Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I108. The Pleiades are one character. .


Pleiades are one character, not a group of people.

Luba, Malela, Fariala, Tetela, Bena Lulua, Shilluk, Pokot, Tigre, Tuareg, Ancient Egypt, Danes, Yemen, Melbourne District, Kiwai, Tumleo, Maphore, Dobu, Komba? , Marshall Islands, Gilbert, Rotuma, Maori, Hawaii, Tanguts, Western Toraja, Puyuma, Ami, Paiwan, Chinese (Zhejiang, Fujian; possibly Guangdong and Hunan), Serbs, Greeks, Ukrainians, Kalmyks, Sami, Kazakhs ( Tarbagatay), Torgouts, Khalkha Mongols, Central and Northeastern Yakuts, Osage, Kiowa, Viyot, Yuki, Miwok, Kokopa, Kora, Kogi, Guahiro, Makiritare, Panara, Warrau, Yaruri, Lokono, Tamanak, Taulipan, arekuna, carinha or akawai, oyana, karifuna, napo, tariana, baniva, tatuyo, anambe, urubu, konchukos, chayahuita, shipibo, amuesha, toba, pilaga, caduveo, mokovi.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Luba [Frobenius; on the border with Songe, with Ben; Fidi Mukullu called on the Sun, the Month, the Pleiades, man, tells everyone to bring palm wine, forbidding it to drink it; everyone is buried - if he did not drink, will come to life; the Sun rises the next day, a Month in a month, the Pleiades in a year; a person dies forever]: Abrahamsson 1951:50; aunt, malela, fariala [Tshingoloti (Pleiades) - chief of the stars, he's the only one that matters; when he appears, people start fieldwork; his master is Vedi (Month); there is also the star Lukunga in the west, appearing when the moon dies]: Frobenius 1983:81; bena-lulua [Kadifuke made himself, lived on earth; Tshauke, daughter of Fidi Mukulu, went down to him, returned to heaven; K. rose to her in a column of smoke from the fire; FM promises to give her daughter if K. catches the Sun, Moon, Pleiades, Muntu (also a constellation), Orion, Behemoth, Elephant; The Bat gives K. a snare made of iron wire, K. catches the Sun and the Moon, they have to pull them with all their might; then catches them, puts them in a bag Pleiades, Muntu, Orion; catches Behemoth and Elephant with huge hooks; gets a wife, goes down to earth with her; FM takes control of the sun]: Frobenius 1983:133-136.

Sudan - East Africa. Shilluk [Nyman (Pleiades) and Curo (Southern Cross) lived together; K. invited N. to visit the bride's parents; N. began to put his own food, spilled it; the owners became angry, canceled the wedding; K. broke the vessel with porridge on N.'s head]: Hofmayr 1925:365-366; rest [the supreme god Tororut is a man with wings flapping lightning and thunder; his wife is Seta (Pleiades), the eldest son is Arawa (Month), the other son is Ilat (Rain), the rest of the children are stars; his younger brother Asis (Sun) is angry during the dry season; alternatively, Asis (Sun) is the wife of the Month or the wife of T. Sky itself]: Beech 1911:19; Tigre: Littmann 1910, No. 44 [The Big Red Star (Antares) is the leader of the stars; those around him are his warriors or bodyguards; he is married to his daughter, the Pleiades (Kema)), avoids her like a mother-in-law; when he rises, the Pleiades do not rise], 45 [Kema and her son Ali (aka Edris - Aldebaran) had goats (Hyades); they were stolen; some say he stole Qerem, others say that Orion (Aslam); Ali found thieves and returned goats; these are stars between the Pleiades and Aldebaran]: 60-61, 61.

North Africa. Tuaregs (Niger) [Pleiades: "daughters of the night", "camel", "camel head", "blacksmith", "le faon de gazelle", "traite des chèvres", "teen girl star"]: Nicolas 1957:54; Ancient Egypt [Pleiades - goddess Nate (Neith) - "divine mother and mistress of heaven"]: (internet, check).

Western Asia. Yemen: Lundin 1980c [Zat-Khimiyam, Zat-Hamim ("scorching, hot") hypostasis of the sun goddess; revered in Saba, Katabana, Hadramaut; the symbol was 5 or 6 dots in the shape of U or V (possibly Pleiades designation)]: 461; 1980d [bull, mountain ram - sacred animals of the deities of the moon Almakakha]: 597.

Australia. Melbourne District [the fire was owned by a Pleiades woman, kept her digger at the tip; the crow hid snakes in the anthill, advised the woman to kill them with a stick, the fire blazed out of it, the Raven He took it away; he didn't want to share it with fire either, but the heavenly spirit called people together, told the Raven to fire them]: Smyth 1878:459 in Maddock 1970:193.

Melanesia. Kiwai [Tagai quarreled with his sons, killed them and threw them into heaven; they turned into Antares, Vega, Altair, Ahernar, Pleiades, Orion, Koijugubu (Capella, Sirius and Canopus); turned the woman who came up into the Morning Star; the shark into the Ursa Major; he himself is the Southern Cross]: Landtman 1977, No. 98:269-271; Tumleo [brother and two sisters live together; another sister in married in the village; brother goes by boat to sea at night to hunt with a torch; each time he takes off his head, lowers the big fish he caught over his neck into the stomach, puts his head in place, breaks the tip jails; brings sisters only small fish, says that the big one broke the prison; sisters ask the boy, the son of a married sister, to hide in his uncle's boat, as if he was playing and accidentally fell asleep there; the boy is all sees; when exposed, the fisherman climbs a tree (probably Calophyllum) before sunrise, rises into the sky, turns into the Pleiades; the older sister, then the younger sister, follows him; the elder becomes Venus, the youngest, possibly Mercury]: Schultze 1911, No. 2:43-57; Dobu [Kasabwaibwaleta has a skin disease; his mother gives him a drug; he sails to another island to his kula partner ; becomes handsome; gets a precious shell, hides it on his head under his skin with boils; the boy searches in his head, notices the shell, tells others; he is left on the island; he tells the tree grows to the sky, climbs up; the Kibi constellation swims by, refuses to pick it up, says that his boat is full; the Pleiades give a ride; K. stays with heavenly people, marries, his son, playing, throws a spear, making a hole in the firmament, K. sees his native village below, ties him to a necklace, a rope, goes down, falls on a bethel palm tree; his mother sees him; at this time they celebrated a wake on it; everyone K. turns relatives gathered in the house into various birds; K. dives, emerges at Woodlark Island]: Fortune 1932:216-220; combo [a bird shot by a young man fell at the feet of his uncle's wife; she asked him to tattoo her pubis the same as the ornament on his arrow; her uncle called all the young men together to find out whose ornament was; chased his nephew (or both or pattern?) turned into Pleiades]: Wagner 1963, No. 7:127-128; Maphore [Pleiades (sarmuri) - wife of Orion (kokori)]: Beccari 1876 (Geographic Mag. III: 212 in Andrew 1878:108

Micronesia-Polynesia. Marshall Islands (Islinglapalap): Erdland 1914, No. 7.1 [Liködaner in Woja tells his sons that whoever rowing in his boat is the first to reach the east will be king (of stars); asks Antares take her into the boat; he does not take her, says he will take Scorpio; then Aldebaran, Orion's Belt, Bellatrix and Betelgeuse; the last is Jäbro (Pleiades), he takes his mother, overtakes everyone; Antares it turns out that he and the Pleiades never see each other {Scorpio and the Pleiades are on diametrically opposite sides of the celestial sphere}]: 210-211; Mitchell 1973, No. 2 [seven brothers rowing races from Woja Island to Jeh Island; whoever comes first will be king; the elder Timur breaks forward; their mother on the shore asks him for a ride, he replies that she will be picked up next; that's it; only the younger Jabro picks up; she teaches how to make the first sail, J. overtakes everyone; T. reached the other side of the island, but then saw that J. had already been made king; J. - Pleiades; T. said he would go south and they won't see each other again; became a red star that comes when the Pleiades ascend {obviously Antares}]: 18-20; Gilbert Islands [Nei Auti (Pleiades) woman lived on land and Rimwimata man ( Antares) in the sky; NA rose in the sky, began to watch the stars play Bo Ano; the players drove her away, she cried; her parents comforted her by giving her fragrant oil; the fragrance reached the sky; Katimoi was an ambassador for from the sky, told her that she should only approach R. in the sky; she saw two men, beautiful Kama and R. changing his skin, sat in front of K.; R. became handsome again and ran, on after him, both continue to run across the sky]: Maude, Maude 1994, No. 4:134; Rotuma [two sisters suffer from the arbitrariness of their husbands; the eldest offers to become stars, becomes the Pleiades (Little Eyes of Heaven); the youngest becomes Orion's Belt ("Sky Fan")]: Polinskaya 1986, No. 5:54-55; Maori: Best 1972 [Pleiades - Male, One Character]: 11-12; Makemson 1941 [Matariki (Pleiades) - Younger Brother The Milky Way (Tongatonga)]: 184; Hawaii: Makemson 1941 [Hoku-lei is one of Vakalii's wives (Pleiades)]: 210; Williamson 1933 (1) [Hina's husband became the Pleiades and she lives on the moon]: 103.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. The Tanguts [the red star Gachari was jealous of his wife (Pleiades) of Orion and put a stone on his back; this constellation in the middle has since been broken]: Potanin 1893:327.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Western Torajas [Kawatuna: seven children - Pleiades, one of them turned into rice; Sigi: wife turned into rice, husband into Orion Belt; Koro: Pleiades woman told her son to prepare fields for seven hills, began to ride on the slopes, rice grew]: Kruyt 1938 (4): 4-5 in Mabuchi 1969:38.

Taiwan - Philippines. Puyuma (Katipol village; ami and some paywan have similar texts) [two men named Katagulian and Pakulian were returning from hunting, found a box on the shore with a woman with toothy womb; everyone wanted it for themselves, but went to a chief named Sihasihaw (how they got rid of their teeth is not specified); she gave birth to sons Basakara and Luasayaw and daughter Rarihen; R. washed her by the river the snake swallowed; the younger brother killed the snake with a spear, took the deceased sister's bracelet out of his womb; fearing the consequences of killing the snake, the brothers consulted with their grandmother, who ordered the sacrifice; they met and killed their father; their grandmother scolded them; then she started stealing sugar cane; people poured ash, found their younger brother in the footsteps; he escaped captivity by flying away in a hawk (kite); the brothers met , the eldest committed suicide, the youngest became the Berukatawan constellation, which determines the planting time for dry rice; in different versions, it seems to be either the Pleiades or perhaps Orion]: Yamada 2009b, No. 3:67-68.

China - Korea. The Chinese [in Zhejiang, Fujian; possibly Guangdong and Hunan; the fairy is the Pleiades; a poor young man sees fairies bathing, steals one of them's clothes, takes a fairy as his wife; many years later she finds her clothes and flies to heaven; husband comes for them; God separates them, allowing them to meet only once a year]: Eberhard 1937, No. 34:55-56.

The Balkans. Serbs [Venus (Danica, Prekhodnitsa) is a sister, less often the wife of the Sun; in the song, the Sun marries a girl, in the sky she becomes Venus; Danitsa says she is asked to go beyond the Sun, in a Month, for Pleiades]: Janković 1951:63, 122; the Greeks [in Greek versions of the ATU plot, No. 450 brother and sister are either the Morning Star (Zornitsa is brother) and the Pleiades, or Janos and Maro]: Mladenova 2006:57.

Central Europe. Ukrainians [in Western Ukraine, the Pleiades are known as "Baba"]: Fedorovich 2009:17.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks: Basayev 2004, No. 9 [Dolan Burkhi (Big Dipper), Sar Mechin (Monkey - Pleiades), Alti Gasi (Polyarnaya) and other Stars lived on earth, with them the Sun and Moon, they were still children; they took the arshan from the sea, Araha ran up, put his finger, licked it, became immortal; the Moon indicated where to shoot, the arrows cut Arakha in half; the bottom went into the ground, the top swallows the moon once a year, the Sun three times a year years; Stars rose to heaven; gods chained Araha to an iron cart on the moon (dark spots)]: 40-41.

Baltoscandia. Sami [Pleiades: Sarvaagalba "bull deer+shield" (?) , Roavggut is "pelt rug", Nieidagearregat is a "conference of girls", Boares aahku is "an old woman (who chases a moose deer with her dogs)": Porsanger 2005:26-27; Danes [couple quarreled, husband became Pleiades, wife cuckoo]: Dähnhardt 1910:427.

Turkestan. Kazakhs (Tarbagatay) [Pleiades are the son of the Moon, the Evening Star is the daughter of the Moon]: Potanin 1881:124 (quoted in Holmberg 1927:434).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Oirats (Torgouts) [Month - Older Brother, Sun Younger; Odun Machin (Pleiades) - Younger Sister]: Potanin 1881:127; Khalha-Mongols (Dunsurun) [clever son of Tushmyra (ST) is friendly with the stupid son of the khan (SC); heard that people want to kill the CX and persuade the khan to appoint him the heir to the ST; informs a friend about this, they are fleeing; the Chutkur children cannot share the invisible hat; ST offers to give her to the first to reach the tree and back; covered with a cloak and wearing a hat on top, disappears with CX; the same with girls who are shulms (friends get a pair of flying gold and silver shoes); in the forest, CX falls asleep, and ST sees people who tried to find a treasure at night and left in the morning; under the white and black stones, friends found silver and gold, silver and goldfish; more they eavesdrop that someone who will vomit goldfish and silver fish will be chosen as king; friends showed fish, both were offered to become kings, but the ST refused; the new khan got the young widow of the former king; she never combs her hair in front of her husband and his friend; ST watches; Khatun went out and flew away at midnight; in the cave her lover, the blackbearded Darji Dam; promises to strangle her husband in three days; they play checkers; Upon returning, ST advises CX to play checkers with his wife, mentioning the name of King Chutkur DD; to say that he plays worse than him; Khatun is excited, complains DD; in the morning, ST advises the CX to beat his wife with a whip to get up early; the next day, an iron loop descended into the CX yurt, but ST cut it off; DD promises to fly like an eagle; ST throws the eagle into the fire; only Khatun snatched it out with forceps; DD wants to drive his mistress away, but she asked to be allowed to meet him at least once a month; DD and Khatun meet when the moon comes close to the Pleiades; DD is on the moon, Khatun is on the Pleiades]: Beningsen 1912:26-32.

Eastern Siberia. Northeastern (Verkhoyan) Yakuts: Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 19 [when Eujuyen goes hunting, his younger brother Khudzhugur stays at home; seven Siberian birds arrive each time they ask , did Yu leave, go down to play; when Yu returns, nothing has been done, XX replies that he overslept; Yu hides, grabs one Siberian, he turns into a girl, B. marries her; she asks XX what to give him to return her fluff (feather clothes); XX replies that frogs, beetles, worms, snails; she collects them for him, he pulls out her fluff, she flies away; Yu flies on horseback to the upper world; a bird advises to become an ermine, pinch his wife's child; she arrives to scream, Yu plucks her fluff, she dies; Yu flies to Mr. Pleiades, Lord of the Month, Lord of the Sun, gets everyone's daughter; dresses his Siberian wife in her clothes; the wives, daughters of the Pleiades, the Month, the Sun, revive her, thinking that it is their husband; when they see that a woman, they fly away; Yu returns home with his wife]: 219-229 (other translations of the same text in Khudyakov 1890, No. 3:74-80; Ergis 1964, No. 55:188-191); Khudyakov 1969 [Yurgel's fairy tales blow with the winds; mention "Mr. Yurgel with shy people and cattle", "Mr. Yurgel's daughter Shy shaman "]: 280; the central Yakuts [Cholbon (Venus) are the beautiful mistress of the Devil's son Jurgel (Pleiades); at first she had a tail; when they strive for each other, storms occur snowstorms; when they merge, snow will fall on the fathom in the middle of summer, all living things will die]: Seroshevsky 1896.

(Wed. The Midwest. Ojibwa (timagami) [see motif K19B; two girls sleep outside, one wants a white star as her husband, the other wants a red star; they wake up in the sky; a white star is an old man, a red star is a young man; an old woman is sitting On the hole in the sky, framing his stars are the Pleiades; invites girls to weave a rope; husbands help them go down]: Speck 1915d, No. 5:48).

Plains. Osage [Sun, Morning Star, Ursa Major, North Star, Sirius - Grandfathers; Moon, Evening Star, Double Star, Pleiades, Orion-Grandma Belt]: La Flesche 1928:74; Kiowa [Pleiades - 'Star Girl']: Harrington 1928b: 163

California. Villote [the Pleiades (male) did not have a harpoon, Aldebaran stole a harpoon; at the request of the Pleiades (male), the Mouse pierced the boats, the Frog extinguished the fire with urine, the bug in the steam room tied the owners' hairs harpoon; the Pleiades came in and carried the harpoon away; the owners tore off their hair, set off in pursuit, but the boats immediately picked up water]: Reichard 1925, No. 18:173; Yuki [Pleiades - Dancing Old Woman]: Foster 1944:233; mivok [The Pleiades and the Morning Star are two beautiful women, leaders of men stars]: Merriam 1993:68.

The Great Southwest. Cocopa [Pleiades - Woman]: Gibbon 1972:241

NW Mexico. Cora [the cannibal chases a boy, rips off and eats his leg; he becomes the Pleiades]: Preuss 1912, No. 5:274-276.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro [evil monkey spirits look at a young woman, she dies; her husband buries her, seeks death, leaves, telling his four children he will return with the Pleiades season; went to Mars (or Venus); when he reached the sea, he met a man, told him that he was the son of Iiwa (Pleiades Man) and Spica's grandson; the bird offers to report about him to the stars; the Pleiades tell Orion, the uncle of man mothers; Pleiades, Altair, other stars lift a person beyond the clouds; the Pleiades ask him to go to his mother's house, this is Earth; makes his body like their body, without joints; advises to get along with girls who turn into calebasses; young men turn out to be corncobs; a man wants to go home, stars put him on a cloud; Orion, other stars, and Rain raise his dead wife to heaven, leaving cultivated fields on earth with a rich harvest]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (2), No. 67:661-673; Kogi: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1975a [ufá - Pleiades, Coati (Nasua rufa), the Sun's favorite mistress; with good character, cooks well; he spends 20 days with her, then goes to others; so the fifth moon is Puma, Orion's Belt, and another moon is a blue jaguar, Orion's Sword]: 228-229; 1985 (2) [when the Sun and Moon They rose to heaven, they were children; now the Sun is an adult man; he has 9 wives: the Moon, the Pleiades, one white star, etc.]: 36.

Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [Kuamachi (Evening Star) and his grandfather Mahanama decide to take revenge on the Stars for killing K.'s mother; lure the Stars with their leader named Wlaha (Pleiades) to trees for fruit; M. says that he will weave baskets to put fruits in them; K. climbs a tree, drops the fruit; water floods the forest; M. with his baskets and K. jump into the boat; M. throws baskets into the water, they turn into an anaconda, caimans, piranhas; devour many Stars, whom K. knocks down trees with arrows; V. shoots into the sky, making a chain of arrows, climbs there with the remaining Stars; Mönettä, scorpion, became Big Bear; Ihette (Orion Belt) climbed slowly, bleeding and dragging his leg bitten off by a caiman; Amaduwakadi became the Morning Star; sloth, tapir and others also climbed into the sky; so that demons they also did not climb into the sky, K. climbed himself, Ioroko, the creation of the Orosha antagonist, climbed after him; K. asked Cancer to cut the stairs, he hesitated, then piranha had a snack, I. fell to the ground; there is a vine in the forests - remains of that staircase]: Civrieux 1960:179-180; 1980:110-116; panaré [Pleiades - Orion's wife, their son Sirius]: Dumont 1976:94 (quoted in Magaña 1989a: 214).

Guiana. Warrau [Nohi-Abassi climbs a tree to watch for animals at the watering hole; the cannibal Nakhokoboni comes; takes two fish out of the river, immediately eats one, puts the other in basket; next time NA's younger brother asks for permission to climb the tree and him; the cannibal sees its reflection, catches it in the water; her movements make her younger brother laugh; the cannibal sends ants the brothers have to go down; she kills the youngest, brings the oldest home; her two daughters like him, the youngest becomes his wife; she hides a crocodile or shark under the boat so that they can eat her mother; the spouses run away, the eldest daughter pursues them; they climb a tree, the pursuer manages to cut off ON her leg; the leg turns into the spirit of the Maam bird (Tinamu sp.) and into the Orion Belt; the wife into the Pleiades, the NA himself in Hyades]: Roth 1915, No. 210:263-265; Wilbert 1970, No. 188:431-433; Locono: Brett 1968 [Pleiades - Orion's Wife]: 191-200; Goeje 1943 [Arawaks call the Pleiades wiwa yo-koro, star-mother; if at his The first appearance in June, the Pleiades are bright, many people will die in the coming year]: 27; Akawai or Carinha Guyana [Roth 1915:265: Caribbean Sirikio is a star, Wallya is a watchman, Wawa is a sister or wife; but Sahtai means "axe" in akawai; Wawaya takes Tapir as a lover; he promises to take her east, where heaven meets earth, where he will take human form; her husband Sirikoai climbs a tree for fruits; when she begins to descend, she cuts off his leg with an ax; his mother cares for him; he walks east on crutches in the footsteps of lovers; kills Tapir with an arrow, cuts off his head; V. and the spirit Tapira flee to heaven, S. after them; V. turns into Pleiades, Tapir's head into Hyades (red Aldebaran - eye), S. into Orion]: Brett 1880:191-200 (=Roth 1915, No. 211:265-266); carifuna [among six The youngest brothers to the Bahamas (Scorpio, Aquarius, part of Capricorn), the next to Abedim (Orion Belt), the next Sirigo (Pleiades); E. marries; catches fish, she is always bitten in half; he ties the hook with wire; pulls out the shark, cuts it to pieces; the wife says he killed her mother; chases him into a shark; he runs away; she bites off B.'s leg]: Taylor 1951:153 ( appendix 2); yaruri [caiman bites off his leg, man turns into Pleiades (Ursa Major?)] : Lehmann-Nitsche 1925a: 103; tamanak [wife cuts off her husband's leg, who turns into Pleiades (Big Dipper?)] : Lehmann-Nitsche 1925a: 103-104; taulipan [unfaithful wife cuts off her husband's leg, he becomes Pleiades]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 18:55-57; arecuna [mother-in-law feeds Jilijoaíb fish, sitting on a calebass and taking fish out of his uterus; J., a shaman, finds out about this, scatters sharp flints covered with leaves on the shore, mother-in-law stumbles, flints devour it, jumps into the water, turns into piranha; her chopped liver turns into an aquatic plant with red leaves (the heart is the heart-shaped seeds of this plant); the hero kills his mother-in-law, who feeds him fish from her womb; his wife asked F . make a sword out of palm wood, cuts off his leg when he climbs a tree; the bird reports this to Brother J. (Does J. turn into the Pleiades?)] : Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 19:60-61; pemon {arekuna?} [maternal uncles curl Marité, who is a lucky fisherman and hunter; called to catch chiré birds, descend on a vine into a cave, one of them named Itariká-Wenin (IV) prunes the vine; a year later M.'s hair has become long like a woman's; the frog Ware spits some chewed grass in his eyes, he sees a way out of the cave, they go out, live with a frog; his relatives find him, catch him with pepper, they give him back his speech; at the festival he sings about what happened, knocks out Eve's eyes with a rod; dancing and beating off the rhythm with a rod, M. wonders what spirit he will turn into, rises to the sky, becomes Scorpio constellation; his uncle Tamuekán (=Chirikavai) follows, turns into the Pleiades]: Armellada 1988, No. 68:168-170; oyana [two friends decide to kill each other, dig a hole, all night they dance, hit each other with spears at dawn, fall into a hole; one has his head and legs on the edge of the hole, his head became Hyades, his legs Orion; the other turned into the Pleiades]: Magaña 1987:79.

Western Amazon. Napo [Wata, the Pleiades, disappear for a month in the West in May; when they rise again around Ivanov Day, it's cold; saying goodbye to Wata-mama is a carnival; at this time, the Pleiades are "mother of the year", and when they are born -" children "]: Mercier 1979:46-47.

NW Amazon. Tariana (?) [the disease kills men except a few old men; Seushi (Pleiades) and other women swim in the lake; one of the old shamans is potent, floods the lake with sperm; now it is Milky The way; all women who bathe get pregnant and give birth; among newborns there is a girl, also named Seushi; she eats the fetus, the juice flows between her legs, she gives birth to Yurupari]: Stradelli 1890:660; baniva [see motif J35C; the boy has a wound on his face; the discharge that drips from it attracts fish; a man goes fishing with a boy; shoots at a too big one, which swallows a boy; a man with his father the child is chased by fish; in her womb, the father finds a dead son; the fish is cut into pieces, which turn into various types of fish, caimans, turtles; the head turns into a rock; the boy's father turns into Siusi (Pleiades) constellation]: Saake 1968:269-271; Tatuyo [Romi Kumu is at the mouth of the world, where all waters flow into another world; she is the Pleiades, whose periodic appearance determines the timing of pohe wi ( male rituals with mountains and flutes forbidden for women); causes water to rise and fall on the Mid-World River; when it reduces his thighs, the water rises, spreads, falls; when it moves, they occur earthquakes]: Bidou 1983:40.

Eastern Amazon. Anambe [a young man climbs a tree above the river to fish; an old Seushi (Pleiades) woman sends ants to go down; brings him home; her daughter puts waxed in the fire instead of him Pest, helps her escape; he throws palm leaves behind; they turn into animals, S. devours them; throws her baskets of fish; Monkeys hide it in an empty pot; Snakes hide them in a hole, want to fry and eat; he asks Falcon for help, who kills snakes; the stork brings him in a basket to his mother's garden; the mother sees that her son has become an old man]: Couto de Magalhães 1882:63; urubu [Pleiades - The owner of the Waters, a lonely man walking across the sky; a flood occurs when he goes swimming]: Ribeiro 2002:551, 562.

The Central Andes. Prov. Konchukos (dep. Ancash) [see motif H24; four versions; sister and younger brother abandoned by parents come to old woman Achkay; she kills the boy, he screams, she explains what she is looking for in his head; tells her daughter send the girl to fetch water in a leaky vessel, push her into a boiling pot; the frog teaches the girl what to do; she plugs holes, brings water, pushes the old woman's daughter into the cauldron, puts her brother's bones in the bag, runs; A. eats his daughter; Condor hides the girl under her wings, the Skunk in the hole; the Fox, the Deer, and other animals also hide; The dove puts the bones in the basket, tells me not to open it; the girl opens; there a living brother, but he turns into a white dog; Vicuna gives the girl a golden rope, she and her brother go to heaven; sister turns into an Evening Star, brother into the Pleiades or the Morning Star]: Mejia Xesspe 1952 : 238-242.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita [daughter stays in bed, father asks what's wrong with her (Que cosa tienes?) ; out of shame she takes to heaven; Cumpanama turns her into the Pleiades]: García Tomas 1994:175-176; shipibo [three brothers looking for a father or chasing a tapir; shooting at the sky, doing a chain of arrows, climb it; the eldest turns into the Pleiades, the middle one into a Hare, the youngest, whose leg was bitten off by the Cayman, into Orion; the Hyades are the head of a caiman]: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987:63; amuesha [ Yompor Pencoll took to the sky playing the flutes and dancing, became the Orion Belt (a good constellation); his father-in-law Oncoy {the name is borrowed from Quechua} sang and beat the drum, became the Pleiades (evil constellation); I remembered that I had forgotten the tapir's jaw, came back for it; the tapir's jaw became the Hyades]: Santos-Granero 1991:70 (=1992:117).

Chaco. All guaicuru (toba, pilaga, mocovi, caduveo) associate Pleiades with a male character, a creator god, but sometimes they are also a group of boys. See details [López 2009]. Ayoreo [Dayade chose to follow women who went to heaven and became the Pleiades (Ajideo); var: Ajideo is one woman, she was fun, she never painted herself]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 15:40; Toba (Eastern) [Dapitchi was a little old man, rose to heaven, he is the Pleiades]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 10:16; Pilaga: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 1 [The sun is an old woman, sometimes turns into a young woman; black Napalpi wanted to cover the whole sky and hide the Sun, blocked her way, but the Sun went underground and rose to the east; Dapitchi helped the Sun], 9 [before how to go to heaven forever, Dapitchi told the Hawk to tell people what his name was], 71 [Dapichí (Pleiades) went down to people, they didn't recognize him, they wanted to kill him, he sent ice and hail, everyone died; he turned the dead into animals and birds; those who greeted him, D. enriched him, the rest died during the long night, became animals], 72 [there was no fire, people ate raw food; Dapitchí warned a friend, that would rise to heaven and kill everyone by throwing stones from above; it became dark, it rained; when the sun rose again, people became various animals (deer, chaha bird, nandu, bear, etc.)], 73 [sky was below, the earth was above; Dapichi (Pleiades) was in heaven and did not want to suffer from the stench of sewage, kitchen garbage and corpses; changed heaven and earth], 74 [sky was below, earth was above; sky was not wanted to be stained with excrement, Dapichi complained, who swapped them]: 3-4, 14-15, 106-107, 108, 109; mokovi: Giménez Benítez et al. 2002 [Pleiades - "grandfather master"]: 43; L ópez 2009 [The Pleiades are "our grandfather", the creator god; the Pleiades heliactic sunrise coincides with the period of frost, which is considered necessary for the start of the growing season, and means the beginning of the growing season calendar year]: 257, 268-269; caduveo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 26 [Díeu-nái woman looks at heaven, wants the Pleiades as her husband; he goes down to her at night; her mother advises ask him to build a vegetable garden; ripe corn, beans, pumpkins immediately appear in the garden; a small amount is enough to fill the cooking pot, its contents are renewed; people have suffered plants home, the Pleiades saw a dropped cob, again turned the garden into a forest, returned to heaven; there was only one plant left, under it a jaguar; D. went to the garden, did not find a husband, the Jaguar called her to marry, she gave birth to a son, a frog man took him up; a dove tells the young man not to shoot at him, promises to take him to his mother; she warns her son that two Jaguars who pulled out one eye for her will now return; a young man kills the Jaguars with arrows; the son and D. come to her mother; she warns that there is a cannibal in the forest; D. tells his son to hear, otherwise his galaxy father will take him away], 27 [Ribeiro 1950:138; a woman looks at the sky, wants Nibetád (Pleiades) to be her husband; at night he goes down to her; arranges a vegetable garden, corn and cassava are ripe the next morning; their two sons became shamans; Venus in the morning is called Nibetád-Lalé ( Nibetad feather ornament)], 28 [women talk, one wants Nibetád (Pleiades) to be her husband; at night he comes to her; arranges a vegetable garden, in the morning there are mature corn, cassava; their two sons became shamans ; one (Nõmileka) could not cure the snake bitten, the other (Gawé-txéheg) decided to kill him; hid live fish in hot cassava porridge, it jumped and burned N.'s face; both were fishing, the hawk flew by, tore off G.'s head, which replaced it with a termite nest; G. went to look for his head, saw him in a shaman's house, died; N. became a sorcerer, and finally he was killed]: 46-48, 49, 50-52.