!" Bular has been blind ever since, and when he opens his eyes that day, he has to eat whatever he can meet]: Tsivyan 1979:203.

Central Europe. Poles (Galicia) [on the banks of San there was a rich house, all the windows of which were facing the water; it was inhabited by a gentleman whose gaze brought illness and death; even sailors fell ill, passing by; the gaze was harmless only to Stanislav's old servant; one day another gentleman visited the house with his wife and daughter; they agreed to marry, but the husband did not look at his wife; after the birth of his daughter, he carved his eyes out, becoming harmless; the servant buried them in the garden; once dug up this place to see what happened to his eyes; when he saw them, he died; they gained strength from the ground]: Woycicki 1920:8-17; Western Ukrainians (Podolia) [The Zamchishche tract in Medobory is surrounded by the Bogit Valley. There was a big city that destroyed Malt Bunyo with its gaze. This is a terrible destroyer that kills with its eyes and turns cities and villages to dust. His deadly gaze is covered by his covered eyelids and thick eyebrows, only when they want to destroy an enemy army or take a fortified city, they resort to his help, and, raising his eyelids with a pitchfork, win]: Kraszewski 1894:543; Western Ukrainians (Podolskaya, Kamenetsky district, p. Golenishchevo) [The castle, which now has traces of a stone fortification called Forgiveness and a Spring, lives a princess who has taken a vow of virginity. A strong and terrible ruler, the magician Sleepy Banyak, reigns next door, no one and nothing can stand his gaze, he wins and destroys everything he looks at with his eyes. His eyelids are always closed. He himself cannot open his eyes; this requires two assistants who, standing behind his shoulders, so as not to meet his eyes, support the sleepy Banyak's eyelids with gold forks. He decides to subdue the princess to his power, force her to break her vow and marry him. He sends an embassy, asks for a hand, she refuses, he sends an army to her lock, but the castle is supplied with supplies and spring water. Banyak gets up, arrives at the camp near Golenishchevo himself, orders to put himself in a place where you can see the whole castle. Two of his associates raise Banyak's sagging eyelids to the very eyebrows with golden forks. This view of the princess's castle alone is enough to completely destroy it. The walls are collapsing, and Banyak's squad is killing not only the princess's squad, but also all residents of the town of Divic, which was under lock and key on the river bank. Since then, there has been no castle or town, and on dark and rainy autumn nights, the shadows of the victims wander through the valley on which the city stood, which is still known as Divic. The ghosts of the former castle sweep through the air over the settlement, and in their crowd there is a bright, radiant princess who descends into the valley and comforts the lamenting shadows. Then you can hear horse tramp, the sounds of horns, screams, screams, war songs with the chorus "Let's go to Divich"]: Dal 1884:3-5; Western Ukrainians (Podolskaya, Ushitsky u., p. Matsiorsk, =Matiorskoye, Materskoye) [Ruins called Gorodishche. The castle's ramparts were built by Sholudiv Bonyak, who has strength in his eyes that are constantly closed; if something needs to be destroyed, a man stands behind him and brings his eyelashes with forks. What he looks at is that everything is falling apart, people are falling dead. But the Russian hero approaches with his army when there is no one to bring his eyelids to Bonyak, takes the castle, ruins him, kills him. Bonyak has the same stone residence in the village of Ivankovtsy, Kamenets County, which was destroyed at the same time as he was killed]: Levchenko 1928, No. 435:273; Western Ukrainians (Ivano-Frankivsk, Maidan- The middle of the Nadvornyansky district) [There was once the city of Gupchin, or Gubchin. It was ruled by a male-eyed gentleman who was not allowed to look at people and the light because he could even destroy the city. When they took him out for a walk, he was blindfolded. Once they harnessed four horses into the carriage, put this blindfolded master and took him for a walk. It was on Easter or before the Great Day. Gubchin's women baked and fried, pleasant smells tickled their nostrils, and the master asked him to be unblindfolded to look at the light. Kucher did not listen to him. But the pan asked so much that he had mercy, took off his blindfold and immediately fell down. And the whole town of Gubchin went underground. Pan said, "It's not a shame! He was already small"]: Pushyk 1990:66; Western Ukrainians (Ivano-Frankovskaya, Tlumatsky district, p. Deleva) [Bun lives in Delevsky Forest, in a dugout, whose eyes constantly close his eyelids. He has servants who take Bunya out of the dugout, raise their eyelids, and his gaze makes trees fall in the forest and people he sees die. The daredevil goes to the blacksmith, orders an ax, makes a long axe for him when Bun sticks his head out of the dugout and cuts him down. He is joined by servants who are tired of serving the monster. The severed head rolls through the forest, and a new neck and torso grow from it. Servants and daredevil on horseback catch up. In Babin Kut Forest, where an old woman lives. Buneva's head reaches her and asks her to hide it. A woman in a wide skirt sits on her head, replies to the riders that her head was not here. The riders order the woman to stand up, otherwise they will cut off her head. When the woman gets up, the riders see that the neck has grown from her head, the body begins to grow, everything is cut]: Fluffy 2016:214; Western Ukrainians (Ternopil, Monastyrissky district, p. Luke) [There is a very big man in the cave in Stink Rock, red, completely bald, with a very large belly hanging on his feet, with his hands hanging on which his fingers are grown together, with a very broad face, and with gigantic convex eyes. They are covered by his eyelids because he kills people with his eyes: wherever he looks, everyone becomes dead, and houses fall down. When he moves his hand, rocks fall down. His name is Buño. Bunyo is insatiable, angry when he wants to eat. He threatens to destroy the village. People bring him sheep and calves, and they bring him water in barrels. When he's late and hungry, his stomach buzzes terribly. The food is put on carts and rolled down the mountain. When he wants to see what they give him to eat, they take a two-toothed pitchfork, sit on his shoulders and raise his eyelids with a pitchfork. When he eats, he wants to have fun - to sing and dance for him. Once he doesn't like the way they dance, everyone sticks to the rock. Bunyo is angry that he was not brought to eat, leaves the cave and destroys the village. Everywhere he looks, they're all dead. Only a little boy and his younger sister, whom Bunyo did not notice, escape. The boy shoots an arrow in Bunyo's eye, then at the second. Bunyo goes blind and dies. People from many villages come together and advise on what to do with it. The elders decide to put it in a large barrel and throw it into the Dniester. When the Dniester overflows, Bunyo is blamed for it. His cave is being stoned]: Fluffy 2019:216-218; Ukrainians [legends describe Bunyak as a monster whose eyes had eyelids (sometimes eyebrows) so much that two people raised them with a pitchfork if he wanted to see something; everything Bunyak looked at died; when he saw himself in the mirror, he fell into the ground in horror]: Mendelssohn 1897:13; Ukrainians (Lubensky y. Poltava governorate) [St. Kasyan sits motionless in a chair, with his eyelashes down, which are so long that they reach his knees; because of these eyelashes, he can't see anything; only on the morning of February 29, a leap year, does he raise his eyelashes and looks around the world; what he looks at dies; therefore, it is not advised to go to the garden early in the morning]: Mendelssohn 1897:1, 12-13 (quoted in Gura 2012); Eastern Ukrainians (Kharkiv, Kupyansky district, Kupyansk city) [Saint Kasyan is considered angry and unmerciful. "What are you watching Kasyan?" - speak to an angry or frowning person. About a child or calf born on February 29, it is said that Kasyan looked at him with his eye - this newborn will not be good. Kasyan has such long eyebrows and eyelashes that he can't see anything behind them; but every three years they rise, and woe to what he looks at first. If you look at people - people are dying, looking at cattle - cattle are dying, at the fields - a complete crop failure]: Ivanov 1907:74-75; Eastern Ukrainians (Kharkiv, Kupyansky, Preobrazhennaya settlements and Svaty Luke) [Kasyan has long eyebrows, below his knees. You can't leave the hut before sunrise without him looking at Kasyan. If Kasyan looks at cattle, he will fall, and if at people, then pestilence]: Ivanov 1907:75; Eastern Ukrainians (Kharkiv, Kupyansky District, Dvurechnaya and Kabanya Settlements) [You can't work for Kasyan, because he harshly punishes workers. When he raises his long eyelids and looks at animals or birds, everything dies; spares only those who honor his day]: Ivanov 1907:75; Eastern Ukrainians (Kharkiv, Kupyansky St.) [Saint Kasyan has been sitting on the devil for three years and constantly hitting him on the head with a hammer to give the hell time to think about his tricks on human mischief and drive him deeper into the ground. On his name day, Kasyan leaves this activity to visit church, from where he returns at sunrise and starts working again. During Kasyan's absence, the devil, using complete freedom, comes out of the abyss to the surface, and everything his evil, deadly gaze falls on will inevitably die within a year. Therefore, on Kasyanov Day, peasants do not look out of their homes until sunrise and do not let cattle and poultry outside]: Ivanov 1907:76; Eastern Ukrainians (Kiev) [The tsar is chained to hell demons - chromonoid Lucifer. Holy Father Kasyan, who is on guard, constantly hits him on the head with a large iron hammer. Only on his angel's day, when he retires to feast with the saints, does he allow him to raise his head freely. Freed from the deafening blows, Lucifer immediately turns her fiery gaze to the ground. He knows that his "guard Cassian" beats him for human misfortunes, and takes this opportunity to take revenge on people. There is "death" in Lucifer's eyes. So he looks at one point or another in the world. Wherever his eyes fall, everything dries like heat. If Lucifer could constantly look around the earth, the plants and everything that lives on it would have disappeared long ago. But Saint Cassian, a good friend of the people, is always ready to help, after resting one day every four years, he again tries hard to grind the king's head and thus saves plants and lives from death. Saint Cassian will guard the chain king until the world ignites from God's anger]: Krasnokutsky 1880:9-10.