Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I105. A hand in the sky. (.35.) .46.-.48.50. (.52.)

One of the constellations is associated with the hand (with five fingers marked).

Blacklegs, Teton, Mandan, Hidatsa, Crowe, Arikara, Osage, Sheena, Arapahoe, Chirokee, Chumash, Luiseno, Cahuilla, Diegueño (Tipai), Yavapai, Maricopa, Cocopa, Taos.

(Wed. Western Siberia. There are doubts about the authenticity of the text. Southern Selkups (Ivanka sheshkups) [people lived in a warm rocky country, a "thin island with five capes" spread out like fingers; it became dry and hot, people cursed the salty sea water; Nom got angry, the ground caught fire, the island split, sea water poured into the cracks, the island exploded, few on the mountain tops escaped (stones, fire and water ceased to serve people, went on them"); N. took the souls of the dead to heaven, where they follow the contours of the island (the Orion constellation) with stars; people were divided into five families, went to look for new lands, from which Ivankin sheshkups came]: Kudryashova 2000:230 in Tuchkova 2004:73, 266-267).

Plains. Blacklegs [Wolves gave clothes made from bison skin, warning that only men could wear them; it had a picture of a hand; when the woman wore the clothes, the image of her hand disappeared and ended up in the sky (constellation not identified)]: Miller 1997:254-255; teton [the annual disappearance from the sky of the Hand (part of Orion) means that the earth is losing its fertility; the Thunders have ripped off a hand to a leader who refused to make a sacrifice; the young Shooting Star returned his hand, received the chief's daughter as a reward, became a new leader, he had a son; the hand reappears every time in winter, Reminding people to act according to the course of things]: Goodman 1992:219 in Miller 1997:236, in Lankford 2007:234; hidatsa [Coyote's sister is pregnant; her brother doesn't tell them to open door; The Headless Monster asks where the door is, the sister opens; he says he eats by putting hot fat on the pregnant woman's belly; she only slightly heats the fat; he keeps the fat on fire with his bare hand, He puts one on her stomach; she dies, gives birth to twins; he throws one into the center of the house, the other into the stream; the brother puts his sister's corpse on the funeral platform; the Coyote makes a domestic boy; the river grows respectively; goes out to play with his brother, steals meat; they grab River, keep him in the steam room until his sharp fangs disappear; he regurgitates swallowed frogs, etc.; brothers revive his mother; throw a hot stone in the mouth of the Headless, he explodes; the woman kills with her basket; the brothers ask her to point the basket to the birds, they fall dead; they direct themselves at the woman, killing her; celestials they fear that the River will become too powerful; the Long Hand takes him to heaven, he is tied to a pole; his brother turns himself and him into spiders, they run away; the Long Hand closes a hole in the sky, the brothers cut the arm with an ax (the hand is Orion, the scar is the Orion Belt); hanging on a pole, Rechnoy has learned ritual songs, now he has taught people; sent his mother to heaven to return the hatchet taken from there]: Beckwith 1938:30 -43; crowe [see motive K27]: Lowie 1918:74-85 [The Red Woman comes to the hunter's wife; she forgets to tell her husband about her every time; the mice raise the Domestic Boy before finding him father; River Boy's sharp teeth are filed; brothers kill and burn the Red Woman; the snake crawls through the anus into the River Boy's brain, who tells the sun to shine hot, his brains boil, he pulls out the snake, makes her less dangerous, but remains brainless; Domashny puts pebbles in his skull, now his name is Rattle Head; Long arm drags Domashny to heaven; Old Coyote collects birds, but none know where did Domashny go; Rechnoy notices a hole in the sky; fires yellow, black, blue, green arrows, with the last one flies to the sky, he himself - each of these arrows; the old woman replies that Domashny they are going to eat; this is how he passes through the villages of Zhuravley, Orlov; he is told that such a poor man is unlikely to be given a piece; the Black Eagles have a Long Arm as the leader; the River kills him with an arrow, tells him to burn the corpse, tells him to burn the corpse, tells all birds go to live on earth; returns with his brother; mother turns into the Moon, Father into the Morning Star, Pet Boy into the last star of the Ursa Major, River Star into the Evening Star], 94-98 [ the same; the witch comes (as in pp.74-85); the River Boy gives his teeth (as in pp.85-94); the snake episode; with the Long Arm, pp.96-98: the father told the brothers not to separate, for all animals are against them; brothers they always did the opposite; Rechnoy sat alone in the steppe, the Long Hand pulled him from the sky; Domashny found a trail, saw a hole in the sky, shot, and found himself in the sky with an arrow; came to the village of Voronov, everyone there is black; the old woman, without recognizing Domashny, says that there are two brothers on earth, they are ugly, the Long Hand took out one, they will eat him in 4 days; the same in the village of Zhuravley (in 3 days ), White Hawks, Orlov (all the smoke in their village is black, their types are black and white); the last old woman agrees to take Domashny (he became small) to where Rechnoy will eat; he sees his brother, that opens his eyes; Long Hand says they will now eat both, but Domashny breaks a round potion stone with an arrow, says eagle people are weak, cuts off Long Hand's arms with a knife, he asks mercy, but Domashny cuts it into pieces, knocks the birds off their feet, says they are just birds; on the way back, all the villages are empty; the brothers return to the ground on an arrow, the hole in the sky closes]; arikara [(Parks recorded 3 versions of the myth about River and Home, here are excerpts from one of the versions, Parks 1991:146-147; an old woman with fiery moccasins sets fire to the steppe, the villagers burn down; the husband returns from hunting, finds his wife dead, pulls a live baby out of her belly, then throws her into the river; five years later, he and his son Drinks Brains Soup (Domashny) discover that Long, which has arisen from the last, lives nearby Teeth (River); they struggle to lure him out, file his teeth, he regurgitates what he ate in the river; the brothers, contrary to their father's warning, embark on adventures: they kill a fiery woman and her granddaughters, dangerous bison, thunderbirds ("big red birds"); once they slept on a hill, the Long Hand grabbed the River, dragged him into the sky; Domashny noticed a hole in the sky, turned into an arrow, flew into the sky; saw the village dancing around Rechnoy, who was being fried on a platform; Domashny cut the ropes, carried his brother to the hole, they flew to the ground; Long Hand reached for them, but Domashny cut off his hand; since then, there is an image of a hand made of stars in the sky; Park 1991:474-484 has no episodes with fire moccasins and the Long Arm; Park 1991:793-800 The Long Arm is the Star Spouse (cf. K19b motif); he pulls the woman back with his long arm; the woman and her friend (who did not go to heaven) both give birth to a son; an old woman raises a local boy, catches Long Teeth, forcing him belch shells, etc.; a local boy (Drinks Brains) revives his mother, then both boys embark on adventures; Long Hand drags his son to heaven, roasts his son; Drinks Brains in the form of an arrow flies to the sky, saves Long Teeth, cutting off many arms; turning a hand into a constellation is not said]: Lankford 2007:26-27, 233-234; mandan, hidatsa, crowe, teton [ one of the twin brothers rises to heaven through a hole in heaven, cuts off the heavenly leader's hand, hangs it when entering heaven to close it; this is Orion's Belt and the stars down from it; the nebula -" eye" in the palm of your hand]: Lankford 2004:212; Osage [constellation Hands known but not identified]: Hagar 1906:366; Sheena [Hand is a constellation of five stars; nearby is a spear (or bow) - several stars in a long row; both constellations have not been identified]: Miller 1997:259; arpaho [(refers to Dorsey, Kroever 2003:205, 228, but not the decree. p.); among the objects marked on The Sacred Wheel, "five stars called hand"; these stars represent the hand of a Little Star holding a spear]: Lankford 2007:234-235.

Southeast USA. Chirokee [the hunter broke his arm, felt useless, went to sunrise; soon people saw a new constellation called Hand (Hyada) in the sky, reminiscent of this hunter]: Hagar 1906:365-366 (cit. in Miller 1997:273).

California. Chumash [Snilemun (Coyote in Heaven) wants people to have hands like him; the lizard stands behind and is the first to leave its hand print on the rock; this print is still visible in sky (constellation); The Sun and Slo'w have decreed that people's hands be like a Lizard]: Blackburn 1975, No. 6:95; luiseño [there is a group of stars that resemble five fingers; three to four of them - thumb, several other fingers; one finger separately, in the direction of Cassiopeia; this is the one that was bitten off by a rattlesnake (.. and the next time the North Star came to torture the rattlesnake , after getting her teeth, she bit off one finger)]: DuBois 1908:164; Cahuilla: Drucker 1937a [there are stars associated with hand, fingers]: 26; Hooper 1920 [Darkness creates two eggs, they come out of them Mukat and Tumayowit; quarrel about who first heard the noise coming from the Darkness; M. pulls hot coal from the heart to light their pipes; brothers climb two pillars up, reach the ground, M. makes it strong; creates dark, and T. - bright people; T. people have faces in front and back, their feet are directed to both sides, women's breasts on their chest and back, on their fingers; M. says he worked in a hurry; M. creates normal people; T. wants people to live forever or be resurrected the next day, M. objects because the land will overflow; both agree that the harvest will not ripen in 4- months, but in 4 months; T. finally quarrels with M. and falls into the ground, taking the people he created; M. does not allow Heaven and Earth to follow him; where he held the sky with his palm, her imprint remains; after that, the sky became crooked; so the Sun stops at noon, reaching its highest point; M. made the people T who remained on earth normal, but forgot the duck, so it has membranes]: 317- 321.

The Great Southwest. Maricopa, a cocopa [the creator of Cipa moved the sky away from the ground with his hand, his fingerprint remains; the constellation "Hand of Sipa" appears above the horizon in December, perhaps the North Crown or Boopas]: Miller 1997:199; maricopa [Cipa's hand is probably the North Crown or a group of stars around Arcturus; no explanation is associated with the Pleiades]: Spier 1933:146; diegeño (tipai) [ The hand is five stars, rises at the same time as the Hoop constellation in havasupai; maybe the North Crown, Boopas, part of Leo]: Miller 1997:165; yavapai [people lived at the bottom of a deep hole; it grew there a pine tree ("dog-tail tree") wrapped in a vine; people climbed it to the ground, their leader was the Frog; his shaman daughter made him sick; before his death he ordered him to be burned and watch the stars; when two stars appear in the east before sunrise, these are feathers that adorn his head; in 2 months 5 stars appear - this is his right hand; in 3 months it will be cold, his whole body will be visible; the red star will celebrate 4 months; corn will grow on his grave; when the corpse is burned, everyone surrounds the fire, but the Coyote jumps over the short Badger, grabs it, carries it away, eats the heart]: Gifford 1933a: 349-352; Taos [Hand - five stars representing fingertips and wrist]: Miller 1997:178-179.

(Wed. Mesoamerica Quiche [Big Dipper - scooped hand or spoon]: Tedlock in Milbrath 1999:38-39).