I117. The spider transports from world to world.
A spider or spider takes a hero or heroine to the sky, helps to descend to earth, or otherwise helps to overcome the road to another world.
Cuba, Tetela, Subia, Louie, Vili (Fiote), Sukuma, Yao, Banks Islands (Motu), Paywan, Baikal Evenks (Barguzin), Far Eastern Evenks (Uchursky?) , Chukchi, Koryaks, Asian Eskimos, Northern Alaska Inupiate, Kuchin, Atna, Tanana, Upper Tanana, Tlingits, Heiltsuk, Chilkotin, Quinolt, Quileut, Shuswap, Thompson, Upper Chehalis, Cowlitz, Puyallup, Snohomish , skagit, Puget Sound, western sachaptin, kordalen, tillamook, ne perse, klikitat, yakima, koos, upper coquil, marsh crees, hidatsa, arikara, pawnee, kiowa, kiowa apache, screams, mattol, coastal Yuki, Pomo, Yana, Achomavi, Isleta, Akoma, Sia, Kochiti, Zunyi, Navajo, Western Apache, Guahiro, Makushi, Wapishana, Mochika Culture.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Cuba [(2 texts about how the Turtle, with the help of the Spider, visited the sky by the thunderous animal Nsadi)]: Frobenius 1983:290, 291; aunt [thunder Njadi tried to make friends with various animals, with trees, were all frightened of him; the Turtle agreed, the Spider helped her go to heaven and return]: Frobenius 1983:292; Fioti [The spider weaved long threads, the wind carried them into the sky; A woodpecker climbed them, punched star holes in the sky; then a man climbed in, brought fire from the sky]: Pechuël-Loesche 1907:135; wili [Nzambi's daughter promises to marry only the one who gets fire from Nzambi Mpubgu living in the sky; The spider weaved a rope to the sky, the Woodpecker punched a hole in the sky, after a series of tests they brought fire from the sky]: Millroth 1965:198; Sukuma: Millroth 1965:196-177 [The lion gathers everyone for advice, offers to get light from the sky; the Mouse, the Spider, the Fly agree to go; they climb into the sky on the web; the local chief suggests 1) mow the grass throughout the savannah (The mouse calls ants cut the grass), 2) eat a lot of meat (The mouse digs the passages, they hide the meat underground), 3) identify which box is light, what darkness is in; The fly overhears, finds out what is in the red box, the leader gives it away ; on the ground, a rooster jumps out of the box, sings, the sun rises], 198 [people on the web climb into the sky in search of light; locals try to slip them beautiful boxes, but they choose the most humble; when people return to earth, they open boxes, from the first the sun appears, from the second moon, from the third star]; louis [the god Nyambe took to heaven on the web]: Jacottet 1901:118 in Millroth 1965:198; subia [Leza lived on the ground, his hut was glowing like the sun, people were afraid of him; he weaved a web, went up to heaven; some people followed but fell; then they took it out spider eyes and now the spider is blind]: Jacottet 1901:102-104 in Frazer 1926:174; yao [Mulungu and animal people lived on earth; Chameleon fished, caught the first human pair with wicker tops; M. ordered to raise them, teach them how to get fire by friction; one day the forest caught fire, the animals ran, people began to chase them, kill them; drove M. away with a gun; at his request, the Spider raised M. across the web to the sky; in punishment after death people must become slaves to M.]: Werner 1906:73, 243 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 143:115.
Melanesia. Banks Islands (Mota) [When hungry, a woman finds a fruit tree in the forest; her son forces her to show her where to go; finds a tree, climbs for fruit; spirits flock there, including her deceased brother the young man's mother {then skip the page in my copy; obviously, my uncle helps my nephew take possession of the heavenly maiden; he marries her, she gives birth to a child}; in the garden it is enough for her to touch the leaf yams, there is already a tuber in his hand; the husband does not believe that the wife and son have eaten, because there are no traces of yams dug up in the garden; thinks that a man gave yams to Jenya beats her, tells her to go back to heaven; she makes a fire, rises into the sky on a column of smoke; the husband finds a crying child, asks all animals and birds to help; only the Spider makes a thread to the sky, puts a man with a child on himself back, understands to heaven; there is a holiday, dancing; the son turns to his mother, she pays attention to him, agrees to return; The spider takes all three back to earth]: Codrington 1891, No. 4:379-383.
Taiwan - Philippines. Paywan [Tjuku is the leader's daughter, an orphan, lives with her aunt Kalikali; she sees C. with her lover Pulaluyan, he is from a simple family; C. has a favorite water vessel, K. goes with him to to the source, where the enemies want to kill her, she promises to lure them C.; says C. that she forgot the vessel, tells her to wear a beautiful dress after it; C. is captured, the leader of the enemies suggests not to kill her, because she wants marry; while everyone chews betel, C. disappears (by magic), sees at home that K. burned what she was weaving; K. pretends to be sick, C. puts her to sleep, goes to the mouth of the river to drown; sitting on a stone, betel chews, throwing the upper parts of the nuts into the water; they are picked up by the Spider to weave threads; with the promise of betel and threats, C. makes him make a road for her (by magic) into the sea; goes to the sea dry, water they part in front of her, close behind her; in the sea, C. weaves in a glass house under a banyan; P. comes to look for C., notices her saliva on a stone; contrary to C.'s ban, the Spider opens the way for P. to C.; P. comes to C., they talk, C. falls asleep, he takes her house to the village with a song; they leave K., marry; K. suffers from thirst and hunger with his children, comes to C., she refuses to help]: Egli 1989, No. 73:196-207.
Eastern Siberia. Baikal Evenks (Barguzin) [father, elder, middle brothers leave, disappear; the youngest is walking, the old man teaches how to ride a heroic foal; at the crossroads there is a stone with the inscription "Right dear black, left white"; the young man's father walked on the right, brothers on the left, he walks on the right; the old woman teaches him to go to Chagan-kan, around his house there is a river of blood, the banks are made of human bones; gives a pestle throw if C.'s daughters are chased; the horse transfers C. to the roof of the house, tells them to change the barrels of poisonous and eternal water; steps over one of C.'s daughters, jumps away, C.'s daughters are chasing, they can't pick up or bypass the abandoned pestle, stop chasing; comes to the daughter C., over whom he has stepped over, now she is his wife; they find the remains of the young man's father, revive them with eternal water; the young man takes his father, wife and old woman to the stone with the inscription, goes to look for brothers; throws the girl who threw his brothers at her into the pit, pulls out the brothers; an old man comes, asks for a knife, hides in a hole, in that knife was the soul of a young man; the young man descends on his belts, the girl shows where the knife brought by the devil, the young man takes it, changes barrels of poisonous and eternal water; the devil drinks poisonous water, dies, drinks after him, the wife dies devil; brothers pick up the girl and riches, cut off the rope; the young man is injured, the mouse hits, she eats grass, recovers, he also recovers; C.'s daughter is sacrificed a snake, the young man puts him in his mouth a birch tree, a snake kills; falls asleep, throws it into the water; the girl pulls it out, revives it; the young man saves the spider's children from the fire, he gives the net to rise to the upper world; the young man appears at the brothers' wedding under the guise of old man, takes his form; stays with three wives, older brothers tied to horse tails]: Voskoboynikov 1958:72-79 (=1973, No. 18:80-89); Far Eastern Evenks (probably Uchursky) [in In the depths of bygone years, a young man Tyvgunay appeared at the mouth of five deep-water rivers with thundering valleys and blazing capes, under a sprawling tree; he does not know where he came from; he made a bow, saw two ducks, but does not shoot (maybe they belong to people, it will be bad if I kill them); they fly away, sing: grateful they did not kill; one says she left a thimble on the bump, tells me to take it - it will help; T. came to the camp, there is a rich leader; his daughter promises to the one who pulls a pierced bow out of the ground; no one can; T. did not try it, returned under his tree; a man is sitting there, saying that he is his the elder brother (his name is Cholbon Chokuldai), has been looking for him for several years; T. talks about the leader, his daughter and bow; CH: go into my horse's left ear, there's food; go into the right ear - there are clothes; T. is strong dressed in armor, both drove on a huge heroic horse; HCH pulled out a bow, the shaft broke, the arrow flew to the sky; the brothers flew on horseback to the upper world to find out where the arrow had hit; there are people like mosquitoes, cattle like spiders; smoke from the ground, there's half charred old man and old woman; old man: liver sick, give me some liver; old woman: they gave me it to make my skins, if I give it to you, me they will hit the head with a golden poker; then the same about the brain (they will hit the head with a poker); then the old woman to the old man: when you were young and you were defeated by heroes, they flew to the upper world, taking us with them, I she left a two-year-old boy HCH on larch, and a six-month-old T. under a branched tree; when she heard the brothers break into the plague, the parents were happy; mother: there are invincible heroes in this country; they lie Now because some death from the middle world has tore half of their bodies off them; they fry us on fire and ask us who we left in our homeland; gathered shamans to find out if we don't those who managed to predict are being killed; the brothers fed their parents, came unnoticed in the plague of heroes; the shaman began to spin: the young men who released death are here; the heroes do not believe, they want to cut off the shaman's head; she asks the young men to show up not to be killed; two heroes Singkeltuken Eden (SE) and Begaltukan Eden (BE) ask the brothers to return their full bodies, because it is shameful to kill cripples; they did it ; during the battle, HF sees nothing, begins to weaken; his horse tells him to hit him with a silver hatchet, then he will see a smoke smoke raft attached to the SE horse; he is divorced by an old woman, she must be killed; he did it; SE offers to take a break, leads you towards him, offers to sit down; HH fails and flies down; SE turns to someone below: I let you down the strongest hero; in response: if he drives cattle ahead, they would keep him alive for several days; HH throws lumps of clay, they turn into cattle; HH leads him to a plague, where people are smoked and eaten; the old woman says HC: if you smell this country, on the ground You won't come back; HC and the local leader look at each other for 30 days without closing their eyes; then the leader closed his eyes, three days later the second; HC saw a bell above him and a hole in the upper world far above; became as a spider, then a bird, crawled, flew; when he jumped into the hole, he became human again, then the bell rattled; the monster leaned out: continue to let the people of the middle world come to me with cattle, then sometimes will be able to return; so shamans take cattle as payment; HF led SE to fight against a rock where heaven and earth come into contact; there the sky is like scissors; HF was the first to jump, the sky cut off the tip of the horse's tail; when SE jumped , he was cut in half; HH found T.; he was barely alive, his enemy BE too; BE fired an arrow, ordering him to hit a fish into the sea and bring it to him; the arrow did it, the fish was the soul of HCH; T. sends an arrow to the larch for the little swallow; it is about to slip into the hole in the upper world; T. remembered the thimble, threw it, he plugged the hole, the arrow brought the swallow; BE: none of us will win, we will not win anymore fight, we will exchange souls; T. and CH took their parents and returned to earth; T. married a girl who gave a thimble, and HC married the daughter of a hero whose bow he pulled out]: Myreeva 2009:128-145.
SV Asia. Chukchi: Belikov 1982:138-149 [The husband's younger brother bothers his wife in his absence; one day she threatens him with a knife, accidentally kills him; the husband feeds a beetle and a caterpillar in the pit, they turn into huge monsters; The Spider tells her that her husband will lead her monsters to eat, tells her to sew new torbaza, throw her in front of the hole; the husband rushes after him, the Spider takes the woman to heaven, the husband is angry rushes into a hole, eaten; in the sky, kele catches the souls of earthly people on the hook; Kele's wives tell a woman to hide in the house of the Sunny Woman; she burns kele when she looks at him; Sunny Woman gives an earthly look into boxes, each one can see the earth at different times of the year; a woman pours water, snow, it rains and snows on the ground; sees her home; the Sun returns her to earth to her parents], 167-169 [four Brothers hunt deer, some eat cooked meat; when the younger one remains guarded, a skeleton woman enters, tells her to overlay her with meat, turns into a woman, the youngest marries her; the eldest also wants to her; the woman rejects the youngest, hits the board, kills, hides, the elder finds the body; the spider tells the woman that the elder grows worms in the pit to throw them to eat; the woman suggests to the brothers try on ritual gloves, a spider lifts her up]; Van Deusen 1999 [three brothers notice that this skeleton is stealing from their house; they catch him, he turns out to be a girl, one of the brothers marries her; she is dead; one day, when there were no others, the third brother died, the wife put her body on a shelf to dry her skins; two brothers returned and decided to push her into a hole in the hearth; the Spider told her to grab hold of web, raised to the upper world]: 39-40; coastal Koryaks (zap. A.N. Zhukova, village. Palana, 1958; Russian borrowing, but the savior spider's motif is local) [the hunter fell into the bear's den; the bear gave birth to his son Kainyvil (Bear Ear); he is a man, only bear ears; four years later, K. asks his father to bring him to his house; the father replies that the Bear will catch up with them, kill them; they run away, K. kills the Mother Bear with his fist; K. is too strong, maiming other children; goes to tundra; meets, companions 1) a man carrying birch; 2) carrying a hill with cedars; 3) carrying a riverside tundra; they come to the house of giants; K. lies down on their owner's bed; beats (to deaths?) him and the three with whom he came; K. comes to the old man, talks about the defeated giants; the old man was their father; he offers K. the bride inside the hill; lowers him into the hole on a rope, cuts off the rope; The spider picks him back; he hits the old man, hangs him by the rib in the house, sets fire to the house; returned home; there his father, the Cossacks pulled out his eyes; K. killed the Cossacks; the father said that there is a cure for blindness made from the liver; the neighbor says it is the liver of a man with a fiery head named Fire; gives a sword, teaches what to do; K. goes to the sunset, where the earth is red; cuts off O.'s head, cuts off the liver, takes bile, runs away; the fire is behind him, he has time to leave; he smears his father's eyes with bile, he sees the light]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 139:434-447.
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Baboshina 1958, No. 69 [a girl approaches the yaranga of two brothers, eats there, leaves; then sews pants; the eldest remains guarded, finds a girl, marries; one day the youngest began to bother her, she stabbed him in the throat, hid his body; her brother found him; began to feed worms in a pit; pushed his wife, but she grabbed the web and disappeared into the sky; she was sitting with God in yaranga, he pushed his skin off the floor, the ground could be seen; the girl began to cry, it rained on the ground, her mother quickly began to collect the hides that had been hung to dry; the girl went down the web back to her yaranga]: 170-173; Menovshchikov 1974 (Sireniki) [five hunting brothers live together; a girl who refused to marry comes when they are not there, steals meat; the youngest stays on guard, catches the girl, marries her the eldest; the youngest bothers her, she swings, accidentally kills him with a knife, hides him; the eldest finds the body; the brothers grow two worms in the pit; The spider warns the woman, tells him to sew a torbaza, promises embroider them; on the edge of the pit, the husband examines the camp; when he pushes a woman, the Spider picks her up, the husband jumps into the hole himself out of annoyance, is eaten], No. 25:121-123; (=1985, No. 71:157-159); Rubtsova 1954, No. 13 (Chaplino) [ the girl does not marry, her father drives her to look for a groom; she meets five brothers, marries an older one; gives birth to a son and a daughter; her husband's brother bothers her, she swings a knife, accidentally kills him; hides the corpse on the scaffolding; blood drips, the husband finds the corpse; the Spider warns that the brothers feed the caterpillars with deer meat in the pit; tells them to grab the web when the husband collides it into a hole; woman rises to heaven; it is taken by a man, whose objects move at will; when he leaves, he tells him not to untie the bag, not to look into the small yaranga; fox wool falls out of the bag (not shove back, the husband puts it back when he returns); opens boxes, there are whales, walruses; there are half (vertically) of a woman in yaranga, she immediately falls, the fire burns the heroine; the husband returns everything to its place; a woman gives birth to a son, a daughter; a husband pushes a stone, conversations can be heard through a hole in Chaplino; a woman cries, it is raining on the ground; a husband lowers his wife and daughter on a belt to the ground to her parents, leaves her son myself]: 183-191; Northern Alaska Inupiate (tareumiut) [the girl does not marry; the boy turns into a bowler hat, falls into her dugout, she puts him on the fire, he pretends to boil; at night takes the form of a human being, takes possession of a mistress; turns into a bird, tells him to sit on his back, brings him to the mountain; a woman cries, her hair has fallen out; a little spider woman gives her tendons ties them up, tells you to close your eyes, goes down the mountain, shows the way home]: Spencer 1959:386.
Subarctic. Kuchin: McKennan 1965:136-137 [Two sisters shake their younger brother on the swing; he falls into the river, drowns; frightened of his parents' anger, the sisters leave; Lasky kidnap the youngest, the eldest finds her; sisters come to Spider; her two sons follow the sun every day; they are considered girls' husbands, but do not sleep with them or take food from their hands; despite warning, sisters move a stone; see hole her house on the ground; the Spider agrees to lower them; tells them not to cut the rope on the ground, otherwise she will die; when her sons cause a storm, the sisters must turn their bare ass to the wind; sisters so and they do, the wind subsides; Wolverine promises to show them the way home if one of them lies with him; sisters push him into the river, come home], 137-138 [two sisters track down a porcupine; at night, Caress people kill the youngest; the eldest comes to the entrance to the world of the dead; fights against the old woman guarding the entrance, breaks away from her, runs away; gets to the Spider; she says that her two sons, who return at night, do not must see the guest; moves a stone that closes a hole in the sky; weaves a rope, lowers the girl to the ground; she returns to people], 138-139 [the shaman boy goes into the forest; looks up, is carried to heaven, his clothes remain on the ground; the Spider dresses him, he lives with her; enters the house of the Old Frog, who demands to look for insects in his head and eat; the boy refuses, because they are not lice, runs away the old man follows him, the Spider kills the old man with his gaze; the boy moves a stone in the corner of her house, sees the ground through the hole; the Spider lowers him; contrary to warning, he cuts off the end of the rope; The Spider dies, the sky is colored with her blood, the blizzard begins; now, when the storm approaches, the sky turns red]; atna [two sisters find that their parents have gone somewhere; the Camprobber bird tells them to walk along the narrow a path; the older sister insists on walking along a wide path; they come to an old man who cooks his eyes; he kills his older sister with a hot iron; the younger one runs away saying that she is going out of need; throws a comb and other objects (without details), they turn into a thicket, a mountain, etc.; The spider hides it under her bed; kills the pursuer; moves the stone, the hole under it, and you can see through it below girl's parents; Spider lowers her on a rope]: Smelcer 1997:65-68; tanana [little boy wants a butterfly; his two sisters are going to catch it; one comes back, the other goes for the butterfly, comes to an old woman; she hides her in the bag of one of her sons; they come back, the youngest finds a girl, takes her as a wife; the old woman tells her not to move a flat stone in the corner of the house; the girl moves it through a hole in The sky sees her house; wants to go home; an old woman weaves a rope, lowers her daughter-in-law down; she opens her eyes, gets stuck in a cloud; next time she goes down to the ground; the old woman was a Spider; when she was killed, Rain clouds appeared in the afternoon]: De Laguna, De Armond 1995, No. 11:142-146; Upper Tanana: Brean 1975 [two sisters follow the butterfly, got lost; at the fork, the youngest suggests walking along a straight and narrow path, the eldest is on the wide left; they go to the left, come to the old man; in the evening they see him sharpening knives and spears; at night they ask permission to leave, he ties ropes to them; they They tie them to a stump, run; the Red Fox carries them across the river, they give him a necklace; he throws the old stalker into the water; he gets out; the Spider hides his sisters, points his finger at the old man, The old man crumbles with a pile of bones; the sisters turn each bone into a kind of berry; when they returned, the sons of the Spider began to quarrel over who would get the girls; the Spider pushed the stump away, the sisters through the hole saw the ground; the Spider descends them on a web to the outskirts of their village; says that if it snows fluffy, it means she is dead; it snowed in winter, the girls regretted the Spider]: 17-19; Kari 1996 [two the girls follow butterflies, find themselves in the sky; the old Chickady tells you to walk along a narrow path, not to walk along a wide path; at the fork, the sisters argue, the eldest makes you walk along a wide path; they see a platform on cut dog carcasses bark at him; "Damn" next to him, an old woman lives across the street; at night she whispers to the youngest that the eldest Devil will kill; in the hearth there is a hot iron penis, the devil inserts it into the eldest's vagina, she dies The devil covers her with a blanket; pretends that she is sleeping; the youngest asks out of need, the devil offers her palm and head for that, but the girl replies that she does not want to get her father dirty; The devil ties her to her rope; the old woman secretly gives moose fat and a stone scraper; the girl ties the rope to the stump, tells him to answer for himself; The devil pulls a stump by the rope, sets off in pursuit, the girl tells the fat to become lake; then the scraper is the mountain; The devil goes around the lake, drills a hole through the mountain with an iron penis; by the river, the girl promises Lisa to paint her ocher, she sends it on her tail {not clear - holding it out the tail is like a bridge or the girl sits the Fox east}, since then the foxes are red; the same at the second river, the girl paints the Fox with charcoal, since then the {black and brown} foxes are black; the devil enters the water but comes back; the girl comes to the mother of the Sun; she hides her in a box of thread and needles; answers the Devil that no one was there; Damn is going to put a hot iron penis in her ass, but she melted the Devil by looking at him; the girl tells the blood to become cranberry on tall bushes {in Alaska, cranberry is not our cranberries, but red berries that are similar in taste and appearance on tall bushes}, the waist is cranberry on low bushes, penis with cranberry mushrooms, testicles with salmonberry berries (Rubus spectabilis, excellent raspberries), bones with dog rose hips (Rosa canina) and bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), the brain is a silver sucker; berries have existed since then; two sons of a Sun woman came, married a girl; she misses relatives on earth; the mother of the Sun tells me to move the stones away from the hearth; the girl She sees her mother and relatives below on the ground; the mother of the Sun says that if it snows sleet, you should turn his ass and say, "The dog took it.." (the informant does not remember the meaning); lets the girl down on the web; the mother of the Sun is the Spider; (further it is not entirely clear: Wolverine either raped the girl or is trying to do it; Herbal People (Grass Tussock People) hide her); she comes to her mother; it's snowing, she said, "Take the dog.. ", it's sunny]: 23-33; McKennan 1959 [two sisters follow a butterfly, go to heaven; Chickady tells them to follow a narrow path; the older sister insists on walking the wide one; they come to the old man, he cooks a dog's eye, a man; kills his older sister by inserting the hot tip of a spear into her vagina; the youngest runs away; throws fat, a pebble, a lock of hair, they turn into a lake, a mountain, a forest; a fox transports the girl across the lake, she gives him red paint; the Spider hides her in a bag; carrying the Old Man, the Fox dumps him into the water; he gets ashore, wants the Spider to give him the girl; she looks at it into a pile of bones; each bone turns into a special kind of berry; Spider's eldest son marries a girl; she wants to go home; the Spider pushes a stone in the corner of the house; you can see through the hole girl's house; a girl wraps a rope out of her tendons, goes down to the ground; her husband kills Spider for helping his wife escape; a storm begins; the girl returns home]: 199-203.
NW Coast. The Tlingits [wife is taken to heaven; the husband comes for her; the heavenly inhabitants want to burn him; he says he is happy; they drag him to the water, he screams that he is afraid; swims, says that all waters are his creation; The Spider brings him and his wife down to the ground in a web]: Swanton 1909, No. 88:250-251; Heiltzuk [A month kidnaps Vavalis's wife; the Spider lowers her and her son back to land]: Boas 1928b: 103-105.
The coast is the Plateau. Chilkotin [an old man and a young man live together; the boy has two wives, the old man wants them for himself; after stripping, the young man climbs a tree to the eagle's nest for feathers; the old man rips off the bark, making the trunk slippery, tells the tree to grow; tells the woman to go with it to another parking lot; the old man likes it, the other, whose child has a child, rejects it; the young man makes himself a cloak out of feathers and his own hair; the Spider lowers a young man, letting him make a rope a web; a young man finds a faithful wife and their son; a wife carries him in a basket; a young man beats to death an old man and an unfaithful wife]: Farrand 1990, No. 13:29-30; quinolt [eldest the sister hurries Spider to bring her down to the ground; the rope is short, the girl dies sitting in a basket between heaven and earth; people go to save her sister; the dog is sent for fire, she remains to eat the roots; on the way back, the chain of arrows breaks off, the rest in the sky turn into stars]: Farrand 1902, No. 5:107-109; quileout: Andrade 1931, No. 26 [the younger sister wants a dim star, the older sister wants a dim star, bright; the youngest wakes up with the old one, the eldest with her young husband; the girls' father makes a bow; Keith, Bear, Elk can't pull it, the Wren shoots, makes a chain of arrows; only the Snail sees an arrow that has pierced the sky; Osprey borrows her eyes, does not return it; animal people climb into the sky; the Spider lowers her younger sister on a rope, she hangs between heaven and earth, turns into a star; Snowbird in the sky, then the Dog is sent for fire; both stay warm, do not return; Rabbit kidnaps and brings fire; Rats spoil the weapons and clothes of the Stars; in battle, many Stars are killed; people- animals descend to the ground, the chain of arrows breaks; those left in the sky become stars]: 71-83; shuswap [Coyote and his nephew are both married; Coyote turns his excrement into an eagle's nest, invites his nephew to go for feathers, leave his clothes below; lifting his eyelids, makes the rock tall; tightens his saggy skin, puts on his nephew's clothes, tells his own wife at home that her husband died; the nephew sees two women below, the Spider and the Mouse, collecting Indian hemp; calling them four times; both singing, the rock becomes low again; he makes his pubic hair better quality hemp , gives women; finds Coyote camp; leaves him his eldest wife, takes his youngest wife back]: Teit 1909a, No. 53:737-738; Thompson: Boas 1895, No. II.5 (ntlakyapamuk) [=2002:87-88; Coyote's son has two wives, Coyote wants alone; sends his son to the tree for a bird; the tree grows; when the son jumps into heaven, the Coyote makes the tree low again; the young man wants to pull out the roots; it turns out that these are holes in sky = stars; turns two old women into birds; Spider spouses bring him down to the ground in a basket; wife and son meet him; he kills a deer, sends a Coyote after him; Coyote sinks in the river; turns into a piece of wood; two women make a plate out of it; she eats food; they throw it into the fire; she turns into a baby; they make him a servant; they keep fog and wasps in the vessels; left alone, the Coyote opens vessels, releasing fog and wasps into the world]: 17-18; Teit 1898, No. 2 [see motif K1; at the beginning of time, Coyote makes a son out of clay; he bathes, dissolves in water; from resin he melts in the sun; from white stone he lives his name is Nlixentem; Loon and Duck give him daughters as wives, one dark skinned, the other is light; Coyote turns their excrement into eagle chicks, asks his son to climb a tree for them, tells a tree to become tall, dressed and dressed like a son, comes to his wives, takes a bright one, drives away a dark-skinned woman; N. comes to two blind old women; they eat rotten wood, pass food to each other, N. intercepts it, old women quarrel, accusing each other; feel a man, say that he smells bad; N. turns them into two types of hazel grouses; comes to the spider spouses, they call themselves his grandfather and grandmother, they let them down on land in the basket; N. finds a faithful wife and son; see motif K1]: 21-29, 88; Puget Sound: Ballard 1929:144-147 [Coyote's son has 4 wives - 2 Gorlinka sisters and 2 Duck sisters; the eldest Gorlinka has a son, baby; Coyote asks his two sisters for advice; these are berries in his stomach; on the advice of the "sisters", the Coyote makes an eagle out of his excrement; asks his son to take off his clothes, get the eagle off the cliff; takes his appearance, puts on his clothes, takes his Duck Wives; Gorlinka wives do not believe in her husband's death, leave food for him; the Spider lets the hero down, his son recognizes him; he becomes small, the Gorlinka wives carry him in his luggage; the Coyote returns his son's clothes, she stinks; the young man causes rain, the Duck Wives find themselves in the water, turn into ducks; the Coyote swims down the river to the dam, behind which there are five women (this is carrier birds, Sandpipers) keep salmon; Coyote turns into a baby; five sisters (birds Carriers) keep salmon behind the pond; Coyote turns into a baby, women pick him up; he breaks the dam, releasing salmon into the river; cooks salmon, falls asleep; 5 wolf brothers smear fat on his lips, eat salmon, leave], 147-148 [Coyote's son has 4 wives - 2 turtleneck sisters and 2 Salmon Milks; The coyote likes them because they are white; he makes a nest and eagles out of his crap, puts them on a rock, asks his son to climb with his clothes off; the rock grows, the birds turn back into crap; the Coyote takes his wives -Milk, turtle wives live separately, leave their husband baked tubers; The spider lowers the hero, his son recognizes him; he becomes small, the turtledot wives carry him in their luggage; the young man causes rain, the Coyote swims down the river to the dam, behind which five women (shipping birds) hold salmon; the Coyote's "sisters" advise him to become a baby; women pick him up; he breaks the dam releasing salmon into the river; following them, cooking them, falling asleep; 5 wolf brothers smear fat on his lips, eating salmon, leaving; Coyote does the same to Wolves; arranges a waterfall above which salmon is not rise]; colitz [Coyote's son has four wives; K. tells the fire to blaze, women jump up, K. sees their legs; turns his crap into a bird, the hill into a mountain; his son shot a bird, takes off his clothes , climbed the mountain; the mountain grows, the bird turns into excrement again; K. puts on his son's clothes, comes to his wives; two white-legged take him, the other two (one has a child) suspect the truth; The spider helps son K. go down a rope to the ground; he finds salmon hidden for him by his faithful wives; returns, allows his father to keep two wives; causes rain; Coyote and his wives fall into the river; wives drown, turn into mice; K. swims downstream; see H18 motive]: Adamson 1934:243-245; puyallup [the girl just gave birth, left the baby in the thickets, went to the party; his picked up spouses who already had a daughter; the baby immediately grew up; the girl provokes him to shoot her, he has to do it, she hurts, she screams, he leaves completely; gets to the woman -The cougar, who is going to make him her husband, gives berries, but these are lizards; the crane woman helps him escape; he comes to the singing woman, she falls silent; he and the singing sister ask him to continue, she sings, from this is what the ground lights up; the rock, the water, the road answer that they cannot hide from the fire; Spruce says that you can sit at its top; from the top of his head he climbs into the sky with a bow and arrow; meets A dawn man, then a dusk man; each has five daughters, both inviting; at the fork, a young man mistakenly goes to the Twilight House; his daughters grease him dead; trying to feed him flesh the dead; he marries four; the eldest lies in a coffin-like box; Split Foot comes, the eldest takes him away; Dawn sends his daughters to bring the young man from Twilight; daughters Dawn and Twilight are fighting, in the hands of Twilight's eldest daughter the leg of Shattered Leg; the daughters of Dawn are more beautiful; the daughters of Twilight drive them away, but 5 days later the young man finds his way to Dawn; he is washed and they feed; looking into the basket on the wall, the young man finds the youngest daughter of Dawn; stays in bed in the morning; after finding out what to do, Dawn marries his youngest; the young man accidentally makes a hole in the ground, sees downstairs her real mother, who gave birth to a new boy; Dawn agrees to let his son-in-law and daughter go, the Spider puts them in the basket; the boy's younger brother is blind, fat dog; the elder and his wife make him healthy and handsome; so is the young man's mother (she was blind); they were slaves to Blue Jay; he tells his younger brother to wipe him off; in the presence of his older brother, the younger one puts hot smut in Soyka's ass, he flies away; wife the young men gave birth to twins that had grown together; Blue Jay cut them, they died; their mother killed everyone in the village out of revenge (the name of the village of Flytown); the Spider took the couple back to heaven; everything they had brought from heaven left]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:78-83; snohomish [Fox and Norka went traveling; Norka said he would go see what was ahead; wrote into water, turned urine into salmon, gave Fox; he fried and ate; got sick; asks two little girls in it (probably their excrement), they laugh, Fox became pregnant; gave birth to a boy, who grew up quickly, married Butterball (?) and the bird, he loves the first, the second does not; the fox wants to take possession of his son's wives; asks the "counselors", who tell them to turn them into white birds; the son Fox undressed, climbed a tree, it is higher and higher, to the sky; "birds" returned to Fox; he put on his son's clothes, came to his wives, said that his father was dead; B. understood what was going on, the bird wife believed; the fox took the bird, B. did not agree with him; in heaven, Fox's son came to the gray-haired man the old man; this is the Spider; he said that the country where the young man came from was the third below; began to let him down; when it was warm, the young man realized that he was on earth; in gratitude he gave the spider 4 dressed reindeer skins; bald; caught up with his faithful wife, she touched his head, his hair grew again; first she carried her husband in her basket; then he told Fox and his bird-wife to bring the deer he had killed; bewitched the strap, that constantly eager; the fox and his wife rushed to catch up, his wife was carried away by the river, the Fox hardly swam out; his advisers said that there are two women down the river, they have a dam with a salmon trap; the fox turned into a wooden dish, swam into a trap; the women picked it up, she devours all the meat they put in it; they threw the bowl on the floor, it turned into a baby; when the women are not there, the fox goes to the dam and takes salmon from there; counselors tell you to break the dam; the head and back must be covered with baskets - these are the only vulnerabilities on the body; the women rushed to the Fox with the jails, but they are stuck in the baskets; the Fox led fish up the river; came to a woman with her daughter, married her daughter, speaks a miraculous language as if he were a mountain leader; salmon ran out; wife gave birth to a girl, left her Lisa and left; she grew up in a few days , married Mountain Sheep's son; the fox went to visit them; the baby, whom the daughter gave birth to, had fat diapers, the Fox ate them; when the Fox stole the stone hammer, his daughter kicked him out; the fox began to play, throwing them up his eyes, the Raven took them away; Magpie suspects that the Fox is blind; he says he sees a star that Magpie does not see; when she came, he pulled out her eyes and put her in; the fox came to the fat old woman- illnesses; she says that her two granddaughters went to a place where Raven shows Fox's eyes to everyone and the audience is dancing around; the fox asks the old woman in detail about her usual behavior, wants to kill; she claims that you can't kill her with a stone, a club, water, fire, a magic root; Fox's excrement is advised to beat her with nettles; she dies, the Fox put on her skin; counselors: spots under the eyes, tell your granddaughters that you are hurt; the granddaughters carried the imaginary old woman, the Fox copulated with both; the fox began to sing, everyone liked it, he called his eyes, they returned to his eye sockets, he ran away, the pursuer showed his penis, everything was enveloped in the fog, the Fox escaped]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 20:399-411; Skagit [Coyote's son is married to Turtledove and Duck; the Coyote wants them himself; creates a woodpecker, sends his son to the tree for him; the woodpecker soars higher; the Coyote waves his penis, everything drowns in the fog; puts on his son's clothes, marries the Duck; the Turtledove rejects him; the Spider lowers his son from heaven to earth; he comes to the Turtledove, the Duck leaves the Coyote; creates a river; the Coyote crosses it, is carried away by the current; it turns into a wooden bowl; two women Magpie and Snipe pick it up; the food left in it disappears; they break the bowl; the Coyote turns into a baby, women raise him; in their absence, he eats food; they guess they want to punish him]: Hilbert 1985:66-72; Upper Chehalis: Adamson 1934, No. 44 [woman gave birth; at this time people were going to dance; a woman in labor is not supposed to dance; she stopped by to watch; at this time Puma stole the baby; brought lizards, began to squeeze juice, the child does not like it; with Puma, the Crane, he baked salmon, the child liked it; the child grew up in 5 days, the Crane made him a bow and arrows, advised him to shoot Puma from the front; hide in a tree; the Crane himself made wings, finished it off A cougar shooting at her from above; a young man from a tree climbed into heaven; a gray man (dawn) offers him 5 of his daughters; but a black man (evening) persuaded him to go to his five daughters; they have something off their noses hangs down; black has returned, bringing a dead deer and a dead man; Dawn sent his daughters to repel the young man, he went with them, took the youngest; Dawn brings good meat, not human; the young man finds in The basket is beautiful, Dawn allows you to stay with her, not with his first wife; she gave birth to twins with their backs; having pulled out a bunch of grass, the young man saw the ground in the hole, wants to return; Dawn tells his wife the young men asked Grandma Spider to lower them to the ground; when they came down, the young man pulled the rope, the Spider picked up the basket back; a blind bald boy came to the spring, the young man called him brother, who: Blue Jay, don't mock me; the young man blew in the boy's eyes, he saw the light, clapped his head, his hair grew; the boy's sister (she is the boy's mother) is also blind, the young man also regained her sight; Blue Jay tells the boy to wipe his ass; the young man tells him to stick a burning smut in his ass; Blue Jay tried to separate the twins, both died; Blue Jay: no more twins will be born connected], 48 [two girls sleep outside; the eldest wants a dim star, the youngest wants a bright star for her husband; both stars are old, take the girls to heaven, the bright one wants a deep old man; the Spider descends sisters on the ground in the basket - one then the other]: 83-87, 95-96; Jacobs 1934, No. 2 [Coyote's son Eagle is married to two mouse sisters and two turtle sisters; when Coyote puts sparkling wood into the fire, women take off their clothes, he sees that the Mice have white vulvas, while the Gorlins have black vulvas, prefers white ones; he makes eagles out of his excrement, puts them on a rock, sends the Eagle to get the chicks; he takes off clothes, climbs a rock, finds excrement there; Coyote makes the rock smooth, puts on his son's clothes, takes his form, tells his wives to migrate, takes Mice; an old spider lowers the Eagle to the ground; son recognizes him; see motive K1]: 103-107; curdalen: Reichard 1947, No. 4 [Coyote's son has a wife Tern (Sterna aurantia, tern) and Black Swan (CL); CH has a child, everyone loves her, Tern childless, disliked; Coyote decides to take the Tern for himself; Asks his "advisers" (excrement); while the young man climbs up the tree, the Coyote looks at him, raising his eyebrows, thus forcing him to rise to heaven itself; he takes Tern as his wife; in the sky a young man killed an elk; hears the voices of cannibals; each has two sticks, one tied to the bones of killed people, to the other - moose; one knocked the other to the ground with a stick, he has long spider legs; he asks for an elk in exchange for protection; two beaver women bring a young man to them; a young man kills a deer, then another; the first carcass disappears; the beavers say he killed their husband, they smile; the young man kills the deer again, sees how long-legged, round-bodied comes to eat it; kills him; wives cry, it was their father; the young man revives him, the Spider calls him son-in-law; wives know that a husband misses his wife on earth, CL; a young man comes to two blind strands quarreling over a hemp stem; gives them hemp, they lower it from the sky in their box; she goes down in four steps, jerks like spiders descend; on the ground, the young man pulls the rope, the box returns to heaven; the son recognizes him, the CH tells how badly the Coyote treats them; the young man beat Coyote, the Tern, his own with a stick brothers and mother]: 77-80; Teit 1917e, No. 3 [Coyote is jealous of his son; asks him to climb a tree, get eagles from the nest; blinking, makes the tree grow to the sky; there the son comes to two Spiders who they quarrel over Indian hemp; gives them hemp, they lower it to the ground in a basket; he kills their father]: 120-121; tillamook [a man from heaven kills a man from the ground; two sons of a murdered man they rise to heaven with a chain of arrows; heavenly people hit the young man's father in the head like a drum; brothers kill the enemy and his people; take the father's head; the Spider lowers them to the ground; they revive the father]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 8:25-28; (cf. tillamook [Aheck gathered people, led him south; on the way he tells everyone to sing, scolds those who have no power; these are Bear, Otter, Beaver, Elk, Skunk; Raccoon, Hare and Wolf praises; Skunk enters women, they die from the stench; rats have gnawed through bow bowstrings; only a few people have escaped; A. returns with people, but escaped enemies create cracks in the ground, into which many have fallen; they create an insurmountable rock on the way; then Spider was called, he began to lift people up the rock; Grizzly and Moose exchanged hats; everyone was afraid that the Grizzly would have horns, persuaded him to return them elk; Grizzly was the last, A. advised Spider to lift it to the top of the cliff and throw it; the blood of the fallen Grizzly colored the ground, the Alcea Indians take red paint from there]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 30:99- 104); Western sachaptin [Valetitsa is married to Tiptiptyay (bird); his younger brother is single; T. asks a young man to shoot her bird, scratches her face with his claws, says V. that his brother tried to rape her; V. throws his brother's arrows into the fire; he leaves, his dog (this grizzly) follows him; the young man climbs the trunk to heaven, into the house of the Spider (Spider?) , no longer returns; the grizzly stays in the forest; A. repents, looks for his brother, the grizzly tells him the truth; V. kills his wife with an arrow; swallows things, becomes small and ugly; Chief Eagle promises two daughters to the one who knocks feathers off their heads (the girls themselves are placed on the top of the tree); V. knocks down both feathers; Coyote says he knocked him down, but they don't believe him; the chief sends his daughters to Grandma V.; the youngest remains in their teepee, the eldest mocks the dirty boy, marries the Raven; in the absence of his wife, V. regains what was swallowed, regains its appearance; turns bison cakes into bison; kills buffalo; The Raven only picks up heads; leaves with his wife, taking all the animals away; The Beaver pretends to be dead, catches the Raven coming down; people smoke him to the black; let him go, or he breaks out himself; V. turns into a puppy, Snake into a digging stick, Mortar into a mortar; Raven's daughter picks them up; V. barks deer out of the teepee; Raven returns to the village]: Farrand, Mayer 1917, No. 9:157-164; ne perse [Coyote's son is the best hunter; he makes fire by kicking a log; Black Cricket and White Swan are his wives; he climbs a tree to get the prey left; the Coyote makes the tree grow to the sky; puts on his son's clothes, takes the White Swan; cannot cause fire from a log; Black Cricket leaves with his son; Spiders bring Coyote's son down from the sky on a rope; Black Cricket's son is the first to recognize his father; White The swan turns into a swan out of shame; the son of the Coyote sends him to bring meat, separates him from the camp by deep gorges; the Coyote sails along the river on a raft in the form of a baby; the eldest of the Swallow Sisters picks him up; he breaks their fish dam, releasing salmon into rivers]: Phinney 1934:376-381; clickitate [see F90 motif; Coyote raises an orphan boy; it's an Eagle, he grows up, marries three Mice, Gorlinka, Cricket; Coyote puts willow branches in the fire, flames break out, women lift their legs; Coyote sees Mice have white, the other two wives have black genitals; he likes white ones; he turns his excrement into eagles; sends the Eagle to the rock to get feathers; makes the rock tall; takes the form of a son, puts on his clothes, takes his wives, Mice, mistreats Cricket, and Gorlinka; The Spider lowers the Eagle off the cliff; Gorlinka's son recognizes his father; the Eagle kills the deer, tells Coyote to carry it, it's raining, the Coyote is washed into the river, swims downstream; see motif K1]: Jacobs 1934, No. 31:79- 91 (retelling in Lévi-Strauss 1971, no. 606a: 233-234); yakima [Coyote's son has two swan wives from the coast, two Gorlinki; he loves Gorlinka, Coyote likes Swans; he makes artificial eagles, invites his son to climb the rock for them, taking off his clothes, makes the rock smooth, puts on his son's clothes, says that Coyote stayed on the rock; sleeps with the Swans; Gorlinki know it's not their husband in the parking lots They leave food for him; five days later, the Spider lowers the young man off the cliff; he kills a deer, tells Coyote to bring it, and the river carries him away; the Coyote turns into a baby, picked up by five swallow sisters holding the fish behind the pond; breaks the dam with wooden shields over their heads; the sisters break them, but the Coyote is intact]: Hines 1992, No. 45:126-131; cous [Coyote turns his excrement into woodpeckers; sends his son to get woodpeckers from the tree, tells the tree to grow to the sky, then descend, copulates with both his son's wives; the hero stays in the sky, meets the Sun Girl; copulates with an icy penis (with since then the sun is not so hot); The sun sends it to his sister; old people teach him to overcome challenges; 1) harpoon salmon (the hero misses four, hits the fifth), 2) get a hammer from the bottom of the lake (water is covered with ice, he breaks the ice with a hammer; the opponent can't break, the hero saves him), 3) hunt an elk (this is Old Man himself, he's scared), 4) knock down a tree (the hero bounces when the tree bounces off when the tree falls), 5) cut a whale (he swallows the hero and swims away; the hero gets out of the womb, swims on a log; people in the boat bring him back); The month recognizes his son-in-law; The old spider woman lowers the hero and his wife in the basket to the ground; the hero's children are almost blind, because the Coyote touched their eyes with his penis; the hero puts coyote skin on his father, turns them into a coyote; the Spider raises the hero with his wives and children in the basket back to heaven, he He now lives there]: Jacobs 1940, No. 29:213-221; Upper Coquil [A Coyote and five companions harpooned a whale, who dragged their boat into the open sea; five days later they find themselves in an unknown pestle; man says this is the sky, the dead come here; another person (this is the Spider) agrees to bring the Coyote to the ground on a rope, telling him not to open his eyes; the Coyote opened, fell, his corpse was carried ashore, he came to life from the bite of worms; he left companions in the sky, telling them to become the Morning Star, the Evening Star, the Ursa Major, and two more stars or constellations (untranslated)]: Jacobs 2007:146-148.
The Midwest. Eastern Swamp Cree: Bird 2007 [the huge Ehep spider helped the first human couple descend from heaven to earth in a basket; told them not to look down, they looked, the thread broke, they fell; This is probably why people's lives are not as good as they could be]: 15-16; Ellis 1995, No. 1 [people lived in heaven; a voice invited the man and his wife to bring them down to the ground; warned that it could be hot there and it was cold; the Spider lowered them on the web, putting them in something like a bag; told them to look only alone, not both at once, otherwise they would be stuck in the eagle's nest in a tree; they both looked, stayed in the nest; Caribou, The lynx replied that they could not let them down; the Bear agreed, lowered them, taught them everything; people multiplied, respected the Bear], 2 [= (1); Wolverine lowered the first pair from the tree together with the Bear]: 3-7, 9-13.
Plains. Hidatsa (or crowe?) [The month says that the best girls are frogs, the Sun is hidatsa; three sisters see a porcupine in a tree, ask the youngest to get it; chasing the porcupine, the girl finds herself in the sky, the Sun takes her in wives; Month marries a frog; wives compete to see who eats better; Frog chews coals as if eating meat; Month throws it away, she jumps on his back and stays there; Sun's wife gives birth to a boy; father does not tell him to shoot larks and his wife to dig up wild tubers; the boy shoots, the lark shouts to him that he is a slave; the woman digs up a tuber, the mother and son see their native camp through the hole women; the wife receives the tendons of dead business from the Sun, lets the Spider weave the rope; they go down, the rope is only enough to the tops of the trees; the Sun throws a stone, tells him to kill his wife, but not her son; rope breaks; the boy lives near his mother's corpse, goes to ruin the old woman's garden; see motive J18]: Lowie 1909a: 52-57; arikara [two girls sleep outdoors on a platform; both are menstruating; one wants a red star as her husband; finds herself in heaven; the husband does not tell you to dig roots in the lowlands; the wife digs up, sees the ground through the hole, cries; the Old Spider advises making a rope out of her tendons; lowers the woman, she has a baby behind her back; the rope (= web) was not enough, the woman hung; the husband throws a stone, tells him to kill his wife, save his son, cuts off the rope, the woman falls; the boy sucks the chest dead mother; steals corn from an old woman's garden; she leaves a ball with a stick and a bow and arrows; a bow and arrow disappear, which means that the boy is stealing; the old woman grabs him, educates him, he hunts; finds with a curtain, a snake kills him (the old woman fed him meat); it was the old woman's husband, she lowers him into the pond); tells the young man that the bear wants to tear him apart (hoping that it will be so); the young man brings a bear to work; the old woman lets him go; the young man sees a tipi, he has four dice players, one has snot, the young man shoots them; the players accept him; kill a moose, give the young man an unborn a calf; the young man is afraid of him, hides in a pine tree (when the females have not yet given birth, the constellation in which the boy's father is not yet in heaven; knowing that his father will not help him, the young man is afraid); they kill the embryo for a promise bring them an old woman; he brings them, they are happy, let them go both, giving them knowledge of the rituals of catching eagles; the young man is invited by snakes, he, sitting on a stone, puts them to sleep with a story, crawls away alone; he falls asleep on the ground, a snake climbs into his anus; he cuts his stomach, chest, throat, cutting off the snake's head, but his head creeps into his skull; his father fills his skull with water in the sky, the heat of the sun boils water, the snake comes out, the young man jumps up , makes the snake flat, crawling on its belly]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 16:56-60; Pawnee: Dorsey 1904b, No. 45 (skidy) [girl rejects grooms; pregnant, throws baby into the lake; raised animals, his name is Woodpecker; his hat and leggings are decorated with living woodpeckers; the chief promises a daughter to whoever gets the red coyote; the woodpecker goes to marry her; falls into a trap pit; the Coyote promises to pull him out if he will give him his outfit; leaves him in a hole, marries the leader's eldest daughter; the woodpeckers on his hat do not sing, but peck at him; the people are starving; the old spider woman and her grandson pull the Woodpecker out of the hole; he makes a grandson handsome, his grandmother is young; kills Coyote, marries the chief's youngest daughter, becomes chief himself; Coyote's wife gives birth to coyotes, they are killed]: 178-185; Grinnell 1894 [two girls spend the night outside, discuss the stars, one (the leader's daughter) points to a bright star she likes; wakes up in the tipi of a male star; gives birth to a son; the husband warns not to dig deep, digging up the roots; she digs, sees in hole in the ground; asks her husband to give her tendons, weaves a rope (var.: it was woven by an old spider woman); the rope is short, the woman and the child hung; the husband threw a stone, killing his wife, she fell to the ground, the son did not suffered; the little son of an earthly woman sees the tracks; the mother leaves a scraper and a hoe, they are untouched; then the bow and arrow; the fallen boy takes them; the earthly calls him to his mother; both grow up; the old woman does not tell them to go to the forest of thick trees, where the grizzly kills everyone; they go, the upper boy brings a grizzly, frightening the old woman, then kills with an arrow; the same with the puma (panther), the Upper one stuffs a scarecrow grass, frightens an old woman; brothers kill snakes; Upper marries the chief's daughter]: 197-200; Kiova-Apache [an unmarried Coyote asks a married man to climb a rock for eagle chicks; tells the rock to grow up; takes The wife left on the rock gives her stepsons only leftovers; the Spider lowers the married man to the ground on a web; he comes home, kills his opponent]: McAllister 1949, No. 20:71-73.
Southeast USA. Screams [people see lying motionless; no one knows what is going on; the Toad lies face down for a day - nothing; the other - face up; says that the man's heart has carried the Twisted Horn to heaven; only the red-haired Mouse undertakes to return the stolen heart if someone makes a ladder; The Spider did; The Mouse climbed into the sky, there are human hearts in a locked box near the Twisted Horn; The mouse gnawed through a hole , found a still alive heart, scolded Twisted Horn, went down to earth; the man came to life]: Gouge 2004, No. 18:77-79.
California. Mattol [2 var.; Coyote leaves the child in the sun, he dies; Coyote goes to kill the Sun, finds himself in the sky, cannot go down; the Spider begins to let him down three times, each time telling him not open your eyes and don't laugh; Coyote sees Spider's ass, laughs; he throws him off; Coyote breaks, two girls kick his bones, he comes to life]: Nomland 1938:119-120 (retelling in Margolin 1981:140); coastal yuki [a person takes care of a woman who does not like him; she asks him to get acorns from the oak tree, makes the oak high to the sky; a person finds himself in the sky, thirsty; children of the Sun they shoot him with reeds; the Spider raises baskets of water to the sky, then lowers him to the ground; the woman is married to the Puma; the man finds her, kills her, cuts out her genitals; they turn into woodpecker]: Gifford 1937, No. 31:154-157; achomavi [(the motive is not included in A26 because there is no "gaining values"; Christian influence does not concern the episode of the hero's conception and rebirth); the first ancestors know that there is another world overseas; in the basket of Spider's grandson Annicadel flies across the sea; quietly falls into a spring from which the girl takes water; she drinks, becomes pregnant, gives birth boy; evil people find him, kill him; he revives, speaks to people with instruction]: Merriam 1992:121-126; Yana: Curtin 1898 [The Shelkovichny Worm has many sons and two daughters, Loon and Eagle; Coyote also lives there, is not a relative; Loon stands on the roof of the dugout, demands that she be given a husband; rejecting others, takes his younger brother, the Wild Cat; at rest he runs away, leaving him in bed deck; Worm's sister Spider lifts everyone to the sky in the basket; Loon sets fire to the house; Coyote lies to the bottom of the basket, looks down; everyone falls, only the Eagle has time to cling to the sun; burning bodies burst , hearts fly out, Loon catches them with a net, makes a necklace, goes to live in the depths of the lake; the hearts of Gagara's father and older brother fall past her; father and brother come to life, but get stuck up to their chin in the ground; Orlitsa's request, two Kingfisher Brothers (? Fisher-birds) kill Gagara with arrows on Lake; Orlitsa puts the brothers' hearts in the steam room, they come to life; digs up his older brother and father]: 407-429; Sapir 1910, No. 10 [two sisters are looking for Marten to marry he is married, they come to the Coyote house; his wife, the Bull Frog, says that Marten's house is further away, and he stole the bear skins in Coyote's house from a neighbor; his older sister says that their father told them to stay in the house where these skins hang; Coyote comes back, says he has just generously distributed all the meat; bones are thrown at Marten's house; he cuts off the flesh from his thighs, brings it under the guise of venison; the girls feel that this is a human being, they go to Marten; his mother feeds them, but one of the hunters says that the girl smells like Coyote's divorced wife; the Coyote causes rain for people to gather in the main dugout; sets her on fire; The spider began to lift people to the sky in the basket; the Coyote lay down, made a hole, everyone fell into the fire; Loon made a necklace out of their hearts; The old woman (or her grandson?) killed Loon, revived people from their hearts]: 133-136; Message: Barrett 1933, No. 7 [The cougar is the leader, three Thunders take him to heaven; the Spider ties a web to the sky, picks up the Coyote, putting him in his bag; The Coyote finds the Puma in the steam room, lowers him to the ground; the Puma tells the ancestors to turn into different animals and disperse], 35/I [Falcon hunts deer; his wife is Quail; Kilak flies with with his fiery cloak; takes the Falcon to the upper world; Quail asks Vulture to smell where the smell of death smells; Vulture points up; Falcon's grandfather Coyote asks the Spider to take him to heaven ; places arrowheads in K.'s house, he attacks them, dies; Coyote brings Falcon to the ground, revives him]: 81-83, 177-179.
The Great Southwest. Tiwa (Isleta): Parsons 1932c, No. 12 [the mother tells her sons that the Sun killed their father; the Spider gives them tobacco to help them withstand the heat, put the Sun to sleep; at home they almost revive their father; despite ban, mother peeks, father dies again], 14 [virgin gives birth to two boys; people tell them to be thrown into the spring; she only throws the elder; calls Wind, Sun, Month as potential fathers; men get together, the baby must identify the father; he crawls towards the sun; both he and his brother thrown into the spring grow up; brother comes to him, offers to go to their father To the Sun; the Spider shows them the way; the Sun makes them its helpers; the rainbow is the bow in the hand of the elder; the youngest is the rainbow sky at sunset]: 390-392, 400 (?) -403; Western Keres (Akoma): Benedict 1930 (Akoma) [The rainbow kidnaps his brother's wife and other women; the Spider helps her brother rise into the world of the Rainbow, teaches him to overcome challenges; gives clothes, a chair and a knife from resin, copies of flint clothes and a knife and the Rainbow ice chair; the young man replaces the originals with these fakes; 1) smoke poisonous cigarettes (the young man smokes his own); 2) eat a lot (the gopher digs a hole where to dump food); 3) dig a cornfield (gophers, mice, spiders do their work in a day); 4) dig a hole on a rock to fry corn (badgers and gophers dig); 5) The rainbow pushes his brother into a hot hole, he hides in a digging made by a gopher; 6) sit on a burning fire; the rainbow burns in his replaced resin clothes, the young man does not; lets the women go, returns to earth with his wife in the Spider's basket; The rainbow sends a storm, but lightning does not hit the young man]: 71-77; Lewis 1965, No. 38 [mother and daughter live alone; daughter goes to collect pignon nuts, she is met by a Sunny Boy, gives two nuts, she gets pregnant, gives birth to twins Masewi and Uyuyay; the grandmother makes them a bow, they kill rabbits, then deer, bears; they go east to look for their father; the Spider shows the way, her son hides behind M.'s ear, gives him instructions; Sunny Young's brothers advise him to check his sons by putting them in a room with lions, wolves, lynxes, bees; the twins are unharmed, they ate bees and honey; they were put on hot coals, they became handsome, they were recognized; the Sun Father gave them new bows and arrows; gave them a stick that kills and revives; the twins have returned home]: 249-259; White 1932 [Flintbird (KP, a man dressed in flint) descends from the sky, kidnaps a woman; a spider helps her husband named Kasevat rise to heaven, makes a false robe for him from resinous pine chips; he replaces KP clothes for them; son Spiders help K. withstand the tests; 1) spend the night in the cold (the web closes K. from hail); 2) weed the corn field in a day (K. pulls weeds by pulling the web that covered the field); 3) K. brings chips, they turn into a huge pile of firewood; 4) KP pushes K. into the oven, he hides in a dig dug dug by Badger; 5) KP and K. sit in fires; KP burns in his false resinous robe; K. frees his wife and other captives; Spider's son lowers them all to the ground in a basket]: 172-178; oriental ceres (Sia) [Yellow A woman gets pregnant from the Sun, gives birth to twins; a mother tells them who their father is; their grandmother Spider gives them a bow and arrow; weaves a web like a bridge over a river; in the center there is a hole leading to the Sun's house; that tests sons; 1) a turquoise steam room (they cool it by spitting out its shells); 2) locked in a room with moose, bison, deer, antelope; 3) in another with bears, cougars, rattlesnakes; The sun gives them bows and arrows, hunting sticks for rabbits (they can't throw them before reaching home); mother and father warn them not to go to dangerous places, the twins go; the cougar throws those following after them into the abyss with arrow poles, they throw it off themselves; 2) the bear guards the arrow feathers; they kill the bear, pull the scarecrow on a rope, scaring the mother; turn around in the skin of a dead deer, let the eagle carry themselves away; they kill eagles, throw them out of the nest; they kill eagles that have arrived; a marmot plants a seed by the cliff, a pignon pine grows, they descend it; the giantess puts them in a basket, carries them behind her back, they grab behind the tree, they run away; she catches them again; she sends them at home for fuel; they push it into the fire themselves; they fire lightning arrows; the mole digs under the antelope; the twins pierce it from below; they tell the antelopes to eat grass not humans; the mole is promised her giblets]: Gunn 1917:43-52 in Boas 1928a: 251-252; oriental ceres (Cochiti) [Yellow Woman lay down to rest in the sun, became pregnant by the Sun; he asks to be sent to him son; old woman Spider turns him and herself into eagles, she returns, he enters the house of the Sun; the Sun explains how to go his way; when water snakes attack in the west, there is no need to be afraid; but son scared; the father came up, sank into the water with him; the sun tells his son to kill the deer, take it to his mother, then return; he now lives with his father]: Benedict 1931:26-31; Zunyi [with the old man Crook prayer-stick and old women Wrinkled corn are two daughters - Blue Corn Girls; an old man tells Crook prayer-stick that there will be a flood in 4 days; the sign is that leaves will bloom on the branches; I understand that 4 days are 4 years; parents put their daughters in a basket, began to rattle in rattles, the basket rose to the sky {it is not clear whether in the air or with water; the girls went to heaven, came to the spider woman ; her brother is a Spider-boy hunting; he hunts birds, but they are both terribly afraid of jays, considering them Navajo; the next day, the girls also go hunting themselves; they kill easily, and then cook and eat jay; The spider is grateful; she collects webs in her village (makes a rope out of it) and lowers the girls to the ground in an acorn shell; tells them not to look up; but they looked, the basket fell (but nothing it didn't happen); everyone died on the ground}; the girls collected stones (apparently, drowned people turned into them}, put them in a hole; all people came to life and the village was full of people the next morning; nambe are the children of the Corn Girls]: Parsons 1936b: 284-289; Navajo: Coolidge in Edmonds, Clark 1989 [The first Woman conceives one son from the sun's ray, the other from drops of water; replies that their father is the Sun, sending to him sequentially in four directions; admits that the Sun God and the God of Water live in the ocean; the Spider helps the twins; the interpreting walls of the gorge let them through; they cross the Grand Canyon across the rainbow bridge, then the sea; come to the Turquoise House; their fathers greet them]: 85-89; Johly, B'yash 1958 [to take possession of the hero's wife, Coyote invites him to climb the rock for the eagle's chicks; leaves him; man rises from a cliff to heaven; a spider lowers him to the ground; he kills Coyote by telling him to swallow hot stones]: 10-14; Western Apaches: Goddard 1918 (San Carlos) [2 options; Black Tornado rubbed his chest, rolled a lump out of skin scales, made earth out of it, placed it on 4 supports; made coyotes and birds, destroyed it with a flood; a woman (in hicarilla she is Earth) became pregnant from the Sun, gave birth to a girl; she got pregnant from water, gave birth to a boy; he has membranes on his fingers, no hair, ears, etc.; grandmother does not want to say where his father is; Spider showed how to get to the Sun (on his web); Sun's wife tries in vain to hide it; the Sun smokes a pipe, tries to burn it, his son is unharmed, the Sun has recognized him; the Sun's relatives give his son a completely human appearance, placing him in a hot hot steam room; see motif J56]: 7-19, 36-37 [placed in water, not fire].
The Northern Andes. Guajiro [a man's relatives die, he grieves at his wife's grave; she comes on a horse, tells him not to go along with her yet, they ride together; their horse rushes through the darkness, over the sea; in a country overseas a man lies down in a hammock next to his wife, puts his hand on the beer and corn porridge brought to her, falls asleep; waking up at noon sees a boa constrictor next to him, a prickly avocado under his head; a man walks along the road to in a deserted place, a tree tells him to move on; on the seashore he sees the Sun, he moves east, a fiery mirror in his hands, tells the person to move away so as not to burn; lets him drink from an inexhaustible vessel; tells them to go further west; women (these are forest turtles) tell a person to leave, he brings them misfortune; bird boys are afraid of him, hide; the same is the other locals; the lame (also a bird) sends to to an old man; this is the Sun, he invites him to his house; in the morning he goes to do his daytime work; in his absence, puloi, the spirit of man's wife, comes to eat him; when he returns, the Sun makes her regurgitate and revive man, dazzles her; since then puloi, that is, enchanted places, are dark and silent; man wants to go home, the Sun tells his daughter Spider to take him away; when he reaches the great darkness, the Spider gives a ball of threads, tells you to follow him; the thread ends up unraveling in the cemetery from which the man traveled]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (2), No. 76:728-732.
Guiana. Makushi: Roth 1924, No. 601 [Maichoppa wanted to see the vulture chief; residents of two community houses quarreled and killed each other; M. lay down among dead bodies; urubu vultures flocked. they took off their feathers and wings, M. took possession of their outfit, but could not fly off on his own; the Spider tied one end of her thread to the top of the tree, and gave the other M.; lengthening the thread, raised M. to the mountain of vultures behind the clouds; M. wants to marry the daughter of the vulture chief; he demands 1) build a house on a bare rock (an eel drilled holes, animals and birds have built a house); 2) make a bench with his image; a young man climbed onto the web, relieved himself on the vulture's head; he ordered to bring fire to understand what had fallen on him, M. saw two heads; the bird and ant were carved out of the bench; the vulture's daughter sent grab the karaka bird; he runs from house to house, runs to Spider, she hides it under cotton yarn, does not allow K. to stir it up so as not to confuse the yarn; M. goes down to the top of the seiba, lets go of the web, does not know how to get to the ground; sits on the lizard's back, which is about to eat it, runs down and up the trunk; M. manages to jump to the ground; M. comes to Aguti, his wife at home , all cassava was stolen from M.'s garden, Aguti's wife says she cooked specifically for him; M. is happy, returns home]: 486-488; Soares Diniz 1971, No. 17 [people died from illness, a young man remains; Urubu vultures are full of rotten meat; a young man rises to heaven, marries the daughter of a vulture chief; his father-in-law demands 1) to dry the lake (the battleships took water, the birds caught fish), 2) build a house ( birds and animals helped), 3) make a stone bench with the image of his father-in-law (the lizard relieved the vulture on his head, he asked his daughter to shine, the young man saw two heads, the termite and the woodpecker were carved with a bench); Urubu still decided to kill his son-in-law; his daughter warned the young man; when Urubu sat on the bench, the tião lizard hiding behind her killed him; Urubu's sons rushed in pursuit of the young man; he hid in a basket in the Spider's house; a Caracara bird cut the thread, the young man fell to the top of the samaumeira tree; there lived a lizard, she offered to sit on her back, ran along the trunk, wanted to eat it, but he jumped to another tree, returned to earth]: 92-94; vapishana [a man catches the daughter of the Royal Vulture on the lake, brings her home; she is a woman during the day, a bird at night; her mother-in-law is unhappy that she stains the floor with her excrement; the wife decides to leave; the man sits on her, closes his eyes, they find themselves in the sky; the father-in-law asks 1) to remove the sand flea from his leg, pulls his eyes out, hides it in a vessel; The rat finds and returns his eyes; 2) climb the miriti palm tree, throw fruits down; makes the trunk fat, the person falls; the father-in-law thinks it has broken; at night the person comes to life, comes back; 3) do a bench with the image of his head; a lizard defecates on Vulture, who takes off his handkerchief from his head, you can see that there are two heads; pinicapau makes a bench; 4) build a house on a rock (birds do); 5) prepare a plot for a vegetable garden; ants make it in six days; Vultures set fire to the plot, the Spider saves a person by inviting him to climb into his hole; lowers the basket to the ground to his mother]: Wirth 1950:193 -196.
The Central Andes. Mochik culture (paintings on vessels of periods IV-V): Donnan, McClelland 1999 [painting on the mochik IV vessel; one of the most reliable evidence of the female moon at the mochik; anthropomorphic character in a dress typical of mythological women in the form of elongated trapezoids diverging overhead (for the justification of feminine characteristics in clothing and jewelry, see Donnan, Castillo Butters 1994:419) is shown inside a sickle at the top of the scene; below, a warrior character in a halo of rays (known from many scenes and probably identified with the Sun) climbs the stairs from the lower tier (land, sea) to upper (probably sky)], fig.4.27; Golte 1994a [(reconstruction based on a series of images); after the Sun god's temporary defeat and departure from the sky, other characters prevail over him opponents associated with night and moisture; spiders make a ladder for him to take him to heaven, where he becomes the central figure of the "presentation" ritual]: 60-77, fig. 27; 2004:131-132.