I110A. Star plough.
.15.16. (.17.) .22.-.24.27.-.
Orion (rarely another constellation) is a plow.
Latins, Galicians, Babylonia, Sumer, English, Scots, Welsh, Irish, Germans, Dutch, Khmer, Thais, Sre, Baiga, Haria, Sora, Gondas, Gutob, Javanese, Balinese, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Serbs, Slovenes, Ancient Greece, Greeks, Albanians, Romanians, Hungarians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, (Russians), Balkarians and Karachays, Terek Cossacks, Georgians, Lithuanians, Shirongols, Japanese.
Southern Europe. Galicians [Orion - "plow", Orion's belt - "plow handle" (a rabela do arado)]: Volpati 1933a: 506; (cf. Quechua, Chuquisaca Department, Bolivia, author's field observations) [Mancera (plow handle) - Orion's Belt and Sword; the cosmonym is clearly of Iberian origin, like Cabrillos - Pleiades]: Ciancia 2018:13 ); Latins: Allen 1899 [Negidius and Varron have a plowman and the Ursa Major have oxen]: 92; Scherer 1974 [in Varron and Ennius, the Ursa Major has a plow]: 186.
Western Europe. Germans: Andrew 1878 (Old High German) [Orion - pfluoc ("plow")]: 109; Holy 1961 [Die drei Möder ("Three Mowers"), in the old days they called "Three Ploughs"]: 123; Haapio 1952 [Orion Belt - "three brakes", "rake", "plow"]: 222; Germans, Dutch [in northern Germany, Holland, southern England, and Ireland Ursa Major - "plough"]: Scherer 1974:186 (=1953:135 in Mladenova 2006 : 122); Welsh [Ursa Major - Arthur's Plough-tail; another society {Ursa Minor?} - Smaller Plough-handle]: Trevelyan 1909:35; British, Scots [Scottish pleuch, English plough stands for Charles's wain]: Grimm 1883 (2): 727; https://sco.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter%27s_pleuch Peter's pleuch is the constellation Ursa Major meanin 'muckle beir', that's a uissfu pynter tae the north. Ane o the stars is kent as Jack aside the middle horse; Irish [Big Dipper - Plough (Camcheacta)]: Allen 1899:431.
Western Asia. Babylonia [epinnu - "The Plough", a constellation within the North Triangle and Andromeda, according to another version, only Andromeda; the figure of the constellation Plough probably corresponded to the images of the plow- seeders (found on seals and kudurru); Sumerian and Assyrian-Babylonian sources; plow as a religious symbol since early dynastic times]: Kurtik 2007:66-70.
Burma - Indochina. Khmers [Orion-Djem Kol (Wache der Pfluges; "plow time"]: Bastian in Andrew 1878:109; Thais [Orion - Dao thai, "plow"]: Bastian in Andrew 1878:109; cre [having trained the first a generation of people, Surden ("cultural hero of Ma, Sre and other peoples in southern Vietnam") took to heaven; placed constellations so that people could do the right things according to their shape; Pleiades were perceived as a stupa and women bringing down rice in it, the constellation Virgo as a plow, Ursa Major as a boat; ma and sre were descendants of Surden]: Chesnov 1982t: 428.
South Asia. Baiga [Nangar star group - "plow" {not Big Dipper); five others (Orion?) - Kutela (a stick for leveling the ground or washing)}; when Guru Mahadeo was plowing, a phadki laughed at him; he threw it into the sky; there she is with two eggs, but she doesn't incubate them; Nangar is a plow Mahadeo, Kutela - the stick he threw at the phadki; Tenga (hoe) - he used to cultivate the field]: Elwin 1939:335; haria [Bhagavan made a plow and yoke with Kotlā's wooden hammer; When he saw a Kurkur (or Pāndu) dove sitting on eggs, he threw a hammer at it with a hammer; the Pleiades, Aldebaran (Kurkur) a dove, Hyades her eggs, Orion's Sword and Belt a plow and yoke]: Roy 1937:431; sora (saora) [Binjhwar was Balram Raja, his eldest wife's parents lived in heaven; he sent her to his parents, and the young wife stayed with him on earth; the eldest wife had a son, the youngest daughter; BR with his youngest wife grew old, the daughter grew up, her father gave her off as a poor orphan; the eldest wife's son married his mother's brother's daughter; BR was worried about how to feed his son and daughter's families, because there was no plow, people worked a digger; he made two wooden plows, one left to his son-in-law and the other to his son in heaven; when he saw this plow, the heavenly father of his elder wife BR made a plow out of gold, but he could not plow it, and he has since seen in the sky as a row of stars {Orion?}] : Elwin 1954, No. 11:612-613; gutob [the constellation includes Orion's belt and sword, 4 stars in total; it's a plow (nangal jwaśi), where Orion's belt is the drawbar and the sword star is the part it holds ploughman]: A.S. Krylova, E.A. Renkovskaya, field materials, December 2018; gondas [Orion - Naagardai ("plow")]: Vahia et al. 2019:55.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Javanese [Orion - weluku, welajar ("plow"); Betelgeuse - wound on ploughman's leg]: Maaβ 1921:47; Bali: Maaβ 1921:47 [Orion-wluku, waluku], 51 [Orion, Taurus, Pleiades - elephant, pulling plow].
The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Bootes in Greek sources, i.e. "ploughman (following the plow)"]: Hom. Od. V. 272; Arat. Phaen. 92, 96, 136, 581; Hyg. Astr. II. 4.7; Romanians [Orion - "plow", "ox plow", "big plow"]: Mladenova 2006:121; Volpati 1932:187; Slovenes [in Dalmatian Slovenia Ursa Major - "plow" (Kulla na nebi), in Slomšek - Nebeški voz, in Stritar - Voz na nebu, in Valjavek - "Ilijina kola", in Bojini - "St. Ilya", in Pivka - "St. Martina", in Žiri - Oxen, but more often Big Cart]: Kropej 2012:121; Serbs [there is one indication that Orion is a "plow" in Serbo-Croatian, but usually a "plow with oxen" - Ursa Major]: Mladenova 2006:120; Serbs: Belova 2008a [j armovim]; Janković 1951 [Ursa Major - plow with oxen]: 143-145; Bulgarians: Boneva 1994 (Rhodopes) [Orion-Oralo, Ralo, Oralitsa, Ralitsa, etc.]: 12; Kovachev 1914 [Orion's belt - plow and two oxen, plowman - Orion]: 24; Mladenova 2006 [Orion (sometimes also Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Pleiades) - plow (ralitsa, ralo)]: 117- 118; Stoynev 2006 [Orion - Ralitsa, Oralice, Ralo]: 263; Bulgarians, Macedonians [Orion: ralo, oralitsa, oralitsa, ralnitsa, oralnitsa, kryulitsata, oracht, oracho]: Belova 2008a; Macedonians [Orion - "plow with oxen", Betelgeuse - "Orach" (plowman); the ploughman returned behind his forgotten belt and was a little further from the oxen with the plow; so the wolves were going to attack the oxen]: Cenev 2014: 175, 179-180; Greeks [Orion (sometimes also Ursa Major, Pleiades - plough]: Mladenova 2006:121, 123; Albanians [Orion - plow handle]: Mladenova 2004:52; 2006:121; Hungarians [Belt Oriona - Kostsy but also Crane, Plough, Hive]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1935d: 284.
Central Europe. Ukrainians: Znoyko 1989:49 [Chapel - "goat", Orion - "plow", Swan - "cross", Cassiopeia - "harrow", Ursa Major - "cart"], 212 [November 1, to Kuzma and Demyan, when Plough appears on the sky is at ten o'clock in the evening and it is clearly visible, it was God's blacksmith who raised the constellation and began to forge the Golden Plough]; Grinchenko 1909 (southwestern Ukraine) [Orion-chepiga belt ("plow handle")]: 452 (quoted in Mladenova 2006:120); Svyatsky 1961 [Cassiopeia - "Harrow"]: 123; Fedorovich 2009 [Suzir Orion in the Russian cities of Ukraine may name, after shedding: Kosi, Kosari, Kosar, Kosariki, Grable , Plough, Police (part of the plow), Chepigi, Chepiga. In Poltava region, Chepigami named only a part of Suzir Orion, as the number "5" was guessed. In other regions, Chepigami called Suzir Bliznyat. The earthy character to occupy the Ukrainian population of Vіdbivayut and Ukrainian folk name Suzir Cassiopeia - Borona ta Kosari]: 17; Yastrebov 1894 (Elisavetgrad and Alexandria y. Kherson governorate) [Constellations: Chepiga has the shape of a chepiga, a tip in a plow on which a share is put; the rocker consists of three stars, located near Chepiga; Volosozhar, otherwise Kvochka and with curls, Viz (Bolshaya Bear)]: 6; (cf. Belarusians [Volopas - "The Ploughman" (Fedorovsky's only)]: Avilin 2015:94; Russians (Don.; only evidence) [Big Dipper - chipega (chapiga: "wooden plow skeleton"," a device for cleaning the plow")]: Ruth 1987:40).
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Balkarians and Karachays [Little Bear - Myryt Zhulduzla (Myryt - "coulter, share")]: Dzhurtubayev 1991:136; Terek Cossacks (v. Naurskaya) [Ursa Major - "erandaka" (box) carts; "other constellations for Naurians resemble "chapigi" (plow handles), sickle, cross, etc."]: Vostrikov 1907:4; Georgians (Kartli) [Volopas - ox-drawn plow and driver; dog and wolf are probably a constellation of Hounds Dogs]: Jijelava et al. 2016.
Baltoscandia. Lithuanians ["The Ploughman with Oxen" is the name of an unidentified constellation]: Vaiškunas in Avilin 2015:95.
Mongolia. Shirongoli ["anjyasy" is a plow, "hotu" is a star; the designation of Orion among lationgolans in San Chuan Anjyasi-hotu, near Bou Nani Anjeuson-hotun, in Tong Xiang Anjasy-hotu, near Woo-yan-bu Zhasi-fotu]: Potanin 1893:326.
Japan. Japanese [Orion is a plow (Bellatrix is a handle, Saif is a share, Rigel is a pole pulled by a plow; the image is known throughout Japan]: Barbaro 2016 (data from Nojiri Hōei. Nihon seimei jiten [Dictionary of Japanese Astronomers]. Tokyo: Tōkyo-dō shuppan, 1973); briefly in Barbaro 2020:118-120.