I115A. Orion and the Pleiades are male and female .10.13.14.
.18.19.21.-.24.27. (.37.) .38.-.40.46. (.48.49.) .57.-.59.72.
In the same narrative or ritual context, Orion and the Pleiades are pitted against each other as a man or a man and a woman or a woman. (Orion is usually associated with masculinity, and the Pleiades with femininity; Mentawai, d'Entrecasteau, Toba, on the contrary (due to the influence of the regional background? in Indonesia and eastern South America, the Pleiades are usually a group of young men).
SW Africa. The Hottentots [The Pleiades are Orion's wives, who put him out because he missed and did not catch the game]: Sicard 1966:44.
(Wed. Bantu-speaking Africa. Luba Kasai [out of story; three stars of the Orion Belt - dog (Long-bearded), hunter (son of the Tshame spirit, identified with Jesus), game (M.); Pleiades - "lightning farmer"]: Fourche, Morlighem 1973:105-127 in Studstill 1984:127-129).
Sudan - East Africa. Cuff [Orion is Seto's cultural hero with his hands up, looking at the Pleiades, a group of girls he wants to master and who will later become his wives; Orion's Belt is his penis; neighbors the gang cuff is also called Orion Seto]: Sicard 1966:44; sandave [the time to cultivate the land is determined by the moon and stars; they mean the Pleiades (Wiya) and the "Pleiades Man" (Wiya maxae - Belt and the Sword of Orion)]: Ten Raa 1969:43; the tiger [Kema (Pleiades) and her son Ali (aka Edris - Aldebaran) had goats (Hyades); they were stolen; some say they stole Qeren (two stars of the Dragon constellation), others that Orion (Aslam; whole, not just the stars of the Orion Belt); Ali found thieves and brought back the goats; these are stars between the Pleiades and Aldebaran (Hyades)]: Littmann 1910, No. 45:61; (cf. Masai [three stars of the Orion Belt - three widows chased by three old men - Orion's Sword]: Norton 1909:306).
North Africa. The Tuaregs [Orion is the "guide"; Orion's sword is his genital organ, Rigel is one of his legs, his left and right arms are Betelgeuse and Bellatrix; the Pleiades ("daughters of the night") are Aldebaran's wives and Orion; six women, and the seventh star is a boy from whom Orion took an eye in payment for a portion of Boerhavia spp grain. ]: Bernus, AG-Sidiyene 1989:145.
Australia. Tiwi [Orion is a group of dingoes chasing the Wallaby-Pleiades]: Mountford 1958:177; northeast South Australia [The Pleiades are beautiful sisters, their bodies are covered in icicles; go to the west prepare a parking lot for husbands, their husbands are Orion; during the season when they drop icicles, the ground freezes]: Mountford, Roberts 1972:38 in Waterman 1987, No. 300:35; Yualarai [seven Pleiade Sisters beautiful, their bodies shine with icicles; Berei-Berei (Orion's Belt and Sword) watch them find and collect honey; old Varunna kidnapped two girls, tried to melt their icicles, but only extinguished fire; they returned to heaven to their sisters, but V.'s fire made them dimmer than others; BB died of grief, they also rose to heaven; at night they dance to the Pleiades; once a year, the Pleiades throw ice on the ground; piece ice is pressed against the children's noses, a bone or straw is inserted into the nose; a relative of the Pleiades laughed watching the two sisters run away from V.; he still laughs, he is the Laughing Star (Venus); when there is thunder in winter, it's the Pleiades swimming]: Parker 1965:123-125; the Kamilaroi [a group of men drove a group of women to the top of a pine tree; Bhaiami (The Creator) helped them climb into heaven, they became Pleiades; male leader -Orion, he has a belt and a boomerang]: Greenway 1878 in Waterman 1987, No. 260:34; Southwestern Australia [like a Camilaroa]: Ridley 1875:141 in Waterman 1987, No. 260:34; Wilman [Degindie and his wife, Two teenage sons, younger kids, and a girl named Wardah, whom he raises as his sons' future wife, meets Kar Kar men; they hunt together, but then KK wants to take W.; D. and that's it, whoever is with him fight back, but he and his sons die; the wind raises them to the sky; D. and his sons are the three stars of the Orion Belt; in the same place (some stars) KK; wife D., W. and the children go to their former territory; the wind begins, children are covered with skin, the wind takes everyone to heaven, they turn into Pleiades; wife D. and W. are brighter stars, children are dim]: Hassell 1934:236-238; Western Desert ( central Australia) [Orion man chased the Pleiades on earth and continues to chase them across the sky]: Clarke 1997:136; Anyamatana [Pleiade women camp for husbands, husbands set up Orion; they have the bag is like a kangaroo; their bodies and bags are filled with white crystals; in winter they fall to the ground from their bags, through their eyes, nose and vulva; at the same time, two heavenly people open the door to the sky for shamans could they (i.e. Pleiades?) see]: Mountford 1939:103-104 in Waterman 1987, No. 300:35; pitjanjara [the old man pursues seven sisters; they create a male teeth-pulling ceremony along the way; the old man outlines with his spear sacred points on the ground; creates a ring of steep cliffs around the runaway; girls jump into a pond, the old man drowns them there; the girls are the Pleiades, the old man is Orion]: Waterman 1987, No. 270:34; plains of Womma {apparently Adelaide District} [Orion is the kangaroo hunters that the Pleiades girls seek to get close to (who are courted by the fair maidens of the Pleiades)]: Bonwick 1870:189; Western Australia [the female organizer played the role of Njuru (an Orion man) who chased his sisters across Western Australia; the sisters hid in a cave, but Orion still caught and raped one of them; because the girl was the (classification) sister of Father N., this act is considered incest, and she fell ill and died; the remaining 6 sisters continued to run away; stopped and sat on the ground, and N. sent them to one of them their penis is underground; but the women let the dogs down, they bit off their penis and it became an independent being Jula]: Johnson 2011:293.
Melanesia. Maphore [Pleiades (sarmuri) - wife of Orion (kokori)]: Beccari 1876 (Geographic Mag. II:212 in Andrew 1878:108; Isles d'Entrecasteau [Pleiades - six men, married in pairs to three women - three stars of the Orion Belt; wife names Sugarcane Thief, Thief Banana leaves, Tarot thief; polyandry is not really known]: Jenness, Ballantine 1920:161; Florida [The Pleiades are a group of girls, the Orion Belt is a warboat {which means it should be be men}]: Codrington 1891:348 (quoted in Nilsson 1920:124, in Andrew 1893:363).
Tibet is the Northeast of India. The Tibetans Amdo (Tanguts) [the red star Gachari was jealous of his wife (Pleiades) of Orion and put a stone on his back; this constellation in the middle has since been broken]: Potanin 1893:327; miri [Orion Belt - boy or boy chasing pleiade girls across the sky]: Hutton 1925:114; Meitei [6 friends went to buy fish from six naga boys; the parents of the first two are Luwang Punsiba and Khomthok Laibak; young men said they didn't catch anything today, offered to stay overnight; they became lovers; boys: if your fathers hit you (naga were considered untouchable), come to the fifth a day to go up to heaven; the girls climbed the hills and then to heaven; the sixth was late to give birth to a cicada (the time when cicadas are cracking is associated with the Pleiades rise/setting); halfway they remembered that they had forgotten weaving accessories; got out in the rain; got lost; reached Mount Sumeru; Soraren questioned them, turned them into Pleiades; when young men got to him (now the stars of Orion, who follow the Pleiades ), S. said that there are no marriages in heaven and only once a year can they and their lovers go down to earth and unite; their descendants will be cicadas]: Singh 1985:206-209.
Burma - Indochina. Karen: Marshall, p.53 in Hutton 1925 [three stars of the Orion Belt married the Pleiades]: 124; Mason 1865 [The Pleiades are a "big house", i.e. a family of originally seven, later six left; The elder and younger brothers married two sisters from this family; while the husbands were fishing, Orion stole the wives; the brothers ran to scream, the elder threw the dart, but the youngest accidentally found himself behind him, he pushed the dart, which hit the sisters' house, partially knocking it down; Orion thought that the chase was behind, left the kidnapped, went swimming; the brothers took their wives, returned home, fixed it]: 235-236.
South Asia. Bengalis [Orion Belt - Young Man Chasing Pleiade Girls]: Hutton 1925:123
Malaysia-Indonesia. Mentawai: Loeb 1929, No. 12 [husband says children will be a burden; puts seven sons in a barrel, anchores into the sea; cuts the boa constrictor, throws pieces into the sea, they wriggle, waves them imitate, the sea is worried, the barrel is anchored; Sikombut finds it, raises seven boys, the eighth comes out of a slaughtered pig at a party; the brothers are unbearable, they kill guests, kill their brother foster father; their adoptive father asks them to climb a tree, causes the wind, the tree throws them to a distant village; they return, their father assures that he did not want to get rid of them; they secretly make a military boat, they sail away; the father throws a harpoon at it to pull it back by the tench; the eighth brother sends the rat to gnaw the tench seven times; the eighth rat has worn its teeth, but the brothers send it against the father scorpion; sail away; S. goes to the moon, he is the Month; three brothers have wives left, they follow in an unfinished boat; brothers throw a pig's jaw at her, the boat goes off course; everyone in the sky: a boat brothers (probably the Pleiades), a rat, a scorpion, a brothers' wife's boat (three stars of the Orion Belt), then the Morning Star rises]: 149-162; Schefold 1988 [eight brothers turn into the Pleiades (balubalu, "eight- eight"); three of them were married, their wives followed them but could not catch them, these are the three stars of the Orion Belt; the Pleiades threw them the lower jaw of a pig (Aldebaran and Hyades); the brothers' boat is a constellation Triangle]: 72; Western Torajas [Kawatuna: seven children - Pleiades, one of them turned into rice; Sigi: wife turned into rice, husband into Orion's Belt; Koro: Pleiades woman told her son to prepare fields on seven hills, began to ride on the slopes, rice grew]: Kruyt 1938 (4): 4-5 in Mabuchi 1969:38.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Pindar's Nemean Songs (c. 522 - ca. 443 BC): "Where the Pleiades took place - /Orion will also walk on your heels" (trans. M.L. Gasparova)]: Pind. Nem. II. 11-12; [fragment of Pindar's praises about Orion: "... He is chasing Playona, and the dog is with him..." (per. M.L. Gasparova); Pleion is the mother of the pleiades]: Pind. Fr. 74; Andrew 1893 [Pindar: Pleion, the mother of the Pleiades, went with them to Boeotia; there Orion fell in love with them, they ran away from him for five years, after which Zeus turned them into doves (Pelei A) and then into stars]: 364.
(Wed. Amur - Sakhalin. Negidals [group of stars - Seven women running away from their scary husband; one star behind is her husband; chased his wives and fell behind them]: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003, No. 9:57; retelling in Podmaskin 2013 [possibly the husband is Orion]: 126).
Japan. Ainu [1) were six hard-working sisters; when their father was picked up by a bear and their mother left grieving and did not return, they became lazy; they lived in the mountains in spring and summer, begged in autumn and winter; god of heaven became angry, turned them into the Pleiades arwan nochiu ("idle stars"), showing up during winter storms and spending time underground in warm spring; 2) the stars of the Orion Belt are three hard-working young men who lived near these sisters; young men and they were advised to work harder; tried to grab them, but the sisters sailed away in the boat; when the god of heaven turned the girls into stars, he did the same to the boys, making them a good example for people]: Nokiri 1973:188-196 {per. X. Yamada}.
SV Asia. Chukchi [Orion is a archery with a humpback; Orion's belt is his back, the Sword is the genital organ; Leo is Krivospinnik's wife, who was jealous of the Pleiades and hit him with a cutting board, which caused him his back became hunchback; after a fight he kicked his wife out; the Pleiades are a "group of women" (six); Krivospinnik tried to marry one of them, but they drove him away because of his too big organ; he became shoot them, they ran away; Aldebaran is an arrow that did not reach women; Kolyma Chukchi say that the arrow is stuck in the net (small stars) that the Pleiades cover (=Bogoras 1907:308-309)]: Bogoraz 1939:24; (cf. Koryaks [Pleiades are a group of deer aimed at by the skillful shooter Rultejet (Orion)]: Bogoraz 1939:28-29).
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (relocated from Providence and Cape Whelen to Fr. Wrangel) [Ursa Major - reindeer, Pleiades - girls, Orion - hunter, Gemini - bow, Cassiopeia - bear trail, Cepheus - half tambourine]: Ushakov 2001:172.
(Wed. California. Jokutz [six young women picked wild bulbs; their husbands went hunting for a cougar, each time they came back with nothing; scolded wives who smelled of onions; wives decided to run away, alone pregnant, sat on a rock, water poured from her nose, the woman turned into stone; her mother-in-law showed her daughters-in-law porridge to lure them, but they ran to heaven; husbands chase them (Taurus stars, identification is unreliable) but can't catch up]: Gayton, Newman 1940, No. 15:26).
(Wed. Big Pool. Northern Payutes [Pleiades - Seven Wives of the Month; Three Bright Stars {Orion Belt?} they want to marry three beauties, chase them across the sky, but can't catch up]: Powell 1971:229).
Plains. Osage [Sun, Morning Star, Ursa Major, North Star, Sirius - Grandfathers, Moon, Evening Star, Double Star, Pleiades, Orion-Grandma's Belt]: La Flesche 1928:74
The Great Southwest. Navajo [Orion is a man, follows the Pleiades (Pleiades are a family engaged in planting plants, p. 41)]: Maryboy, Begay 2010:5.
Southern Venezuela.
Panaré [Pleiades are Orion's wife, their son Sirius]: Dumont 1976:94 (quoted in Magaña 1989a: 214)Guiana. Warrau [Nohi-Abassi climbs a tree to watch for animals at the watering hole; the cannibal Nakhokoboni comes; takes two fish out of the river, immediately eats one, puts the other in basket; next time NA's younger brother asks for permission to climb the tree and him; the cannibal sees its reflection, catches it in the water; her movements make her younger brother laugh; the cannibal sends ants the brothers have to go down; she kills the youngest, brings the oldest home; her two daughters like him, the youngest becomes his wife; she hides a crocodile or shark under the boat so that they can eat her mother; the spouses run away, the eldest daughter pursues them; they climb a tree, the pursuer manages to cut off ON her leg; the leg turns into the spirit of the Maam bird (Tinamu sp.) and into the Orion Belt; the wife in the Pleiades, the NA himself in Hyades]: Roth 1915, No. 210:263-265; Wilbert 1970, No. 188:431-433; akawai or carinha; lokono [Pleiades - Orion's wife]: Brett 1968:191-200.
Chaco. Toba: Metraux 1935c [The Pleiades are a man {obviously Dapichí} who sends cold, as does Orion's Belt - "Woman's Grandmother"]: 137; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 1 [fire destroyed the earth; three old women escaped in the sky as stars of the Orion Belt, several boys became the Pleiades; a man became a bright Buick star (apparently Aldebaran or Betelgeuse), a woman became Morning Venus, the other Venus in the evening, whiskacha by the Southern Cross; in front of him there is a dog, and behind him are two more (α and β Centaurs); Coal Bags are two mortars that the women took with them; the people left on earth hid in caves, and when they left, they turned into animals; the old man became a caiman, the old woman became a crocodile, others into deer, nanda, foxes, bears and others; only one man remained human; the woman was lowered to him rope from the sky; the rope was cut off when the woman was already near the ground, so the woman was ugly; if cut higher, all Indian women would be fair-skinned beauties; var.: went down many women and the first ones were ugly; due to the fact that the rope was cut off near the ground, the beautiful ones remained in the sky]: 25-26.