Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

I109. The Milky Way is the road of heavenly bodies .11.50.55.

The Milky Way is the road on which the Sun and Moon travel.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Fioti [The Milky Way - the path that the Sun and the Moon raced]: Pechuël-Loesche 1907:135; Rundi [The Milky Way is the Sun's Road; every day the Bembe tribe (west of Tanganyiki) eats the Sun, leaving only a piece; at night, while walking along the Milky Way, the Sun rises again]: Sicard 1966:42.

The Great Southwest. Hicarilla [first, the Sun and Moon go from north to south; Hactcin's first ancestor spirits tell them to walk from east to west and not together, but alternately; the Milky Way is the original path along which The Sun and Moon were walking]: Opler 1938, No. I.2, I.3:13, 22.

The Northern Andes. Yupa [The Milky Way - the Road of the Sun and the Month]: Wilbert 1974a, No. 2:77