I100D. The stars are goats. .15.28.29.
Stars are associated with goats.
Southern Europe. Spaniards [Pleiades - Siete cabrillas, cabrillos ("seven goats" or "seven goats")]: Volpati 1932:196; Portuguese [as sete cabrínhas - "seven goats"]: Volpati 1932:198; Catalans: Amades 1930 (examples from Menorca and Ibiza) [Pleiades - Cabres (Cabrelles), "goats", "goats"; it is believed that they sometimes go down and run on the ground]: 119; Volpati 1932 [including Mallorca]: 198 .
Central Europe. Ukrainians (Nemirov, Kharkov) [Mystery: "DAC, DAC, basuye across the field, prancing with tsapenyats, poti bude gartsyuvati, don't sleep vovk" (goat, goat, jumps across the field, prances with goats, until then He will prance until the wolf sleeps). The answer: moon and stars while it's night]: Nomis 1864:291.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Lucky [goats (C|Urtti) jumped steep; the goat turned to the Hall to pick them up, since they are so eager to go to the sky; the goats became stars (C|Urtti); when they see their mother, they fall from the sky wanting to be with her]: Khalidova 2012, No. 32:53; (cf. Avars [Pleiades - Blind Sieves; when they appear, shepherds drive the lambs into the gorge; if they see the Pleiades rise above the horizon, everyone will die; the light of the Pleiades is destroyed for the lambs]: Khalidova 2012, No. 177: 207, 263 (note).