Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I107. Stars are nails. .16. (.20.) .26.-.29.31.32.

Stars are nails hammered into the sky, stakes, or stars are nailed.

Western Europe. The Germans [the Greco-Roman representation of stars with shiny nail heads hammered into the crystal vault of the sky hitherto exists in Swabia]: Afanasiev 1994 (1), ch. 6:135.

(Wed. Micronesia-Polynesia. Society Islands [Huahine: the sky is held in place by the stars; Tahiti: 10 pillars that become stars hold the sky]: Williamson 1933 (1): 91).

China - Korea. Miao [a stone rolls down the mountain, in which baby San, an old man and an old woman raise him; two dragons fight over nine peaches in a tree in front of the cave, broke the sky, strong injured, the eldest lay down at the bottom, the youngest in the cave; rain is pouring through a hole in the sky, snow is pouring; the green-bearded old man tells S. to marry the daughter of the bear lord living on a mountain pole; gives his bast shoes , stomp them at the foot of the mountain; the two eldest daughters refuse to work and repair the sky, the youngest agrees; tells them to get a hammer out of the dragon's horn, nails; gives her bast shoes, stomp them at the foot of the mountain; two eldest daughters give him their dragon teeth; slightly alive dragons give him one their horn, the other their teeth; S. and his wife fly up to the sky on two rams; she covers the sky with a white wool handkerchief a large crack (Milky Way); stars - nails driven into dragon teeth during repair]: Tishkov 1957:15-24 (quail. Cherkasova 196:232-242); Koreans [Deer, Hare, Toad agreed that the oldest will get the main treat at the festival; Deer: when the world was created, I helped nail stars to the sky; Hare : I made a ladder that the Deer would climb to nail stars; Toad (laughing): my sons made tools to nail nails and make stairs, but they died before they finished their work] : ZÄ…ng 1952, No. 17:33-34 (=Choi 1979, No. 38:16-17)

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Athenaeas's Feast of the Wise Men (II-3rd centuries): "Me," continues Mirley, "here's what I can say about this cup {the Nestor Cup described in the Iliad}. The ancient people, who were the first to put mankind in good order, considered the world to be spherical, like the sun and the moon. Therefore, they thought it wise that everything related to their food should also be like the world around them. That's why they made the table round, and made the tripods dedicated to the gods rounded and decorated with stars, and baked cakes called "moon cakes", and bread got its name because of all of the figures, only the circle is even and complete on all sides. Similarly, they made the vessel for our liquid food round, like the universe. However, the Nestor Cup has one more feature. It is covered with stars, which the Poet likens to nails, because they are round like nails and hammered into the sky, just as Arat says about them: "The decorations of the swift night are attached to the sky forever." At the same time, the Poet perfectly compared gold nails with a silver bowl, because stars also correlate their color with the sky: the sky is like silver, and fire stars are gold. So, having presented Nestorov's goblet with stars, the Poet moves on to the most important fixed stars by which people compare their lives: I'm talking about the Pleiades <... >" (per. N.T. Golinkevich)]: Ath. Deipn. XI. 78-79 (489 c-e).

Central Europe. Russians (Tomskaya, 1936 [riddle: "Sieve, Vito, Killed with Nails"]: Plotnikova 2004:291; Kolchin 1899, No. 4 (Tulskaya) [stars are golden nails in the crystal vault of heaven; God's eyes; windows, from where angels watch the celestial world, tame spirits; the lights of the Mother of God]: 7.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kumyks: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991 [in the beginnings of Kumyk fairy tales, God creates feather grass; so that he does not grow to the waist, sheep; so that they do not scatter, a shepherd; so that he does not become proud, the high sky above him; to prevent the sky from falling, he drives stakes of stars]: 306, 372; Khalidova 2012, No. 179 [after traveling around his possessions, Tengiri went to rest; once the god of thunder did not appear on time, T. wanted to go to him search, but tulpara was not there; then T. hammered a gold nail into the sky, tied a horse to it; the stars around the North Star were tulpar horseshoe nails (which stars, informant I did not remember, but it is logical to assume that the Big Dipper)]: 208.

Baltoscandia. Estonians: Kuperjanov 2003:49 [stars are nails hammered into the sky; the sky is like an inverted cauldron nailed by the North Star], 125 [1) stars are nails driven into the sky by a line (vanapagan); 2) (R uge) stars are the nails on which the sky rests; in cloudy weather, the fox sleeps with its paws up because it is afraid that the sky will fall, but is not afraid to sleep on a clear night].

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [riddles: "Nails are gilding under the blue hill", "The silver cauldron is overturned, copper nails are sticking out" (sky and stars)]: Makhmutov 2013, No. 14-15:36.