Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I1. Thunder birds, A284.2. .10.-. (.28.) .29.-.32.35.-.

Things that cause or embody rain and/or thunderstorm are birds or winged anthropomorphic characters. {An asterisk (*) indicates traditions in which birds are associated with thunderstorm and rain, but Thunder itself is not a bird}.

Bushmen, Yaka (Congo), Luya, Nkole, Tonga, Tswana, Xhosa, Suto, Zulu, Swazi, Ronga, Lozi (Rotse), Buziba, Fon*, Acholi, Nandi, Kabila, Sumer, North Queensland*, Nauru, Chinese, Chuan Miao, Yao (Man), Bulgarians, (Russians), Karachays, Ossetians, Ingush, Chechens, Avars, Laks and, in general, mountainous Dagestan, Kurds*, Turkmens, Finns, Komi, Nganasans, Nenets, Forest Nenets, Eastern Khanty, northern Selkups, Kets, central (?) Yakuts, Evens, Turukhan Evenks, Udege, Nivhi, Wilta, Ainu, Chukchi, Asian Eskimos, Aleuts, Central Yupik, Bering Strait Inupiat, Copper, Inhalic, Tanaina, Kuchin, Hea, Chipewayan, Dogrib, tagish, southern tutchoni, inner tlingit, tsetsot, tlingit, hyda, tsimshian, bellacula, heiltsuk, quakiutl, nootka, makah, quarry, thompson, lillouette, comox, halkomel, lummi, clallam, skagit, twana, chemakum , colitz, quinolt, quileout, katlamet, vasco, yakima, klamath, flethead, curdalen, coutenay, winnebago, menominee, ojibwa, northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake), Sauk, Fox, Potauatomi, Steppe Cree, Steppe Ojibwa , naskapi, mikmak, penobscot*, passamaquoddy, delaware, blackfoot, sarsi, grovantre, assiniboine, crowe, hidatsa, mandan, teton, omaha and ponca, iowa, arpahoe, kiowa, comanche, arikara, pawnee, kiowa apache, wichita, shoni, choctaw, yuki, pomo, vintu, achomavi, mountain miwok, utah, south payut, hawasupai, navajo, hopi, tequistlateki*, hikake*, sanema*, yanomami*, island caribbean, wapishana, akuriyo, kayapa, tucano, aymara (dep. Puno), cachinahua, chiriguano, guarayu? , cuikuro, bororo, kayapo (pau d'arco), gamella, cariri, aioreo, chamacoco, nivacle, chorote, lengua, angaite, maca, toba, mokovi, caduveo, ace*, mbia*, apapokuwa*.

SW Africa. Bushmen: Dornan 1925:153 [Bushmen do not kill lightning birds (Scopus umbretta) or ruin their nests], 167 [if a person is hit by lightning, then he is in the way of a lightning bird (Scopus umbretta) flying to its nest]; St. Lys 1916 (Bushmen south of the river. Orange) [the wind was human, became a bird, lives in a cave on the mountain; the shepherdess saw the bird, thought it was ordinary, threw a stone at it, a powerful gust of wind immediately raised dust, the shepherdess was frightened and ran away; later the sheep came by themselves]: 135-136.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Yaka (Angolan border) [The mouse called the Turtle into the forest for mushrooms; it began to rain, the Mouse hid in the hole, the Turtle remained wet; The thunder in the form of a bird like a rooster took her to God, who gave her shell house can be worn everywhere; Boa constrictor tried to swallow the Turtle but got sick; The turtle came to the Mice, they began to feast]: Plancquaert 1982, No. 51:129-131; luya [red rooster on lightning sends lightning to the clouds, shaking its wings; thunder is his voice]: Millroth 1965:31 (=Parrinder 1967:71; briefly in Sicard 1966:58 with attribution to "Bantu Kavirondo"); nkole [a bird causes lightning the size of a sheep; when it flaps its wings, lightning flies out from under them]: Williams, p.71 in Millroth 1965:199; braid [lightning is a bird, an osprey with a white neck, or a bird with red legs and shiny feathers like a peacock; when thunder strikes, he lays an egg; some say fortunately, others unfortunately]: Parrinder 1967:75; Werner 1933:222-223; Suto: Andersson 1974 [man saw how a thunderbird descended into a termite mound and then found its eggs there]: 36; Beyer 1919 [The Milky Way is "a place where a bird that causes a thunderstorm" (quoted in Sicard 1966:51)]: 10; tsonga [lightning is a bird four colors (green, red, black, white), lives in the mountains; sorcerers used to find her eggs floating in the nest along the river; when she falls to the ground, she sometimes cannot fly, she can be caught; leaves in the ground their urine, a gelatin-like substance that later hardens; sorcerers collect it]: Junod 1927:313-314; ronga: Junod 1927 [lightning is "sky chicken" or "sky rooster", sorcerers can determine its gender when it falls to the ground]: 313; Werner 1933 [lightning is a hawk burying into the ground when lightning strikes]: 225; tonga [thunder and lightning causes a bird, a heavenly rooster]: Scheub 2000:238; tumbuka [lightning is a big bird with a black tail like a rooster]: Werner 1933:223; kereve (on an island on a lake. Victoria) [thunder is a fire rooster that rushes indiscriminately at people and animals; victims of lightning are considered thieves punished by spirits]: Hurel 1911:75; buziba (east shore of Lake. Victoria) [a thunderstorm is caused by a flock of red birds nesting in the coastal cliffs; lightning is the glitter of their feathers, thunder is the sound of their wings]: Werner 1933:223-224; lozie (rotse) [man saw lightning strike bush and then found thunderbird eggs there]: Andersson 1974:36; chwana: Dornan 1925 [the same idea of a lightning bird as the Bushmen]: 167; Lebzelter 1933 [lightning is a bird; when thunder thunders, these are lightning birds quarreling - some want to go down to the ground, others object]: 68; shona [a tree or something else struck by lightning cannot be used until the shaman removes the egg from there The Thunderbird (i.e. a thunder ax) will not drown in a pond; otherwise, the bird will fly for its egg, i.e. lightning will hit there again]: Lagercrantz 1940:13; Tonga [a mythical bird causes a thunderstorm or ( more often) Sky; sorcerers cause a thunderstorm, playing the pipe that contains a part of the body of a thunderbird]: Frazer 1926:155; Zulu [thunder is the flapping of the wings of a large mythical bird, lightning is its excrement; if lightning hits anything on the ground, then the bird has come down to lay eggs, but both the bird and the eggs are invisible]: Macdonald 1891:129; Swazi [lightning is produced by a bird living in certain bodies of water]: Kuper 1952:44.

West Africa. Von [The vulture was raised by Sewanla (like an antelope); Sevan's father died; S.'s older brother told him that a tetelidja tail (some bird) should be obtained for the funeral; S. took three eggs and met the old woman, gave them to her, she taught her to hide in the tree where t.; S. cut off his tail, ran; the tail shouts to the owner that he was in the hands of S.; by the river S. turns into stone, that is, throws it in his hearts this stone across the river, S. takes its shape, shows its tail to the pursuers; king tells S. to bring palm nuts; when he is in a tree, orders to make a fire around; S. takes Vulture's rope, according to she climbs into heaven, turns into Hevioso (thunder); he takes his sister Bade; harms people, and B. seeks to calm him down; so Vulture is a thief {not clear}; when they rose to become thunderdogs, some have become vultures, fly forever]: Herskovits, Herskovits 1958, No. 18:162-165; eve [Khebioso (often abbreviated to So) is the lightning-god, literally," a bird that throws fire"; thunder is the flapping of its wings]: Ellis 1890:37.

Sudan - East Africa. Acholi [lightning is a big black chicken; it is often seen on the roof of a house when struck by lightning]: Grove 1919:179; nandi [Thunder is a giant bird flying with a spear in its claws with a long sparkling zipper tip]: Scheub 2000:17; rest (female) [Tororut's supreme god is a man with wings that flapping produce lightning and thunder]: Beech 191:19.

North Africa. Kabila [everyone works in a large family; if a beggar comes, they serve him; one evening a beggar knocked, Yamina's youngest daughter brought him food, he picked it up on his shoulders and flew; said he Thunderbird; I lodged in a beautiful palace with a luxurious garden, where everything is abundant; but she should not see his face; I grew up wanting to see my family; Thunderbird brought her to her house; sisters surprised that she did not see her husband in the face, they advise me to light a candle at night; all the pets shouted that the Y. family wanted to make her unhappy; how in my palace I lit a candle, hid it under the bed was covered with a vessel; when she tried to remove the vessel, a storm began, Thunderbird took Y. to my parents and disappeared; my parents died, and I avoided my siblings; end]: Grim 1983:9-21.

Western Asia. Sumer [IM.DUGUD and IM.MI (GI 6) means "storm" and "black storm", i.e. clouds and thunder; the description of Ninurta's exploits lists "warriors he has already killed": Kuli-ana dragon, Gypsum, Hard Copper, six-headed wild ram, Magilum ship (i.e. lower world ship), Mr. Saman-ana, Bison {Tour?} , King of Palm, Anzud, seven-headed serpent; when he got home, he hung Anzud and other monsters on his wagon; it's about a thunderbird]: Selz 2018:41-42.

Australia. North Queensland, Daintree and Bloomfield rivers) [two stormbirds are Thunder's parents; as the storm season approaches, the mother bird calls her son, who answers her with thunder; if killed stormbird, rain will flood the earth]: McConnel 1930:348.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Nauru: Maude, Maude 1994, No. 1 [heaven and earth were close to each other like two halves of a shell; Buaminirongo was inside; asked Riiki, Abowe, Amwanang, Kawitoro to raise the sky; for Am . and K. the load was excessive; R. and Ab. raised; the stone sky fell, crashed, crushed those who raised, pieces became eels and other animals of land and sea; old Areou was above the sky, created the Sun, the Moon , Thunder and Lightning, Stars; every star is a human; Thunder is a bird whose flapping wings cause thunder; Lightning is a woman, A.'s wife], 2 [Areou Te Kitekite (AT) competed with brothers who will throw whom on sky; entangled the brothers' ropes, was abandoned himself; climbed the banyan tree, people were playing a game below; to find out the names of the two leaders, AT entangled their ropes in the branches; people laughed at the names of the leaders, A. recognized them; came to the elder Areou; he sent him to fry fish to his wife Lightning for fire; AT deliberately drops the fire, taking more and more portions from Lightning, so he takes everything; burns and breaks Thunder's wing Birds; when AT entered the house, Elder A. slammed the door shut, but AT dodged and survived; went down to second heaven, they built a house there, he mixed all kinds of dirt into their food; they asked them to dig a hole under a pole, they lowered the pole from above, buried a hole; he dug a way out, came back; met a woman, she rejected him; when she fell asleep, AT cut off her genitals, gave it to her sons, who did not recognize them, brought them to her mother, everyone he was ashamed; he was rejected by another woman; he asked her husband to fry him in the fire; he came back, there was fish in the coals; the husband agreed to fry himself, died; the people who built the house tied him up, threw him into the sea; he I came home, told me about my adventures]: 37-38, 39-43.

(Wed. Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangi [a huge grasshopper produces thunder with his wings]: Evans 1937:174).

China - Korea. Yuan Mei 1977, No. 184 [after a thunderstorm, a man wanted to urinate under a tree, saw cockbeaks and spurs; he was a servant of Thunder], 195 [The thunder has sharp beaks and claws (apparently in the form of a rooster), in his hands holds an awl; in the summer he got into a woman in labor's room, got dirty, could not fly to the sky, climbed to the top of a tree; while sleeping, a man stole his awl, it easily cut stone; when trying to forge turned into blue smoke, evaporated - heavenly fire cannot come into contact with earth smoke]: 206, 208-209; Riftin 1982b [the poor woodcutter found five roosters at the bottom of the gorge, brought it to his mother; when she wanted one to slaughter, he said he was thunder; she did not believe it, died from the impact of thunder; the son began to cry, the Thunder spared him for his filial piety, turned him into a creature with wings, beak, claws, ordered him to watch by the intrigues of evil spirits]: 437-438; Chuan Miao [Thunder looks and size like a rooster; when he throws his fiery knife, we see lightning]: Graham 1954:9; yao (man of Vietnam, border with China) [spirit Lightning Leung Kung went down to set fire to Tiang Lo Ko's banana-leaf spirit house; TLK caught it, turned it into a rooster, put it in a cage; if you give the Rooster even a drop of water, he would become a thunder again; LC gave its beak for water, TLK poured it water, LC flew to the sky; the beak became a tree with one fruit; to catch up with LK in the sky, TLC blocked the river, caused a flood; on the advice of birds, the young Fu Hai and his sister sat in the fetus, escaped; LC destroyed the dam, the fetus from FH descended to the mountain; Turtle, Bamboo advise brother and sister to marry; FH hits them, now they have stitches; FH still marries her sister, she gives birth fruit; people grew out of seeds; after the flood, 12 suns, moons and stars appeared, God told them to dry the earth; Luong Wung shot the stars, leaving one sun and one moon]: Karpov, Tkachev 1958:260-262; yao (Vietnam) [Chang Lo Co built a house, Thunder in the form of a rooster came down to destroy it, slipped, was caught, caged; Phuc Hy (this is Shang Lo Ko's son) gave him wine, he regained his strength, broke a cage, gave the boy a tooth, told him to plant, a pumpkin would grow; PI and his sister climbed into the pumpkin during the flood, covered the hole with wax, took food and a couple of pets with them; Shang Lo Ko sat on a raft, but the water suddenly slept, it crashed; the turtle advised PI to marry her sister; he broke her shell with a stone in anger, it grew together, but the traces remained; the same advice and episode with bamboo (knife marks); brother with the sister went to bed on opposite banks of the rivers; two trees grew out of their bellies and intertwined; after three years, three months and three days, the sister gave birth to a pumpkin; the brother ordered them to sow seeds everywhere; when they came to the mountain, there are only three seeds left, so there are few highlanders]: Dang Nghiem Van 1993:326-327; (cf. li (Hainan) [Thunder (or snake) left an egg on the mountain, a girl was born from it, married a man from Cochin Hina {Mekong Delta}, do they come from them]: Strzoda 1911:196 (retelling in Hellbom 196:75) .

The Balkans. Bulgarians: Gura 1997 [double-headed eagle leads hail clouds; sometimes stork, serpent in the same role]: 611; Marinov 2003 [summer clouds lead eagles (krastachi eagles); when hail and thunder, eagles they drive clouds to other countries; in a black cloud (challah cloud), eagles fight snakes]: 49-50.

(Wed. Central Europe. Russians [the Russian riddle about the eagle as the leader of hail clouds: "An eagle is flying across the blue sky, its wings are spread out, the sun is out"]: Gura 1997:611).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays [when it rains heavily, someone wounded the Raven in the wing ("Like a Black Crow, a sinful bull made a hole in its wing"]: Karaketov 1995:95; Ossetians [thunder is the voice of a bird that flies in the clouds and flaps its wings]: Chibirov 2008:90; Ingush ["There are blue birds in the world - zehap; when it rains, they fly in the clouds, wave their wings with great force and thus produce thunder; at the same time time Angel Zhebral-Melek chases the devil with a big sword in the clouds and waves to it, trying to hit the devil; the glitter of the checker makes lightning come"]: Akhriev 1875:10 (=Dakhkilgov 2003:29); Chechens [ thunder produces a blue zehop bird flying in the clouds during the rain]: Dalgat 2004:166; mountainous Dagestan [hail causes an eagle (Avars, Laks: big bird), so when hail shot into the air to turn the eagle in the other direction]: Hajiyev 1991:161; the Kurds of Azerbaijan [God orders Azret Suleiman, the lord of animals and birds, to send rain to such and such area; he orders the bird manager humay; humai tells the birds to collect water in such an ocean or sea, water such a place from their beaks; because birds of different sizes, drops are large and small; hail and snow form in the same order, for this purpose, the pricks rise high up into cold areas]: Chursin 1925b: 15-16.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [the owner of the rain is Burukut-Baba, i.e. "Berkut father (-grandfather)"]: Gundogdyev 2004:225.

Baltoscandia. Finns [Ukko's attributes are lightning, stone, ax, or hammer; sometimes W. appeared as a bird with stone claws carving lightning]: Eichenwald et al. 1982:166.

Volga - Perm. Komi: Dobrotvorsky 1883 [the ferocious god Jomal demanded human sacrifices; two brothers did not bring them, J. let a kite, which thunder with its wings, fall on them from his beak a flame came out; a furrow was clawed, a river was formed; the brothers swam across it; the kite created mountains from its feather; the brothers could not return to their homeland, became the ancestors of the Komi] in Novikov 1938, No. 2:43, in Konakov 1999, No. 9:438; Konakov et al. 2003 [the giant black crow of the ferocious god šurma lives with him in the sun; flying, producing thunder, lightning struck from his beak; clawing the surface of the earth, created riverbeds; mountains (probably Ural) arose from his torn tail feather]: 175; Limerov 2012, No. 1 [=2005, No. 1:17; loon and swan swan swam on the surface of the pristine ocean; they argued whose the voice was louder; the swan shouted first in the distance, there were peals of thunder; the third time thunder broke out, lightning struck at the side of the loon; it dived into the water, barely survived]: 8.

Western Siberia. Nganasany [thunder is an iron bird like a duck; in winter it sits in its plague on the edge of the earth, flies over the tundra in summer]: Popov 1984:48; Nenets of the Turukhansky Territory (between the Yenisei, Pyasina and Taimyr; {apparently, it is the Nenets; the Ents are more like Yuraks}) ["thunder peals are explained by the devil's flight "kaye", which, like a duck, consists of iron; sneezing makes it rain "]: Tretyakov 1871:415 (quoted in Holmberg 1927:439); Nenets: Karapetova 1980 [white goose - dyantham kahe ("changing feathers"); dukyu - along with munuta - is one of the names for thunder, which presented as a bird]: 61; Lehitisalo 1998:15 [at forest juraks on the Sakhalinskaya River on the edge of long sticks of the sun, moon and thunder bird; sun: a wooden ring with a hole in the middle and seven ray-shaped notches; the moon: a semicircle with seven notches and a hole in the middle; thunder: a bird with a cross on its forehead, notches on its tail and a hole in the middle; all made of birch; Samoyeds Turukhansky District: lightning - wings of thunder, which looks like an iron duck; rainbow is also thunderstorm clothing; in spring, a thunder bird arrives with geese; thunderstorms are a species of birds living in the sea; without water they cannot move in Clouds are used as draft animals; when they open their mouths to speak, lightning flies out, thunder flies out of there; then they descend into the sea again], 23-24 [minra bird's nest, or minley ( Mando tundra Nenets) is on a mountain overseas; one man had a son, the other had a daughter, the children were quarreling, the boy stabbed the girl; asked her father not to kill him, but to send him away; he he stabbed two knives into his groin and hit him on the back of the head; the child turned into a minley, the blades of knives into his noisy wings; into a strong snowstorm on the way, iron wings turned into snowy winds]; the eastern Khanty: Karjalainen 1995 [Tremugan represents Pai (thunder) if he is in motion as a large, black, loud screaming and capercailly-like bird, but usually as an anthropomorphic creature; the Rainbow is its bow. The ancient stone weapon found in the ground is his arrow, which he shoots to kill the cantah elek-ot screaming in the trees of Forest Cobald; when trees break in the storm, dragging him with him caught Forest Cobald, who in his trouble tries to cling to trees and at the same time breaks and pulls them out; whoever finds a thunderous arrow becomes lucky fishing and hunting]: 221-222; Kulemzin 1984 [according to the most common belief, thunder was a creature in the form of capercaillie, female capercaillie, hazel grouse, but differed from the latter in that it screamed loudly; when screaming, a red mouth opens - it sparkles lightning; in winter, he flies to warm regions with other birds; or in winter he can't be heard screaming because his throat freezes]: 168; Kulemzin, Lukina 1977 [thunder and lightning - rolling across the sky and screaming a bird, a female capercaillie with wings in the form of two mallets; when she opens her red mouth, lightning flashes; when she opens her red mouth; she does not come close to her, she screams loudly; in winter she flies to warm lands or her throat freezes ; Torum sends lightning from a rainbow to a tree where an evil spirit hides]: 124; Kets [Dogo comes to heaven to Yesu, he gives difficult assignments; 1) get the thunderbird ekkyt (brings, E. eats it, throws dice at D., he dodges); 2) bring bone suk (?) from Tygylam (= Hosyadam) Ya, his daughter promises for this; D. flies over the camp where he is fed, tells these people to multiply; others shoot him with bows, he tells them to die out; throws food to T.'s watchmen; she sits on a suke; at D. ekkyt, his house is heated up, T. slips off, D. takes away suk, gets his wife]: Alekseenko 2001, No. 44:103-104; Siberian Tatars (Novosibirsk region) [Kugur Fershte is thunder, he used to be an angel; God created him, he was as small as a rooster; God told him, "You are so small who will be afraid of you," let him go; the thunder thundered, God himself was frightened]: Korusenko et al. 2013:39.

Eastern Siberia. Central (?) Yakuts [the hero says, Why can't I become a bird and pretend to be the lord of rain and thunder? ]: Karjalainen 1918:24 in Holmberg 1927:440; (cf. Priklonsky 1890 [Phalaropus rufescens Bris. little cockerels died from pikes; Ai-Toyon told the pike to live in the water; when the cockerels approach the water, there will be thunder so that the pike go deeper and do not touch cockerels]: 169); Okhotsk Evens [Helergun turned into an eagle with four wings, four claws, and two heads (Burykin 1991:144: the name of this ugseki bird is translated from Yakut); flying to the heavenly hole, killed the man Chibdewell, who had also become a bird before; H. turned into a larch beetle; C. flew in the form of a hawk, became himself, went into the woman; she ordered he moves on his bed, he fell into the dungeon; at the bottom of Nivsanda says that it happened to him; the sun's heroes hit the larch with lightning, a thunderstone, but H. is unharmed, takes it stone; the Fox sits on the second larch, also unharmed; Nirani and his sister pull C. and Neve by the chain. out of the hole; Neve. becomes a spider, finds and brings a spider woman who has pushed them into a hole; she explains that her brothers told her to do so, and marries Neve. ; in the north, H. fights a double-headed eagle with four wings, four claws, iron feathers; when an eagle flaps its wings, fire breaks out; when it claps, thunder rattles]: Weaver 1986:162- 171; Evenks: Vasilevich 1969 [the Evenks did not clearly distinguish between thunder and lightning: the word Agda called thunderstorm, thunder and lightning together, although the latter had a number of other names - helkiran, goloron, osniran; the thunderstorm appeared to the Ilimpic shamans in the form of an iron bird with fiery eyes, which caused thunder and sparkling eyes caused lightning]: 211; Koptelov 1950 [boy Agda said he would defeat Winged; women made him iron wings; he burned his yurt with fire arrows, but he fluttered out like a bird; A. is still chasing him]: 64-66; Holmberg 1927 (district Turukhansk) [the flapping of the wings of a thunderbird produces thunder]: 439; Far Eastern Evenks [a heavenly old man, waking up in spring, carves fire with a chair, thunder sounds, lightning strikes evil spirits; Agda's thunder is a multifaceted dancing creature with a bear head, a human body, eagle wings; sometimes a bird with fiery eyes, whose wings flapping thunder and sparkling eyes lightning forms; shamans could send Agda to a foreign family (the Tunguska meteorite)]: Podmaskin 2013:28.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nivhi: Kreinovich 1929:94-95; 1973 [the lightning bird tynt is at odds with the mountain man; fire comes out of her mouth; produces thunder when it flaps its wings; in winter, lightning birds hide under with ice, mountain people prick their eyes through the ice-hole; in summer, lightning birds smash stones, trees where mountain people hide]: 33-34; Sternberg 1933 [1) the lark makes thunder, it cannot be killed; 2) the thunderbird tet lyj zevrk produces thunder, opening its mouth - lightning]: 314; the Udege people [Agdi's thunder is a snake with wings, sleeps in a cave in winter; his daughters are Sausalid's rainbow and Agdi Sauni's lightning; help father to track down the evil spirit with mirrors, S. - only during the day, AU - day and night; A. fires fire arrows at evil spirits; Agdi Holoni's swift is his assistant; collects water from rivers with his beak, sprinkles clouds; when water accumulates in them, it rains]: Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:35 (~Podmaskin 2013:27); wilt [image of a thunderbird (judging by its shape, a type of eagle) with loose wings and tail on a shamanic tambourine]: Ivanov 1954:389-390, Fig.240 (=Podmaskin 2013:62).

Japan. Ainu [one of the Thunder Brothers came down, married an earthly woman; while the cuckoo had been pupping for three days, he did not get up; then told his wife that it was his six brothers who demanded him back to heaven ; let the wife wear six hoods, take off one every year; become a bird and fly away; after 6 years he took his wife and married her in heaven]: Bugaeva 2004, No. 3:135.

SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1902 [in various myths, heroes fly into the sky on the site of the North Star on an eagle or thunderbird]: 590; 1928, No. 4 [people live in the dark, eat black stones instead of meat, white instead of fat; in the kele world, the sun is hidden, wrapped in skins; The raven comes to play ball with Kele's daughter, persuades her to ask her father to play the sun, flies away with him; makes a hole a bundle, the world is flooded with light, the kele flees; after kicking branches, the Raven turns them into deer; flying above the ground, drags its wing, making excavations and creating rivers and the sea; becomes thunder]: 304-305; Bogoraz 1939 [the thunderbird is associated with the Raven but is more like an eagle; the thunder eagle is the mistress of bad and good weather (=Bogoras 1907:328)]: 39; Bogoras 1907 [thunder causes flying thunderbird]: 323.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [thunderbird is a giant eagle; after each eagle dies, the Supreme Being hangs its immortal heart from heaven; it beats, producing thunder; the eagle comes to life]: Bogoraz 1939:39; (cf. St. Lawrence [while the White Eagle is hunting, Black flies to his wife, takes their son; White flies to the Black Eagle, kills the kidnapper, takes his son and son Black Eagle; the boys grow up; the father does not tells them to go to the old women mountains; the black boy wants to go, the mountain swallows them, they poke feathers from the inside, the mountain belches them, they have lost a lot of feathers from the heat; they tell the mountains that they are their father's sisters, those happy; don't go to a stranded whale; Black insists on walking, pierces his claws deep, White a little bit; they move the whale, it dives, the Black Boy drowns]: Slwooko 1979:109-116); inupiate Bering Strait [thunderbird described as a giant eagle hunting whales; image on a bone harpoon stand; on the one hand, two thunderbirds plan on two whales, with the other is holding them in their claws]: Fitzhugh, Kaplan 1982:184, fig. 226; Aleuts [headdress painting (MAE, by I.G. Voznesensky, 40s of the 19th century); eagle-shaped bird in a heraldic pose (body full face, head to the right); in one leg there is some four-legged, in the other there is a figure resembling a person; claws and beak are bright red]: Ivanov 1954:486-493; central yupik [thunderbirds - big eagles; built a nest on top of the mountain, carried away deer and people; carried away the hunter's wife; he climbs the mountain, kills the chicks with arrows first, then their father and mother; finds the remains of his wife, commits funeral rituals]: Nelson 1899:486-487; Alutiic (Kodiak) [A raven makes a storm when it hits its wings and sends lightning from his eyes]: Pinart 1873 in Crowell et al. 2001:196-197; copper [ when the birds start their thunderous song a little larger than a plover, the sky darkens, lightning flies out of the birds' beaks]: Rasmussen 1932:24.

Subarctic. An inhalic [thunder and lightning produces a black bird the size of a crow; it flies high in the sky; thunder is the flapping of its wings (like a duck sitting on water), and lightning is the flapping of its wings; Thunderbird has a wife, but she makes little noise; they don't like thunder because it's related to rain; they haven't heard anyone killed by lightning]: Osgood 1959:50; tanaina ("inner tinne, to SV from konyagov") [a huge bird flies over the ocean; the flapping of its wings produces thunder, lightning flies out of its eyes; it touches the water and the ground rises]: Bancroft 1875:105; kuchin [a huge bird produces thunder by flapping its wings; lightning flies out of her eyes]: McKennan 1965:76; upper tanana [the informant's father once found a thunderbird's nest with three bluish eggs in it; when looked at them, thunder broke out, he quickly ran down the mountain]: Kari 1996:75; hea [The Thunderbird winters at the edge of the sky; in the spring it flies to the ground to hunt; the trembling of its tail's feathers produces thunder, blinking eyes are lightning; it's not good, it kills people]: Petitot 1886, No. 1:283-284; Chipewayan: Birket-Smith 1930:81 [When Thunderbird flashes, lightning flies out of her eyes; there is thunder its wings flapping], 90-91 [hunters find the Thunderbird egg; throw it into the water for a caribou herd to head towards them; thunder sounds; now, if thunder is heard, the caribou is somewhere nearby , and if you can't hear them, they're not nearby]; doghrib, chipewayan [without details; Thunderbird has lightning coming out of her eyes, thunder flapping its wings; pulls the earth from the bottom of the sea]: Dahnhardt 1909:85; Yellowknife [the giant gives two brothers male and female arrows that hunt males and females; tells them not to pick them up, they come back on their own; the youngest shoots a squirrel, climbs a tree for an arrow, she takes it to heaven; he comes to the old woman; her eldest daughter's vagina is caress, the youngest is a mouse; the old woman stains his face with soot, but in the morning he washes and his sisters ask him to lie down between them; he falls down; sisters go looking for their guest, meet a monster with one eye, one hand, mouth from ear to ear; this is Edzil death; he promises to spare a young man if one of the sisters will marry him - E.; E. is carried away by an eagle; the sisters take the arrows given by the old man to the lower world; the Thunderbird brings them to the seashore; their mother predicts that two brothers will marry them; Thunderbird brings a young man to earth; giants help sisters; both brothers and both sisters come together]: Petitot 1886, No. 4:352-370; beaver: Goddard 1916:243-244 [Agaytosdunne does the chief's pregnant daughter; he keeps two thunderbird chicks in a cage; tells everyone to enter the cage; when A. enters, the chicks raise feathers; the chief leaves daughter and A. alone; A. catches animals, humans starving; coming back], 260 [thunderbirds the size of a partridge, live on every high mountain]; Ridington 1988 [red bird produces lightning]: 195; tagish [rainbow is a thunderbird snare, in You can find a lot of game at the end of it]: McClelland 1975 (1): 79-80; southern tutchoni, tagish, inner tlingit [a thunderbird the size of a jay or hazel grouse; lightning flies out of its eyes] : McClelland 1975 (1): 79-175; tsetsot [Thunderbird was so scared of the dog that it fell to the ground dead; it has membranes on its legs, skin like a frog, bags of water under its arms; opening its eyes, produces zippers]: Boas 1896-1897, No. 4:261.

NW Coast. Eyak [thunder is a big bird like a raven; one person found a feather, hardly picked it up; lightning from the bird's eyes when it blinks]: Birket-Smith, De Lagina 1938:223; Tlingit: Swanton 1908b [ a thunderbird produces thunder, flapping its wings, lightning blinking; on its back, its lake is a source of rain; the thunderstorm lasts until the bird catches the whale and takes it to the mountains]: 454; 1909, No. 35 [girl of a good kind steps on a slug, swears; a man comes for her; her brothers find her at the top of a cliff; a huge slug wraps around her; brothers try different types of wood wings; take off on yellow cedar wings, they bring their sister down; turn into Thunder]: 175; Hyda [Scamson is a thunderbird; the image is tattooed on the back of an Indian in the village of Lesquik]: Mall 1972 (2) : 485, fig.678; Tsimshian [all NW Coast Indians (and therefore the Tsimshians) have ideas about the thunderbird]: Boas 1895:355 (=2002:663); bellacula [Grove produces a thunderstorm A bird that lives on the mountains along with many spirits; it is depicted by a black mask with red nostrils and a hooked nose]: Boas 1898:47; Heiltzuk [True Chief (Raven) tells his son not to touch his hat Thunderbird; he touches him, his hat takes him away; the Raven makes a new son out of snot, he turns into a puddle on the floor; the Raven calls the Tar and Frost to fish; after sunrise, they both melt; the raven makes a whale , smears it with resin; Thunderbird sends four of its sons after a whale; they die stuck in a whale]: Boas 1928b: 13-21; Quakiutl: Boas 1910, No. 6 [Thunderbird descends, turns into a human, founds one of the genera], 16 [Kanekilah sees Thunderbird devouring a double-headed serpent; K. makes a belt for himself from the back of a snake; uses the snake's eyes as projectiles for a sling , kills whales for food], 18 [Omean (raven) makes a whale out of poles, sends Nork to Keith for a whale mask; Keith warns not to open the bag on the way; Mink opens, the mask unfolds; Keith puts it back, gives it back to Norka; Omean, Norka, Grizzly, Wolf, etc. climb into the whale; the father of the Thunderbirds sends sons for the whale; three are killed, the fourth brings the whale ashore]: 83, 193, 241-245; 1935 [Thunderbird is the leader of a bird village; feeds on double-headed snakes]: 157; Nootka: Bancroft 1875 [Nootka comes from the marriage of Quavteaht and the Thunder Bird Tutuch; its flapping thunder produces its wings; when she sticks out her forked tongue, lightning permeates the sky]: 96; Boas 1916, No. 6 [only the Snail sees a log in the sky; the Thunderbird asks to borrow her eyes to see no longer returns]: 907; Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 10 [see motif K30; four Thunderbird Brothers come to play a hoop with the Woodpecker; lose; the eldest of the Thunder takes Woodpecker's wife away; the Woodpecker returns her; The woodpecker and his servant Quatyat turn into a whale; three Gromov pierce their claws into him one by one, get stuck, dragged into the water; only the elder remains]: 51-55; Webber 1936 [Hee-e-tlik does not eat what his mother gives him, feeds on the smell of pine trees; becomes a friend of the thunder bird Tutuch, turns into a lightning snake, flies with T. wrapped around her body; when T. hunts whales, H. kills them, and T . takes home]: 29; poppies: James G. Swan 1869-1870 in Clark 1953 [the rainbow is an evil creature somehow connected to Thunder; there are enough jaws at both ends of the body who gets caught; Thunder is a huge man, lives on a mountain, feeds on whales; takes off wearing a bird mask and wings, covering his body with feathers and girded with Lightning Fish; her head is like a knife and a red fiery tongue; when Thunder flies to the sea, its wings overshadow the sky and make a rumble; at the sight of a whale, it throws Lightning Fish at it, brings the hunted whale to the mountain and eats there; sometimes Lightning Fish hits a tree or a person, Cutting everything into pieces; in these cases, people try to find a piece of Lightnfish because it has power; a red piece of its bone gives the person who finds luck in whaling and in other work]: 161; Densmore 1939 [like a noodle; husband rich, wife Thrush; one Thunder comes to play; Quati hides inside a whale, ties and cuts Gromov's paws; the youngest brother survives]: 208-210 .

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [thunder is the flapping of the wings of a partrige-sized bird living on a mountain]: Jenness 1943:539; Thompson [Thunder is a partrige-like bird, wholly red or with red eyebrows or with its head; a thunderbird fires an arrow using its wings like a bow; the tips of these arrows are made of black stone everywhere; they are very large; when Thunder blinks, lightning flies]: Teit 1900: 338; lillouette [thunderbird small, the size of a hummingbird]: Teit 1906:338 in Hatt 1040:37; shuswap, Thompson [like Thompson, the thunderbird is large, black, covered in fluff and partly red (many say her head is red)]: Teit 1909a: 597; comox (chatloltk) [Ku'lten has a wife Wa'qwaqole ("thrush" in Quakiutl); Thunder Bird Qoatkum comes, offers to compete; throws a disc of fire, a disc out of the fog, K. intercepts them; then Coatcum blows the house to pieces with a storm, takes V.; Wren gives advice: swim to Coatkum in the guise of fish; K. Mink and other people turn into fish clothes, let themselves be caught; in the guise of trout, K. tells his wife to eat it, throw the cartilage into the water; comes to life, takes his wife, returns home with her; other fish hanged to dry, immediately jump into the water, come home, also regain their former appearance; K. and his men take Keith's whale-shaped boat; sit inside, taking a heavy stone; first Thunderbird sons, then their father tries to capture the whale, their claws get stuck; only the youngest son remains alive; now he flies, rattling, only in summer]: Boas 1895, No. VIII.11:82-84 (=2002:205-207); pentlatch [two brothers come to the Thunderbirds house; find the wife of one of them; the Thunders arrive, take off their flaming belts and birds' clothes]: Boas 1895, No. XII.4:96-97 (=2002:238-239); chalkomel (lower reaches R. Fraser) [Woodpecker and Eagle are brothers, both have sons; Woodpecker's wife has teeth in her vagina; Coyote is jealous of young men, turns his wife's excrement into waterfowl; she lures Woodpecker's sons and The eagle is far upstream; they go to heaven, they are taken prisoner; various animals and birds try to climb to heaven in vain; the Woodpecker's wife's uncle makes a chain of arrows, it turns into a path; the first ancestors climb into heaven, fight celestials, free young men, return; destroy the chain of arrows before the Snail descends; it jumps, has been boneless and slow ever since; Eagle and The woodpecker cut the supports of the Coyote house, the house collapsed, the Coyote and his wife died; the bear decided to avenge the Coyote; turned into a dog, came to the Robin Girl, hid; the eldest sons of Eagle and Woodpecker came to her marry, the Bear killed them; the same with the middle sons; the younger ones grow up, train; Raccoon helps them get between a quartz woman and a Grizzly woman (they start fighting); Grizzly, then also Lynx them chased; a seagull carries a boat across the river; when the Grizzly approaches, the Seagull makes a hole in the boat, water is collected, the Grizzly dies from cold water before the boat docks to the opposite bank; there are two blind women, the Duck and the Partridge, who are Norka's wives; he decided to help them; he pretended to be dying, ordered himself to be buried; when he found out that only the Partridge was loyal to him, he left only her wife; Bison - guardian of the entrance to the world of the dead; he missed the son of the Woodpecker and the son of the Eagle; the dead are playing; those who came took the brothers, brought them home, they came to life; the son of the Eagle married a Thrush woman; she cheated on him with his uncle Woodpecker; Eagle's son left; at the festival she spat in the baskets, which were filled with berries; Salmon came with his slave Thunderbird; he stole Thrush and put them in a boat; Woodpecker and Mink took the form of salmon, climbed to the top of the Thunderbird; he let the Thrush clean them; the salmon all fell off the shelf, became so dirty that the Thunderbird told them to be thrown away; the thrush went into the water, the salmon became Mink and Woodpecker , took it away; etc.]: Boas 1895, No. III.3:30-34 (=2002:111-121); Chalkomel: Boas 1895:50-51 (Kovichan) [Thunder Bird emits lightning from his eyes]; Duff 1952 [The thunderbird is larger than an eagle; lives on bare cliff on the mountain; produces lightning, opening his eyes]: 128; lummi [a person gets to the Thunderbirds, marries, gets clothes made of feathers; catches whales with his wife's brothers; grabs sea snake almost dragged under water; Thunderbirds kill the Serpent]: Stern 1934:110-112; clallam [Thunderbird produces thunder with flapping its wings; it has a snake belt; when snakes stick out their tongues, it is visible lightning]: Gunther 1925:152; skagit [fire owners live in the sky; animal people climb a chain of arrows; Beaver pretends to be dead; a thunderbird arrives; while everyone looks at it, Beaver steals fire]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 11:390; twana [A thunderbird catches whales, carries it to a nest on the mountain to feed a chick; produces thunder with flapping its wings]: Elmendorf 1960:534; chemakum (hoch) [ a group of hunters finds the Thunderbird's lair on the slope of Mount Hoch; she rolls pieces of ice on them, preventing them from getting closer]: Reagan, Walters 1933:320; Cowlitz [Thunder tells his son-in-law Puma to kill the Grizzly; This is Thunder's wife, Puma kills her, lets Thunder eat her udder, he cries; asks Puma's brother Norka to bring his toy; these are White Agate and Blue Stone; both stones fight each other, Norka brings them, they carry the house of Thunder to dust; servants turn into birds, Thunder himself into Thunder Bird]: Adamson 1934:209-211; quinalt [Thunder is a big bird; lightning under his arms; sparkle, when he flaps his arms/wings; see motif K27]: Farrand 1902, No. 9:114; quileout: Andrade 1931, No. 52 [the door in the Thunderbird house claps another son-in-law trying to enter the house; man marries Thunderbird's eldest daughter; she helps her get through the door; father-in-law teaches her son-in-law how to catch whales; sends a whale to take him home; man becomes a good hunter]: 145-151; Clark 1953 [The Thunderbirds Birds live on a mountain in a cave; people see a whale in its claws; during the flood, Thunderbird tried to raise a killer whale to the sky, but it fell back into the sea every time]: 161-163; Reagan, Walters 1933 [Thunderbird kidnaps Kwety's wife; he turns into an egg, a sprout, a shell; his wife picks him up, he takes her home, but Thunder takes her back every time; K. turns his boat into a whale; Thunder's claws get stuck in a whale, Thunder sinks, turns into stone; Thunder's younger brother is still looking for him; lightning flies out of his eyes, flapping wings are thunder strikes]: 311-312 , 320 [Thunderbird nests at the foot of a glacier on the Olympic Mountains], 320-321 [Thunderbird is good, Keith is evil; they fight for a long time, cutting trees; these treeless places are still visible], 322 [ A thunderbird makes a flood; the sea floods the earth, the sun hides; some people flee in boats]; lower chinook [old man South Wind went north, met a giantess, asked for food, that gave him a net, he caught a whale, was going to slaughter, the giant ordered him to be slaughtered only along his back, but SE cut the whale across; it turned into a thunderbird, it flew to a mountain at the mouth of Colombia, demolished it the egg's nest; the giant found the nest, broke the egg, it was not good, she threw it down, the egg became human; so with all the eggs; not finding the eggs, the Thunderbird, along with SE, began to look for the giant, but not found; chinook only cut salmon along the back, otherwise the salmon will go missing]: Clark 1953:135-136; catlamet: Boas 1901, No. 5 [the chief kills newborn sons; one of the wives pretends to have a daughter; the boy's grandmother sends him to swim in the lakes; he catches a huge dentalium shell; the grandmother distributes pieces to people; the Thunderbird becomes the young man's assistant, sends him a whale; people find a whale in the distance from the sea; the young man arranges a potlach, becomes a leader himself], 10 [contrary to the ban, the girl walks along the path to the abyss; carried away by the Thunderbird; turns into a monster (anthropomorphic)]: 187-195, 221-224; Vasco [Thunderbird in the West does not tell you to go to her; 5 Wolf brothers went, were killed; the same 5 Grizzly, Pum, Beavers, 5 sons of the Coyote; the Creator of Earth and Animals promises the Coyote to dazzle the Thunderbird when he goes to her; tells her to take the downy feather of Eagle's youngest son; the Coyote turns into a feather, flies, thunder; the Thunderbird hides in the water; the Coyote hit, crushing 5 mountains; this is the bridge to Colombia, the first threshold that prevents salmon from understanding]: McWhorter in Hines 1966, No. 6:35-41; yakima [thunder is the flapping of the wings of a huge bird in a thundercloud; lightning is the cramney darts she has throws at objects that caused her anger]: Hines 1992, No. 19:65-66; Klamath [Thunderbird throws up and catches its eyes; thunder rumbles]: Barker 1963, No. 13 [Thunderbird throws its own eyes, producing thunder; Coyote does the same thing successfully, but the Raven pecks his eyes; Coyote grabs the antelope's eye, runs away; Gmokamč makes new Antelope out of clay]: 83-89; flethead [Blue Jay, Magpie, Raven are the daughters of the Thunderbird; the hunter accidentally sets a fire, the bird is offended; tells the north wind to blow; missing daughters, causes a warm wind, spring]: Clark 1966:98-100; kordalen [Thunder has wings; man tore his feathers, since then Thunder has not killed people by throwing stones at them]: Teit, Boas 1930:178; coutenay: Boas 1918, No. 50 [animal people climb the sky is up the stairs of arrows; Wolverine cuts it off; people kill the Thunderbird, go back on its feathers]: 75; Clark 1966 [as in Boas]: 147; Linderman 1997, No. 6 [grandmother tells her grandson to find a wife; Raven gives him his youngest daughter; tells him not to let her work outside; one day he sends her to fetch water, she disappears; four Thunderbirds lead him to the mountain; inside is a huge Rattlesnake, whose people a woman has been kidnapped; the youngest of the Thunderbirds manages to break the rock with lightning; small snakes spread; the man returns his wife], 9 [The old man warns Coyote not to look at the thunderbird nest, past whom they walk; the Coyote watches, imitates the voice of the chicks; both end up in a nest on a pine tree; the chicks reply that their mother will arrive with the rain, the father with hail; the old man pretends to be more tired than the Coyote The female who arrives first, then the male thunderbirds, prepare to eat it, he kills them with a knife; tells the chicks to lower him and the Coyote to the ground; kills chicks, smaller birds fly out of one's eyes; these are today's thunderbirds, the Old Man has forbidden them to kill people]: 53-63, 90-107; (cf. tillamook [the fisherman did not catch anything because of the thunderstorm, scolds Thunder; he takes him to heaven, placing him under his wing, promises that for two days, but this is two years; at home, Thunder brings a whale, it is a fish for him; the man is tired of eating kitten meat, fishing; Thunder's wife asks to look in her head, her lice are water dogs, he pulls them by the tail; he thinks how Thunder copulates with his wife, since they are so big; wife reads his mind; two years later, Thunder brings a man down to earth, giving him a whale; wife, children, everyone is happy]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 51:167-171); cous [there was no low tide; the Raven agreed to change from In a voice of thunderbird; he also gave him lightning coming out of his eyes, for which he created a low tide so that the Raven could eat]: Frachtenberg 1913, No. 2:14-19.

The Midwest. Winnebago: Radin 1909, No. 1 [see motif K27; the hero's nephew is the son of the Thunderbird; puts his uncle in an egg that hatches in the form of a Thunderbird; accidentally gets dirty with beaver excrement; Thunderbirds kill the beaver, push the hero into the lake; his nephew revives him from his pen that has surfaced; the Thunderbirds allow him to take one of his clubs; he kills many people; the nephew takes the club, tells his uncle to make a copy; the hero becomes a strong healer], 2 [The thunder takes the young man to eat; the young man's hand hawk, the brother of Chief Gromov, persuades him to let him go; further as in No. 1]: 296-303; 1932:57-58 [The creator makes four Thunderbirds, tells them to carry four brothers from heaven to earth], 272 [Thunderbird produces lightning with blinking its eyes, thunder with flapping its wings]; menominee: Hilger 1960 [thunder - thunderbird's wings flapping, lightning flies out of her eyes when she opens them]: 49; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II9 [the youngest of the ten Thunderbird Brothers is enough a horned serpent, but dragged under water; two Snakes hold him under the hill with their brass tails; his son has become friends with the son of the Serpent; he reports that there is a hole at the top of the hill; Thunders kill father and uncle Snake boy, brother freed], II10 [girl comes to ten Thunderbird Brothers; they have brass beaks, they call her niece; they fly south in autumn, leave Chickady to take care of her; living at the spring, hairy snakes kidnap her; the Thunders free her, turn her into a frog that screams in the spring; turn Chickady into a chikady], 53 [a thunderbird takes a man to its nest; two chicks want eat it; he kills them with a spear, puts on the feathers of one of them, goes down]: 342-356, 488-489; Western Ojibwa: Barnouw 1977 [a serpent chases a man; Thunderbird kills a snake, takes them away clouds]: 226; Densmore 1928 [lonely old woman on the lake shore. Upper, with a girl, probably her daughter; she grew up, the wind blew under her clothes, she became pregnant; when she was supposed to give birth, she exploded and disappeared, the old woman found a drop of blood on the sheet, put it under pillow, Winabojo came out of the drop; all the spirits were frightened when they felt his strength; the grandmother replies that big fish cannot be killed, but V. prepares arrows; the grandmother replies that only the feathers of a bird living in the sky in the holes of the clouds will give power to the arrows; V. turned into a rabbit on the rock, called the bird to play; he called it an eagle, but it is the Thunder Bird; she brought a rabbit to her chicks to play; the bird's wife suspects that it may be V.; while there are no adult birds, V. takes human form, kills, plucks chicks; jumped to the ground, Thunderbirds rushed to chase, he hid in a hollow old fallen birch tree; Thunderbirds did not hit there, because birch is their own child; grateful V. made birch a useful tree, birch bark, arrows feathered by thunder feathers chicks, killed fish; lightning does not hit a birch tree; the strokes on the birch tree were made by V., and the "drawings" on it depict thunder chicks]: 381-384; Coleman et al. (Minnesota, 1958) [lightning is the gleam of thunderbirds, thunder is flapping wings; four thunderbirds are connected to four sides of the world, two good and two evil]: 101-102; Hilger 1937 (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan) [when a thunderbird watches where to fly, lightning flashes; it flies, flapping its wings and tail, thunder sounds; one day a thunderbird carries a beaver hunter into the sky; after 4 years returned]: 178; Jones 1916, No. 4 [The turtle, along with all the Turtles, goes to war with the May Fly; is captured, released to accompany the leader's son; they go across the sea to the manita and to the Thunderbirds; On the way home, the Turtle leaves his friend, and the chief's son brings one of the Thunderbirds], 37 [two young men see Thunderbirds; when they blink, lightning flies out of their eyes]: 369, 384; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 27 [The turtle goes to war; rejects the Deer, the Thunderbird, takes little turtles as friends; see motive M23], 35 [brother marries the Thunderbird; returns with her to his sister; she says foxes have been mocking her all this time], 42 [The thunderbird eats only snakes; young hunters visit it; passing by the lake, they see a snake in the water, whose eyes and horns sparkle like a mirror]: 124, 137, 145-146; Schoolcraft 1999 [the hunter, his wife and young son live alone; Windigo comes, eats prey, brings dead people, but does not touch the owners; gives goodbye two arrows that do not miss; the other V. in the absence of a hunter pulls out the woman's insides, devours the body; the hunter buries his wife's remains in a hollow; the boy plays, his arrows are picked up by another coming out of the hollow; asks his father not to talk about him; he came from the remains of a dead woman; the father hears two voices, catches the Wild; tells me not to go to one lake, then to another lake; the boys go; the first one climbs the mountain into the Thunderbird's nest, bring two chicks, lightning shines from their eyes; in another lake they catch the Horned Serpent, they also bring them home; they feed the Snake to the Chicks; the Father turns into Autumn Thunder, raised to heaven by the Chicks]: 183-190; Eastern Ojibwa (southern Ontario)]: Laidlaw 1915, No. 3 [people saw a thunderbird with two chicks; shaped like a goose but without feathers, red-brown in color; then began to grow], 4 [the man had a dream that he should not cross lake on ice; returning home, he decided to shorten the road; the thunderbird carried him to its nest on the rock, flew away; he killed one of the two chicks, climbed inside and flew off the cliff {it's not clear, was The chick is still alive}; when she returned home, an old woman was there; said that a thunderbird took her husband away a long time ago; the man said who he was and they continued to live together]: 4, 4-5; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake): Ray, Stevens 1971:20 [Mother Earth O-ma-ma-ma gave birth to the world's spirits; the eldest is the Thunderbird, protecting the rest from the Genai-Big water serpent], 30-31 [Visakajac invites the Boulder to race; the Boulder rolls over his feet and freezes; V. becomes overgrown with moss; in winter asks his brother the Thunderbird for help; lightning from the bird's beak breaks the Boulder]; sauk [ Visakia swims on the lake in a boat, calls the Big Fish to swallow it; drives away smaller fish with a spear; once inside the Pisces, cuts its insides; she spews it ashore, dies; he gets lots of glue from the skeleton; pulls out arrow feathers from the Thunderbirds; his grandmother hides one feather for herself]: Skinner 1928, No. 11:151-152; potauatomi [Thunderbirds are huge eagles, lightning strikes from their eyes ; they are gods of war and rain; they kill horned underground cougars wherever they can; lightning often strikes where snakes hide]: Skinner 1924:48; Western Forest Cree [thunderbirds live on rocky mountains; they have mating season in June; in August, young birds go up to their wings and are capricious; thunder is the sound of their wings; they throw hot rocks at anything they don't like]: Vandersteene 1969:42; Steppe Cree: Ahenakew 1929 [wife tells Vesakaicak that her first fiancé was Thunderbird; he arrives blinking, throwing lightning; V. shakes the blanket, causing frost, Thunderbird admits his defeat]: 346-347; Bloomfield 1930, No. 1 [see motif J33; with his younger brother ran away from their mother's severed head chasing them; the old man invites Visakechi to his boat, takes them away; the old man's eldest daughter rejects V., the youngest marries him; V. becomes handsome; the eldest now wants him, but is rejected by him; persuades his father to lime him; V. asks where to get arrowpoles, feathers, tree for onions; father-in-law sends him to where his helper spirits live - Polar Bear, Thunderbird, Snake; V. kills them, father-in-law mourns their death]: 16-18; Curtis 1976 (18) [older brother wants take possession of the youngest's wife, calls him to ruin the eagle's nest, pushes him off a cliff; finds himself in a nest of thunderbirds; the chick asks parents, from whose eyes lightning flies out, not to offend his friend for games; a person stays with thunderbirds for four years (four days for them); then the chick took the man home, where he met his father and son; taught people the Sun Dance received from thunderbirds]: 131-132; Dusenberry 1998 [Thunderbirds bring rain; there are four of them, according to the number of cardinal points; white with a black head lives in the north]: 79; steppe ojibwa (bungs) [Thunderbirds resemble huge eagles; thunder is the flapping of their wings, lightning flies out of their eyes; the Sun Dance participant's costume should resemble the appearance of a Thunderbird chick]: Howard 1965:91.

Northeast. Naskapi: Millman 1993 [a shaman (mistapeo) shot into the sky, a shot goose fell; there was thunder, the lake began to boil; the shaman took out an arrow, the goose returned to heaven; it was Thunder]: 121; Speck 1935b [ to find out that there was thunder, people shot to the sound; a hot goose fell into the lake, the lake began to boil]: 70; mikmaq [two var.; seven men come to Uglucopt; he has been lying on his side for centuries; one wants to live long, turned into a tree; others receive various shamanic drugs; on the way back, thunderbirds carry them quickly back]: Parsons 1925, No. 7:69-72; penobscot [swallows - "little thunderbirds"; they are associated with a thunderstorm because they fly before and after it; they are not harmed]: Speck 1935b:25; Passamaquoddy: Fewkes 1884 [two men go to see what to eat thunder; in front of them there are crushing rocks; the first slips, the second is crushed; the first comes to people playing ball; then they put on their wings, fly away; these are Thunderbirds; a person is pushed in a mortar, turning and it into Thunderbird; told not to fly low above trees so as not to die]: 265-266 in Edmonds, Clark 1989:317-318; Leland 1968:263-266 [Thunders are people with wings attached to their bodies; they produce them sound; lightning is the fire in their pipes; a man comes to Thunder, gets a pair of wings, becomes one of the Thunder], 266-267 [a girl falls asleep on the lake shore, raped by a snake; people drive her out; the old man tells her to dance, kills the snakes she gives birth with a stick; marries his Thunder Son; a boy is born, a grandfather is born and attaches thunder wings to him; the old man's daughter is Lightning]; delaware [delaware They come from a big eagle; if he is happy, he goes down to the ground, drops a pen that makes a person invisible and invulnerable; if he is dissatisfied, he rises into the clouds, produces thunder]: Bierhorst 1995, No. 32: 35.

Plains. Blackfooted [Thunderbird kidnaps Raven's wife; he sends a snowy winter; Thunderbird suffers from the cold, returns his wife]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 8:134; sarsi: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 42 [thunder comes from the flapping of the wings of a thunderbird, lightning when it opens her eyes], 43 [The thunder married Bursuchikha, went home for the winter; the Raven (Crow) came to Badger and married her ; in the spring she was afraid that her husband would come; the Raven told me not to worry; told Thunder that Badger was now his wife, flapped his wings, it snowed; Thunder said he could take Badger, Just let the snow stop; the raven flapped its wings again, the snow stopped; the Raven is stronger than Thunder]: 50; Goddard 1915 [a blue-horned snake emerges from the lake; it is attacked by the Thunderbird; both ask help man; he gives food to the Thunder, the Thunder carries the Serpent]: 225-227; Grovanter: Cooper 1975:12-15 [people see lightning strike water; Thunderbird picks up and carries a horned serpent into the clouds], 485 -487 [father-in-law sends his son-in-law to bring thunderbird feathers; he fights thunderbirds, returns alive]; assiniboine: Lowie 1909a, No. 17a [like grovantra; the horn is not mentioned; the lake dries up], 17b [man finds a baby in the Thunder nest; Thunder throws a man out of the nest]: 169-170; crowe [a person touches an object in the grass, ends up in the Thunderbirds nest; their chicks are swallowed two monsters crawling out of the lake; a man kills monsters by throwing hot stones into their mouths; all birds try to cut their bodies; the blue heron succeeds; birds eat monsters]: Lowie 1918:144-148; hidatsa: Beckwith 1938 [the chief's wife falsely accuses his younger brother of attempted rape; the chief leaves him across Missouri; the chief is the son of the Water Serpent, the young man is the son of the Thunderbird; The bird teaches him to lure the Snake with its shell (the Snake's son wants to get it), feed him cornbread while he transports him across the river; the young man lies that there is not a cloud in the sky, jumps ashore, Thunder A Bird Kills a Snake]: 81-91; Dorsey 1894 [thunder is the flapping of a bird's wings, lightning is its gaze]: 517; Weitzner 1979 [when the Thunderbird opens its eyes, lightning flashes; the Thunder Bird has a split tail like a swallow, wings are two miles wide; swallows are thunder birds]: 312; Dorsey 1894 [when a thunderbird opens its eyes, lightning flashes, thunder when it flaps its wings]: 517; teton : Bernstein, McMaster 2004 [№ 55; painted shield, c. 1885; swallow-like bird in a full-face heraldic position; zigzag lightning lines extend from its wings up and slightly to the sides]: 107; Dorsey 1889 [The Thunders have wings and crooked beaks; huge rattlesnakes and water monsters are enemies of the Thunder]: 135-136; 1894 [lightning flashes when a thunderbird opens its eyes]: 442; Erdoes, Ortiz 1984 (Brule) [ the big Ungtehi snake with one horn on its head dammed Missouri, and its children dammed other rivers; the flood, few people escaped on the mountains; four great cloud-clad (so their bodies are not visible) ancient Thunder Wakinyan birds fight them; Western: black (main), northern: red, eastern: yellow, southern: blue; lightning is coming from their eyes; the earth is burning; snakes are hit, turned into stone; this battle was in the first of four world eras - Tunka (Stone Age)]: 218-222; teton (oglala): Walker 1983:81-82 [four Winds come to the end of the world, see the Thunderbird's nest; the bird's gaze is lightning, thunder sounds from her mouth], 121-126 [The Thunderbird takes the young man's wife; his grandmother gives him an invisible hat and a knife that cuts everything; the young man kills the northern, eastern, southern Thunderbirds; drops his hat, western The Thunderbird picks it up, escapes]; Mandan: Bowers 1950:264-265 [see M1 motif; a horned serpent carries two brothers across the sea, swallows one of them; the other lures the snake again to shore; lies that the sky is clear; snatches his brother out of the serpent's mouth; Thunderbird kills a snake with lightning; marries his daughters to brothers], 301 [The month was also a bird, one of the Thunderbirds]; Dorsey 1894 [ a huge bird produces thunder with flapping its wings, lightning with blinking an eye]: 508; Will, Spinden 1906 [a thunderbird produces a thunderstorm; lightning from its eyes paves the way for rain in the clouds; single blows thunder is produced by a turtle living in the clouds]: 134; Omaha, ponka: Beckwith 1930 [the word "thunder-creats-opening-their eyes" Omaha means lightning, death by lightning, and death in battle; Thunder Bird Wakia resembles an eagle]: 416, note 1; Dorsey 1888b [see motive J19; father warns sons not to go where dangerous creatures live; one of the brothers climbs a tree, throws four chicks out of the Thunderbird's nest; the tree grows; the other brother hits the trunk with a hammer, the tree becomes low again; the father orders the chicks to be returned to the nest because lightning strikes around]: 77 ; iowa: Skinner 1925, No. 1 [see motif J19; a monster with a second person on the back of her head kills a pregnant woman; her two sons kill monsters; they pull four dwarfs out of a nest in a tree; this is Thunder (produces thunder with flaps of wings), Lightning (blinks his eyes), 3) Rain, 4) Little God; their grandfather arrives in a storm cloud; D. hides under a piece of flint, V. becomes a wren; they return dwarfs to the nest ], 36 [The hare lives with his grandmother; asks what his uncles make onions from; From elm (wagla'shku), he hears that frog legs (wagna'sku); catches frogs, understands his mistake; calls birds, rejects eagles and others, takes arrow feathers from Thunderbirds; see motif M17]: 427-441, 496; arpahoes [see motif J27; twins climb into the Thunderbird's nest]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903 , No. 139 [chicks say that their father will arrive with a black cloud and a shower; twins kill both the father bird and the chicks, bring feathers], 340 [The Thunderbird throws lightning from his eyes; the twins kill it with arrows]: 346, 353; Kiowa: Ewers 1981 [collection. Mooney, Smithsonian Institution; painting on bison skin; horned water monsters and other creatures, including a full-face thunderbird, resembles an eagle], fig.4; Parsons 1929a, No. 1-2 [see motif J18; twins Thunderbird dodge the lightning, which gives them the feathers of its chicks for their arrows]: 1-8; Comanches [hunters shoot at a huge bird, it falls; at this point there are thunder blows, lightning flashes; one of the hunters is killed by lightning]: Mooney 1896:969; arikara [(cf. Crowe); while a person is sleeping, Thunderbirds chicks (male and female) carry him to the top of the cliff; lightning flies out of their eyes, sparks from flapping his wings; they give him two arrows, ask him to kill a snake with heads at both ends of his body that comes out of the lake and eats thunder chicks; tell him to aim at the spot under the jaw of each head; man the snake kills, the Thunderbirds tell the corpse to be cut into pieces, the birds eat them; they also ask to kill the snake that was the man who ate snake meat (see motive L28); but he swallows the person; lets go home, but deprives him of almost all his strength; in summer, when a thunderstorm approached, this story was not told]: Parks 1996, No. 15:209-215; Pawnee: Chamberlain 1982:50-51, fig.13 [drawing on a tambourine at the Museum Natural History in Chicago; Thunderbird, with swallows in front of it, clearing the way; lightning flies out of the bird's mouth, eyes, and wings; blows to the tambourine symbolize thunder, a combination of storm and flint (cf. motif B5A); on the lower membrane of a tambourine that is never hit is a four-pointed star, the habitat of Tirava, which gives the power of the storm; explanation of the master who made the tambourine: "For many days and nights I I was in the open air, there was a thunderstorm: for the first time I saw Thunderbird, swallows during the day; and at night, the Thunderbird spit lightning... The Red Star is the home of Tirava, who gives lightning to other gods" (Dorsey, n.d.)]; Dorsey 1904b, No. 42 (skidi) [animals carry two young men to their homes; two monsters live in the lake trying to devour chicks Thunderbird; they are not afraid of lightning; young men kill monsters with arrows; receive power to cause rain and thunderstorm as a reward]: 167-168; Dorsey 1906, No. 87 (kitkehahki) [digging roots, two hermaphrodites kill a strange man; a young man brings his scalp and feathers from his forehead; in his dream, a Thunderbird appears to him in the form of a crane and in the form of that man; a young man turns a feather into a Thunderbird]: 314-318; Snow 1976, Pl.xiii [painting on a tambourine; A thunderbird with outstretched wings faces a flock of swallows; lightning flies out of the bird's beak, eyes, wings]; Kiova-Apache [see motif J19; a monster chases a girl The thunder kills him, takes the girl as his wife; his first wife The sun kills the new one, takes the babies out of her womb, throws one into the ash, the other into the river; the Thunder revives his wife, with the help of one son lures the second one out of the river; does not tell them to walk in certain directions; they go, defeat monsters every time; defeat the Deer, the Bison, who were killed with their eyes; turn them into hunting objects; woman plays, always wins, knocks people off a cliff; brothers win, push her own; hurt Thunderbird by killing its wing; Thunder hasn't killed many people since then]: McAllister 1949, No. 6:30-44; wichita [see motive J19; one of two brothers climbs into the Thunderbird's nest, throws out two of four chicks; the bird cuts off his limbs; his brother puts them in, they grow]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 12:97-98.

Southeast USA. Shawnee [Thunder Birds praying for rain: Voegelin 1936:8; choctaw [Thunder is a female bird, Lightning is a male; thunder in the clouds - a female lays an egg in the nest; if a tree smashed to pieces, this is the male's business, if only females are slightly injured]: Swanton 1931:212. (The rarity of the thunderbird image in the Southeast is due to the fact that it is replaced by twin brothers there; cf. Lankford 2008:155-157).

California. Yuki [Taikomol is an anthropomorphic supreme deity, a thunder; at the same time he is a giant eagle or a Pal or Mitlíli condor (heavenly noise); breaks off pieces from a huge mass of flint or obsidian, brings them to earth (origin of flint)]: Foster 1944:204; Pomo: Barrett 1906 [hummingbirds can take off, producing thunder and lightning]: 42; Loeb 1926a [putting on wings and flying, Thunder produces thunder and lightning; lightning flies from under his armpits or eyes when he flashes; the hummingbird is his uncle]: 301-302; to the screw [Thunder is a bird with claws like a partridge]: Voegelin 1942:237; achomavi [Thunder looks like a man but with bat wings; thunder makes his wings move]: Voegelin 1942:237; southern mountain mivok [stone giant kills people, two brothers stay orphans; think about what to become; the younger one tells us to collect feathers, they apply them to the body, turn into birds; the elder refuses to become a waterbird; then they turn into Thunders; summer flies through a hole in the sky to the other side of the sky; in winter they return, produce rain and thunderstorm]: Merriam 1993:173-178; northern mountain mivok [Thunder - Blue Jay or similar; thunders when angry]: Merriam 1993:223

Big Pool. Utah, Southern Payut [Thunderbird causes thunderstorm]: Stewart 1942, No. 4572:325; havasupai [Thunder is a cannibal bird; takes people to the island, the hero kills it]: Smithson, Euler 1994: 86.

The Great Southwest. Navajo: Griffin-Pierce 1992 [the constellation of Thunder appears as a bird with outstretched wings and legs apart]: 172, fig.6.15; Hill, Hill 1945, No. 4 [when Woodpeckers fly, lightning flashes from under their wings; the Coyote wants to be the same; every Woodpecker pulls a feather out of his wing, ties it to the front legs of the Coyote; the gray bird advises not to give the Coyote a zipper; the Coyote waves his hands, but cannot produce lightning]: 320-321; Johly, B'yash 1958 [The daughter of Heaven and Earth conceives twins by putting her vagina first under the Sun, then under a stream of water under a waterfall; the twins learn that their father is The sun comes to him; both withstand the tests offered to them; in the sky, the Month, Hail, Wind, Water, Lightning try in vain to kill them; the brothers meet the Thunderbird and the Water Monster; return to earth]: 14-22; Maryboy, Begay 2010 [Pegasus and Leo constellations - Thunderbird (full face with outstretched wings and legs apart)]: 57; Reichard 1977, No. 4 [see motif K21; pueblo is turned to slavery is a young man, called the Scavenger; they are lowered onto a rocky cornice, telling them to throw their eagles; the Wind and the Talking God advise not to abandon the chicks; the pueblo leaves the young man on the rock; the Eagles bring him food; wrapped in a cloud and tied with lightning and rainbows, they carry them to the heavenly hole; get tired; give feathers to lightning sky snakes, which help carry the burden into the hole; Eagles warn not to touch those standing in the house blue vessels; a young man opens them, a downpour begins on the ground; the young man runs in fear, the Spider catches him; the Eagles help him out; when he touches the young man, the coyote turns him into a coyote; the Eagles find him, let him pass through the hoop, the young man takes on his true form; the swallow overturns stones on him, the Eagles revive him; the young man helps the Eagles defeat enemies, marries, stays in heaven], 7 [(description of the picture in colored sand, fig.7); Thunder's body is bird-like, except for the face and neck; legs with "calves" inside suggest that the character is sitting like a bird; feet are clouds with rainbows on them; rain in the diamond-shaped tail, rain at the end curls are depicted - thunder peals; 12 lightning falls from below each wing, and 12 rain sources between them]: 26-36, 60; hopi [vessel painting: full-face bird, head to the left; description in handwritten catalog: this is "Rain Bird" (Tei-tzur), the top of the image is framed by cloud symbols; on modern ceramics, Tei-tzur is not identical to the cosmogonic thunder bird Um- tokina; this is how women call any small birds; they mean rain because they stay in flocks near the village during the wet season, and fly away to water bodies when dry]: Mall 1972 (2): 488, fig.686; oriental keres (Sia) [thunders are humanoid creatures with flint knife wings; flapping them produces thunder; lightning is the arrows of lightning men]: Stevenson 1894:38.

Mesoamerica Tequistlateca [birds and toads all belong to thunder]: Carrasco 1960:108; (cf. Chinantecs [Thunders are animate creatures that appear in the form of lizards, rooster, and similar animals; sorcerers can become thunders for the benefit of their villages]: Hernández López 1997:317).

Honduras-Panama. Hikake [migratory birds are called fiery birds; they stole fire from Thunder, turned into birds; they spend part of the year in the sky with Thunder]: Chapman 1982, No. 15:80.

Southern Venezuela. Sanema [hunters cook tapir liver; Lipaugus vociferans (her voice heralds thunder) is initiated; he is not told to eat the liver; he throws it into the sky, it turns into a month]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 3:31; Yanomam [Thunder was a tapir, lived on earth; people are tired of listening to his voice, killing; the liver is letting his son-in-law Lipaugus vociferans eat it; he throws it into the sky, it turns into Thunder, he himself turns into a bird, it screams in response to thunder; humans can't kill Thunder, it causes other Thunders]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 4:31-33; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 5 [a man kills Thunder Tapir; he is only given bile; in anger, he throws a liver into the sky, it turns into Thunder], 6 [Hai-Hai-Yome-Riwe kills the tapir, throws it up; that turns into the sky, he himself becomes a small bird]: 34.

Guiana. Caribbean Islands [Sky Heron (constellation) causes storms and thunderstorms]: Metraux 1944:134; Robiou-Lamarche 1990a: 39-40; 1990b: 84-85; vapishana [thunder, lightning, rain causes, waving its wings, a flying heron (the constellations of Gemini, Cancer, Leo)]: Farabee 1918:102 (also cit. Metraux 1944:134); Acurio: Jara 1989 [The Heron and the Royal Vulture created the world, gave people rules for cooking, body painting, generic names, etc.; they, with the help of Black and Red Vultures, bring water to the sky in calebasses and pour water into it]: 203; 1990 [vultures produce rain, making holes in the clouds and pouring water into them; produce lightning, thunder (not specified how); they put a rainbow as a sign that the rain is over; the souls of the dead rise to heaven, turn into vultures]: 62.

Ecuador. Kayapa [thunders are husband and wife; flapping their blue wings produce thunder]: Barrett 1925:360-362.

NW Amazon. Guariquena [it was raining all the time; Atjúwali heated two stones, killed a man and a woman who owned the rain with them; a boy and a girl remained; the rain stopped raining altogether; A. asked for children make it rain; the boy said that his sister (her name was "Drop") could hit the drums left after his father himself; A. created a "mother water" bird from the ash of their murdered mother; the girl began to clean up At home, I found a fried heron, threw it into the sky, it became a constellation, its appearance marks the beginning of the rainy season, at which time there are many herons; the second rainy period is the rodent constellation cachicamo]: González Ñañez 1980, No. 15:207-211; tucano [sacred flutes turn into birds and produce thunder]: Fulop 1956:359-360.

The Central Andes. Aymara (dep. Puno) [thunder is produced by a bird and a caiman covered in green feathers; a caiman flies on a bird across the sky or over clouds, detonating its weapon]: Mamani, Mendoza 1981:29.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashinaua [shesheu birds embody darkness and rain; produce thunderstorms; come to dance at the house of Ica, the owner of the sun; the Vulture arrives, the shesheu runs away without taking it out stink; it steals the sun, it becomes light]: Capistrano de Abreu 1914:450-453 in Metraux 1944:133.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chiriguano [thunder is a man with wings]: Nordenskiöld 1912, No. 1:251-252; guarayu? [details not clear: some birds come from forefather's land]: Cardus 1886:75 in Karsten 1964:56.

Southern Amazon. Kuikuro [constellations are birds that determine the weather; their host is a double-headed vulture]: Carneiro 1977:11, 14; bororo [relatives bring a woman lots of meat and fish, but she feeds them starving; a boy pretending to be sleeping sees her sit on a mat, put boiled meat next to him, rattles with a bell; a snake crawls, copulates with her, devours meat; men send a woman for corn, one of them puts on her belt, paints herself as a woman, calls a snake with the same signal; men kill a snake, hang its head over a woman's mat; turn into hawks, fly to heaven, turn into rain spirits; when she sees the snake's head, the woman scolds the boy; he runs to the village square, asking the men who have flown away to moderate the heat; they send rain; when it rains, you can hear the voice of these spirits (thunder?)] : Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 103:196-197

Eastern Brazil. Gamella [when flying, a bird produces lightning]: Nimuendaju 1937:70; kariri [during the festival, people see a thunderbird throw lightning from its crest on its head; when it runs, thunder sounds]: Metraux 1944:133; pau d'arco kayapo [Nimuendaju, MS; two women find a bird in a pond, bring it home, put it in a calebasa full of water; the bird grows; when it swims, water it boils, the bird's feathers are pink; when they go fishing, women take it with them; when they see the river, the bird takes off, rushes into the water; there is a thunder, the surrounding people fall dead; the bird rises into the sky, turns into a meteor]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 15:45

Chaco. Ayoreo [birds are children of clouds]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 23:47; chamacoco: Baldus 1931 [thunder birds are clouds; children of Echetewuarcha (the mother of initiation spirits) are osãsero; they are birds living in the sky; their head, tail and whole body are like a cow's tail (?) ; they are full of water when they open it, the water is on our land; they would drink water all the time, but E. tells them to open their bodies and it rains]: 77-78; Escobar 2006 [the owner of thunderbirds lives in the first tier of the sky Osasërö Blut; making a storm, he thickens the clouds into the shape of a boat; his son Lapishé, shamans of his category, stork helper birds, four species of birds that form his army, and 1 ) causing thunder and lightning, 2) and 3) downpours, torrential rains, 4) a hurricane; these birds are transformed people left in the sky after the collapse of the world tree (another part of them became stars)]: 236; chorote [some birds descend into the earth's world; others stay in the sky and send them rain; they fight each other with clubs, and when they plan, there is thunder]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 7:21-22; nivacle [send thunder and rain]: Alarcon y Canedo in Metraux 1944 [only Thunderbirds own fire; humans find fried snails by a tree; carry fire away; Thunderbirds have been scaring people ever since screams (thunder), sparks from under their wings (lightning) hit people and trees; make rain when they open a vessel of water]: 132; Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 14-16, 88 [men shoot with bows in a tight string; ask children to go to their mothers, let them bring their husbands a drink; women do not fulfill this request; offended men make a fire, jump into it, shouting who is going to eat what bird become; they fly out of the fire in the guise of waterfowl, fly to the lake, drink plenty there; now they send thunder and lightning; they also brought people seeds of cultivated plants - corn, beans, pumpkins], 89 [ men shot at the target, sent women to get water, they didn't; they jumped into the fire, became thunderbirds that brought rain], 90, 101 [his wife's brother leaves the man in the tree, he turns in a stork, causes a thunderstorm, strikes his wife with lightning], 127, 128, 168 [(insert into the text with the motif K10); thunderbirds live in the sky behind the clouds and send rain]: 55-69, 216-218, 219, 223, 258, 292-294, 406; Lenghua: Grubb 1911 [people don't have fire, eat food raw; a hunter sees a bird bringing snails and frying them; tasting fried food when it flies away; brings fire; left without fire, Thunderbird punishes people by sending thunder and lightning]: 97-99, 125; Loewen 1969:115-116 [clouds are smoke emanating from the sky; birds bring rain vessels from the north; they don't want people to see them, so they hide behind the clouds; if they fall asleep, drought begins], 126-127 [good rainbirds are accompanied by evil thunder; they throw lightning, spreading their wings or throwing hot stones; thunder are their screams]; angaite [stepdad leaves the boy in a tree, he turns into a stork, causes a thunderstorm, strikes his stepfather with lightning]: Cordeu 1973, No. 7:204-205; poppy: Chase-Sardi 1970 [the country is located above the sky birds bringing clouds, rain, thunder and lightning; there is also a world of the dead, where souls drink alcohol and make love]: 242; Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a [like an angaite], No. 18, 19:72-74; toba [Boleh there is a thunderbird that lives with thunder]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 193:270; mokowi [during a drought, the chief gives three wild geese a drink; these birds have been producing rain ever since]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 218:265-266; caduveo: Oberg 1949 [Diguyélo lives on clouds; when it opens its wings, it rains]: 63 (Ribeiro 1950:13, note 13, quoting Oberg, calls this bird nanda); Ribeiro 1950 [partridge produces thunder and lightning]: 14.

Southern Brazil. Ache: Cadogán 1962a, No. 7 [Urutau (Nictibius griseus), a dove is a Thunder bird, but Thunder (Chono) is a special creature, he is the father of Urutau, a pigeon, seagulls; there are other birds producing wind and lightning: hummingbirds, Dromococcyx phasianellus, etc.; various Thunder birds are migratory]: 72-75; 1968:81; mbia [migratory birds are birds of Thunder]: Cadogán 1968:81; Apapakuwa [Tupa produces thunder as he heads across the sky to Creator Nyandesi's house; he sits on his bench, which looks like a dump boat; there are two birds on either side of him iwiraya (like swallows; rain clouds?) ; T. produces a zipper by touching the botok in his lip]: Nimuendaju 1914:323, 399-400.