Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I100A. The Pleiades are a family.


Pleiades are a woman or man with children, members of the same family.

Isubu, Bafia, Germans, Old Testament, Karen, Nias, Tsou, ami, Bulgarians, Poles, Czechs, Belarusians, Russians (Kazan), Czechs, Danes, Swedes, Kawaiisu, Northern Payutes, Western Shoshones, Southern Payutes, Chemewevi, Navajo, Ashaninka.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Isubu [the constellation Bana ba Nyue ("Orphans"; judging by the figure in p. 61 - The Pleiades) is a man whose wife died and orphaned children stand in front of him]: Keller 1903:60-61; bafia [Pleiades - the only star object that stands out except the Evening Star; it is the father (in the middle) with his children (around him); during agricultural work (Zeit des Durrakornes), they stop right above village and then go back to the forest]: Tessmann 1934a: 218-219.

Western Europe. {It seems that all texts are recorded on former Slavic or Baltic territory}. Germans: Dähnhardt 1910 [original full text (Frischbier 1882:439-440) in Avilin 2015:83; East Prussia: husband mistreated his wife and seven children; they turned to God; God punished her husband by making him a cuckoo, turned a woman with children into stars; his wife became the Evening Star, the children of the Pleiades; while cuckoo, the Pleiades hide; 2) Mecklenburg: Pleiades - Cuckoo's wife and children; 3) Pomerania: husband quarreled with his wife, became a cuckoo, wife and children - Pleiades]: 426-427; Grimm 1883 [Christ, passing by the bakery, asked the owner for bread, he refused; but the baker's wife and her six daughters secretly fed Christ; for this he placed them in heaven, making them the Pleiades; punished her husband, turning her into a cuckoo; while she cuckoo, the Pleiades in heaven are not visible]: 729.

Western Asia. The Old Testament ["Created as, Kecil and Hima"; these are the Pleiades "family", Orion is "squirt or fool", Big Dipper is "lioness"]: Job, 9.9 (translation and comm. L.E. Kogan, personal message, April 21, 2014).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Nias [the year begins at the Pleiades sunrise; these are seven children who have risen to heaven; parents and a slave (Orion) followed them]: Loeb 1935:139.

Burma - Indochina. Karen: Marshall, p.53 in Hutton 1925 [three stars of the Orion Belt married the Pleiades]: 124; Mason 1865 [The Pleiades are a "big house", i.e. a family of originally seven, later six left; The older and younger brothers married two sisters from this family; while the husbands were fishing, Orion stole the wives; the brothers ran to scream, the elder threw the dart, but the youngest accidentally found himself behind him, he pushed the dart, which hit the sisters' house, partially knocking it down; Orion thought that the chase was behind, left the kidnapped, went swimming; the brothers took their wives, returned home, fixed it]: 235-236.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tsou: Yamada 2009b, No. 4 [During the millet harvest festival, six men went to the mountains against warning and were late for the festival; they sat on a board, climbed to the sky, became a constellation fkúu; since then, the Tsou have been hosting this festival when fkúu appears in the evening and disappears in the morning; Tung (1964:470) identifies fkúu with the Ursa Major, but Okada believes that the Big Dipper The bear is toantuhu, "of which there are no legends"], 5 [the brave hunter was upset that he returned to the village when the trophy heads festival had already begun; along with his family of seven and became two dogs into the constellation fkúu, which appears at sunset in June and sets at 7:30am west in April, followed by a star (constellation?) yungku is a dam that blocks the river during the course of fish; {fkúu cannot be a Ursa Major, definitely the Pleiades, which have a heliactic approach in May}]: 69, 69-60; ami [husband dies, Hongay takes a deer as a lover; gives birth to five half-reindeer; from her husband she has a son Poro; out of shame that they are freaks, all the children are gone, have become Pleiades (Matsumoto interpretation 1935:46); mother pierced her stomach with a deer horn, joined the children; there are now seven of them]: Yamada 2009b, No. 8:72.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [God warned the widow about the flood so that she could escape with her children and her only wealth - chicken and chickens; leaving town, the woman violated the ban not to look back and petrified with the children; only the chicken and the chickens survived, God turned them into stars; according to another version, the Lord turned the widow herself and her children into the Kvachka constellation]: Belova 2009.

Central Europe. Poles [to reward the cook and her six daughters who gave him bread, Christ placed them in heaven]: Niebrzegowska 1999:146; Czechs [Christ and his disciples went to the bakery, asked bread; the owner refused, but the hostess gave it; Christ placed her and her children in heaven, these are the Pleiades, and turned the owner into a cuckoo]: Dänhardt 1909:127; Belarusians ["Seven Children" (Sem Maltsa)]: Avilin 2015:83; Russians (Cheboksary University) Kazanskaya) [Pleiades - "Popov's Family"]: Potanin 1883:730.

Baltoscandia. Danes [the girl gave birth to seven illegitimate children; the man called them the children of a hooker; God turned him into a cuckoo, a woman with children in the Pleiades; they are not visible during the year when the cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo is cuckoo]: Dähnhardt 1910:427; the Swedes [the daughter of the Sun and Moon descended to earth, began to live with an old woman, spun a gold thread; the old woman talked about it, but the Sun sent such heat that people to the girl I had to go back to heaven; so twice; the third time she was found by a noble young man, married her; she does not talk about her parents; the old man accidentally overheard her say out loud: "I will not be the daughter of the Sun and Moons, if I can't extract this flower from the earth along with its roots"; this is how people found out who she is; she gave birth to six children; once asked Mother Moon (although in current cosmology, the moon is male, the sun is woman) pick her up with her children; a woman and her children went to heaven, became the Pleiades]: Balzamo 2011, No. 17:32-34.

California. Kitanemook [Coyote pretends to be fatally wounded by a bear; when his daughter carries him on her back, tries to copulate with her; she leaves him, sends her mother Frog for him; Coyote asks her to leave him at the funeral fire, pass him off as his friend living across the mountain; the "friend" agrees, fumigates the sun with tobacco so that night comes sooner; when hunting, the Coyote calls his son a son, not son-in-law; The frog squeezes seven little coyotes out of his daughter, roasts on charcoal; the Coyote comes, eats them; the mother, four daughters, the son go to heaven, along with the mother's hat are seen there as seven stars ( Obviously, the Pleiades); the Coyote notices their reflection in the water, they laugh at him; there is a group of three stars - the Coyote, his bow and arrow; both groups are far from each other because the Coyote failed to catch up with his family]: Zigmond 1980, #67:217-218; kawaiisu [some versions of the stories Coyote Marries a Daughter and Coyote and Canadian Geese end with the Coyote family or Goose girls rising to heaven, where turn into Pleiades; the Coyote can neither follow them nor convince them to come back and dies]: Zigmond 1980:16.

Big Pool. The Northern Payutes [seven small stars {obviously the Pleiades} are mother, son and five daughters; when they lived on earth, the father said he was dying, let them put him on a pile of firewood, set him on fire, and here But they would go away; but the son looked around and saw the father roll down from the fire; said to his mother, told him to run to heaven; the father looked for them, could not find a trace; the son laughed, the father looked up, but he was too old. to jump to the sky after his family; the father took aim, the son turned the arrow into three stars in a row; the father turned those who rose into stars and his son into a coyote; when the coyote howls, he misses his family]: Palmer 1946:11-14; Western shoshones [Coyote has six daughters and a young son; one day he returns to an empty house, finds something baked in the hearth, eats; hears laughter, his daughters say that he ate his own penis; they became Pleiades]: Smith 1993:58-59; Southern Payutes [It's possible that Seven Stars is not the Big Dipper but the Pleiades; Kelly 1955:410]: Lowie 1924, No. 9 (Moapa) [ Coyote goes with his mother-in-law to hunt rabbits, spent the night in a cave; he copulated with her all night, she died; Coyote tells his wife that they were attacked by enemies, pretends to die of his wounds; tells him to leave him at the funeral fire, do not look back; the little son sees him roll down from the fire; ten days later he returns, pretends to be a stranger, speaks with an accent; in the morning, when hunting, the son recognizes him, runs home; in the evening, Coyote finds no one, his family turned into Seven Stars], 9a (Moapa) [Coyote asks her daughter to fix the roof, sees her vagina from below, quietly inserts his spare penis into it, he stays in the vagina; the girl gets sick; the Drake heals her, takes her penis out, bakes her in ash; all of them, including Drake, go to heaven to become Seven Stars; Coyote comes home, eats his penis]: 172, 173; Sapir 1930, No. 18 (kaibab) [Coyote asks four daughters to cover the house with bark, he will see for himself if there are any holes; looks at their vaginas from below; pretends to be dying, telling him to leave him in the funeral room at the fire, leave without looking back; tells you not to receive strangers from the north, west and south, to accept whoever appears from the east on a black horse; the son of Coyote sees him roll down from the fire, they do not believe him; Coyote's daughters go to bed with someone from the east; the former wife tells her son to go with his son-in-law to hunt rats; he eats rats raw, the boy realizes it's a Coyote; the whole family runs away to heaven, leaving voices in the house like they're still there; Coyote tells them to be seven stars (Ursa Major? The informant is not sure), the wife tells Coyote to become a coyote]: 463-465; chemewevi: Laird 1974 [Coyote sees her mother-in-law's genitals when she weaves; invites her to hunt for rabbits; tells her to close herself from thorns, putting her skirt over her head; copulates her several times from behind; rapes her at night, killing her with his mysterious "heavenly penis"; asks his tail (possibly penis) what to say at home; that advises to explain everything by attacking the enemies who killed his mother-in-law and wounded him, the Coyote; the Coyote pierces his stomach, shoves the rabbit's giblets into the wound, leaving some of it hanging out; pretends to be dying; tells Three daughters marry someone who brings bison skins, and whoever brings paint does not go for him; Coyote's son Red Tail turns around, notices that the deceased has jumped off the funeral fire; the widow scolds son; Coyote turns yucca stalks into bison skins; the widow does not tell her daughters to accept the man who brought red paint; an unrecognized Coyote comes with imaginary bison skins; tells the wives to spread bed behind the house, copulates with them; when hunting, Coyote's son recognizes his father by his damaged head; runs home; mother and children rise to heaven; Coyote tells them to become Pleiades, and his wife tells them to become Pleiades, and his wife tells them to become Pleiades he will become a coyote]: 220-222 (retelling in Zigmond 1980:18-19); Laird 1976 [one of Coyote's daughters is feeling unwell; a summoned shaman sends Coyote, announces to the family that the girl is pregnant with her father; her the mother extracts the placenta (more logically, the embryo or embryos), throws it on hot coals; rises to the sky with her children and the shaman; the returning Coyote eats fried meat; sees those who have gone above, says that they will become the Pleiades; the wife replies that he will be a fall eater]: 156-157; see the F64A motive [a person feigns death, marries a daughter; his former wife, two daughters, and son turn into stars; if not otherwise: the person is a Coyote, the family turns into the Pleiades].

The Great Southwest. Walapai [Coyote rapes his eldest daughter; his wife and six daughters decide to change; they don't want to be pillars of the house, rocks, birds and animals (hunters kill animals, poles can be broken, stones used for the hearth); turn into Pleiades]: Kroeber 1935:264-266; Navajo [Pleiades are a family engaged in a planting in a D-like formation)]: Maryboy, Begay 2010:41.

Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka [Mashikinti (Pleiades) decided to become immortal and live in heaven; he and his family started drinking ayahuasca for the first time (people have been using it since then), sat on a balsa raft, and began to sing and dance, took it to heaven]: Weiss 1975:397 (translated to Zolezzi 2014, No. 20, Variant 2:199-200.