Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H7b1. Get into the bag .

After receiving a magic bag, where any creature climbs against his own will at the request of the owner, a person gains power over Death or devils.

Italians (north?) , Catalans, Corsicans, French (Upper Brittany), Germans (Pomerania, Swabia, Upper Austria), Welsh, Serbs, Romanians, Luzhitans, Czechs, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vologda), Lithuanians, Latvians, Finns, Estonians, Udmurts.

Southern Europe. Italians (northern Italy?) [the Kren Lake fairy gives Francesco a bag that contains everything the owner wishes and a baton that hits whoever he wants; F. meets the Old Woman Death, tells her to get into the bag; on the lake shore releases, negotiates with a fairy to burn her gifts; Death comes to him, he dies]: Kotrelev 1991:194-195; Catalans (Mallorca included) [man helped Death and for this Death gives him the ability to know whether the sick will die or recover; a person has become a famous and wealthy doctor; when Death comes for him, he tries to deceive her; lures her into a bag and for a while no one on earth dies; but one day he accidentally opened the bag himself]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 332:83-84; the Corsicans [poor Pipparella welcomed Jesus and St. Peter; Peter advised to ask the Lord for grace; P. asked his pipe to always burn and not require refueling with tobacco; so that without his permission no one could get up from the bench and get out of the bag ; P. grew old, an imp came for his soul; P. asked him to sit on a bench, made a hot fire in the hearth, then ordered him to jump into the bag, took him to the blacksmith, who beat him for a long time with a hammer, let him go, imp ran away; later P. was not allowed to go to heaven, to purgatory, and in hell the door was shut in front of him when they realized who had come; P. asked Peter to open the door to paradise, threw a bench there, went in for his property; He has been sitting on a bench in paradise and smoking a pipe]: Massignon 1984, No. 37:86-88.

Western Europe. The Germans (Pomerania) [St. Peter and the devil argued who would mow the field faster and smoother; Peter asked the blacksmith to forge an outwardly beautiful braid made of brass and a rough one out of iron, promising to fulfill three wishes; the devil chose a shiny braid who was blunt, hitting the stones; the line had to be thrown away stones, piles of stones are still visible; Peter's braid cut stones like butter; the blacksmith asked that his cup of vodka should never be empty, so the one who climbed on his pear could not get down without his permission, and the one who sat on the chair could get down; Peter considered the blacksmith a fool, and when he left, he turned a huge piece of iron into gold; when the hell came for the blacksmith, he asked him to pick pears for the journey; the devil stayed on the pear; later Death came, sat down on a chair and stayed sitting; the blacksmith and Peter went on a journey; the shepherd gave them a lamb; while the blacksmith was frying him, he ate the liver; said that only adult sheep grow liver; Peter offered to divide the money he had earned together, but divided it into three parts: the third to the one who ate the liver; the blacksmith immediately confessed; on the way to Peter revived the dead girl who was being carried to bury; left alone, the blacksmith tried to revive the master's deceased child, but nothing worked out; the blacksmith was taken to hang; Peter appeared, revived the child, took the blacksmith away, and told me not to try to revive anyone anymore; gave a bag that any blacksmith could fit into and would not get out without his permission; the blacksmith came to the inn; there are no seats, but you can spend the night in the castle ; no one has yet come out alive in the morning; at 11 pm, 9 devils ran in; they have been looking for their father since he was sitting on a pear; the blacksmith told the devils to get into the bag and slept until morning; out of the bag Only the youngest got out alive and ran to hell, the rest turned to ash; when he returned home, the blacksmith let go of the line and Death for promising not to come to him again; the blacksmith came to heaven, Peter told him go to hell; that imp opened the door to hell slightly, the blacksmith nailed his long nose to the door; the blacksmith was not allowed to go to hell; he returned to the gates of paradise, told Peter to get into his bag, and took his place and is still there]: Jahn 1891, No. 49:256-263; Germans (Swabia) [the poor apprentice gives the beggar a Kreutzer three times, there is nothing else; it was God, promises three wishes; apprentice: for the pipe always full of tobacco and lit itself; so that if he wanted anything to fall into his bag and could not get out without his permission; and eternal bliss; in the tavern he filled his bag unnoticed with money paid by wealthy visitors; in one inn, the owner said that there were no seats except an empty castle, from where no one returned alive; the apprentice agreed; at midnight the devil broke in, but could not do anything to someone who had eternal bliss; the apprentice told him to get into his bag and beat him until he promised not to return to the castle; grateful master left the young man with him; when he died, he ordered him to be put in the grave; knocked on Paradise's door; Peter did not let him go and took him to Hell; when he saw the man with the bag, the devil told him not to let him in; the man came again to Petra, threw his bag through the slightly open door and told him to be in it; Peter could not drive him out]: Meier 1852, No. 78:269-272; the Germans (upper Austria) [when old, the blacksmith went to travel; gave the cake to the beggar; he offered a choice: a card that always wins, a singing bird, and a bag containing everything you want and will not come out without permission; the blacksmith chose bag; I saw a hare - in the bag! the hare in the bag; asked to spend the night; he was told that no one had left this house alive; the blacksmith was not afraid; the hell came into the bag; so he caught three, then Satan; let go for the promise no more to appear in this city; decided to visit hell, but he was driven away; when he was old and Death came, he told her to be in her bag; once St. Peter met Satan; everyone learned from the other that no one else came to him either; Peter told the blacksmith to let Death go, but she has been very thin ever since]: Balzamo 2004, No. 40:77-81; the French (Upper Brittany) [the blacksmith (maréchal) drew a line; he gave him money, a pouch that everything goes in and will not leave without the owner's permission, and the ability to prevent a person from climbing a pear without permission from getting off her; 10 years later, the devil came for the blacksmith, he asked him to climb on the pear and let him go for promising to give him another 10 years; the next time the devil was in a pouch, another 10 years; then the blacksmith goes to hell, but the hell doesn't let him go there; and they don't let him into purgatory; asks St. Peter allows him to look at paradise through the window; throws a pouch there and tells himself to be there; St. Peter shouted that his cider was cheap; the blacksmith went out to try and never went to heaven again]: Sébillot 1894, No. 24:269; the Welsh [blacksmith and drunkard Billy Duffy sold his soul to the trait; three times fed and watered the hermit who came; he offered to fulfill three wishes; 1) whoever takes up the hammer will hit the anvil with it until I release him; 2) a bag from which nothing can be removed without my permission; 3) whoever sits in the chair will not get up without permission; before the end of the term, hell gave Billy a lot of money, he got everyone drunk; hell came, Billy told him to knock on the hammer; for release the hell gave Billy more money and 7 years of life; Billy lured the devil into his bag and started hitting him - another 7 years; the third time Billy put the line in the chair; when Billy finally died, he wasn't allowed to go to hell, he grabbed the tip damn nose; they weren't allowed to go to heaven either; merging with the damn nose, Billy turned into a wandering fire]: Emerson 1894:54-58.

The Balkans. Serbs [a person has worked for 9 years, received 9 thalers and a piece of bread; met an elder who begged for alms, the man gave him a thaler; the same elder goes out to meet him nine more times; man gave all the money and bread; the elder asks what he would like most; a man: a bag in which, but at his request, anyone climbed and did not get out of there without permission; also a pipe with an inexhaustible tobacco and a box of inexhaustible food; the elder (it was God) fulfilled his wish; the man immediately tried the bag on a hare; the princess is sick; the man undertook to heal; told three devils to stick to bag; the princess recovered; the man ordered the blacksmiths to beat the devils with a hammer, putting them on an anvil; everyone promised not to appear again; the man received the princess and half the kingdom, and after the death of his father-in-law, everything kingdom; when he was old, he went to God to ask for death; but St. Peter sent him to hell, but the devils ran away at the sight of him; so he went to heaven]: Eschker 1992, No. 28:144-149; Romanians [the soldier returns from service, earning three Zwanziger (1 col=20 kruzers) and three kruzers; God and St. Peter decides to test it; Peter comes out to meet him three times in the form of a beggar; the soldier gives 1 color and 1 cr. each time; Peter offers to fulfill wishes; the soldier asks for health, an inexhaustible pipe, a stick for himself protect and a bag from which you can't get out without his permission; comes to the tire of a Jew who is tortured by devils at night; a soldier demands a schnapps, a deck of cards and three candles; as three devils appear, he plants everyone in a bag; after beating, he lets go for promising not to appear again; a soldier comes to a city where the king, in order to cross the bridge, is forced to promise to give the hell what he just bought; the king forgot that his the wife is pregnant; the soldier promised to help; stayed in the room with the baby, taking with him schnapps, cards and three candles; lets the devils go again for promising to give up claims to the king; two years later for the soldier death comes; once in a bag, he promises to come for him only when he becomes an old wreck; soon he died, taking the king's promise to put a stick, pipe and bag in his coffin; he is not in heaven they let the devils go out of hell; the soldier returns to the door of paradise, tells the guards to go into his bag and passes; God praises him and frees the guards]: Bîrlea 1966:409-410.

Central Europe. Luzhitans [a man on a donkey arrives; the blacksmith shackled a donkey, left the owner for the night; he promises to fulfill his three wishes; the blacksmith wants the person who sits in his chair not to be able to stand up, climb on get off his apple tree, climbed into the bag, get out without his permission; a few years later, a death man comes; the blacksmith asks him to sit in a chair, he sticks; the blacksmith lets him go for promising to give him another 10 years of life; after 10 years, he asks Death to climb an apple tree to pick a couple of apples; lets go for promising not to come for him again; Damn comes to the blacksmith, decides to get through the keyhole; the blacksmith puts the bag, ties the Line in it, hits it, he promises to leave him alone; released]: Sagen aus Heide 1970:115-119; the Czechs [man beat Satan and all the devils in the bone, placed in the bag, took it to the blacksmith, they were beaten there, the man let them go for promising not to appear again; he lured Death that came for him into a bag; people multiplied, starved, but did not die; man let Death go, taking her promise not to come for him; tired of living, came to St. Peter, but he did not let him go to heaven, because he had not wanted the kingdom of heaven, but wealth; he came to hell, but the devils did not let him go in fear; after all, St. Peter allowed me to pass, made him his assistant]: Clouston 1887:387-388; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Pomors) [the soldier was returning to his homeland, shared bread with the old man; he gave a bag: to whom if you order to climb into it, he will climb; the soldier saw a capercaillie, ordered, the capercaillie in a bag; the prince built a house, but evil spirits settled in it; the soldier went there to spend the night; the devils agreed to play it with cards, and he crossed them; they lost, they want to tear the soldier, and he drove them into a bag; beat them, let them go on the condition that they would not return again; the prince promised a daughter for rescuing them from the devils, but the soldier agreed to take the money; goes through the forest, catches up with Death, the soldier tells her to go into the bag; got home and healed well]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:129-131; Russians (Vologda) [The soldier served For 25 years, without receiving anything for his service, he tells the old man he meets about his sadness and receives cards and a bag from him, with which "no one will beat or offend him." He tries to spend the night in the village - he is not allowed in because it is cramped, and he is allowed to enter a new house, where he "cannot spend the night". The soldier drinks vodka and goes through the cards, at midnight a lot of people get mad, start dancing, one hits him on the cheek with his tail - the soldier shouts "into the bag!" , devils go into his bag. The next morning, the owners carry a coffin for him and are surprised that he is alive. She stays with them and marries her master's daughter. A girl is born - she decides to take the first woman she meets as godmother. She meets an old woman - death, calls her godfather, she agrees, and gives her godfather goodbye advice: if he is called to a patient and death is in his head, then let him not undertake to heal, and if in his legs, then let him heal by spraying the patient with cold water. The soldier is known as a healer. He is called to the sick king - death is in our heads. The soldier orders to put the patient on a bench, turns the bench, the old woman who dies does not keep up and finds herself at her feet - the king recovers. Death threatens to take revenge on the godfather - he shouts "into the bag!" and throws the bag into the attic. A year later, Mikola the merciful comes to the soldier asking him to let death go, the soldier holds her for two more years, and death threatens not to come for him when the deadline comes. The soldier worries his family, hears a rumor about the imminent arrival of the Antichrist and decides to go to the next world himself. He is not allowed to go to heaven, but he is allowed to go to hell. He catches devils in hell, makes a company out of them and begins to drill. Satan learns about him, comes and offers to play cards: if he wins, he takes the soldier's soul, if the soldier wins, he takes one of the souls from hell. Satan is losing. The demons find out that it was he who was sitting in his bag, complaining and driving him out of hell - he leaves, taking the souls of his wife and daughter. He comes to paradise - the apostles refuse to let him in, but agree to let his wife and daughter pass: a soldier stands between them and all three go to heaven]: Burtsev 1895, No. 34:153-159.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [163 options; Panych gave the blacksmith money, taking the receipt in blood; the blacksmith shod St. Peter; asked that without his permission no one could take his hand out of the bag of nails, get up from his chair and get off the apple tree; three years later, Panych came for money; he asked him to put his hand in the bag ; his brother, who then came, to sit on a chair; another brother to climb an apple tree; everyone is tormented by hot mites before letting go with a promise not to come again; when he dies, the blacksmith asks to put a hammer and nails into the coffin; he is not allowed to go to heaven: not all the nails were hammered into St. Peter, deceived; the devils do not let him go to hell, and when he broke the door, they ran away; the blacksmith had to be taken to heaven, but the devils were driven back], 66 [the man gave the old man bread; he complied with his request: without him permission no one will get up and no one will get off the apple tree; hell sat on a stone, Death climbed on an apple tree; one day he let them go; hell ran away, and Death came to God; he allowed this man to be killed; but she did not recognize him and began to slaughter everyone in a row, there was a big pestilence]: Kerbelite 2014, No. 65:146-148; Latvians [the soldier returns from service; the same old man meets three times, each time he receives ducat; gives a leather bag in return; anyone told by a soldier to do so will jump there and not get out on his own; hell told the king to send three daughters to the old castle for the night; whoever saves them will become royal son-in-law; the first night a soldier lights a lot of candles, the three-headed devil did not enter; the same on the second night, a six-headed line; on the third night, a soldier puts a nine-headed line in his bag, hits, forcing him to fill the lock gold; after the wedding, the soldier died, made a gatekeeper in paradise; Death asks her to let her in to ask who to mow; the soldier goes to ask God himself; he replies that the old man, the soldier says that old oaks; the next time, instead of middle-aged people, medium oaks; then young oaks instead of babies; the fourth time I had to miss Death to God; he told the soldier to wear it for three years on her back, and she should mow all his relatives; but the soldier told Death to get into the horn and left it there; the sick recovered; when the soldier let her go, God told Death not to ask permission anymore]: Grishina 1993 : 234-244; the Finns [the farmhand earned the 3rd era, bought three loaves, went on a journey; gives three beggars bread; one gives a bag that fits everything you want; a card that always wins; a bag in which money is not transferred; lowers a flock of geese from the sky into his bag; stays in the house, paying geese; the owner puts him in the room where the hell comes; the man beats him, picks him up money; lures her into a bag, tells the blacksmiths to hit it with hammers, tells the line to go away; next time he offers to be big, then tiny, lures it into a barrel, plugs it; releases it as a promise do not return; marries, seeks a godson for a child, towards Death; Death gives the godson an ointment that cures any disease; comes to the terminally ill king; death is in the heads; man turns the bed, gets to his head before Death, smears ointment, the king recovers; Death wants to kill him, the man tells her to get into the bag; lets her go for promising to give him another 30 years lives; if he says "Deeply grateful" to someone, he will die right away; he says them, Death takes him to heaven, they don't want a gambler; to hell; he plays with the devil, wins many souls, puts them in his bag; they took it to heaven; he pointed it at himself, fell into his bag, ended up in paradise]: Salmelainen 1947:14-18 (=Goldberg 1953:31-46); Estonians (Yuri) [whoever cuts down an oak tree in his garden in a day, the king promises a daughter, and whoever does not have time will have his belts cut out of his back; the elder brother went, cut down more than in the middle; the princess came up with dinner; when the guy was about to finish the work, he saw that the trunk was intact again; came back with his back torn off; the same middle brother; the younger brother took a pipe with him; on the way he saw an axe chopping, commanded him to "Get into the bag!" ; the same with a shovel; with a whip; the ax cut down the oak tree himself; the king ordered to dig a well by morning, dug a shovel; ordered the hares to herd and return them safe by evening; the guy plays the pipe, the hares gather; the king sends his daughter to buy one hare; she paid in gold; the guy played the pipe, the hare returned; the same with the second daughter; with the king himself; each time the pay is higher; the king promised to give his daughter, but first ordered the guy should spend the night in a room with a bear; the bear demands to shave him; the guy asks to put his paws in the crack of the log first; the paws can't be pulled out, the guy whipped the bear, he tore off all his hair; the king let the guy and his daughter go, then sent the bear to lift them both up; the guy stripped the princess, showed the bear; the bear came back and told the king that those as naked as himself, he could not do anything against them]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 87:296-298.

Volga - Perm. Udmurts [the soldier gave the beggar bread, he gave a bag in which, if desired, everything would enter and would not leave without permission; he ordered the devils and Death to get into the bag, hung it on a tree, ordered passing by to beat the bag with a stick; the old people stopped dying, began to ask for death; the soldier took a receipt from the devils that they would not appear again, but did not take it from Death, so not only old people die]: Kralina 1960, No. 100:286-287.