H8. Untested .
Not daring to come into contact with something unclean, toxic, dangerous or hot, people lost their immortality (var: they did not receive the benefits that Europeans inherited).
Luya, Uduk, Cook Islands, Sree, Vieta, Atayal, Lacandons, Sicuani, Kashuyan, Emerillon, Shuar, Barasana, Tucano, Baniva, Yagua, Surui, Kayabi, Cuikuro, Trumai, Kamayura.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Luya [The chameleon climbed into a mug of beer and told the man to drink it; he refused, because the chameleon is considered poisonous and disgusting; the Chameleon told people to be mortal; the Snake drank the contents , became immortal by changing her skin]: Abrahamsson 1951:18 (=Janssens 1926:564).
Sudan - East Africa. Duk [The month spat, the Lizard refused to swallow the spit; for this Month cursed her-neither she nor the people will be reborn after death; if the Lizard swallowed the spit, we would be reborn like a month] :Scheub 2000:16.
Micronesia-Polynesia. South Cook Islands (Rarotonga) [Ina told her son to dive and swim at the far end of the reservoir; she dived herself, emerged as a girl; T. came up not far away, did not receive eternal life and youth; on A pua tree grows on the west coast of the islands, from its branches the dead go to the lower world; I. ordered T. to climb the tree along a green branch, but he climbed the dried one; then I. told the guards of the entrance to the lower world The world of Muru and Akaanga kill T.; he died]: Smith (JPS 29:108-109) in Williamson 1933 (2): 150-151.
Burma - Indochina. Vieta [first people lived a long time, then became lazy, the Creator made their lives short; the god Nuoc decided to help people, descended from heaven to the bottom of the well and promised that those who would follow the well for they will revive after death; but people are afraid to jump into cold water, they only wet their fingertips and toes, their heads, rinsed their mouths; so their nails, hair and teeth grow]: Sun 1967:19-20 ; cre [Ndu offered people the water of immortality; they found it too cold and only dipped their fingertips and hair into it; so people's nails and hair continue to grow after death]: Oxford Dictionary of Asian Mythology: Indo-Chinese Mythology, http://www.answers.com/topic/indo-chinese-mythology.
Taiwan - Philippines. Atayal [was a god who was covered with crap; he asked the atayal to wash it, promising that then they would shed their skin like myrtle, they would not grow old and die; people refused; God said now even kids are going to die]: Norbeck 1950, #19:31.
Mesoamerica The Lacandons [Indians have risen from the underworld; Our Father offers them a dip; they refuse; Europeans bathe, become numerous]: Boremanse 1986:275.
Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 35 [Matsuludani (Mt.) sees a naked woman, sleeps in a hammock, ejaculates, a woman collects his sperm in a vessel, where the boy Maduedani appears (Md.); runs for father; he kills him, rubs him into powder, Md. immediately resurrects him; Mts. brings him home; Md. sucks pineapples without cutting them; kills deer with a gun (Mts.'s other son has no firearms); Mts. . makes a woman out of wax, she melts under the sun; from clay - dissolves in water; Hd. stomps on the ground, people come out of the hole; white - along with pets, mosquito nets and other property; Hmm teaches what to do with cattle products, Indians do not listen to it; makes a lake for people to swim in it, change their skin and become younger; snakes, crocodiles, spiders, grasshoppers climb into the water ; people are afraid of them, they refuse to even pour their calebas; they remain mortal; Hmm rises to heaven], 36 [Furnáminali tells people to jump into the lake where the serpent Tzavalivali lives, the grandmother of all wild creatures; people are afraid; now only snakes and spiders change their skin; F. tells us how to process livestock products, Indians do not listen; they are afraid to take a cigar worm; creoles take, she becomes a cigar, they smoke]: 166-170, 172-173.
Guiana. Kashuyana (arikena) [Purá wanted people not to die, told them to dive into a hot liquid vessel (orinóimo) so that they could change their skin; people did not dare, and the snake, kakerlak, and the spider swam and change their skin]: Kruse 1955, No. 15:409; emerillon [after the flood, people gathered on the caumou palm tree, no ground can be seen from the top; they regularly threw palm seeds, listening to them fall into the water or to the ground; when the seeds began to fall to the ground, people tied leaves to their heads, arms and legs, descended to the ground, but became jaguars, bakers, and other animals; only one man remained human; found a capuchin monkey (Cetus apella) in the village, tied to an empty pot; brought cassava; when he returned next time, kashiri was ready; the man pretended to leave, found and married a girl; she gave birth to a baby the size of a small capuchin; asked her uncle, howler monkeys (Atouatta seniculus) and ateles (arachnids, Ateles panicus), not to be killed; when her husband killed a howler, the baby became like a monkey, ran into the forest, his wife also disappeared; Wilakalo came down from the sky, ordered three hammocks to be hung, killed an anaconda, cut into as many pieces as there were peoples on earth, put pieces in hammocks, went to a few days; the meat wormed; when the man lay down in the hammock, the worms became human; W. told everyone to dive into the boiling water, people were scared, did not, W. bought the spider; the white man swam, turned white; after him Indian, the last black man, turned black with dirty water; W. gave the Indian shoes, he did not take it, took the European, sailed on the ship; W. taught Indian shamans how to make a shaman maraka rattle; W. ordered the snake to bite a tree, she bit a man, he hit it with a stick; the same with a mosquito, a jaguar; a man threw ash on agami, her back turned white; atele painted her face red uruku, capuchin painted her body, the howler rubbed roots, turned yellow; men poured sperm into calebasses to have children; women did not have genitals; cul jaune pierced the woman, her beak turned red; W. attached a piece of wood to the man, he came together with a woman]: Renault-Lescure et al. 1987, No. 1:129-141.
Western Amazon. Shuar [to prevent people from dying, Ayampúm told the Snake, the Lizard and Cancer to eat; the Snake and Cancer went to their wives, and the Lizard was ill from the drug; for this A. deprived them of their human appearance, took away his ears (they did not listen to him); ordered them to change their skin so that everyone would know that they had lost their immortality; A. wanted the narcotic drink to bring immortality, so it is only suitable for lesser evils ]: Pelizzaro 1993:170-171.
NW Amazon. Vaupes District (ethnicity not specified) [the deity offers a poisonous drink; people are scared, do not drink; snakes and spiders drink, become poisonous, change their skin and become immortality]: Brüzzi 1994: 71; barasana [Romi-Kumu ("Shaman Woman") changes skin after bathing every morning; gave calebas filled with her menstrual blood (this is the Pleiades, blood at the same time wax, this calebas is also there her vagina) to people, but they refused to drink; she puts it between her legs, snakes and insects drink from it and change her skin]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 1C: 264-265 (=1982:196-197); oriental tucanos in general, but in basically barasana [after finishing the world, Wãribi created people; they came from the east in the belly of an anaconda, came ashore as the ancestors of various exogamous groups; the ancestor of Europeans was the last to come out, but when V. offered to swim, he was the first to throw himself into the water, went out white; then the blacks, blackened by the already dirty water, swam; the Indians did not swim at all; V. offered a choice of a gun, bow and ritual jewelry; people first spoke the same language; spoke different languages after licking salt; Barasan offered them coca wax; the Indians refused to eat it, and women, snakes, spiders and Europeans ate; therefore snakes shed their skin and do not die, women menstruate and live longer than men, Europeans wear clothes, live long, are healthy and numerous; refusing to wax and bathe symbolizes a refusal to accept Christianity; a white ancestor threatened the rest with a gun; the Creator sent him east and said that war would be the same for Europeans as ritual for others]: Hugh-Jones 1988:143-144; tucano: Fulop 1954:113 [snakes and predatory creatures swim in a water pit; god orders to bathe; Europeans bathe, turn white; toucanos only moisturize their faces, feet, and palms], 113-114 [god fills with coca vessel, tells it to eat; snakes, spiders, all animals eat, change skin, are immortal; people are afraid], 125; baniva [the creator of Yapirukuri saw people in his mirror; told his assistants Dzúri and Mer íri dug, they dug three holes, found people below; they began to pull people from different tribes (the first Siusi) upstairs; I told people to move to the other side; they were afraid of the Caymans, piranhas and other creatures; only a "relative" Y. was not afraid, became white; I sent him downstream, taught him how to make iron, gave him knowledge; gave others sacred flutes]: Brüzzi 1994:250-251; chikuna [the girl was waiting for initiation; asked the immortals who came in to make her immortal; among those invited to the festival were Mëtarë (identified as a turtle in lingua geral) and his the bride; she did not like him because he ate only tree mushrooms; she and her lover Falcon painted each other on the street; the tapir skin with the guests sitting on it began to rise to the sky; the brother left the bride M . the rope, it broke off, the girl turned into a night bird, plaintively calling her brother; M. broke the vessels with the drink he had prepared, it contained a lot of worms; ants and everyone who changes skin drank it; those who rose on their skin are seen as a halo around the moon or the Pleiades]: Nimuendaju 1952:135-136; yagua: Chaumeil 1983 [God brought fire, invited people to enter it to become immortal; people scared, only one old woman came in; she goes from world to world after the destruction of the previous one; snakes and trees have also entered, dropping them, they became immortal]: 90; Powlison 1993, No. 13 [The Sun commands people go through fire and become immortal; but only snakes, trees, and other creatures that are periodically renewed have passed; some old woman has passed]: 47.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Surui [Palop rinses his dirty genitals, makes a disgusting drink, offers it to people; most are unable to drink it; they don't know what drinkers would do immortals]: Mindlin 1995, No. 21:68-69.
Southern Amazon. Kayabi: Grünberg 1970 [humans refuse, and reptiles, insects, spiders bathe in a vessel of boiling immortality water, change their skin]: 163; Pereira 1995, No. 76 [Janerup invited everyone to swim in a vessel of boiling water (which was actually cold); only snake, lizard, scorpion, cricket, beetle and other molting insects dared; they change skin and are immortal]: 116; kuikuro [ Avinhocá gathered people to give them weapons; Kuikuro came first and received white bows; others received black bows; other firearms; A. told everyone to swim in a lake infested with caimans, piranhas, snakes; the Indians were frightened, only soaked their hands, wiped them against a tree whose trunk has since been white (pau-de-leite); others boldly swam, turned white, they received firearms; from the forest a tree shouted, the Indians answered; A. said that trees would die and Indians too; there was a rock scream, Europeans answered; A. said that the stone would not die and Europeans would never disappear]: Villas Boas , Villas Boas 1973:211; trumay [Vani Vani wanted people to rejuvenate; told them to jump into boiling water; they did not dare, and lizards and insects jumped and have been molting ever since; the people of the Sun and the Month were bees; they also jumped into boiling water and almost died; at the festival, one person had sex with the wives of the Sun and the Month; then the fire went out, the water cooled down (i.e. it became impossible to rejuvenate anymore?)] : Monod Becquelin 1975, No. 9:65-66; Kamayura [Kwat (The Sun) boiled water in a vessel, told people to jump into boiling water, said that only old skin would peel off; but they did not dare; the snake jumped, went out without Rejuvenated skin; same - cockroach, grasshopper, spider; Sun and Month said that since people haven't jumped now, it won't be possible anymore]: Münzel 1973:148-149.