Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I100. Pleiades - girls, women. .10.-.19.21.-.23.26.-.29.31.-.34.36.37.-.

Pleiades are a group of girls or women (with children).

Hottentots, Douala, Bangala, Chamba, Joluo, Manja, Gbaya, Murle, Tuaregs, Berbers Morocco, Arabs Morocco (Tetouan), Latins, Sinai Bedouins, Iraq, Germans, Narran, kamilaroi, Southwestern Australia, Yualarai, Pitjanjara, Arunta, Bunya Bunya, Dieri, Virageri, Bardi, Bukavak, Gedaged, Bilau, Takia, Solomon Islands (FL), Sema, Miri, Meitei, Sree, Nepal, Ancient India, Hindi, Himachali Pahari, Bengalis, Chinese, Ancient Greece, Greeks, Luzhitans, Poles, Kashubians, Czechs, Slovaks, (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians), Ossetians, Nogais, Eastern and Western Sami, Kazan Tatars, Kazakhs, Khakas, Evenki Birars, Negidals, Orochi, Udege, Manchus, Ainu, Chukchi, Asian Eskimos, Hurons, Seneca, Delaware, Kuapo (?) , kiowa, yurok, karok, pomo, atsugevi (?) , salinan, oloni, yokutz, dumna yokutz, kawaiisu, monache, northern payut, southern uté, cahuilla, luiseño, serrano, gabrielino, diegueño (kamia), mojave, kiliwa, paypai, pima, papago, tarahumara, carinha, kalinha, aymara, chamacoco.

SW Africa. The Hottentots [The Pleiades are Orion's wives, who put him out because he missed and did not catch the game]: Sicard 1966:44.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Ngala [Pleiades - Dancing Girls]: Weeks 1909:417 at Hirschberg 1929:327; Douala [Pleiades - Dancing Girls]: Lederbogen 1904:60 in Hirschberg 1929:327

West Africa. Chamba [Pleiades - Dancing Girls]: Frobenius (Atlantis V) at Hirschberg 1929:327

Sudan - East Africa. Cuff [Orion is Seto's cultural hero with his hands up, looking at the Pleiades, a group of girls he wants to master and who will later become his wives; Orion's Belt is his penis; neighbors the gang's cuff is also called Orion Seto]: Sicard 1966:44; gbaya [the Pleiades distinguish seven stars, "little girls"; Orion is the horn of the first ancestor of Uantu; Orion's Belt - Wantu Horn Belt; Sword Orion is the tip of the horn, Betelgeuse in the middle of the horn hole]: Tessmann 1937:84; joluo ["The Cavirondo Nilots have about the same story as the ancient Greeks, but I never I heard this from Bantu "]: Stam in Hirschberg 1929:327; murle [Maindherbo and his wife are the first people to descend from heaven to earth; the wife gave birth to 8 sons and 8 daughters twice, then the same number; they separated, then met, got married; elderly M. stayed at home, dwarfs came with dogs, killed him and ate him; wives and daughters returned, burned sleeping dwarfs; daughters left the ground out of grief, became Pleiades]: Lewis 1971:131-132

North Africa. Tuaregs: Basset 1910 [The Pleiades are "daughters of the night"; six stars are known by name, the seventh is the eye of the young man who followed them]: 16; Nicolas 1957 (Niger) [Pleiades: Daughters of the Night," "Camel," camel head", "blacksmith", "le faon de gazelle", "traite des chèvres", "teenage girl star"]: 54; Bernus, AG-Sidiyene 1989 (Ahaggar) [Orion is a "guide"; Orion's sword is his sexual organ, Rigel is one of the legs, the left and right arms are Betelgeuse and Bellatrix; the Pleiades ("daughters of the night") are the wives of Aldebaran and Orion; these are six women, and the seventh star is a boy from whom Orion took his eye payment for the portion of Boerhavia spp grain given to him. ]: 145; Moroccan Berbers (sushi) [the Susis of Morocco link the Pleiades to dancing girls]: Hagar 1906:360; Arabs (?) Morocco (Tetouan) [during Ramadan, seven girls took a dog and went to the desert to eat there, breaking the fast; God made them the Pleiades; whoever wants to break the fast can look up to the Pleiades in the sky (Sorayas)]: Thay Thay 2001, No. 8:12.

Southern Europe. Latins ["Astronomy" by Marc Manilius (1st century): "a stellar cloud of divine Pleiades maidens" (trans. E.M. Steerman)]: Manil. Astr. IV. 521-522; [Pleiade Sisters]: Manil. Astr. V. 141-142, 710-711.

Western Europe. Germans: Dähnhardt 1910 [=Balzamo, Kaiser 2004, No. 12:24; East Prussia: husband mistreated his wife and seven children; they turned to God; God punished her husband by making a cuckoo a woman with turned children into stars; his wife became the Evening Star, the children of the Pleiades; while cuckoo Pleiades hide; 2) Mecklenburg: The Pleiades are the wife and children of the Cuckoo; 3) Pomerania: the husband quarreled with his wife, became cuckoo, wife with Pleiades children]: 426-427; Grimm 1883 [(=Dähnhardt 1909:127); Christ, passing by the bakery, asked the owner for bread, who refused; but the baker's wife and her six daughters secretly they fed Christ; for this he placed them in heaven, making them the Pleiades; punished her husband, turning them into a cuckoo; while she cuckoo, the Pleiades are not visible in heaven]: 729.

Western Asia. Iraqi Arabs [Pleiades - Girls Who Died of Grief]: El-Shamy 1995:44; Sinai Bedouins [Pleiades - "Seven Girls"]: Henninger 1954:112

Australia. All Aboriginal Australians [across Australia, the Pleiades are "Seven Sisters"; they usually run away from an Orion man or six sisters are trying to help a seventh]: Johnson 2011:293; wilman [Degindie with his wife, two teenage sons, younger children, and his girlfriend Wardah, whom he is raising as his sons' future wife, meets Kar Kar men; they hunt together but then want to KK pick up W.; D. and everyone with him fights back, but he and his sons die; the wind raises them to the sky; D. and his sons are the three stars of the Orion Belt; in the same place (some stars) KK; wife D., W. and the children go to their the former territory; the wind begins, the children are covered with skin, the wind takes everyone to heaven, they turn into the Pleiades; wife D. and W. are brighter stars, children are dim]: Hassell 1934:236-238; kamilaroi [a group of men drove a group of women to the top of a pine tree; Bhaiami (the Creator) helped them climb into heaven, they became Pleiades; the men were led by Orion, who has a belt and a boomerang]: Greenway 1878 Waterman 1987, No. 260:34; Southwestern Australia [like Camilaroa]: Ridley 1875:141 in Waterman 1987, No. 260:34; bardy [for a locally educated Aboriginal, the 7 Pleiades sisters - favorite story] : Johnson 2011:294; Yualayi: Parker 1965:109-111 [Wurrunah met seven well-received female sisters; walked away, hid, stole two digging sticks; these two girls stayed looking for them, V. grabbed them, married them; one day, against their will, he sent them to tear the bark; the wives stuck their hatchets in the trunks, climbed trees, they grew up to the sky, they joined their sisters; now all seven are seen as Pleiades] (=Parker 1896:43-46 in Lessa 196:141, 154; in Dixon 1916:294-295); Parker 1965:123-125 [the seven Pleiades sisters are beautiful, their bodies shine with icicles; Berei-Berei boys (Belt and Sword Orion) watch how they find and collect honey; old Varunna kidnapped two girls, tried to melt their icicles, but only extinguished the fire; they returned to heaven to their sisters, but V.'s fire made V. the rest; the BB died of grief, they also rose to heaven; at night they dance to the Pleiades singing; once a year, the Pleiades throw ice on the ground; a piece of ice is pressed against the children's noses, a bone or straw is inserted into the nose; a relative of the Pleiades laughed as he watched the two sisters run away from V.; he still laughs, he is the Laughing Star (Venus); when it's thunder in winter, it's the Pleiades who swim]; bunya bunya [the hunter wants the eldest out of seven sisters; extinguishes her fire, each comes to light it, he grabs the last; others burn it, burns turn into stinking ulcers that do not heal; the older sister gives birth to a girl; sisters, taking a girl, they climb a rope into the sky, turn into the Pleiades; only the fourth has the power to lure a person to follow, cuts off the rope; fishermen find a stinking body, bring it to Merovrang (assistant creator); he puts it in his bag, cures it; the hunter violates the prohibition not to touch his savior, falls like a boomerang; M. throws him five times; the boomerang goes to heaven, becomes a young month]: Waterman 1987, #285:35; Pitjanjara [old Yoola has been chasing seven sisters for a long time; finally creating cliffs around them, they jump into the pond, drown, he's behind them; their souls go up into the sky, turn into seven stars (probably the Pleiades), Yoola becomes a bright star nearby that haunts them {Aldebaran?}] : Robertson 1956:84-85; arunta [Pleiades - women in heaven]: Spencer, Gillen 1938:566; Dieri [two groups of girls wandering, taking to heaven on a hairline, alone turning into Pleiades, others into the Orion Belt]: Howitt 1904:478-479 (apparently a reference to the same story in Poingnant 1967:118); andaharinja [during the girl's initiation, women perform the Seven ritual Sisters]: Johnson 2011:293; Western Australia [the female organizer played the role of Njuru (Orion Men) who chased sisters across Western Australia; the sisters hid in a cave but Orion did catch and rape one of them; because the girl was Father N.'s (classification) sister, this act is considered incest and she fell ill and died; the remaining 6 sisters continued to flee; stopped and sat on the ground, and N. sent his penis to one of them underground; but the women let the dogs down, they bit off the penis and it became an independent creature Jula]: Johnson 2011:293; warangerie [Pleiades are a group of young women digging ant eggs with digging sticks with burning coals at the ends; the Raven (Crow) tricked them into their diggers; by order of Bunjil (the supreme deity) , musk-crow {=Raven?} caused a whirlwind that took the women of the Pleiades to heaven; fire can be seen at the ends of their digs]: Howitt 1904:430; chepara (Mungulkabultu) {after a bloody clash between the inhabitants of the coast and those who lived further from he, seven girls, one of them wounded, first turned into tree larvae, and then took to heaven with a man; the girls became the Pleiades (the wounded, slightly apart from the others), and the man Aldebaran; similar ideas about the Pleiades are common everywhere in Queensland}: Peck 2010:205-215.

Melanesia. Meyah (mansibaber) [Alcyona is older sister, the rest of the Pleiades are younger]: Maaβ 1933:288; Bukavak [Pleiades are sisters, Alciona is the eldest of them]: Lehner 1931b: 114; hedaged , bilhau, takia (Melanesians on the north coast of New Guinea, Madang Province) [Pleiades are unmarried girls associated with therapeutic and fertility rituals]: Ross et al. 2007:171; Florida (Solomon Islands) [Pleiades - group of girls, Orion Belt - warboat]: Codrington 1891:348 (quoted in Nilsson 1920:124, in Andrew 1893:363).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Sema [The Pleiades are "star princesses"; girls were spinning and preparing a drink in a wealthy house; they were killed by attacking enemies; they still dance in the sky as they did on earth]: Hutton 1968:251 (= Krappe 1938:150); Miri [Orion Belt - young man or boy chasing Pleiade girls across the sky]: Hutton 1925:114.

Burma - Indochina. Sre [after training the first generation of people, Surden ("a cultural hero of Ma, Sre and other peoples in southern Vietnam") took to heaven; placed the constellations so that people could shape their location do the right things; the Pleiades were seen as a stupa and women bringing down rice in it, the Virgo constellation as a plow, Ursa Major as a boat; ma and sre were descendants of Surden]: Chesnov 1982a: 428.

South Asia. Nepal [Swasthani, listed in Sanskrit in 1573; the story is structured as a dialogue between Shiva and Parvati); Agni could not swallow the fruit, spit it it it out; the fruit caught fire, formed a fire; one of the wives of seven wise men, Saptarishi told me to beware of him, the other six came up and became pregnant; their husbands drove them away; they miscarried on the banks of the Ganges, they rose to heaven, became the constellation of Shatkarttika or Criticism]: Shrestha 1996:12-13; Ancient and India and modern Hindi-speaking populations [Shatapatha Brahmana (no later than 6th century BC); "After all, they (the Critics, i.e. Pleiades stars) were before the wives of the Bears: for the Seven Rishis were originally called Bears. (But) they (the Crittics) were forbidden to (continue) marital relations (with their husbands); and (now the Seven Rishis go back to the north, and they (the Critics) go back to the east..." "Agni them (Critic) lover"; the Mahabharata and Puranas add, or at least for the first time, the motif of the star Alcor as an element associated with the Pleiades; Alcor is Arundhati, a faithful wife Vasishthi's rishi, who remained with him (i.e. under the star Mitsar), while the wives of the other six rishis, after committing real or mental adultery with God Agni, were expelled by their husbands and formed Pleiades constellation; Agni was considered his patron; during the wedding ritual, the newlywed, when asked if she saw Alcor, had to answer "I see", thereby declaring loyalty to her husband; this custom persisted in many parts of India, and some other newlyweds were required to look at the North Star as a symbol of constancy]: Vasilkov 2015:15-16; Himachali plowmen (Kullu Valley) [sot begin.i, sat behin.i krikiti (Seven sisters; krikiti by Critica, informants don't understand etymology); these sisters shared tilkadana (sesame seed) and ate it - so all food must be shared between relatives, everything is not the same]: A.S. Krylova, E.A. Renkovskaya (field materials, October 2016); Bengalis [like Miri: The Orion Belt is a young man chasing Pleiades]: Hutton 1925:123.

China - Korea. Chinese: Sima Qian 2004 [Mao, also known as Mao-tou ("Shaggy Head"), colloquially referred to as Seven Sisters]: 119, 270 (comm.); Allen 1899 [Pleiades - seven sisters of industry), their revered by girls and women; this is a barbarian star hu, also serves for mourning meetings in white clothes "]: 393.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Simonides of Keos (c. 556 - c. 468 BC): "... And this gift gives you /Hermes the Contestant, son/Highly Mountain Maya, who/Atlas gave birth more beautiful than all of the seven/ Blue-haired daughters,/Called by the Celestial Pleiades..." (per. M.L. Gasparova)]: Sim. Fr. 50 (West) = 21 (Gasparov); [about the Pleiades: "Seven daughters born by Atlanta, /Sorry for their Father under heavenly burden, /In the heights of the night, like visions, /Wingless were pigeons" (trans. M.L. Gasparova)]: Aesch. Fr. 312 (Radt) = 201 (Gasparov); ["Apparitions" by Arat Soliysky (ca. 315 - ca. 240 BC): "The Pleiades are rushing. For everyone, a small space is enough/ And they are not bright enough for direct observations./People's rumor attributed seven separate paths to them/But the human eye can only distinguish six in the sky. It has never been in the memory of a mortal family, /For the star to disappear from Zeus at least once, /Still, in defiance of seven, he calls legend. /Their names are Keleno, Alkyon, Merop, Electra, /Also Sterop , Taygeta and Lady Maya with them" (trans. A.A. Rossius)]: Arat. Phaen. 255-263; ["Catasterisms" by Pseudo-Eratosthenes (1st to 2nd centuries): "The Pleiades are located at the place where the so-called Taurus back ends. Since the constellation is made up of seven stars, it is believed that they are daughters of Atlanta. That is why it is also called the Seven Star. But not all seven stars are visible, but only six. The reason for this is explained something like this: six daughters of Atlanta met with gods, and one with a mortal. Of these, three were combined with Zeus: Elektra, from whom Dardan was born; Maya, from whom Hermes; Taygeta, from whom Lakedemon; two were combined with Poseidon: Alkyona, from whom Iriay; Keleno, from whom Lick; Finally, Steropa met Ares and gave birth to him Enomai, and Meropa to mortal Sisyphus, and therefore she is completely invisible in heaven" (trans. A.A. Rossius)]: Ps. -Erat. Cataster. XXIII; [Myths attributed to Guy Julius Gigin, who lived at the turn of the era, but most likely date back to the 1st and 2nd centuries: The Pleiades are sisters, daughters of Atlanta and Pleion; they died of tears, grieving the death of their brother Hyanta, and became stars]: Hyg. Fab. 192; Greeks (various regions, particularly the Cyclades) [six Pleiade Sisters killed the seventh, so it's hard to see it]: Mladenova 2006:96.

Central Europe. Poles: Gładyszowa 1960:19-20 ["women", "grandmas", group of women; map 3], 25 [the names "women" and "hen and chickens" sometimes merge into one image]; Niebrzegowska 1999 [Pleiades -" women", "girls"; 1) Christ passed by the girls who did not pay attention to him, he placed them in heaven; 2) to reward the cook and her six daughters who gave him bread, Christ placed them on sky]: 146; Kashubians [Pleiades - "women"]: Gulgowski 1910:24; Luzhitans: Gibbon 1972 [Pleiades - women]: 245; Czechs: Dänhardt 1909 [Christ and his disciples went to the bakery, asked bread; the owner refused, but the hostess gave it; Christ placed her and her children in heaven, these are the Pleiades, and turned the owner into a cuckoo]: 127; Russians, Ukrainians [Pleiades are girls]: Gładyszowa 1960: map 3; Russians ["women"]: Ruth 1976:33; Russians [Pleiades - women]: Gładyszowa 1960: map 3; Ukrainians [Women are stars of the Pleiades. Vergili (a) e (1650)]: Slavinetsky, Koretsky-Satanovsky 1974:423; Belarusians [one case near the border with Lithuania and Latvia; everywhere in mainland Poland]: Avilin 2015, map 3.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians: Miller 1882 [the young men asked the seven Pleiade sisters to do the work to see which one is better; they finished sewing at the same time; they said that only God knows which one is better and worse, let him place them in the sky]: 300; Chursin 1925a [Pleiades, called awd-hoe "seven sisters", stand out from the constellations]: 81; Nogais [Pleiades are seven sisters, but one of them is Ulpildek-Kulpildeck has appeared and disappeared; the Kambar star wants to know where, so it approaches Ulker; when it is closest, a starfall occurs]: Kapaev 2012:373.

Baltoscandia. Sami: Porsanger 2005 [Pleiades: Sarvaagalba "bull deer+shield" (?) , Roavggut, "pelt rug", Nieidagearregat, "conference of girls", Boares aahku, "an old woman who chases a moose deer with her dogs"]: 26-27; Rydving 2008 [Sami Pleiades designation: Nieidagearret, from nieida "girl" and gearret "court" (the same Sami Inari word sounds like Nieidâkäregáááh); Nieidagihppu by nieida 'girl' and gihppu "bunch, aggregate"; Nieidacoahkás by nieida "girl"․ and coahkás "core (herds)"; the Sami Lule's common word for the Pleiades is Sjuhtjunisá, and in Southern Sami it is Tjï jhtjenaestieh by tjïhtje "seven" and naestieh "stars"]; Czarnoluski 1930 [Pleiades - Nijdi kerigaj ("girls are running" {or "dancing"?})] : 48; Gibbon 1972 [Pleiades - Group of Girls]: 242; Gładyszowa 1960 [Pleiades - Group of Girls]: Map 3; Lundmark 1982 [the most common Sami designation for Pleiades is nieida-gäreg ("group, a crowd of girls")]: 105; Sami Skolts [seven girls hunted deer, got nothing; left rührstab for the cauldron in the camp site; the raven who was flying for them sat on fir and began to shout that I was amazed how the hunters left such a thing, probably women, women should not hunt; out of shame, the girls took to heaven and became the Pleiades]: Paulaharju in Lundmark 1982: 105.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [riddle: "Six girls carry water on rocker arms every night. Eleven young men, huddled together, look at them from the side" (Pleiades and the constellation Libra {?})] : Makhmutov 2013, No. 94:44.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Abishev 1949 [The Pleiades were seven sisters, one girl was stolen, six left]: 14 in Nikonov 1980b: 296; Potanin 1883, No. 35k (at art. Semiyarskaya on the Irtysh) [The Jety-Karaksha had seven brothers; they stole one of their two daughters from Urker (Pleiades); the stolen name was Kalpe, the rest of Zurya]: 200, 784 [(according to Valikhanov, hand); Big Dipper - Jets Karachi, the souls of seven robbers who stole during the day and repented at night, for which they were turned into stars after death; these seven thieves have a kidnapped daughter Pleiades].

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [Khan Chigetey is the father of the Pleiades; once seven Khan brothers stole one of his daughters; he rushed in pursuit, but the brothers on the mirrored surface of Heavenly Lake Tigir Köl climbed the sky turned into seven stars of Ursa Major; HC shot them with a bow and nailed them to the sky with an arrow; since then, Ursa Major has been circling around the HC arrow, which became the North Star; Alcor - HC's stolen daughter; the remaining 6 sisters are the Pleiades; HC himself has become the constellation of Boopas and is always chasing Ursa Major; when he catches up with seven Khan brothers, the last year of peace will come]: Butanayev 2003:48; Tuvans [swords (Pleiades) were called the constellation of women; it used to have 7 stars, now 6; Dolan Burkhan (Ursa Major) took one; after that, it became warmer on earth]: Dyakonova 1976:286.

Eastern Siberia. Evenki-birary [Nadan unil ("seven maidens")]: Vasilevich 1969:211.

Amur - Sakhalin. Negidals [Pleiades - Nada Asikhan ("seven girls", or rather "seven women"]: A.M. Pevnov, personal report, field materials from the 1980s; Orochi: Aurora, Lebedeva 1978 [Pleiades - Nada Khatala ("seven sisters")]; Podmaskin 2006 [Pleiades - Nada Khatala ("seven sisters"); first there were six star sisters, the youngest Payanga lived on earth; her husband did not feed her, she flew to heaven, now near the Pleiades]: 433; 2013 [six stars that shone brightly served evil spirits, caused disease and pestilence]: 126; Udege people: Podmaskin 2006 [Pleiades - Nada Aziga ("seven sisters"); Nada amanda (" seven prostitutes"), Nada Bionta ("seven bald guys"), Nada Kekevse ("seven slaves")]: 433 (=1998:33); Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010 [=Podmaskin 2013:125; seven twin girls flew to the sky, became the Pleiades (Nada Aziga); the hunter saw the sisters go down, left their clothes on the rocks, sailed into the sea; hid the clothes alone, she had to marry him; children were born; once a wife saw her sisters go up to the sky, followed them; her husband followed them in the skin of a red deer; seven sisters dived into the sea and hid, the husband remained in the sky; then the sisters took to heaven, on earth cold weather came]: 15; Nanais [Pleiades - Nadan Patalan ("seven girls"); seven heavenly girls were walking in the upper world; saw a bride on her way to her future husband's house; hurrying to look at her, crossed her path; it's forbidden, for which they were turned into stars; the bride turned into Giamata Hosiktani ("bride star")]: Y.Sam in Podmaskin 2006:433; Manchus [ Yeluri plunged space into darkness with a demonic tornado; to give light to the world, the goddess of fire gave all her light and thus sacrificed herself; this was learned by the 7 goddesses who jumped out of the Ulden star bag Hehe to become a pyramid of stars; a demonic wind scattered them and only 7 remained in the sky by the Pleiades; the Pleiades were considered the main constellation, more important than the Ursa Major] :Baker 2004:40 ( =Bäcker 2000:4).

Japan. Ainu [1) were six hard-working sisters; when their father was picked up by a bear and their mother left grieving and did not return, they became lazy; they lived in the mountains in spring and summer, begged in autumn and winter; god of heaven became angry, turned them into the Pleiades arwan nochiu ("idle stars"), showing up during winter storms and spending time underground in warm spring; 2) the stars of the Orion Belt are three hard-working young men who lived near these sisters; young men and they were advised to work harder; tried to grab them, but the sisters sailed away in the boat; when the god of heaven turned the girls into stars, he did the same to the boys, making them a good example for people]: Nokiri 1973:188-196 {per. X. Yamada}.
SV Asia. Chukchi [Orion is a archery with a humpback; Orion's belt is his back, the Sword is the genital organ; Leo is Krivospinnik's wife, who was jealous of the Pleiades and hit him with a cutting board, which caused him his back became hunchback; after a fight he kicked his wife out; the Pleiades are a "group of women" (six); Krivospinnik tried to marry one of them, but they drove him away because of his too big organ; he became shoot them, they ran away; Aldebaran is an arrow that did not reach the women; the Kolyma Chukchi say that the arrow was stuck in the net (small stars) that the Pleiades cover themselves]: Bogoraz 1939:24 (=Bogoras 1907: 308-309).

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [Pleiades - group of girls]: Krupnik 2000:395; Ushakov 2001:172.

Northeast. Hurons (Viandot) [(Connelly, Wyandot Folk-Lore, 109-111); the Sun and Moon have many children, including six twin daughters; they sing and dance, despite the Sun Father's ban, have come down to visit Viandot; when they returned, their father sent them to a place where they can hardly be seen; these are the Pleiades, The Singing Girls]: Miller 1997:56-57; Seneca [a young man named Elk lived with his uncle; saw seven dancers by the river Pleiade sisters; they went down to earth in a basket, were getting ready to go back; he grabbed the youngest, persuaded him to become his wife; she took him to heaven; her father took him apart by his dicks and reassembled him, making him strong; the young man and his wife were lowered to the ground; in the village they said that an old man and his nephew lived a hundred years ago; tired of living on earth, they returned to heaven; the star remained paler than his sisters, the young man continued hunt]: Parker 1989 [1923], No. 6:86-87; Delaware [people burned several witches; the Creator punished them for this with a blizzard and an earthquake; people told "clean" children to offer prayers; children began take to the sky; trying to stop them, they were whipped with clothes stained with menstrual blood; seven girls were left unsoiled and turned into Pleiades]: Bierhorst 2995, No. 157:66 (=Lankford 2007:169).

Plains. Kiowa [Pleiades - girls]: Mooney 1898b: 239; kuapo [a circle of stars one in the middle is called "dancing girls"; unidentified]: Dorsey 1895:130

California. Yurok: Kroeber 1976, No. P7 [Pleiades dance at night; Coyote wants too, dies from fast dancing, is thrown away; he comes to life, jumps down from the sky; only his bones reach the ground; he comes to life again]: 368-369; Sapir 1928, No. 5 [in the spring it snowed after the heat, the Coyote's children froze to death; Coyote went to look for the Sun; gave man dentalium shells, he brought him to heaven; Coyote came to at home, heard the Sun calling him by name; when everyone fell asleep, hit him on the head and killed him; came to seven star girls, they were always dancing, moving, always together; wanted to be with them; they he was dragged, his second leg came off; in the morning he jumped from heaven to the ground; his grandmother collected his bones, the next day the Coyote came to life]: 256-257; Karok [Pleiades - seven dancing girls; Coyote wants to join them; they warn him that he will get tired; he doesn't listen, he dances; wants to go to urinate; they don't let him in; he urinates, defecates, all parts of his body fall off; just his dancing ass stays in the sky]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. A9:16; pomo (kashaya) [Pleiades - seven sisters in a basket]: Martina Morgan, member of the Kashai community, personal report on May 26, 2017; atsugevi [ seven sisters danced during the initiation, a young rabbit seduced them; out of shame they rose up and became a constellation (Pleiades?)] : Garth 1953:195; salinan [The Pleiades are seven sisters who, after death, rose to heaven one by one; Coyote also became the star following them]: Harrington (the material was identified and provided by M.A. Zhivlov); Oloni [Pleiades - Seven Sisters]: Hudson 1982:110; dumna jokutz [six young women left their husbands to heaven because there was no fire and they were cold; husbands followed them, this is constellation "young men" {Hyades?}] : Gayton, Newman 1940, No. 24:29; Yokutz: Gayton, Newman 1940, No. 15 (central foothills, Vukchumni) [six young women collected wild bulbs; their husbands went to hunt for a cougar, every time they returned with nothing; they scolded their wives, who smelled of onions; the wives decided to run away, were pregnant alone, sat on a rock, water poured from her nose, the woman turned to stone; mother-in-law was shown to their daughters-in-law porridge to lure them, but they ran to heaven; husbands chase them (Taurus stars, identification is unreliable) but can't catch up]: 26; Kroeber 1907a, No. 20 [(tachi band); five girls sang and danced at night in the sky; Flea was with them, they did not want other men; in the summer he became a flea, began to itch; they ran away, went up to heaven; he looked for his wives, followed him; the Pleiades were five stars in a bunch and one a little further away; (note 1; people of the Yaudanchi group say that the Pleiades are girls who rose into the sky; one was pregnant, stayed on the ground, turned into a rock; a star or stars nearby - following they are boys]: 213-214; kawaiisu [some versions of the stories "Coyote Marries Daughter" and "Coyote and Canadian Geese" end with the Coyote family or Goose girls rising to heaven, where turn into Pleiades; the Coyote can neither follow them nor convince them to return and dies]: Zigmond 1980:16; monach [six women find previously unknown bulbs, eat them; husbands It smells disgusting, they tell their wives to sleep outside; they go up to the sky, turn into the Pleiades; husbands can't catch up with them, they turn into a Taurus constellation]: Deep River 1999:48-51 (=Monroe, Williamson 1987:9-12); luiseño [seven Pleiade sisters throw a rope to Coyote; he climbs to heaven, they cut off the rope, he falls; turns into Aldebaran]: DubOis 1908:164; serrano [Coyote pretends to be Aldebaran]: Dubois 1908:164; serrano [Coyote pretends dying; tells his three daughters not to look back at his funeral fire, go to his brother, that exact copy of it; an imaginary uncle offers his youngest marriage; daughters suspect deception, run to heaven, turn into Pleiades; the Coyote sees their reflection in the pond; the youngest agrees to go down, put his father on his back and pick her up; he tries to copulate with her; she throws him to the ground, he breaks]: Benedict 1926, No. 9:11; Gabrielino [the husbands of seven sisters hide their meat from them; they rise to the sky, turn into the Pleiades; the youngest man did not deceive his wife, he is allowed to follow sisters; he turns into Taurus; {Aldebaran? Are the rest in animals?}] : Kroeber 1925:624-625; cahuilla [Tukwishhemish woman laughed without opening her mouth; once she opened it, three girls saw that she had three rows of upper teeth; began to laugh; she rose to shame the sky became a star; those three girls also turned into stars (apparently the Pleiades; the other four stars are their jewelry); before she rose to heaven, no one thought about marriage; Isilihnup (Coyote) and Holinach - two men began to look for these girls; I. woke up at night, saw them in a smoke hole; put a stick in the hearth, threw it into the sky, followed it, became a star; ash has been pouring down from the stick, since then ash to frost ]: Hooper 1920:365-366.

Big Pool. Northern Payutes [The Month has seven Pleiades; Venus is his son]: Powell 1971:229; Southern Utah: Givón 2013, No. 5 [Sinawav sees seven cranes, they are flying to fight, he asks to take him from by themselves; the cranes each gave him a pen; but then S. wrote in front of them and, while he was sleeping, the cranes took their feathers and flew away; S. asks them to kill the pregnant woman and bring him fruit; the cranes did it, this the baby is a girl, S. raised her as a daughter; offered to go to his relatives; they decided to pass her off as the one who would win the run; there were fast runners: hummingbirds, blue jays, coyotes; but S. won (because he persuaded others to eat some meat; it's not very clear) and married a pupil; she gave birth to three daughters and a son; once S. hunted and broke his leg; the eldest daughter carried it on her back, and he picked up her clothes and met her (or tried to do so); said at home that he was ill; let him be put on a pile of brushwood when he dies and leave without looking back; the eldest daughter should be passed off as who would come on a white horse dressed in a cougar skin; the son looked around and noticed that S. had rolled down a pile of brushwood; the daughter was passed off as someone on a white horse; the son noticed that the daughter's husband did not have enough of the same teeth like the father; then the daughters took to heaven and became seven stars - the Pleiades (although previously said about three sisters, not seven); and the wolf (this is S.) howls at night]: 31-43; Smith 1992 (White River) Utah) [kisses his wife on the cheek when copulating; the family turns into the Pleiades, the husband into a coyote]: 68-70.

The Great Southwest. Diegeño (kamia) [Anyihai ("girls") - Pleiades or Hyades; early in time, the Wild Cat told people that when A. arrived in the east before dawn, plants should be planted]: Gifford 1931:66-67; mojave [at the end of the story, the hero turns five women into the Pleiades and they rise to the sky; his brother into a waterfowl (probably a snipe), the old man into an owl; decides to become a meteor and to fly to sea; changed his mind - flies south; changed his mind - to the east bank of the river; he became a rock there]: Kroeber 1948, No. 1:18-19; kiliwa [cf. Luiseño; Wild Cat had six girls; Coyote killed him, He took the girls for himself; those, avenging her husband, killed the Coyote, went to heaven, became the Pleiades]: Meigs 1939:15; paypay: Olmos Aguilera 2005 [Owl's daughters (tecolote) secretly went to heaven from Coyote; he heard the voice of one of them asked how they got in; they lowered his belt, he climbed, they cut him off, he fell and shattered; the grandmother found his bones, put him in a vessel, there were small coyotes in the morning; spread on the ground]: 95-97; Relatos Pai pai 1994 [A coyote boy molested six girls, they are tired, they have risen to heaven; they are daughters of an Owl (Tecolote), seen together; the Coyote heard them screaming, they lowered his belt; when he almost climbed in, one of the girls cut off her belt, Coyote crashed; his grandmother found bones, ground them, made cakes, put them in a pot; they turned into many coyotes, scattered across the ground]: 10-13 (same in Mixco 1997:255-256); Pima [Pleiades - Running Women]: Russel 1908:283-284; Papago [Pleiades - Homeless Women]: Miller 1997:208

NW Mexico. Tarahumara [husband is a bad hunter, wives become Pleiades; husband stays alone, becomes Coyote]: Lumholtz 1902 (1): 436.

Guiana. Cariña, Kalinha [people go to the plot, children stay alone in the village; seven sisters play; the storm is carried to heaven; become Pleiades]: Jara, Magaña 1983:125; Magaña 1983:32-33; Magaña, Jara 1982:119

The Central Andes. Aymara [Pleiades - a group of virgins]: Tejeíro 1955:77 in Urton 1981:113

Chaco. Ayoreo [Dayade chose to follow women who went to heaven and became the Pleiades (Ajideo); var: Ajideo is one woman, she was fun, she never painted herself]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 15:40; chamacoco [after coming out of the earth and seeing the first seven women, Dúkusy perfumes became their lovers; women gave birth to dumb children with piranha teeth and rare feathers on the body; the men were going to kill these women, they climbed a palm tree and from there to the sky, which was low; became the Pleiades; men also began to kill spirits, they turned into Nanda ostriches]: Escobar 2007:189- 190.