Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H7B. Death sticks to the tree, ATU 330.


A person has a tree from which others can only get off if he wants to. He asks Death (hell) to climb the tree. Death sticks and is forced (for a while) to leave the person alone.

{Uther 2004 sometimes takes into account options where Death doesn't stick to a tree but is lured to lie in a coffin; that's another motive, see below. K60b; h7b in particular seems to be missing on the Middle Volga and further east, at least in all publications that have been verified; reference in Uther 2004 to the Korean version in Choi 1979 wrong at all; there is definitely no h7b motive in China; you can create the "man who deceived Death" motif, but it will be too general}.

Spaniards, Aragon, Catalans, Portuguese, Basques, Italians (Ticino, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Toscana, Umbria, Campania, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia), Sicilians, Sardinians, Corsicans, Sardinians, Ladins, French (Upper Brittany, Artois, Dauphin, Picardy), Walloons, Irish, Welsh, British, Scots, Germans (East Frisia, Pomerania, Austria), Frisians, Flemish, Dutch, Palestinians, Oriya, Sinhalese, Bulgarians, Greeks, Slovenes, Croats, Romanians, Luzhitans, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Hutsulshchyna, Galicia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Bukovina, Volyn, Podolia, Kiev), Belarusians, Georgians, Megrelians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Karelians, Livonians, Estonians, East Sami, Finns, Danes, Swedes, Icelanders, Norwegians, Komi.

Southern Europe. Spaniards [Aunt Poverty and her son Hunger have Tarro's dog; boys steal their pears; the aunt is kind to the wanderer; he fulfills her wish that a person who climbs a pear cannot get down without her permission; the boys stick, the aunt hits them; Death comes with a scythe; the aunt asks her to pick her pears, Death sticks; the old people can't die, they suffer; they ask Poverty to break the spell; she takes off with the condition that death will not come to her and her son without her permission]: Malinovskaya 2002:167-170: Aragon [{apparently as in Spanish}; a person has a pear tree that you can't get off without his permission; he lures Death there]: González Sanz 1996, No. 330D: 78; Catalans (including Mallorca) [blacksmith (soldier, player) sold his soul to get rich, become a great craftsman, etc.; He was polite and kind to meet the Lord; he offers to fulfill some of his wishes; he asks that the person who climbed into the bag cannot get out of it, the person who sits on the bench cannot stand up, and the one who climbs He could not get on a pear without his permission; hell comes to take his soul three times, but once in a bag, stuck to a bench or a pear, he is forced to give a break of 10 years each time; when the hero, finally dies, he goes to hell first, but the devils fear him and don't let him in; then he goes to heaven and either stays there or is not allowed in (for making a deal with the devil; or heaven is already full; or St. After all, Peter offered to ask for the kingdom of God, but man did not listen); in other versions, Poverty is the heroine; when Death comes for her, she invites her to climb the pear and lets her go on condition that she will never come for her; that's why poverty exists in the world]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 330:81-82; Portuguese: Cardigos 2006, No. 330 [the blacksmith sells his soul to the trait; the soldier (blacksmith) is kind to the poor, and this is St. Peter and the Lord; he is promised to fulfill his wishes; these are: a bench or tree that cannot be removed without the owner's permission; a hat that fits only him; a bag that fits only him; a bag that they fall into at the owner's request; always win cards; always win a battle (fight); Devil or Death sticks to the bench; the soldier tells the line to be in the bag and hits it with a hammer, putting it on an anvil; the devil runs away in horror; the soldier goes to hell, but he is not allowed to go there; he is not allowed to go to heaven either; he throws his bag at the door of paradise and drags him there himself; plays the line at cards; throws his hat on St. Petra, so only he can sit there]: 81-82; Correia 2018, No. 44 []; Basques [hell comes for Francisco's sinful blacksmith; he offers breakfast first, they sit down at the table, the hell sticks to the resin, released three years later; the same with a different feature (sat down in a chair); with the third (climbed onto a fig tree and stuck); F. died, came to the gates of hell, he was not allowed in; at the gates of paradise St. Peter also did not let him in; a woman came, was afraid that F. would harm her, and began to praise him; St. Peter let him into heaven]: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 10:44-49; Italians (Ticino, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Campania, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia), Sardinians: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 330:78-79; Italians: Clouston 1887:394-395 (Tuscany) [a blacksmith makes a pact with the devil; whoever sits on a bench, looks out the window, climbs a fig tree, cannot stand up, take his eyes off, get down without his permission; two years later, the devil comes, sits on a bench, is forced to give a receipt for another two years; the same with the window; sticking to the fig tree, the devil gives a receipt stating that he will never come for a blacksmith's soul], 395-396 (Tuscany) [Grandma Poverty fed Jesus and St. Petra, they promised to fulfill her three wishes; a hearth bench, a fig tree, the salvation of the soul; Death comes, cannot get up from the bench, Poverty gets another hundred years of life; the same, cannot get off the fig tree; for the third time Poverty asks for permission to say Ave Maria, but he does not think to start praying either; so Poverty is still with us]; Kabakova 2006, No. 39 (Puglia) [Grandma Poverty sheltered Jesus and Peter in winter; asked as a reward that anyone who climbed her pear tree could not climb without her permission; Peter is surprised; when Death came, Poverty invited her to climb the tree and she stayed there; So Poverty still goes around the world]: 79-82; Keller 1981 (Ticino) [Hans is 20 years old, he went on a journey; he shared his food with two wanderers, the Lord and St. Paul; they offered to fulfill any of his two wishes; G.: let whatever I want be in my bag and not leave it without permission; so that no one can get off the fig tree in my garden without mine permissions; as for saving my soul, I can achieve it myself; in the city, hell with two devils settled in the town hall, whoever enters dies; G. comes to the town hall, cooks food, devils fall out of the fireplace; G. offers to play cards: the loser must leave the town hall forever; the devils lose but do not want to leave; G. tells them to be in the bag; promises to release if they indicate where the treasure is buried; hell refuses; iron is dropped on the bag; the devils died, hell agrees; he has to dig up the treasure himself and sign his blood that he will no longer dirty; G. is looking for a godfather for a newborn ; refuses to take the Lord or St. Paul - there is no justice in their world; Death takes {masculine}, she treats everyone equally; G.'s wife and child die; when Death comes for him, he asks for the opportunity to eat the fruits of planted trees; Death promises to come in a hundred years; Death comes, loses cards, gives Hans another hundred years; for the third time G. invites her to climb on a fig tree to eat fruit; Death cannot to get down; gives another hundred years; after 300 years he leads G. to hell; hell, seeing him, drives him away from hell in horror; at the door of paradise, G. asks St. Peter to call his friend St. Paul; while he calls him, G. throws a bag across the threshold, then tells him to be in it himself; he stays in paradise]: 190-197; Sicilians [Pitré; a boy named Occasion was raised by strangers, grew up, went on a journey, hired an inn owner, who adopted him; St. Thomas and the Lord, St. Tom advised me to ask for something, Chance asked that the person who climbed the fig should not get off it without his permission, for the boys cut off all the fruits; the case grew old, ordered to cut down the fig tree, do it a bottle out of wood: whoever gets into it will not get out; Death came, Chance asked her to get a fly from the bottle, supposedly in the wine; Death climbed there, Accident plugged the hole with a stopper; people stopped dying; the Lord intervened; Chance released Death after the Lord promised him a place in paradise]: Crane 1885, No. 63:215-217 (=Calvino 1980, #163.IV: 596-597); Corsicans: Massignon 1984, No. 1 [Jesus, St. Peter and St. Paul wandered, spent the night with poor Bison ("need"); in the morning he was offered to fulfill his three wishes; he asked anyone who put his hand to get tinder; sit on a bench; climb on a pear stick and he was free only at his will; Death came, put his hand in, stuck, gave another hundred years of life; the same is a bench; a pear; Death decided not to come to Bisonne again, he is still alive], 37 [poor Pipparell welcomed Jesus and St. Peter; Peter advised to ask the Lord for grace; P. asked his pipe to always burn and not require refueling with tobacco; so that without his permission no one could get up from the bench and get out of the bag ; P. grew old, an imp came for his soul; P. asked him to sit on a bench, made a hot fire in the hearth, then ordered him to jump into the bag, took him to the blacksmith, who beat him for a long time with a hammer, let him go, imp ran away; later P. was not allowed to go to heaven, to purgatory, and in hell the door was shut in front of him when they realized who had come; P. asked Peter to open the door to paradise, threw a bench there, went in for his property; since he sits in paradise on a bench and smokes a pipe]: 3-4, 86-88; ladins [while fleeing to Egypt, St. Joseph asked the blacksmith to shove a donkey; he promised to fulfill three wishes for this; the blacksmith asks that without his permission, the person sitting on the bench should not stand up, the one who climbed the cherry tree should not cry, put his hand in the chest of nails did not take it out; the blacksmith sold his soul to the line; when he came for his soul, the blacksmith sat him on a bench and began to hit him with a hammer; the devil promised to return in 7 years; the same with cherries; after another 7 years he asked for it nails; the devil promised not to come again; after his death, the blacksmith was not allowed to go to heaven; the devils were also frightened and were not allowed in; the blacksmith asked St. Petra opened the door to paradise, threw his hat there, jumped on it himself and said he was on his own land]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 47:129-132.

Western Europe. French: Clouston 1887 (Artois) [the old lady always serves to the poor and the poor; the saint who comes invites her to fulfill her every wish; she asks that no one can get off without her permission plums; when Death came, the old woman asked her to get a plum; no one died for six months; one doctor went to free Death and was also stuck; finally, the old woman wanted to die herself; went to heaven]: 389- 390; Joisten 1991, No. 21.1 (Dauphin) [a peasant named Victor Hugo gives shelter to God with his apostles; God promises to fulfill his wish; VG asks, 1) that a person who climbs his apple tree cannot without his permission get down (he thinks of boys tearing apples), 2) so that he wins cards, 3) so that the person who sits in his chair cannot stand up without his permission; Death comes, the man asks her to pick apples, Death sticks to the apple tree; VG lets her go for promising to come for him only a hundred years later; he gets rich playing cards, goes to southern countries, returns, sees that all his friends are already dead; comes Death, sits in a chair, cannot get up, released for promising not to come for VG at all; he is old, goes to the next world himself; beats Satan at cards, gets the souls of three milords who went to hell because of VG, to whom everyone has lost; God lets VG into heaven, but only into the closet at the entrance; those who enter see him with a bag containing the souls of my lords]: 162-166; Lopyreva 1959, No. 46 (Picardy) [the poor blacksmith is nicknamed Misfortune, his dog was nicknamed Poverty; the Lord asks to shove a donkey, Z. takes nothing from him, the Lord asks what he wants; St. Peter suggests that he ask for a place in paradise, but Z. asks that without his permission no one can get off his chair, get off the walnut tree, get out of his wallet; Z. makes a pact with the devil, who gives him money; the first time he puts him in a chair and hits him, then asks the Devil and the devils to pick nuts, also hits him, the third time invites the Devil to show his power by getting into his purse; when Z. died , St. Peter did not let him go to heaven, but he was also expelled from hell; Z. and N. still live on earth]: 209-214; the French (Haute-Brittany) [the blacksmith (maréchal) called the line; he gave him money, a pouch, in who all comes in and does not leave without the owner's permission, and the ability to prevent a person from climbing a pear without permission from getting off it; 10 years later, the hell came for a blacksmith, he asked him to climb on and let go of the pear for promising to give him another 10 years; the next time the devil is in a pouch - another 10 years; then the blacksmith goes to hell, but the hell does not let him go there; and he is not allowed to go to purgatory; asks St. Peter allows him to look at paradise through the window; throws a pouch there and tells himself to be there; St. Peter shouted that he had cheap cider; the blacksmith went out to try and never went to heaven again]: Sébillot 1894, No. 24:269; Walloons: Laport 1932, No. 330 [the blacksmith signed a contract with the devil; he on 7 He promised to provide him with work for years; the Lord is with St. Peter played lacrosse and the Lord broke his stick; brought the blacksmith to fix it; for this he promised to fulfill three wishes; he asks for a pear not to get off, a chair (not to stand up) without his permission, a bag in which Anyone will climb on his orders; the devil comes three times, falls into each of the traps; postpones twice for the next 7 years, the third time promises to supply the blacksmith with iron for the rest of his life; devils don't They let a blacksmith into hell, St. Peter goes to heaven; he asks to open the door to look at the Garden of Eden, throws his apron there, lets him pick it up, and does not return], *330C [a poor man named Poverty has a pear tree; St. Peter and the Lord are wandering, the poor man has sheltered them, they promise to fulfill their wish; Poverty asks that no one tears from his pear without his permission; Death comes; released, promising that she is behind Poverty will never come], *330D [the fairy has a pear tree that you can't get off without her permission; a young man named Luck climbed a tree to eat pears; Poverty comes up, asks for a pear, Luck refuses to give her; Poverty asked the fairy to leave Good Luck forever on the pear; therefore, Luck only bears fruit from time to time, and Poverty is begging everywhere]: 48-49, 49, 50; walloons [the rider has arrived, orders two horses to be shoved immediately; the blacksmith works well, but does not have time; the rider shows how to: cut off the horse's legs, puts them in the horn, horseshoes in place, the rider puts his legs back; this is God; ready to fulfill three wishes; blacksmith: so that no one without my permission could get up from his chair, get off a pear, get out of his bag; the blacksmith summoned a devil that annoyed him, promised a soul, but asked for it sit in a chair; began to beat; the devil swore not to disturb him anymore; the same with the other two devils (a pear; a bag); after his death, the blacksmith was not allowed to go to heaven, but the devils were afraid to let him go to hell; he returned to paradise and said St. Peter, that his coin rolled under his door; he missed the coin to find him, but the blacksmith did not come back]: Carnoy 1883, No. 4:67-78; Germans (Austria: Carinthia) [the blacksmith sold his soul to to get rich and marry; at the end of 10 years, when the devil was about to come for him, the Holy Family appeared; the blacksmith shod the donkey St. Joseph, asking him to work on a bench that only the owner can let go of without the owner's permission, a cherry tree grabbing cherry thieves, a bag in which only the owner can let go; the first The blacksmith puts the devil sent by the Prince of Darkness on a bench, whips; the second is beaten when he releases the Prince of Darkness himself from the bag on a cherry tree for promising not to take his soul; after the death of the blacksmith, neither to heaven, not to hell; he pretends to be an old woman, slips into heaven; seeing his widow's wedding with another man below, he throws a hammer, killing both; the blacksmith is kicked out, he always wanders between earth and sky]: Steblova 1999:214-218; Flemish [boys steal pears from a poor woman named Poverty; one day an old man comes, a woman shares her last bread with him; he offers to comply with her request, she wants anyone who climbed her pear tree to not be able to get down without her permission; the looters immediately stuck, she let them go a year later; when Death came, Poverty invited her to climb the pear; let go 10 years later for promising not to come for her; this is how she lives among people]: Van den Berg 2000, No. 22:30-33; Dutch [Harry Stoe Vandyck, London 1827; Harry Stoe Vandyck, London 1827: fisherman Jan Schalken takes a stranger to sleep; he promises to fulfill his three wishes; the fisherman asks for himself and his wife Mietje 50 more years to live; that a person who climbs on his pear cannot get down without him permits (pears were often stolen); so that the person sitting in the chair could not stand up without his permission (otherwise his wife often jumped up and disturbed him); when Death came (this is a man), the fisherman told her to appear 50 years later; then lured Death to a pear, let go for the promise for another 50 years; after that, the couple died quietly]: Clouston 1887:392-394; Germans (Pomerania) [St. Peter and the devil argued who would mow the field faster and smoother; Peter asked the blacksmith to forge an outwardly beautiful braid made of brass and a rough one out of iron, promising to fulfill three wishes; the devil chose a shiny braid who was blunt, hitting the stones; the line had to be thrown away stones, piles of stones are still visible; Peter's braid cut stones like butter; the blacksmith asked that his cup of vodka should never be empty, so the one who climbed on his pear could not get down without his permission, and the one who sat on the chair could get down; Peter considered the blacksmith a fool, and when he left, he turned a huge piece of iron into gold; when the hell came for the blacksmith, he asked him to pick pears for the journey; the devil stayed on the pear; later Death came, sat down on a chair and stayed sitting; the blacksmith and Peter went on a journey; the shepherd gave them a lamb; while the blacksmith was frying him, he ate the liver; said that only adult sheep grow liver; Peter offered to divide the money he had earned together, but divided it into three parts: the third to the one who ate the liver; the blacksmith immediately confessed; on the way to Peter revived the dead girl who was being carried to bury; left alone, the blacksmith tried to revive the master's deceased child, but nothing worked out; the blacksmith was taken to hang; Peter appeared, revived the child, took the blacksmith away, and told me not to try to revive anyone anymore; gave a bag that any blacksmith could fit into and would not get out without his permission; the blacksmith came to the inn; there are no seats, but you can spend the night in the castle ; no one has yet come out alive in the morning; at 11 pm, 9 devils ran in; they have been looking for their father since he was sitting on a pear; the blacksmith told the devils to get into the bag and slept until morning; out of the bag Only the youngest got out alive and ran to hell, the rest turned to ash; when he returned home, the blacksmith let go of the line and Death for promising not to come to him again; the blacksmith came to heaven, Peter told him go to hell; that imp opened the door to hell slightly, the blacksmith nailed his long nose to the door; the blacksmith was not allowed to go to hell; he returned to the gates of paradise, told Peter to get into his bag, and took his place and is still there]: Jahn 1891, No. 49:256-263; Germans (East Frisia, Austria), Friesians, Irish, Welsh, Scots, British: Uther 2004 (1), NO. 330:219-220.

Western Asia. Palestinians [King Herod's soldiers included Francesco, an Italian, an avid player who beat everyone; Herod had to expel him from Jerusalem; he became a robber, forcing wanderers to play with him; but let those who won from him go; Jesus came with the apostles; they were not robbed, but sheltered, at night F. covered I. with his cape, and he endured the cold himself; I. offered to fulfill his wish, F. asked for four; so that he always wins; that whoever sits on a stone at the entrance to the cave cannot get up without his permission; that a lemon tree cannot get off without permission; so that he, F., will recognize Azrael, no matter what He did not come in guise; I. promised that if F. had another wish, he would also fulfill it; when A. came for the first time, he sat down on a bench; promised not to come again for 15 years; next time F. lured him to climb a tree to pick a lemon for him; another 15 years; for the third time A. took F.; he was not allowed to go to hell; he beat the devil seven times at cards and he refused to let him go to hell; when he came to heaven, F. said that he repented, recalled I.'s promise, and Mar Batrus (St. Peter) let him in]: Hanauer 2009:164-170.

South Asia. Oriya [children steal guava fruit from the old man's tree; he asked the goddess that those who came for fruit stick to the tree; at this time, the God of Death sent servants for the old man's soul; they began to tear the fruit and stuck; the God of Death came by himself and stuck too; the old man freed them on the condition that they make him young]: Mohanti 1975:94-95; Sinhalese [an unmarried woman gave birth to a son, replied that her husband was Mara (Death); M. began to patronize the boy; ordered him to become a healer; if he, M., is in the patient's heads, he must be given medicine, he will recover, if the patient dies in his legs; the young man decided to save one patient, gave medicine and told him to turn the bed; M. decided to kill the young man; sat down on a chair, the young man told M. to stick, let him go in three years of life; three years later he asked M. to pick the coconut, ordered stick to a palm tree; freed him again after three years of life; three years later, the young man locked himself in the room, M. entered through the keyhole; the young man asked to show and get into the bottle; plugged it with a stopper; since then since his patients have always recovered]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 170:383-384.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [Lord (with St. Peter) spend the night in the house, invite the owner to fulfill his wish; he asks that everyone who climbs his apple tree not be able to get down; Death (an angel sent by God) comes, a person asks him to get him apple, Death sticks; for a long time (200 years) no one dies; a person understands that this is wrong, Death frees, it takes his soul]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, № 330D: 131; Romanians [God and St. Peter went to a gypsy blacksmith to shove a donkey; Peter offers to fulfill his wish for work - probably the kingdom of heaven? but the gypsy wants no one to leave without his permission; putting a line on a chair, he promises to give him another 20 years of life; next time the devil sticks to a walnut tree, another 20 years; then put all the devils in a snuffbox; lawyers and judge tell the gypsy to release the devils because they can't earn a living without them; devils take him {judge?}] : Bîrlea 1966:408-409; Slovenes, Croats, Greeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 330:219-220.

Central Europe. Luzhitans [a man on a donkey arrives; the blacksmith shackled a donkey, left the owner for the night; he promises to fulfill his three wishes; the blacksmith wants the person who sits in his chair not to be able to stand up, climb on get off his apple tree, climbed into the bag, get out without his permission; a few years later, a death man comes; the blacksmith asks him to sit in a chair, he sticks; the blacksmith lets him go for promising to give him another 10 years of life; after 10 years, he asks Death to climb an apple tree to pick a couple of apples; lets go for promising not to come for him again; Damn comes to the blacksmith, decides to get through the keyhole; the blacksmith puts the bag, ties the Line in it, hits it, he promises to leave him alone; released]: Sagen aus Heide 1970:115-119; Poles [option: Shcherbakov 1980:138-144; the blacksmith sold his soul to the devil to be rich; Jesus and St. Peter gave him magical abilities: whoever climbs his pear (sits on a bench, etc.) will not be able to get off (get up from it) without his permission; when Death comes for the blacksmith, he sends it to get it from pear tree; hell comes - sits down on the bench; lets them go for promising not to come to him again; tired of life, the blacksmith goes to heaven, he is not allowed there; goes to hell, the devils run away from him; he pulls souls out of the cauldrons; together with the sheep he comes to the gates of heaven, throws his bag into the half-open gate and penetrates there himself]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 330:109-110; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Vologda, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Hutsulshchina, Galicia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Bukovina, Volyn, Podolia, Kiev), Belarusians [Soldier (Blacksmith) and Devil (Death): St. Peter (God, wanderer) fulfills the soldier's wish; Death cannot leave the bench, from the apple tree, get out of the snuffbox, the bag; they do not want to let a soldier go to heaven or hell]: SUS 1979, No. 330A: 122-123; Czechs, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 330:219-220

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians [The robber demands that the old man let the girl go; he replies that he is Death, will come for him in a week; the robber orders to build a solid palace with a single door; falls asleep; When he wakes up, he sees Death nearby; asks him to swear that he will not take him away until he finishes praying; he does not finish reading; Death offers friendship; he will see Death standing in his heads or in the patient's legs; if in the heads, the patient recovers; the robber becomes a healer, becomes rich, because he always correctly predicts the outcome of the disease; reads a prayer to the end over the drowned child, the child turns out to be Death; a person asks for permission to say goodbye to his father, he asks Death to pick a pear; Death climbed a tree, cannot get down (Jesus was with the old man, he complained about the boys, I. promised that a person who climbed a pear will not get off without the owner's permission); the old man promises Death not to kill his son until he asks; he asked when he is completely old]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 43: 166-169; Megrelians [Glahua was beggar, but at home he had a pear that bore fruit all year round; someone started stealing pears; three wanderers went into his yard; G. made a fire to warm them up; wanderers offered to fulfill his wish; he asks that the pears were not stolen; the wanderers promise that anyone who climbed a pear tree would get off it only with G.'s permission; G. found a rich neighbor and began to collect burn the firewood, the neighbors asked him to be spared; one day Death came to G. with a scythe; he asked permission to finally eat pears; he could not pick him off the ground; Death climbed a tree; G. let her go for a promise return for him only when he called her himself; he called Death when he was completely decrepit]: Stepanov 1898, No. 3:10-13.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 65 [163 options; Panych gave the blacksmith money, taking the receipt in blood; the blacksmith shod St. Peter; asked that without his permission no one could take his hand out of the bag of nails, get up from his chair and get off the apple tree; three years later, Panych came for money; he asked him to put his hand in the bag ; his brother, who then came, to sit on a chair; another brother to climb an apple tree; everyone is tormented by hot mites before letting go with a promise not to come again; when he dies, the blacksmith asks to put a hammer and nails into the coffin; he is not allowed to go to heaven: not all the nails were hammered into St. Peter, deceived; the devils do not let him go to hell, and when he broke the door, they ran away; the blacksmith had to be taken to heaven, but the devils were driven back], 66 [the man gave the old man bread; he complied with his request: without him permission no one will get up and no one will get off the apple tree; hell sat on a stone, Death climbed on an apple tree; one day he let them go; hell ran away, and Death came to God; he allowed this man to be killed; but she did not recognize him and began to slaughter everyone in a row, there was a big pestilence]: 146-148, 148-150; Latvians [The blacksmith helps an old man - God, for which God fulfills his three wishes: to live a long life; so that no one without the knowledge of the blacksmith, he could not leave the bench; get off the apple tree; at the agreed time, death (hell) comes for the blacksmith, he tells her to sit on a bench and lets her go only when she promises not to appear for a long time; the second time death (hell) sits on an apple tree, the third time a blacksmith drives death into the core and forges it - death is forcibly chosen; when the blacksmith dies, he is not allowed to go to heaven or hell, and finally he ends up in paradise]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 330A: 278; Livs [three strangers spend the night with a peasant; when they leave, they ask what he wants; So that apples do not disappear from the tree (someone steals them); apples are ripe; the owner went out, saw boys and an adult in the tree, they could not get rid of them; he let them go; Death came for him; he asked her to pick an apple for him on the way; Death stuck; he let her go for promise to give many more years of life]: Loorits 2000 (4): 171-172; Livs [only a poor old man sheltered three wanderers; when they left, they asked what he would like; old man: apples are missing on the apple tree for more it was not like this; soon he saw boys and an adult on the apple tree; let the boys go, and the adult stuck to the tree and was beaten; when death came, the old man asked to pick an apple for him; Death climbed the tree and stuck; the old man let her go for promising to let him live; since then death does not love the elderly]: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 87:285-287; Estonians (Ambla) [when Death with a scythe came to Jaagup, he asked him to wait for a beer; Death got drunk, gave him a hundred years; next time I went to the healer, who advised him to put an iron chair by the stove, smoke it with herbs; Death sat down on a chair, can't get up; I let her go for promising another hundred years; next time the witch doctor advised me to smoke a pear; I asked Death to eat pears while he was going, Death can't get off; gave more hundred years old; when I came, I was tired of living, he gladly went with Death]: Järv et al. 2015:89-90; Swedes [the blacksmith greeted St. Peter and the Lord (or shod their horses); they asked what he wanted; he asked that no one could get off his bench and tree without his permission, as well as the bag he ordered him to contain anyone he wanted to send there; the blacksmith gave a line of his soul to be a master of his craft; when the hell came, he couldn't get off the bench, get off the tree; the blacksmith got rid of the contract with hell, but not accepted to hell or heaven; then he threw his bag into heaven and told himself to be in it]: Liungman 1961, No. 330:71; Norwegians [the blacksmith signed a 7-year contract with the devil; on this period he will be better than all masters; he hangs a sign "Master of Masters" on the door; the Lord and St. Peter; the Lord separates one leg after another from the horse, puts it in the horn, shoves it, puts his legs back; puts the blacksmith's mother in the oven, forges her into a young girl; when the blacksmith the next day they ask to shove a horse, he tries to repeat the trick, has to pay for the dead horse; puts an old beggar in the oven, she burns; the blacksmith tells the Lord that the devil has not fulfilled the contract; the Lord promises fulfill three requests from the blacksmith; he asks that without his permission no one can 1) get off the pear, 2) get off his chair, 3) get out of his purse; Peter says that the kingdom should have been asked heavenly; when the devil comes for the blacksmith's soul, he invites him to pick pears first; the devil promises not to come again for another 4 years; the same with the chair for another 4 years; offers the line to climb into the purse puts it in the oven, hits him with a hammer; the devil promises never to come; when old, the blacksmith goes to hell, the hell does not tell him to let him in, locks the bolts; the blacksmith crawls into heaven when the door is opened slightly to let the tailor in, whom he met on the way]: Dasent 1970:105-113; Karelians (Ludiks): Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 330:226; Eastern Sami (Utsjoki, Finland) {not sure what's there motif with oversonation stuck to the tree}: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 330B: 226; (possibly Finns, Icelanders, Danes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 330:219-220).

Volga - Perm. Komi: Plesovsky (in Komi) in Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 330:226