Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I106. The Big Dipper is one character. . (.64.)

The Big Dipper is one anthropomorphic character, not a group of people.

Old Testament, Lakher, Lushey, Viets, Chinese, Yao, Zoroastrianism, Tundra Yukaghirs, Koyukon, Southern Tutchoni, Tagish, Taltan, Quarry, Chilkotin, Upper Coquil, Western marsh crees, steppe crees, papago, navajo, jicarilla, quiche, kalinha, (urubu).

Western Asia. The Old Testament ["Created as, Kecil and Hima"; these are the Pleiades "family", Orion is "squirt or fool", Big Dipper is "lioness"]: Job, 9.9 (translation and comm. L.E. Kogan, personal message, April 21, 2014).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lakher [Keulachongpa was killed during the raid, the killers cut off his head and left leg; relatives wanted to take the body, but the darkness fell to the ground and he turned into Big Dipper; four stars (ladles) - body, two (arms) - thigh and knee; lower and smallest star - chicken killed as a riha to accompany his soul in Sawvawkhi ; because K. was killed in the war, his soul cannot cross Kolodyne, so the Big Dipper is constantly returning to her original place; she is visible in December-February; the best has the same story, but all seven stars represent body and leg, no mention of chicken]: Garry 1936:495-496

Burma - Indochina. Vieta [a woman became pregnant in old age, carried a fetus for 69 months, gave birth to two pieces of meat; a hundred days later they became young men Nam-tao (Southern Cross) and Bak-dow (Ursa Major); Jasper Vladyka instructed N. to keep the book of births, and B. to the book of deaths; placed N. to the left (from the south), B. to his right (from the north)]: Knorozova 2000:29.

China - Korea. The Chinese [Hou-tong is the god of the earth, its color is yellow, and many constellations in the central part of the sky, as well as the Ursa Major and the planet Tianxing (Saturn)]: Riftin 1980:656; yao ( Thailand) [Tom Tong Hoi Faan (=Chung K'uei) is the embodiment of one of the stars of the quadrangle (Bucket) Ursa Major, the spirit of this constellation]: Kacha-Ananda 1997:303.

Iran - Central Asia. Zoroastrianism [pahl. haftō-ring, avest. haptō-iringa - "having seven signs"; personifies as a deity; is in the north, supports the proper movement of the 12 constellations, along with Tishtar, Sadves, and Vanand are watching sinners in hell; Haftoring's opponent is the planet Bahram, i.e. Mars]: Chunakova 2004:52.

SV Asia. Tundra Yukaghirs [The Raven and the Partridge go to the Sun; he has beautiful daughters; the Sun sees the Raven swallow dog crap, drive the grooms away; the same for Month, Ursa Major, Morning star, Northern Lights, several plant species; finally, at the Steep Coast, the Raven abstains from eating crap, stays there; Partridge married Willow's daughter]: Jochelson 1926:289.

Subarctic. Koyukon [The Big Dipper is a man who quarreled with the Raven; his spirit has risen to celebrate the time; the bucket handle is his back, the last star is his head, the other two bucket stars are - buttocks]: Nelson 1983:39; southern tutchoni [checking the traps for rabbits, the young man sees that someone has stolen the prey; after the third time he ambushes; on a moonlit night, the big-headed one approaches silently a man makes sounds like an owl hooting; a young man hits his spine with an arrow; he says that the next night the young man will see him in the north; the next night the Big Dipper rises, pierced arrow - Alcor]: McClelland 2007 (1), No. 12:78-80; tagish [Big Dipper is a big-headed man taking rabbits out of the trap, saying Hoo, hoo; one man shot him in the back; the arrow is a faint star next to the second star of the bucket; the Big Dipper once said that the world will end when it stops walking in circles and turns over]: McClelland 1975 (1): 78; taltan [The Big Dipper told people to watch him; if the moon goes away, it won't last long, but if it disappears, it won't appear again; so during eclipses, people watch the Big Bear A bear and when they see that she is there, they say that everything is fine]: Teit 1919, No. 5:228-229.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [the young man woke up and saw that Yashte (the Big Dipper, who determines time) was barely moving; shouted to him that one leg was short; in the afternoon his dog drove the bear away, They chased unsuccessfully all day; at sunset they saw an old man sitting on a stump; he explained that he was walking slowly, but the young man did not catch up with him; the young man returned home, and Yashte to heaven]: Jenness 1934, No. 66:248- 249; chilcotin [In autumn, a hunter with two dogs drove a bear; dogs led the owner to a stump on which the man was sitting; he was a bear and at the same time Yitai, the constellation Ursa Major; dal bear skin hunter, marten, fishing marten (fisher); since then he has always caught up with these animals; Yitai returned to heaven]: Farrand 1900, No. 14:30; upper coquil [Coyote with five companions a whale harpooned, who dragged their boat into the open sea; five days later they find themselves in an unknown pestle; a person says it's the sky, the dead come here; the other person (this is the Spider) agrees bring the Coyote down to the ground on a rope, telling him not to open his eyes; the Coyote opened, fell, his corpse was carried ashore, he came to life from the bite of worms; he left his companions in the sky, telling them to become the Morning Star Evening Star, Ursa Major and two other stars or constellations (no translation)]: Jacobs 2007:146-148.

The Midwest. Steppe Cree: Ahenakew 1929 [a woman knocks on a dry tree; snakes crawl out of the hollow, she caresses them; her husband watches her; calls the snakes with the same signal, cuts off their heads; leaves the most small (the origin of snakes); tells the eldest son to take the youngest on his back and run; gives them an awl, stone, flint, a beaver tooth; sends his wife for meat, curtains the entrance to the hut with a net; a woman finds dead snakes, rushes home, gets entangled in nets; her husband cuts off her head; runs to heaven, her body chases him, he turns into the Big Dipper, his wife's body into Little; the wife always pursues her husband, but is afraid to approach the North Star, which guards him; the head chases his sons running west; the elder throws an awl (prickly fence), a stone (a mountain, a huge worm gnaws through the gorge for Heads), flint (wall of fire), beaver tooth (river); he accidentally throws his tooth forward, the river blocks the road; two old bitters stretch their necks like a bridge, brothers cross it; Head steps, When they hurt Vypyam, they throw it into the river; the older brother throws a stone at it, the Head turns into a sturgeon]: 309-313; Dusenberry 1962 [the name of the Wi-sak-a-Chak trickster means "hypocrite", "two-faced"; his father - Big Dipper, mother - Orion Belt]: 58; Western Swamp Cree (Stone Cree) [the hunter's wife leaves all day, telling the children to cut wood; there is no household chores when her husband returns made; sons answer that the mother meets snakes; the husband goes, cuts off the snake's head, brings it into the house; runs away; gives the sons an awl, flint, a towel (?) , tells me to run; the wife finds the head of a snake, goes to the forest, finds the body of a snake; chases her husband, they go up to the sky, she kills him, he turns into the Big Dipper (that's the way she killed him up in the air, that's where the Dipper now); the husband managed to cut off his wife's head; the head is chasing the children; they throw an awl, thorny thickets appear; the head asks two snake-like creatures, worms to become them wife, if they make a move underground; makes her way, pursues sons again, they throw flint, fire behind; she promises marriage again, overcomes the barrier; Wisahkicahk throws a third the object, it falls in front, turns into a river; the Swan carries them, tells them not to touch her neck; the head touches her neck, the Swan throws it off, she turns into a sturgeon]: Brightman 1989:9-13.

The Great Southwest. Papago [Saguaro fruit gathering crook]: Gifford 1940, No. 2267:60, 155; Navajo: Griffin-Pierce 1992 [Ursa Major - "Rotating man", Cassiopeia - "A spinning woman," the North Star is the hearth between them]: 153; Haile 1946:4 in Monroe, Williamson 1987 [other gods asked Black God to decorate the sky with stars; he began to get it from a bag of crystals, created constellations; Ursa Major - Rotating (around the North Fire - North Star) Man (Revolving Male), Cassiopeia - Revolving Female; also others constellations; Coyote asked for help, threw crystals randomly; the last remaining one called Coyote Star (Antares?)] : 31-38; Maryboy, Begay 2010 [Big Dipper - Rotating Man (Warrior, Father); Cassiopeia - Rotating Woman (Mother or Grandmother); North Star is the central flame of the home (hogan)]: 33-36; Miller 1997 [Rotating Man - Big Bear (handle - legs, bucket - body, feathers on head - weak stars below the bucket); Cassiopeia: A Rotating Woman Carrying Fire in a Basket; this is the First Man and the First Woman or couple in their hogan (home)]: 188-189; hicarilla [Big Dipper is one of HactCin's first ancestors; brought dance moccasins; his wife helped him bring them; Luna It grows and gets old, and the Big Dipper is the same; but if you see that it has 6 stars instead of 7, bad things will happen]: Opler 1938, No. II.2:161.

Mesoamerica Quiche: Bassie-Sweet 2008 ["Léxico médico quiché-español" wukub cakix has the designation for seven stars Ursa Major (this is Dennis Tedlock 1985:360); Tedlock 1985:360 and Lamb 1981:243 identify Vukub Kakisha's wife Chimalmat with Little Dipper {Bassie-Sweet further argues this identification}]: 279-280; Milbrath 1999 [Vucub Caquix - Ursa Major; in" Popol-Wuh" he climbs a tree to proclaim himself the Sun, but Hunahpu hits him with an arrow, ending his reign as a false sun; his wife is Chimalmat; Tedlock believes the word Nahua is associated with chimal ek, i.e. Ursa Minor; in images of the Classical Period, the Hun Ahau twins kill the Main Bird Deity, possibly Vukub-Kakisha; VK is the ancestor of the scarlet mako, but in the images rather features of a vulture]: 274.

Guiana. Kalinya [his wife's brothers carry a hammock with her husband in the rain; in the forest he roasts his wife alive, brings meat to his mother-in-law and her relatives; runs away from them, they have time to cut off his leg; he turns into Orion, but in some areas to Ursa Major]: Magaña 1988:11-12; Carinha on Orinoco: Civrieux 1974 [two hunting brothers are hiding in a tree above the pond from the cannibal Tarunmio; she grimaces, one of the brothers laughs; T. causes the wind to break branches; one brother falls with a seed, T. eats it; the other with a frog, T. brings him home; her daughter takes him as her husband; he creates piranhas , throwing pieces of bark into the water; T. enters the water to eat fish, they devour it themselves; the head remains, it rises into the sky, turns into the Morning Star; the wife avenges the mother; the husband tells objects in the house not chase him, forgets the spindle; the spindle and his wife catch up with him; the child in the woman's belly wants a flower; she asks her husband to climb a tree to get a flower, at which time she cuts off his leg; he turns into Orion's Belt ("Someone Without Legs"); woman turns into voletolo]: 87-89; Jilij 1781 in Lehmann-Nitsche 1925a [man and wife went fishing; they quarreled, the woman cut off her husband's leg with an ax; he rose to heaven, became the constellation "Legless"; Lehmann-Nietzsche proves that it was the Ursa Major; Geely identified it with the Pleiades or the Ursa Minor]: 103-105; yaruri [a man went down to the river drink; a caiman bites off a leg, a man turns into a Pleiades, possibly a Big Dipper]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1925a: 103.

(Wed. Eastern Amazon. Urubu [Awará is a man with one leg bouncing across the sky; he is a giant, but his male penis is tiny like a child's; {Big Dipper? Not Orion, because the Orion Belt is another constellation, Tãmarã}]: Ribeiro 2002:562).