Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I109. The Milky Way is the road of heavenly bodies .11.50.55.

The Milky Way is the road on which the Sun and Moon travel.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Fioti [The Milky Way - the path that the Sun and the Moon raced]: Pechuël-Loesche 1907:135; Rundi [The Milky Way is the Sun's Road; every day the Bembe tribe (west of Tanganyiki) eats the Sun, leaving only a piece; at night, while walking along the Milky Way, the Sun rises again]: Sicard 1966:42.

The Great Southwest. Hicarilla [first, the Sun and Moon go from north to south; Hactcin's first ancestor spirits tell them to walk from east to west and not together, but alternately; the Milky Way is the original path along which The Sun and Moon were walking]: Opler 1938, No. I.2, I.3:13, 22.

The Northern Andes. Yupa [The Milky Way - the Road of the Sun and the Month]: Wilbert 1974a, No. 2:77