Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H7. The personification of death.


Death (alone or also illness, old age) is a special character, different from the Lord of the World of the Dead, who takes a person's soul or otherwise puts him to death. Cf. H7E motif.

Luba, Yaka, Sakata, Swahili, Nkundu, Bafia, Mbundu, Rundi, Rwanda, Tanga, Songe, Nyoro, Kerewe, Ganda, Nyamwezi, Xhosa, Temne, Dan, Krachi, Anyi, Ashanti, T'Munci, Vute, Songhai, Jukun, Neyo, Nzema, Ewe, Von, Krachi, Bamun, Yoruba, Liberia, Kono, Gagu, Lobi, Temne, Hausa, Dagari, Kapsiki, Bachama, Mukulu, Ngambaye, Margi, Kilba, Manja, Mundang, Sarah, Joluo, Amhara, Konso, Arabs of Sudan, Arabs and Berbers of Morocco, Arabs of Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Spaniards, Galicians, Aragon, Basques, Ladins, Italians (Ticino, Veneto, Puglia), Sicilians, Corsicans, Maltese, Etruscans, Irish, Welsh, Flemish, Dutch, French, Bretons, Germans (Pomerania, Austria), Friezes, Thousand and One Nights, Palestinians and other Arabs of Western Asia and the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen, Socotra, Arameans, Phoenicians, Ugarit, Sumerians, Kamilaroi, Banks Islands, Ifaluk, Bugun, Ancient India (Mahabharata, Panchatantra and other sources), northern India, Marathi, Varli, Bhilas (Gujarat), Telugu (?) , Kannada, Tamils, Dhanwar, Dhoba, Gondas, (bondo), Oriya, Sinhala, Sre, Sedang, Semangs, Malays, Bali, Chinese (Qinghai), Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, Hungarians, Romanians, Moldovans, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Greeks, Albanians, Ancient Greece, Czechs, Slovaks, Luzhitans, Poles, Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Hutsulshchina, Galicia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Podolia, Volyn, Kiev, Chernihiv, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Kostroma, Kaluga, Voronezh, Tambov), Russian written tradition, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Abkhazians, Adygs, Ossetians , Karachays and Balkarians, Ingush, Avars, Dargins, Rutulans, Lezgins, Tatas, Georgians, Megrelians, Armenians, Kurds, Talysh, Avesta and ancient Iranians, Persians, mountain Tajiks, Pashtuns, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, Sami, Latvians, Lithuanians, Karelians, Finns, Livs, Lutsi, Estonians, Chuvash, Mari, Mordovians, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Komi, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Khakas, Mongols, Darkhats, Northern Khanty, Nenets (Yamal) , Ilympic Evenks, Chugach, Yellowknife, Arikara, Navajo, Spike.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Luba [Life and Death roamed the roads in woven grass clothes; the creator of Kalumbu told the goat and dog to miss Life, Detain Death; the dog was the first to watch, fell asleep, Death passed; the next day a goat guarded, caught a passerby, it turned out to be Life; now Death walks along the roads, and Life detained by a goat cannot save people from it]: Abrahamsson 1951:38-39; =Kotlyar 1975:63 (retelling in Kotlyar 2009, No. 404:253); yaka (Congo) [God sent Death to pick up Tsoongi; he offered Death a beer, persuaded him not to take it; next time he fed him meat; God made Death incorporeal, sent again, this time she took T. and is no longer visible to people]: Plancquaert 1982, No. 4:9-11; sakata [{see similar texts, but without identifying K. with Death in K56}; from the ogre Kenshune-nshune (identified with Death) {second?} mouth on top of her head; the woman has two daughters, she got lost, got to K., who married her; the eldest daughter went to look for her; her mother told her to hide behind the fence; she would be thrown food there; if she heard a voice mother, let her eat, if K. does not eat; the girl did so; the mother told him to run, gave him many useful things, including protecting herself from K.; the girl met K., threw him something to defend himself with, sang, to prevent him from attacking, she returned to the village; the younger sister envied that her sister had brought so much good, she went too; when she returned, she sang that K. had a mouth on the top of her head, he killed her and brought her to his wife; when she left, she set fire to the house, ran to the people; K. came after him, gave him beer, hacked him down]: Colldén 1979, No. 1:148-150; (cf. sakata [mother died, daughters Mbu and Mpia stayed to take care of the garden; Mbu went there and saw their dead mother cultivate the garden; her mother took her to the village of the dead; told her not to laugh if she will see dancing termites and people with their mouths on top of their heads; if friends call me to swim, then swim in a bad place, not in a good place; Mbu listened, received gifts, returned home]: Colldén 1979, No. 9: 161); Nkundu (Bolongo): Colldén 1979, No. 3 [a woman and her brother went to the forest to fish; they went to Mokufi's house (Death, from kufi to "die", note 3); he married a woman; he went to the forest with his brother, killed, told his wife to fry and eat his liver; one man from the village found a woman, she told him everything, he came back; (the other) brother took his hundred dogs, came to M.; at night, dogs did not allow M. kill a man; in the afternoon, the man left the dogs, told them to rush quickly if he called; M. invited the man to climb the tree, called the other Mukufi to eat him; the man called the dogs, they tore them all apart Mukufi, the man and sister returned to the village], 38 [the childless couple went hunting in the forest; the husband dug three trap holes, Mokufi (Death) came, also dug three, then five - M. also five; trapped a man a boar got in; M. ordered to divide it, because this is his forest; so all the time; the wife thinks that her husband has another woman to whom he gives half of the meat; the husband explains; the wife goes with him to inspect the traps, they are empty; M. demands to divide the woman, she is also game; calls spirits that eat hearts, eyes, hands; the husband went to collect leaves to cut his wife into them; the leopard offered to help, hid in the leaves, some of the perfume I tore up, the others ran away; therefore, women do not eat leopard meat]: 152-155, 198-199; bafia [the father took care of his Son, the Sun, and hardly fed his brother of the Month, he was weak; Death grabbed his father, he called for help; the Sun could not repel his father, and the Month repulsed; the Father awarded the Month by arranging time, holidays, pregnancy; the Evening Star is the wife of the Month]: Tessmann 1034a: 218; Rwanda (Hutu, Rundi, Tutsi) [original Male Death]: Abrahamsson 1951:90 [Imana ordered Lightning to find and kill Death, told people not to leave their homes; one woman violated the ban; when Lightning almost caught up with Death, she entered this woman, people have been dying ever since; (retelling in Scheub 2000:78; Kotlyar 2009, No. 499:255)], 90-91 [Imana told me to stock up on water and food, not to go out the next day; when he found Death in the cave, hit his ears so hard that the piece came off, fell to the ground; Death ran away; one woman ate greedily, choked, did not stock up water, came to drink; a piece of Death became with a worm, a woman swallowed it with water, Death remained at peace (retelling in Kotlyar 2009, No. 500:254)], 91 [Thunder lived on earth with his mother and brothers - Elephant, Leo, Hyena, Leopard, Dog; when brothers while hunting, Death came, forced the mother to eat the land; the first time the sons did not believe, the second Thunder ordered them to guard one by one; when he saw Death, the Thunder was frightened; the others; the Thunder began to throw into Death lightning, broke her body; while pulling the speck out of his eye, Death took refuge in the old woman; Thunder invited the brothers to go to heaven, but they refused; he left with his mother, there is no death in heaven; (retelling in Kotlyar 2009, No. 501:255-256)], 92-93 [Death met an armed man and grabbed him, but he drove her away; asked the woman for protection in the field, she refused; persuaded the old woman to allow her to slip into her body; the pursuers did not find Death; she began to kill people, taught hyenas to eat corpses; (retelling in Kotlyar 2009, No. 498:254)]; Rundi: Parrinder 1967 [(=Abrahamsson 1951:92, Kotlyar 2009, No. 497 : 254); the king and his hunting dogs chased Rufu (Death); he asked the woman to hide it, threw himself into her mouth; the woman began to deny that she had seen Death; God said that now she and hers descendants will die]: 54; Zuure 1926 [a man went to buy a bull; Rufu (Death) sold him a bull; warned him that if he ate a bull, he would eat it and his family; a man killed a bull; R. came on the sixth day as promised, the man ran away; the supreme god Immâna allowed R. to kill with his permission]: 754; tanga [Njambu married Nyangwa-Mbwa; she gave birth to Mbwa ("dog"), he has a human mind; N. took more three sister wives: Majanga kept clean, Inyanji kept the garden, Mamendi promised to give birth to twins; she gave birth to them, but jealous sisters left the babies to pigs, put two anthills in bed, smeared with their blood; N. ordered to throw it into the forest; M. found the babies, gave it to his mother; the sisters found out, killed the babies; the sorcerer advised M. to go to Hunger-for-The hearts-of-people; M. hid under with a bed, and when he came, carrying lives taken away from people (heart-life; different from "soul"), grabbed two, ran away, put them into the dead children, they came to life again; grew up, brought game from hunting, M. takes it to his own Father N., but does not allow his wives Majanga and Inyanji to even taste this meat; gathers people, tells everything; the wives were drowned, but before that they had time to curse M. to make him wordless creature]: Nassau 1912, No. 22:169-173; nyoro [Mujonde went to heaven for Eleusina's seed; the brothers said that there is fortunately no Death there now; if she met her, Death would go with her to people; M. went back, but remembered that she had forgotten the seed; came back for him, then Death met her and went down with her to the people]: Janssens 1926:563; Swahili [a giant grows at the throne of God a tree with a person's name written on each leaf; when a leaf falls down at God's will, an angel reads the name written on it, reports Nduli Mtwaaroho ("soul-taker")]: Knappertt 1997 : 309; nyoro [Ruhanga created the sun from stone; clouds to burn less; the moon; the sky was low, leaning on a tree, a pole and an iron beam; Ruhanga's brother Nkya complained that it was hot, he created trees; then sent animals and everything Nkia needed to land; N.'s three sons became the ancestors of servants, pastoralists, chiefs; the fourth Kantu did not receive a share, became Death; R. called N. to his heaven, pushing it back and bringing down the supports; the iron beam broke into small parts, they are used to make guns; grandson N. Baba asked R. to eliminate hunger; after that, people stopped working; R. then sent death; the boy died first; R. took pity, wanted to make death temporary, but N. persuaded him to die final; Baba cursed the country, but Kinta took it away (i.e. he died)]: Belcher 2005:170-173; ganda: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [Kintu lost a cow; climbing the rainbow, he came to her heaven search; God Gulu told him 1) bring a piece of heavenly rock; lightning struck the rock, chipped off a piece; 2) identify his cow in the herd; the fly first buzzed at K.'s ear, then flew up to the cow; K. received a cow and daughter G. Nambi; her brother Walumbe warned her not to return to heaven, otherwise he would kill her children; N. forgot food for her favorite bird, returned across the rainbow; V. did not catch up with N. on the ground, disappeared underground; since then sometimes he goes out, kills his sister's descendants; three sons K. and N. give rise to rulers, farmers and craftsmen, slaves; but V. kills everyone]: 409-410; Roscoe 1911 [Kintu had only one cow, he ate milk; Nambi's heavenly woman, Gulu's daughter, fell in love with him, but his father took her back with the cow; K. went to heaven and was offered 1) a lot to eat and drink (he threw everything away and poured it into a hole in floor); 2) cut down a rock for firewood with a copper ax (K. found a rock with cracks, cut it down); 3) bring a bucket of dew (the bucket left in the field was filled with dew); 4) identify your own cow among L. (the bee said it would sit on its horns; there was no cow in the first two herds; in the third herd, K. immediately found a cow with a bee on its horns; the bee sat on its horns and on its horns, K. and identified them); L. gave his daughter to K.; G. tells K. and N. to leave faster while brother N. Death (Walumbe) did not follow them, do not return if they forgot anything; N. forgot chicken grain, came back, V. followed her; K. and N. have many children; V. asked their daughter to be a cook, K. refused; after This children began to die; G. sent Brother V. Kaikuzu persuaded him not to kill children; V. refused, ran underground; Kaikuzu told people and animals to stay in their homes, not to shout, if they saw V., then he would catch him; but the children drove the goats to pasture. saw V., called out; since then V. has been killing people, hiding underground]: 461-464 (=Radin 1952, No. 16:69-72; retelling in Parrinder 1967:41-43; Zhukov Kotlyar 1976, No. 28:76-81; retelling the end in Stam 1908 [Kintu grew old, angry at one person, hit him with a spear, he died; this was his first death; K. fled somewhere out of shame]: 216); Scheub 2000 [Mpobe hunter climbed down a hole for a rat, went to another world , where Walumbe lived, was death; he let him go, telling him not to talk about their meeting; but M.'s mother insisted, V. came for M., allowed him to arrange his business, and took him away]: 256; kereve (on an island on Lake. Victoria) [people did not die; Namuhanga said that this would overflow the world; passed by the home of a woman with 20 children; said he would take the latter, he would live alone on the top of the mountain, made him Death; N. said that of the remaining 19 children, 10 would die, parents would also grow old and die {to this point, a transfer from Abrahamsson and Kotlyar 2009, No. 503:257}; another person asks Death for a bull Death gives by warning that when he eats a bull, he will die; a person eats meat himself, cooks for the future, does not give it to others; after three months Death comes for him; he explains that he has not finished eating yet; after five months He runs away for months; Mugasa, then Lyangombe hides him, but their children start to die, they drive him away; he comes to N. himself; he compensates for another bull, allows other people to be killed, but this one escaped]: Hurel 1911:80-81; songe [Mwidi's wife is childless; M. promised her that she would get pregnant the next day; a month later, in a thunderstorm, gave birth to Fidi-Mukullu, that adult in a day; two days later again pregnant, gave birth to Luffua a month later (=Rufu in Rwanda, Warufu in Nyoro); people wanted to wash the ground, stones and baby like last time, but L., who touched his foot, fell dead]: Abrahamsson 1951:92-93 ( retelling in Kotlyar 2009, No. 502:256); mbundu [while Ngunza Kilundu was in Loango, his brother Maka died; his mother said that Kalunga-Ngombe killed him; NK placed an iron trap in the pit, caught K.; he said that he did not kill of his own free will; gave three days to go to Kalunga and return his brother; NC let him go, came to Kalunga, where he reigns; it turned out that everyone there died through his own fault; M. refused to return to land; K. presented NC with corn seeds, cassava {cassava has no seeds, it multiplies by shoots}, oranges, lemons, coconut palm, pumpkin seeds; NC brought them to the ground; when K. came for him, NC turned into Kitutu's spirit]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975:263-264 (quoted in Kotlyar 2009, No. 253:153; retelling in Parrinder 1967:63); nyamwezi [Matunda created earth and sky; once fell asleep, Death crept up to him quietly, took possession of him]: Spellig 1929:226; the scythe [(brief retelling); the young Gxam went to look for work; two companions blinded him and took his food; the crows returned him his eyesight; he comes to the house of death, Malikophu; M.'s daughter helps G. escape; M. dies, G. marries his daughter]: Scheub 2000:138.

West Africa. Temna [the servant told God about the villain; he sent a messenger for him; the man refused to come; so many times; then he sent the Old Woman and the Young Man Death for her; the man did not see them, but heard them; died]: Abrahamsson 1951:80-81; dan: Himmelheber 1964, No. 1 [Sra created people, asked what they would like; people: many children; after that the earth overflowed because people did not die; people asked Sre has what is now called Gor-dü; if someone gets old, let people get together, let that person cook with dü and then die; one day, the wife of a wealthy chief asked dü to do it so that her husband died; dü gave poison and the chief died; people were surprised that someone died without saying their intention; went to complain to Sra; he gave Zole-dü; whoever owns it can move into animals or trees and make sure that dü is not used for evil; but God's opponent gave the same ability to bad people; and Sra gave fetishes against sorcerers], 3 [at first people did not die and were equal; but went to Sra ask for leaders, let him give the young man dü; Sra warned that dü was bad; when dü entered the city, people began to die; people went back to Sra; he ordered to beat dü with a vine - he would die; but you can't touch it; two people went to Sra to ask what to do with the corpse; the others ate the corpse; Sra gave each one poison; the two messengers who didn't eat survived, the rest died One after another; Sra stopped the test and said he would not destroy people's souls, but because they ate dü and it was in their bodies, their bodies would be mortal]: 84-85, 85-86; Paulme 1967, No. 1 [Death lived in the bush, people did not die; one man went to the bush, met Death by the fire, he gave him meat; soon came to the village to ask for repayment; the man gave him his child; (=Scheub 2000:273)], 3 [ a woman brought her daughter to Death's wife; he did not answer, the woman took some of the meat he cooked; so twice; Death came to the village and took the girl (i.e. she died); since then people have been mortal]: 48, 50-51; Liberia [Nymo comes to study with a sorcerer; after teaching, he sends him with rich gifts; N. invites him to pay a return visit; tells his wife to cry when the sorcerer approaches, as if her husband is dead; N. is hiding in a hole; the sorcerer consistently sends Death, Illness, Shame to find out who killed N.; Death, Illness say they are not; Shame says that if N. is dead, then he, Shame, is to blame for this]: Bundy 1919, No. 11:413-414; kono: Holas 1975:29-33 [(retelling in Beier 1966:3-6; in Scheub 2000:9-10); Sâ (Death) lived in an empty dark world with his family; created a plain of mud; his God visited Alatanga, made the surface hard, vegetation and animals on it, secretly married his youngest daughter S., because S. rejected his open offer; ran away with his wife, she gave birth to 4 white boys and 4 girls, 3 boys and 3 black girls who spoke different languages, A. went to S. for advice; he gave white and black the cultural elements they now possess; told whites to marry whites, blacks to blacks; A. sent a rooster and another morning bird to ask S. for light; he said that as soon as they sang, the day would come; so the sun rose; in the evening they appeared moon and stars; S. demanded every child in exchange for A.'s daughter when he asks him; so people die], 41-42 [Sâa (Death) and Toa decided to compete to see who will run more villages and will cause great devastation there; T. ran forward, said that Death was coming, people ran away, S. found no one; since then he decided to kill people unexpectedly]; krachi [the young man met the giant with long soft hair; began to serve him for meat; when he went home, the giant asked to send another young man; the first returned again, served again, went home again, sent his sister and maid to marry the giant; When I came for the third time, I realized that the bones from which he gave him meat were another young man and two girls; people set fire to the giant's hair, he burned down; the powder remained, sprinkled on the bones, and the dead were reborn; sprinkled the giant's eye, it opened; every time the eye closes, someone dies]: Cardinall, p.30 in Paulme 1967, No. 4:51-53, in Radin 1952, No. 11:60-61, a brief retelling in Baumann 1936:302; anyi: Basset 1903, No. 79 [The sky promises a daughter to marry someone who will clear the forest with which it is covered, and will not scratch it; an elephant took up this task, but he scratched the sky; the same with other animals; the spider completed the task and got the girl; got a bull; took him to a place where there are no flies; sent his son Aba-Kan to bring fire; but he mistook the red anus of a sleeping Death for fire; she came and swallowed all a bull]: 199-222; Tauxier 1932, No. 8 [The disease lived far across the river; from the other side, the girl thought he was a handsome young man, she called him; when he began to swim in the boat, the girl saw that The disease is stained, pieces of rotten flesh hang on her bones; she ran to the village, but the disease caught up and took control of it; people have been ill ever since]: 240-241; Ashanti: Abrahamsson 1951 [a hunter killed an antelope; she jumped up, ran into a cave, turned into Tano, who asked him to be taken to the village; they met Death; he tries to prevent T. from entering the village; they agree that both will go there; if there someone dies, then Death can take him away if he comes first; if T. is the first, the person will recover]: 82; Rattray 1930:191-197 [the woman has 11 children, she does not want to feed them; asks for a tree throw branches on them when the children come to him to pick up pumpkins; the Eleventh knows everything, tells them to throw sticks into the trunk, the tree thinks that the children have come up, throws off branches; the mother sends the children to God heaven to destroy them; the Eleventh sees a trap pit; the god of heaven sends children to the Old Woman to Death; at night she is going to eat them; the Eleventh says she will fall asleep when she gives him gold smoking supplies, whetstone, fly swatter when she brings water in a leaky calebass; replaces brothers with Death's children, she kills her children; Husband is death, that the holes in the calebass must be plugged; old woman- Death haunts children, they climb a tree, fall, the Eleventh revives them with an elixir; Death also climbs and falls, the elixir revives it; it cannot cross the river; tells the Eleventh to become one of lower gods], 221 [death and sleep are indistinguishable at first; Death asks who can take the souls of those who have fallen asleep from her; the Duyker antelope, the rooster and the Apatupere bird get up before dawn, the rooster and the bird speak, people wake up; Death assigns these three to be the eldest on earth]; Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 54 [Okonmfo's hero Anoche brought Death to his house to outwit it and people would not die; but when the door comes hacked, no one was there, Death took OA away]: 125-127; Scheub 2000 [Nyame warned people that Death is walking between them, killing; but sent a goat to say that the dead will revive and rise to to him in heaven; the goat stopped eating grass; then N. sent the sheep, but she said that death would be final; when the goat came to people, it was too late]: 87; Yoruba [Agbigbo carried coffins to their homes Whom Death was about to kill; after learning from the oracle that death was coming, Orunmila sacrificed Eshu; he gave A. a rat, a bird, and other meat; A. agreed not to disturb O.; now he is a bird on his head whose coffin he carries (crest)]: Belcher 2005:98; nzema [Edenkema created the Nyamele sky and Earth-Azele; they boasted about their power; when N. was alone, Death grabbed his hand; said that all his children would die; also a Month that would die and be reborn; the Sun would die every day and a new one would be born in the morning]: Grottanelli 1967:36-37; eve [during hunger The spider met Death, who rubbed the flour; he took the flour, took it away; Death's hair covered Death's eyes, she didn't see anyone taking her brew; Spider and Death took turns, their hands met; while Death removed her hair from her face, Spider ran to town; Death followed him and saw that there was a lot of food there, began killing people]: Spiess 1918:131-132 (translated in Olderogg 1959:178-179); background: Herskovits, Herskovits 1958, No. 2 [Aza (=Sagbata) - Ananu's son, disobedient, sold; disobedient again, sold to Death; and he failed, sold him again; returns home, says he is stronger (greater) Death; became king, removing Hevioso; he stopped raining; Eagle, Cat came to heaven, H. killed them; Chameleon came, hid from lightning, appeared before H., he gave him a calebas with water, promised not stop the rain and not interfere in earthly affairs unless Azinterferes in the affairs of heaven], 9 [Awé was able to heal; came down to earth with Death; Mawu ordered Death to kill people, if necessary; warned A. that if he kills Death, people will not be able to cook, it will remain raw], 16 [Lisa (The Sun) has a daughter Maho; he would like to call her Gbemende - "he will overcome everything"; Segbo finds out about this, gets M. as his wife; he already has 12 wives; gives tasks, promises to kill the one who did not complete; each time L. helps his daughter; 1) make beer from millet (M. does not give millet, but okra, but she has it turns out to be millet, and okra is the rest); 2) everyone has already given birth and is pregnant again; M. instantly finds a son, his name begins with Agbagugu, which means that he will surpass his father; 3) L. gives three the sons of horses, A. the sheep, orders to take a bag of grain to the field (A. sheep turns into the best horse); 4) bring the Death Sickle; L. gives his grandson 7 pepper seeds, he consistently opens them, reaches his home Death, puts the sickle to sleep; 5) the same in reverse order (bring the sickle back); S. admits the superiority of A., promises to become sand; at night he wants to kill M. and A., but L. turns it into a mountain ; A. rises to heaven, taking his father's mother, other wives and sons; he is a Hevioso thunder, he has a powerful voice, and his mother's voice is quieter, she tells him not to be angry], 36 [Rabbit owes Death money; fortuneteller advised the Rabbit to pretend to be a slave, chained him to a pole; Death came, the imaginary slave asked him to let him urinate; he let him go; the Rabbit returned in his real form with an imaginary buyer slave; when they found out that Death released the slave, they went to court and Death ordered to pay the Rabbit, and the previous debt was covered], 67 [the woman gave birth to twins; the boy Zinzu died, the girl grew up; the mother taught her buy meat from a hunter in one bazaar, sell it at a high price at another; when her mother died, her daughter buried her, married a hunter; came to the Ku (Death) bazaar, saw the dead there - first her grandmother, then brother, then mother; they told her not to tell anyone; she told her friend and brought her with her; Z. cut off her friend's head, said that now the dead would not be visible; sooner if you hang down, you'll see him who is dead; the sister asked her brother to kill her], 71 [the hunter sees an unborn girl about to enter the womb of a pregnant woman; hides the bracelet under the baobab; when she dies, he will take it; if to hide the bracelet, she will not die; all the woman's children were stillborn, and the girl grew up, promised to be a wife to a hunter; he puts her bracelet on; another girl wants to take it off, she can't, cuts off her hand together with a bracelet; the hunter became the chief; wives must threshing millet; to avoid shame (everyone will see that she has one hand), she comes to Ku (Death), asks him to eat it; Koo tells him to put her hands in his ass; hand grows back, both have gold; the other wife asked her to be decapitated if the new one has two hands; the new one shows both hands, the eldest is decapitated]: 126-129, 141-142, 155-159, 201-203, 287-289, 300-304; Herskovits 1958 in Kotlyar 1975 [during a famine, Trickster Yo asks Death for meat in exchange for two blows; since her blows are fatal, he substitutes for other animals]: 140; terns [during hunger a man saw a giant lying on the ground of an unimaginable length; his hair was silky, not curly; the man asked him for food; it was Owuo ("death"); he gave very tasty meat, but ordered this to work food; let the man go on condition that he would send another in his place; the man sent his brother; one day he wanted meat again and came to O.; the brother was not visible, O. said that he went on business; in the next time the man sent his sister to marry O., with her a maid; when he came by himself, there were no girls; when he received meat, he realized that it was his sister's flesh; he ran to the village in horror; people came and set fire to his hair the giant also died; a potion was found at the roots of his hair; when they smeared the remains of the man's brother and sister (as well as the maid) with it, they came to life; the man put the drug on O.'s eye; he opened; since then blinks; as soon as O.'s eyes close, someone dies]: Cardinall 1931:30-33 (paraphrase in Paulme 1967, No. 4:51-53); bamun [God found the corpses, asked Death if it was his fault; Death explained that people wanted to die themselves; offered to follow; the poor slave moaned, dreamed of not being born; God agreed]: Abrahamsson 1951:76; Tiv (Munci) [Death entered the Hare's hut, called; Hare slept, but his son answered; Death said that the one who answered her call would die; the son died; the next time the Hare was awake but did not answer, his other son answered again, died; the hare invited various animals to his place , they answered, died; the Turtle did not answer, Death kept calling, the Hare had to answer, he died; the Turtle invited the Hare's wife to celebrate it, but she hit him against the stone, since then the shell has been cracked]: Abraham 1940:67-68 (retelling in Abrahamsson 1951:41); Songhai: Pâques 1964 [God first created the prophet Mohammed, then Isa, Nabi Lut (Lot), Malek, and mutu (the angel of death); then Adam and Havva from his rib]: 185; Rouch 1989 [all Songhai, including Gentiles, believe that God is sending Maleka Azrail to take his soul to heaven or hell]: 37; vute [God sent a chameleon to tell people that after they would rise to death; on the way he decided that he needed a hat, asked him to do it, it took two weeks; the snake overheard God's words, hurried to people, and announced that they should die finally; Death heard it and rejoiced: how powerful God has given her! When the chameleon came to the people, they did not believe him and said that they had already heard from the serpent; the chameleon and the serpent began to fight and came to God to judge between them; when God learned of the deception, he told people to kill snakes. People also hate chameleons for wasting time spent decorating their heads]: Siebert 1921, No. 2:57-60; jukun [Aki's death walked on the ground, invited man to fight; if he wins, then will live; then the ant advised A. to act like ants unnoticed and from within]: Meek 1931:201; neyo (Neyo-Kru) [all of the man's relatives have died; he asked God Blegniba to give the stone block the Death Road; carried it; Antelope offered to help drag, sang, the stone couldn't be moved any further]: Abrahamsson 1951:81-82; eider [Tara has 10 wives, 10 children, 10 goats; thought they were a lot of noise, put one wife in a forest hut; there Ga (Death) killed them, their son found their remains, returned to the village, Ga then has been killing people]: Abrahamsson 1951:82; lobi [people became to disturb God's order, he sent Death; Death spent two days looking for one of the culprits, found, killed]: Abrahamsson 1951:82; dark [at first people did not die, they lived for centuries; God sent servant, a man said goodbye to his loved ones, his servant took him away; one powerful and evil man refused to go; beat the other servants sent for him; then God sent an old man sickness, and then a young man to die; they were invisible; people have since begun to die; God has taught funeral rites]: Schlenker 1861:25-35; hausa [a merchant is predicted to die on a certain day; when he approaches, he locks himself at home; his servant meets Death at the bazaar; after learning about this from the servant, the merchant changes his clothes, runs to a remote village, puts the servant in his clothes, leaves it for himself; on the appointed day of death, the servant dressed as a merchant again Faces Death at the bazaar; he replies that he has not come for him or his owner now, whom he will only come to that village in the evening; this was originally intended]: Johnston 1966, No. 37:92 -94; margie, kilba [Iju was close to the ground, his home, the sky, could be touched; people left calebasses in front of their homes, I.'s children filled them; one woman left dirty calebas, contact with him made the child I.'s finger swollen; I. moved away from the ground in anger; then people began to steal corn from the Death Field (Mptu); M. complained to I., I. allowed him to take it for it every year of several people's lives (I. knew he could resurrect them); the brother of the first deceased went to take revenge on M., found him in the middle of the fire, fought him off, cut off his leg; so M. chrome; var.: I. led people to M.'s crops; if they got too close, he dragged them to the necklaces they wore]: Meek 1931 (Tribal Studies in Northern Nigeria, I:221) at Abrahamsson 1951:86, in Scheub 2000 [ only marga is said]: 75-76; Dagari [Death and Illness (more precisely, several of them) began to argue which one is stronger; Death offers people a bull on the condition that in three years she takes the buyer ; one person agreed; when death came, the buyer's son showed his father's grave; Death said no one could die without it, it was a hoax; called Diseases; when Cough came, the buyer of the bull coughed, Death heard him, found him and killed him]: Métuolé Somba 1991:139-140; capsics [Chief Hwempetla tells his men he will try to free them from death; to do this, he must run away from Death and hide; unsuccessfully tries to hide in a cave, in thorny bushes, in straw on the roof, in a termite mound, in a baobab trunk; he almost manages to hide in a fern stem, but Death notices a heel sticking out; H. admits that death cannot be avoided, teaches how to organize a funeral]: Beek 2010:49; bachama [Venin and her brother Wut (Death) descended from heaven; V. gave birth four sons; the fifth Nzeanzu wished to be born early from her thigh; V. went on business to W., taking four sons with her; N. came later by himself, saw that W. put the cauldron on the fire, changed the clothes of W.'s daughters and brothers; W. threw his daughters into the cauldron; N. told the mother and brothers to flee; W. creates a wide river, a swamp on their way, but N. makes them small; W. stopped the persecution, but stayed walking around the world killing people]: Belcher 2005:298-301; mukulu [The death woman began to offer all women an extraordinary tooth; the one who inserted it in became beautiful; when the young man's mother inserted it Kaykiyurus, she could not get it out, and Death told me to return it; all this tooth was pulled - useless; the woman offered Death in exchange for agricultural products, then pets, then children, home - she refuses; agreed to take her son K.; he is hunting; let Death come out to meet him; each group of young men says that K. is coming behind; K.'s friend was the penultimate, and himself was the last; Death grew to the clouds; became small, then grew again, trying to fall into a tornado; but the dogs grabbed her buttocks, and K. and her friend cut them into small pieces; threw them into a hole, spread them from above fire and then covered with earth; K.'s houses hit his mother on the cheek; a tooth fell out and then people around fell dead and houses fell down; K. and his mother went to bed]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 15:70-74; ngambaye [ After giving birth, the antelope asks the Spider's wife to cook her food; as a reward, she allows her to enter her belly and cut off meat there; the Spider disguises himself as a woman, comes to Antelope to offer his services; in his belly, cuts off Antelope's heart; Antelope dies, her relatives come; A spider from his belly screams that he is a disease that kills their daughter; will now come out and kill them; everyone runs away; The spider and his son they cook meat; the son gives up his share, follows his mother in anger; she turns white, appears before the Spider as Death has come for him; the Spider runs away in horror, his son and wife take the prey] : Bramont 1985:151-152.

Sudan-East Africa. Manja [when Fi ("death") first saw the man, he was frightened; dug a hole, invited the Frog and the Toad to jump over; the Frog wanted to be the first, but the Toad insisted, fell into the hole, F. buried it, said that now people will die too; if a Frog jumped and jumped a hole, people would not die]: Abrahamsson 1951:8-9; mundang [every day, while the Kromtchi girl's parents are not at home, comes a monster eats chickens, pushes (and eats) millet; K. talks to parents about this when they ask why she is losing weight; mother, then father, hide, but do not dare to attack the monster; father hides, exposing the ass, the monster blows at him, he almost burst; then the blacksmiths hide, one puts a piece of hot iron in the monster's ass; Kazayé and his family pass by; his son goes for the fire, but this is the monster's ass; It turns out that this monster is Death; K. tells his wife to call the monster; hides in a tree, the monster makes him fall into his bag (K.'s wife fell there before that), brings him to the river bank, goes for brushwood for bonfire; monkeys untie the bag, put fruit inside, K. and his wife run away; Death throws the bag into the fire; realizing that the monkeys are to blame, declares war on them; they are afraid to look at the monster, cover their faces with their hands; since then, monkeys cover their faces with their hands before death]: Louafaya 1990:94-98; mbai [Sou sent a chameleon to tell Death: let the moon die for good and man be reborn; lizard overheard, ran first and gave the order: let the moon revive in three days and the man die for good; when the chameleon came, Death did not listen to him]: Fortier 1967:125; joluo [ people came down from heaven, but Death began to destroy them; Nsasaye took pity, sent him to say that if he was sacrificed of pure fat, he would stop Death; people sent Chameleon, giving him a package with the best mutton fat; he dropped it, brought it dirty; N. furiously left Death raging on the ground]: Belcher 2005:153-154; Amhara: Gankin 1979, No. 172 [God, Rain and Death went into the same house; the owner began to beat the first two for their injustice; Death kindly invites, says that she is fair, let her companions also spend the night (retelling in Kotlyar 2009, No. 506:258)], 185 [the rich man agrees with Death that she warns of her arrival; his cattle die, then his children; the rich man who appeared asks why without warning; the death of loved ones was such, the rich man died (= Tyutryumova 1991:23 -24; retelling in Kotlyar 2009, No. 507:259)]: 219-221, 234; konso [God sent Death for man; he told the man to be ready in 8 days; just as the wedding was taking place, the bride asked that Death took her away too; Death went to ask God what he should do; God told him from now on to come to people invisible without warning]: Jensen 1936, No. 5b: 498-499; Sudanese Arabs [two stopped by the tree to rest; Azrail came for one, promised to come to the other on his wedding day; his parents set a wedding day for him at home; the groom is gloomy, feeds the female, she then feeds the puppies; A. says that he earned God's favor by doing this, he will live to old age; to everyone's surprise, the groom begins to rejoice and laugh]: Miller 1988:65; Sudanese Arabs (Jaaaliyin) [The man has 7 daughters, the youngest is the most beautiful; every time she goes to school, the Sultan's son teases her: the daughter of the Bean Grower, are your father's beans ripe and sweet? - All lovers are ripe and tried them, except you, whose face is like the soles of old shoes; the Sultan's son dressed up as a fish salesman; the teacher sends girls, the imaginary seller refuses everyone, and that the girl asks him to kiss, but does not give him fish: They deceived you - she did not get fish either; she dressed up as Azrail and made him swallow an incredible amount of radishes (most likely the radish is here because she put it in his ass); the prince fell ill; the girl dressed as a dervish; she was warned that the heads of 99 healers were already on stakes; she gave a laxative (Alexandrian leaf, Cassia senna), the prince was healed; the girl gave up gold and silver plates, asked for an amulet that the prince had as a child; the next time they exchange barbs, the girl says that it is better to be left without fish than to be deceived and healed by a girl; the Sultan's son demanded that his father marry him to that girl; she made a doll and placed a vessel filled with honey in it; when she entered the marriage Peace, the prince cut the doll, a drop of honey splashed into his mouth. - You're so sweet dead and so bitter when you were alive; the bride got out from under the bed and they lived happily ever after]: Hurreiz 1977, No. 13:90-92.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Nador) [there is a tree in the sky with the name of a person on each leaf; if the leaf falls, Azrail comes down after 40 days and takes that person's soul]: Thay Thay 2001, No. 7:11-12; Tunisian Arabs: Ayadi 2008, No. 25 [the young man came to an ascetic; when he saw that an angel of death had appeared, he asked the ascetic to move him somewhere far away to Samarkand; the angel of death said to an ascetic, which I was surprised: the young man had just been here and he was told to take his soul in Samarkand, which he did; the ascetic said it was pointless to run away from the will of God], 26 [God promised Abraham that he would take it his soul only when he wanted to; when he saw a weak old man, A. asked God not to let him live so long as to look like this old man; Azrail immediately took A.'s soul]: 36-37, 37-38; Arabs Algeria: Certeux, Carnoy 1884 [as soon as a person gives off a spirit, God sends Azrail to determine the balance between the good and evil deeds he has done]: 186; the Arabs of Eastern Algeria (Souf) [ Solomon's Minister asked to be moved to a remote corner of the earth to save him from Azrail; as soon as he was there, he was captured by A.; he was ordered by God to take the minister's soul at this very place]: Scelles-Milles 1963:227-229; the Arabs of Egypt, Libya, Morocco [a man tries to deceive Azrael and he has taken the form of a beautiful girl]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 332:146-148.

Southern Europe. Spaniards, Italians [the old man carries a load of firewood, calls Death; she appears, he asks her to help carry the cart]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 845:475-476; Galicians: Contos 1972, No. 4 [young man He became friends with Death and she promised to warn her in advance when she would come for him; he grew old, she came unexpectedly, the man reproached her for it; Death said she sent warnings: her hair turned gray, teeth fell out, legs weakened, strength decreased - what else does he want?] , 5 [a person went out to look for a godfather for a child; rejects the trait (confuses and seduces people), God (gives much to some, nothing to others), agrees to call Death (treats everyone equally)]: 14-15, 15; Italians: Calvino 1980, No. 27 (Veneto: Verona) [a young man goes to look for a country where they don't die; he meets an old man with a wheelbarrow of stones; he says that until he moves the whole mountain, a young man He will not die, it will take at least a hundred years; the young man does not agree to stay with the old man, for a hundred years is not immortality; then he sees an old man pruning tree branches; he will not die until he cuts off everyone's branches trees of the forest, it will take two hundred years; the same; the third old man points to the duck: until she drinks the sea, the young man dies, it will take three hundred years; the same; finally, the young man came to the palace in which the fourth old man; he replies that the person who came has achieved his goal; the young man lives in the palace for a long time, but one day decides to visit his relatives; the old man says that the last of them has already died; but if the young man insists, he can take a white horse that jumps like the wind; but if it gets off the horse and touches the ground, it will instantly die; on the way, the young man sees the steppe instead of the sea and the bones of the old man who showed him the duck; more sees a rooted forest and plain on the site of a mountain; the young man's hometown has changed beyond recognition, no one has heard of his relatives; on the way back, a person asks for help to pull out the man stuck in the mud the cart; as soon as the young man touched the ground, the owner of the cart grabbed him and said that he was Death; the cart contained shoes that had to be worn out to catch up with the young man; he died immediately]: 77-79; Keller 1981 (Ticino) [ Hans is 20 years old and went on a journey; he shared his food with two wanderers, the Lord and St. Paul; they offered to fulfill any of his two wishes; G.: let whatever I want be in my bag and not leave it without permission; so that no one can get off the fig tree in my garden without mine permissions; as for saving my soul, I can achieve it myself; in the city, hell with two devils settled in the town hall, whoever enters dies; G. comes to the town hall, cooks food, devils fall out of the fireplace; G. offers to play cards: the loser must leave the town hall forever; the devils lose but do not want to leave; G. tells them to be in the bag; promises to release if they indicate where the treasure is buried; hell refuses; iron is dropped on the bag; the devils died, hell agrees; he has to dig up the treasure himself and sign his blood that he will no longer dirty; G. is looking for a godfather for a newborn ; refuses to take the Lord or St. Paul - there is no justice in their world; Death takes {masculine}, she treats everyone equally; G.'s wife and child die; when Death comes for him, he asks for the opportunity to eat the fruits of planted trees; Death promises to come in a hundred years; Death comes, loses cards, gives Hans another hundred years; for the third time G. invites her to climb on a fig tree to eat fruit; Death cannot to get down; gives another hundred years; after 300 years he leads G. to hell; hell, seeing him, drives him away from hell in horror; at the door of paradise, G. asks St. Peter to call his friend St. Paul; while he calls him, G. throws a bag across the threshold, then tells him to be in it himself; he stays in paradise]: 190-197; Kabakova 2006, No. 39 (Puglia) [In winter, Grandma Poverty sheltered Jesus with Peter; asked as a reward that anyone who climbed her pear tree could not climb without her permission; Peter is surprised; when Death came, Poverty invited her to climb the tree and she was there remained; so Poverty is still walking around the world], 40 (Liguria, near Provence) [God told Death to kill people; she resisted: it looks so terrible that everyone would persecute her; God said everyone illnesses, accidents and other causes of death will be blamed, but not Death itself; she agreed]: 79-82, 83; Italians (Veneto) [an elderly man's young wife gave birth to a son; husband went to look a suitable godfather; rejected God and the devil, agreed to Death's offer, because it is equally fair to everyone; to thank for the honor, Death invites a person to become a doctor; if he notices it in the patient's door means that it is not necessary to treat, the patient will still die; if Death is not there, he will recover in any case; the person has become rich; Death called him to his place, showed all the rooms except one; the man asked to take him there as well; there are lamps, each is a person's life; the oil in the lamp of the one who has come is almost running out; he asks to add it, but Death refuses; the man returned home, said goodbye to family and died]: Widter et al. 1866, No. 3:16-19; Sicilians: Crane 1885, No. 63 [Pitré; a boy named Occasion was raised by strangers, grew up, went on a journey, was hired by an owner the inn, who adopted him; St. Thomas and the Lord, St. Tom advised me to ask for something, Chance asked that the person who climbed the fig should not get off it without his permission, for the boys cut off all the fruits; the case grew old, ordered to cut down the fig tree, do it a bottle out of wood: whoever gets into it will not get out; Death came, Chance asked her to get a fly from the bottle, supposedly in the wine; Death climbed there, Accident plugged the hole with a stopper; people stopped dying; the Lord intervened; Chance released Death after the Lord promised him a place in paradise]: 215-217; Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 48 [dying, the pious king tells his son Spadónia send bread to purgatory every morning; S. wants to know if he is doing the right thing, sends a servant to find out on this donkey; in purgatory, Jesus explains to the servant what he saw; the river of milk - Mary fed them Christ; the river of blood is the blood of sinners; skinny cows in fat meadows are self-interested; fat cows in skinny meadows are pious non-owners; the logger in the forest, slaughtering indiscriminately, Death; Jesus orders S. married a girl named Sécula; he traveled all over the world, found a poor girl by that name; the Savior and the apostles visited them; they distributed property, their souls flew to the kingdom of heaven]: 318- 323; Corsicans: Massignon 1984, No. 1 [Jesus, St. Peter and St. Paul wandered, spent the night with poor Bison ("need"); in the morning he was offered to fulfill his three wishes; he asked anyone who put his hand to get tinder; sit on a bench; climb on a pear stick and he was free only at his will; Death came, put his hand in, stuck, gave another hundred years of life; the same is a bench; a pear; Death decided not to come to Bisonne again, he is still alive], 18 [=Tenèze, Bru 2000, No. 879:49-54; Lesta ("vive") is a stepdaughter in a poor family, watering the basil in the morning, the prince sees it from his window, calls her Carefree; the stepmother teaches her to answer that when you grow up, they will come and cares; How many leaves does the basil have? - How many stars are there in the sky? The prince disguised himself as a fish merchant, promised to give the fish for a kiss, but ran away; he said so in the morning; L. pretended to be a belt saleswoman, promises to give her belt if the prince kisses her mule in the ass , he kissed, she ran away; talks about it in the morning when they exchange questions; the prince, having agreed with L.'s stepmother, hides under the bed and stabs L. with a needle all night, she thinks fleas are biting; talks about fleas in the morning; at night L. came under the guise of Death, the prince asks for better pick up his father or mother, is mortally frightened; asks stepmother L. to marry her; L. ordered a sugar doll from the confectioner, she put her in bed on her wedding night, hid herself under the bed; the prince cut off the doll's head, splashed syrup into his mouth, he is amazed by the sweetness, regrets what he did; L. appears alive, the young are happy ], 54 [Headache, Colic, and Death decided to demand that the farmer give them the ram; the first one hit his head, but he put his head under the cold water, the pain is gone; the colic has settled in his chest, but the peasant sat between two fires, Colic escaped the heat; the peasant was going to give the ram to death, but asked if it could prolong his life; she brought him to a place where many candles were burning, showed him a candle; when he learned that Death could not prolong the burning of the candle, the peasant did not give her the ram either], 57 [when Death came to the winemaker, he was in the cellar, tasting his wines; he began to pour on a glass of Death as well; she became even more intoxicated from the wine vapors, asked not to lock it in the cellar; the winemaker agreed that she would return to him no earlier than 10 years]: 3-4, 37-40, 131, 134; Ortoli 1883, No. 28 [Grandesta has learned a lot, went to visit his elderly mother; on the way he refuses to help the old beggar; he turns into a young man, says that G. himself will die and there is no trace will remain; G. goes to look for the country of immortality; at night he sees an inscription in the mountains in fiery letters: They don't die here; G. stays there; once a storm began; when it was over, the griffin flew in, threw bloody prey, swallowed a grain of sand, flew away; the mountain told G. that there would be no death in this country until it, the mountain, was equal to the plain; but G. wants eternal immortality, so he goes on; remains by a beautiful lake; an oak tree says that everything is immortal here; a storm begins, a black bird arrives, swallows a drop of water: it arrives every thousand years, when there is nothing left of the lake, immortality will end; G. moves on; meets a beautiful woman, she brings him on a chariot to the land of true immortality; once G. remembered his mother and decided to visit her; his wife gave a winged horse: by no means You can't go; no one on earth remembers his mother or himself; on the way back he meets a driver who asks for help; G. jumped off his horse, turned into a skeleton; Death: finally caught you]: 224-234; Maltese [the poor man meets Death in the image of an ugly old woman; she gives him the ability to see if she is at the head of the patient, and then he will die, or at the feet, and then he will die will recover; the poor man becomes a famous healer, gets rich; Death shows him a lot of candles, each of them the life of a person; a person sees that his candle (lamp) is about to go out; or tries to add oil from his wife's and children's lamps; Death blames him, he dies]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 332:88-89; Aragon [a man has a pear tree that you can't get off without him permits; he lures Death there]: González Sanz 1996, No. 330D: 78; Basques: Azcua 1942, No. 59 [God knocked on the poor coal miner's house; he did not open the door, saying that God was unfair; on the next evening Death knocked; the coal miner opened, because Death is equal to everyone; Death rewarded him by advising him to go to the sick queen; if Death is in their heads, the Queen will die, if at her feet - will recover; seeing death in the Queen's feet, the coal miner "cured" the patient; became a court doctor; once Death came to him; he asked permission to read Our Father and Ave Mary; Our Father read, and Ave Maria was not going to; then Death pretended to hang herself; when he saw the corpse, the man read Ave Maria and Death took it away]: 166-170; Barandiaran 1962a, No. 35 [as in Azcua; only Our Father; saw someone hanged]: 133-135; Camarena, Chevalier 2003, No. 845 [the man who brought salt to the village is exhausted by witches who ruined his house; calls Death; when she appeared, he decided not to die]: 336- 337; Spaniards: Malinovskaya 2002:79-81 [the day laborer decides to take the first person to meet on the road as godson; this is Death; the boy has studied to be a doctor; Death the goddaughter gives him a blade of grass; her he will cure everyone if he sees that Death is in their heads; if they cannot be treated in their legs, the patient must die; the young man violates the ban three times; the first two times when the young man is flattered by money and cured rich people, Death forgives; in the second he heals the princess promised to him as his wife; Death brings him into a room where candles are burning, asks him to find his own; this is a stump, he goes out, the young man dies], 167-170 [at the aunt of Poverty and her son Hunger is the dog Tarro; the boys steal their pears; the aunt is good to the wanderer; he fulfills her wish - that the person who climbs the pear cannot get off without her permission; the boys stick, the aunt hits them; Death comes with a scythe; the aunt asks to pick her pears, Death sticks; the old people cannot die, suffer; ask Poverty to break the spell; she removes on the condition that she and her son Death without her permission will not come]; Etruscans: Nemirovsky 1982 [the demon of death Haru (n) is a witness to mortal torment, a messenger of death, then, under Greek influence, a guide of souls in the underworld who usurped this Thurms's role; Tukhulka is similar to H.; both are often portrayed together as witnesses or executors of the will of the gods in hell]: 674; Lulof 2011 [in Tomba degli Anina in Tarquinia, late 3rd century BC, right of the entrance depicts the female demon of death Vanth with a torch illuminating the road to the dead, Charun with a hammer on the left (apparently he drove their souls); both winged men]: 159-160; Italians: Kotrelev 1991 (northern Italy?) [the Kren Lake fairy gives Francesco a bag that contains everything the owner wishes and a baton that hits whoever he wants; F. meets the Old Woman Death, tells her to get into the bag; on the lake shore releases, negotiates with the fairy to burn her gifts; Death comes to him, he dies]: 194-195; Clouston 1887:395-396 (Tuscany) [Grandma Poverty fed Jesus and St. Petra, they promised to fulfill her three wishes; a hearth bench, a fig tree, the salvation of the soul; Death comes, cannot get up from the bench, Poverty gets another hundred years of life; the same, cannot get off the fig tree; for the third time Poverty asks for permission to say Ave Maria, but he does not think to start praying either; so Poverty is still with us]; the Portuguese [the poor man chose Death as godmother (godmother) because he is fairer than God and the devil; Death gives the poor person or his son the ability to see her at the patient's bedside and determine accordingly whether he will recover or die; this doctor deceives Death, not After finishing Our Father, which he was allowed to read before he died, or by unfolding the bed; or a person changes clothes and disguises himself, but Death cannot be carried out; Death provokes a person to end prayer or by extinguishing his candle/lamp when he leads him to a place where each candle corresponds to one person's life]: Cardigos 2006, No. 332:83; Catalans (Mallorca included) [man helped Death and for It is Death that gives him the ability to know whether the sick will die or recover; a person has become a famous and wealthy doctor; when Death comes for him, he tries to deceive her; lures her into a bag and some time no one on earth dies; but one day he accidentally opened the bag himself]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 332:83-84; Sardinians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 330:219-221; ladins [a father with many children is looking for a godson for a newborn son; rejects an old man {is it God?} - too old; devil; agrees to the offer of a man to die; the godson gives the godson a gift to the godfather: let him become a doctor; when he enters the patient and sees Death in the heads, the patient will die; and if legs - will recover; accordingly, let him pretend to heal, become famous; godson did so; but one day he fell ill himself and saw Death in his heads; asked his wife to turn the bed; after many years he I saw Death in my heads again, but he didn't let me do anything: you'll die and that's it!] : Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 78:211-213.

Western Europe. Irish, French, Flemish, Germans, Friezes [the old man carries a load of firewood, calls Death; she shows up, he asks her to help carry the carts]: Uther 2004 (1), no. 845:476: Uther 2004 (1), No. 845:476; Irish, English, French, Dutch, Friesians, Flemish, Walloons, Germans (Austria) [Blacksmith and Devil (Death )]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 330:219-221; Germans (Pomerania) [when the poor man had his 24th child, the father cannot find a godfather; met Death {mr.} and she agreed to be godmother; let the boy will become a doctor; he will be able to see her at the patient's bedside; if in his heads, the patient will die, if in his legs, he will survive; the young man grew up, became a famous doctor and became rich; once a dying count ate lunch for him a lot of money and the doctor ordered him to open the bed; the count recovered; Death came in and said that he would now take him away for the deception; the young man asked permission to read the prayer first, but then "like you are in heaven" stopped; Death left, saying that her godson had deceived her again; one day the doctor came across a dying beggar and he asked him to pray for him; when the doctor said, Amen! , the beggar jumped up; it turned out to be Death; she brought the doctor into the mountain where candles were burning {or lamps: Die Lebenslichter allen Menschen}; the doctor's candle glows slightly and flickers; Death: you had a long life, but you gave it to that count; the doctor tried to replace his candle with some child's candle, but didn't have time: his own went out]: Jahn 1893, No. 9:61-63; Irish, British [ Irish and English have Death a male character]: Muller 2006:159; Dutch [when the woodcutter had his 13th child, he was glad Death offered him to grow up; the boy went to the best schools; Death has made him a healer; if he sees her standing at the patient's feet, he will definitely die, and if at the head he will recover; when the king and the young man fell ill and saw Death at the foot of the bed, he said turn her bed; Death was furious, brought the young man to her place and showed the burning oil lamps: he had only a week to live; but as soon as Death turned away, the young man grabbed his lamp and returned to the ground; he regularly adds oil to it and is still alive]: Soer 1979:67-69; Irish: Muller 2006, No. 103 [a poor man in County Cork can't find a godson for a newborn; rejects the devil, God (he is unfair) agrees to Death's offer (man) - he is the same as everyone; Death teaches you how to get rid of poverty; call yourself a healer, go to the patient's bed; if Death is in the heads, he will die if he recovers in his legs, but he does not care what medication to give; once he saw Death in his heads by a friend's bedside, told him to turn the bed; Death said that now he would see him only when he will come for him; when Death came to pick up the man, he asked not to pick him up until he read the prayer; Death promised, but the man had not prayed since; one day a crying boy became complain that he forgot the prayer his mother taught him, so he cannot return home - his father will kill; the man read Our Father for him; the child turned out to be Death and took him away]: 159-162; Neely 1944 [zap. in an Irish settlement in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains, Illinois; the king of France wants to marry; a monk says three swans flying to the lake are girls; gives the king ten mile boots, he steals clothes girls; gives for a promise to take him with her; the older, middle, younger sister take turns carrying him; he wants to marry his youngest, must identify her; she warns that she will sit with her knees clenched; a few years later, the king wants to visit the house; the wife warns not to do so; gives a flying ship, tells him not to leave it; the king leaves, Death immediately grabs him; the king asks to take it old people instead, but Death wants only him; the king asks Death to get into the box first, attaches it with a lid, returns to his wife, wants to open the box, the wife does not tell; they throw the box into the sea, waves bring it to Ireland; people open the box, Death begins to kill everyone; so the Irish moved to America]: 90-91; Ussher 1914, No. 27 [Death comes to Shaun, shakes hands, tells him to come to him in Glen Even to repent; he refuses; then Death takes him away immediately]: 233; French: Clouston 1887 (Artois) [the old lady always serves the poor and the poor; the saint who comes invites her to fulfill whatever she wants; she asks that no one can get off the plum without her permission; when Death came, the old woman asked her to get a drain; no one died for six months; one doctor climbed to free Death and also stuck; finally, the old woman wanted to die herself; went to heaven]: 389-390; Joisten 1991, No. 22 (Dauphine) [the couple has 12 children, another one was born; his mother went to look for him a godmother, met an old woman, this is There was Death, she took the boy into care; made him a famous healer; when he sees Death in the patient's heads, then the disease is incurable, if in his legs, let him say he will cure; the king called him to his sick daughter; seeing death in her heads, the young man told her to turn the bed so that Death was at her feet; Death said he forgave him for the last time; when he resorted to the same trick by the bed The sick king, Death killed him]: 168; the Bretons [when asked when she will marry, the old maid Marguerite replies that she will marry Anne Anka (the personification of death); AA comes and takes M. to her castle; her husband is not at home all day; a young man comes, M.'s younger brother, who was still in the cradle on her wedding day; AA agrees to take him around the earth on the condition that he does not say a word; the young man twice comes back when he cries out that he lost his hat; for the third time he sees white doves piling garbage on two blacks and setting it on fire (AA then explains that these are the young man's parents who went through fire to be cleansed from sins); one flock of birds drops leaves near a laurel bush, another drops further, and a third does not drop (people in church: some do not listen to God's word, others listen badly, and still others listen attentively); the young man put a branch under the door, it burned down (hell there)]: Lusel 1995:19-24; Germans (Austria: Kärnten) [a blacksmith from Rumpelbach went on a journey, shared bread with a poor man, he gave him a bag; if you say "your place is in the bag," everyone will be in it and will stay; a blacksmith comes to a city that is harassed by devils; stays in a house from which no one leaves alive; three devils, then Satan himself is put in the bag; lets him go for promising to leave the city alone; comes to the gates of hell, he is not allowed in; Death comes to him, he puts it in his bag; after a while, on demand St. Petra is forced to let go, but Death has been very thin ever since]: Balzamo, Kaiser 2004, No. 40:77-81; Germans (Austria) [Death man promises winemaker Heusl eternal life for the right to taste wine from all kegs; empties hundreds of kegs, but eventually falls asleep, turning into a skeleton; H. pushes Death into an empty barrel, inserts a plug; people stop dying; God sends an Angel to open the barrel; Death starts working, but is afraid H. will wander around the world until the world ends]: Steblova 1999:91-94.

Western Asia. Ugarit [Motu tells Ba'lu to take everything he needs to the afterlife: clouds, wind and rain, as well as warriors and daughters. Explains to Ba'lu how to get to the world of the dead (same description as above when Messenger Ba'lu went to see Moth). There is a field before entering the afterlife; Ba'lu discovers a cow there. Ba'lu copulates with a cow many times, she becomes pregnant and gives birth to him a son. Copulation occurs 77 or 88 times. A lacuna. The messengers bring Il the news of Ba'lu's death: he lies dead on the field before entering the afterlife. Ilu cries for Ba'l, asks what will happen to people now, and says that since Ba'lu is dead, he will have to go down to the afterlife himself. Anat searches for Ba'la, finds his corpse on the field before entering the world of the dead, mourns Ba'la. She asks the sun goddess Shapsha to help and put her body on her shoulders; Shapsha helps, Anata drags the corpse to Mount Tsapana. Anata buries Ba'la and organizes a funeral meal. Then she goes to Ilu's home and tells Asirat that she can rejoice with her sons: Ba'lu is dead. Ilu: We must choose a new king of the gods. Asiratu suggests that it be Astara. Astara takes Ba'lu's throne, but it turns out that his legs do not reach the stand and his head does not reach the top of the seat. Then Astara renounces his tsarist status. Anat comes to Motu and demands that the deceased Ba'la be returned to her. Motu explains that he ate Ba'lu because he could not satisfy his hunger without meeting people). Then Anat stabs Mota with a knife, pierces him with a pitchfork, burns his body, grinds him with millstones, scatters ashes over the field, and birds peck him (Motu's paraphrase below says that she scattered the ashes over the sea) ]; Ugarit: Shifman 1980a [Ilu is the supreme god. His wife Asirat is the foremother and mistress of the gods. Balu, the god of storm and fertility, is Prince (Baal Zebul), Jumping on the Cloud, lives on Mount Tsapanu. Balu fights against the god of death and the underworld Mutu (Mot) and the sea Yammu. In the congregation of gods, Jammu demands supreme power, Ilu almost agrees. Balu defeats Jamma with two magic clubs and destroys Lotan, a seven-headed sea dragon. Balu's sister Anat kills other enemies while standing knee-deep in their blood. With Ilu Balu's permission, he builds a house for himself, from the window of which he sends thunder and lightning. At the feast, he brags that he will not pay tribute to Mutu. As a result, it goes to hell. He's been dead for seven years, and the earth is in drought. Anat kills Mutu, burns, grinds and sows his remains in the ground. Ilu dreams that Balu has been resurrected, but no one knows where he is. The sun goddess Shapasha is looking for him. Motu is also resurrected, fighting Balu. Shapasha reconciles them. Alternatively, Balu gets stuck in a quagmire hunting for seven years, but his relatives find him]: 159; 1982c [the dead go to Motu's kingdom, or he comes for the dying, for example, Karat, to save him which only Ilu's divine healer Shaatikat, who defeated M., could enter the house through a window; this is probably why Balu does not want a window in his palace]: 188; Sumerians [NAM-tar, 'angel of death', 'vizier' and messenger Ereshkigal]: Klochkov 1983:32-33; Aramais [exhausted under the weight of a bunch of firewood, a man calls for death; Death asks what he needs; he asks help lift the bundle and put it on your back]: Belov, Wilsker 1960:152; Phoenicians [the name of the god of death "Mot" simply means "death"]: Tsirkin 2000:73; One Thousand and One Nights [the Tsar is proud greatness and wealth; a man who did not greet him is enough for the reason; the man tells him in his ear that he is an angel of death and will take his soul; the king asks for a delay to say goodbye to his relatives, but the angel of death refuses, the king falls dead; the angel of death comes to a pious man, invites him to finish his work; he replies that he has nothing more important than meeting the Lord, dies on time prayers]: Salye 2010 (1), night 462:1249-1251; the Arabs of Syria [when Moses was old, God sent two death angels, Munkar and Nkir, to him; they began to dig the grave; M. asked what they were doing; they they answered that they were sent by God to dig a grave for man, but they did not know what size Adam's sons were; M.: I am also Adam's son; the angels asked him to lie down to see if the grave was right; when M. lay down, he was given smell the flower and it died]: Bushnaq 1987:305-306; Arabs of Western Asia and the Arabian Peninsula (Muslim mythology): Gryaznevich, Basilov 1982a [Idris, being a friend of Israel, begged him to show him paradise; Israel made Idris give his word that he would go back; Idris went out, but said that he had forgotten his shoes in paradise, went after them and never returned]: 185; Piotrovsky 1980 [Israel (Azrail) was firm Having managed to snatch clay from the resisting earth to create Adam, for which he was made an angel of death; polypeal and multi-winged, he has four faces, his body consists of eyes and tongues corresponding to the number of living people; knows the fate of people, but does not know the date of everyone's death; when this period comes, a leaf with the name of the doomed flies off the tree growing at the throne of Allah, after which I. must separate within 40 days the soul and body of man; he takes out the soul of the righteous carefully, pulls out the soul sharply from the infidels; man can resist I. in various ways, but in the end I. wins]: 488; Palestinians [Allah consistently sends three angels to bring a handful of dust from the earth; each time the earth moans and shudders; two good angels cannot fulfill the task; Azrael fulfills, is appointed to collect people's souls; exiled to earth for transgressions, works as a healer; when he dies, he teaches his son: if he sees him in the patient's heads, then the patient will die, and if in his legs, he will recover; the son became famous and rich; one day the rich man, to whom he told him that there was no hope, begged him, promising a reward; the doctor told him to turn the bed, but A. was in his heads every time; then his son said to him: Dad, I think mom is coming; A. disappeared, the rich man recovered, but the doctor lost his ability to see the angel of death; A. came to his son, intending to take his soul; before that he showed lamps containing different amounts of oil; when he saw his own, son tried to add oil to it, but knocked over the jug and died]: Hanauer 2009:159-164; Palestinians [the shepherd is approached by Headache, Fever, Death; he promises to make sacrifices if they help to him; the first two explain how to relieve headaches, fever; Death leads to the lower world, shows burning bowls of butter; the fire in the shepherd's bowl is almost out; the shepherd asks for more oil, but Death says she can't do it, she obeys God's messenger Azrail; once on earth, the shepherd refuses to make sacrifices; those three leave]: Spoer 1928:115-117; probably Palestinian 10th century source in a 12th century manuscript in France [(a man escaped death by pleasing the Angel of Death, who violated God's order)]: Anonymous 1896:240-250; Iraqi Arabs: Bushnaq 1987 [woman wonders in the sand: her daughter will marry her black servant; she sends him to Ayn al-Shams ("eye of the sun") to find out who her daughter should marry; on the way, the servant meets a shepherd (asking him how many more sheep he has to herd), farmer (how long he will throw ripe and unripe ears into the water), fish (transports across the sea, but asks how long it will take to swim on the surface); Ayn al-Shams is responsible: he will come out for you married; the shepherd will herd sheep for the rest of time; the farmer is Death that reaps old and young; let the fish carry you back, then turn it over on your back, it will regurgitate a huge pearl, then will be able to go into the depths; there will be two reservoirs on the sides of the road; after swimming in one, you will become fair-skinned, the other will be rich; the former servant returned rich handsome, received a woman's daughter; told his wife everything but she asked not to tell others]: 172-174; Yaremenko 1990, No. 22 [a rich woman wonders, finds out that a black servant is marrying her daughter; she sends a servant to the Sun to find out her daughter's fate; at the fork the elder says that the first road is called the road of regret, the second is the road to the secular world, and the third is the road of well-being; advises choosing the path of regret; walking along it, the servant sees an old man who mows yellow and green grass, and the mowed grass immediately blows away the wind; he asks the Sun to know how long it will take him to mow like this; another asks how long it will take him to climb the mountain and lower the empty car; fish at the bottom of the river - why can't she dive; she carries a servant across the river; on the other side, the servant faints; in a dream, the Sun tells him that he is the mistress's daughter's chosen one; what will turn white if dive into the river; that the grass is mowing Death, let him continue to work; that the old man with the wheelbarrow - Life, let him work too; there is a pearl in the fish's mouth; when the fish is transported to the other side, you have to hit it on the head take the pearl, the fish will sail away happily; that's what happened, the servant happily married the mistress's daughter]: 124-128; Yemen [the hunchback decided to commit suicide, climbed into the bag, rolled down the mountain, found himself under the tree; two hoopoes say that the leaves of this tree will cure the king's daughter; the princess has recovered, the hunchback received her and half the kingdom and has become handsome; Azrail has come; the former hunchback asks why he is not him took it when he fell down the mountain; A. replies that it was none of his business; gives three days to say goodbye to his sisters and mother; the former hunchback brings them gifts; they pray for him; A. comes and says death canceled, prayers worked]: Han, al-Hegri 2004:41-43; Socotra [the poor man asks the sage how to get rich; he offers to rush into the abyss, the man did not get even a scratch; suggests enter the snake cave; he is unharmed again, brings amber - snake excrement from there, gets rich, marries; before his wedding night, Azrail comes for his soul; the man divorces his wife, gives all the money to the poor; A. says that he has received a new order - a person can live; a person brings amber again, everything repeats itself, but man takes an oath with A. not to take his soul until he finishes prayers; he promises not to read more prayers; A. complains to God, but he advises him to wait; this man was an imam; he is told to pray at a woman's funeral; he warns that he will die; dies after finishing the prayer]: Naumkin, Kogan 2013, No. 25:188 (with additions to the English translation of the full text); Sumerians: Afanasyeva 1997 [Namtar (u), "Destiny" is a descendant of Enlil, a messenger of the goddess Ereshkigal, who appears to be dying and taking him to the underworld; one of the demons of the lower world has the same name]: 477; Black, Green 2004:134 [same; also V.V. Yemelyanov, personal report, 2006]; Kurtik 2007 [Erra, Irra is the deity of war and plague, one of Nergal's names; Irragal, "Great Erra" is the deity of plague and death]: 140-141; the Arabs of Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait [a man tries to deceive Azrail, and he has taken the form of a beautiful girls]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 332:146-148.

Australia. Kamilaroi [Byamee sculpted the first two men and a woman out of red clay; they ate plants, but during the drought, one man and a woman ate a kangaroo rat; the other man refused, went west, died under a white gummy tree; a black figure with red eyes picked it up, put it in a hollow; there was thunder, a tree with two white cockatoos flew to the southern sky; the Southern Cross - two eyes Yowee, the first person to die and cockatoo (the cockatoo pointers); gum tree resin is now red and people are dying]: Waterman 1987, No. 3180:87 (same text in Parker 1965:33-34).

Melanesia. Banks Islands [to prevent property from remaining in one hand forever, Qat invited Mate ("death"), who lived on an island where one of the descents to the lower world is located; Tangaro the fool was told to guard this passage; after the rituals, M. rushed there; T. watched the passage to the upper world instead, let M. pass; since then all people have been going there; var.: about to die, wife M. Iro Puet had T. follow the path to the lower world; T. showed her the way down instead of going up; humans have been mortal ever since]: Codrington 1881:274 (=1891:265f).

Micronesia-Polynesia. Ifaluk [Aluelap created heaven, then earth and islands; he has brothers Saulan, Autran (according to another version, she is a woman, she created people) and Meta ("what"); Aluelap began to live in the sky, S. under water. Autran is in the air, and M. is in people's words; but more often M. is Aluelap's wife; S. lives in the lower world of Ilal, where there are no lights, only water; its inhabitants are mortal people living in waterproof houses; S. manages fish; for a person to die, Aluelap and S. must both agree to this; if one does not agree, the person continues to live; A. decides, S. reports, and he tells Meta who (who?) extracts the soul from the body]: Burrow, Spiro 1957:209-211.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bugun [Apuphulma's wife complained on the riverbank that he was old, married by a water spirit; A. married a girl with one ear, one eye, no nose, no chin; she gave birth to strange children whom the couple threw away; when thrown away, everyone said who he was and what he would do; 1) Stone (they would build on it, it also has rivers, they will have fish); 2) Thunder (will fight with a sky snake that delays the rain; lightning is its burning smut); 3) Earthquake; 4) Rain (will send rain from the sky): 5) Wind; 6) The rainbow (this is a serpent, it will live in rivers, will appear in the sky in drought call rain); 7) Poisonous snake (mother bit, A. revived her, the snake began to live in the forest in a hole); 8) Diseases (parents fell ill, the hornet cured them); 9) Death (parents died, son went to other people, everyone brought death); some kids were good, others were bad because their mother was good at one half, bad at the other]: Elwin 1958a, No. 4:10-13.

Burma - Indochina. Sre [a girl is born; releasing her axe and watching it fall, the Deathly Spirit learns that she will not die from illness, hunger or poison, but from the fangs of a tiger; one young man is overheard, asked the girl to marry when she grows up; when a tiger rushes at a young wife, the husband who has prepared the weapon kills him; the couple live to old age]: Nikulin 1970:272-273; sedang [Sky tells the god of lightning to kill the wife of a man named Nam; a man's friend overheard this order, told N. to cook food and wine by the road; the god of lightning became drunk, woke up late, returned to heaven, woman survived]: Nikulin 1990:38.

South Asia. Ancient India: Temkin, Erman 1982, No. 7 [(Mahabharata, Book 7:12); in Indian texts Death is masculine; Earth prayed to Brahma that there are too many people; B. wanted to destroy everyone, Shiva tamed his anger; B. created Death, told her to kill people; her tears were illnesses]: 25-26; Erman, Temkin 1975, No. 11 [Mahabharata, vol. VII, XII; in Kritayuga people are immortal, the earth is overflowing; Brahma decides to exterminate them; Shiva asks not to do this, but to create Death; a woman in a lotus wreath in dark red comes out of Brahma's body dress; she does not want to kill anyone, but B. tells her to go to the world; her tears have become illnesses; Death is not to blame], 34 [("according to epic sources"); Narada suggests that Ravana not waste time winning over the inhabitants of the earth, and invade the kingdom of the Yama; there R. sees the bloody Vaitarani River, in which sinners swim; they are also subjected to other torments; R. disperses the guards, frees sinners; Pashupat's arrow destroys Yama's army; he sends against R. Death (masculine) {Mrityu} with a mace in his hand and Time {Kala}; Brahma asks Yama not to kill R. because he gave him immortality; if R. dies, B. breaks his word, the world will be dominated by lies; R. leaves the kingdom of the dead]: 29-30, 97-100; {further on K. Zinder, The Angry Forms of Shiva in Hinduism, St. Petersburg State University 2011} Shiva is called Death of Death (Mztyor Mztyu) in a myth about the author of the Shivaite Agam Shveta (LP I.30.1-25). When it was time for him to die, Death (Kala) came to pick him up, but Shveta told Death that he was a follower of Shiva, Death, Kala did not back down, then Shiva appeared, Kala saw him and fell dead. The Kurma Purana (CP II.35.12-38) explains this myth in a slightly different way. It says that Death came to pick up Shveta, but Rudra asked Death to give him his follower. Death attacked Rudra, but Rudra kicked him with his left foot and Death died. Brahma then asked Rudra to let Death live because Death did not commit any sin, Rudra agreed and Death came to life. So Shiva was able not only to save his follower from death, but also to resurrect the god of death himself. In one version of this myth (Viohudharomttara), Shiva, like the myth of Markandey, came from lingam and burned Kala to the ashes. After that, Kala no longer has a body, like Kama, after Shiva burned him. Another version of this myth also has intersections with the myth of the burning of the Kama (SP V.26.9-10), as Shiva burns Kala with flames that escape from his third eye. After that, Shiva invited Shweta to kill anyone who violates the dharma, heretics, and those who want to destroy people. Shveta replied that the world could not exist without Kala and asked him to resurrect Kala, which Shiva did (SP II.1-49; by Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty, The Origins of Evil in Hindu Mythology. Delhi, 1988:233); Panchatantra [Indra's favorite parrot saw Yama coming to perform his duties, immediately flew to the side; Yama was asked not to kill the parrot, but he replied that he was here Fate reigns; that in turn, Death reigns here; when he saw Death, the parrot immediately died]: Syrkin 1962:174-175; bhilas (Gujarat) [the carpenter knocked down a thick tree, hollowed out a container in it and he got along the door so that nothing could be seen from the outside; when the god of Death came for him, the carpenter invited him to see his work and climb into the hollowed out trunk; closed the door; people stopped dying, the earth overflowed; then Bhagwan brought alcohol to earth and watered everyone; people liked it; when intoxicated, they gave out any secrets; the carpenter also tried it and said he could lock it up Bhagwan himself; opened the door, B. pulled out the god of Death, brought him to life and he took the carpenter away]: Beck et al. 1987, No. 94:284-287; Punjabis (probably "North-West Provinces") [people die on on the road; the old man sees a huge scorpion turn into a snake, kills many people; a snake turns into a buffalo, throws riders into the river; a buffalo into an ox, a peasant brings him home, there he again the snake kills everyone; then as a girl, two brothers quarrel over her, kill each other; finally an old man; the first old man asks him who he is; he replies that the Lord of Death, but that old man's hour is still did not come]: Steel, Temple 1884, No. 17:219-222; Marathi [the queen is childless; the beggar said he would not accept childless alms; the king advised his wife to pour gold to the beggar and hide herself behind by the door; for this deception, the beggar told the queen to remain childless; the goddess took pity on the king for his piety and offered a choice: a worthy son who would not live long; a blind long-liver; a daughter who the child will be a widow; the king chose the former; the goddess ordered him to take an apple from a tree at Ganesha's temple and let his wife eat it; when his son was 10, his maternal uncle went on a pilgrimage with him; on the way he hears girls talk; they quarrel and one wants the other to become a widow as a child; she replies that there were no widows in their family; the uncle decides to marry her son to this girl; the girl is beautiful and should be extradited married; but for some reason the groom did not come; in order not to miss the favorable day and hour, the girl was passed off as the son of the king who was just there; a goddess appeared to the girl in a dream; a snake would crawl to bite her husband; she must put out a pot of milk; the snake will crawl inside, the pot should be tied and given to the mother; when the mother opened it, the necklace in it, the mother hung it around her daughter's neck; the uncle and nephew continued pilgrimage, at which time the former fiancé appeared; but the girl did not recognize him because she did not see her ring on her finger; the nephew lost consciousness when Yamaduta, the messenger of the God of Death, came to him; but the goddess drove him away and the boy came to life; they returned, the wife recognized her husband, they arrived in his homeland; since then, the newlyweds have honored the goddess Mangala Gouri]: Sheorey 1973, No. 22:103-107; gondas [in Nizhny Novgorod In the world, 62 yogini's menstrual blood accumulated on a cow's skin, the shadow of a kite that flew by fell on her, and a girl named Chamarin was born; asked what to eat, the yogini sent her to the Middle World to eat people; in In the form of a kite, she devoured people, but they immediately passed through her body and came to life because they possessed the water of immortality; C. complained to the yogini that she could not get enough; then Mahadeo took the water of immortality, people began to die for good, C. devoured bodies, and took souls to Jam Raja, who put them in a pumpkin vessel; she was tired of it, she suggested that JR send his own messengers for souls; he does]: Elwin 1949, No. 11:420; dhanwar [previously, the messenger of Death carried away not souls, but people's skin; once fell in love with a snake's daughter; at the request of her uncle, asked the Master of the Dead to take snakes skin away and they would move on and people would die; this is what happened]: Elwin 1949, No. 8:417; dhoba [chaprasi (messenger) came from the Kingdom of Death, dragged a young man (son of a Bania) there, who called for help from his son gonda carpenter (SG); SG persuaded the messenger to come tomorrow for Bania's son (SB) to settle matters; lured him into a room hollowed out in a tree, locked him there, he starved to death; Raja Death sent to look for a messenger; SB and SG got drunk, began to buzz; Raji Certi's new messenger heard a woman want the messenger of death to take this SB; found the corpse, revived the first messenger, they took the SB away]: Elwin 1949, No. 9:418-419; ( cf. bondo [people did not die, Mahaprabhu was afraid that the earth would overflow, asked the Lord of the Dead Goigecko to do something; he sent a messenger, but the man shot him; then the tiger did the same; then Sita-Mahalakshmi made a snake out of hair, it bit the child, he died; this is how death appeared; the child's mother killed, fried, ate a snake, became a sorceress]: Elwin 1949, No. 7:416-417, =1950:201); northern India , Muslims of Mirzapur, Hindi [at birth, the prince is predicted to die on the seventh day after the wedding; after getting married, he leaves home; consistently sees three graves prepared for him; decides to die in a mosque; there people begin to pray for him; the angel of Death agrees to keep the prince alive if those present give him part of their lives; they do it; the prince returns to his wife; on the way, he sees that his graves have been buried]: Crooke 1895, No. 479:177; Varley [Mahadeva and Ganga Gauri created the world; M. summoned the gods, no one came, then he flooded the earth for 12 years by the flood; then asked Naranadeva and Brahmadeva {then Barham is the same?} bring land from the world of Gunderideva (ghunderi is a fly that collects clay and makes it a nest on the corner of the house; they brought clay, painted on it, made cakes, they began to grow, they made heaven and land; only Bhimabali was able to lift the sky off the ground; the earth was unstable; to secure it, Mahadeva ordered Naran and Barham to bring stones from the world of patheri (a species of small rat, always at her hole many stones); hills and mountains were made of stones; to create vegetation, M. sent N. and B. to the world of squirrels and ants for seeds; they brought them, but not enough; he sent them to King Lakhapati to bring more; M. and The Gauri dug a hole to get water at the foot of the date palm tree, got drunk; G.: let no one do that; M. created dense forests, G. created trees in savannas; two children were saved in the tree during the flood; M.: who are you ? - Brother and sister; the gods separated them, brought them together - the same thing; so 7 times, but then did not recognize each other and said that husband and wife; people from them; gods created animals; animals and plants multiplied, the earth became it was impossible to bear such a burden; she turned to her brother King Pandu ("white" in Sanskrit and Marathi), but he picked it up and threw it; M. and G. returned, the land complained to them, they called the gods; M. punished Panda by making him master of the lower world; a bull in this world told the cow: Our world will now be the realm of death; Jum Joshi (god of death) sent messengers to P., but P. put them in prison; himself disappeared; JJ sent him poisoned berries and he died; after that, people began to die and the earth felt better; before that, people were like snakes - they changed their skin and renewed themselves]: Dalmia 1988:25-30; Andhra Pradesh ( obviously Telugu) [ATU 1199 story, The Lord's Prayer]: Jason 1988:45; kannada [orphan Racha is poor and alone; saw goldfish in the pond, asked to catch them, ended up underwater palace; three sisters Death, Birth and Sleep made him their husband; three doors had gold, silver and iron locks; in the afternoon, the sister left, leaving the keys and telling him not to unlock these rooms; R. unlocked the gold the castle, followed by an elephant with 7 trunks, offered R. to show him three worlds in three minutes, R. agreed; in the evening, the sisters noticed the elephant's tracks, but forgave R. for honestly confessing; the same the next day (there is a horse behind the silver door); behind the iron door a mule; he took R. to his hometown, kicked it and threw it; R. found that pond and dived, but the palace was gone]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 67:184-186; Tamils: Dubyansky 1985 (Kandapuranam) [demon Sur (Surapadma) and his brothers praised Shiva and gained power over the universe from him; the gods complained to Shiva, who agreed to give birth to a son who would destroy demons; Murugan was born from the seed of Shiva, struck the demon Taraka, spearheaded Mount Crown, where he was hiding, killed others, and began a battle with S.; he took the form of waves, fire, death, mountain, clouds, produced shadows, among which he hid, then turned into a mango tree in the middle of the ocean; its branches, reaching the boundaries of the universe, plunged the world into darkness, and stars flew from heaven as they hesitated, Mountains turned over; M.'s fiery spear drained the ocean around the tree, cut the tree to the root; S. doubled, becoming a rooster and a peacock; M. drew an image of a rooster on his banner, and a peacock on his own wahanoy]: 126; Natesa Sastri 1886 [player cheats everyone, sits on the throne of Yama, comes to life and lives for another hundred years]: 167-184; Robinson 1885, No. 15 [an elderly woodcutter summons Ema-Tutha (Death Messenger); that {or a person with this name - not clear from the text} appears and asks why his name was; woodcutter: please help me put a bunch of firewood on my back]: 38; oria [children steal guava fruits from a tree an old man; he asked the goddess that those who came for fruit should stick to the tree; at this time, the God of Death sent servants for the old man's soul; they began to tear the fruit and stuck; the God of Death came by himself and stuck too; the old man released them on the condition that they make him young]: Mohanti 1975:94-95; Sinhalese [an unmarried woman gave birth to a son, replied that her husband was Mara (Death); M. became patronizing boy; told him to become a healer; if he, M., is in the patient's heads, he must be given medicine, he will recover, if the patient dies in his legs; the young man decided to save one patient, gave medicine and ordered turn the bed; M. decided to kill the young man; sat down on a chair, the young man told M. to stick, let him go after three years of life; three years later he asked M. to pick the coconut, ordered him to stick to the palm tree; released him again in three years years of life; after three years, the young man locked himself in the room, M. entered through the keyhole; the young man asked to show and get into the bottle; plugged it with a stopper; since then, his patients have always recovered]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 170:383-384.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs (Pangan) [there are two death spirits; Sentiu for men, Chin-ni for women; Sentiu sends his servant Ta Pönn, and Chin-ni sends Min-nang's servant; when he finds a person, who is fit to die, according to Ple, reports Kari; he makes a decision that is handed back on command; then Sentiu or Chin-ni sends a "wind of death" that causes death; Death cannot be averted by anything, whereas Diseases can be averted; but if K. is angry with someone, he strikes him directly with a lightning strike]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:217-218; (cf. Aboriginal Malayans (Orang Laut) [a flying lizard keeps the Stone (of Life), monitors births and deaths; can turn into a crocodile; a crocodile and a shark are brothers; they execute the death sentence to a person whose Stone of Life is stained and buried, or a lizard does it itself]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:373); Malays [Azrail is an angel of death, taking away the souls of living beings]: Skeat, Blagden 1900:17-18; Bali [the terrible Durga takes the souls of the dead and takes them to trial before the Yama, the master of the underworld who punishes sinners]: Covarrubias 1956:317.

China - Korea. Chinese (Qinghai) [a bonza tells a 15-year-old boy that he will die in 3 years and his mother will live 10 more; the boy is only concerned about providing for his mother when she loses her breadwinner (himself he grazes cattle); is hired in a rich house, steals money for his mother; she takes the money back; the son goes to the country overseas, gets rich, returned, gave everything to his mother; the messengers of the prince of the dead come for him; he asks for 10 days of delay to arrange his mother's affairs; the prince of the land of the dead advises the young man to pray 49 days, then he will live to be 100; Yu Huang gives him 500 years of life as a reward for filial love]: Frick 1954, No. 23:528-529.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Botvinnik 1982 [Zeus sent Thanatos ("death") for Sisyphus, but he managed to trick her into chaining and holding her captive for several years, during which time people did not die. When Ares freed Thanatos, she chose Sisyphus as the first victim; going with her to Hades, S. forbade his wife to perform funeral rites and make sacrifices to the gods after his death; in Hades he begged Persephone let him go to punish his wife who violated customs; once on earth, S. did not return, Hermes had to be sent for him]: 439; Dumitru 2005 [the female hypostasis of Death is associated with a disgusting death and terrible, and masculine with valiant death on the battlefield]: 212; Myth1 [(Evrepides, "Alextida"); Alkestis's husband Admetos is doomed to early death, but will save his life if someone replaces him with the realm of death; A. agrees to die in his place; A. Hercules notices that everyone is saddened, asks for an explanation of the reason for their grief; waiting for Death at A.'s grave, beats A. and returns it to her husband (var. A. returns Persephone)]: 59; Aesop's fables [the old man gets tired of carrying firewood, begs for death; death appears, asks why the old man called her; the old man replies to pick it up for him I wear]: Gasparov 1968, No. 60:81; Greeks: Tsivian 1973 [in Greek fairy tales, the mother takes her daughter for Charon, who has retained the functions of the deity of death; does not let her daughter in, mistaking her for death]: 98; Schmidt 1877, No. 22 [the poor man took Charon as a godson; he advised him to become a doctor; if he sees H. in the patient's legs, let him heal, but not in his heads, die; he once said that in three years his will take it; the man decided to hide; but three years later, H. appeared while the man was sitting in a cafe; said that God did not allow him to soften his request and change his mind; took his soul without letting him finish his coffee; H. does not recognize kinship and friendship], 2 (Lesbos) [when he saw the girl who died and heard her relatives cry, Charos took pity and returned her soul; God became angry, made him blind, deaf, and lame; lame so that he could not carry his soul quickly]: 117-118, 132; Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 330D [Lord (with St. Peter) wear in the house, invite the owner to fulfill his wish; he asks that everyone who climbs his apple tree should not be able to get down; Death (an angel sent by God) comes, a person asks him to get him apple, Death sticks; for a long time (200 years) no one dies; a person understands that this is wrong, liberates Death, it takes his soul]: 131; Stoynev 2006 [Death imagined in the form of an old woman with a scythe in her hands]: 304; Macedonians [God reprimanded Death for feeling sorry for the family's father; ordered a pebble to be brought from the bottom, and there was a worm inside; "I created this worm, and so on I know more who should die and when"; so that Death no longer acts arbitrarily, God made it blind, deaf, dumb and invisible]: Ortenzio 2008, No. 26:78-80; Slovenes [Death is presented as bony gray an old woman with a sickle and a basket]: Kropej 2012:203; Croats [the vineyard was hailed, the blacksmith squeezed the juice out of what was left, carried the keg towards Death; he offered her to drink juice together; asked if she could get through the plug hole, locked it in a keg, hung it in a smoke job; God sent the Devil to the blacksmith; the blacksmith asked permission to forge a knife, an ax and a hoe first, and the Devil get into the bellows and blow; covered him in fur, beat him; three devils came, the blacksmith asked for help split the deck, pinched their fingers in the cracks, told the apprentices to beat him; went to heaven, he was not allowed to go to hell; slipped into heaven, sat on his old pants given to the beggar; God allowed him to stay]: Arkhipova 1962:60-64; Romanians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Slovenes [Blacksmith and Devil (Death )]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 330:219-221; Hungarians [Death has come for an old woman; she persuaded her to give her time until tomorrow and write "tomorrow" on the lintel; every time Death comes, the old woman shows her the inscription; a week later Death erased the inscription; the old woman first climbed into a barrel of honey and then into her feathers; when she saw such a creature, Death ran away]: Ortutai 1974, No. 39:399-401; Romanians [soldier returns from service, earning three Zwanziger (1 col=20 kruzers) and three kruzers; God and St. Peter decides to test it; Peter comes out to meet him three times in the form of a beggar; the soldier gives 1 color and 1 cr. each time; Peter offers to fulfill wishes; the soldier asks for health, an inexhaustible pipe, a stick for himself protect and a bag from which you can't get out without his permission; comes to the tire of a Jew who is tortured by devils at night; a soldier demands a schnapps, a deck of cards and three candles; as three devils appear, he plants everyone in a bag; after beating, he lets go for promising not to appear again; a soldier comes to a city where the king, in order to cross the bridge, is forced to promise to give the hell what he just bought; the king forgot that his the wife is pregnant; the soldier promised to help; stayed in the room with the baby, taking with him schnapps, cards and three candles; lets the devils go again for promising to give up claims to the king; two years later for the soldier death comes; once in a bag, he promises to come for him only when he becomes an old wreck; soon he died, taking the king's promise to put a stick, pipe and bag in his coffin; he is not in heaven let the devils go out of hell; the soldier returns to the door of paradise, tells the guards to go into his bag and passes; God praises him and frees the guards]: Bîrlea 1966:409-410; Slovenes, Serbs, Bulgarians, Greeks, Croats: Uther 2004 (1), No. 332:222-223; Albanians [poor young man asks Death to come soon; she invites him to become a healer; if he sees Death near the patient means he is hopeless, and if not, he will recover; the young man became famous; Death showed him burning lamps, his own is about to go out; after 3 hours the young man died]: Serkova 1989:170-173; Bulgarians, Hungarians, Slovenians [an old man drags a bunch of firewood, calls Death; she appears, he asks her to help carry the carts]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 845:476; Hungarians: Gidash 1953:24-32 [young man goes to look for a country where there is no death; sees an eagle trying to break the branches of a tree; he turns into a man, says that he will die when he manages to uproot a tree, it will take 600 years; offers his daughter to wives, but the young man says that he does not need long, but eternal life; the eagle's daughter gives a box with her portrait, if you look, you will be transported to the right place; a bald man carries the ground in a basket, dies when will tear down the mountain; his daughter gives a ring (if you wear it, you will be wherever you want); the daughter of the deceased king offers the young man a hand and a throne; in her room the floor is covered with needles, her family will die when everyone stops; gives a golden twig (it will turn into whatever you want); a young man walks along the river, beyond which the sky is adjacent to the ground; enters a hanging castle, stays with the queen, there is no death in the castle; after a thousand years, a young man walks to visit his parents, the queen gives bottles of living and dead water; the young man revives the already dead queen with needles (they all failed), the old man who demolished the mountain, tore out the eagle tree; where was the parent the house, the old woman sees it Death, rushes in pursuit; Death and the Queen of Life both claim to be a young man, the Queen of Life lets Death in; agree that the Queen of Life will throw the young man into heaven behind her back the morning star; if he falls into the garden, he will stay with her, if behind the fence, with Death; he falls against the wall, but then into the garden, stays with the Queen], 60-62 [the old woman asks Death to come tomorrow; she agrees ; an old woman hides in a barrel of honey, then in a feather bed; seeing a horror in feathers, Death runs away in horror]; Moldovans: Botezatu 1981 [the prince breaks the old woman's jug with a stone, she tells him to bypass land, to go to the immortal kingdom, but you can't find peace there either; the old man tells you to say hello to animals on the way, greet the snake, he will let him into the castle; in the castle, another old man gives a ball, tells you to follow him; the acorn promises that the young man will die when the oak that grew out of this acorn decays; the same is the grape seed (he will drink wine as long as the grapes that grow from it are alive); the eagle asks not to shoot at him, cure; the king of fish - push him into the water; the fox - save him from dogs; the mosquito - remove from the web; the thread ends at the castle; the bride will be given if the young man hides; the eagle hides behind the clouds (the eldest daughter finds ), fish in the sea (the middle one finds it), the fox among the flowers (the youngest picks a flower, puts it in a basket, does not recognize it); the king gives it away if the young man identifies it among three (the mosquito sits the youngest on his nose); the king does not tell go out the gate through which the young man entered; he goes out, sees the thread of his ball, decides to go to visit his parents; the vine has grown, the oak tree is huge, the dragon is old, his father's castle has fallen apart (a lot has passed years); a 300-year-old hermit says that once everyone died of the plague; the young man walks back, sees a mortar, Death comes out from under it; the young man runs away, the old man gives him a belt, an oak an iron staff, a vine a sword, he gives them to Death, let him come when he wears them out, when the saber rust; time comes, the young man runs to his wife, she grabs his hand, Death by the leg; the wife turns him into a golden apple, throws him into the sky , this is the Evening Star); sisters turn it into an apple, throw it - the Morning Star; Death turns the king and sisters into stone pillars]: 27-37; Moldavian tales 1968 [the poor man's wife gave birth, no one wants go to cronies; the father rejects Death, the Moon, agrees to the Sun's offer; the boy was named Fat Frumos; his father does not tell him to go abroad; FF pursues the hare, the snake comes to the palace; the owner is invulnerable, grows to a gigantic size; spares FF for his promise to get him Frumoasu-Frumoacelor, the daughter of the king of the garden state; the malnik hides FF in a bag of flour that two eagles carry to the kingdom gardens; the princess liked the bread he baked and himself; the guards killed FF; the princess sees one ant revive another with a blade of grass, revives the FF; you can only escape on Baba Jgiver's horse; FF kills the snake, a bird crawling to the nest gives a feather; a bee rescued from the water gives a piece of wing; a fish thrown into the water scales; comes to J., only one stake has no head; J. tells three mares to herd three days; they they run away; on the first evening they are collected by a bird caused by a feather, on the second by bees, on the third by fish; J. allows him to choose a horse, takes them out of eight hearts, invests them in a nondescript foal; FF chooses him, because only he eats hot coals; FF takes the bride, wants to fly home, but the horse is already flying to the snake; the girl's contemptuous words burst his heart and gallbladder, FF married Frumoas]: 390- 409; Romanians [the old man promises the childless emperor the birth of a son; the boy cries in his mother's womb; falls silent and is born when his father promises him immortality and eternal youth; the young man grows up, chooses a thin skate, which turns into a four-winged horse; they come to a field covered with bones; a young man shoots the leg of a woman who has become a monstrous woodpecker; she promises peace, the young man puts leg back; woodpecker's sister was also cursed by her parents, became a scorpion, both sisters are at odds; a scorpion has one cheek in the sky, the other on the ground, he spews fire; a young man shoots one head, a scorpion promises peace, the young man puts his head back; the horse carries him through the forest with monsters to the castle of eternal life; the mistress of the castle does not allow monsters to attack those who have flown in; there are two women in the castle, a young man marries youngest; women warn him not to go to the Valley of Sorrows; when chasing a hare, he goes there, he wants to go home; women explain that his parents are long ago; they are not on the way back they find Scorpio and Woodpecker, people say they have heard tales about them from old people; the horse leaves the young man at the ruins of his father's castle, returns to the land of immortality; the young man turns into an old man; Death comes out from the deck, says that if he came later, even she would die; takes the hero]: Browne 1915:312-320.

Central Europe. Poles: Bartminski 2005 [Wielkopolska's "death" is a straw scarecrow depicting Death as a mythological character]: 373; Dombrowski 1992 [the merchant is shipwrecked, finds himself on on an unfamiliar shore; there is a garden, a palace, beauties drink wine; they do not see or hear it because he wears an invisible cloak; the merchant eats and drinks; one day he touches a girl, she shies away in fear; one day his cloak falls off , but girls allow him to live in their country of immortality; in two months he wants to visit his parents, but the girls say that 200 years have passed in his country; girls give a horse to take him across the sea; the merchant will live if he does not get off him; at the bazaar he is told that the coin presented was in use 200 years ago; towards an old woman with a cart loaded with worn wings; the cart is stuck, she asks help; when a merchant comes down, rushes to him, she is Death, she has worn out many wings in 200 years while looking for a merchant; he dies]: 142-150; Karaliychev, Todorov 1969 (3) [widow's son Bartek pulls out of the swamp The old woman is death; she takes him to study; releasing him five years later, explains that if he sees her in the patient's legs, he must be treated, if in his heads, he will die; B. became rich; seeing Death in his heads poor widow, turned that head in the opposite direction; Death is gone in anger, the widow has recovered; then saves her mother as well; both times Death forgives him; the third time B. saves the knight to repel the onslaught of enemies; Death takes him home, allows him to pour oil from the bowls of three rescued people into his own; B. refuses, dies]: 122-140; Shcherbakov 1980 [taking a soldier, the Queen went to look for a country immortality; three robbers did not share a diamond ball, an invisibility cloak and a horse that jumps through the clouds; the Queen threw the balloon, told the robbers to race; they fell, were killed; the Queen gave the balloon to a soldier, ordered him to take him home and not return; he flew to the land of immortality, married the daughter of a local king; once decided to visit his homeland; hears his former servant thinking where the owner disappeared; the maid: his devils took his devils into the hell; he went down to beat her, and this was death; the wife rode, found the body, and died too; and the horse returned to the land of immortality]: 81-83; Luzhitans [a man on a donkey arrives; the blacksmith shackles the donkey and leaves the owner for the night; he promises to fulfill his three wishes; the blacksmith wants the person who sits in his chair to be unable to stand up and climb on his apple tree to get down , climbed into the bag, get out without his permission; a few years later, a death man comes; the blacksmith asks him to sit in a chair, he sticks; the blacksmith lets him go for promising to give him another 10 years of life; after 10 years, he asks Death to climb an apple tree to pick a couple of apples; lets go for promising not to come for him again; Damn comes to the blacksmith, decides to get through the keyhole; the blacksmith sets up bag, ties the Line in it, hits him, he promises to leave him alone; released]: Sagen aus Heide 1970:115-119; Luzhitans [when the 24th child was born, the father cannot find the godfather; met which then the person also agreed; he promised to help: let a person become a doctor and if he sees him at the patient's head, he will say that the patient will die, and if in his legs, let him treat him, the patient is in every way will recover; one day a man saw a well-paid patient in his head and was a friend; so he unfolded the bed; the next day, that man brought the doctor to the hall, where many candles were burning; each is someone's life; a person who was Death showed the doctor a dying candle; if he hadn't deceived him by unfolding the bed, he would have lived for a long time; the candle burned out and the man died]: Veckenstedt 1880, No. 23.1:341-342; the Poles [the blacksmith sold his soul to the devil in order to be rich; Jesus and St. Peter gave him magical abilities: whoever climbs on his pear (sits on a bench, etc., cannot get off it) without his permission; when Death comes for the blacksmith, he sends it to get it from pear tree; hell comes - sits down on the bench; lets them go for promising not to come to him again; tired of life, the blacksmith goes to heaven, he is not allowed there; goes to hell, the devils run away from him; he pulls souls out of her cauldrons]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 330:109-110; Slovaks [the girl is afraid to go somewhere alone, but she is afraid to stay at home; everyone went to church at Christmas, she did not dare; domestic they advised: if you get really scared, look out the door and shout, "Someone come!" ; she did so; a voice came from the pine forest, "I'm going, I'm going, make porridge!" ; then "Put porridge on the table!" , "Fill it with fat!" ; an old woman is at the table; the girl asks how she got into the house, because even the door didn't creak; old lady: there is no lock where I don't enter silently; then the girl asks why the guest has such long legs (to step from one end of the world to the other), arms (there is nothing they can't get), eyes (to see every worm, not to mention people); when the old woman finished the porridge, the girl saw She had terrible teeth in her mouth and asked why they were; "To eat anyone, I'll eat you now!" ; a girl's body was found in the house in the morning]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 43:222-223; Czechs: Bogolyubova, Talova 2000 [the poor man bears to baptize his son, no one wants to be a goddaughter, the death-woman agrees; brings the poor man to the dungeon, where candles burn according to the number of people, Death lights a new one for his godson, his father for himself; Death teaches that when he sees it in the patient's legs, let him heal, when in his heads - the patient is doomed; the poor man becomes a famous healer; one day he tells him to turn the bed around, Death tells him not to do so anymore; he is tired of living, death hits him with a branch, he dies; Death teaches his son to know herbs, he also becomes a famous healer]: 189-193 (Wratislaw 1890, No. 8:52-55); Clouston 1887 [the man beat Satan and all the devils in the bones, put them in a bag, took them to the blacksmith, they were beaten there, the man let them go for promising not to appear again; he lured Death that came after him into a bag; people multiplied, starved, but did not die; man let Death go, promising her not to come for him; tired of living, came to St. Peter, but he did not let him go to heaven, because he had not wanted the kingdom of heaven, but wealth; he came to hell, but the devils did not let him go in fear; after all, St. Peter allowed to pass, made him his assistant]: 387-388; Poles, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 300A: 175-176; Czechs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 332:222-223; Czechs [the old man carries a cart of firewood , calls Death; she appears, he asks her to help carry the cart]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 845:476; Russian written tradition: Tarkovsky, Tarkovskaya 2005, No. 18, 143 ["Proverbs, or Fabulous, by Jesopa Phrygi" by Fyodor Gozvinsky (1607, more than 20 copies of the 17th - early 18th centuries, including The Book Verbal Jesop), which are a translation of the younger edition of Aesop's fables published around 1479. Bon Accurus in Milan: the old man was carrying firewood, tired, put it on the ground and called for death; death came and asked why he called her; the old man was frightened and said to her, "to take this burden of firewood on him as well I laid the frame" (options: "And yes, bear my burden", "In order to take the burden of firewood and put it on your frame"); No. 101 ["The Spectacle of Human Life" by A.A. Vinius (1674, dozens lists of the last quarter of the 17th century, a printed edition of 1712, read and rewritten in the same 18th century), which is a translation and retelling of the collection of fables "Theatrum Morum", published by E. Sadeler in 1608 in Prague in German: the old man was walking with a heavy load on his shoulder, tired, calling for death; she appeared in front of him with her gun; the old man was frightened and said: "Not for the sake of praying, yes kidnap me. But may he also do me mercy, and in my difficult difficulties I will be able to bear the burden"]; No. 122 ["Jesop" by Simbirsk captain Pyotr Kashinsky (1675, out of two that have survived to us one of the lists dates from 1684 and the other to the first third of the 18th century), which consists of three books and is a free translation of fables from the collection "Przypowieśći Aezopowe, z Łacińskiego na Polskie z pilnośćiů przełozone. Przydane sů k temu przypowieśći z Gabryela Greka y Laurenthego Abstemiusa", published in Krakow around 1600: the old man carrying firewood from the forest was tired and began to call for death; when she appeared and asked why he called her, the old man said, "to be raised on his shoulder first" (Book 1: "The Parable of Jesop Franzky")]; No. 14 ["Wise Lochmon has amazing warehouses and examples" (the last third of the 17th century, at least two lists - the end of the 17th century and the first quarter of the 18th century), which are a translation of Saadi's Persianisches Rosenthal, published by A. Oleary in 1647 in Schleswig: a man was carrying heavy firewood, was tired, threw it off his shoulders and said that he would like death to come; she immediately appeared before him and asked what he wanted from it; the man replied: "I just clicked you to come and help me put firewood on my shoulder. But why don't I need you"]: 217, 255, 263, 348, 401, 447; Ukrainians: Afanasiev 1994 (3) (from unpublished materials collected by the editorial staff of Osnova magazine; Western?) [a person decides to look for a country where there is no death; meets a wolf, who says that he will die when he cuts an oak tail; then to the pannochki; they answer that they will live until they break all the needles in the baskets; comes to the Month, he replies that when the month in heaven is old, he is old, and when he is young, he is young; a person lives with the Month for a hundred years; Death comes, demands a person, the Month offers her to take a person by the legs, and he will take his head where he will fly; the man flew up, became a star for about a month]: 271-272; Belova 2004a, No. 318 (Yekaterinoslavskaya, Mariupol y.) [(Dragomanov 1876:2; Ukrainian tales 1993:260-261); There was no death, people were killed by cannibal dogs; at the request of people, God sent Death with a scythe; she killed the dog and has been among the people ever since people]: 152-153; Ukrainians (Galicia, Hutsulshchina) [Man (Solomon) and Death: Cunning Death into a coffin (chest) and releases only after 700 years]: SUS 1979, № 330D*: 123 northern Ukrainians (Volyn) [summary of the text from Mikhail Krivoshapkin's manuscript "On Volyn and Minsk Polesie" (1898-1899): a rich man, arguing with death, made a movable bed so that death would stand at his feet , not at the head; I'm tired of death, and she said: "Not cool, but you'll have to die!"] : Zelenin 1914, No. 12:297; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Tambov), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Galicia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Podolia, Volyn, Kiev, Chernigov), Belarusians [Death of a godfather: a poor man (soldier) becomes a healer; when Death in the legs of a patient, bed or patient is turned to make Death in the head; at the end Death comes for the healer himself]: SUS 1979, No. 332:122; northern Ukrainians (Chernigov, Nezhinsky y.) [The farmer has many children, looking for his goddaughter; Death agrees; then he met her in the forest and she ordered him to go to the king, who will reward him; the king gave a bag of money, Death tells me to hurry home, otherwise the man He will die soon; he came home, Death killed him, and the money went to his children]: Malinka 1902, No. 34:310-311; Belarusians: Belova 2004a, No. 318 (Brest Region, 1984) [man tricked Death into the wheelchair; people did not die; he was asked to release Death, people began to die]: 151; Bulgakovsky 1890 (Pinsk) [Death comes to the patient, becomes with a scythe in his heads ; when a drop of death falls from a braid to a patient's mouth, he dies]: 190; Davidovich 1896 [Death wears a scythe; strangles people by order of God]: 135; SUS 1979, No. 825A* [Damn in Paradise (Damn is Death's Lover): Death guards paradise; hell penetrates into it; from hell Death gives birth to daughters; God drives her out of paradise and creates another Death loyal to him]: 209; Sumtsov 1913 [Death in the form of a robber or warrior takes from a peasant's receipt saying that in seven years he would give back what he did not have when he left home; this is a son; eight years later Death came for the boy; he offered her wine, she climbed into the bottle , he shut her up; when he released her, she no longer harassed him]: 62; Russians: Karnaukhova 2008, No. 132 (Arkhangelskaya, Mezen, d. Pustynna, 1927) [A sentry (Ivan - I.) on duty hears a conversation between two generals who complain that despite their beauty, education and wealth, they cannot even see the faces of a Moscow beauty (MK). I. says that with such data, he would spend the night with her. The generals complain about him to the king. The king summons I., gives him 10,000 on the condition that if he does not do what he boasted about, he will be executed. I. asks the king for a pass to all places and receives it in the form of a gold inscription under his hollow overcoat. Showing this pass to the servants, I. first gets to the hotel, and then to the MK room. She has to go to another room, where she receives a handsome general, he asks for wine and snacks, and I. is five times more. MK invites the general to his house tomorrow and says the passphrase, I. hears everything. He drinks the general who has left the MK and instead comes to her house tomorrow, saying a passphrase. There, in the dark, I. fulfilled his plan. MK gave him her personalized ring instead of his button that came off when he undressed and fell asleep, and I. ran away and showed the king the ring as proof. The king rewarded him with money. I. left the king, came to the village pub and gave the cabatchik wine - 20 barrels - to the whole village. Two men quarreled, one killed the other. I. hired to drive himself to Bolshoy Plyos, picking up the dead on the way. We went into the house where the robbers shared the loot. I. frightened them, consistently showing the dead man's severed hands and supposedly going to eat the robbers instead of meat and instead of the dead man's hands. The robbers fled, and I. shared the loot with the driver. Then I. went alone and found himself in another village, where no one wanted to let him spend the night. Then he went to the house, from where the residents were kicked out. At night, devils came thunder. He pacified the first ones ahead of time with forged crosses, put them in a bag and put them under the bench. I. beat the second line ("evil spirits") by 5 clicks, struck with a hammer, driving him back to hell. The third and main feature I. beat cards with spits, heated the ticks and welded them to the devil's tongue. His tears gave rise to stone ridges (crevices). After the hell came Death in the form of a beautiful girl. I. did not believe that it could turn into anything, at his request Death turned into a fly, I. drove the death fly into a bottle, gave it to the owner of the house, asking him to bury 40 fathoms in the ground. I. became immortal, got bored and went to heaven. He left paradise because it was boring without moonshine, and he was kicked out of hell in fear. When all his friends died on earth, raising grandchildren, and he never had a family, I. returned to where death was buried, dug it up, death again took the form of a girl, hugged him - I. died]: 296- 301; Belova 2004a, № 317 (Kaluga Province, 1892) [Death in a long robe wears a bowl of bile, brings robbers to the dying like Christ; that's why a man frowns before death]: 151; Corinthian 1901 [(about the same in Afanasiev 1994 (3): 50-52, but released from the bag Death runs away in horror); Death appears in the form of a decrepit old woman with a scythe in her hands; a Christ-loving warrior died, the Lord put him on the clock at the entrance to paradise; Death came for by command who to kill; the soldier went to report to God, who ordered the old people to be killed; the soldier felt sorry for his parents, he said that God ordered the oldest oaks to be sharpened for three years; three years later God ordered to kill young people, the soldier sent Death to sharpen young oaks; three more later, young oaks instead of babies; nine years later Death reached God, who ordered the soldier to wear it for three years on back; he lured Death either into a snuffbox or an empty nut, closed it there; the Lord ordered Death to be released, let that soldier die; the soldier pretended not to know how to go to the coffin, asked Death show, closed the lid, threw the coffin into the sea; Death came out when the coffin broke against the rocks]: 707-709; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [Before his death, the father bequeathed his son to eat a roll with his friend who did not takes bribes. The son is hungry, remembers the roll and goes to look for his father's friend. He meets a gray-haired old man, Mikola, who bribes a candle, meets St. Egoray, he does the same. He meets a terrible tall old man who calls himself his father's friend because he took his soul - his son eats a roll with him. Death invites the young man to go to town and predict the fate of the sick king, but warns that he should take the reward he can carry. Well done, he predicts recovery, because he sees death sitting at the head, the king rewards the young man, he takes a moderate reward. Death sends a young man to another king to predict death, he predicts why the king will bequeath his throne to him. Death warns that the young man is supposed to sit on the throne for exactly 30 years. Death comes at the appointed time, and the king asks you to take a last walk in the garden and see the city. He asks Death why everyone in the city is crying, Death replies that they mourn the death of the tsar, because his soul is walking in the garden and the tsar himself is already dead]: Onchukov 2008, No. 40:149-159; Russians ( Arkhangelskaya) [The soldier leaves the tsarist service (served as a groom) and is going home to see his relatives. The king loved the soldier, but still let him go and gave him money. Before leaving, he gives a farewell feast for fellow soldiers, after which he has only five nickels left. On the way, he goes to the pub, meets the same old woman three times and gives alms, can't stand it at the last meeting and wants to hit her (he doesn't understand how she ends up in front of him without passing by, thinks, deceives). Instead of an old woman, a female appears in front of him. She thinks to throw it away, but two fellows jump out of it, promise to fulfill all wishes. The soldier asks for a table, a bed and a pipe for tobacco. By night, he sees a beautiful manor house, asks him to spend the night, the master allows it, but warns that devils live there (the master himself lives in another house) and sees off the soldier. He calls the guys well done, they set the table, the soldier treats his master, he steals a golden spoon. Well done from Sumy says he can't clean the table, because not everything is in place. The master hands over the spoon and locks the doors in the house in anger. The soldier locks the windows and doors to the other chambers, baptizes them, the devils are at the door, but cannot enter "one there shouts: push and push, and the other shouts to his place: where to push if crosses are instructed." A soldier finds a bag of weights, draws crosses on them with coal, pulls out weights, asks the devils if they can all fit in it. They say they can, he opens the door slightly, throws the devils into the bag and ties it up. He hits the devils with weights, then opens the window, unties the bag and shakes the devils out. ("What are barefoot people sitting here? Are you waiting for another bath?"). The soldier told the master that he could live in a beautiful house, but asked for money for the trip for his work. Three days from home, a soldier met a terrible old woman with a bag of knives, drank, axes, a scythe supports her, she blocks his way, he wants to hit her, she says she has come for his soul, that she death, when asked to see his relatives, does not give a delay (three months, three weeks, three days). In the next world, a soldier was not allowed to go to heaven, the devils were going to drag him to hell, he reminds them of a "manor's bathhouse", they run away, out of fear and Satan runs into the fire]: Burtsev 1897, No. 5:12-18; Russians ( Vologodskaya) [The soldier served for 25 years without receiving anything for his service, tells the old man he meets about his sadness and receives cards and a bag from him, with which "no one will beat or offend him." He tries to spend the night in the village - he is not allowed in because it is cramped, and he is allowed to enter a new house, where he "cannot spend the night". The soldier drinks vodka and goes through the cards, at midnight a lot of people get mad, start dancing, one hits him on the cheek with his tail - the soldier shouts "into the bag!" , devils go into his bag. The next morning, the owners carry a coffin for him and are surprised that he is alive. She stays with them and marries her master's daughter. A girl is born - she decides to take the first woman she meets as godmother. She meets an old woman - death, calls her godfather, she agrees, and gives her godfather goodbye advice: if he is called to a patient and death is in his head, then let him not undertake to heal, and if in his legs, then let him heal by spraying the patient with cold water. The soldier is known as a healer. He is called to the sick king - death is in our heads. The soldier orders to put the patient on a bench, turns the bench, the old woman who dies does not keep up and finds herself at her feet - the king recovers. Death threatens to take revenge on the godfather - he shouts "into the bag!" and throws the bag into the attic. A year later, Mikola the merciful comes to the soldier asking him to let death go, the soldier holds her for two more years, and death threatens not to come for him when the deadline comes. The soldier worries his family, hears a rumor about the imminent arrival of the Antichrist and decides to go to the next world himself. He is not allowed to go to heaven, but he is allowed to go to hell. He catches devils in hell, makes a company out of them and begins to drill. Satan learns about him, comes and offers to play cards: if he wins, he takes the soldier's soul, if the soldier wins, he takes one of the souls from hell. Satan is losing. The demons find out that it was he who was sitting in his bag, complaining and driving him out of hell - he leaves, taking the souls of his wife and daughter. He comes to paradise - the apostles refuse to let him in, but agree to let his wife and daughter pass: a soldier stands between them and all three go to heaven]: Burtsev 1895, No. 34:153-159; Russians (Kostroma) [ Death was a beautiful girl; she came to Arid, and he asked him to wait: the house is not ready; and then live in it; the house is already falling apart from old age, A. now asks to wait for him to make an oak coffin; invited Death to try whether it was convenient, covered it with a lid, boarded him up, buried it; people have not died for a hundred years; one man hears a moan underground, dug him up; she immediately killed him and went to mow the old people; A. also did not avoided her turn, became very angry, thin in her coffin]: Andronikov 1909:21-23; Russians (Voronezh) [God sends an angel to take the soul and life of a woman who has just given birth to two children, angel feels sorry for her and leaves her to live. God takes the angel's soul and sends him to earth. The drunkard seed finds a naked angel in the chapel, gives clothes and leaves him to live with him. Angel helps Semyon sew boots, sews skillfully... etc.]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 51:200-202.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars: Marx 1913 [Fatime fell ill, her husband was about to take a second wife; decided to drown herself in a well, saw Azrail, she was found dead at the well with a white feather in her hand; the women decided that since an angel put the pen in F.'s hand, it is necessary to write to the Prophet to allow him to have only one wife; they tied a magpie to his tail; men found out, laughed when they were angry with their wives, offered to write a letter forty on the tail; but the custom of polygamy has vanished-maybe the Prophet gave an answer?] : 21-23; Radlov 2021, No. 35 (Miskhor) [Azrail came for the soul of a man; he asked for permission to finish reading the book; then said that he would finish reading in 70 years; A. complained to Allah, but he was indignant: Why did you agree to wait? this is how man lived two lives]; the Kalmyks [the courier of the king of hell, sent for a person's soul, took it out through one of the holes in the body, mainly through the mouth, passing a key as thin as hair into the body ; the hook tears the aorta, the courier takes his soul away]: Dushan 1976:77; Abkhazians [the old man swore the name of Death; she came pretending to be a fellow traveler; the old man says that everything is in the power of Death; she likes his words it gives him the ability to see her firsthand, become a healer; if she is at the patient's feet, he will recover, if she dies at the head of the bed; when he falls ill, Death is at his head; he takes an oath from her do not kill him until he buys memorial candles; refuses to buy, lives on]: Bgazhba 2002:246-247; Adyghi (bzhedugi) [the poor man does not invite God to share the meal, because God is unfair; invites Pseheh (the angel of death); he advises going to the sick daughter of Pshi; if he, P., stands in her head, the girl will die, if she recovers in her legs; the poor man sees P. in her heads, gives the girl water with flour, she recovers, pshi rewards him]: Aliyeva 1978, No. 57:321-322; Karachays and Balkarians [zhang alyuchu ("taking souls") is a creature, a messenger of death]: Tekeyeva 2013 : 88; Ossetians: Britayev, Kaloev 1959:241-244 [three brothers mowed hay; Uastyrdzhi came up as an old man; gave them food and drink; asked what everyone wanted; elder: throw up on a sunny day wheat with a shovel; medium: singing songs, herding a flock in the steppe; the youngest does not know what to ask for, goes to his mother's relatives; a decrepit old man sends to an even older one, he sends to the oldest, but this one He looks like a middle-aged man; he explains that his wife woke him up after the third knock on the door, he got one gray hair; and he made her go get the same watermelon three times, she had three hairs appeared; the old men the young man saw: one had a dog wife, the other had a donkey breed, and he himself had a real woman; the young man realized that he should ask for a good wife; the owner: three of them, two are already married, the third is being given out today; the young man, accompanied by Uastyrji, came in to the feasts and drank the groom's glass; two roosters were thrown into boiling water, the rooster W. jumped out and sang; two apple branches were put into the fire , apples appeared on the W. branch; the young man got a wife; a few years later he came to those to whom he did good; the elder and middle brothers refused to share grain, cattle, W. took everything from them; the youngest's wife W. fed W. well; it turned out that her child had just died; W. caught up with Death and offered a treat; he took honey cakes for himself, and gave Death cakes and salt; she was thirsty and in exchange for water she returned the white lamb; W. returned to the yurt, the woman's child came to life], 313-314 [the man asks his son to go to a friend to ask for the debt; the son meets a thin old man; this is Death, he waited, because the debtor asked not to take his life until he repaid his debt; when asked by the young man, Death replies that he would die on his wedding day; the young man's father tells him to ask Death what he values the bread and salt (which the young man is with him) divided); he went to ask the owner of the dead Barastyr; they decided to give the young man a long life]; Dzagurov 1983, No. 105 [the poor man cannot feed his family, leaves home; God sends a mediator Ouasgergi detain him, then goes by himself; the poor man scolds both for injustice; God sends Wadesag (who takes his soul); the poor man praises him for his impartiality; W. gives him a mirror, advises him to become a healer; if He saw W. in the mirror, then the patient will die, if not, he will recover, let him prescribe any medicine; the poor man becomes a famous doctor, gets rich; heals the king]: 447-458; Ingush [Tsagen is ill, Allah sent an angel to take his soul; C. asks to be allowed to pray five times first; A. tells the angel not to take Ts's soul until he says the prayer five times; C. says twice; speaks to the angel, that he will say his last prayers when he gets tired of living]: Kibiev, Malsagov 1981:206 (=Kapiyeva 1991:170-171); Avars [a guest came to the sick Andean; the owner put him to bed, he lay down in the hayloft himself; in the morning he explained that an angel of death had come to his neighbor the day before; the Andean wanted to knock him off the trail]: Atayev 1972, No. 72:82; Dargins [Nasreddin, a dying man, asks Azrail to allow him say two prayers; A. agrees, having received permission from God; N. refuses to say a second prayer, continues to live; for him A. we see; A. reports that if he stands at his feet patient, N. can promise recovery if his head is certain death; N. becomes a famous doctor, gets rich; refuses to share with A., he can't help it]: Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:244-245 (=Khalilov 1965, No. 107:291-292); Rutultsy [the poor man met a fellow traveler; every time he enters a house and then leaves, he cries; the companion admits that he is Azrail; says that he wants to help the poor; let him act as a healer; when he sees A. sitting at the head of the patient (A. remains invisible to others), let him be called to heal and receive a reward; one day A. himself comes to this person; he asks to let him live until the hat thrown to the ceiling falls; A. watches the hat, while the person lies down with his head to him; A. complains to Allah, but he allows keep a person alive if he could outsmart A.]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 63:275-276; Lezgins []: Aliyeva 2013, No. 76:339-342; tatas: Kukullu 1974, No. 4 [after his friend Nissan died, Nemurum decided to go looking for the land of immortality, although his mother dissuaded him; the nightingale, the pheasant, the deer say that they are not immortal, they will die when they lose their last feather, the last scales from their horns (they fall a year by one); on the fortieth day of her journey, N. comes to the beautiful woman; she is immortal, he lives with her without getting old; wants to visit her homeland; his wife says that several generations have changed there; gives four apples, tells do not drop; N. sees the remains of a pheasant, a deer, a nightingale, bends down every time, one apple rolls out, it grows older; the last one rolled out on his mother's grave; God sends Azrail to take N.'s soul; that digs a grave, replies that he is digging it for an old man, asks N. to try it on, because that old man is the same height; N. lies down, A. takes his soul away], 9 [Death warns the old man that in two days he will come for him; he goes to visit his grandchildren, and since there are many of them, he is constantly absent; Death sometimes finds him, but decides to pick him up each time tomorrow; his grandfather is probably still alive]: 52-57, 81-85; Miller 2013 [ the poor man cannot feed his children; carrying firewood from the forest, he falls and cannot get up; asks God to kill him; when Esroil came and took off his burden, the poor man no longer wanted to die; when he found out that he was suffering because of the children, E. said that God orders him not to be killed; the poor man became rich]: 602-605; Georgians: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 43 [The robber demands that the old man let the girl go; he replies that he is Death, in a week, will come for him; The robber orders to build a solid palace with a single door; falls asleep; when he wakes up, sees Death nearby; asks him to swear that he will not take him away until he He finishes the prayer; he does not finish reading; Death offers friendship; he will see Death standing in the patient's heads or legs; if in the heads, the sick will recover; the robber becomes a healer, becomes rich, for he always correctly predicts the outcome of the disease; he prays to the end over the drowned child, the child turns out to be Death; the person asks for permission to say goodbye to the father, who asks Death to pick a pear; Death climbed the tree, cannot get down (Jesus visited the old man, who complained about the boys, I. promised that a person who climbed a pear would not climb without the owner's permission); the old man promises Death not kill his son until he asks; he asked when he was old]: 166-169; (cf. Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 101 [poor brother served at the wedding of a rich son; returns hungry; Nezhda comes up to him, says he will not lag behind him even after death; the poor man ordered a coffin, Need she climbed into it, fearing that the man would be ahead of her, the poor brother stabbed the coffin; got rich; told the rich man what had happened; the rich opened the coffin to put Need back on the poor, but she grabbed himself]: 166-167); Chikovani 1985, No. 156 (Makharadze District, Guria, Western 1936; =1986:476-477; =Virsaladze 1973, No. 182:246-248) [the poor bachelor dreams at night how his late mother grabs him for hand, drags to the next world; once Death came on a white horse; asks to hold the horse while she goes to the village for prey; the poor man sits on a horse, but cannot move, for Death has the whip; Death brings a young man and a girl, gives a whip to the poor, offers to rise to heaven; when he returns, he tells him how tiny the earth seems; Death says that he cannot hide from it; leaves]: 326-327; Nisharadze 1894 (Kartli) [the man goes to look for the godfather for his son; the wife tells me to find the richest; the man rejects Christ, St. Giorgi (they are poor), invites Death (she in rich clothes); after baptism, Death advises the man to treat the patient if he sees her in his legs, to refuse if in her heads; the man becomes a famous healer, gets rich; one day he sees Death at his head; makes her promise not to kill him until he finishes praying; breaks off prayer in the middle; with a break of several years, a man adds a line at a time, but far from the end; Death brings a golden coffin to his yard, a bag on top, the text of the prayer on it; carried away, the man read it to the end, Death jumped out of the coffin and killed him]: 145-148 ; Kurdovanidze 2000, No. 845 [a tired old man calls death; when Death comes, he asks her to help carry a burden]: 70; Megrelia [Glahua was beggar, but he had a round pear at home that bore fruit year; someone started stealing pears; three wanderers went to his yard; G. made a fire to warm them; the wanderers offered to fulfill his wish; he asks that the pears did not steal; the wanderers promise that anyone who climbed a pear tree will get off it only with the permission of G.; G. found a rich neighbor, began to collect firewood and burn him, the neighbors asked for mercy; one day Death came to G. with a scythe; he asked permission to finally eat pears; cannot pick it off the ground; Death climbed a tree; G. let her go for promising to return for him only when he called her himself; he called Death when he was completely decrepit]: Stepanov 1898, No. 3:10-13; Armenians (Baraleti is a village with an Armenian population) [a man goes to look for a godfather for his son; his wife orders to find the richest; the man rejects Christ, St. George (they are poor), invites Death (she in rich clothes); after baptism, Death advises the man to treat the patient if he sees her in his legs, to refuse if in her heads; the man becomes a famous healer, gets rich; one day he sees Death at his head; makes her promise not to kill him until he finishes praying; breaks off prayer in the middle; with a break of several years, a man adds a line at a time, but far from the end; Death brings a golden coffin to his yard, a bag on top, the text of the prayer on it; carried away, the man read it to the end, Death jumped out of the coffin and killed him]: Bogoyavlensky, 1894:145-148; Kurds [Rabl-Azat gave Musa Pehambar 900 years of life; when they expired, M. asked for more, ran away; Azrail and Jebrail began to dig a hole with a golden pickaxe and a shovel; they do appearance that they are arguing about the height of the deceased pit; M. agrees to lie in it and try it on if he receives their pickaxe and shovel; they put a pickaxe at the head, threw earth over the grave]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 39:295-296; talyshi [the son of the padishah threw the bouquet on Haji's daughter's chest; she says that her price is all the stars in the sky, he is this bouquet; she tells her father to give her red clothes and an iron brush; hides in the closet; tells the son of the padishah that she is Azrail, who has come to take his soul; he asks for a delay; she hits him in the chest with an iron brush to identify him later; the padishah sends soldiers to surround the palace; the son of the padishah meets the girl again, she says she hit him with an iron brush; the padishah sends matchmakers to her; she tells the carpenter to make a doll, fills her stomach with syrup; the padishah's son pierces his sword into the doll, thinking that she kills the girl; but immediately shouts that she does not want to live without her, is going to commit suicide; the girl appears from behind the doll, marries the padishah's son]: Asatryan 2005:27-31.

Iran - Central Asia. Avesta: Kryukova 2005 [an evil spirit only at the will of Akhur-Mazda deprives a person of life at the appointed time; for the first time, deva Zaurva's personalized old age (the word is associated with the concept of time) mentioned in Videvdat; in Central Persian sources, Zarman causes aging; the personification of death itself is Astro-Vidat (presumably "separating the bone"), he throws a noose around the victim's neck; Visares's demon drags the souls of evil devopklonniks to hell (Videvdat 19.21); the demon of decomposition Druhsh-ya Nasu pounces the corpse]: 234-236; Chunakova 2004:34 [death devs Asvihad throws a noose on the child's neck is still in the womb; the righteous is freed from her after death, and the sinner A. takes her to hell], 66 [the deva of death Wizarsh comes to the sinner on the fourth day after his death, binds him soul, leads to the Chinwad Bridge; if Russian accuses this soul of sinfulness, V. grabs it, hits it and tortures it]; ancient Iranians [when Vay touches a person, it's a dream; when he casts his shadow on him - fever; when he looks at him and sees him, he takes his soul-breath ("Bundahishn"); later Vai, Vayu was replaced by Zurvan ("time"; then Zamān - "death, fate, time"); Zurvan becomes visible to humans at the moment of death]: Vassilkov 2001:488-489; Persians: Donaldson 1938 [when dogs howl, they sense the approach of the Angel of Death]: 159; Marzolph 1984, No. 332 (Khorasan) [a poor man who collects a thorn is made by a doctor, agreeing with the angel of death: when he sees him, he will know whether the patient will die or not; when his own hour of death comes, the person deceives angel of death, asking permission before he dies to read a prayer that he does not finish]: 76; Osmanov 1987 [the old man asks Azrail not to take his soul again; after going through 7 generations, wanted to die; A.: I'm not in a hurry; old man: if you don't take it, I'll complain to God; A. took his soul]: 316; mountain Tajiks [the angel of death Azrail draws his soul out of his body; he can take different forms - avalanches that killed a person, a poisonous snake, etc.; God gives a soul and when he needs it, he takes it back]: Kislyakov 1976:122; Pashtuns: Lebedev 1955 [charter, the old man throws a bunch of brushwood on the ground, wants Azrail to clean it up; A. appears, the old man asks for help putting brushwood on his back]: 146; Thornburn 1876 [the weaver saws the branch on which he sits; sayyad goes by, warns that the weaver will fall; the weaver does not listen, falls, believes that the sayyad knows the future, runs after him, asks when he, the weaver, will die; sayyad replies that when the spirit comes out; one day the weaver burps, decides that death has come; he is buried, but they see that he is alive; then two people dressed up and come to the grave, saying that they are angels Nakir and Minkir, that the weaver is alive and they cannot take him away, let him go Home]: 219; Baluchi: Dames 1893, No. 14 (Quetta District) [the fakir blesses the childless prophet Dris, D.'s wife gives birth to 40 boys; D. decides that they cannot feed everyone, leaves alone, 39 takes to a deserted place; a year later, the goat sees boys playing there, reports D.; he comes, calls himself their father, they run away; the mullah orders D.'s wife to bring her remaining son there; when they start To play with him, she must say that she gave birth to them; the boys came out of hiding, she lured them with sweets, brought them home; the angel Azrail, by order of God, deprived them of all their lives; they were buried; D. left travel; see motive J27]: 294-300; Zarubin 1952, No. 10 (southern Turkmenistan) [the dervish gives the childless king an apple, his wife ate it, gave birth to the boy Janteg; Azrail took him away, but revived him; sent him to his father; meets, takes the Stargazer and the Water Conduit as companions; all three go for the girl Hair-in-Forty-Arshin; at night, the Stargazer, then the Water Pipeline go to look for fire, come to the Grandfather Gargashang's buzlanga, he shoves them into boot; when J. comes, returns his companions, he goes fourth with them; the dragon gives water to girls; J. puts up his sword, the dragon tries to swallow J., is allowed in half, Grandfather Gargashang eats him; J. receives a princess, gives it to the Stargazer; after defeating the enemies of another king, receives another princess, gives it to the Water Line; the girl hair-in-forty-arshin lives on an island in the middle of the river; Grandfather Gargashang carries there J., who converges with the girl; the old woman persuades the girl to ask J. where his soul is; in a sword; the old woman throws her sword into the river, lures the girl into the box, delivers it to someone else's king; the Stargazer and the Water Piper they take the sword out of the fish's mouth, J. comes to life; Grandfather Gargashang eats the old woman, returns the girl J.; he finds his father]: 121-133; Turkmens [Israel (the angel of death) took the soul of one son's only son man (var.: son of an old woman); Burkut baba asks for the return of his soul, I. refuses; then he breaks a bottle in which I. had the souls of seven (var.: thousands) people; I. complained to Allah, but he said that B. crazy, I. got off easily]: Basilov 1963:45; 1980c: 195); Uzbeks: Sheverdin 1972 (1): 70-73 [the poor old man brings brushwood to the bazaar, the Fox eats the cakes he gives him on the road every time wife; the old man decides to take the other road, gets to 40 genies; says that he is Azrail, has come for their souls; they give him a golden mortar and pestle, the old man pretends to hardly agree; getting rid of it from an old man, genies call animals to pilaf on the occasion of his father's death; Lisa wonders why now, although his father is long dead; Lisa leads the genies to make sure it's just a poor old man; the old man shouts to Lisa, that he does not need genies to pay for his old debts, let him carry money; genies kill Lisa, run away, decide to leave the area altogether], 255-260 [the carpenter sees a tailor-made coat on the girl he has likes; decides to get rid of the opponent; offers to climb into the chest to see what he is like from the inside; the tailor's chest flies away; the tailor finds a screw, falls to the ground; lives with a dyer; flies in in his chest to the Shah's daughter, says that he is Azrail and Allah ordered him to take her; after learning about the Azrail Groom, the khan, on the advice of the viziers, offers food to the tailor (A. would not eat); the tailor does not eat, the Shah believes that he was A.; another Shah was at war because he wanted to take the daughter first for his son; the imaginary A. began to throw bunches of lit grass from the flying chest, the enemy army fled in fear; but the chest also burned down , the tailor stayed in the shepherd's hut; the Shah died, the tailor came to the city, told the Shah's daughter that his wings were scorched, and Allah did not give new ones as punishment for killing so many people; daughter of the Shah gives him the throne].

Baltoscandia. Norwegians [the young man drags a heavy keg of beer, thinks who to drink part with to make it easier to carry; drives away Providence (unfair), the Devil (harmful), sits down to drink with Death, because . he is equal to everyone; Death rewards him: the keg will not run out, beer will become a medicine, the young man will be a healer; if he sees Death in the patient's legs, he must begin to treat, if his heads are useless; at the bedside a young man sees Death in the princess's heads; tells the servants to turn the bed; Death wants to take him away; he asks to pick him up after he has read a prayer, stops without saying the last word; one day Death brings him a full-text board; the young man wakes up and reads to the end, Death takes him]: Asbjíørsen, Moe 1960:131-134; Swedes, Danes, Icelanders: Uther 2004 (1), No. 332:223; Sami: Holmberg 1927 [Rutu, or Rota (from Old Skand. throte - "abscess)" sometimes appears to be a man in blue clothes; the wolf is his dog]: 76; Manker 1963 [Rota - Illness, Death, takes him to the afterlife; only a horse is sacrificed to him to leave; but where to get a horse in the tundra?] : 241; the Finns [the farmhand earned the 3rd era, bought three loaves, went on a journey; gives three beggars bread; one gives a bag that fits everything you want; a card that always wins; a bag in which money is not transferred; puts a flock of geese from the sky into his bag; stays in the house, paying geese; the owner puts him in the room where the hell comes; the man beats him, takes the money ; lures her into a bag, tells the blacksmiths to hit it with hammers, tells the line to go away; next time he offers to be big, then tiny, lures her into a barrel, plugs it; releases it as a promise not return; marries, looks for a godson for a child, towards Death; Death gives the godson an ointment that cures any disease; comes to the terminally ill king; death is in the heads; man turns the bed, gets to his head before Death, smears ointment, the king recovers; Death wants to kill him, the man tells her to get into the bag; lets her go for promising to give him another 30 years lives; if he says "Deeply grateful" to someone, he will die right away; he says them, Death takes him to heaven, they don't want a gambler; to hell; he plays with the devil, wins many souls, puts them in his bag; it was taken to heaven; he pointed it at himself, got into his bag, ended up in paradise]: Salmelainen 1947:14-18 (=Goldberg 1953:31-46); Karelians: Yevseyev 1950, No. 17 [Death comes and thinks who kill; feels sorry for the owner, mistress, daughter-in-law, son; did not touch anyone in this house], 146 [Ilmoilline forged an iron coffin, told Death who came that he made it to rest; Death also wants rest, climbs into the coffin, I. locked her, threw her into the sea; for 300 years people have not died, they ask the Month, he does not know, advises to turn to the Sun, the Sun indicates where death is; the chest is taken out, opened, Death devoured I. and others; left the Sun and the Month; began to walk only at night; var. (note, p. 488): death was defeated by a soldier or merchant]: 58-59, 290-292; Ingrians (western 1953) [death came from Tuoni's fields, from the outskirts of Pokjela; half of the people died from the plague, half from hunger, half of their husbands from swords; if there were a blacksmith Ilmarinen, he would have been able to make a chest, lock him in it death and drown at sea]: Kiura et al. 1974, No. 6:262, 490 [note; contamination of diseases sent by mistress Pokjela in Kalevala and a blacksmith shackling death in a chest]; Latvians: Aris 1968 [ the old man drags a bunch of brushwood, laments if death came soon; Death appears, asks what he wanted; the old man asks her to help drag the bundle]: 300-400; Aris, Medne 1977, No. 332 [ The godson of death. No one goes to a poor man's cousin. After rejecting God and devil because of their injustice, the poor man chooses to die. Death makes his godson a healer, but on the condition that he will treat only those patients who have death in their feet. If she stands at the head, the patient must die. The godson turns the patient's bed to deceive death. Death takes the godson, shows the burnt candle - his life, the godson dies. Or: Finally, the son buries death (sickle) on a sandy hill so that it does not mow people. God asks the sun where death is. The sun sends it to the month, the month to the wind. The wind blows until the sand blows off the hill where it is buried to die. She kills her son first, then the others], 845 [Old Man and Death. The old man, carrying brushwood, calls for death because it is very difficult for him. But when death comes, the old man, frightened, asks her to raise a bunch of brushwood on his shoulders]: 279, 327; Grishina 1993 [the soldier returns from service; the same old man meets him three times, each time receives a ducat; gives a leather bag in return; anyone who is told by a soldier to do so will jump there and not get out on his own; hell told the king to send three daughters to the old castle for the night; whoever saves them will royal son-in-law; the first night a soldier lights a lot of candles, the three-headed devil did not enter; the same on the second night, a six-headed line; on the third night, a soldier puts a nine-headed line in his bag, hits, forcing him to fill the castle is gold; after the wedding, the soldier died, made a gatekeeper in paradise; Death asks her to let her in to ask who to mow; the soldier goes to ask God himself; he replies that the old man, the soldier speaks like old oaks; next time, instead of middle-aged people, medium oaks; then young oaks instead of babies; for the fourth time I had to miss Death to God; he told the soldier to wear it for three years on her back, and she should mow all his relatives; but the soldier told Death to get into the horn and left it there; the sick recovered; when the soldier let her go, God told Death not to ask permission anymore]: 234- 244; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2001 [1) a person is driven by a strange stranger/traveler meets a strange woman; a stranger says who he is going/going to; the mentioned person dies soon; 2) a thief meets Death, confesses to her that he is going to steal the master's gelding; Death says he is going to pick up the master; he will die when he sneezes, but no one will say, Health; the thief says Angry Death locks him in the stable; he tells everything to the master, receives gifts]: 263; Veckenstedt 1883, No. 55.3 (samogites) [God gave posts to all angels, and two were left idle; death and sleep It was not; these two angels quarreled people with the Month and the Sun; people began to shout to the Month that it was mortal, and they were immortal, and to the Sun that it could not shine around the clock; the Sun, the Month, and the angels themselves complained to God; he commanded one angel to bring people death and another to sleep; diseases are messengers of death]: 242-243; Racenaite 2004 [personified Death - giltinė (from gilti, gelti, "sting like a bee, biting like a snake"); a pan-European idea of an elderly woman in white; but sometimes a strange-looking man or child; less often an animal resembling a fox or dog; Death mows people like grass, reaps their heads with a sickle; see also H7A motif]: 73-77; Livs: Loorits 1998 (2) [people see Death on the road entering the house, etc., as a man, girl, boy]: 7-9; 2000 ( 4) [Three strangers spend the night with the peasant; when they leave, they ask what he wants; So that apples do not disappear from the tree (someone steals them); the apples are ripe; the owner went out, saw boys on the tree and an adult, they could not get away; he let them go; Death came for him; he asked her to pick an apple for him on the road; Death stuck; he let her go for promising to give many more years of life]: 171-172; the Livons [only a poor old man sheltered three wanderers; when they left, they asked what he would like; old man: apples are disappearing on the apple tree so that it would not happen again; soon he saw boys and an adult on the apple tree; He let the boys go, and the adult stuck to the tree and was beaten; when death came, the old man asked him to pick an apple; Death climbed a tree and stuck; the old man let her go for promising to give him more to live; since then, death does not like to come to the elderly]: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 87:285-287; Lutsie (Western 1933; Catholic informant, Russian-speaking, Polish only in church) [drunkard locked himself; did not unlock God, the angel is unfair; he let death in, it is the same with everyone; asks if death, becoming a fly, can get into the bottle; closed the bottle; no one dies; the king ordered death to be released; A drunkard died first, and then the dead were taken out in wagons]: Annom et al. 2018:208-209; Estonians: Hurt in Dähnhardt 1910 [Death is gone somewhere, old people are poor; God sent animals, birds looking for Death; only Mucha found her sleeping under the bridge, with her braid under her head; the braid was already rusted; began to buzz over her ear, Death woke up, got to work; God gave Mucha the right to eat and for royal table]: 110; Järv et al. 2015:89-90 (northern Estonia, Ambla) [when Death came to Jaagup with a scythe, he asked him to wait for beer; Death got drunk, gave him a hundred years; in next time I went to the witch doctor, who advised me to put an iron chair by the stove, smoke it with herbs; Death sat on a chair, could not get up; I let her go for a promise for another hundred years; next time a witch doctor advised me to smoke a pear; I asked Death to eat pears while he was going, Death can't get off; gave me another hundred years; when I came, I was tired of living, he gladly went with Death], 93-97 (western Estonia, Torma) [the poor man cannot find a godson for a newborn; Death agrees to become one; gives him the opportunity to become a healer: if a person sees it in the patient's heads, then he is dead, and if legs, let him heal - the patient will recover; the rich man promised a lot of money for recovery; to see Death in his heads, the doctor ordered to turn the bed; on the way home, the man met Death; that says that now he must die himself; brought him to a house where candles are burning: each is a person's life, as long as he remains burning, he will live as long as he remains; the man begged Death to give him a new candle, but in a gust The wind blew out the candle and he died]; Finns, Karelians, Leaders, Swedes, Danes [Blacksmith and Devil (Death)]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 330:219-221.

Volga - Perm. Chuvash: Egorov 1995 [at first people were immortal; there were many decrepit old people on earth; people asked Tur ă to create an angel of death; however, Esrel (from Arabic. Azrail) performed his duties so hard that very few people remained; one wise man cunningly put E. in an iron coffin, boarded up the lid, drowned him in the sea; three hundred years later, T. At the request of people, he freed him]: 123; Rekeev 1896 [God made people immortal, decrepit old people began to ask him to die; he created Esrail (Death), which was supposed to cut the back of the old people's heads, but only with their consent; an old man asked her several times to come later; made an iron coffin, invited her to try it on himself, locked it in a coffin, threw it into the lake; God called all the creatures, but no Perch; the Hedgehog said that water was boiling in one lake; The perch came, said that he was tired, he drooled (still flowing), because there was an iron chest on the way; the hedgehog was more cunning, he guessed that there was e in the chest; hers they took it out, she said that a little more and she would suffocate; God told her to kill people regardless of age, according to the inscription on her forehead that he, God, would apply at birth; the hedgehog gave a favor with barbed clothes]: 3-5; Meszaros 2000 (1906-1908) [the southern Chuvash esrail (esrele, isrel) is the spirit of death; he appears as a very thin man with a frightening face, taking out the soul of a dying person and taking it with him in the cemetery; Esrele himself also lives in the cemetery, that land is his land, and when gravediggers start digging the grave, they ask him for a place in the cemetery for the deceased; northern Chuvash (village. Vompukassi, Cheboksary Uyezd, Kazan Gubernia) is called çynna pusakan, a murderer; he is presented as big as a haystack, his body is covered with long hair, has bulging big eyes, to A dying person comes up with a big knife and cuts his neck; Esrel comes from a man buried for the first time in a new cemetery; if he was kind during his lifetime, people from his village die less often, and if he was bad, they will have a lot of dead]: 46-47; Shurtakov 1984 [=Eisin 1993:96; Death comes, the old man asks him to wait for him to marry his sons; next time he pretends not to know how lie down in the coffin; Death lies down to show, the old man closes the lid, pushes the coffin into the river; Death has ceased to appear to people, has become invisible]: 85-87; Eisin 1993:183-189 [a soldier shares bread and vodka with old people, gets a cloth, a book, a whip; falls into the ground; tells soldiers from a cloth to watch the exits, beat the devils with a whip, they ask for mercy; the main feature appoints a soldier as a gatekeeper; Esrel comes to the gate, the soldier does not let him in, says that he will find out for himself what the order is for the next year; he is told that to kill children, adults, the elderly, the soldier says that young, grown up, uproot stumps; the main feature tells the soldier to wear E. on his back for three years; he carries him through the thorny thickets, E. asks for mercy; the soldier offers to climb into an empty nut, closes the hole, releases him through year; the main feature pays his salary, allows him to return to land; the soldier lives well; he learns how to plant apple orchards from the book], 302-305 [the soldier returned, married, a tree fell on him, he died, put by a gatekeeper at the door of paradise; Death comes, he says he will report himself, God says that this year Death should mow old people, the soldier says that he should uproot and pile up old ones stumps; the next year: instead of "mowing young and healthy", "uprooting young stumps"; the third year, not "minors", but "small forests"; in the fourth year, God himself came to the gate, the deception was revealed, God ordered a year carry Death on his shoulders; a soldier says he has an earthly paradise in a snuffbox; Death flies in with a mosquito, a soldier closes; a year later Death jumped out, mowed a soldier; in hell, a soldier began to drill devils, they complained, God sent him back to earth]; Marie: Aktsorin 1984 [an old soldier returns home; sees his brother in bed, Azyren is waiting next to him with a scythe; the soldier says that the dead must be a coffin; A. promises to come every other day; the soldier makes the coffin, covers it with iron, offers A. to try on, slams the lid, lowers it into the lake; the brothers still live]: 161-162; Petrukhin, Khelimsky 1980 [spirit Azyren, the messenger of the lord of the afterlife Kiyamata, appears to the dying man in the guise of a mighty man and kills him with a dagger; the carpenter pretended not to know how to lie in the coffin; A. lay down himself, the carpenter slammed the lid shut, lowered the coffin to the bottom of the river at night; people stopped dying; exhausted from illness, they began to look for A.; the moon revealed to people the place where A. was hidden, they released him; he killed carpenter, sick, old people, he himself became invisible so as not to fall into people's hands again]: 51; Toydybekova 1997 [Azyren's spirit of death was appointed by the Sun itself (the Great Sunny God); appears in the image a deceased person; sometimes seen on a black wagon drawn by black horses, he goes after a man's soul]: 301-302, 308; Tudorovskaya, Eman 1945 [the tsar's daughter fell ill; only a soldier volunteered to heal; ordered a cast-iron man to the blacksmith; stays overnight in the princess's room; the devil comes; the soldier offers to click nuts, gives a line of cast iron; after beating cards, he is going to persuade him to click the line three times, but agrees that his lame brother do it; the cast-iron man clicks, the hell flew out at the click; the next night the same with three devils, the next night with all 12; the princess is no longer tormented, she recovered; the king rewarded the soldier, he drank and died; Kiyamat savus (assistant chief of the afterlife) brought him to hell, the devils were frightened, not accepted; they are also not allowed to go to heaven, they made him a watchman in paradise at the door; Azren (death) always comes to God if anyone dies; the soldier did not let him in; he climbed into the snuffbox, the soldier closed it; for 7 years no one dies; God gathered all the animals, no one knows where Azren; the hedgehog walked slowly, fell on the doorstep, everyone laughed, he turned back; one of the angels followed, overheard the hedgehog muttering; "Although saints, you don't understand; if A. disappeared at night, he saw a month, and if it's the sun during the day"; month: A. in a snuffbox; the soldier was fired from the sentries; A.'s body was eaten with tobacco, the skeleton remains, so death is depicted as a skeleton]: 83-90; Ödön 1937, No. 7 (Oriental Marie) [the soldier returns home; sees his brother in bed, Death comes with a scythe; the soldier says the dead must have a coffin; Death promises to come in a day; the soldier makes the coffin, covers it with iron, Death goes to try on, the soldier closes the lid, lowers the coffin into the lake; people grow old but do not die; after a hundred years they find a coffin, release Death; God tells her to kill old people and children]: 158-160; Mordovians [old Yoga, nicknamed Atyaksh ("rooster"), after his wife's death, began to say that it would be better if God took him; God sent an angel of Death for him; Y. asks for time to confess, goes to the pub himself, comes cheerful, Death promises to pick him up later; Y. falls ill, asks Death to allow him to change clothes, glues the shop, Death sticks; Y. unsticks him off for promising to give three more years of life; after This Death takes him to hell; he asks permission to try to persuade his wife to move from paradise with him, stays in paradise]: Samorodov 1972:275-281; Bashkirs: Barag 1992, No. 47 [Kuntoir squandered property; went to get firewood, unable to lift the bundle; "Why doesn't Azhal (death) take my soul?" Too bad: why did you call me? - Help put the bundle on his shoulders; next time K. got lost, called A. to help him get out; K. stuffed it into the hollow of an elm tree and sealed the hole; he was decrepit, decided to die, opened the hollow, but A. ran away ]: 97-98; Sagitov 1981 [the creature Death (Ulem) appeared invisibly and took the lives of people and all living things, whose days were determined by God]: 157; Udmurts: Kralina 1960, No. 18 [=Vereshchagin 1995:83; the man was tired of living, made a coffin, Death came, he changed his mind, invited her to try on the coffin herself, closed the lid; the man became decrepit, wanted to die, opened the lid, Death recovered, began to mow people] 100 [the soldier gave the beggar bread, who gave him a bag in which, if desired, everything would enter and would not leave without permission; he ordered the devils and Death to get into the bag, hung it on a tree, told those passing by to beat the bag with a stick; the old people stopped dying, began to ask for death; the soldier took a receipt from the devils saying that they would not appear again, but did not take it from Death, so not only old people die]: 63-64, 286-287; Perevozchikova 1988 [Death came to a man, he invited her to lie in a coffin, try it on, closed it there; everyone around is decrepit, but they do not die; the man became decrepit, opened the coffin, Death began to mow people]: 105-107; (cf. . Kelmakov 1978, No. 8 [every day the widow cries at her husband's grave; friends tell her not to cry; the husband comes in a dream, says he cannot sleep because of dampness; the sorcerer explains that she drowns her husband in tears; the woman continues to go to the cemetery; the owner of the cemetery, Azrali, black with glowing eyes, comes out to her, telling her not to go again]: 120-121); Komi [the poor brother asked the rich man for a horse; he gave it, but without a yoke harness; the poor man tied his sleigh to the horse's tail, his tail came off; during this year he worked for his rich brother; then another year at the miller for a feast at the end and for what was left; carried a parcel of food home, refused to give it to the Lord, but shared it with Death; grateful Death made him a healer: if he sits at the patient's feet, he can be treated, if he dies in his heads; the poor man is rich; the rich brother pretended sick, the poor saw Death in his heads, ordered him to wash the water; he jumped up, hit a joint and died]: Plesovsky 1975:120-124.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [bai consistently sends three sons to search for the missing herd; turns into six wolves who go out to meet the young man; the eldest, then the middle sons flee; The father comes out to meet the youngest in the guise of six tigers, but he is not afraid; his father tells him to spend the night near the graves; the young man sees a fresh grave, says "suilam" 15 times; a young man comes out of the grave, they become friends; the dead man tells us who he was killed; tells them to go to his village, there are missing horses; gives them a knife, tells them to rip two horses, but not show them - the sister will find out and will be bad; young man He kills horses, he is beaten, they see a knife, they prepare to beat him to death; he leads the relatives of the dead to his grave, he goes out; his sister dropped a tear at him and he disappeared; people believed the young man, gave him horses; he hardly summoned the dead: his sister's tear turned into a sea through which he was supposed to sail; teaches him to go hiking, kill his murderer; kill a young woman in a yurt newlyweds and two girls; one of them the young man kissed; during the storm, others lose what they had earned during the raid, and the young man fastened a bag of droppings and a poplar with a rod, cattle came out of the bag, the poplar turned into gold and silver; the young man sees a dead friend those women whom he stabbed; the one he kissed left a dark spot; the dead gave her to him; then Azrail-Jebrail comes for the young man, but the dead man did not give him; he complained to God, but God left the young man alive]: Valikhanov 1985:65-70; Kyrgyz [death is unworthy and wicked to people in the image of a man or woman of different years in clothes and with weapons (sword, knife, scissors, with a hatchet, a dart, etc.); pious people - in the form of mullahs whose heads are wrapped in large turban]: Poyarkov 1900:41.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas: Balter 1958 [=1986:27-32; {cf. Yenisei Evenks}; the boy goes to hire workers; at the fork, Batozhok says that buy to the left with his seven daughters, to the right - Death; the boy goes to the left, works for the bay, wants a daughter to pay, he drives him away; the boy walks along the right road; towards the Old Man Death, goes to the gods to find out who is; the boy offers to run away instead of him; the gods command There are thin old people for three years, the boy tells Death as if they told Death to eat bark for three years; next time the gods tell them to eat children for three years, the boy tells Death to eat seaweed; three years later Death has difficulty climbing the stairs into the sky for the boy; he says that there is a human in his snuffbox; invites Death to turn into a mosquito, climb into a snuffbox; slams it shut; comes to the deceived he bayu, releases Death, asking them to eat all the fat ones]: 9-16 (=Koptelov 1956:149-154); Katanov 1907, No. 582 (Kachins) [first it was a duck; having made another friend, sent her to the bottom of the river for sand; that brings it three times and gives it to the first; the third time it left some of the sand in its mouth, this part became stones; the first duck scattered the sand, crushed for nine days, the earth grew; the mountains grew after the messenger duck spit stones out of her mouth; because of this, the first refuses to give her land; agrees to give her land the size of a cane; the messenger pierces a hole in the ground, goes into it; the rest sends a swallow behind man's soul, telling the dog to watch and bark at Erlik Khan; E. created winter, gave the dog a fur coat, spat on man; God poured his soul on man, made him a wife out of a rib; ordered him to eat red currants at sunrise but not at sunset; the wife broke the ban and ate, God wrote it down in a book; a woman with a child and a mare with a foal eat grass, a woman has crossed seven slides, a mare After one; God has decided that if people eat grass, they will eat it all; God gives the moon and sun to Erlik Khan; it is becoming dark; God gathers birds and tells them not to laugh if the Corncrake comes; the head of the birds Stork laughed; the corncrake was offended and left; sent the Owl to overhear what the Corncrake was talking at home; Let Erlik Khan catch the echo of the rocks, his shadow, the tramp of a hundred horses; E. is forced to return sun and moon, because he could not fulfill God's requests; God sent Swallow to steal Erlik Khan's flint; she stole it, meets Komar on the way back; he says that E. was sent to find out whose blood is sweeter, turns out to be human; the swallow asks him to show his tongue, bites off; the mosquito only buzzes; E. chases the Swallow, tears off her middle tail; she threw half the flint on the rock; the young man was watching the door to God; Erlik Khan came: what should I eat? God replies that old and old women, and the young man said that trees are rotten; next time: children are young willow branches; young people are dried and hardened trees; for the fourth time E. breaks into God; everything was clarified, E. now eats everyone, and the young man was driven to the ground]: 522-527 (=196:154-156; quail in Troyakov 1995:6-7); the Shors [when he saw Death, the blacksmith asked how long he could live; she answered that three years old; when he came, he was nowhere; finally he went out, said he had prepared a coffin for himself, asked death to lie down to see if it was suitable; closed the lid; Chayachi is surprised that no one dies; finally, sent an assistant from heaven to release Death; since then he made it invisible]: Chudoyakov 2002:130-131; Mongols: Potanin 1883, No. 49.2 [Yerlik Khan sent two of his elchi (ambassadors) to Balyk-Senga to pick up his elchi (ambassadors) soul; they did not find it; he sent others: if they did not find them, he would throw them into hell; BS pretended to be dead and did not react to anything; they went to take the soul of the rich man's son, and when they returned, they found BS in the same position; ways to E. BS caught up with them (but they did not recognize him); they tell him that they were afraid of the prickly caragans, and he said he was afraid of meat and tea; offered to carry the fur with the young man's soul, rushed into the bush of the caragans; they threw them at he had meat and tea, he cooked and ate them; the Yelchi left, and the BS took the young man's soul to the rich man and he came to life; asked for a thin blue bull and a ladle as a reward; began to water the bull from a ladle on the river; E. himself came on a dragon (lu); BS explains that a bull used to drive him seven times a day around the earth, but now only three times; E. changes his lu to a bull; sitting on a lu, comes to the lower world and sits on the throne of E.; tells the servants to throw BS to hell - he is now on such a river on a skinny bull; E. asked him to let him go from hell, agreeing to leave the BS throne; BS made him the gatekeeper of hell; under old E., the torment was eternal, and under the new one, three months], 49.3 [ Balyn-Senge came to the yurt, at the door of which there were already two spruce trees from Yerlik, and inside a woman was dying; he hears Yelchi's conversation, telling you to replace the woman with a doll; Yelchi grabbed the doll, BS: did E. tell you grab a doll? BS went with the Yelchi; they say they are afraid of karagans, sparks from fire and profit from an unwashed peritoneum; BS - that tea, meat and white bread; karagans climbed into the bush, ducks throw tea, meat and bread to him; spruce left, BS went by himself; the girl with the bull is standing at the well: dropped the ring; he lowered it on a rope, threw the rope, drove off on a bull; towards E., changed his mule for a bull; the bull does not go; E. hit him like advised BS and killed; BS went to hell, told him to meet a man with a cow's head and beat him; told E. to be more picky; since then he only takes sinners to hell and for a period of time]: 241-243, 343-344; darhats: Potanin 1883, No. 49.4a [to deceive Yerlik's two ambassadors, Anzyn Khurumchi pretended to be dead; put on Doha, put a lump of oil in his mouth, a hammer in his hands, lay down on the road, ordered him to have dada has grown grass; ambassadors E. cannot determine the type of death (if Doha, then it means it is not frozen, if the animals attacked, then hammers are in their hands, if he died of hunger, then why is there oil in his mouth, if he died recently, then why did the grass grow; they left without taking their soul], 49.4c [Yerlik Khan's envoy had been looking for Andzyn-Khurumchi for 70 years; approached him without knowing how old AH was; he advises him to go to an old man grazing whites horses, start watering the horse backwards; old man (he was a reborn AH): I have been living for 180 years, and I have not seen horses watered backwards]: 244, 245-246.

Western Siberia. Northern Khanty (Kazim, d. Yuilsk) [Kaltash appointed the eldest grandson of Hin Iki, the spirit of illness and death, as the eldest of the spirits; he is dressed in a black hat and robe, lives at the mouth of the Ob River], 66 [Kaltash has a staff with many tendon threads, each is human life; each is tied with a knot, some at the beginning of the thread, others at the end; this is the lifespan; K.'s grandson is the spirit of death and disease, the executor of her will to deliver souls in a timely manner dead to the lower reaches of the Ob, where the world of the dead is located]: Moldanov 1999:37; the Nenets (Yamal) [one old man fell ill at night; the wife came out of the plague behind the bush for the fire and saw in the dark that it was right to their plague a sledge rides; a man who is all glowing with his bones and holding a long stick in his hands; a frightened woman rushed into the plague; the old man asked what was going on, but his wife could not say anything; sledge drove up and stopped; the old man asked who had come; waited, no one went into the chum; the sledge went again; then the old man said: "Death came for me. We must get ready"; then he made a doll (an image of death), began to sacrifice her and share food with her]: Yevladov 1930:55-56.

Eastern Siberia. Ilympic Evenks (village. Chirinda, West 1965) [Hargi comes to Charchikan to take his Omi Soul to the lower world; he asks for three days to build a coffin (a hollowed out deck that is hung on larch); on the fourth day, he goes with H., at the entrance to the lower world takes out a tambourine from his bosom, hits H. with it; he kicks C. in fear with his foot, C. finds himself in middle ground again; since then only a shaman can see, he takes his soul invisible]: Yermakov 1988:44-45; (cf. Yenisei Evenks {Russian or South Siberian borrowing; see Khakas} [old Bambay leaves the Kemchugi River with his children, leaves an eight-year-old orphan named Henukychan ("hazel grouse") in the forest; Chimer ( from Russ. "death") tries to eat it, his mother H. takes him to God; he is assigned to watch the entrance to heaven; Chimera comes, God tells her to eat middle-aged people for three years, boy reports that God ordered to eat middle forests for three years; three years later, God tells us to eat three years of children, an orphan says that the twigs are talnik; next time they are "old people", and says that "dry trees" ; after that, Chimer flies to God, he is angry, tells her to eat the liar; he asks for three days; asks how Chimera got to God, asks him to show him, get into the hollow with a fly; closes him; when H. was old, God told him to release Chimera; people began to die again]: Rychkov 1936, No. 1:273-266).

The Arctic. Chugach [four brothers and sister go to find out why people are getting old; they come to the river, scream, they are not heard; they yawn, the old man hears them, carries them in a boat; they see a man in white as a harrier tree nests; they shoot, but the arrows break before they reach; if they could kill that man, people would remain young; brothers and sisters try to kill the villagers; these are Blueberries and other berries shrubs, Alders; brothers try to burn down the village, but residents jump into the water; sparks have left marks on the alder bark; these events cause a lot of sap in spring and leaves fall off in autumn; brothers and sister goes up to heaven to her father, the Sun; he does not let them go back anymore; when she opens the hatch, shows them the ground; (informant: this story was told by his great-grandfather, who was half tlingit from the river Stikine)]: Birket-Smith 1953:174-175 (=Johnson 1984:87-88).

Subarctic. Yellowknife [the giant gives two brothers male and female arrows that hunt males and females; tells them not to pick them up, they come back on their own; the youngest shoots a squirrel, climbs a tree for with an arrow, she takes him to heaven; he comes to the old woman; her eldest daughter's vagina is caress, the youngest is a mouse; the old woman stains his face with soot, but in the morning he washes and his sisters ask him to lie between them; he falls down; the sisters go to look for their guest, meet a monster with one eye, one hand, mouth from ear to ear; this is Edzil's death; he promises to spare the young man if one of his sisters marries him - E.; E. is carried away by an eagle; the sisters take the arrows given by the old man to the lower world; the Thunderbird brings them to the seashore; their mother predicts that two brothers will marry them; Thunderbird brings them young man to earth; giants help sisters; both brothers and both sisters come together]: Petitot 1886, No. 4:352-370.

Plains. Arikara [humans and animals are in the bosom of Mother Earth; they want to go out; the mole digs a hole, is blinded by the light; the hole closes before some animals can get out, so badgers, marmots, etc., live in the ground; everyone goes through the water barrier, some fail, they turn into fish, etc.; then through the forest, some can't pass, they turn into forest animals; God blesses everyone; two dogs, Death and Illness, sleep when smokes are made; now everyone gets bitten]: Gilmore 1926:188-193.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [White Bus Woman and First Woman tell Big Brother that four evils live south; he meets a Poverty Man, he does not tell him to kill him, for poverty is associated with virtue; An old woman (old age is wise), Lice (people will communicate amicably, looking for each other's hair), a blue creature is Death; agrees that if people do not die, there will be too many of them; On the way back, Mother Earth teaches Big Brother ritual songs]: O'Bryan 1956:99-100.

Eastern Amazon. Spiking [Djibidjibiza decided to make people immortal; told them to go ashore; three boats would sail, we must greet the last one; it was Aka Kani, but next to him there was rotten meat; people were afraid it was death, greeted the one on the second boat; it was Basebase - death; snakes, trees, stones did not greet him, but waited for the last boat; they changed skin and become young]: Nimuendaju 1922:385.