Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I10B. The colored layers of the earth.

Individual levels or categories of land differ in color.

South Asia. Gondas [Mahadeo swam on a lotus leaf; rolled a ball of mud on his body, made a crow out of it, sent it to search for land; she found Crab, they found Nal Raja and Nal Rani, named them uncle and aunt, asked the land was borrowed; they gave them a drink, prepared to run away, carry the earth; but the Crab woke up, squeezed them out of the ground, gave them to the Raven; she brought them M., he placed the earth in 7 cups of leaves, told the Spider to entangle the ocean with a web, put the cups on the web, 7 types of land appeared: black, red, milky, barren, gravel, virgin, swampy; M. asked Bhimsen to check whether the earth was hard; his feet became get bogged down, he lay down, mountains appeared]: Elwin 1949, No. 16:38; kond (Kuttia) [there are only rocks on the ground; Nirantali and Sarantali sent two conds to bring land; they scratched the rock with their nails, took out red, black, white, yellow earth; N. and S. scattered it through a sieve, creating soil; but sometimes rocks protrude to the surface]: Elwin 1954, No. 10:7-8.

Western Siberia. Tundra Nenets ["There are three lands in total, according to the Samoyeds. The first land is the one on which people live, the white earth, the second is red, created by hell, and according to the legends of the Trans-Ural Samoyeds, Num created it and gave it to his mother. The third earth is dark; deaths live on it. Under the white ground lies red, under the red one is dark. The white earth stands on the cross, and the other two lands stand on nothing and swim and move. To my questions "what is the end?" several answers were received - 1) "I don't know"; 2) "on the water"; 3) "the cross is tied by a long invisible arcana, the other end of which lies in the sky"]: Startsev 1930:115.

The Great Southwest. Navajo: Goddard 1933 [The first ancestors rise from the lower world first into the blue world of birds, then into the yellow world of ants; this is where the flood begins; they plant reeds and ascend it to the ground; woodpecker opened a hole in the sky of the yellow world]: 128, 130-131; Klah 1960 [underground worlds from bottom to top: dark, blue, yellow, white]: 1-6; Matthews 1994, No. 1 [the first humans live deep in the lower world, he red; then they rise to the second - the blue world of swallows, the third - the yellow world of grasshoppers, the fourth - black and white, then to the surface of our earth]: 63-76, 216 [(note 22); the colors of the lower worlds from bottom to top: red, blue, yellow, mixed; this is different from the normal Navajo system, but coincides with Moki (pueblo)]; Zolbrod 1995 [the first insect people (ants, beetles, dragonflies, locusts) live in the lower the red world; adultery prevails, the world is flooded with water, insect people soar to the sky, find a hole, penetrate the blue world of swallows; there is nothing to eat, they soar into the yellow world of grasshoppers; there they are not they give them a drink, they fly into a black and white world; each time they send scouts to find out how far the earth stretches; only in a black and white world can scouts not reach the ends of the earth, that world is larger than the lower ones; the gods (Holy Ones) give corn; the white cob turns into a man, the yellow cob turns into a woman; this is the first human couple; it gives birth to hermaphrodite twins, then twins, a boy and a girl; those converge, give birth to a new couple; people begin to multiply]: 35-51; Western Keres (Laguna) [Our Mother lived among the waters in the lower world; went to the middle of the south, where the Thought Woman asked who would create; Our Mother called two spiders, they went to the middle of the north, west, south, east, returned to Our Mother, who was sitting on a tiny island in the middle of the waters; she had a long fish tail, the Old Fire woman cut off him; Our Mother was in the white world among white waters; above was the red world, then blue, then yellow; Our Mother rose through the four worlds, created man in our world; people rose according to what they had done fir to notched prayer sticks]: Boas 1928a: 222-223; western keres (Akoma) [the lowest of the four underground worlds is white (the rest are red, blue and yellow); this is the ocean, surrounding small island]: Parsons 1939:213; eastern ceres: White 2004a (Sia) [the earth is square and flat; divided into four layers - yellow (lowest), blue/green, red, white ( this order is the opposite of that recorded in Santa Ana); the four sides of the world, the zenith, the nadir, and sometimes the center also have their own color]: 770; 2004b [the earth is flat, square; there are four more under this world; lowest white, then red, blue, yellow]: 552.

The Northern Andes. Kogi [the ancestor goddess gives birth to nine daughters; these are lands of different colors or consistencies; only the latter (black) is fertile]: Chaves 1947, No. 1 [(only seven lands are named): white, sand-white, red-black, yellow, red, yellow-black, black]: 468-469; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2) [sitting in the dark on a rock in the middle of the sea, Mother pulled out her pubic hair, moistened her menstrual blood, created the first man; he was boneless; the second was without a body, the third was without strength, the fourth was normal, it was Sintána; Mother's husband was a wooden stick; she was born to Sintana and 8 other owners men; she told them to do women's work; but then she gave her beard and mustache, coca bag and lime bottle, carried water herself, washed; instead of wives, her sons had objects - a pot, a loom a machine, a grain grater, etc.; S. introduced a nail and a pebble into his mother's body with a coca stick through the navel, she gave birth to 9 lands: White, Red, Yellow, Blue, Sandy, Burnt, Ash, Rocky, Black; sons pushed the water away, Mother drank the middle of the sea, land appeared; S. and other sons began to ask Mother for her daughters; she gave them all, and hid her youngest daughter Black; S. began to sing and dance in the middle peace, Black Earth came out, S. took it away; Mother sent a crocodile in pursuit; Seijánkua hid the fugitives first in his lime vessel and then in her heart; where Black Earth stepped, there appeared fertile soil; this is how the earth has hardened]: 19-21; tunebo [there is a primary ocean; Bistoa orders to bring red, yellow, white, black lands (the motive for their association with directions is unclear)] : Márquez, 1980:633, 646-651

Central Amazon. Moore (piraha) [the land of the upper celestial tier is red, the lower tier is white, the middle world is red, the upper lower tier is black, the lower tier is white]: Gonçalves 2001:164.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashibo [Bari's creator god comes into our world; it's just water; he throws the earth onto the waters, creating red, yellow, white layers of the earth; these layers are his sons]: Frank et al. 1990, No. 1:49.