Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I12. World axis.

.21.-.24. (.26.) .27.29.-.

A tree, a pillar with branches, rarely - a smooth pillar connects the tiers of the universe. The clearest versions, according to which the tiers of the universe seem to be strung on wood, are marked in italics.

Tawang, Kachin, Burma Naga, Khmu, Tharu, Malays, Toba Bataks, Ngaju, (Ancient Chinese), Hungarians, Bulgarians, Kalmyks, Nogais, Georgians, Kafirs (Prasun, Kati), Scandinavians, Chuvash, Mordovians, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, (Kyrgyz), Altaians, Teleuts, Telengits, Khakas, Tuvans, Mongols (Khalkha), Mansi, northern and southern selkups, nganasans, central (and others?) Yakuts, Evenks (probably Podkameno-Tunguska), Udege, Nanai, Ulchi, Okanagon, Flethead, (Tolova), Seneca, Aztecs, Maya Yucatana, lacandons, tsotsil, makiritare, yukuna, shipibo-conibo, guarasukwe, nambikwara.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tawang [winds collided from four directions, a drop appeared, turned into an ocean; they collided again, something arose from the ocean, steam, it covered the ocean, became a four-part firmament; in its center the earth is also four-part; the inhabitants of the east are white, the west are yellow, the south are black, the north are red; in the center of the earth there is a three-part tree; gods live in the upper part, the middle part is golden, People live here, the roots of the tree are deep in the ocean]: Pandey 1999:131-132; Kachin [masculine and feminine principles arose and combined in emptiness, gave birth to King Ingaunuamagan; he encircled the earth The naga dragon, when he moves, an earthquake occurs; he supported the sky with four pillars, placed the fifth in the center; it was too high, celestials appeared from the sawn off upper part, from the sawn off the lower one is living in water; the central pillar connecting heaven and earth has turned into a Sotpunnu tree]: Zapadova 1977:144-145; Burma's naga [a tree growing in the sky has roots reaching the ground; a woman- The nat in the sky wants to destroy the earth, begins to cut roots, an earthquake occurs; her maid stings the woman's children, they cry, the woman goes to them, the maid overgrows the felling on the roots]: Zapadova 1977: 229-230.

Burma - Indochina. Khmu [the "leg of heaven" is a pillar full of fire, a mountain that supports the upper tier of the world {and obviously passes through the other two}; the heat of the "foot of the sky" causes water to evaporate, otherwise it would flood the world ; passing by the "foot of the sky" in the upper world and then again in the lower world, the sun gets hot]: Lindell et al. 197:100.

South Asia. Tharu [the world is destroyed by a fiery drought, then by a flood; the lord of heaven and his wife copulate as birds, place a drop of blood on the water; after 15 months, a lotus leaf appears in the form of pumpkins are the first ancestor of Tharu Aklākal Gurubāba; the heavenly couple puts vitality into his head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, hair, lower body, he takes on a human form; from his nails creates a Pigeon, he flies over the waters, does not find land; G. cuts his thigh, Raini fish comes out of the cut; it disappears, the pigeon cannot find it, G. tells pigeons to be caught in snare, fried, eaten ; creates Crab from his nails to get the "immortal earth" from the lower world; he manages to overcome the Xeremphis spinosa thorn fence, get the ground; on the way back, he is grabbed by the shell demon, Crab loses land; G. orders crabs to be caught, baked, eaten; in the same way he creates 8 other crabs, all the same as the first; creates earthworms; the first three do not overcome prickly hedges, G. tells them to feed on earth and water; the fourth penetrates thorns, swallows the earth; on the way back, the demon cuts it into a thousand pieces, but the worm still delivers the earth, it gives it to the world resilience; the first to grow on earth is the sacred herb kus (Poa cynusorides), from which is the first perar tree (Xeremphis uliginosa); G. curses it, let people eat its fruits; creates a semar tree ( kapok, Bombax ceiba), addressing him as a woman, tells him to go find out how far the earth stretches; she does not return for so long that G. tells her to hold heaven and the lower world; the same with a pine tree, she's gone even longer, G. tells her to live in the mountains, where her resinous fumes will smell fragrant on Mount Kailash; G. cuts her thigh again, his daughter Dharmak Diyeri is born; to contain her, places four holy māini around the edges of the world, himself retires to the forest as a hermit; D. wants to join him, tells the blacksmith to make her a belt, ring and iron shoes to overcome the barbed fence; but G. puts on ways to him are a rope for carrying weights, an oil press, a weapon, a pig bristle bridge; D. overcomes everything, marries G.; after that G. is called Mahādeo]: Krauskopff 1987:14-16.

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Malays [God created the Ka'bah pillar (i.e. the Kaaba in Mecca) - the navel of the earth that looks like a tree (who growth is comparable to a tree) with four branches to the north, south, east, and west corners of the world ]: Skeat, Blagden 1900:3; toba-bataki [1) the tree grows at the gates of heaven, and its roots descended into the middle world to Nanggar Djati Rock; later, the deities cut them off to prevent people from rising to heaven; 2) Mula Djadi placed the tree growing in the middle world while it was still covered with water; 3) Tobing 1956:57, 60-61; wood connects the lower and upper worlds]: Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:48; ngaju [during the ritual, the Tree of Life is placed with two crosshairs; the upper one stands for the rhino bird as a symbol of the upper world, and the lower one for the underground snake]: Hooykaas 1957:333 in Haekel 1958:76.

(Wed. China - Korea. Ancient Chinese: Yuan Ke 1987, ch. VI: 139-140 [Huainan Tzu: The time when the sun comes out of Yanggu, bathes in Xianchi Lake (Salt Lake) and moves from the lower branches of the tree to the tops is called "approaching morning"; then the sun reaches the top of the tree, gets into a chariot prepared by his mother, sets off; this is "early dawn"; the time to travel through Crooked Hill (Quya) is "full dawn"; Xihe accompanies son to Beiquan (Sad Spring), where the chariot stops; this is Xinche ("chariot stop"); the son makes the rest of the journey on his own, but S. continues to monitor him]; Yangshin 1984:110 [a detailed translation of the sun's movement from one point to another - along mulberry branches? It can be understood that the sun rises along the mulberry branches], 114 [Jo tree..., at its top there are ten suns, its flowers illuminate the ground below]).

The Balkans. Hungarians: Eichenwald et al. 1982 [égigérö fa (a tree that reaches the sky), tetejetlen fa (a tree without a top) - with seven branches, connecting the earth's world with the sky, which supports its peak, and with the underworld to which it is rooted; the source of life flows from the foot of the tree; the fruit, resin and juice of the tree give life and nourish everything on earth; on the upper branch the tree is the house of the Sun and its mother; just below is the house of the Moon and her mother; the wind rises from the movement of the tree branches; sometimes the dwelling of Szél-anya (mother of the wind) is localized on these branches; gifts - the fruits of this tree are carried by fairies (tündér); the tree is guarded by a huge bird (eagle); a shaman (taltosh, táltos) can find the way to it]: 185; Erdész 1961:330 [Sky High Tree rests against the sky, wraps 13 times because he cannot grow further], 341 [in the royal garden, a shepherdess climbs Sky High Tree, finds pastures, castles and churches at different levels of the sky]; Bulgarians (Aegean Thrace) [the earth is a huge walnut tree; in winter the sun is cold because it is under its roots]: Stoynev 2006:223.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [Galbar Zandan (Sanskr. Kalpavriksha) is a tree that grows from the Lower World to the Upper World]: Basangova 2017 324; Nogais [on Askar-Tau (Sary-Arka, Sary-Tobe, Kok {kök? } - Baiterek grows (p. 108: it seemed pine); the souls of unborn people are written on it, the fates of people are written on the leaves; its roots connect the earth with water sources and fill Lake Manas with healing water (Togas); layers of the heavenly world depart from the branches; near the Toimadyk River ("insatiable"), the source in the upper world, the mouth in the lower world]: Kapaev 2012:31; Georgians [the branches of the mythical tree are dotted with gems, A bird sits at the top, a spring flows out at the roots; it reaches the sky with its crown, goes back to the underworld]: Surguladze 2004:202.

Iran - Central Asia. Kafirs (prasun) [a golden tree with seven golden branches grows in Lake Süum; this tree has a golden disc (apparently the sun); at night the sun falls into Lake Süum; from this it rains in the lake; the goddess Dīsnī comes out of this tree; it is possible that seven branches correspond to the seven celestial tiers]: Buddruss 1960:205-206; kafirs (kati) [in a distant land among a tree grows in the lake; it takes 9 years to climb to its top; its branches stretch for 18 years; god Satarám fell in love with it, it opened, the goddess Disani sat inside; she gave birth to a god Bagist]: Robertson, S. 382f in Buddruss 1960:205-206.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [gods gather at Yggdrasil ash tree if they must judge; ash branches above the sky; ash trees have three roots: one in the sky for aces, the other in the sky for the frosty giants, where the world was abyss, the third in Niflheim; under the third root is the Boiling Cauldron, this root is gnawed by the Nidhogg dragon from below; under the root of the giants is the source where knowledge and wisdom; Mimir drinks water from it; Odin I came there, but received water only after he pledged his eye; under the root of the aces is the Urd spring; aces come to him along the rainbow; an eagle sits at the top of the ash tree, and the hawk Vedrf is between his eyes & #235; flaxseed (faded by bad weather); squirrel Rodent scurries over the tree, carrying the abuse that the eagle and Needhogg shower each other; four deer (Dine, Dvalin, Dunayr, Duratror) run among branches; there are many other snakes in the Boiling Cauldron stream; they also gnaw ash, a deer eats the top of its head, the trunk dies from rot; the burrows water the ash tree with water from a spring so as not to dry out Urd]: Younger Edda 1970:22-24.

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [at the center of the four- or octagonal middle world is Mount Ama te, surrounded by water; at its top is the Ama Yivaç tree; its roots go to the lower world, and the crown - to the upper; branches reach the farthest periphery in all directions and support the sky]: Egorov 1995:133-134; Erzya: Latynin 1933 [(apparently Erzya); apple tree "with full-width roots lands" and "branches to the whole sky" in the song "Feast of the Gods"; two other songs recorded by V. Mainov; in them, the apple tree grew in the field between roads, covered the earth with its roots, covered the sky with branches (or "its roots around the earth, its knots around the sky; twigs with an elbow length, its leaves with an arm of width ;... From which side the sun rises, its apples turn red; on which side the sun goes down, its apples turn white "]: 10-12; Harva 1952 [in the center of the earth there is a tree with three branches and three roots, its foliage obscures the sun; the bird made a nest on it, three eggs were born the mother of norov-ava cereals, the mother of the wind varma-ava and the mother of the forest vir-ava]: 141-142; moksha [birch grows on a hill in the depths of the forest; her The roots surround the whole world, and its branches surround the sky; its leaves are palm-sized and its buds are a whip long; its roots have a spring; next to it is a red wooden vat with a honey drink and a scoop depicting the sun and moon on the bottom and stars on the handle; the scoop handle turns as the sun moves across the sky]: Ahlqvist 1861:133 in Holmberg 1927:350; the Bashkirs [the mare gives birth, but the foals disappear every time; the eldest, middle son goes to guard, falls asleep; the youngest Kyran-Batyr rips his hair off his head with a sword, does not sleep, cuts the cloud that takes the foal; follows the bloody trail to copper, silver, golden houses ; each has one of the kidnapped foals and a woman; K. consistently fights three devas, kills them; tames a piebald mare; tries to get a golden sword from the bottom of the lake; the mare explains what is in the water the reflection of the sword, he himself pierced into a pine tree trunk that split the sky and went further up; K. climbs a pine tree, squeezes to the other side of the sky (after that, a pile of stars remains in the sky), brings a sword, rolls three houses into three eggs, gives two wives to his brothers; they are jealous, hang their sword in front of the tent, shout that enemies have attacked, K. runs out, the sword cuts off his legs; he sees a deer carrying his horns the sun, a man runs after him; says he sees only when he is near the sun; the blind man puts legless K. on his back, walks, K. sees an armless man chasing the same deer; he explains what the deer promised the sun brought it to people, but did not bring it, people froze, the handless man's hands froze; three companions decide to get a female cook, kidnap the khan's daughter, tell them not to let the fire go out; the fire goes out, the girl comes to an old woman for fire; she gives coals, finds a girl on an ash trail, asks her to look in her hair, sucks her bone marrow; the girl turns yellow, the companions take turns guarding, only K. beats the loss so that she can not withstand the blows; K. makes her swallow and regurgitate a girl, blind, armless; regurgitated are healed; swallowing K., does not want to regurgitate him; the former blind and armless chop her into pieces; the sparrow shouts "little finger", the companions cut his little finger, K. comes out, he has legs again; returns his daughter to Khan; K. marries a woman from the golden house, gives the other two to his companions, makes the brothers servants]: Barag 1988, No. 38:252-267.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [west 1976 from Berkindai-Ata Bucks; "In the center of the world stands the Pristine Kok-Tube (blue heavenly mountain), at its top grows the Great Baiterek (Mighty Poplar), four branches each which on each tier covers the entire sky, penetrating all its levels; its roots penetrate through all levels of the Earth to the Lower Waters "]: Ibraev 1980:40; (cf. Kyrgyz [Alp-Karakush bird with bronze claws and an eagle's head in the desert in a nest in the tree of life, whose branches support the sky, hatch chicks; every year they are devoured by a horned dragon; Er Toshtyuk kills him with a sword, feeds pieces of his body to the chicks; the bird flies with rain and hail, brings forty deer on each wing; swallows and belches ET, gives him a herd of end and a magic feather]: Er Toshtyuk 1958:144-155).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [wolves took Juskuzek's cow and goat; it is carried by the Kaan-Kerede bird, pulls him out of the abyss; Wolves invite him into the mountain; there their mother feeds on cow milk, a husky puppy plays a goat; Wolves reluctantly give Yu a puppy; someone cooks at his house; Yu watches, hides dog skin, marries Altyn-Chach (Golden Braids); she says that her brothers have become wolves, she is a puppy, hiding from Karata-Kaan; K. requires 1) to hide three times (A. helps Yu, who finds K., who has become an onion, stallion, birch, K. does not find it); 2) get the Kaan-Kerede egg; her nest on an iron poplar with nine branches; its roots rest on the lower world, branches touch the third heaven, a seven-headed serpent crawls along the trunk; one chick cries, its snake will eat it now; the other laughs, it will be eaten tomorrow; Yu cut off the snake's heads with an ax, blood formed a sea; the chick held out its wing, Yu crossed into the nest through it; Kaan-Kerede flew in, her tears fell in warm rain; recognizes her claw marks on Yu; says that K.'s soul is in the golden egg, but she does not know where it is; brings Y. to his poor old parents; K. takes A.; Yu has been fighting him for seven years; wolves killed K.'s horse, Kaak-Kerede took him to heaven; A. found a golden egg in K.'s palace, threw it into the fire, K. died; A. and Yu began to rule Altai]: 215-239; Nikiforov 1915 [there is a yellow island in the middle of the yellow river; there is a hole in the middle of the yellow island hell with seven mouths; from hell with seven mouths grew an iron poplar (temir-terek) without branches; its lower end in the lower world, and its upper end sprouted into the upper third world (i.e. sky); a bird, rising from the ground, never does not sit on its top; animals cannot climb it; at the top there is a white erdine that revives the dead; when Aldtyn-Mize and his horse Uchkur-Kongur died, another horse, Arshin-Jeder, turned black with a beaver, gnawed through Temir-Terek, took Erdine, revived the dead]: 77-78, 104-105; Karunovskaya 1935 [in the center of the earth, Mount Ak togon altaj sn is the residence of hunters' ancestors; at its top there is milk lake syt kγ ; l, in which the shaman's soul is washed on the way to the upper world; in the center of the mountain is the navel of the earth and sky; from the navel and water grows a tree with golden branches and wide leaves, its top in the sky; on this tree, a shaman grows reaches Ulgen]: 161-162; Surazakov 1979:12-13 [in the best of the valleys, a hundred-barreled [apparently with a hundred branches} bay-terek poplar grows; on the upper golden branch there are cuckoo anticipating the future; when cuckoo, sky blue flowers bloom in the valleys; in the middle there are two black golden eagles on a copper branch; at the base of the trunk, two black guard dogs Azar and Kazar block the way for Erlik and Shulmus], 14 [near the entrance to the stone palace there is a cast silver horseback; its upper end is in the sky, where Ych-Kurbustan ties its horse; the lower end is in the underworld, to it is tied by the horse Aybystan (i.e. Erlik)]; 1982:181 [in the Maadai-Kara epic, on top of a seven-knee poplar, there are two identical cuckoos with a horse's head, whose cuckoos eject white and blue flowers out of the ground; in the middle there are two black golden eagles guarding the sky; under the poplar there are two identical black dogs (taigyls) guarding routes on earth and from Erlik's world], 181-182 [in the Maadai-Kara epic (verses 156-165), the lower part of horse riding serves Aibystan (Erlik), upper world Uch-Kurbustan, middle hero Maadai Kara]; Teleuts: Funk 2004 [Maladu, who rides a milky white horse, and his younger brother Alyp Salay sit in palace, they hear a roar; a motley wolf with a 60-planted tail, his lower lip lies on the ground, the upper sky props up, M. conveys the demand of the Sole Creator to appear to him; M. agrees for the third time, when the wolf threatens to eat it; the Creator asks for help against the Forty Creators of the Underworld, who sent Kara Pyekö to destroy the white light; the battle will be at poplar, whose roots go deep into the earth, the crown reaches out the sky; he rustles with leaves in all the languages of people, birds and animals; returning after defeating KP, M. finds ashes on the site of his home; he was ravaged by Altyn-Chakkai and Kÿmÿsh-Chakkay; M. goes to the brothers' possession, kills them, marries their sister, returns home]: 23-28; 2005 [on his journey, the shaman flies past the mount Kama Kadylbash; larch, to which he tied, peaked through three skies that grew him (who?) roots pierced seven layers of earth]: 165; telengits [where the navel of the world is, the god of the earth Yo kan sits; there is a spruce that reaches the 16th heaven, where the god Bai Uelgän is; on the 17th is supreme god Tengire Kaira Jan; the world tree is a sign that the power of the lower god is commensurate with that of the upper one]: Radloff 1893:7 in Haekel 1958:66; Khakas: Butanayev 2003 [silver trunk and the golden crown of the sacred birch tree rests on the upper world, and the roots go to the lower world; at the top sits a golden cuckoo the size of a horse's head; under the birch tree there is a source of living and dead water; on the mountain Sumeru on three sacred oaks is the nest of a pair of Khan Kireta birds; the two-headed Khan Kirets have golden plumage, copper beaks and legs with steel claws]: 107; Schiefner 1859 [piercing 12 heavens, on top of the mountain there is a birch tree with golden leaves and bark; at its foot there is a pond with water of life; this birch was given by the Creator to the ancestor of the Tatars, who has kept it ever since]: 52 in Holmberg 1927:350; Tuvans [on tambourines a sacred birch tree (bai kaing) or another mythical tree is drawn, whose roots are in the underground and the peak is in the heavenly world]: Dyakonova 1976:277; Mongols (Khalkhas) [there was one water; two the fish came together and formed a ring; grains of sand began to accumulate in it and Mount Sumbur-Ola grew; we live on four tubes outside the fence formed by fish; at the sole of S. there is a tree, at its top Level C; Tengri live on the mountain, in three tiers; they feed on the fruits of this tree, argue over its fruits, fight, fight, and lightning comes from their battles]: Potanin 1919a, No. 26:49.

Western Siberia. Mansi (Sosva) [two Tatars sailed on a barge down the Ob to the place where water rushes to the lower world; along with the water they got to the lower world; everything is like ours, but the sun is like the moon; locals people gave them moldy fish, they threw it away; they swam on and found themselves back on the ground; there is a sacred birch tree in the upper reaches of the Ob and they climbed back to the ground between its roots]: Kannisto 1951, No. 6:20-21; Selkups: Prokofiev 1961 [the earth and sky are connected by a birch tree growing near the dwelling of an "old woman in life" (Ylynda kota); on its branches on the left hangs the sun, on the right is the moon; cuckoos, the patroness of childbearing, sit on the upper branches; both fratria, cedar and eagle, have three more trees - larch, shores and cedar; there are seven trees in total]: 56; 1976 [entering heaven with branches the crowns were covered by a "seven-root tree" (selchi kontyl po) growing on the ground, through which people's requests and complaints reached the sky; seven branches grew on the sunny and night sides of this tree; a cuckoo sat at the top; each female also had a bird; seven guard snakes lived in the roots; this tree is the shaman's path to heaven]: 112; Khelim 1982 [the beginning of the world river in the south in the "seven-chamber swamp" , the mouth in the north near the habitat of Kyzy and his son, the cold "sea of the dead"; in the upper reaches there is the steel dwelling of the old patron woman Ylenta-kot, the village of blacksmiths - her assistants (they forge iron details for shamanic vestments), "a sea of bloody water" and a "sky tree with buds" that connects the earth, sky and the underworld; it has seven branches on the right, sunny, and seven branches on the left, at night, side; cuckoos sit on the upper branches, the patroness of childbirth; the hollow contains the souls of unborn people, and seven snakes in seven roots guard the road to the lower world]: 400; northern Selkups : Pelikh 1998:24 [The Daru (Dari) tree grows from Mother Earth's house; its roots go to the sixth, fiery tier of the underworld; this fire rises up the trunk, so fireballs grow on the branches - suns; every morning one breaks, rolls west, falls into the fiery world; the tree changes its bark every year; the old one flies in thin transparent plates, they curl up in a circle, roll on the ground, fall on living trees, annual rings form; the tree trunk permeates the earthly and heavenly worlds, the top rests on the North Star], 29 [Ylynta the cat was Nom's wife, quarreled with him, went to live deep underground; at the same time she gave birth to layers of the upper tier of the earth, i.e. the inhabited land of the Middle World; in the center of her house there is a tree that connects all worlds (retelling in Tuchkova 2004:323)]; southern Selkups ["tree to heaven" is recorded only in the Sheshkup area; it grew on the top of a flat mountain, many spirits live in the branches that "hold all living things on earth"; the tree is deciduous (but not birch) , never loses its leaves; var.: the tree "supported the top of the sky" to the sky, grew in the middle of the island on the lake near which Šeγ paja ("Old Woman of Earth", mother of brother and sister Ia and Ne lived); Birds did not sit on it, but sometimes a raven sat at the top; N. offended the Raven with a thin word, he stopped flying, the tree dried up, the lake was gone]: Tuchkova 2004:75-76, 215; nganasany [(shaman describes how, at the age of three or four, during a serious illness, he was unconscious for three days, while in other worlds; see motif G6); walked down to the middle of the sea; sucked the breasts of the water mistress; her husband Syrad Nguo, the main underground owner, told him that he was chosen as a shaman and must avoid the roads of disease; he gave ermine and mouse in the guidebooks; smallpox people carved and cooked his heart; in the middle of nine lakes are an island, with larch to the edge of the sky; there are seven herbs nearby - the ancestors of our plants; on each lake there is a certain bird with chicks - duck, loon, goose, swan,... (unspecified}, mousetrap; the tree owner ordered to catch a falling branch, three of its three branches will be tambourines, and the shaman's three wives will take care of them; (further meetings and trials follow)]: Popov 1936b: 85-97.

Eastern Siberia. Yakuts: Pekarsky in Yemelyanov 1980 [The Sacred Tree has eight branches; the ninth has fallen from above heaven; at its top, the eagle created by Ayyi Toyon bubbles; seven roots in the land of spirit- housewives of land with seven crossbars, a seat from the Great Sea, beams from highlands, supports from stagnant mountains, red sand coating, black earth surface, green grass flooring, Cuiaar Khotun; eight roots formed rivers and lakes]: 320-321; Tretyakov 1871 [in the center of the earth, where the sun and moon never set and eternal summer, the White Young Man appeared; going east, he saw among the plains are a hill with a tree; its crown rose above the seven tiers of the sky, where Yurin-i-Toyon lived; its roots went deep into the underworld, where strange creatures lived; its leaves were a tree spoke to the inhabitants of heaven]: 200 in Holmberg 1927:311; Middendorf 1851 (3): 79 in Holmberg 1927:353 [Er-Sogotoh sees a tree in front of him whose roots go back to the lower world, and the peak has pierced nine heaven; living water pours from under its roots; aged animals drink or lick juice, get younger again]; Yastremsky 1989 [(review of the olonkho figurative world); a tree growing in the hero's fields reaches branches the lower layers of the sky, where Uluu Toyona's domain; frightened of the cold reigning there; makes its way higher, its branches become Uryn Ayia Toyona's horse ride; the tree is afraid to climb deep into the depths the underworld, where Arsan Duolai (Tuolai) reigns so as not to rot from dirt and abomination; its roots become a jar rack for cream from cattle deities]: 130; Gorokhov to Potanin 1893 [the ulu ar kuduk mas tree stands in a "quiet place" (the navel of the earth?) ; the peak sprouted through the seven-layer sky, serves as a horse ride for Yuryung-ai-Toen; the roots in the underworld serve as pillars of the dwelling of creatures with a mouth under the Adam's apple]: 385; Ergis 1974 [near the hero's estate olonkho grows an eight-branched tree Aal Duup Mas or aar Kudukh Mas; the main trunk has passed through the lower layers of the sky; then bends back, returns to the middle world; moisture and drops trickle from the branches it flies like white partridges; the main root sprouts through the ground and goes to the lower world, but because of the smoke of the fires of the underworld, it bends upwards; when it comes back to the ground, it exudes moisture, from which a frost-free white milk lake is formed; after drinking from it, the old people became younger, the weak gained strength, the sick recovered]: 190; Yakuts (central; Taragay nasleg of the Megino-Kangalassky district ) [Siberia Earth is formed, on all sides of the sea and mountains, rivers, lakes, forests in Siberia Land, with fish, birds and animals in them. In the middle is the sacred Aal Luuk Mae tree, which has 8 branches. Aal Luuk Mae ejects yellow ilte, which is the life-giving moisture for animals, birds and inhabitants of this land. The sacred tree plans to reach its top land of the Upper Abaas and destroy them, but abandons this sinful idea and grows into the land of the horse deity Joshogyop Ieyehsita, turning there for the best horse riding. Jyoshogyoy Toyon does not offend the sacred tree against the abaasa. With its lower roots, the tree wants to grow to the lower abaas and destroy them, but also abandons this sinful idea and grows into the tract of cattle deities, the host spirits of the Middle World, becoming hanger for white milk products. The spirits that own the land do not offend the sacred tree to the lower abaas. The sacred tree is surrounded by a fertile valley with a crystal house. Its owner is a lonely hero Dyyray Byögyo (DB), the son of a Horse. One morning, when DB goes out into the yard, the wind blows, and a black cloud appears that looks like a bear's skin. It splits above DB's head, and an exhausted, almost naked man falls out, calls himself, asks to hide from the persecution of Abaasa. This is Ayyi hero Erbehtey Bergen (EB), who lives in a country so far away that birds fly there, laying eggs three times along the way. He has been persecuted by Sollong Tuigun abaas for 9 years. Until now, he has run away from it, turning into a hundred species of fish in the Lower World, a hundred species of four-legged fish in the Middle World, and a hundred species of winged fish in the Upper World. DB doesn't know what to do with a person. To hide is not to find peace, to allow the Abaasa to kill the hero of Ayya is an honor to lose. He stomps his foot on the frozen ground, makes a hole, hides his EB there. He puts on armor and waits for an abaasa. A whirlwind came from the south and it became dark. A three-headed bird arrives with three eyes and claws like a walk, flies around the DB country three times, sits on a sacred tree, and demands that electronic devices be issued. After shedding his skin, he turns into an iron hero abaasa with one leg, one hand, and one eye. DB is frightened, but does not show fear and replies that he will not betray a person and is ready to fight. They fight for a month, at the end of the second DB, the Abaas wins. The heart and liver are sacrificed to the goddess of war Yrya Biebeideen, the daughter of the Cloud, and scatters the ashes over the sea. Three crows fly out of the ashes that floated on the waves. They shout that in the future they will harm DB, they soar into the sky. DB bathes after washing himself from the evil spirits of the Abaasa. He goes to that place, pulls the EB out of the hole. They live in peace and friendship and sleep in the same bed. DB wakes up one night singing EB. He sings that DB is illegitimate, that he has only one mother and 50 fathers, that his homeland is much worse than the homeland of EB, that he, EB, came here well done, and at work for DB he lost weight and I fainted that it was time to go home, and if DB followed him, he would kill him. He's leaving. DB decides to follow him and asks Joshogy Toyon to specify the horse intended for him. A fresh wind is blowing, and a saddled horse descends from the sky. The hero passes through his land, another one is visible. He remembers that he did not say goodbye to his native places. He turns his face towards the house, blesses the arrow to stick the point into the main horse riding, and shoots. He appeals to the spirits who are the owners of the hearth and native land. He sends the horse to the south. The land of Ayia is coming to an end. He passes through a country inhabited by shamans and shamans, a country inhabited by dead sorcerers whose ashes were not accepted by the holy land, reaches a country blazing with fire. It's a fire burning, whole bears, deer and moose are roasting around in horns. DB jumps off the horse, turns it into a tree and kicks it aside. Eat better pieces, sleeps. He sees an almost naked man with a huge head and a huge belly. The ragged man says that his name is Ukumal, the son of the Beggar, reproaches the alien: such a hero took away from the poor beggar food sent to him by the spirit master of the taiga; he will tell eight about this shameful act countries, seven uluses. I'm ashamed, he wants to catch the ragged man, he runs away. DB is going further south. The horse got up. He says that he comes from the best stallion and best mare, Yuryung Aiyi Toyona, and was born to become a DB horse. And DB himself was born to Yuryung Aiyi Toyon, the youngest of three daughters, and his father is Khaardiyr Mokhsogol, the hero of the sky. When DB was in his mother's womb, his grandfather Yuryung Aiyi Toyop arranged a ysyah in honor of the deity of horses and cattle, and when he was presented with a yellow ilge choroon in the womb the boy kicked the goblet with his foot: the yellow ilge splashed by one quarter - many calves, foals and newborns died this year. We thought, if this boy is still so naughty in his mother's womb, what's next? Shamans caused the mother to give birth prematurely and settled the premature baby in the Middle World to become the ancestor of humans. DB is happy to listen: their fate is patronized by celestials. It's going further south. In one country, he is greeted with wine and food by three beauties. As soon as the horse sees them, it releases golden wings, flies between the clouds, says Dyyray Bøge that this is the witchcraft of a murdered abaasa, from whose ashes three crows flew: they turned into women and now they lure the owner into the abyss. The horse also overcomes the second obstacle - the Sea of Fire. He calls for help from his brother, a horse named Aiyi Dutuy, and his owner Kyun Tuygun. With their help, the Sea of Fire flies over. When they fly, a stone ball falls on top of them - it almost killed them. The sea is starting to cool down and there is no trace of it. It's all raven magic. Kyun Tuigong blesses DB, promises to help him, and flies to the Eastern Sky. DB continues his journey, sees EB, but does not kill, and goes after him to look at his sister Aptala Kuo. They see the sacred Aal Luuk Mae tree and nine horse riders. The DB horse is heading to the first one. At this time, cowgirl Simehsin Emeehsin Emeehsin looks out of the house and tells her owners Hangyryyr Haan Toyon and Kyngyryyr Haan Khotun about the arrival of the heroes. Those who thought their son was dead, EB parents don't believe at first. When they see the heroes, they hurry to receive them honorably. The celebration begins, but EB sits gloomy. The DB thought he was plotting a bad thing. The elderly Hangyryyr Haan Toyon and Kyngyryyr Haan Hotun ask the servants to lift their eyelids that have fallen from old age. A boy and a girl pick up silver hooks and raise the elders' eyelids. The old man and the old woman look at the visitor and share their impressions. The husband compares him to himself when he was young and strong. The wife says that a visitor is much better than her younger husband. DB is offended and tells EB's parents about his ingratitude. Hearing threats from a visitor, Kyngyryyr Haan Hotun asks her husband for advice. Old Hangyryyr Haan Toyon: Let the young people figure it out for themselves. The old woman asks the hero to calm down, gives a drink of koumiss. The hero calms down. The old woman pulls out the pz happahchy, the closet where the girls sleep, a folding golden table, a gold plate, golden forks and spoons, walks around DB three times and starts shoving it all in his bosom. Then he takes a puppy from Happahcha. "As a thank you for saving our son, we give you a puppy that is dear and close to us. Let DB live happily with the puppy, let them light up an unquenchable hearth, build a house, and put up a golden horse ride." DB: It's like not giving a puppy, but marrying her daughter. The hero goes home. Halfway through, he thinks: "I went to a distant country, suffered a lot and what did you get a puppy in return?!" Decides to throw the puppy away. But the puppy does not lag behind, whines. The hero again puts him in his bosom. He returns to his native places. His wealth did not decrease, but increased. DB releases the horse into the wild, and puts the puppy in happpakhchi. When he wakes up in the morning, the house is cleaned and the food is cooked. Dinner is prepared in the evening. The next morning, DB pretends to hunt, but turns into a fly at the edge, comes back, hides on the ceiling by the beam. A puppy comes out of the happahcha, runs around the house, sniffing the hero's trail, kicks into bed, sheds his skin, turns into a girl. Starts cleaning and cooking. DB turns into himself, wants to hug a girl. She slips out, puts on her skin, turns into a puppy. DB is going hunting. The next day he turns into a fly again, comes back, hides, grabs the girl, manages to throw her skin into the fire. The girl wraps her arms around the pole with her legs and sits like this. The DB house is crystal, rotating around an axis. A handsome man arrives from the east and cannot open the door. He says that his name is Toyon Joburuoptai, a hero, he is the son of Erian Toyona and Ebiriechin Hotun, his country is far away, birds reach it, laying eggs seven times along the way, and runners multiply nine times. Asks me to open the door The girl doesn't pay attention. DB hears a voice and comes back. The hero says that DB took away his name, Aitala Kuo, for which he paid dowry to her brother Erbahtey Bergen. DB: I earned the right to Aitaly Kuo not by paying dowry, but by a heroic feat. The heroes fight and swear that if one dies, the rest will not answer to Yuryung Aiyi Toyon. They shoot with a bow. The first is a visitor, but the DB turns into a triangular prison, the arrow flies by. When Dyyray is shot, the visitor turns into a bird, and the arrow also flies by. For the second time, the opponent's arrow passes below the heart, above the DB liver, hitting an artery. DB aims upwards, an arrow hits Toyon Joburwantai's heart and liver. DB has a hard time entering his house, lying down, falling asleep in a dead sleep. His horse takes the form of a hawk, flies into the sky, tells the heavenly messenger about the death of his owner, and asks Yuryung Ayyi Toyon and Jilga Haan to tell about it. Yuryung Ayyy Toyon orders to call three heavenly scribes, the younger heavenly shaman Aiyi Jargyl and three execution heroes. Three heavenly scribes establish: Yuryung Aiyi Toyon had three daughters; the youngest Egiliene Kuo was married by the heavenly hero Khaardiyr Mohsogol. In the ninth month of his daughter's pregnancy, Yuryung Aiyi Toyon celebrated the deity of horses and cattle. The choroon, filled with yellow ilge, was presented to Father Egiliene Kuo. The baby in the womb kicked the goblet, and ilge splashed. Three days later, horses and cattle began to die as a result. The unborn child was convicted of an unworthy act, and fearing that such a mischievous man would not live, his mother was brought to the Middle World. There she was given permission as a premature baby. Egiliene Kuo left her son in a horse pen and returned to her homeland. The boy was found by the spirit mistress of the land, Aiha Michil, gave him the name DB, the son of the Horse, because she found him in a horse pen. His opponent Toyon Joburuontai hero is the son of Erien Toyona and Ebiri-Echchin Baay Khotun, who come from the deities Iei-iehsit and Aiysyt. Aitaly Kuo, predestined by Odun Haan and Tyiys Haan, should become the wife of DB. Toyon Joburuontai must not die; he must be saved. A younger heavenly shaman is sent to the Middle World, accompanied by three heavenly heroes. The shaman camlates to revive Joburontai the hero, sends him to the Eastern Sky. Aitaly Kuo still sits the same way, with his arms and legs tightly wrapped around the pole. He looks at the wounded hero, regrets it. He gets up, prepares the balm to treat DB. The ceiling opens, a bird of prey grabs Aitala Kuo and flies to the sky. DB's wound heals, gets up, sees traces of a bird of prey, drives north, recognizing autumn by bad weather, winter by snow, summer by heat. He approaches the Sea of Fire, decides to propitiate the spirit of the owner of the sea with a victim of horse hair, but the victim is not accepted. He guesses that these are the intrigues of Har Suorun, known for his greed. He asks him to open his mouth wide. The Sea of Fire is gradually beginning to fade, and something like a wide mouth opens up. Riding a horse, a hole slips through his jaws and reaches Icchi's stomach. Together with the horse, they destroy the inside of the monster and get out of it. After that, the Sea of Fire disappears. The Second Sea of Fire. You can hear the singing of Oblak's daughter Yrya Biebeideen, whom Dyyray once treated with the heart and liver of Abaasa Syung Jaasin, who was killed by him. In gratitude, she says that Timir Nuoracin, the kidnapper of his wife Abaasa, lives across this Sea of Fire, and he will be transported across the sea by the sea carrier Otorulla, a shaman. Dyyray sends the horse home and waits for the carrier. Otorulla shaman scolds ungrateful Timir Nuorajin, who did not donate anything for the transportation, asks DB to feed him. DB takes three hairs out of his pocket, talks them to turn them into three bald black bulls, and gives them to the carrier. Old Otorulla rejoices, transports DB across the Sea of Fire, blesses him for exploits. DB goes north, reaches stone mountain, black smoke is coming from the top. He understands that this is the kidnapper's home. He turns into a Yeokseku bird, goes down to Timir Nuoracin's house through a chimney, turns into himself, sees Aitaly Kuo chained to the wall. After consulting with his wife, he turns into a triangular jail, hides behind the stove. When Timir Nuorajeen arrives, Aytali Kuo lulls his incredulity with flattering words. He makes the Abaas repeat the spell after her so that the prison kills him, gives the abaasa prison and tells her to throw him into the sky. When it falls, it kills the abaas and the DB turns into itself. Ayyu people turn into birds and fly to their homeland. The DB country became even more beautiful while he was driving. DB and his wife bow to the sacred tree Aal Luuk Mac. Aitala Kuo propitiated the spirit mistress of the earth with eight horsehair. Then mares are milked, koumiss is cooked, and ysyakh is arranged. Aitaly Kuo turns to feed the spiritual owners of the land, hearth and taiga. DB and Aitaly Kuo become the ancestors of people]: Yemelyanov 1980, No. 3:22-33; Evenks (probably Western - Podkameno-Tunguska, with whom Anisimov worked) [in the idea of the bug ( universe) shamanic tours (trees) growing in the lower, middle and upper worlds merge into one world tree with roots in the lower world, the middle of the trunk on the middle, the top in the upper world]: Anisimov 1959:47-48.

Amur-Sakhalin. The Udege people [the roots of the shaman tree (itself) are in the afterlife, the middle of the trunk is on the ground, the top is in the sky; among the Bikin Udege people, it served as a resting place for shamanic spirits after flying to heaven and returning from the underworld]: Podmaskin 1991:44; Nanais: Yu.Sem 1990 [(Naikhin village); vitality originates in the roots of a tree in the lower world of Booni; tree trunk in in the middle world, the top with branches is above the outer vault of the upper world; vitality, juices rise to the branches, germinate with soul leaves; the wind tears them off, they turn into sparrows and cockerels, according to fall into the middle world in the wombs of women; if the child dies before one year, vitality returns to the tree; with the permission of old woman Omso, the shaman's mother can choose a ripe bird and bring it to the woman]: 127; Smolyak 1991:22 [the congor dyagda yalo tuige tree grows through all spheres of the world, has given people the main attributes of shamanism], 24-25 [Booney gas birds sit on the branches of this tree, playing an important role in the ritual of the last funeral; its roots are snakes, joints are boas, bark is water frogs, bark scales are frogs, leaves are felts (discs, see ulchi), buds are bells, sue - the roots of this sounding tree; there are many options for describing and localizing this shaman tree]; Chadaeva 1990 [Hado Myamelji creates a tree to the sky with copper leaves, bark of live snakes, lizards, frogs; leaves turn to the side where disaster is; an evil spirit releases two more suns into the sky, the river boils, the rocks melt; XM kills them with arrows; his daughter cries because there are too many people He asks to open the door to the afterlife; XM has gone there forever, followed by people; Black Dragon Sakhari Dyabdian creates a tree covered with cobwebs; people on whom the wind brings a piece of web die]: 5-7; ulchi: Smolyak 1991:22 [in addition to Booney, there are Dorkin worlds underground (the god of fire lives there, good people go there, water flows from the seas) and Calman; from Dorkin a shaman tree sprouts through the ground, stretching to the sky; gods walk from one sphere to another on wood], 26-27 [the invisible shaman tree had three knots with bright ones with light colors; one was to pray to the heavenly god Enduri, the second to go to the afterlife of the boule, the third to contact the underwater god Temu; bells were on the knots khahurakta and toli discs, at the top there was a kori bird that helped the shaman go to boules; legends have a podoho mo tree from which shamans came out; its roots are snakes , the bark is toads and lizards, bells hang on the branches].

The coast is the Plateau. Okanagon [The chief above created the earth; it was small; he rolled it (like a ball of clay) until it became huge; through heaven, earth, and the lower world, a connecting one runs through the sky, earth, and the lower world in the center worlds pillar or tree]: Teit 1917c, No. 3:84; flethead [(Teit 1939:383); the roots of a huge tree are deep in the earth, the top is in the sky; the good leader Amotkem sits at the top, and an evil leader at the roots Amtep; the first to send rain, snow, and all good things; sent the Coyote to make people's lives easier; the souls of good people go through the Coyote's icy gate north to Amotkem; (Turney-High 1937:22); the world created Amotkan , he lives above; at the base of the world is an Emtep woman, "She-who-sitting at the foothills of a tree"; Flethead claimed they got these ideas from a Kalispel shaman]: Haekel 1958:45-46; (cf. tolova [first water and darkness; The creator created the world (=earth) by thought, the world came from the south; in the center was First Redwood, with traces of all animals ('prehumans"); dug out of the ground The coyote, he grew up quickly, killed monsters]: Drucker 1937:268).

Northeast. Seneca [at Seneca, the branches of the world tree pierce the sky and the roots penetrate the waters of the underworld; Hadigo, the Great Face, the invisible giant leading the False Faces, guards this wood; in order to be endowed with the power of a tree, rubs its turtle shell rattle against it and empowers other falsehoods; therefore, members of the Fake Society also rub their rattles against trunks pine trees]: Fenton 1968:154.

Mesoamerica The Aztecs [Aztec mosaic shield, British Museum (after Townsend 1979); the round shield itself is an earth's disk; it has celestial and chthonic symbols connected by a blooming tree; in the center the sun with four rays of red corals directed to four directions of the world; on the left and right, two sky holders; above there are two blooming branches of a tree; below is a chthonic snake wrapping around the tree from the lower world to the sky; Townsend suggests that the 4 tooth-shaped pendants down the snake's body are the abbreviation for the Tlaltekuhtli mask, the symbol of the earth and the entrance to the underworld; at the very bottom, the forked element is by Townsend, snake language, but it is possible that the roots of the tree are]: Kolata 1984:12; Maya Yucatana: Milbrath 1999 [data from the village of X-Cacal: the world consists of 15 tiers, seven above ground and seven below ground; a huge ceiba connects them, piercing them with its roots, trunk and branches; similar data from the Valladolid area (Roys 1972:73; Villa Rojas 1945:154; 1969:275); Tozzer 1907:56 [(retelling in Villar 1989 : 41); the seiba goes through the seven heavens and supports them; at the top it has four branches directed to four directions of the world; Jesus lives in the upper sky, white bearded cloud deities on the sixth, and in the fifth the owners of forests and fields, on the fourth the owners of animals, on the third some creatures hostile to humans, on the second there are four winds (by the number of cardinal points), on the first there are jaguar spirits that protect every person; At the foot of the seiba, there is a well (cenote), at the bottom of Kishin, it causes earthquakes; spirits that host medicinal plants live on nine levels of the lower world], 154 [there are seven heavens, each with a hole in the center; Ceiba (yax-che), growing in the middle of the earth, passes through them; it reaches seventh heaven, where the God of the Spaniards lives; through it, the souls of the dead rise to the upper tier of the sky, where they remain; otherwise, souls climb the stairs hanging through holes in the sky]; Villa 1945 [the seiba in the center permeates seven heavens and seven underground worlds]: 154; (cf. lacandons [the sun descends into the lower world, climbing tree trunks and climbing through roots (Thompson 1960:71); this is reminiscent of pre-Columbian ideas about the Sun God climbing to a tree that grows out of the underworld]: Milbrath 1999:21); tsotsil [in the center of a square land supported at the corners by four Atlanteans is a huge seiba, whose branches they penetrate and connect the tiers of the sky; in the section, the sky is a stepped pyramid (6 steps on each side, the 13th is green in the center); below the ground there are 9, 13 or an indefinite number of such feet; the sun rises up the sky as if in a two-wheeled wagon; at noon it rests on the upper platform; at night it passes in the opposite direction along the steps of the lower world]: Holland 1964:14-16.

Southern Venezuela. Makiritar [building the first communal round house, Attavanadi placed a pillar in the center of the earth; this world axis connects the earth to heaven and goes deep into the lower world, inhabited by spirits and giant snakes led by a feathered snake decorated with a rainbow of colorful feathers]: Wilbert 1981:47.

NW Amazon. Yukuna [the earth is surrounded by water, there is a sky of vultures, above is the sky of iña-ñakare spirits, and above it is the abode of the four brothers Karipulakena; under the lowest earth is the world fire and The anaconda is the beam of peace; the vertical axis, the palm tree pierces all these levels; the lower world is associated with death, fertility and women; the earth is associated with men and "thought"]: Hammen 1992:142-143.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo-konibo [there is a tree in the center of the earth that extends into the clouds; its branches form a mountainous land where tree spirits live; the roots go to the lower world]: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987:25-26, 72, 82.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Guarazu [there is water under the Earth's disk, there are little people; holes in the ground are springs, and the flood waters also flowed from there; a tree in the center of the earth supports the sky, it has seven tiers; stars on the branches wood]: Riester 1970:471-472.

Southern Amazon. Nambiquara [The creator lives in the sky; the souls of the dead get there, it's clean and pleasant; a duck and a yellow bird live on a large round lake; four trees nearby; the first one has a yellow dragonfly, on the second is blue, on the third is red; the fourth is a figueira palm tree; on it there is a giant harpy eagle, he has a beautiful daughter; his nest is made of unburied nambiquar bones; under the nest lives a white butterfly; palm roots go down to the ground, we live between them, they envelop the whole world]: Pereira 1974b: 4.