I104. Stars are shards .
Stars are formed from body particles, fragments of a larger star (usually a month); stars (usually also the sun, moon) are formed from the body of one creature.
Rega, Dagari, Berbers of Tunisia (Matmata), Germans (Rhine Province), French (Limousin), Buka, Gilbert Islands, Minyong, Kachin, India (Hindi), Juang, Baiga, Bondo, Condas , ibanas, dusun, wana, banggai, bicol, manobo, mandaya, bagobo, moro, blaan, manuvu, tvoli, atayal, tayal, ancient China, Chinese (Sichuan), Yao, Lee, Koreans, Belarusians, Karelians, Estonians, Ingrians, Central Yakuts, Nanais, Wilta, Chukchi, Koyukon, Haida, Seneca, Hopi, Zunyi, Sumu, Carijona, Kashinahua.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Rega [The Sun is evil, brings disease, the Month is good; the stars are the fragments of the moon]: Delhaise 1909:215.
West Africa. Dagari [chief: whoever admires my dog will have to eat it and then be executed; whoever admires my daughter will spend the night with her, then be executed too; one person praised the dog she was killed, given to him, he did not eat out of grief, was executed in the morning; the girl who admired was locked with her, they ran across the river, taking kauri money with them; there the old woman said that they would be offered a dressed tail and told guess which animal he belongs to; the unguessed one will be executed, the guesser will become the chief and the former will be executed; the old woman said what kind of tail it is {it is clear from the following that it is a cow}; the leader is executed, young man becomes a chief; his wife and old woman both want a tail; the young man throws his tail - whoever grabs it will get; the tail flew to heaven, became the moon, and the fur became stars]: Métuolé Somba 1991:181-183.
North Africa. The Berbers of Southern Tunisia: Basset 1903, No. 8 (Djerba) [lah'd Ou Sliman n Imiladen met a shepherd who offered to answer the question of what is happening to the moon after it gets old and disappears; if he does not answer, he will kill him, and if he answers, he will give him a lamb; Jahmed: stars are made from the fragments of the moon; the shepherd gave him a lamb]: 23-24; Pâques 1964 (Matmata) [Raven, seeing how thin the Jackal, brings him to heaven, he bites off a piece of the moon there; the Raven later dumps it, the Jackal falls into the swamp; falling, promises God to build him a domed mausoleum (qubba) if he remains alive; in the myth, the Jackal bites off one piece, can't get away from the moon for 28 days, then bites off the second; each of the bitten pieces fell into a star; these are two winter stars, six of them (sic!) Ursa Major stars, with six more (actually 7) constellations]: 186-187.
Western Europe. Germans (Rhineland) [a child asks where the old moons go; the mother replies that God breaks them with a sugar hammer, makes stars out of fragments]: Krappe 1938:111; French (Limousin) [West 1815; God makes stars out of the old moon every month]: Sébillot 1906:10 (quoted in Krappe 1938:111).
Melanesia. Buka [the wife does not work, is sick, the husband goes alone to plant a tarot; at night the wife takes the moon, hangs it on a branch, does all the work; the husband watches his wife; rejoices, tells his wife not to tell others about the moon; the wife cuts the moon into pieces in anger, throws it away, the moon rises into the sky; the fragments turn into stars; one piece becomes the sun, it is hot, and the moon is cold]: Blackwood 1932:76-77.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Gilbert Islands [see motif A46; the sun and moon are made from Na Atibu's eyes; stars are made from his brain]: Grimble 1922:91-96; Maude, Maude 1993, No. 6:34-37.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mignong: Elwin 1958a, No. 13 [The two Sun Brothers took turns shining 12 hours a day; the Frog shot one with an arrow, its lights went out, it became the Month, the shrapnel from the impact became stars; from revenge, both brothers send their arrows to the ground, bringing death to people's children; the frog hides from the Sun in the water]: 47; Kachin [Sun Brother is the father of nine Sun Girls, Sister Moon has many child stars; when people started stealing rice, the Sun released all daughters as punishment, gave dogs 9 tails and field mice (favorite game) 9 burrows; people made a large bow to shoot live snakes at the Sun ; then the whole Sun family hid; they sent the Battleship, the daughter of the Sun killed him; then the Rooster; he agreed that the Sun would revive the Battleship, give him strong clothes and a long tongue; scattered his daughters by breaking them apart (they also became stars); if the Rooster does not welcome the Sun, the Fox will deal with it; if the Sun does not come out, the Toad will swallow it, and if the Moon does not come out, the Dog will swallow it]: Gilhodes 1908, No. 24:691-693.
South Asia. India (translated from Hindi) [King Cloud is in heaven, he has two childless daughters; he went with them to the sea to drown himself; the gods went to the Lord and said that if the Cloud drowned, it would not rain more; Vladyka appeared as a hermit, gave the daughters of the Cloud an apple, they became pregnant, gave birth to a boy; the month, the youngest's son, was beautiful, the Sun, the eldest son, was ugly and angry; the girls were reaching for the Month, and The sun did not pay attention; the month brought his father a beautiful daughter-in-law; The sun asked for a loan of his head to marry, promised to return him after the wedding; The month allowed her to be cut off; drops of splashing blood became stars; the Sun married and cut the head of the Month out of envy into pieces; every day he gives the Month a piece, after 15 days he has a round face again; it makes the Sun envy, it begins to take away piece by piece]: Zographer 1964:471-473; juang [Rusi lived in an anthill; sometimes went out and drummed a grindstone; once drummed for 12 years, the stone and everything around him caught fire; the gods asked for Fire to settle in a certain place, promised to respect, offered to live in stones and trees; therefore, Fire is offered smoking earlier than the rest of the gods; The grain grater has become the sun, the grain washer (grinder ) - By the moon, hot pieces that flew off the grain grater are stars]: Elwin 1949, No. 12:114; baiga [the Sun had 11 brothers, the Moon had 11 sisters; the brothers could not marry them, then the Sun offered to eat them; the Moon ate the sisters, and the Sun hid the brothers behind their cheeks; the moon could not regurgitate her sisters, only spat, the drops of her saliva turned into stars; now the Moon is working constantly, only one She has her period every month; each of the Sun Brothers works one month a year; if they went out together, the world would burn down; they are all married to the same moon]: Elwin 1939:332; bondo (tulaguram) [ There was only water, a boar lived in it; he raised the ground on its fangs (from the bottom), scattered it on the water, creating land; made the moon and sun from the stumps of a sago palm tree, threw it into the sky; the core turned into stars]: Elwin 1950:141; Kondas (Kuttia) [when Nirantali and half the people came out of the hole in the ground, the cannibal wolf came from there; N. smashed his head with a stick, he fell back into that hole, jammed door; N. cut off his head, turned him into an anthill; his eyes turned into stars, his tongue into the sun, his legs 4 mountains, his tail a vine, his ears turned banana plants, his intestines turned into river snakes, blood the Kambell River, his liver - rice field; people left underground were never able to get out]: Elwin 1954, No. 12:432.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Ibana [at the request of the Month, Scoop married him, gave birth to a radiant boy; four years later, Months wanted to return to heaven, Sovka said that she would have nothing to eat there, spouses quarreled; shared the child, Month took the upper part with him, made stars out of it; The scoop kept the bottom, made it all kinds of trees; the scoop still screams at the full moon; (hereinafter the story Cuckoos, Calao and Nightjar)]: Sandin 1964 in Macdonald 2005:76; dusun [Kinohoigan and Sinumundu came out of a big stone; K. told S. he was going to create the sun, moon, stars, earth, people and animals, and then left for a while; at this time S. did everything herself, and when K. returned, she was just sculpting human figures; K. cursed his wife and everything she had created, threw away the clay figures; they broke, shrapnel stuck to the sky and became stars; one female figure remained intact and became the moon; S. managed to put two figures aside, they became the ancestors of the dusun]: Staal 1925:941-942; vana [The sun was huge, and the sky is close to the ground; a man exhausted by heat hit the Sun with a blowpipe dart; the breakaway piece became the Month, small fragments became stars; spots on the moon were a hoe that fell there (by for some unknown reason) along with a dart; others say a banyan is visible on the moon]: Kruyt 1930:419 in Maaβ 1933:296; banggai [Masanda sorcerer killed people, especially girls, at holidays, diseases; tobacco grew from its ashes, but it was reborn every time; finally, it was grabbed, cut to pieces, its head became the Month, pieces of its body became stars; it still sends diseases; fever is caused By the Sun and chills by the Month]: Kruyt 1932:82-85 in Maaβ 1933:299.
Taiwan - Philippines. Bicol [the grandchildren of a heavenly deity have bodies made of stone, gold, copper; a stone grandson tries to take possession of the sky with his brothers; killed by lightning, falls into the sea, his body forms earth; from his body golden brother - Sun, copper - Month, sister turns into stars]: Eugenio 1994, No. 21a: 65-66; manobo [Kezenan created Andaw (Sun), a man with a hot body and Bulan (Moon), a woman with cool body; B. gave birth to a child, left him in the cradle, he began to cry, get out; A. wanted to pick him up, but burned him to death; the couple quarreled, parted, cutting the child into pieces and scattered them; one part turned into earth, others into celestial bodies]: Eugenio 1994, No. 67b: 132; Mandaya: Eugenio 1994, No. 70 [(Cole 1913:172); the Sun and Moon had many children; spouses quarreled, the Moon is still running away from the Sun; cut the children's bodies into pieces, scattered them; those who fell into the water became fish, snakes and animals to land, stars to the sky], 71 [The sun husband was ugly, quarreled; chased his Moon Wife; still chasing, sometimes almost enough; their first son was a big star; the Sun got angry, cut it into small pieces, scattered it across the sky, turned out stars; them the other son is a huge Tambanokaua crab; when he blinks, lightning comes out of his eyes; when he sits in his hole on the seabed, the tide; when it comes out, the water fills the hole - low tide; sometimes tries to swallow its Mother Moon (eclipse); at this time, people hit the gongs, driving away Crab]: 136, 137; Bagobo: Benedict 1913, No. 5 [when going on a journey, the Sun tells the Moon to kill the newborn if it turns out to be a girl; The moon hid the girl in a box; the Sun shattered the girl's body into pieces that became stars (=Eugenio 1994, No. 63:126)], 6 [as in (5); since then, the Sun and the Moon have been walking separately]: 17-18, 18; pangasinan [ brothers Sun and Moon walked across the sky together; the Month hurries brother so that thieves can take advantage of the darkness; God, the brothers' father, hears these words, throws the rock into the Palace of the Month; the fragments turn into stars, the Month is told to walk separately from the Sun and at night to prevent thieves]: Eugenio 1994, No. 56:120 (translated to Rybkin 1975, No. 50:146); moro (Isolan) [when leaving, the Sun tells the Moon to cook a full pot of gabi leaves; but the leaves boil; the sun kicks his wife out; she says that their children will be cold with her, and he will be hot with him; she cuts the children into pieces, they turn into stars]: Eugenio 1994, No. 64:127; blaan: Eugenio 1994, No. 66a [The sun tells Jena-Luna not to start eating until he returns; he has been gone for a long time, she ate, he has cut their child to pieces, pieces of steel stars; the Sun tries to make peace with the Moon, pursuing it unsuccessfully], 66b [The sun tells the Moon to take their child with it; she replies that it will not be good for him to walk at night, while the Sun says he is with him it will be hot; cuts the child into pieces - stars], 66c [The sun has decided to part with the Moon, which fed him gabi leaves (they itch his mouth, this is the food of a hungry time); their son did not want his parents parted, the Sun cut him into pieces that became stars]: 129, 130; manuva [The moon asked her Sun Husband to watch the child, but not to approach him; he approached, the child died from burns; the moon left the Sun, cutting the child's body into pieces; some became stars that fell to the ground - cicadas singing under the moon; the Sun tries unsuccessfully to catch up with the Moon]: Eugenio 1994, No. 68:134; tboli [Kadaw (The Sun) and his wife Bulan (Moon) began to go up to heaven; B. said it was hard for her to carry their baby, and K. said he was too hot to do so; cut the baby; pieces of lower steel crickets and the upper sun as stars; Sun and Moon diverged]: Eugenio 1994, No. 73:140-141; atayal: Ho 1967, No. 1 (Maboala) [when one sun set in the west, the other rose in the east, was unbearable heat; three young men were sent to kill one sun; halfway through, they grew old; one came back to ask for help; sent the other three, putting a boy on their shoulders; they planted oranges along the way , sowed millet; found those two old men who died soon; three of the second group also grew old and died, but the boys became adults, reached sunrise, killed the rising sun with an arrow; one the blood of the sun flowed, he died from it; the wounded sun became the moon; the spots on it were the trail of an arrow; the stars arose from drops of solar blood; on the way back, two heroes ate the fruits they had planted, returned old people]: 210-211; Yamada 2009b [two suns were shining, people sent young men to kill them, but they grew old and died before reaching; then the other three, they carried their infant sons with them; the fathers died, and sons grew up and reached; they hit one of the two suns, it became the moon, blood drops became stars]: 65-66; atayal et al. [legends about the two suns and their hike are common among almost all Formosis tribes, especially among the taiyal and its branches; some talk about two suns and two moons, and some talk about one sun, which, after being shot, split into two parts - a larger sun and a smaller moon; according to some legends, both suns shone continuously, and the heat burned an increasing year of heat and day, according to others gave way to a year of cold and night; in legends about shooting in the sun, the blood that splashed from the wound partly splashed across the sky and turned into stars, and partly spread across the ground and colored the mass red rocks and stones]: Nevsky 1935:66.
China - Korea. Ancient China [(Imperial Tai Ping Review encyclopedia, Interpretation of History" by Ma Su, Ren Fan, "Description of the Surprising"); the universe resembled an egg; Pangu was born in it ; he woke up, split the egg with an ax; light and clean rose up, became the sky, heavy and dirty, down, became earth; P. rested his head on the sky, grew up, raising the sky higher; when P. died, his sigh became wind and clouds, voice became thunder, left eye became sun, right eye became moon, torso with legs and arms became four countries of the world and five famous mountains, blood into rivers, veins in roads, flesh with soil, hair on the head and mustache with stars, skin and body hair with herbs, flowers, trees, teeth, bones, bone marrow with metals, precious stones, sweat with dew and rain; var: tears are rivers, sigh is wind, voice is thunder, eye gloss is lightning; when happy, the weather is good, when angry, heavy clouds]: Yuan Ke 1987, ch. II: 34-35; Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Baxian) [A long time ago, there was neither day nor night, and all earthly spirits sent a petition to the Jade Lord asking him to solve this problem. He decided to send down the fire god with his nine sons. His sons, dissatisfied with this order, had something wrong and turned into fireballs. The rivers dried up, the trees dried up, the ground cracked, and people and animals took refuge in caves where they were hungry and thirsty. Earth's spirits reported this to the Jade Lord, and he sent Howe-ee to figure it out. He went down and took a heavenly bow and divine arrows and started shooting at the sun. The fire god ran away, and Howe-ee shot eight of his sons, and they fell into small pieces. When he was about to shoot the ninth, Taishan Lao-Jun (=Lao Tzu) appeared and said that the latter should be left to give people light. How-ee told him to behave well from now on, shine on people during the day and rest at night. So there was only one fireball left, this is our sun, and fragments of the eight remaining fireballs scattered across the sky and became stars]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 12:33-34; yao [on An octagonal moon as hot as the sun appeared in the sky; crops were dying from the heat; Nie, Yala's wife, gives him her hair to trap; I caught a tiger and a deer, eating their meat became strong, beat off the moon with arrows corners, fragments became stars; N. embroidered a blanket depicting a cinnamon tree, lamb, hare, herself; Y. launched him to the moon when the heat died; N. flew up, merged with her image; N. rose to her] : Riftin 1993:317-320; li (Hainan, w. Qiongzhong) [a gorlyanka pumpkin grew on the ground; the mountain became larger; the immortal spirit made a hole in it and placed two clay-sculpted men, brother and sister, as well as clay buffaloes, inside. bulls, pigs, dogs, cats, lizards, mantis and others like them - each creature in pairs; at this time the great flood began, the gorlyanka squash began to swing on the waves; when the flood receded, five appeared in the sky suns and five moons that quickly dried all the water; thanks to the sun and water, the little men and animals in the pumpkin came to life and jumped out; the suns were burning like fire, and in the evening, when the moons came out, it was so bright that I could not open my eyes; then the immortal spirit asked who could get rid of excess suns and moons; the wild boar replied that he had long fangs and could eat them; brother and sister became asked him to do this, but the boar replied that they should then feed him rice sprouts; brother and sister agreed and told him to eat four of the five suns; the boar ate four suns and four moons gnawed, their pieces turned into stars; when he returned, there were no rice sprouts to give him, but his brother and sister allowed him to eat all the rice he saw; so wild boars they often eat rice sown by people; brother and sister went to wander around the world, but could not find people and cried; the heavenly god of thunder heard their crying, came down and asked why they were crying; told them to get married; brother and sister said that they were relatives and if they married, they would be punished by the god of thunder; he replied that he did not intend to punish them; brother and sister did not believe it, and then he decided to show theirs strength; there were peals of thunder, the ground shuddered, rivers overflowed, trees split; the god of thunder laughed if they believed him now, and then they obeyed and married; they a son was born, they could not get enough of him; the god of thunder came again and told him to give the child to him; brother and sister said that the child had not yet been born, but the god of thunder replied that he already knew everything; he promised that he would turn the child into a multitude of people, and then brother and sister would not be sad that there were no people in the world; brother and sister disagreed, and the god of thunder took the boy by force; he cut it into pieces, began to sift them through a sieve; the sifted pieces of meat turned into four boys and four girls; the god of thunder gave them clothes; the first was a shirt and pants, he became Han; for the second cloth it was not enough, the god of thunder gave him two pieces, tied them in front and back to his waist, and he got so-called bag-shaped pants; this boy became a tsisky; the third young man got even less cloth; the god of thunder made a triangular loincloth for him, this young man became Xiaomi Li; the latter got the smallest piece of cloth, this young man became Bende Li; boys married girls, humanity became live from generation to generation]: Zhou 2002, No. 2:3-4; Koreans [Heaven and Earth were not separated; Mireuk placed 4 bronze pillars at the four corners of the earth, separated Sky from Earth; two suns were shining and two moons, it was too hot during the day, too cold at night; M. made stars out of one Sun, and the North Bucket and South Bucket from one moon]: Choi 1979, No. 720:314.
Central Europe. Belarusians [God crumbles a month into stars]: Avilin 2015:51.
Baltoscandia. Karely [Väinämöini catches salmon with a rod, not realizing that it is an underwater maiden Vellamo; she says that she did not go out to be eaten, but to become a wife; V. repents of her unguessness; for nine years, V. wanders, installing underwater rocks and shallows; raised his knee, the goose demolished six yayas, the seventh iron on it; his knee became hot, V. straightened his leg, the eggs fell into the sea; the yolk became the sun, squirrels a month, shell fragments like stars]: Evseev 1950, No. 30:76-79; Ingrians: Kiuru 1990, No. 2 [the swallow flew 9 seas, found blue, red, yellow hummocks in the middle of the tenth, made a nest, laid three eggs, the wind flew in, waves ran in, the eggs fell into the water; the swallow asked the blacksmith to tie her an iron rake with copper teeth; with this rake she took out half a squirrel, made it out it's the sun, and half the yolk to the moon; he made stars out of crumbs]: 36-37; Kuusi 1956 in Sarv, Sarv 1979b [the bird finds a hummock in the sea, makes a nest; the wind rolls the egg into the water, takes it out with a rake, makes it from his celestial bodies]: 449; Estonians [God untwisted the wheel, it fell apart, the sun, the moon, and stars appeared from the fragments; the earth remained, God thought it was too big, called Judas to help Squeeze it; he pressed it with all his might, so Rõuge had steep hills]: Loorits 1934, No. 3:50-51.
Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts (Zapadno-Kangalassky Ulus) [Pleiades make winter; "when it appears in autumn, it gets cold, and in spring, when it leaves, it's warm"; the shaman ascended to heaven and became cut the Pleiades "traction"; as a result, they began to move faster and winter became shorter; the stars were formed from those chips that flew off when the Pleiades were cut off by a shaman]: Pripuzov 1885:63.
Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais (recorded by V.G. Larkin, 1963 in Sakachi-Alyan) [Boa Enduri killed two extra suns with a bow; the fragments turned into stars]: Okladnikov 1968:165-166; Wilta [hero Sangimata Merge was skiing across the sky and crushed one big star (the origin of the stars)]: Ozolina 2019:171.
SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1902, No. 18 [kele owns the sun; the raven comes to his house, he swings, he tells him to freeze; the sun, month and stars are sewn into walrus balls; The Raven persuades Kele's youngest daughter to beg her father for a sun ball; he gives stars, the Raven hits the ball, he soars to the sky, bursts, the stars cover the sky; in the same way he gets a month, then the sun; kele furiously hangs her daughter upside down on a rock; the rope breaks, she falls into the sea, turns into a walrus; her fangs are her snot; according to another version, her father throws her out of the boat into the sea, cuts off her fingers when she grabs overboard; daughter turns into walrus, fangs her braids; daughter turns over the boat, father sinks]: 627; 1928, No. 2 [a lonely reindeer herder hears a voice from a pile of snow; there's a house there, a woman in it; she teaches him make love; gives birth to a son and daughter; they get married, they are people descended from them; people ask Wagtail to get light; T., Curkeel the Raven, Caggelin Partridge, Ground-Creeper they fly east, hammer the sky, break their beaks; K. sharpens them again, but now they are short; K. breaks through the sky, enters the outside world; there the girl plays with balls; K. grabs them and throws them up; they turn into the sun, a month (two balls stuck together), stars (one ball crumbled); K. throws the girl, she sticks to the month, is still visible; K. scorched clothes, turned white black; created rivers; the first people went west, became Russian; K. finds new ones in the grass; the Wolf says that the Raven eats crap; then K. hides the sun, moon and stars; rejects deer, agrees to return the stars in exchange for two Wolf's sisters wives; wives bandage his tongue, since then the raven has not spoken], 3 [evil kele steals the luminaries; Wagtail, Partridge are hammering the sky in the east, breaking their beaks; the Raven breaks a hole; in At home kele, the girl plays ball; the raven grabs it, tells the girl to ask her mother for another ball; so she gets three balls; throws them up, they turn into stars, the month, the sun; the mother throws the girl into the sea , she turns into a walrus], 4 [people live in the dark, eat black stones instead of meat, white stones instead of fat; in kele's world, the sun is hidden, wrapped in skins; the raven comes to play ball with Kele's daughter, persuades her to ask her father for the sun to play, flies away with him; a bundle holes, the world is flooded with light, Kele flees; after kicking branches, the Raven turns them into deer; flying above the ground, drags the wing, making excavations and creating rivers and the sea; creates marine and land animals, turns into thunder]: 301-303, 303-304, 304-305; Menovshchikov 1974 [a woman makes a ball with the sun in it, month and stars; it gets dark; a man comes, threatens to kill her, makes him give him the ball, throws lights to the sky; a woman makes a lot of balls, embroidering the sun, month and stars on them]: No. 58:221-223; Kozlov 1956 [it's dark in the world; we decided to send not Lisa for the sun, but the White Crow; she flew to a girl playing with two balls - bright and pale; offered to play together, rolled back the balls, they became the sun and a month; the crow was burned, turned black]: 34-35.
Subarctic. Koyukon (Nulato) [the world is dark; the raven flies and asks where the dawn is; the owners of the dwellings are only surprised; flies to a bright house; turns himself into a handsome rich man, marries the owner's daughter, a son is born, the Raven tells him to cry, the father-in-law takes the Month out of the bag; the Raven tells his father-in-law that dogs will now eat fish supplies; the father-in-law runs out of the house, the Raven releases the Month, the Sun, the third item It breaks, it turns out stars; people greet him enthusiastically]: Nelson in Vanstone 1978:58-60.
NW Coast. Hyda (Masset) [The raven comes to a lonely woman who owned the moon; dies himself and she becomes pregnant (without details); the raven comes out of her thigh; cries, asks the moon to play; having closed all the holes in the house, the woman gives the moon; when the smoke hole expands, the Raven turns into a crow, flies out with the moon under its wing; the raven asks fishermen for fir needles, referring to candlefish; promises to make it light, they don't believe it; he shows the moon, he gives him fish; he breaks the moon in half, making the sun and the moon; the shards turn into stars]: Swanton 1908a: 308-311.
Northeast. Seneca: Converse 1908 in Turner 1978 [In the sky, the Great Chief pulls a tree, sends a pregnant woman down; birds pick her up without letting her fall into the sea; Muskrat brings clay from the bottom to paw; clay is placed on the Turtle, the earth grows; the woman gives birth to twins; the evil comes out under her arm; she dies giving birth to good; the good makes the sun out of her face, the moon and the star from her chest, gives it to the Earth body; makes mountains, straight rivers; goes across the sea to his father, who asks how high he can reach; the son reaches the sky; how much he can lift, raises the mountain; the father recognizes him as a son, gives two bundles, in which birds led by an eagle, animals led by a deer; an evil brother makes rivers winding, creates storms, sea monsters, predators, reptiles; brothers fight, the good puts the evil in underworld]: 36-39.
The Great Southwest. Hopi (Oraibi) [people get out of the lower world, but the sky is low; Matsito raises it higher; seven virgins weave the moon out of cotton, the wind raises it to the sky, the remnants of yarn turn into stars; the sun M. makes seven bison skins]: Powell 1881:25-26; Zunyi [see motif K15, K27, K30; Knife wings kidnaps a young man's wife; a young man comes for her; Knife wings offers Challenges: 1) pluck trees with one hand (gaffers gnaw their roots for a young man); 2) sit in a burning fire (knife wings burn in his changed shirt, the young man remains alive in the ice); the young man cuts the kidnapper's corpse, throws them into the sky, creating stars (head: the star following the sun (Evening Star?) ; one leg: Morning Star; arms: Pleiades; lungs: all small stars; hips: Orion's Belt)]: Parsons 1930, No. 6:24-32.
Honduras - Panama. Sumu [the brothers fell into the river, lit a fire on the other side to keep warm; they found corn in the forest, began to bake it; after eating, they threw the remaining cobs on the ground and water; they turned into different types of fish, animals and birds; the elder Papang caught fire, rose into the sky, became the Sun; then the younger one caught fire and began to rise; he tried to shake off the fire, the sparks became stars, he himself A month; the bags were created by the rays of the Sun]: Houwald, Rener 1987 (3): 12.
NW Amazon. Karihona [mother tells Tukučimobi (Sun) and his younger month-old brother that she will die, tell her to cut off her hand, put it in the basket with cassava, hang it over the hearth; when her sons are to return from hunting, the food will be cooked; said that the garden was ruining the agouti, went to set a trap, turned into an agouti, died deliberately trapped; on her paw there was a trace of a place where the day before, T. took a sand flea out of his mother's leg; the brothers did as his mother told him, but T. did not believe that Aguti's paw was cooking; tells the kuckuck bird to cry out to warn if women appear; but brothers were far away, did not have time to run; the same with the woodpecker (the brothers noticed the tracks of two women); the third time the cacambra bird, the brothers grabbed two women, both wanted a lighter and younger one; T. managed to grab the eldest, before she put on her vulture outfit, and the youngest put it on and flew away; because the eldest's clothes were torn, she remained human; in order to take possession of her brother's wife, the Month asks T. to get the parrot's chicks; puts his penis instead of a pole; the erection stops, T. stays on the tree, falls into the hollow; all the animals searched for T., the mouse has found; rodent animals gnaw through a hole; T. creates a pond, carves from the tree of two large fish ("whales"; originally catfish), from chips, fish of all kinds arose; T. created a dry season for the fruits to burst and the fish to eat them; turned himself into fruit, let the fish swallow themselves, went out through the gills, caught fish, brought it to his wife and children; the Month was ashamed; he went fishing in the same way, the fish swallowed it; T. cut many fish before finding a brother in one of them; The month began to beat fish with a harpoon; tied the tench to an ordinary tree, not to a particularly strong tree, two fish, a male and a female, dragged him away to form the Caquetá River; so it has a wide channel, many islands; T. tried to stop them creating rapids; T. caught a piece of the Month's leg with a net; the rest of the Month crumbled, so there are so many stars in the sky; the jaw, head, and leg bones of the Month are visible separately in the sky; people are children like Sun-T. (with lighter skin) and Months (darker; while T.'s wife was owned by his brother, she also gave birth)], 6B [while the spouses are sleeping, an evil spirit raises their hammock to the sky; the woman falls, the man descends the rope that the bird brings him]: Schindler 1979, No. 1:44-54.
Montagna - Jurua. Kashinaua [Rutanaua invited Marinaua to his place, cut off his head on the way back in the woods; his relatives found a living head, carried it in the basket, she gnaws through the baskets, falls out; they left her, she follows her, easily swims across the river; people climb a tree, their heads ask her to shed fruit, they throw it away, run away while their heads look for fruit; they hide in the house; the head asks let him in, then decides to turn into something; does not want to turn into vegetables, bananas, yams, sweet potatoes - they will eat it; vegetable garden - fruits will grow on it, eat it; land - trample; water - drink; fish - eat; timbo - they will poison fish, eat them; a snake, a scorpion, I will bite you, and you will kill me; a tree will burn, cook food; a vampire bat will bite, kill you; the sun will warm you; the rain will fill the rivers, you will eat fish grass will grow, animals will eat it; cold - the heat of the sun will die; night - you will be able to sleep; morning - wake up; let blood become a rainbow ("enemy road"), eyes - stars, head - a month, then in full moon your women will lose blood; M. climbed the rainbow into the sky; threw his eyes, they crumbled with many stars; asked for two balls of threads, heavenly vultures picked them up, made them they're the reason for a month; women have started menstruating, everyone went out to look at the moon]: d'Abreu in Koch-Grünberg 1921, No. 85:232-240.