I118. Counselor spider. .
Aspider woman (less often an old spider) patronizes a hero or heroine, they live with her, the hero marries her daughter. (Texts in which the Spider only takes the hero to heaven or lowers him to the ground are not included; see motif I117).
Banks Islands, Deer and Coastal Koryaks, Chukchi, Itelmen, Pawnee, Kiowa, (Mandan), Hopi, Zunyi, Akoma, Isleta, Sia, Kochiti, Seama, Navajo, Yavapai.
Melanesia. Banks Islands: Codrington 1891 (Mota) [Qat cut down a tree to make a boat, the felling disappeared overnight; he hid under a sliver, grabbed Marawa (an old spider; Marawa); he did it for him the boat with his nails, it was better than the boats of the K. brothers; they lured him into the crab hole, pushed a stone from above; K. asked M. to move it to the village, met the brothers there; tied himself with boards, hung on a tree disguised as a flying fox; the brothers took turns shooting; each time K. spit blood, as if wounded, flew up, returned; at home he showed the brothers their arrows; the brothers invited K. to climb the tree behind nutmeg, made the trunk thick, took K. Iro Lei, sailed away with her; M. held out his hair, K. went down it; K. sailed for the brothers in coconut, cut their boat on another island; made peace with them; (translated into Permyakov 1970, No. 68:155 -159; briefly in Codrington 1881:272-273)]: 158-162; Coombe 191 (Motawala) [brothers are jealous of Quat; suggest putting bird traps on trees; Quat climbs a tree, one of the brothers makes a trunk fat so that it is impossible to descend it; the brothers take his wife K. Po Lei; she manages to blow into the sink, giving her husband a signal; the Marawa spider throws his long hair (or web) at Quata, he goes down; in coconut he catches up with the brothers' boat that arrived in Maewo, M. is with him; on the way he throws banana peel into the water, the brothers recognize the Quata banana; on Maevo, he rubs his face with red paint, crushed shells, attaches cock feathers to his head; only the Wise Brother recognizes him ; K. says that a cannibal lives on Maevo; cuts the brothers' boat into chips; puts up with his brothers]: 96-100.
SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks [children look into the Kamak woman's house; she catches them; the fox frees them and hides them; Kamak comes for them, Lisa pushes her off a cliff; Kamak asks to throw at least one a child to eat before death; a fox wraps a stone in the boy's clothes, throws Kamak in his mouth, killing her; Lisa and Tritonikha find an arrow in the dugout, swallow it, both become pregnant; Fox gives birth a boy with five fingers, Tritonicha is a girl with three; Tritonikha replaces children; The Spider tells the grown-up boy that Tritonikha is not his mother, advises him to pretend to be weak so that Tritonikha takes a bundle of meat from his hands; the bundle falls apart, Tritonich says in her hearts that only Lisa's son could bind her in this way; the young man drives her away, brings Lisa; they live in a dugout owned by Ememkut; it was his arrow; E. brings them to his father, lives with Lisa]: Jochelson 1908, No. 56:212-216; reindeer Koryaks [Creator Ememkut's son marries Travinka; feces come out of the hearth, takes her away; E. hears Spider's daughter telling her mother about this; shoots into the hearth, opening the way to the lower world; returns with his wife; becoming a crow, carries his wife and children across the river; tells her dogs say Kala that he drank the river to cross to the other side; Kala drinks, bursts, dies]: Jochelson 1908, No. 8:140-141; Chukchi [Big Raven Kurkil and his wife live on a tiny a piece of land in the void; the wife turns into a man, gives birth to two twin sons; they laugh at their father, who is still a crow; K. decides to create land; flies to the horizon, the sky rubs against the ground; there from friction from the dust has arisen anthropomorphic creatures; one of them tells K. create land; it defecates in the sky, its excrement falls, turns into islands and continents; the satellite says that there is no water or mountains on earth; K. pees when he reaches the ground, his urine becomes fresh, turns into rivers; he defecates again, mountains appear; trees grow on the ground; K. shatters chips from them, throws them into the water; pine trees turn into walruses, oak trees into seals; cedar chips dwarf to polar bears, from stone birch to whales, from other species to fish, crabs, and other sea creatures; chips that have fallen to the ground are in land animals; at first there are only men, Spider gives birth to four daughters; K.'s companion marries one but they sleep separately; K. teaches them how to copulate]: Bogoras 1904 in Norman 1990:65-72; itelmen: Jochelson 1961, No. 32 [Sinanevt (Sinanewt) - Spider's daughter, Czalkotxan marries her; some girls force him to stay with them; S. sends their son to C. to ask for food, but he tells the girls to burn the boy with smut; The spider hides all terrestrial animals in strands of hair on the right side of the head, and all marine animals on the left; the family leaves, climbs the ridge; creates the sea, the Spider releases animals; C. starves, comes to his son (the text ends)]: 216-218.
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Sirenics) [Eskimos come to reindeer herders to change things for skins and meat; the poor old man has exchanged only some meat for his wife; the Spider asks for meat to be given to him; says he sent a disease for one reindeer herder will teach an Eskimo to cure him; when he hits a tambourine, spiders enter, cover the patient's body, leave, he becomes healthy]: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 85:198-200.
Subarctic. Upper Tanana: Brean 1975 [two sisters follow the butterfly, get lost; at the fork, the youngest suggests following a straight and narrow path, the eldest suggests following a wide left path; they go to the left, come to old man; in the evening they see him sharpening knives and spears; at night they ask permission to go out, he ties ropes to them; they tie them to a stump, run; the Red Fox carries them across the river, they give them to him necklace; he throws the old stalker into the water; he gets out; the Spider hides his sisters, points his finger at the old man, the Old Man crumbles with a pile of bones; the sisters turn each bone into some type of berries; when they returned, the sons of the Spider began to quarrel over who would get the girls; the Spider pushed the stump away, the sisters saw the ground through the hole; the Spider lowers them on a web to the outskirts of their village; speaks that if it snows fluffy, she is dead; it snowed in winter, the girls regretted the Spider]: 17-19; Kari 1996 [two girls follow butterflies, find themselves in the sky; old Chickady tells me to walk along the narrow the path, do not walk along a wide path; at the fork, the sisters argue, the eldest makes you walk along a wide path; they see a platform with cut dog carcasses barking on it; next to "Damn", an old woman lives across the street; at night she whispers the youngest that the eldest Devil will kill; there is a hot iron penis in the hearth, the devil inserts it into the eldest's vagina, she dies, the devil covers her with a blanket; pretends that she is sleeping; the youngest asks out of need The devil offers her palm and head for this, but the girl replies that she does not want to get her father dirty; the devil ties a rope to her; the old woman secretly gives moose fat and a stone scraper; the girl ties rope to the stump, tells him to be responsible for himself; The devil pulls a stump by the rope, chases, the girl tells the fat to become a lake; then the scraper is a mountain; The devil bends around the lake, drills with an iron penis a hole through the mountain; by the river, a girl promises to paint her ocher, she sends it on her tail {it's not clear - with her tail stretched out like a bridge or the girl sits Fox east}, since then the foxes have been red; the same second river, the girl paints the Fox with charcoal, since then the {black-brown} foxes are black; The devil enters the water, but returns; the girl comes to the mother of the Sun; she hides her in a box of thread and needles; answers The hell is that no one was there; Damn is going to put a hot iron penis in her ass, but she melted the Devil by looking at it; the girl tells the blood line to become cranberry on the tall bushes {on Alaska cranberry is not our cranberries, but red berries that are similar in taste and appearance on tall bushes}, the waist is cranberry on low bushes, the penis is with cranberry mushrooms, testicles with salmonberry berries (Rubus) spectabilis, raspberries are excellent), bones with dog rose hips (Rosa canina) and bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), the brain is a silver sucker; berries have existed since then; two sons of a woman came- Suns, married a girl; she misses relatives on earth; the mother of the Sun tells me to move the stones away from the hearth; the girl sees her mother and relatives below on earth; the mother of the Sun says that if she goes sleet, you have to turn his ass in his ass and say "The dog took it.." (the informant does not remember the meaning); lets the girl down on the web; the mother of the Sun is the Spider; (further it is not entirely clear: Wolverine either raped the girl or is trying to do it; Herbal People (Grass Tussock People) hide her); she comes to her mother; it's snowing, she said, "Take the dog.. ", it's sunny]: 23-33; McKennan 1959 [two sisters follow a butterfly, go to heaven; Chickady tells them to follow a narrow path; the older sister insists on walking the wide one; they come to the old man he cooks a dog's eye, a man; kills his older sister by inserting the hot tip of a spear into her vagina; the youngest runs away; throws fat, a pebble, a lock of hair, they turn into a lake, a mountain, a forest; a fox transports the girl across the lake, she gives him red paint; the Spider hides her in a bag; carrying the Old Man, the Fox dumps him into the water; he gets ashore, wants the Spider to give him the girl; she looks at it into a pile of bones; each bone turns into a special kind of berry; Spider's eldest son marries a girl; she wants to go home; the Spider pushes a stone in the corner of the house; you can see through the hole girl's house; girl wraps a rope out of her tendons, goes down to the ground; husband kills Spider for helping his wife escape; a storm begins; the girl returns home]: 199-203.
Plains. Pawnee (skidy) [the girl rejects the grooms; she is pregnant, throws the baby into the lake; he is raised by animals, his name is Woodpecker; his hat and leggings are decorated with living woodpeckers; the leader promises his daughter who will get the red coyote; the woodpecker goes to marry her; falls into a trap pit; the Coyote promises to pull him out if he gives him his outfit; leaves him in a hole, marries the chief's eldest daughter; woodpeckers on his hat they do not sing, but peck at him; the people are starving; the old spider woman and her grandson pull the Woodpecker out of the hole; he makes his grandson handsome, his grandmother young; kills the Coyote, marries the leader's youngest daughter, becomes himself chief; Coyote's wife gives birth to coyotes, they are killed]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 45:178-185; Kiowa: Marriott, Rachlin 1968 [The sun sees a girl swimming in the river, draws her into the sky, takes her as a wife; does not tell dig roots if the stem is bitten by bison; she digs up, a hole forms in the sky, the woman sees her home; weaves a belt from her tendons, goes down with her son, the belt is short, she hangs in air; the Month reports this to the Sun; he throws a willow disc to shoot at the target, telling him to kill a woman without hurting her son; the belt breaks off; the boy leaves his mother dead, steals food from the Old Woman's house- Spiders; she leaves the ball and bow with arrows, the bow disappears, she realizes that it is a boy; catches him; does not tell him to throw the hoop into the sky; he throws, the hoop falls on his head, splits in two; Spider tells both boys to leave her to exterminate monsters]: 78-89; Mooney 1898b [a girl climbs a tree for a porcupine; the tree grows to the sky; the porcupine is the son of the Sun, marries a girl; does not tell dig the roots of Psoralea esculenta if they were pinched by bison; she digs, sees the ground and people through the hole, weaves a rope from her tendons, goes down; the husband throws a stone or buffalo hoof at her, killing her; the child in her womb is alive; he is raised by the Spider; he throws up a hoop to play, he falls on his head, splits in half, twins appear; they destroy monsters; one disappears into the lake, the other turns into a witchcraft]: 238-239; Parsons 1929a, No. 1 [as in Mooney; the boy leaves his mother dead, eats the corn that Spider cooks for himself; picks up the onion she leaves, she realizes that this is not a girl; she turns into stone, he senses her presence; into a tipi pole, he does not notice her, she catches it; the twins are not suffocated by smoke in the house they come to; they get reeds for arrows from under the falling rocks; dodge the lightning of the Thunderbird, which gives them the feathers of its chicks for arrows; turn into moles, dig a passage under the lying monstrous bison, gnaw the wool from its skin, pierce from below with a sharp one with a pole, take his tendons for the bowstring; bring the arrowheads that guarded the snakes; the Spider gives food to the Snake lover; the twins find him in the tipi and kill him; come to blind people, make them sighted ], 2 [= (1); a girl climbs a tree for a bird], 37 [the chief tells his son that a lazy man will not kill the Red-haired; the old woman tells the young man to dress up as a woman, warns that the home of seven red brothers is being guarded ducks and an eagle; the older brother marries an imaginary woman, the youngest notices that she has men's elbows; at night, the imaginary wife cuts off her husband's head, runs away; the spider hides the young man; when six brothers look into her house, she cuts off their heads with a door; the young man scalps his happy father]: 1-8, 78-80; (cf. mandan [a man marries Bisonicha and Corn; jealous Bisonicha quarrels with Corn, goes with her son to the buffalo; the husband follows them in the form of a hawk; the Bisonicha mother-in-law gives difficult tasks to kill his son-in-law; his son helps to complete the first tasks with advice; 1) enter a house with a stone door (a person turns into a feather, the door falls but does not press him), 2) identify his wife's bed (son- the calf butts the bed three times), 3) identify the son among ten calves (the son moves his ear), 4) withstand the hot steam room (the spider hides him in the fourth underground tier), 5) bring firewood (an eagle sits on the poplar, sends lightning; splits the tree so that the hero can take firewood), 6) bring red cubs (the flame is full of wolves; wolves do not eat the hero, they give him cubs; like other dangerous creatures, they are all servants bison; she lets them go when her son-in-law brings them), 7) bring white beavers (sharp flints fly from beaver tails; beavers give beavers), 8) bring arrow blanks (bushes grow in the gorge, which is mother-in-law's ass; the person is inside her; flies out like a swallow, brings blanks), 9) explore a distant island (The Raven gives the hero his sharp eyes), 10) shout loudly (The Seagull gives his voice; the hero's cry is louder than the roar of the Bisonicha mother-in-law), 11) race (the whole world is Bisonicha's home; the hero turns the land into a swamp in the way of the bison; a silver fox, a red fox, a coyote run for the hero three quarters of the way); the old woman spreads the ground, summons four herds of bison upstairs one after another; the first three are strange, the hero abandons them; in the fourth herd his wife and son; the hero brings buffalo people]: Bowers 1950:276-281).
The Great Southwest. Hopi: Fewkes 1895 [a woman conceives twins - A young man (Tuyu, aka P üüko ñhoya) from sunlight and Echo (Palu ñhoya) from a stream of water; Pignon nut girls make resin a copy of the flint clothing of the Eagle Man who stole the Young Man's wife; the Spider hides in the Young Man's ear, giving advice; Hawks bring him to heaven; The young man smears chewed berries are sharp crossbars leading to the roof of the stairs, they become blunt, he climbs into the house, changes clothes; Eagle Man offers 1) smoke a huge pipe (The Mole pulls out the passage, who removes smoke), 2) break the deer horn (one end is fragile, the young man gets to be allowed to choose), 3) pull out the pine tree (The mole digs up the roots), 4) eat a lot (as in "1"); 5) sit in the fire (Young man in flint clothes, the eagle in resin burns); The young man frees his wife and other women, the Hawk and the Eagle bring everyone down to the ground; then see motive J60]: 132-137; Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 1 [hunters they disappear one by one; they are seduced by women who have teeth in their vaginas; the spider gives the boy a wooden penis; he breaks the genital teeth of the girl who brought him first, then the others; they are girls Jimsonweed (Datura L., dope) and Four O'Clock (Mirabilis L., night blossom); after that, he really copulates with the one who brought him in; the Spider warns that he will be asked to identify the girl who brought him; if he guesses right, he can take it home; he guesses correctly; the Spider teaches him to snatch the dope and night blossoms that grow around the kiva, chew and spit the potion inside the kiva; inside they turn into stone; a young man brings his wife home, gives Spider two dead rabbits]: 1-7; Mullett 1993 [an eagle man kidnaps the hero's wife; he comes for her; the kidnapper demands 1) smoke a pipe poisonous tobacco (a mole digs a hole under the hero to escape smoke), 2) break a deer horn (a spider woman reports which horns are made of wood), 3) pull out one of the two pines (the mole gnaws through its roots) 4) eat a lot of food (the mole digs a hole under the hero to drain food), 4) stay alive in the fire]: 84-88; Stephens 1929 [the ogre offers the hero a competition; they sit on fire, the cannibal burns], No. 9, 10 [+ smoke a huge pipe; break a deer horn; uproot a tree; eat all the food in one sitting]: 21, 23-24; Stephens 1929, No. 4 [poor young woman gives a ray of sunshine to fall on her vulva; then older women advise her to put her vulva under the drops that trickle through the roof when it rains; she gives birth to twins Puyukanyoi and Palyunyaoya; the old Spider tells them that their father is the Sun ; they come to him, stand the tests, he recognizes them as his sons], 5 [the girl dreams of copulation; puts the vulva first under the rays of the sun, then under the water dripping from the cliff; gives birth twins; Puyukanyoya is son of the Sun, Palyunyaoya is Echo, son of Water]: 11-14; Titiev 1939:91-94 (Oraibi) [girl rejects suitors; hunchback Kokopele lives at his grandmother; digs a passage to the place where a girl regularly sends natural necessities; puts her long penis out of the ground into her vagina; she gives birth to a boy; men decide to race, hoping that the baby will pick up flowers from the hands of the victor; K. comes running last, but the boy takes flowers from him; the father tells his daughter to marry K.; he is a kachina, supplying the family and the whole village with plenty of food; the sorcerers from Crap Kiva are jealous call K. to themselves, intending to kill; the spider woman gives him a potion; he showers them with sorcerers, they all go humpback, beat each other; they die soon; K. and his wife come to live with his grandmother; they have many children]; Voth 1905, No. 27 [two girls included in one boy, one turns the other into a coyote; The spider removes her coyote skin, turns an evil girl into a snake]: 105-109; Wallis 1936, No. 21 [sorcerer turns a man into a coyote, takes his wife; the Eagle and the Spider restore the hero to his human form; he turns the sorcerer into a coyote, his wife into an owl]: 60-68; Zunyi [the witch has a lover among sorcerers; the husband spies on a meeting of sorcerers; his wife takes him to the top of a steep cliff; chipmunks bring him food and drink; they plant poplar at the foot, he grows up, the man goes down the trunk; the Spider gives him herbs with which he makes lovers ugly and stuck together; they go asking them to separate them; whoever tries to do it sticks to them; they come to the wild, a woman turns into a deer]: Benedict 1930:65-67; Tiva (Isleta): Parsons 1932c, No. 12 [mother tells sons that the Sun killed their father; Spider gives them tobacco to help them withstand the fever, put them to sleep The sun; at home they almost revive the father; contrary to the prohibition, the mother spies, the father dies again], 14 [a virgin gives birth to two boys; people tell them to be thrown into the spring; she leaves only the eldest; calls The Wind, the Sun, the Month as potential fathers; men come together, the baby must identify the father; he crawls towards the sun; both he and his brother thrown into the spring grow up; brother comes to him, invites them to go to their father, the Sun; the Spider shows them the way; the Sun makes them their helpers; the rainbow is a bow in the hand of the elder; the youngest is a rainbow sky at sunset]: 390-392, 400 (?) -403; Western Ceres (Laguna) [The Flintlock Wing (KK) takes the wife of a young Shock-of-Hair (SH) to the top of the mountain; he sleeps on top of the Enchanted Mesa, on the fourth night there is a man reports where the wife tells Spider to ask for help; she tells the Wind to raise SH up the mountain; the elk and the deer guard the entrance to the KK house, SH throws this Spider's potion at them, they promise to help; the Spider-boy catches in bird snare, afraid of them; SH easily catches many birds, takes Spider; she gives SH one bullfinch, he eats it; The spider young man is amazed because he ate only a piece; The spider gives SH clothes and a club of resin, he comes to his kidnapped wife while KK is hunting, replaces flint things with resin ones; KK promises to return his wife if SH 1) spends the night in the cold (SH is covered with a blanket of rabbit skins, alive); 2) knock down the tops of four hills with a club (KK throws a resin club, it is powerless, SH knocks down the tops of the flint); 3) sit in a fire (KK in resin clothes burns, SH in flint unharmed); SH frees all abducted women; the Spider lowers everyone in the web on a resin rope; when he lowers them, pulls the rope back]: Boas 1928a: 111-118, 258-259 [summary]; Western ceres (Akoma): Lewis 1965, No. 38 [mother and the daughter live alone; the daughter goes to collect piñon nuts, she is met by the Sunny Young, gives them two nuts, she gets pregnant, gives birth to twins Masewi and Uyuyay; the grandmother makes them onions, they kill rabbits, then deer , bear; go east to look for his father; the Spider shows the way, her son hides behind M.'s ear, gives him instructions; the brothers of the Sunny Young advise him to check his sons by putting them in a room with cougars ( lions), wolves, lynxes, bees; the twins are unharmed, ate bees and honey; they were planted on hot coals, they became handsome, they were recognized; the Sun Father gave them new bows and arrows; gave them a stick that kills and revives; twins are back home]: 249-259; White 1932 (Akoma) [Flintbird (KP, a man dressed in flint) descends from the sky, kidnaps a woman; a spider helps her husband named Kasevat goes up to heaven, makes a false robe for him out of resinous pine chips; he replaces KP clothes with them; Spider's son helps K. withstand the tests; 1) spend the night in the cold (the web closes K. from hail); 2) weed the corn field in a day (K. pulls weeds by pulling the web that covered the field); 3) K. brings chips, they turn into a huge pile of firewood; 4) KP pushes K. into the oven, he hides in a dig dug dug by Badger; 5) KP and K. sit in fires; KP burns in his false resinous robe; K. frees his wife and other captives; Spider's son lowers them all to the ground in a basket]: 172-178; oriental ceres (Sia) [Yellow A woman gets pregnant from the Sun, gives birth to twins; a mother tells them who their father is; their grandmother Spider gives them a bow and arrow; weaves a web like a bridge over a river; in the center there is a hole leading to the Sun's house; that tests sons; 1) a turquoise steam room (they cool it by spitting out its shells); 2) locked in a room with moose, bison, deer, antelope; 3) in another with bears, cougars, rattlesnakes; The sun gives them bows and arrows, hunting sticks for rabbits (they can't throw them before reaching home); mother and father warn them not to go to dangerous places, the twins go; the cougar throws those following after with arrow poles, they throw it off themselves; 2) the bear guards the arrow feathers; they kill the bear, pull the scarecrow on a rope, scaring the mother; turn around in the skin of a dead deer, let the eagle carry themselves away; they kill eagles, throw them out of the nest; they kill eagles that have arrived; a marmot plants a seed by the cliff, a pignon pine grows, they descend it; the giantess puts them in a basket, carries them behind her back, they grab them behind the tree, they run away; she catches them again; she sends them at home for fuel; they push it into the fire themselves; they fire lightning arrows; the mole digs under the antelope; the twins pierce it from below; they tell the antelopes to eat grass not humans; the mole is promised her giblets]: Gunn 1917:43-52 in Boas 1928a: 251-252; Eastern Keres (Sia) [Underworld Spider Sussistinnako sends her son the Sun to heaven, telling him to go from north to south, then from west to east; both times the son was dissatisfied; he liked it when she sent him from east to west; on the way he stops three times for breakfast, have lunch and dinner; he wears embroidered clothes, a bow and arrow in his hands, a mask covers his face; the month was sent to the upper world at the same time as the Sun; every night the Sun passes by its mother]: Stevenson in Boas 1928a: 230 and in Judson 1994:77-79; oriental ceres (Cochiti) [The Yellow Woman lay down to rest in the sun, is pregnant by the Sun; he asks for a son to be sent to him; the old woman Spider turns him and himself an eagle, she returns, he enters the house of the Sun; the Sun explains how to go his way; when water snakes attack in the west, there is no need to be afraid; but the son is frightened; the father came up and plunged into the water with him; The sun tells his son to kill the deer, take it to his mother, then return; he now lives with his father]: Benedict 1931:26-31; Oriental Keres (Seama) [Yellow Corn Marries Sunshine A young man; a witch girl turns her into a coyote; she hides in a cave; her husband brings her to the Spider; she removes the skin of the coyote from the Corn, gives her husband the shell; he throws the shell at the false wife, who turns into snake]: Espinosa 1936a, No. 16:87; Navajo: Coolidge in Edmonds, Clark 1989 [The first Woman conceives one son from sunlight, the other from drops of water; replies that their father is the Sun, sends to he is sequentially in four directions of the world; admits that the Sun God and the God of Water live in the ocean; the Spider helps the twins; the interpreting walls of the gorge let them through; they cross the Bolshoy across the rainbow bridge Canyon, then sea; come to the Turquoise House; their fathers greet them]: 85-89; Matthews 1994 [older sister conceives Nyenesgani from sunlight, younger sister conceives Nyenesgani from his younger brother's water; brothers - gods of war, visit the Sun, the elder receives lightning arrows from him; brothers kill monsters; N. goes alone to kill a four-legged monster with deer horns (his father is an antelope horn); Gopher digs under a monster an underground passage, gnaws hair from the skin under the heart, explains that wool needs to warm the young; N. climbs under the tunnel, kills the monster with a lightning arrow; Gopher gets the skin; N. fills the gut with blood a monster that lets a monstrous bird carry itself away; it throws it into a nest on the rocks, but it does not break thanks to the pen given by the Spider; tears its gut with blood to make it look like he's dead; the chick says that the prey is alive, the bird does not believe; N. asks the chicks how their parents will arrive; Father with thunderstorm and shower (letter with "rain man"), mother with quiet rain ("rain-woman"); N. kills both parents with lightning arrows, turns the older chick into an eagle, the youngest into an owl; the Bat lowers it to the ground in a basket; for this he gives it the feathers of monstrous birds, but they turn into all species small birds]: 116-121; Western yavapai [people live underground; younger brother invites the elder to illuminate the world; he makes a disc, smears ocher, hangs, but the light is twilight; the younger one makes a disc out white lime, smears ocher; it gets light but too hot; the younger brother asks the elder to raise the sky with a reed pole, he did it; at night the older brother touches the genitals of his two daughters; those they hide on the shore under the willow, where he relieves himself, and swallow his bowel movements; he begins to lose strength, tells him to be cremated after death; people sent Coyote for fire, at which time they lit a fire when they got up around; the badger was lower than the others, the Coyote jumped over it, took his heart and ate it; the burnt heart had to be laid on the burnt heart, cultivated plants would grow; and so only one stem of corn would grow; the best cobs went to the Hopi and Navajo, and the worst were yavapai; people decided to go to the upper world; the hummingbird found a hole in the sky; under the guidance of their younger brother, they planted a pine tree and a vine that wrapped it around it; they climbed up, but the old man and his two granddaughters stayed; when they got to the ground, water poured out of the hole; the flood was caused by the two daughters of the older brother who turned into frogs; people hollowed out a pine tree , put the girl inside and food supplies, sealed it; only the girl escaped, the rest drowned; she lay down with her vagina under the rays of the sun and under drops of water, conceived, gave birth to a daughter; she grew up, tried Repeat everything, but the Sun and Water recognized their daughter, conception did not occur; then the mother covered her daughter's body with her body, the Sun and Water did not notice the substitution; the daughter gave birth to a son Matinyaupakaamcha; the eagle took her to and ate his nest, M. stayed with his grandmother; interrupted the bird's leg with a stone; she: if you heal, I'll say something; when he found out that the old woman was not his mother, but his grandmother, killed the eagle, on the advice of his grandmother, heating the tip of his spear; the grandmother sends to kill the bison (ox); the badger and the gopher dug an underground passage under the lying bison; the mouse plucked the hair from where the heart was, explaining that her children were cold; M. pierced the bison from below; he plunged the horn into the underground passage, but M. dodged; made a cape out of the skin, and under it was bison blood; allowed the eagle to grab himself; blood poured in, the bison thought M. was killed; the chicks see that the prey was alive, but the eagle was not believes; when she flew away, M. found out where the eagle would fly; becoming a lizard, he smeared the places where the male and female sit with resin; killed the eagle; told the chicks to remain silent, otherwise he would kill; The Bat lowered M. in the basket, ordering close his eyes; he opened, they fell, M. broke the Bat's bones, but cured her; M. looked into the grandmother's house through a hole in the roof; called her; grandmother: the wind whistles; when she saw her grandson, she began to dance with joy ; the bald eagle took M. to an island on the lake; there are already many prisoners there; M. ordered the prisoners to eat crushed flint to the eagles and hide, digging an underground passage; the eagles are dead; the crane stretches through lake leg; people cross it like a bridge; children fall into the water, turn into ducks; M. decides to make a bow; the grandmother warns of dangers every time where to look for materials for onions; wood for onions where the canyon walls converge and diverge; M. put a deer horn between them, took out material; reeds for arrows owned by Owl; M.: I propose marriage to my grandmother; Owl is glad, he gave reeds himself ; when Owl came, M. told his grandmother to find out where his heart was; in the sole of his foot; M. shot there, killed Owl; the grandmother straightened her vulva with an arrow; when M. looked, the arrow broke; where is the flint for tips, sparks fly out of there; M. covered himself with a turtle shell, took out flint; wood for the front of the arrows owned by the Bear; M. called him to marry his grandmother; said he was doing coal tips; The bear believed, shot M. with an arrow with a coal tip, and M. at him with a flintlock arrow, killed him; grandmother: cut the deer in a clearing, not under a tree; M. became carving under a tree; a naked woman came down from the tree, chased M. to meet him; the grandmother hid it under the hearth; but the woman began to write there, M. got out; M. made penises out of blue stone, quartz, lava and clay, used every single wear, breaking off the woman's vaginal teeth; she became his wife; she was actually a bear; offered to drive game at him; he hung his clothes on a pole; three- four bears rushed at her, M. killed them, pulled out their fangs and claws; Spider told M. that the Wind took his wife away; let M. compete with him outside, not in his cave; who would chase the ball faster; M. won all the prisoners and the life of the Wind; those who have longer hair - M. won again, killed the Wind with a club; they spent the night in the Wind Cave; his wife became snakes in front of the entrance, M. jumped over them; M. went to look for his father Suns; on the way I spent the night with people who wanted to kill him; at night he covered his eyes with pebbles ("glass eyes"), the owners think he is awake; the wife of the Sun to her husband: your son has come; he wants to test invites the person who comes to the steam room; M. gives up a couple and says that it is cold, the Sun believes that he is his son; M. tamed the horse, went home; the Sun and the Cloud began to argue over him; everyone painted one half of his body; M. returned east to the Sun, and his grandmother went west into the ocean]: Gifford 1933a: 402-412.
(Wed. Guiana. Makushi: Roth 1924, No. 601 [Maichoppa wanted to see the vulture chief; the inhabitants of two community houses quarreled and killed each other; M. lay down among the dead bodies; urubu vultures flocked. took off their feathers and wings, M. took possession of their outfit, but could not fly off by himself; the Spider tied one end of his thread to the top of the tree, and gave M. the other; lengthening the thread, raised M. to the mountain of vultures behind the clouds; the chief vultures require 1) build a house on a bare rock; 2) make a bench with his image; the young man relieved himself on the vulture's head; the vulture's daughter sent the karaka bird to grab M.; he runs to the Spider , she hides it under cotton yarn, does not allow K. to stir it up so as not to confuse the yarn; M. goes down to the top of the seiba, sits on the lizard's back; returns home]: 486-488; Soares Diniz 1971, No. 17 [people died of illness, a young man remains; urubu vultures ate rotten meat; a young man rises to heaven, marries the daughter of a vulture leader; father-in-law demands 1) to dry the lake (battleships they took water, the birds caught fish), 2) build a house (birds and animals helped), 3) make a stone bench with the image of the father-in-law (the lizard relieved the vulture on the head, he asked his daughter to shine The young man saw two heads, a termite and a woodpecker were carved into a bench); Urubu still decided to kill his son-in-law; his daughter warned the young man; when Urubu sat down on a bench, the tião lizard hiding behind her killed him; sons Urubu chased the young man; he hid in a basket in the Spider's house; the Caracara bird cut the thread, the young man fell to the top of the samaumeira tree; a lizard lived there, and she offered to sit on her back ran along the trunk, wanted to eat it, but he jumped to another tree, returned to the ground]: 92-94).
(Wed. Bolivia - Guaporé. Tupari [the first ancestors of Waledad and Wap decided to steal Woodpecker's ax to cut down a tree with edible nuts; Valedad sent a gadfly to bite Woodpecker, the brothers cut off Woodpecker's feathers so as not to catch up; he set fire to the world in revenge; Vap burned down, Valedad waited out the fire in the Spider's hole, blew, the wind brought Vapa to life; instead of the anus, Valedad and Vapa had a tail, food spewed through their mouths; Spider's wife and daughters gnaw off they have tails, makes anal holes; when the tree was cut down, streams of water poured from the sky; Valedad collected nuts, planted]: Caspar 1975:190; vapishana [man catches daughter on the lake Royal Vulture, brings home; she is a woman during the day, a bird at night; her mother-in-law is unhappy that she is staining the floor with her excrement; the wife decides to leave; the man sits on her, closes his eyes, they find themselves in the sky; father-in-law asks 1) to take the sand flea out of his leg, pulls his eyes out, hides it in a vessel; the rat finds and returns his eyes; 2) climb the miriti palm tree, throw fruits down; makes a trunk fat, the man falls; the father-in-law thinks he has crashed; at night the man comes to life, comes back; 3) make a bench with the image of his head; the lizard defecates on the Vulture, who takes off his handkerchief it can be seen that there are two heads; pinicapau makes a bench; 4) build a house on a rock (birds do); 5) prepare a plot for a vegetable garden; ants do it in six days; Vultures set fire to the site, the Spider saves man, inviting him to climb into his hole; lowers him to the ground in the basket to his mother]: Wirth 1950:193-196).