Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H55. Sinners in the Other World, ATU 471, (ATU 470)



person who goes to another world consistently sees people punished or rewarded for their lifetime actions.

{Although the ATU 470 plot definition in Uther 2004 includes episodes that match our H55 motive, they are often absent from the lyrics, particularly among French and Latvians}.

Mandingo (?) , Konso, Kafa, Western Sahara, Ancient Egypt, Kabylia Berbers, Tunisia, Spaniards, (Catalans), Portuguese, Italians (Tuscany {Dante}, Basilicata), Sicilians, Bretons, Irish (probably), Thousand and One night, (Saudia), Ancient India, Konkani (Goa), Java, China (early Mines), Koreans, Ancient Greece, Greeks, Gagauz people, Moldovans, Serbs, Bosnians, Slovaks, Poles, Russian written tradition, Russians (Olonets, Vologda, Novgorod, Tver, Tula), Ukrainians, Belarusians, Ossetians, Nogais, Tatas, Georgians, Armenians, Turks, Kurds, Persians, Bukhara Arabs, Yazgulyam, Sarykol residents, Baluchis, Latvians, Lithuanians, Lutsi, Setu, Norwegians, Swedes, Altaians, Khakas, South Altai Tuvans, Buryats, Mongols, Dagurs, Mansi (Konda), Manchus, Japanese, Hopis.

West Africa. Mandingo (? , "mande") [when he dies, the father leaves three chests for his three sons; one contains gold, the other contains all kinds of wood, the third has all kinds of land; the second and third brothers are dissatisfied; they are advised to go to Kabaku; on the way they see a man standing in the river, holding a wineskin of water on his head and thirsty; a man cutting off both mature and unripe ears; etc.; K. explains what this means (cutting off ears are God who sends death to old and young); explains that the tree who receives the right to take bribes for cutting any tree, and the one who receives land for any field work; to a brother who received gold, you have to pay]: Frobenius 1922b, No. 45:94-97.

Sudan - East Africa. Konso [the widow went to the forest for firewood, returned a year later; said that she met God, he led her through a hole in the ground to the lower world; they meet suffering people, God explains why who punished; 1) a vicious woman carries a heavy load by the leather belt; 2) a liar and a deceiver sits on a stone under which fire; 3) cows that did not give milk have their skins ripped off, an eagle tears their live meat; 4) stingy the rich stand with their eyes on the ground, looking for food in vain, unable to sit down; where the sky meets the ground, there are fat fields, lots of greenery, where the poor on earth live; God instantly sends an old woman back to earth, she must tell everyone what she saw]: Jensen 1936, No. 25:514-515; kafa [when he died, the father left one son a jug of gold, the second silver, and the third land; they went to the elder learn what this means; on the way they see a crocodile half leaning out of the water and licking grass; a skinny horse among green grass; a fat mule in the desert {no further explanation given}; they come to the elder, who refers to his older brother, the eldest to the oldest; the meaning of the father's will is: one brother must get land, the other must buy cattle for silver, and the third to take care merchant; the second and third are forced to share with the first because they need land]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2018:124-129.

North Africa. Western Sahara [when he dies, the father bequeaths each of his four sons a vessel; they have bones, papers, stones, gold; brothers look for a judge to know what this means; they see people and objects along the way strangely looking and behaving strangely; the judge explains: the one who receives gold should be engaged in commerce, papers will be literate, bones will be a pastoralist, stones should be a farmer; a weak old man who said that he is the son of a judge, brought to such a state by an unfit wife; the stone did not fit into the prepared pit - the voice is right; the snake does not fit into its hole - the evil word cannot be returned; the bird between the two bushes is a two-week; donkeys eating each other are arguing people; three brothers left, but the one who received the papers stayed; asks the judge's daughter; he gives, warns not to look at her on the way, but at all she has no arms or legs; he looks, the bird takes the bride's rosary, he runs after her, falls into the well; the bride (she is beautiful) puts on men's clothes, goes to look for her husband; came to the chief, became a famous judge; her husband was pulled out, turned to slavery; they let go; he recognizes the judge as his wife, she comes back to him, everything is fine]: Aris, Cladellas 1991:31-38; Ancient Egypt [Satni Hemuas laments the bitter fate of the poor man being carried bury; his son Sa-Osiris replies that such a fate should be desired, not the fate of a rich man; leads his father through the cave to the afterlife; when the door opens, a scream is heard, the lower thorn of the door is fixed in the eye socket of a lying man; at the throne of Osiris, Anubis weighs hearts; Ammat is ready to swallow a convict; next to the throne, a man in luxurious clothes is that poor man; the rich man is the one whose eye socket serves with a thrust bearing; people twist ropes, and donkeys behind devour what they have done; these are those who cared about the growth of wealth, not about good deeds; Sa-Osiris takes his father back to earth]: Machintsev 1993:171-174; Berbers Zooahua (Kabylia) [the spirit took the boy, he wants back; the king of spirits orders to take the boy to his parents, cover his ears with hair so that he does not hear angels praise God; on the way, the boy sees a sleeping dog and puppies bark in its stomach; a donkey trying to avoid flies; a bird flying from one tree to another; a spring with a silver bottom, a golden vault and white water; the old man explains that the dog is wise man, he is ashamed to speak; the donkey is Gog, Magog and the Antichrist; the bird is two-week, while he is angry with one wife; the source is the source of life; the old man calls a cloud, he takes the boy home to Egypt ]: Basset 1887, No. 31:64-66; Tunis [A poor woodcutter came to an old man to find out why he was poor. The elder said that Allah distributes wealth. Then the woodcutter went to Allah to ask him about his wealth. Allah sent an angel to him. He showed him the way, but on the condition that the woodcutter would not speak, no matter what he saw on his way. This is how he saw an old woman trying to collect an armful of firewood, but was putting more and more wood on and unable to tie it up and pick it up. He spoke and she was gone. Then he saw a hunter watching the hare and a tiger creeping up behind him. He screamed at him and the hunter and animals were gone. Then he saw two butcher shops. One butcher had fresh meat, the other had rotten meat. The former had no customers, and the second had a crowd. The woodcutter screamed at them, pointing at the meat. Then everything was gone, and an angel appeared to him again and explained that all he saw were images. The old woman is the behavior of a sinner. Instead of trying to sin less, he is committing more and more sins. A hunter, a hare and a lion are a person in pursuit of earthly goods who do not notice the approach of death. And two butcher shops are sinful money and money from legal activities. At the end, the angel asks the lumberjack if he understands that a little bread and water are better than the wealth of kings. The woodcutter understood this and returned to his previous life]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 28 in Korovkina MS

Southern Europe. Spaniards [the older brother went to look for work; the owner tells the sheep to be herded not in the meadow, but in the stone wasteland; the guy brought the sheep to the meadow, they did not eat anything; the owner suggests choosing gold as payment, silver or God's mercy; he chose gold; he did not return home, but built a palace and married; the same with his middle brother; the younger one let the sheep into the wasteland, they became fat; drove the sheep, there were two fighting stones in front ; they stopped and let him and the sheep pass; saw an old woman knocking figs off the tree, promised to knock him down; went to the bloody river; it dried up, the guy crossed to the other side with the sheep, and then the river was filled with blood again; the owner gives explanations; the colliding stones: the older brothers of the young man; the old woman - Envy; the blood in the river: the envy of the brothers; the young man chose the mercy of God as a reward; received also a piece of bread; bit off - no smaller; brought bread to his father and it never ran out; they were visited by that owner and San Juan; when leaving, the owner left the cross; the young man ran after him, but the owner ordered him to leave the cross himself; the older brothers accused the younger of theft, bribed the judge, the young man is going to hang; he asked for that cross to be brought to him, turned to him, the older brothers died immediately, and the younger one healed happily with father]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 471:349-353; Portuguese (many records) [older brother and then two others go on a journey (or all three go together); or poor goes to look for work, gets advice from the owner; everyone meets an old lady (St. Virgo), should be kind to her; the owner sends everyone with instructions and instructions (written in the letter): feed the child, do not touch certain objects (do not stop), do not be surprised when strange; older brothers do not comply with the conditions, disappear, die; the younger one does everything right; crosses the bloody river (he is helped by St. Virgo); chooses a blessing rather than the owner's money; envious older brothers bury him alive; he is rewarded, receives explanations for what he has seen; rivers of blood, milk, tears: Christ's blood, milk and tears Mary; orchard - Eden; skinny sheep in fat pastures and vice versa: sinners and righteous; colliding cobblestones: tongues of evil women; a man knocking down mature and unripe figs from a tree: death that takes anyone; woodcutter: cooks firewood to burn souls in hell; paradise palace; man dies (stays in paradise)]: Cardigos 2006, No. 461:112-113; (cf. Catalans [{the short retelling does not contain our motive, but given the Spanish and Portuguese versions, it should be}; three brothers went on a journey; the younger one does good to the old lady, receives a blessing; the elder is hired by a master who tells him to take the white flower to where the horse stops; the horse jumps to the seashore, but the boy is frightened and turns; the same with the middle brother; The younger horse carries across the sea, rivers and forests and he delivers a flower; on his return, the owner says that the young man has earned a place in heaven; on that horse, the young man traveled through heaven, hell and purgatory; the owner gives the young man wealth and he lives well with his father, and his older brothers live in poverty]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 471:103); Italians (Tuscany) [Dante's "Divine Comedy"]; Italians ( Basilicata): Cerise, Serafini 1975, No. 471:109; Sicilians [dying, the pious king tells his son Spadónia to send bread to purgatory every morning; S. wants to know if he is doing the right thing sends a servant to find out on this donkey; in purgatory, Jesus explains to the servant what he saw; the river of milk - Mary fed Christ with it; the river of blood - the blood of sinners; skinny cows in the fat meadows are self-interested; fat cows in skinny meadows are pious non-owners; a lumberjack in the forest, slaughtering indiscriminately - Death; Jesus orders S. to marry a girl named Sécula; he has traveled all over the world, found a poor a girl by that name; the Savior and the apostles visited them; they distributed property, their souls flew to the kingdom of heaven]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 48:318-323.

Western Europe. The Irish [a person follows a deceased friend to another world, sees a lot of strange things there, and when he returns, he does not recognize his native places, because a long time has passed on earth]: Jackson 1936:287; Bretons [when asked when she will marry, the old maid Marguerite replies that she will marry Anne Anka (the personification of death); AA comes, takes M. to her castle; her husband is not at home all day long; comes the young man is M.'s younger brother, who was still in the cradle on her wedding day; AA agrees to take him around the earth on the condition that he does not say a word; the young man returns twice when he cries out that he has lost hat; for the third time he sees white doves piling garbage on two black people and setting it on fire (AA then explains that these are the young man's parents who went through the fire to be cleansed from their sins); one pack birds drop leaves near the laurel bush, the other drops further, the third does not drop (people in the church: some do not listen to God's words, others listen badly, others listen); the young man put a branch under the door, she burned down (hell there)]: Luzel 1995:19-24.

Western Asia. A thousand and one nights [a childless sage prays for the gift of his son; during a shipwreck, he loses all but 5 sheets of books; before he dies he bequeaths them to his unborn son; stargazers Hasib Karim al-Din predicts a long life if he survives trouble as a child; the child does not learn any craft; H. is married; woodcutters take him to work; he finds a well with honey; woodcutters they let him down there, go to sell honey, leave H. in the well, tell his mother that he is dead; H. finds a hole from which the scorpion crawled out, penetrates through it into the palace, where 12,000 benches fall asleep, wakes up to the hiss of snakes; the biggest snake offers him a dish with a queen, a snake with a human face; H. tells the queen his story; the snake promises him well-being if he listens to her; The story of the Queen of the Serpents: Before his death, the king entrusted his only son to the nobles; his name is Bulukia, he found a book about the Muslim faith and the prophet who will come at the end of time; ordered the corpse to be burned father because he did not open this book to him during his lifetime; the nobles resist; B. goes to look for the prophet; wakes up on the island; sees snakes praising the Muslim God; snakes are inhabitants of hell, created in punishment for sinners; Gehenna sighs twice a year in summer and winter, which spreads great heat, throws out snakes; on another island, B. meets the queen of snakes - she is talking to H. Whoever owns Solomon's ring obeys all creatures; the ring remained on S.'s finger when he died; to sail through the seven seas along which S.'s coffin was transported, you have to get grass and smear it with juice legs; only the queen of snakes can get the grass; Elder Affan found out all this, agreed with B. that he would introduce him to the king of snakes, and he would introduce him to Muhammad; A. cages two goblets: milk and wine; smelling milk, the queen of snakes crawled, drank wine, fell asleep, caught; agrees to show the herbs; each herb talks about its beneficial properties; they find grass, smear their feet, preserve grass in reserve; the queen of snakes A. and B. reproaches A. and B. for wanting to break the divine will by taking possession of S.'s ring; A. and B. are ashamed and leave; H. asks the queen of snakes to bring him to the surface; she says that first winter is about to come and H. will go with the snakes to Mount Kaf; as for A. and B., they found S.'s tomb, but it is guarded by a snake; B. did not dare to take the ring, and A. reached out his hand and the snake incinerated it; B. He came to the island from spices and jewelry; at night sea animals go to the ground; on another island, virgins come out of the sea; on the third, B. forbid eating fruits because his ancestor committed a fall in sin; this is how B. goes through the seven seas; meets righteous genies fighting the unrighteous; the king of the righteous talks about the seven layers of hell, about the division of genies into righteous and unrighteous; genies cannot return B. to his country; they give him a magic horse; then details B.'s meeting with different angels explaining the structure of the worlds; some talk about the torment of sinners in different layers of hell; one says that seven lands one above the other, supported by an angel, an angel on a rock, a bull under a rock, a fish under a bull, a sea under the fish; then see motif K24]: Salle 2010 (2), nights 483-498:43-62 (cosmological part - nights 491-498:54-64); (cf. Saudia's Bedouins [the sick person woke up after 7 days and spoke of what he had seen; the prophet sat on the throne and greeted him; when merchants and then peasants tried to enter paradise, Mohammad did not let them in: some hung them, others sold their daughters for dowry; when the Bedouins rode with swords and spears, the prophet called them soul killers, greeted them, and took them to heaven himself]: Beck et al. 1987:55-56).

South Asia. Ancient India [Ravana raids the kingdom of Yama; sees sinners swimming in the bloody Waitarani River; others on the shore are immersed in hot sand; trees with thorns and swords instead leaves are cut by bodies; the servants of the Yama burn sinners, stab them with swords, and are eaten by dogs and worms; there the souls of virtuous people enjoy music, singing, caressing virgins, and wonderful food; R. frees sinners]: Temkin, Erman 1982, No. 45:109; konkani (Goa): Rodrigues 2020:95-101 [a childless rani finally has a son; he has grown up but has become involved in bad company; he was given off as a beautiful princess, but bad women cast a spell: he will never look at her face; the prince does not look at his wife, goes to prostitutes at night; the parents of both spouses are dead; the prince himself became a raja; the beggar advises first put gravel in rice that Rani will cook for her husband: he will scream at her in anger, but also look; husband did not look; cook a bath that is too hot: same; Rani secretly follows her husband; when the door to the brothel opens, screams when he sees two dressed women hurrying to the Raja; the husband turns around and is amazed at the beauty of the woman he sees for the last time; she runs away crying; her tears turn into pearls; the husband follows a pearl trail to his palace, apologizes to his wife; she tells me to look into five adjacent rooms; in them 1) two stone pillars collide with each other (husband's parents, accusing each other for failing to raise a son); 2) two beautiful plane trees (wife's parents); 3) a pool with two fish (children who were never born); 4) a beautiful rose bush (wife); 5) a bush with the only half-rotten pod of hot pepper (husband); after giving explanations, the wife died], 118-124 [].

Malaysia-Indonesia. Java [half man (vertically) goes to the Sun to ask him to give him a full body; the Sun replies that the cloud is more powerful than him, let him turn to it; the cloud sends him to the wind, that to grief, to the porcupine that digs a hole, to the dog that the porcupine fears, to the man the dog is afraid of; the man says that it is necessary to ask the Lord; the half meets Haji, who has been sitting on stone and rubbed it; he asks to know where in paradise is prepared for him and how many gurias he is entitled to; meets a penitent robber, who asks him to know what place hell has in store for him; a man who cuts bamboo senselessly, he drives Half away; Half wants to pick pomegranates, but all pomegranates vied with each other, Half cannot choose, leaves; two ponds are full, and between them dry, fish they jump from one extreme pond to another without noticing the dry one; the Lord shows a place in paradise prepared for the repentant, a place in hell for the Hajji; at the entrance, scissors that cut a person entering hell into pieces; two ponds - rich who do not notice the poor; chopping bamboo does useless work; grenades are people serving rulers; tells you to walk without looking around a long bridge; Half reaches the ground, finds a full body; tells the thief and Haji what the Lord has shown him]: Kratz 1973, No. 9:57-66.

Taiwan - Philippines. Juan Pikas ("The One-Sided") is a half-boy (vertically); went to God to see if he could become a normal person; along the way, a well-fed horse asks why he is tied for such a short rope; then a skinny horse: why am I skinny, although the rope I am tied to is long; the man at the crossroads feeds everyone who passes by; asks if he will be saved by doing it; another, whose house above the waterfall kills everyone passing by; asks if he can escape; God told Juan that he wanted to test him, and now gives him a full body; the first horse is righteous, the second is not; the distributor the food will be saved, the killer will not; when Juan told the person who distributed the food, he replied that, of course, he would; for his arrogance he is now doomed to death, and the murderer will be saved]: Demetrio 1972, No. 2: 8-10.

China - Korea. Chinese (early Ming era) [Confucian Zhuan accuses dark officials of bribery; he is taken to the afterlife, he is acquitted; gets permission to watch before returning to earth , how lustful, gluttonous people who caused harm to the state, etc. are punished]: Golygina 1988:199-204; Koreans (1898) [the new wife tells Tyan-ton-ugi to kick her children out of the house from his first wife, a boy and a girl; they came to a fanza who was standing in the woods; two women gave them three lanterns and said, "Go straight ahead and you too There will be a hut on the way. They won't let you in, but you'll give me one flashlight. Then you'll meet a clear bridge, you won't be allowed in, but you'll give me another flashlight. Finally, when you come to the palace as old as the world, give me the third lantern"; that's what happened; in the first room of the old palace, the children saw a woman cut in half with a saw (this woman was theirs stepmother); in the second, a man was cooked in a cauldron (he was a murderer); in the third, a man was buried in the fire and poured three glasses of hot suli on him (he was a man who did not care about the graves of his ancestors); in fourth, the harlot's lips were cut off; the children went through many rooms before they saw a man eating seven snacks and fine meals (he was a righteous man); their mother was in the next room; Conshante came and said, "I'm your grandfather because she's my daughter. I'm the one who sent you pears and three lanterns that you used to come to my sky. You will not return to earth again, now you will always live with your mother and play in this garden"]: Garin-Mikhailovsky 1958, No. 48:528-530.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Odysseus visits the kingdom of Hades]: "Odyssey"; Greeks [Alexander went east, conquering everyone he met on the way; defeated one-legged winged animals; psoglavtsy; reaching uninhabited lands, left his soldiers waiting for him and went alone; when he reached the sea, he fell asleep under a tree; when he woke up, he saw an island where a magnificent city surrounded by a wall; the beauty told me not to try to walk then you will die; this is the island of the blessed who get there after death; yet it has indicated a hole through which you can enter to look at the dead; returning to your companions and taking the most with you faithful, A. entered the land of the dead with them; saw the enemy king in chains, darkness around; this is the area where the damned are; A. ordered them to return; some picked up the land, and when they came out into the world, that this is gold]: Schmidt 1877, No. 14:145-148; Serbs [when dying, father tells three sons to pass his sister off as the first one to come to marry; an old man comes; the elders do not want to give up his sister, the youngest insists; then each of the brothers comes to see her; she is happy and happy; the husband sends the horse who comes to mow the grass where he stops; the elder reaches the silver bridge, breaks the bar, mows the grass, comes back; the horse does not eat it, the old man drives his brother-in-law away without feeding them; the same with his middle brother; the younger one goes on; sees people in a boiling pot, eagles peck at them; a village where everyone is grieving; two struggling pigs; a village where everyone rejoices; he mows the grass where the horse has stopped; his son-in-law explains what he saw (afterlife retributions)]: Wratislaw 1890, No. 41:217-221; bosses [ The good and well-haired daughter of a poor widow rejects her suitors; her mother drove her into the forest: you will become a bear queen; the bear took her to his lair; when leaving, he blocked the exit with a stone, but she did not thought of running; gave birth to a gold-haired girl with the same clever eyes as a father bear; bear: my son would be in me and inherit my kingdom, and let my daughter be queen among people; the bear put his crown in the cradle of her daughter and went to die; the bears buried him; the bear's wife turned her daughter into a toad and hid it under a rock; the king has three sons; the father tells them to take bows and shoot arrows from the top towers; the elders fired arrows into the neighboring kingdom and brought the princesses; the youngest fired an arrow towards the forest; found an arrow in the fir above the cave, and everything around was tidy up; wanted to kick the toad, and she: don't hit, I - ( yours) happiness; he brought it home; noticed that although the servant brought food to the prince's room as it should be, then everything was turned upside down; the prince came in and saw the girl wearing the crown; opened the closet and threw the toad's skin at fire; the prince introduced the bride to his father; he told the three daughters-in-law to eat; the elders threw the crumbs on the carpet and the youngest on the plate, and they turned into ducats; after that, the king demanded that the son give sorceress to him; he does not agree; then let him sew clothes for all soldiers from one piece of cloth; bride: go where you found me and shout "Burning hair - show up!" Tell my mother what she needs, she will do anything; she has given everything; the second task is to cook food in a cauldron for all the soldiers; the same; bring the ring that the king's late wife took to another world; bride: go ask the mother what to do; the bride's mother told her to remain silent and led her deep into the cave; one snake steals another's eggs (the girl is turned into a snake for secretly taking eggs from her mother during her lifetime); man and woman hanged by the legs, with their backs to each other (during their lifetime, the couple quarreled); the baby is hanged, the dog licks the dripping blood (the dog is a woman who strangled her child); two men are roasted on skewers, and they complain about the cold (during her lifetime they stole firewood hedges); the late queen, the prince's mother, cooks in boiling water; reached out her hand and told her son to remove the ring from her finger; let the king pay for 30 cherries, for which she did not pay was the only thing she could be punished for; when she returned, the prince told the king everything; he called the people together; when he found out who his wife owed, he gave that poor man the money; the prince returned to the cave and the bride's mother showed how the prince's mother came out of boiling water across the golden bridge and was saved; the wedding of three princes; the king handed over power to the younger]: Preindlsberger-Mrazovic 1905:81-94; the Gagauz people [the widow king tells his three sons to fire arrows where they fall, there is fate; the elders fall against the girls, the youngest to the turtle; he brings the turtle home, when he returns from hunting, finds food cooked; hides, grabs the girl, throws away the turtle shell; the king father wants his daughter-in-law, tells his son to bring his deceased mother's wedding ring from the dead; the wife teaches him to go to the sea, shout into the hole, her mother will come out, give the key to the earth's castles; he opens the land, walks, sees a fat herd in a dry meadow, a skinny herd in an abundant one; on the way, the sea asks the guy to ask God why there are no fish in it, the sea; A man is sitting by the water, burning, black and white sheep come out, everyone wants to extinguish the flame, fight, and the person lights up again; asks to know why he is burning; in the Sun Palace, the Solntseva mother says that the ring by the Sun will come back and give; the Sun gives a ring, cries, because people in the city go for need secretly, but in the field openly; the guy goes back; the old man explains that obese cattle are giving alms , and the thin one was doing alms, looking around; a burning man - whoever judged once righteously and the other unrighteously; the guy gave the ring to the tsar immediately died]: Moshkov 1904, No. 29:39-41; Moldovans [ boyar Mark Rich tripled his feast; the poor old man was driven away; he spent the night in a poor house; the hostess hears someone asking him several times at night about the fate of another newborn; talking about the third that he will get all the MB property; the woman reports this to the MB; he finds the house where the woman gave birth to her 13th child at this hour, convinces him to give him the newborn, throws him into the thickets; childless the farmhand picked him up; when he found out, MB bought a baby, lowered him down the river in a barrel, picked him up by workers in a cloth mill; MB asks who makes such a good cloth, he was told a story about a foundling; MB sends the young man with a letter to his home, ordering him to burn the applicant; the bee asks to drive the bear away, in gratitude replaces the letter with an order to marry the applicant to his daughter; when he returns, MB sends his son-in-law to that light behind the ring of the deceased mother; on the way, a man sitting in the river and thirsty asks to know how long it takes to suffer; from one barrel wine pours over the edge, the other dissolved; in the ravine, pop, asks for food, a snake comes out of their mouths; at the table, hungry people cannot bring food to their mouths, ask Beelzebub the Ancient how long they will suffer; a soldier at the gates of hell asks to know how long he should stand; an old woman hides the young man, asks Beelzebub; he promises to bring a ring; the thirsty was a cruel and greedy rich man to suffer forever and ever; the same pop Kalach is a cruel and greedy profanity; kegs: there are poor and rich; hungry at the table must feed each other; the guard of hell will soon replace MB; the young man is back, MB went to check the limestone, became the guardian of hell]: Moldavian tales 1968:346-360.

Central Europe. Slovaks [the poor man has three sons; the eldest goes to work, the old man offers him to herd 12 sheep; the sheep have swam across the river, but the boy cannot; he falls asleep, and when he wakes up, the sheep returned; old man: passed year, if you want salvation or money; guy: money; brought a bag of money; the same with the middle brother; the youngest grabbed one of the sheep, swam across the river; thin sheep in the fat pasture, but the poor are fat; when returned, the old man explained that he is Lord himself, sheep are disciples, fat pasture is worldly vanity, seemingly poor is virtue; the boy chose salvation, but also received money]: Dobšinský ; 1970, No. 34:178-185; Poles [two friends promise not to part; one dies; the other invites him to a party and accepts an invitation in return; he sees many amazing things along the way: cows obese and thin; the road is narrow and wide; fighting people and objects; goes to bed and wakes up and sees that he is covered with moss; some rejoice, others complain; when a person returns, it turns out that he is has been absent for several centuries; he dies when he falls from a tree; falls to dust]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 470:148; Russian written tradition ["The Walk of the Virgin in Pain", dating back to Greek apocrypha and preserved in a large number of copies, the oldest of which dates back to the 12th century. (summary of the text from the manuscript in the early 17th century): Archangel Michael takes the Virgin to hell and shows her the torment of sinners; in response to her questions, explains who those they meet are and what their sin is; B. asks about those screaming in the dark; M.: "These are those who did not believe in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and in you, Holy Mother of God..."; on the south side they see many husbands and wives immersed in a river of fire - one to belts, others up to the armpits, third up to the neck, and some with the head; "Who are these, immersed in fire from waist to waist?" - "These are those who have been cursed by their fathers and mothers, for which they suffer here"; "And who are those who are on fire to their armpits?" - "They were close cronies, but they were at odds with each other, while others did fornication..."; "Who are those up to the neck in the flame of fire?" - "These are the ones who ate human meat..."; "Who are those who are thrown headlong into the fire?" - "These are those, Madam, who, holding the cross honestly, falsely swore by the forces of the honest cross..."; the husband, hanging by his legs and eaten by worms, "made a profit for his gold and silver..."; a woman hung by his teeth, from whose mouth snakes crawl out, "went to my loved ones and neighbors, listened to what they were saying about them, and quarreled with them, spreading gossip..."; in the north there are hot benches on which they lie "those who do not get up for matins on Holy Resurrection are lazy and lie like dead..."; burning on fire tables - "those who do not honor priests do not meet them when they leave the Church of God..."; hung by tongues on iron hooks on ironwood - "slanderers and gossips who separated brother from brother and husband and wife..."; a husband hung by the legs and arms on four sides by the edges of his nails, who because of his tongue twisted with flames, he can neither breathe nor say: "Lord, have mercy on me" - "an economy and clergyman, he did not do God's will, but sold vessels and church utensils..."; suspended by the edges of the priest's nails, from whose heads the scorching fire emanates, are "those who celebrated the liturgy stood before the throne of God, considering themselves worthy, and when they performed proskomidia, they did not keep their enlightenment, they dropped its grains, like the stars of God, on the ground..."; the husband, whose eyes one of the three heads of a winged serpent faces and the other to his lips, "he read both the holy books and the Gospel, did not follow them himself..."; embraced fiery flames and eaten by a worm - "those who have an angelic and apostolic image are called glorious names of patriarchs and bishops on earth, and told them: "Bless, holy fathers"; but in heaven they were not called saints, because they did nothing to have an angelic and apostolic image..."; a flame comes out of the mouths of women suspended by their nails, from which a snake crawls out; they "hit, who did not honor their priests and married after their death..."; women lying on fire and eaten by snakes are "monastic blueberries who fornicated their bodies..."; sinners in the river of fire -" harlots and adulterers, thieves who secretly eavesdrop on what loved ones say are gossips and slanderers, and those who have reaped other people's fields and plucked other people's fruits..."; on the left side of the east is "the whole river it is tar, and its waves are all fiery, and those who suffer in them are Jews who tortured our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God; these are all nations who were baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and, called Christians, they believe in demons..."; in Lake of Fire - "those who were baptized and remembered the cross, but did diabolical deeds and did not have time to repent..."; B. begs M. to take her to heaven; asks the Lord, to have mercy on Christian sinners; he gives them peace from Holy Thursday to Holy Pentecost]: Likhachev et al. 2004:306-321; Russians (Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Tverskaya , Tula), Ukrainians, Belarusians [Godson of God (Christ): goes to visit God, receives questions on the way that he brings answers; sees a place in paradise prepared for him himself, and the future torment of his parents, returns (sometimes after 300 years)]: SUS 1979, No. 471=AA*803:139; Ukrainians, Belarusians [God's shepherdess: goes to the next world after horses; sees skinny sheep in good pasture and fat sheep on bad pasture; upon returning home, he learns the meaning of what he saw thanks to the explanations of his owner]: SUS 1979, No. 471**: 139; Belarusians (Bykhovsky y.) []: Romanov 1887, No. 27:198-205; Belarusians (Chaussky District, Radoml Vol.d., d. Chernavtsy, 1888-1891, from a peasant Gavrila Minin, 60 years old, illiterate) [An old man and an old woman live. They have thirty-three and a half sons. They are given 33.5 versts for mowing, they collect 33.5 ricks. A mare and 33.5 stallions from across the sea are used to it, and none of the sons can catch them. Only half of the ricks remains, her youngest son, the True Half (PI), goes to guard her, asks his father for three twigs of three poodies, jumps up on the mare with a fly, quilts it with twigs and drives her and everyone stallions to my father's house. They share horses: a mare for his father, 33 stallions for 33 brothers from older to younger, and half a stallion for PI. The king calls 33 sons to his service, and they are leaving. PI cries, his stallion comforts and catches up with his brothers. PI sleeps three days, brothers leave without waking him up. The stallion is catching up with them again. PI sleeps for three days again (same). PI sleeps, his brothers wake him up, and they reach the king. The king makes all brothers bosses and PI a groom. He wants to send someone to God to find out why the sun has faded for three days. 33 brothers refuse and offer to send PI. He cries, his horse comforts him and sends him on his way. On the way, he meets two crows stuck in oaks, a fish that everyone takes across the sea, a man and a woman rolling a hot stone to each other, a man holding an iron gun, a woman who pours water from a well into a well. They all ask PI to ask God how much more they have to suffer. PI comes to God. God answers the questions: the sun does not shine because the girl gave birth to a son and drowned him, crows will be able to get out if they live according to the Gospel, the fish can free themselves if they spit out a ship that swallowed, a man and a woman committed adultery when they were going to Christ, the man said how he would die, so even though they could help them, the woman stole milk, they would all suffer until the light changed. PI returns to the king, giving everyone God's answers along the way. The king praises him, plans to marry him, wants to send matchmakers. 33 brothers refuse and offer to send PI again with an assignment. He cries, his horse comforts him and sends him on his way. On the way, he meets three people who want to go with him and promise to help. They come to the fortress, the first person breaks the gate, the second defeats dogs. The king gives them plenty of bread and tells them to eat it overnight, and a third person eats everything. The king gives them plenty of wine and tells them to drink overnight, and the third drinks everything. The daughter sends PI to her grandmother for the harp. PI steals them, runs away from Baba Snake. The king orders to dig a hole with fire at the gate and cover it with a badge. The groom must cross this hole. The tsar himself steps on the badge, the princess pulls out the plaque, the tsar falls, the princess and PI get married]: Romanov 1901, No. 31:276-286; Ukrainians (Kharkiv, Bumeri Lebedinsky, c. 1878) [Parents and son they come to plow in the field, the eagle takes the boy to his nest. Three brothers living in the forest find a child, calls Trem Son Boris. The boy grows up, asks for a little horse and sets off. A shiny firebird feather is found in the forest, the horse asks to leave it, but the boy takes it. In a foreign kingdom, he is hired by the king as a groom, he is placed to look after ordinary horses, he combs them with a pen and puts his horses in the royal stroller. The grooms ask him and peek him, report to the king that TB is boasting that he can catch a firebird, and the king orders him to do it. The horse asks to dig a hole, pour vodka and peas into it, the bird arrives, drinks and eats, lies down, turns its legs upside down - they grab it and bring it to the king. He rewards Boris. The grooms tell the king that TB is boasting that he can catch a beautiful girl at sea, and the king orders her to do so. The horse asks for nets, mirrors and dresses. Nastasya comes out of the sea, tries on all her outfits, is caught in the net and brought to the king. She demands to get her 12 necklaces, which she tore and threw into the sea. Beef is laid out by the sea, crayfish crawl up, the boy takes white crayfish and demands that the whole necklace be brought to him, and then promises to let go of the cancer. Crayfish find the pike in which the necklace was kept, the white crayfish is released. The princess asks why the sun is red in the morning when it rises, and then white. Boris rides a horse to the sun, garden guards are asked to know why the garden used to feed the whole world, but now he cannot feed the watchmen; soldiers: how long should they stand chained; husband and wife on an oak tree: for a long time whether they should catch pigeons; cabatchica: how long should she pour water from a well into a well; whale fish: how long will people ride on it. TB walks into the sun's old mother's hut, asking questions. She hides him, tells his questions to the Sun in the morning, as if she were telling her dream every time. Sun: the garden will bear fruit when robbery money is dug up in it; soldiers will be free when this money is distributed to the poor; people will catch pigeons while the sun is shining, because when they were young they killed their own children; a woman will pour water while the sun is shining - she overflowed or underfilled in her youth; the whale fish will be free when it spits out the swallowed ship. The sun turned red - shy when his girlfriend came out of the sea, now she is gone - the sun is white, it gets up and sets late. Boris comes back, giving answers along the way. The tsar gives him half the kingdom, treats him like a brother]: Chubinsky 1878, No. 76:285-290.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [the hunter tears flowers behind the fence, brings flowers to his sister; they satiate; in his absence, his sister is taken away by the flower owner, the dragon Agulshap; he falls asleep, she asks God to save her, and ends up in the room ; a young man gets up from the coffin, goes back to the tomb for a day; when he died, God was able to resurrect him for his father-king only at night; the husband sends his wife to give birth to his father; a son was born, bit a nipple a mother, forced to say who comes to her at night; a young man sends her to the end of the world; a husband and wife lie on a hatchet, others push on a wide skin; a skinny bull is among the best food, obese without food; the deer suffers - one horn rests on the ground, the other against the sky; the young man climbs his horn into the sky; the mother of the Sun and Moon hides the young man from them, gives them water with which they washed, he will resurrect his father with it; the deer killed animals, promises not to do this, released, the young man is lucky; the obese bull did not complain about work during his lifetime, the skinny one was dissatisfied; the friendly spouses during his lifetime are not cramped on the axe, grumpy cramped in the skin; the young man disguises as a shepherd, resurrects his father; general feast]: Bgazhba 2002:121-128; Ossetians: Britayev, Kaloev 1959 [son marries Snake's daughter; father demands to bring a ring carried away to the world of the dead the young man's late mother, otherwise he will take his wife; the wife's parents harness the mule backwards; on the way, the young man sees an ox chewing on a man's mustache; spouses lying freely on the lamb's skin under the skin of a sheep; others who is cramped on a cow's house; a woman who milks two goats, milk flows over the edge of the bucket; a woman sewing mountains; old people with silver sticks at a rich table; a mother gives her son a ring; on the way back those met give explanations; 1) during her lifetime there were fair judges; 2) the woman sewed well for her lover, bad for her husband; 3) two daughters-in-law insulted the third, now she milks them; 4) loving spouses are spacious on a goat quarreling on cow's skin; 5) an ox chews the mustache of a cruel owner; at home, the father demands to plow, harvest in a day (ants, giants do everything); the father demands to bring a dwarf; this is Kotsa; son asks him if it is possible what he, a young man, did; he replies that no, with each answer his father becomes stony; his son crushed a stone and arranged a wedding]: 205-210; Dzagurov 1973, No. 27 []: 57-41; Libedinsky 1948 [episodes of Nart's tale: "Soslan went further and then he gasped in amazement. A mountain is cut in front of him with deep cracks, and a woman crawls along this mountain. She sews up the cracks on the mountain with a thick needle, apparently tired, poor thing, then drenches herself, but does not know peace. Soslan felt sorry for her, marveled, and went on"; "[Soslan:] I also saw a woman. She sewed up the cracks in the mountains with a thick needle. It can be seen that she, the poor girl, cannot do this job, but she cannot leave her for a while to rest. [Bedoha:] During her lifetime, this woman lied to her husband. She loved another man and sewed her lover without being lazy with a small and quick stitch. But she was lazy to dress her husband, sewed his clothes with grumbling and large stitches, and everything broke apart on the poor man. Now she pays here, according to the custom of the Land of the Dead"]: 146, 156; 1981 [Uryzmag laments that he could not get a doe; Soslan chased her, she disappeared into a cave; the doe was the daughter of the Sun Atsyrukhs, hers 7 waigs were protected; S.'s body is invulnerable, the Waigi agree to give him A., but they demand to build an iron castle, and in the corners along a sheet of Aza tree, as well as hundreds of deer, tours and other animals; Shatana gives necklace - draw a circle for them, a castle will appear; the animals will be given by their owner Afsati; the Aza tree grows in the land of the dead, where Barastyr is the owner; the deceased wife S. Let the leader stop talking for him; when he enters another world, S. sees the torment of sinners; agrees to dance with the girls, but as soon as she tries to grab one, she easily throws him into the river, and then pulls him out; the dead get full looking at the food; the old man endlessly carries stones in a basket without a bottom to the mountain; some spouses cannot fit under the skin of a bull, while others are hare enough; S. cannot lift the one lying on the earth is crazy, only went knee-deep into the ground; S. sees the Leader without a head, then his head rolled and sat down; explains the meaning of what he saw; those girls who died before marriage danced; stones on the mountain is worn by the one who robbed others; spouses: some quarreled, others lived together; all human virtues in an unbearable amount; Barastyr gave the leader Az leaves for S., asked Soslan to wrap the horseshoes of Soslan's horse backwards: the dead chased, but decided that the horse was galloping in the opposite direction; V. tells him not to pick anything up on the way; S. picked up an old hat; began to beat the horse to say what he would die from ; horse: my hooves are vulnerable, I will be pierced from below; S.: and I have knees; horse: you killed us, because that hat was Syrdon; Syrdon tells the devils in hell to shoot up, their arrows pierced the horse; dying, he tells fill his skin with straw and ride a scarecrow; Syrdon heard the devils fired hot arrows, the straw horse burned down; Soslan came on foot and received A.]: 164-183; Miller 2013, No. 10 (Digors) [=Miller 1881, No. 10:109-110; the sinless boy died; the son of the sun, Hamatkan, and the son of the moon Samatkan gave him a seat, saddle cover, tail and whip and told him who would meet him on the way: a woman who sews up cracks in the ground (she was slutty during her lifetime); a woman who ties her eggs with a long rope, but lacks rope (she hid her neighbor's chicken's eggs); a woman sitting among hundreds of ridges and does not who benefits from none of them (cared only for herself); a woman sitting between two ridges and benefiting from a hundred (caring for others); a woman who milks a hundred cows but not receives milk from one (she only took care of herself); a woman who milks two cows and receives milk from a hundred (took care of others); a woman carrying a tub of braga on her back, which boils and spills on her collar (did not give her neighbor kvass); a man and a woman who sleep under a bull's skin pull her towards them, but they miss her (did not love each other); a man and a woman who sleep under hare skin and they have enough of it (loved each other); a dog from whose womb puppies bark (people who disobey their parents); people sitting in court holding alder sticks sitting on alder benches and alder tables and covered with lice (were unfair judges); people with silver staffs sitting on silver benches (were fair judges)]: 184-191; Ingush [the man swore to kill the enemy before sunset, but did not meet him; the angel points to the praying person: here he is; the man cut that man, the upper part became a boar, the lower pig; an angel says that he has no time to explain, tells him to go to such a cave, they will say; at the end of the cave there is light, husband and wife have an inexhaustible dish of meat, a female on a chain; master: when a husband knows that his wife is sleeping with another and He does nothing, God turns them into a wild boar and a pig; the dish is inexhaustible, for during her lifetime, the owners gave the beggar the cauldron without even asking who she was; and the owner's mother was a miser, now she has become a female]: Dalgat 2004:78-79; Nogais [at the instigation of the eldest sons and their wives, the father sends his son to the realm of the dead to bring the ring to his deceased mother; he meets a young man with two pigs (these are his parents, they are cursed and did not receive guests), a woman with a big forehead who closes her eyes (people quarreled), an old man writhing in pain (he was bad, children do not remember him), a woman with a hand mill in her stomach ( I did not receive enough flour after threshing); gossip girl hanged by her tongue, sinful woman burns on fire; some sparrows cannot drink in the lake (illegitimate); son received a ring, returned to earth]: Kapaev 2012: 293; tatami [when dying, the mother put all her belongings in the chest, the key remains in her hand; the eldest, middle son refuses to go to the next world for the key, the youngest goes; the horse warns that they will go through Hell, a young man should not ask questions; they see two men holding each other by the shoulders over the river, telling them to move to the other side along them; a woman pouring milk from a jug to a jug; another shifts eggs from place to place; baking cakes in good shape, immediately eating them and shouting "I want to eat"; a drinker by the spring cannot quench her thirst; a young man in the hills gives bread and clothes (the horse warned me to take them with them); a mother in paradise explains that those standing above the river fought over this river during their lifetime; women one mixed water into milk, the other stole three eggs from a neighbor, and the third did not give cakes to the children, the fourth did not give the travelers a drink; in the hills there are beggars who did not want to work during their lifetime; the mother gives the key to her sons and husband; after eating them, the father turned into a donkey, the elder brother in a pig, the middle of a dog; the young man himself found himself in the palace with a beautiful woman]: Kukulla 1974, No. 11:86-103; Georgians: Bogoyavlensky 1894, No. 7 (Imereti) [angels tell the girl that her three brothers will soon will die: the eldest is hunting, the middle is fishing, the youngest on the wedding day - a snake will crawl out of the new shoes; if the sister tells, he will turn into a pole of salt; the eldest was killed by a deer while hunting, the middle one drowned in river; before the wedding, the sister throws her brother's shoes into the fire, the monster screams; the brother's wife considers his sister a sorceress, the sister says she is stony; the brother leaves to look for a way to revive her; on the way sees a thin bull grazing on the juicy grass; a woman with bread in her hands but screaming from hunger; another woman sweeps rubbish and the wind brings it back into the house; a deer with one horn in the clouds and the other entered the ground; he tells him to climb into heaven by his horns; a young man comes to an old woman; she promises to ask the angels about the fate of the young man's sister and those he met along the way; the bull did not work well, let him get drunk from the spring; the woman did not let the poor give out all her bread; the other did evil, we must take the garbage out the back door; the deer killed her older brother and other people, let him lay his upper horn behind her back, then he will pull out the lower one; the young man sprinkled his sister with water, which the angels used to wash her feet, she came to life]: 56-65; Kagan 1898a, No. 19 (Imereti) [three brothers decided to marry where everyone's arrow falls; older and middle married wealthy brides; the youngest's arrow fell into the swamp, he married a frog and moved away from his brothers; returning, he found the house tidy, lunch cooked; the young man followed, found the woman, burned frog skin; the king wanted to take his wife away, ordered to sow bread for the whole barn in a day; the wife sent her husband to the wizard test, who gave workers; the king orders to collect the seeds sown in the ground; the father-in-law sent birds; a crow with a broken leg brought the last grain at the last moment; the king orders to bring his grandmother's gold box from the underworld; the young man sees an obese bull grazing naked on the way the ground, and skinny, grazing on the juicy grass; husband and wife are not cramped on a narrow bed, and others do not fit on a wide bed; one woman bakes dirt, but it turns out bread, and the other bakes bread, but it turns out dirt; another one is hanged by the hair; the king's grandmother orders the young man to give him the box not himself, but through servants; on the way back, those he meets give explanations; hanged by the hair envied someone else's beauty; which turns out that dirt did not repay debts, and whose bread was good; those lying on the wide bed quarreled, on a narrow bed they lived in harmony; the skinny bull was greedy, the obese bull was hardworking; when the king opened a box, a fire blazed out of it and burned it]: 58-61; Mashurko et al. 1904, No. 3 [the eldest daughter asks her father to buy a dress, an average all-seeing mirror, the youngest a rose of paradise; the father steals a rose from Davy, that She tells her youngest daughter to be given in return, calls her "Rose of Paradise"; in Davy's house, she hears him telling her sister to slaughter PP; she cuts and cooks sister Davy herself, runs away, throws a mirror (glass forest) comb (forest of ridges), scissors (scissor forest); RR hides in a house whose doors do not open to Davy; there is a coffin with the prince coming to life at night; servants bring him food; RR cleans up the house, prince finds her; when it is time for her to give birth, he sends her with his ring to his father; she gives birth, the prince comes at night, his parents catch him, in the afternoon he dies again; the wife goes to the Sun, to which she is married sister; on the way she meets the suffering (the king's wife is suffering from childbirth, a man is standing in the middle of a burning bakery, the deer rests its horns on the sky); she rises to heaven on its horns; the Sun does not kill the one who comes when she finds out that she is his wife's sister; gives water to buy the prince, tells the woman in labor to be put on straw, the man to leave the burning bakery, the deer bend his head; everyone is happy]: 27-35; Chikovani 1985, No. 4 [hail beat the field third brother; he is hired by a rich man, will receive half of the harvest if he eats the field in a day; there is only one sheaf left to tie, the sun did not heed the request to wait, set; the man leaves with nothing; is hired herding sheep, if there is no damage in four years, will take half; on the way home, the wolf dragged one sheep, the young man left with nothing; three daughters of the sun come down from the sky to swim, he grabs one, lives with her in shack; the girl's ring makes wishes come true; the young man invites the king to visit, advisers come, the servant roasts the pheasant, sees the young man's wife, is overwhelmed by her beauty, the pheasant is burnt; advisers tell the king that sends a young man for the golden fleece of the Sun; the Month turns the young man into a needle so that he does not burn when the Sun approaches; the Sun has tempered the heat, greets his son-in-law; the young man hits the wolf, Ilya the Thunder, with a truncheon, ruins the Sun Garden; explains why; the Sun gives a fleece; the king sends his mother to the next world for the ring; the wife gives an apple, the young man follows it; the deer asks for a potion - it is difficult to wear horns; obese the bull is without food (he served the owner faithfully; all explanations are given when the young man returns), the skinny one is in the midst of the food by the stream (served badly); the husband and wife lie freely on the axe (loved each other), others are cramped on bull's skin (they did not love each other); an old woman builds a tower of eggs, they fall, fight (stole eggs); another puts white bread in good shape (tone), takes out black earth (did not give bread to travelers); man - the bridge over the abyss, they walk along it (did not let him cross the bridge during his lifetime); the king's mother gives a ring, curses her son; orders the deer to drink May water; having received the ring, the king turns into a hare, his advisers into wolves, they tore him to pieces; the young man reigns]: 22-26; Armenians: Harutyunyan 1986 [the king tells three sons to fire arrows, on whose court he falls, take his wife from there; the elder's arrow falls into the courtyard the vizier, the middle Nazir, the youngest at the cliff; she moves apart, there is an old woman, gives her beautiful daughter; the old king wants his daughter-in-law, his wife dies of grief; he sends his youngest son to his deceased mother for with the keys to the treasury; the wife tells her mother to go to her mother, who sends her son to take the prince to the next world; on the way he sees an obese ox in a rocky pasture, thin on juicy grass (during his lifetime, the first was thin, the second fat), an old woman who cleans the walls of tonir with her chest (cleaned them with rags during her lifetime); the mother reports that the keys are under the balcony pole curses her husband; at home, the prince finds his father petrified, elected to the kingdom]: 95-97; Epiphany 1894, No. 1 [the tsar hates Segran's youngest son; he went to live in the forest; someone is cleaning his hut; he waited for a frog, she turned into a girl; the elders Brothers Bala and Meghri find him and bring him back to the palace; the father demands 1) bring a log 50 fathoms long and thick; the wife tells her sister to ask the Sea, the sea gives; 2) a cauldron to cook pilaf for all people (same) 3) the key to the treasury that the late mother took to the next world; the sea tells you to ride a donkey across a mountain that will part, stop at the grave where the donkey will eat barley; On the way, S. sees the suffering, on the way back they tell us what sins they have been punished for; the mother warns that when S. brings the key to his father, he will die; the father is dead, S. is friends with his brothers]: 156-159; Turks [A young shepherd dug a pond to water the cattle and drink himself; a dove flew there, threw off his feather clothes, became a girl; the young man hid the clothes in a chest, brought the girl to his wife; she creates palace, bridge to the pond; the padishah wants to lime the young man, tells him to bring 1) a bunch of grapes that can be fed to the army and residents; the wife tells me to go to the pond, ask her older sister for such a brush; 2) a newborn baby who would talk (the younger sister just gave birth, the young man brought a talking baby, the padishah is frightened, tells me to take it back); 3) the ring from the finger of the padishah who died half a century ago; a wife sends her middle brother to get this ring; a dove leads a young man across the bridge; there a man drags straw, the other carries doors; during his lifetime, one stole bags of straw, the other two doors; the young man brought a ring, but during this time the wife found her clothes in the chest, flew away, taking with her palace, property and mother-in-law; the dove carries the young man to his wife, who just gave birth; they return , with them the palace, the young man's mother, etc.; the torturers are ready to execute the padishah, but the young man forgave him]: Stebleva 1986, No. 71:288-292; the Kurds [the young man knows how to turn into a wolf, forces the elderly to give him his daughter; After 40 days, they go to visit their daughter; the shepherds say they are herding a flock of wolves; they see a skinny bull on fat grass, fat on skinny grass; the tree turns green on which the nightingale sits; splashes of three boiling cauldrons do not fall into the middle; the son-in-law gives a horse and treasures; the old people looked around, the horse ran away, walked; the mullah explains what he saw: a skinny bull is a greedy rich man; a nightingale and two trees are a husband with two wives; an average pot is a bad neighbor; a mullah's bag cannot be filled with gold, but it is easily filled with earth (these are people's eyes insatiable to gold)]: Rudenko 1970, No. 62:231-233.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [when Solomon was sitting surrounded by birds and animals, the starling did an unpraiseworthy act; asked him not to punish: everything is predetermined by God; Simurg: the starling is wrong, predestination no; S. is angry; Archangel Gabriel Solomon: we will make sure that the padishah of the East has a son and the padishah of the West has a daughter; they are destined to meet; S. will try to prevent, but will not be able to; S. takes the girl to a nest on a mountain across the seas; no one knows about it; the girl considers Simurg her mother; the son of the padishah of the East was shipwrecked, merchants sheltered him; he gained confidence in the owner and decided to look for origins Neil; he gave him Solomon's potion, which made it possible to understand the language of birds and animals; the prince came to the garden, where trees were made of gold, leaves of emeralds, fruits made of gems, everything was wrapped in canvas; the king demands learn the secret of trees from the viziers, otherwise he executes; the viziers met the prince, they went together; the young man cuts off ripe and unripe crops and sprinkles everything into the water; the man at the well fills the vessels of those who come, and him its own vessel is empty; the snake stings those who pass by, but no one is wary of it; one butcher has fatty meat, the other has skinny and rotten meat, but customers prefer the second; people cling to the gazelle and run behind her; man picks up firewood, cannot pick up, puts it back; puppies bark in the dog's womb; the tripod is covered with cloth, people tear off pieces; old man: my brother is older, ask him; second old man refers to his oldest brother; he is black-haired, gives explanations; the king was so generous and fair that trees with gems grew, and everything was sewn into the canvas to tell about his justice; young man with a sickle is an angel of death; a person at the well labors benefits, and deprives his loved ones of them; a bird came out of the hole, but could not return - a word; a fat kid sucking his mother, but he is not fatter became: a king who oppresses subjects; the snake is life, it strikes; people and two butchers: turning away from his wife and leaning towards the forbidden; the gazelle is earthly life; the man who collected fuel is a sinner; puppies in the womb: not letting their parents speak; the canvas is faith; my hair is black because my wife is good, and my younger brothers have bad wives; the prince stayed with the young man; hears and understands the conversation of the bull and donkey; the bull is tired, the donkey advises to pretend to be sick; in the morning the plowman harnessed the donkey; in the evening, the donkey advises the bull to become cheerful again, otherwise they want to slaughter the patient; the prince laughs; the owner's wife demands an explanation; he asks for feces and ink to write about everything (and die); in the yard, the rooster praises the master's mind; the dog: he is stupid, because he will die, the king will find out about this and, as a result, the owner is executed, and his house will be ruined; let the husband will beat his wife; the prince told her husband, and he beat his wife; the prince goes on; the elder orders to grab the bird, it will carry it across the sea, we must take water from the spring, return back on the bird; the elder he will be dead, he must be washed; in that land is a paradise dome, with four rivers flowing from it: the Nile, the Euphrates, the Tigris, and Jeyhun; in paradise, the prince picked a bunch of grapes; when he returned, the devil invited him to eat an apple; grapes are here But he disappeared; the prince sailed on the ship, the ship sank, the prince got ashore with his horses; saw a girl in the tree; advised her to ask Simurg to bring a mirror; she was convinced that she did not look like Simurg ; ask Simurg to take you to the seashore for a day; the prince began to come out of the horse's skin in which he wrapped himself, the girl became pregnant; then asked Simurg to bring her skin into her nest; in the prince's shoes; when he was 15 years old, S. ordered Simurg to bring that skin: it was wearing a girl, a prince and their child; in fear of the promised terrible execution, Simurg flew away and no one else saw him; wedding]: Romaskevich 1934a, No. 65:331-355 (=Braginsky 197:289-315); Bukhara Arabs [Aliy converted the city's residents to Islam, married the daughter of the emir; ordered the name of the son she would give birth to Imam Mehdi; he himself came to to the prophet, told about his exploits; prophet: you did the job like Rustam; A. is offended: how to compare him with R. (I mean, he is taller than Rustam); A. sees a jug by the road, looked inside; there is a steppe, the grass is tall, the camels are skinny; in another jug: there is no grass, the camels are well-fed; on the mountain the wind almost threw A. off horse, A. tears, confessed; one mountain approached, tilted the top, then passed; the same second; third; man cannot lift a bunch of thorns; then untied it, added more; cannot lift it again; he cannot lift it up again; the elder carries the bag, put it on the ground; asks A. to pick up the bag, put it on his back; A. is unable to lift it (first he tried to lift the horse with a whip, then the horse's tears, pushed, blood from his nose), the elder himself easily picked up; the prophet explains; camels in the fat grass are Muslims, the grass is forbidden; well-fed camels are infidels; in the wind that almost threw off the horse was Rustam; the three mountains that passed by: the dog Rustam, his horse and R. himself; they showed respect; a man with a bunch of thorns: these are sins, he multiplies his sins; in that bag the sins of his co-religionists; I will wear them until the end of the century]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 23: 149-155 (full text), 151-153 (narrated episode); Yazgulyam [wolf to the prophet: give me a wife; he brought him to an old man with three daughters; the elders refused, the youngest agreed to marry the wolf; A month later, the old man went to the prophet, said he would go looking for his daughter; the prophet warned that he would see something strange in the ruins; the bull was thin in the grass, and fat on the rocky shore; the animal walks between two trees; whoever he approaches turns green, and the other dries at that time; the old man came to his daughter's house; under the plane tree, a young man in a golden fur coat; daughter: this is the wolf; he is the gatekeeper of paradise; the daughter tells the opposite there are no ways to turn around; the old man turned around, the horse threw him off, he walked; the old man explained what he saw; the thin bull is the one who cares about tomorrow, and the fat one who does not think about tomorrow; two trees - two wives; whose husband sleeps, she feels well; prophet: since you have heard my words, I will destroy you; the old man is dead]: Edelman 1966, No. 12:207-208; Sarykol people [three sons ask their father to find them wives; on the mountainside, a woman tells them to be sent to her one at a time; the eldest goes, and there is a snake; the same middle one; the younger Abadesh brings a snake, in the morning there is a huge house; A. asks his wife to leave her shell; the beautiful woman goes out; when they see her, the brothers faint; tell her father to destroy A.; he goes to the king, after which the vizier sends A. for lion's milk; the wife orders the lion to take the thorn out of his paw, A. receives milk and returns riding a lion; Father A. invites the king to demand a golden throne from A.; A. burns his wife's hairs, her mother brings the golden throne from heaven; a new requirement: a sweet slutty; Peri's father teaches to take it away from the fox; A. chases the fox into the cave, the fox dies, A. takes the shank and sees the inhabitants of another world; bulls eat one person's beard (when he plowed, he did not give them grass); seven people they are trying to build a bridge (during her lifetime, they stole boards from the bridge); two snakes suck a woman's breasts (she gave a breast to someone else's child without asking her husband); A. apologizes to the Creator for the death of the fox, is forgiven; the wife's father teaches to say that the king's father and mother gave the rubob, they are waiting for him; the king orders himself to be burned at a huge fire, A. becomes king]: Pakhalina 1966:142-148; Baluchi [two princes went hunting; younger saw a snake swallowing a ram, but the horns were stuck in its mouth; the youngest called the elder, they sawed off the horns, the serpent swallowed them; they brought the snake to their father, who gave him a carpet; the serpent: let him come one of you; the youngest was frightened, the eldest went; the serpent asked his relatives if he should give him his daughter for a man; they said that if he did not get along with her in three nights, they would fill his skin with hay, and if he is fine, then let it be; at night the girl took off the snake's shell; the young man slept for two nights, but cut his finger on the third, did not fall asleep and got along with the girl; in the morning a snake came and started joking; his wife told him to choose from him my father's thin horse, I'll harness the old ones and the saddle, and take the incense of the Holy Prophet Suleiman from my mother; going to his father, the prince waited at the crossing; saw a snake and threw a stone at it; wife: you killed me, put the medicine from that bag on my head; the younger brother saw the elder's wife and wanted her himself; the king told the vizier to help get rid of his elder son and give his wife to the youngest; the vizier tells me by morning fill three jugs with marvelous milk; the wife called the divas, they gave milk; bring a flower from the dead; wife: sow sesame seeds at the spring; when it blooms, pearies will come; take a medium dress and not look around; she is my uncle's daughter; the prince did so; the other pears flew away; he returned his clothes when that peary said "for the love of her husband and wife"; she brought a flower and brought the prince to his house {and became his wife}; vizier: there are 7 vessels of gold, the key has disappeared with your late mother, get it; wives: in such a place the entrance to the grave will be opened; the prince goes and sees two bulls attacking his the owner; two dogs (same); one woman hangs, the other made a fire under her; each time she asks what this means, he is promised an answer on the way back; his mother is in the cauldron, jumped out and gave the key; who hangs, did not give the one that burns it, is full of oil; the owner fed one dog and did not feed the other; one bull gave hay, the other did not; the young man gave the key; the vizier: create a castle on the river, one brick gold, the other silver; the wives called pearies and angels, they built everything; the king, the vizier, who were close there rose; the pearies and angels took the bricks, the king, the vizier, and the close associates drowned]: Zarubin 1932, No. 15: 190-197.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [1) an old man (God) invites a person to visit; on the way he sees fat sheep in scarce pastures and, vice versa; thirsty water carriers; people pouring money; black a woman; a cow at a pole; God explains; these are people punished for sins; a person returns after a long time, falls to dust; 2) a stingy owner invites a beggar; but the owner is lost in the forest; the beggar promises to take him out; they walk past fruit trees, but the hungry owner cannot get a single fruit; then he sees tables lined with meals at which long-dead people feast; the owner starves to fall and prays; the poor God takes the master by the hand and leads him directly to the miser's house]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 471:289; Lithuanians [a person has always shared a meal with a poor man; once he He invited him himself (sending a horse for him); along the way he sees a lot of strange things: skinny sheep graze in fat pastures (stingy people), and fat sheep on bad ones (people who eat small); an old man in heaven explains the meaning of what a person sees; through a small window he sees sinners suffer in hell; man thought it had been a few days, but it turns out that every day is a century]: Balys 1936, no. *472: 45-46; Lutsie (told in Russian in Latin) [the father drove his son and bride into the forest, they live in a poor hut, no one around; the husband goes to look for a godson for the child; the old man meets him; scattered around the house and around the coals, cattle and a rich farm appeared; parents came to visit, the son put them away, and the old man was nearby; the furious father left; the old man invited the man to his place, promised to send a gray one for him horse; man rides, sheep graze on bare ground, but happy and full; ask: you are going to God, ask if we still have so much fun living; other sheep in thick grass, near water suffer from thirst and hunger; a snake fights a toad; a toad asks to know how long it takes for them to fight like this; a woman pours water from a full well into an empty one: how long? the godson, that is, God, explains; fractional sheep are poor, suffering from fat grass are greedy rich; the snake and the toad are your parents; the mother gave onions to the beggar, and her father began to scold her; the woman of the K5 people did not topped up vodka in the tavern; the first night the godson left the man to spend the night in a room with knives and needles; he did not sleep well; then conditions improved every time; when the pillows were soft, he slept without waking up, and then, when the rooms were luxurious, he could not fall asleep, because he looked at the treasures; the godson told him not to go into one room; the man came in, the father was covered in resin; he pulled his hair, but only tore off his hair; the godson all He knows, I had to admit that I came in; godson: tell my father - if he does not improve, he will be in that room; the rooms in which the person slept belong to his father, mother, himself, wife, son; a man persuaded his godson to let him sit on his throne; saw the whole world from there; saw an old woman stealing milk from a poor widow; hit her in the face with a staff - there was thunder, the whole city burned down, including widow; God sent him to earth, telling his father to distribute property to the poor; when he returned; the father repented, distributed property; all five (parents, son, daughter-in-law and grandson) rose gold stairs to heaven]: Annom et al. 2018:39-44; seto [a rich man drives two beggars out of the house, giving them some bread; his little daughter hears a meal, one telling the other that all property is the rich man will be inherited by YLM-ynnõlda Vassil, who was now born to a poor man's family; the rich man sends in search, finds a large family in which the boy was born, but he cannot find a godfather, promises to become a godfather and take the child into foster care; takes him to church, the priest gives the boy the name ylm-ynnõlda Vassil; on the way to home, the rich man leaves the child in the wasteland; soon travelers come, saying they have found a baby; a rich man puts the baby in a barrel, lets him go to sea; people overseas find him and raise him; when EVE 18, a rich man accidentally comes there on business, hears a hated name, offers to marry an adopter to his daughter, but Eve does not say anything to himself yet; sends Eve to his wife with a letter telling him to kill the one who brought it; on the way, the old man opens the letter, tears it up, draws up another with an order immediately marry EVE to his daughter; when he arrives, the rich man finds out that EVE has become his son-in-law; he decides to get rid of EVE by sending him to hell with the task of finding out who is richer: he or the lord of hell; along the way, a thousand-year-old oak asks find out how long he can stand, he wants to finally die; three people plow, each acting as a ploughman, a horse and a plow, the furrow behind immediately disappears; they ask how long they will last suffer; a fish that serves as a bridge over the river and a carrier across another river each asks when he can free himself; Eve comes to hell when the lord is not at home; a young woman he kidnapped and made a wife, hides Eve behind the stove; looking in the hair of the returning lord, the wife pretends to be dreaming and each time asks what this means; 1) richer than the Lord of Hell; 2) under the oak tree, Vladyka buried gold; 3) the ploughmen were stingy, they changed between, they suffered forever; 4) the fish swallowed the ship with the crew, let it burp; 5) the carrier was a thief, let him find a replacement; Eve tears off the gold, the oak immediately dried up and fell; told the carrier what to do; told the fish to belch the ship, it sailed away; the ploughmen were left to suffer; when he saw the gold brought, the rich man softened, but did not believe that the lord of hell was poorer him; went to ask; the carrier jumped ashore and left the rich man in the boat for himself]: Sandra 2004:182-192; Norwegians [two friends swear not to part; one dies; invites the deceased alive to his wedding, and then accompanies him to the afterlife; on the way he sees a lot of strange things, a friend gives explanations; on the seashore, he remains alive, falls asleep; when he returns home, he finds out that he was absent several hundred years; dies the next day after falling from a tree]: Hodne 1984, No. 470:105-106; Swedes [the most common options are describing punishments or rewards received by those who are alive sees in the underworld]: Liungman 1961, No. 470:113-114.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Nikiforov 1915 ["Toybon Khan and nine good Zaisans" (hereinafter T.) summon old man Olokshin 'a; he is old, he has three daughters; the eldest, the middle one go instead him, they come back; the youngest comes, looks like a hero; turns out to be a young man - Ain Shahin Shinshirge; Kudai gives him a horse Ilizin 'a; T. offer difficult tasks; 1) bring fangs Karaguly's beast (he's like a mountain, ASHSH defeated him, they fraternized, K. gave fangs, T. begged to take him back, K. ate half of T.'s cattle and people; the same with Ker-Balyk fish; 2) bring a shaman from heaven; she is also - Kan-Kerede bird; ASHSH finds her two daughters in the house, they hide her, say that her mother will come with wind and rain - the wind of her wings, drops of sweat from them; KK arrives, agrees not to swallow ASHSH, visit the land with him; her daughters marry ASHSH; when a shaman hits a tambourine, T.'s people and cattle do not multiply, but die; 3) bring from the Lord of the Dead Yerlik 'and the two jugs given to him for distillers and a fur coat; mother-in-law gives ASHSH poles, coals, eyes, tendons (in hell, two camels rub against poles, not against an ASHSH horse, well done not burn coals from ASHSH, but take ready-made ones, girls do not pull tendons out of the horse for threads, crows peck their eyes); ASHSH crosses the hair bridge J aza ("past") Baspas ("do not step"); at a hoe stump, if she lies on the ground, a woman dies, if she lives, on stump; near the peak (the same sign for a man); in the stream the lungs of two people are connected, the water does not carry them up or down (two kama have not finished their studies, this is their punishment); the horse teaches you to throw sand into the yellow swamp, to say Father's good (swamp), if you are Altai, the swamp dries up; then two people tied to poplars, they catch trying to escape from E.; then the mare hits the man on the head with its hoof (man stole and ate a foal from a mare); a black stone will be plugged in the man's mouth (took bribes); the old man and the old woman have a cauldron crushed by a stone (stingy during his lifetime); a naked young woman holds a marl in her hands, the other laughs ( the second asked the first one three times, she did not give it); the spouses pull the blanket from each other, the others lie covered (the first quarreled, the latter lived in harmony); E. asks to bring three horses, I.'s horse helps to do this; E. leaves ASHSh. for a while on his throne, tells him not to go to the mountain; ASHSH goes, sees lakes of people's tears, a bush made of their hair; gives blood vessels and a fur coat, asks I.'s horse in return; I. breaks down, returns to the ASHSH to earth; E. asks the ASHSH to migrate, devours T. and all living things in his land; the ASHSH says goodbye to his parents, goes to the upper world ("sinners in hell" - p.55-57)]: 31-64; Potanin 1916, No. 59 (Zap. from a baptized Altai to villages. Onguday in the river valley Ursul) [Altai-Buchi went to fight Demichi-ter; his wife Edil-Jebil and sister Edil-Kojil wrote a letter with the duck to Aranai-Charanay, Elden-Chaldan's son, that they would be better off without Ab; they gave Ab wine with sweat workers and a horse; Ab fell into a hole; AH ordered Ab's sixth horse to be tied, his thumbs cut off; three more horses, two dogs and two golden eagles Ab were also confused and taken away, but Demichi-Jeren's horse (DD) tricked them into freeing them, becoming a sparrow, took Ab's thumbs away; Ab's wife gave birth to Kan-Sorysh, DD, becoming a sparrow, carried him through the smoke hole in the yurt; the mother cut off her son's leg, but DD stole his leg; from the sky from the milk lake, where the birch tree is in bloom, brought the girl Temene-ko, she revived everyone, put the cut back, married the COP; Ab tied his wife to the tails of nine horses; went underground to fight with Aranai-Charanay; fished with a fishing rod with a bait of 6 bulls, this fish is gone; marries Kan-Jackpay's sister; goes to look for his missing son; the serpent climbs into the nest of the Kan-Gerede bird, Ab kills him; the chick replies that when his mother arrives, it will rain a little, there will be wind; the bird sends Ab to Yerlik to look for Altyn-Gerel; the wife gave needles (stick in front of two camels, have time to pass between them) , a hundred eyes (let two crows and two magpies bite), threads (give two girls so that they do not tear out their tendons), coals (give coal burners so that they do not burn themselves), iron (to blacksmiths, so as not to split themselves); a woman, a goat and a foal in front of her, she stole them from a mare and a goat during her lifetime; it is not enough for some spouses to hide 9 sheepskins, others feel good under one; children who looked sideways at their parents are hooked for eyes; the woman who killed the child is hanged by the navel; who condemned people, and freestyle himself, the soles are pinned with iron; the woman has a male bone, the man has a female bone, both freestyle; the murderers boil in sulfur; Ab beats E. with twigs that have grown out of her hands, she promises to help him; Ab made a live head go to Kutai, dead to Yerlik; (etc.); Kan-Jackpay nailed Jergenis-Boko's lower lip (boko is a strongman) to the ground, the upper one to the sky; Kan-Sorysh cut his stomach inside and got out]: 181-186; Surazakov 1979 [Maadai-Kara, song 4; Kogudey-Mergen's parents died, Erlik Kara-Taadi's daughter took them; KM ties her to stakes and quilts with bars to death; then goes to the lower world; sees people and animals suffering, the horse explains why they were punished; the horse is hanged by the legs, he killed children; the bull is glued to the ground with its face, he butted people; a biting dog is covered with lead; husband and wife cannot hide in a fur coat, eat - they were stingy, did not help others; tied cannot reach food, water - did not feed the horse, he was tied; sitting on a stump and whipping him indiscriminately beat horses; always running did not care about his family; a cruel hunter became a hare; selfish husband and wife fight over a torn coat; spouses, quietly sleeping under the same fur coat, lived together; KM kills Erlik and brings people to the ground]: 211-226; Khakas: Mainagashev 1915 (Sagai people) [Khan orders to bring a fur coat placed in the grave of his deceased mother; wife gives the hero a horse, who brings him to the land of the dead; one old woman tries to separate water from milk (diluted milk for guests during her lifetime); the other squeezes the araka from the manure (during her lifetime she diluted the manure with araka, to cover something up); the khan's mother gives a fur coat, stops torturing old women; a woman who stole bridge material for fuel during her lifetime lies on a bridge over the river; returning from Erlik, the hero crosses this bridge; when another person steps on him, the old woman gets up, and he lies down as a bridge instead of her]: 287-289; Torokova, Sychenko 2014, No. 23 [fishermen caught a strange fish, like gold and silver; Yoxes-Ool gave for her only five sheep; having felt sorry for the sheep, he threw the fish into the river; at night they came to call him to the owner of the river, old man Sugdayigan; he saved his son, let him ask not for gold and silver, but for a blue dog; S. tells her to water and feed her what YOS eats and drinks himself; in the morning there is a girl in the house, and the dog's skin hangs on the wall; the girl creates food and property; once YOO quarreled with his wife and threw his skin into the fire; the wife tells wait for misfortunes; Hara-Khan's son's arrow accidentally hit YOO's house, he went to pick her up, saw a beautiful woman, decided to take her away; demands that his father come up with something; he tells the YOS to play hide and seek with his son: if if you lose, I'll cut off my head; the wife turned YOO into a broom, the Khan's son did not find it; now the Khan's son hid; wife: three brown one-year-old calves are standing, you have to twist the middle tail and hit the head; Khan's son admitted that YOO found him; next time his wife turned YOO into a thimble; then more; Khan's son lost all three times; now Khan sends him to Mount Hara-tag to find out how old the black bear is; my wife gives seven black fox hats; you have to drive the black bear out of the den with a stick, put the hats on your hands like a creature with seven heads; the bear looks and says: three poplars standing above me, We have reached the age of three hundred, and I myself have reached the age of sixty, but I did not see the creature with seven heads; frightened, I left; now the khan orders me to bring the clothes and shoes of his deceased father and mother, in which he wore them buried; wife: now you have to run; in the morning she called a winged dark brown horse; when you hold on to the lower reason, she will walk on the ground, when the upper one will fly across the sky; he knows where to run and fly; in the far land, rose hips and hawthorn branches should be attached to the toroks; when YOO was driving, he saw fat cows and sheep grazing on pebbles, sand, without water; horse: this deceased was a good man, and cattle are slaughtered at his wake; then on lands with good grass and water, animals are skin and bones; they were slaughtered for a bad man; then the horse is on a rope, there is no water or grass, but this one is frolicking the man treated the horse well; the other horse is skinny, although there is a lot of water and grass - he did not look after the horse well; the old woman pours from bottle to bottle - she diluted the milk with water; another person stuck to the sharpener, he is spinning with him - he regretted the sharpening; they arrived; the khan's father's clothes are on the sunrise side, the khan's mother is on the west side; Yoo took his clothes, the Khan's father ran after him, YOO threw a rose hip branch, Khan's father cannot cross; after learning why YOO needs clothes, he orders Hara-Khan to become a black woodpecker, his son a motley woodpecker, his wife a house mouse; the horse brought YOO back with speed of thought; YOO conveyed his father's "blessing" to Hara-Khan, who, his son and son's wife became woodpeckers and a mouse; Yoo became khan]: 403-423; South Altai Tuvans [on the advice of a horse, Ergen-ool agrees to become a friend of black a snake; he turns into a young man on a blue horse, sends E. to his house, hands him a golden casket; it contains cattle marks, scissors, a needle; he throws it away, finds a beautiful woman, a yurt, and lots of cattle in the morning; Kharagathy Haan sends servants to fry quails; the quails burned down, E.'s wife gave them three pieces from the tail of the sheep, sprinkled them with her milk, XX and his people ate this month; XX comes to her yurt, she makes him stick to objects three times at night; E. arrives at the 20th, his horse reaches the clouds with his withers, rolls the boulders of the lower world with his feet; XX unsuccessfully tries to poison E. with araka; XX offers to hide; the wife turns E. into an iron on fire, hearth tongs, scissors; tells her husband that XX has turned into felt wool on the roof of the yurt, a reed stem, a yellow whip; XX tells her to kill Erlik Haan and come back; his wife asks you to take sandbags, tendons, leather sticks, sheep's tail; a black dog runs through the called pasture; he must be fed with a sheep's tail, strangled, shoved a tail in his mouth; pour sand on a snowy mountain to cross it; camels will ask whether to scratch about you or your horse - give them leather; women - pull tendons out of you or a horse - give them tendons; a man and a woman call out to each other on opposite sides of the cliff, the other two on opposite sides of the lake (the couple lived in discord; the latter spit on each other, saliva turned into a lake); in a cauldron one boils water, the other has a bone without meat (both stingy during his lifetime); a person eats huge tea leaves (during his lifetime he threw away tea without digesting it well); in the world Erlik E. meets that black dog; dog says that when Erlik is awake, he says, "I sleep, and when I sleep, I don't sleep; by morning Erlik fell asleep, E. tore off a piece of his heart, flew away with a falcon; sees a man leading a black dog; this revived Erlik led XX]: Taube 1994, No. 3:61-69; Balagan Buryats [=Dugarov 1990:259-266; retelling in Holmberg 1927:488-489; King Gondola's eldest wife has a son Mu-Monto, known a fool, the youngest has Altan Segse; MM herded sheep, saw a whirlwind of fire and a ball inside, pulled the ball with his staff, he turned into king Mogo-Khan; he was defeated by Galta Mogo-Khan, now released, called guests; MM comes, on the advice of a subject khan, asks Princess Agu-Nogon as a gift; Khan gives a daughter, a bird and a puppy with her, he must catch game; the puppy does not catch, MM hit him, accidentally killed him; woke up in palace, beautiful nearby, ran away to the city in fear; returned, the beautiful woman explained that she was his wife of the Academy of Sciences; brother came, returned to his father, told about MM, G. decided to kill his son out of envy; asks to go to that light, pick up the saddle and horse from her grandfather (i.e. from G.'s father himself); the wife teaches you to go north, grab the fox's tail, she will lead; in another world, skinny horses on juicy grass, shining on rocks; officials and shamans in a tar pot; naked women hug logs, men tied hand and foot; one woman is happy, the other dies of hunger; grandfather MM explains: happy was generous, hungry stingy; hugging logs were unfaithful to their husbands, bound to steal; officials and shamans stole; women with their mouths sewn up slander and flattered; horses that were well grazed by their owners are also obese and bad here - thin; gives the horse and the saddle; the khan father tells his son to return the ram and 9 skins donated to Esege-Malan; the wife gives skeins of thread to rise to heaven; EM promises to return everything, incinerates G. and his palace with lightning; only MM's mother remained, began to live with her son and daughter-in-law]: Khangalov 1960, No. 118:308-314; the Mongols [the childless Khan Solombo Lama predicts that his property will go to the poor boy; S. takes the child into foster care, buries him alive in the snow; an old woman found him, he grew up, married; S. found out, told the young man to bring the soul of the deceased out of hell; the wife gives her a bag of eyes (give it to crows), the bag lived (women), salt (cannibal camel); on the way, a woman asks why she has horns; people why the temple they are building is collapsing; a man why he stuck to the boat; gives her eyes, veins, salt; passes between the golden and silver mountains; Vladyka's wife is kidnapped by the young man's sister; hides it in a hole under the hearth; the wife asks the returning ruler why those people were punished (the woman did not give milk poor man, temple builders used to be robbers; the boatman profited from transporting people); you can take some gold and silver from the mountains; in the morning, Vladyka left, his sister told me what he had learned, gave the soul of the deceased ; he brought S. gold and silver; S. himself went to hell, was torn to pieces on the way]: Mikhailov 1967:161-166; Dagurs [{similar to the Manchus's "book about the shaman Nisan"}; a rich man Bardubayin has a son Feiyanggu; when he is 15 years old, he went hunting with Baharji and Aharji warriors and servants, fell ill, died; he was brought home, buried; his 50-year-old parents turned to Buddha and gave birth to a new son Sergudi Feiyanggu; the same thing happened to him; his father arranges a grand funeral because there are no heirs anyway; one person advises asking the shaman Nisang to return the young man's soul; B. jumps to her , promises her gold, she agrees to help; B. suggests that Zhorbinga hit a tambourine, but N. tells her to call Nari Feiyanggu, whom she is used to working with; he is brought in, N. begins to play; in the lower world monsters reply that the road to the right leads to those who died of wounds, straight from illness and old age, to the left - who should not have died, the Northern Fleet recently walked along it; turning left, N. reaches the Infinite rivers, laga transports through it in a boat for a fee; he is chrome, toothless, gray, one-eyed; says that the Northern Fleet moved yesterday; N. and his satellites had to cross the Red River themselves, throwing soy into the water sauce and paper money; having overcome the outposts, N. demands to return the soul of the Federation Council, takes the Federation Council; bargains: gives the rooster and the dog, agrees that the Federation Council will live for another 90 years, will have 20 sons; the deceased husband N. is angry why she did not revive him; she shows him the coffin with his bones, explains that this is impossible; N., leading SF, comes to the palace of the goddess Womie, thanks to her people multiply; she gives SF 5 sons and 3 daughters; explains: a green tree means the fertility of people, a dried tree means those who burned grass in pastures; a couple in simple clothes is warm - they loved each other, a couple in warm clothes clothes are cold, they deceived each other; the one who weighed and deceived is hanged by the tendons of his legs; moving logs and stones irritated Bainacha's father, now they drag stones on his head; robbers are boiled in oil ; disbanded women are bitten by snakes; cruel and unfaithful husbands are sawn; those who desecrated clean water have their tongues cut off; women who do not respect their parents are thrown naked on stakes; N. and the Federation Council crossed both rivers, returned; B. saw that his son in his coffin came to life; N. was generously rewarded, she became famous]: Stuart 1994:89-102.

Western Siberia. Mansi (Konda) [three girls decide not to sacrifice to patron spirits; one hears spirits negotiating to kill them; when the spirits come and hide, the other two spirits are eaten; a girl comes to old people, becomes the wife of their son; when she gives birth to a child, that spirit takes away her mind, she puts the baby on a stick, puts her in the hearth; the husband tells her parents that he will not do anything until the wife gave birth a third time; the second time, the third time, the same; the husband buried his wife chest deep in the ground; she had a crow under her arm, dug it up at night, carried it across the river in its beak, and they began to live in a hut; he hunts successfully; a ship has sailed, the crow suggested: if I guess, all the goods are mine, and if not, your worker for life; he guessed everything, took the goods; became a fly, flew to that old spirit; shipbuilders tell him about a rich man (i.e. a crow); old man: my mother has three birch trees, with three black grouts on them, when earrings bite, silver and gold fall; when the squirrel runs up there, he sings, and when he goes down, he tells fairy tales; the crow found birch trees, transplanted them to his house; the same with two ships; the ragged old man (apparently that spirit): my aunt has a bull, he has a bathhouse in his ass, one-legged in her will be washed, whole, one-eyed will be seen in both eyes; three nightingales sing in his ear; the crow has found a bull, brought it to him; the same is three ships; old man: the owner of the lower world has a golden cuckoo who will get her, will become rich; a crow has passed through a hole into the lower world; sees people suffering there, everyone asks to know when the torment will end; 1) three men run backwards, three girls behind them; 2) a person runs around the house, the body is frostbitten and injured; 3) the man is tied to a millstone; 4) the man is pouring milk; 5) the man is glued to the boat; the owner of the lower world is lying, his son is writing on paper, the cuckoo is at the hole boxes; the owner answers questions; 1) during his lifetime, they thought a lot about sex, they will be released; 2) did not let people into his house, he will be released; 3) did not allow the use of the millstone, will be released; 4) mixed milk and water, when separated, will be free; 5) stole hay, which people put on the bottom of the boat to sit, will not be free; the crow threw the cuckoo into the box, grabbed it, ran, told everyone suffering from what awaits them, returned home; again the episode with the ship that sailed; again a fly to the old man spirit; there the ex-husband of the crow's mother promises to come to see what the sailors saw; comes, son He tells him everything, takes his house and wealth, moves with his mother to his father; the old spirit was torn apart by two horses]: Kannisto 1951, No. 49:114-127.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Manchus [{the same as the Dagurs}; in the Jurchenei State, the village elder Lolo Baldubayan (accordion means "rich") has two favorite young slaves Akhaljin and Bahaljin; gives birth to a son dies; second, Serguwedei Phango (SF), is born; at the age of 16 he goes hunting, dies unexpectedly; the young widow of the shaman Nisan agrees to return his soul from the afterlife of Khan Yilmun; to the drum for she is beaten by a young man Nari Fiango; Doholon ("lame") carries her in a boat across the yellow river; she pays him three bars of soy sauce and three packs of paper; he replies that Mongoldai Nakchu passed ( nakcu - "maternal uncle") passed carrying the Northern Fleet; at the Red River, the carrier demands five bars of sauce and five packs of paper for the crossing; the good spirit of the heavenly girl carries N.; the eagle carries N. to the house of MN, bypassing the outpost of spirits; the eagle, N.'s assistant, grabs the Northern Fleet playing with gold and silver grandmothers, brings him to N.; pays off the pursuing MN, giving him a dog, a rooster and paper; consistently begs add him SF 10, 20... 90 years of life; N.'s angry late husband tries to detain her, she tells the eagle to take him to the city of the dead Fendu; N. comes to Omoshi's mother; all people are her grandchildren, raised from roots, released from leaves; she promises to give the SF five sons, three daughters; N. sees beautiful trees in the west; O. replies that they are well-intentioned people from the realm of the living; then successively explains why the people N. sees suffer; women who did dirty things in the river are given dirty water; the one pinned to the door gave little silver, took a lot back; the one who rolled down in the mountains wears stones they are now on the mountain; the one who did not pay the recruits is dragged along the ground; the husband, who looked angrily at his parents, his eyes and tongue are pulled out; food wasters are fed mealworms; the naughty son is beaten; ate at night they secretly tear their hooks from the family; O. tells N. to tell people about what he saw; the Federation Council comes to life, marries successfully]: Yakhontov 1992:94-129.

Japan. The Japanese (Fukuoka and Oita Prefectures) [the deceased Hirokuni official came to life on the fourth day; told how he was brought to King Emma, who sat on the golden throne; saw his late wife, pierced with iron nails; she accuses H. of kicking her out of the house, but E. tells him he is innocent; sends him south to see his father; he hugs a red-hot copper pole; during his lifetime he killed animals and took goods from debtors; H. was released from the kingdom of E. because a boy stood up for him; it was the Kannon Sutra, which H. copied as a child; to atone for his father's sins, H. copied sutras and carved Buddha statues]: Mescheryakov 1984:122-124; Japanese (Otogi-zoshi Fuji no Hitoana Soshi (Notes on Fuji Cave), 14th-16th centuries) [The shogun sends Tadatsune to explore a cave on the slope of Mount Fuji; T. goes through a cave, finds himself in a pine forest, and sees Asama's Bodhisattva Palace; bodhisattva shows T. all six worlds, hell, and lets go back; the story shows in particular detail the hellish torments of sinners; {M.V. Toropygina does not specify details}]: Toropygina 2010:391-392; Japanese (otogi-zoshi "Chohonji yomigaeri-no sushi" ("Hell"), XIV-XVI centuries) [(the story is written in the first person); the nun goes to hell, appears before ten king judges; King Emma talks about the purpose of her visit - explaining the importance of the gyakushu ritual; in addition the nun must carefully remember and tell what she sees; she will see people suffering in hell; showing each picture of suffering is accompanied by an explanation of what sin is the punishment and marking the time of punishment; sinners who committed ten atrocities had five crimes to go down to a hopeless hell; hell the Goat and the Devil Bosh put them in a cart and roll them there, where flames are burning brightly; nuns who did not perform their duties are forced to drink molten iron; falconry fall into hell of fire, where their victims gather to bring charges; those who kept birds in captivity are pushed into bird cages and set on fire; those who quarreled with others suffer on the demon road; {Mikhail Toropygina's descriptions of other types of punishment omitted, listed sins - anger, disrespect for monks, arson, gossip, etc.}]: Toropygina 2010:392-397.

The Great Southwest. Hopi [The sun agrees to help the young man visit Maski's afterlife; while his soul is traveling, his body lies dead under his sister's supervision; the Sun carries the young man above the ground, explaining what he saw; the virtuous reach the Mask in a day, and the evil ones, especially witches, only go one step in a year; carry baskets full of stones; single people who have already been married use women's wearbelts, and girls who marry married men; belts crash into their bodies; women behind a stone fence ask them to drink, at least spit in their mouths, you can't do this; you can't agree to bear a tired woman; former marriages repeatedly carry penis ligaments around their necks according to the number of husbands, men similarly carry vulvas; married Zunyas turn into mules; those sitting on stone pillars ask to lower them; victims sorcerers and sorcerers throw them into a pit of fire, they turn into smelly beetles; around the village of the dead there are blooming meadows, fruit-bearing fields, singing birds; the stairs in the house are made of sunflower stalks, so that only souls can climb them; the young man returns home, enters his body; because the young man, despite the prohibition, ate fruit from the field of the dead, he soon died; moves slowly because people cry for him relatives; after becoming an eagle, he returns to them, explains what's going on; then he quickly reaches the afterlife]: Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 8:63-92.