Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H55A. Two under one blanket. 29.32.34.

Once in a different world, a person sees a husband and wife trying to cover themselves with one blanket that they do not have enough, or they do not have enough space for two. See H55A motif.

Abkhazians, Ossetians, Georgians, Armenians, Bashkirs, Altaians.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [the hunter tears flowers behind the fence, brings flowers to his sister; they satiate; in his absence, his sister is taken away by the flower owner, the dragon Agulshap; he falls asleep, she asks God to save her, and ends up in the room ; a young man gets up from the coffin, goes back to the tomb for a day; when he died, God was able to resurrect him for his father-king only at night; the husband sends his wife to give birth to his father; a son was born, bit a nipple a mother, forced to say who comes to her at night; a young man sends her to the end of the world; a husband and wife lie on a hatchet, others push on a wide skin; a skinny bull is among the best food, obese without food; the deer suffers - one horn rests on the ground, the other against the sky; the young man climbs his horn into the sky; the mother of the Sun and Moon hides the young man from them, gives them water with which they washed, he will resurrect his father with it; the deer killed animals, promises not to do this, is released, the young man is lucky; the obese bull did not complain about work during his lifetime, the skinny one was dissatisfied; the friendly spouses during his lifetime are not cramped on the axe, grumpy cramped in the skin; the young man disguises as a shepherd, resurrects his father; general feast]: Bgazhba 2002:121-128; Ossetians: Britayev, Kaloev 1959 [son marries Snake's daughter; father demands to bring a ring carried away to the world of the dead the young man's late mother, otherwise he will take his wife; the wife's parents harness the mule backwards; on the way, the young man sees an ox chewing on a man's mustache; spouses lying freely on the lamb's skin under the skin of a sheep; others who is cramped on a cow's house; a woman who milks two goats, milk flows over the edge of the bucket; a woman sewing mountains; old people with silver sticks at a rich table; a mother gives her son a ring; on the way back those met give explanations; 1) during her lifetime there were fair judges; 2) the woman sewed well for her lover, bad for her husband; 3) two daughters-in-law insulted the third, now she milks them; 4) loving spouses are spacious on a goat quarreling on cow's skin; 5) an ox chews the mustache of a cruel owner; at home, the father demands to plow, harvest in a day (ants, giants do everything); the father demands to bring a dwarf; this is Kotsa; son asks him if it is possible what he, a young man, did; he replies that no, with each answer his father becomes stony; his son crushed a stone and arranged a wedding]: 205-210; Dzagurov 1973, No. 27 []: 57-41; Miller 2013, No. 10 (Digors) [the sinless boy died; the son of the sun, the son of the moon, Hamatkan and Samatkan gave him a seat, saddle cover, tail and whip and told him who would meet him on the way: a woman who sews up cracks in the ground (she was slutty during her lifetime); a woman who ties her eggs with a long rope, but lacks rope (she hid her neighbor's chicken's eggs); a woman sitting among hundreds of ridges and does not who benefits from none of them (cared only for herself); a woman sitting between two ridges and benefiting from a hundred (caring for others); a woman who milks a hundred cows but not receives milk from one (she only took care of herself); a woman who milks two cows and receives milk from a hundred (took care of others); a woman carrying a tub of braga on her back, which boils and spills on her collar (did not give her neighbor kvass); a man and a woman who sleep under a bull's skin pull her towards them, but they miss her (did not love each other); a man and a woman who sleep under hare skin and they have enough of it (loved each other); a dog from whose womb puppies bark (people who disobey their parents); people sitting in court holding alder sticks sitting on alder benches and alder tables and covered with lice (were unfair judges); people with silver staffs sitting on silver benches (were fair judges)]: 184-191; Georgians : Kagan 1898a, No. 19 (Imereti) [the three brothers decided to marry where everyone's arrow would fall; the elder and middle married rich brides; the youngest's arrow fell into the swamp, he married a frog and moved away from his brothers; returning, he found the house tidy, the lunch was prepared; the young man followed, found the woman, burned the frog's skin; the king wanted to take his wife away, ordered him to sow bread for the whole barn in a day; the wife sent her husband to the magician test, who gave workers; the king orders to collect the seeds sown in the ground; the father-in-law sent birds; the crow with a broken leg brought the last grain at the last moment; the king orders bring his grandmother's golden box from the underworld; the young man on the way sees an obese bull grazing on bare ground and skinny grazing on juicy grass; husband and wife are not cramped in a narrow bed, but others do not fit on the wide one; one woman bakes dirt, but she makes bread, and the other bakes bread, but it turns out dirt; another is hanged by the hair; the king's grandmother tells the young man to give him the box not himself, but through servants; on the way back, those met give explanations; hanged by the hair envied someone else's beauty; who turns out that dirt did not repay debts, and whose bread was good; lying on They quarreled on a wide bed, lived in harmony on a narrow bed; the skinny bull was greedy, the obese bull was hardworking; when the king opened the box, a fire blazed out of it and burned it]: 58-61; Chikovani 1985, No. 4 [hail beat the field third brother; he is hired by a rich man, will receive half of the harvest if he eats the field in a day; there is only one sheaf left to tie, the sun did not heed the request to wait, set; the man leaves with nothing; is hired herding sheep, if there is no damage in four years, will take half; on the way home, the wolf dragged one sheep, the young man left with nothing; three daughters of the sun come down from the sky to swim, he grabs one, lives with her in shack; the girl's ring makes wishes come true; the young man invites the king to visit, advisers come, the servant roasts the pheasant, sees the young man's wife, is overwhelmed by her beauty, the pheasant is burnt; advisers tell the king that sends a young man for the golden fleece of the Sun; the Month turns the young man into a needle so that he does not burn when the Sun approaches; the Sun has tempered the heat, greets his son-in-law; the young man hits the wolf, Ilya the Thunder, with a truncheon, ruins the Sun Garden; explains why; the Sun gives a fleece; the king sends his mother to the next world for the ring; the wife gives an apple, the young man follows it; the deer asks for a potion - it is difficult to wear horns; obese the bull is without food (he served the owner faithfully; all explanations are given when the young man returns), the skinny one is in the midst of the food by the stream (served badly); the husband and wife lie freely on the axe (loved each other), others are cramped on bull's skin (they did not love each other); an old woman builds a tower of eggs, they fall, fight (stole eggs); another puts white bread in good shape (tone), takes out black earth (did not give bread to travelers); man - the bridge over the abyss, they walk along it (did not let him cross the bridge during his lifetime); the king's mother gives a ring, curses her son; orders the deer to drink May water; having received the ring, the king turns into a hare, his advisers into wolves, tore him to pieces; young man reigns]: 22-26; Armenians [in the next world husband and wife quarrel lying on a bull's skin]: Gullakian 1983:378.

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [three sons go to look for a cure for their blind father; at a fork in the roads there is an inscription: whoever goes to the right will be lucky, to the left will be unlucky, straight ahead and so; the younger brother goes to the left; a girl in a copper palace tells you to rearrange barrels of living and dead water, a young man kills a three-headed maiden; the same episode in a silver house (6-headed) and in a golden house (12-headed deva); a girl in a silver On the way to the 12-headed, the palace advises to lubricate the gate, transfer the hay from the dog to the camel, and the bone from the camel to the dog; on the way, the young man sees how the old man and the old woman each pull their fur coat; the young man covers with a fur coat to an old woman, an old man's skin; taking medicine and, contrary to the ban, kissing a sleeping girl, the young man runs away, the devil chases, the dog, the camel, the gate, the old man and the old woman refuse to stop the young man; he demolishes all 12 heads with arrows; the brothers are jealous, hang a sword in front of the tent, he cuts off the young man's head; he is revived by a girl from the golden palace who recognizes him; the young man heals his father, forgives his brothers]: Barag 1988, No. 40:272- 281.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Nikiforov 1915 ["Toybon Khan and nine good Zaisans" (hereinafter T.) summon old man Olokshin 'a; he is old, he has three daughters; the eldest, the middle one go instead him, they come back; the youngest comes, looks like a hero; turns out to be a young man - Ain Shahin Shinshirge; Kudai gives him a horse Ilizin 'a; T. offer difficult tasks; 1) bring fangs Karaguly's beast (he's like a mountain, ASHSH defeated him, they fraternized, K. gave fangs, T. begged to take him back, K. ate half of T.'s cattle and people; the same with Ker-Balyk fish; 2) bring a shaman from heaven; she is also - Kan-Kerede bird; ASHSH finds her two daughters in the house, they hide her, say that her mother will come with wind and rain - the wind of her wings, drops of sweat from them; KK arrives, agrees not to swallow ASHSH, visit the land with him; her daughters marry ASHSH; when a shaman hits a tambourine, T.'s people and cattle do not multiply, but die; 3) bring from the Lord of the Dead Yerlik 'and the two jugs given to him for distillers and a fur coat; mother-in-law gives ASHSH poles, coals, eyes, tendons (in hell, two camels rub against poles, not against an ASHSH horse, well done not burn coals from ASHSH, but take ready-made ones, girls do not pull tendons out of the horse for threads, crows peck their eyes); ASHSH crosses the hair bridge J aza ("past") Baspas ("do not step"); at a hoe stump, if she lies on the ground, a woman dies, if she lives, on stump; near the peak (the same sign for a man); in the stream the lungs of two people are connected, the water does not carry them up or down (two kama have not finished their studies, this is their punishment); the horse teaches you to throw sand into the yellow swamp, to say Father's good (swamp), if you are Altai, the swamp dries up; then two people are tied to poplars, they catch trying to escape from E.; then the mare hits the person on the head with its hoof ( a man stole and ate a foal from a mare); a black stone will be plugged in the man's mouth (took bribes); an old man and an old woman have a cauldron crushed by a stone (stingy during his lifetime); a naked young woman holds a marl in her hands, another laughs (the second asked the first one three times, she did not give it); the spouses pull the blanket from each other, the others lie covered (the first quarreled, the latter lived in harmony); E. asks to bring three horses, I. helps to do this; E. leaves ASHSh. for a while on his throne, tells him not to go to the mountain; ASHSH goes, sees lakes of people's tears, shrubs made of their hair; gives blood vessels and a fur coat, asks I. breaks down, returns to the ASSH to earth; E. asks the ASHSH to migrate, devours T. and all living things in his land; the ASHSH says goodbye to his parents, goes to the upper world]: 31-64 ("sinners in hell" - p.55-57); Surazakov 1979 ["Maadai-Kara", song 4; Kogudey-Mergen's parents are dead, Erlik Kara-Taadi's daughter took them away; KM ties her to stakes and quilts her with twigs to death; then eats to the lower world; sees people suffering and animals, the horse explains why they were punished; the horse is hanged by the legs, he killed children; the bull is glued to the ground, he butted people; the biting dog is covered with lead; the husband and wife cannot hide with a fur coat, eat - were stingy, did not help others; the tied man could not reach food, to the water - did not feed the horse, he was tied; the one sitting on a stump and whipping him beat the horses indiscriminately; the always runner did not care about family; a cruel hunter became a hare; selfish husband and wife are fighting over a torn fur coat; spouses, sleeping peacefully under the same fur coat, lived together; KM kills Erlik and brings people to the ground]: 211-226.