I120. Cornucopia. .11.-.
Food and clothing can be extracted from the horn of a pet (ox, cow, goat).
Xhosa, Kono, Vute, Tiv, Guro, Tangale, Mundang, Zande, Maya, Italians, Basques, Catalans, Maltese, Irish, Toto, Kashmiris, Himachal Plowmen, Oraons, Santals, Gadaba, Ancient Greece, Croats, Hungarians, Moldovans, Bulgarians, Luzhitans, Ossetians, Lucks, Lezgins, Rutulans, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Persians, Yagnobes, Danes, Swedes, Finns, Kazakhs (Tarbagatay), Evens.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Xhosa [the women of the village force the poor orphan Magoda to do different jobs; he sits on the father's remaining ox, leaves; towards the herd, the ox defeats the ferocious bull; M. is hungry, from ox horns pour food, excess food goes to another horn; the ox warns that he will die in the fight with the next bull, tells him to break his horns, take it with him; M. comes to the village, feeds everyone; one person replaces horns; M. returns, the thief tries in vain to beg the horns for food, they will give it only for M.; he takes the horns, runs away; asks the horn for good clothes, comes to the village, marries, lives in prosperity]: McCall Theal 1882:139-160 (=Arnott 2000:79-85; Held 1904:21-25 classifies this text as Hottenot).
West Africa. Kono [Spider and Orphan set traps; Spider found a whip in his horn at night, Orphan found a whip, swapped them; in the morning Orphan found a horn, any food fell down and poured out of it; The Spider collected fellow villagers, told him to beat his whip; she began to beat everyone, including him; he hid under the roof, became a spider]: Holas 1975:252; guro [when hungry, the spider goes for fruit; the snake swallows the fruit, gives in return a horn that gives food; at home, the spider's wife blows at it, food appears; the old woman sees a horn, blows, gets food, takes the horn away; the spider receives a new one from the snake that hits the one who blows; the old woman kidnaps him, crammed to deaths]: Klipple 1992:212; tangale: Jungraithmayr 2002:51-74, 257-283 [a hungry man saw food in a tree, it fell, did not hand it, jumped into the water; the man found a horn there (in who is blowing); the horn told him to ask him what he was serving for; the man asked, the horn replied that for whipping, he began to beat the man; the man found another horn, he replied that it was for breaking the ground, food has appeared; people notice that the man and his family are no longer hungry; Nanamudo says; she tastes both horns, burns them; but the piece is left, there is enough food for the person; he climbed a tree, taking a hot stone with him, he lowered N.'s head onto the roof of the house, N. burned down, the wind scattered the ashes, it was like salt; everyone did not like the taste, one girl started eating, she was hardly taken home]; Vute [Tukur (dwarf deer) fishes a horn from the river; says: if you are a horn that cooks, cook for me, and if it hits me, the horn gives food; Mekir (mythical star) learns about the horn from the child T., tries how he acts, kidnaps him; T. goes back to the river, fishes for the horn that hits; M. thinks that this horn provides even more food, kidnaps him too, hits his horn; he is forced to return horn that gives food]: Sieber 1921, No. 51:237-239 (retelling in Klipple 1992:210); tif [the rabbit finds a horn that produces food, it is enough for everyone; the elephant swallows it out of greed]: Klipple 1992:211.
Sudan - East Africa. Mundang [Kazayé found a horn, he replied that he was giving food; K. ate; came to the chief, fed him and all his people; the horn tells him to leave it only in addition; one day K. forgot it in the yard, the horn is gone; K. went to look in the forest, but found another horn; the horn gives out whips that hit the petitioner; K. brings it to the leader, the whips hit everyone; K. throws it into the swamp, but did not find the first horn]: Louafaya 1990:62-65; zande [a man named Bambiro has a horn with his father's ashes; he gives food, a woman, a beer at his request; this is Father B., when he died, ordered his body to be burned and ashes poured into his horn; Thur (spider trickster) goes to his father and says that he, unlike other fathers, did not do for him; killed him, burned him, poured ash into his horn, told his wives to burn houses and property, asked for food from his father's ashes; from The horns flew out a spear, hit him in the stomach and drove him]: Evans-Pritchard 1966:268-269; the Maya [The rabbit went to the river to find food when hungry; dropped the fruit he found into the river and found a horn instead, food giver; brought home, fed everyone; when he left, the children told the neighbor about the horn, she broke it; The rabbit collected a new horn from pieces, he also gave food, but not much; when the Rabbit left again, the children they told a neighbor about the horn, she broke it completely; the rabbit again found a horn in the river, but instead of eating, he started hitting everyone; when the neighbor took the children's horn again, he beat her]: Alexander Yuryevich Zheltov , 2011 field materials
Southern Europe. Italians: Basile 2018 (Naples) [seven brothers announce to their mother that if she gives birth to a boy instead of a girl this time, they will leave; waiting on the hill for a symbol: if a son, then a mother she must throw an inkwell and a pen through the window, and if her daughter, a spoon and a spindle; the mother made a mistake; the brothers went to the forest and began to live in the house of a blind orc; for this they alternately served as his guide; Chianna grew up and went to look for the brothers; found them and stayed with them; they warned them to give a share of any food to the cat; one day C. ate a bean without sharing it with the cat; she jumped on the fire, extinguishing it; C. went to the orc for fire; he began to sharpen his fangs because he hated women; C. locked herself in her room; the brothers promised to take him to the woman through the back door, pushed him into a hole and buried him; told his sister not to tear the grass in that place where the orc is buried, otherwise they will turn into pigeons; one day a wanderer came in and was injured by a cone that fell from a tree; C. chewed rosemary growing on the site of the orc's grave, made a patch; the brothers turned into pigeons; said that only Mother of Time knows how to restore their human appearance; the whale directs them to the upper reaches of the river and asks them to know what to do to prevent it from hitting the rocks; mouse: how to get rid of cats; ant: what should be done to make them ants live longer; old oak: how to regain honor (acorns used to be human food, but now only pigs); C. met an old man she had healed; he carried Time is paid from the field; he says that the mother of Time is sitting on the top of the mountain in the ruins of buildings; her eyelids are so heavy that she cannot lift them; we must tear out the watch weights; for if the old woman calls her son, he will eat what has come, but if there are no weights in the watch, he will not be able to leave his seat; C. makes the mother of Time promise not to give her away; hides, and the old woman asks her son questions; under the roots of the oak tree there is a treasure; to her paws cats must tie a bell; ants will live up to a hundred years if they give up the ability to fly; a whale (valena, j.r.) must prettier its face and make friends with a sea mouse (mr. - some kind of fish); the pigeon brothers must build a nest at the top of the column of wealth; the pigeons sat on the bull's horns, became young men (an allusion to a cornucopia); the brothers dug a treasure from under the oak tree; they were attacked by robbers, they took the money and tied it to the trees; but the mouse gnawed through the fetters, and the ant showed the dungeon where the robbers took the treasures; the whale took the brothers and C. to their parents]: 426-439; Kotrelev 1991 [miller promises to give his daughters Roth and Tramogia; the king's messenger comes for a gift, demands something else, because the bride is only a loss, she asks for food; the miller gives a horn; the same with the second daughter; the king first refuses horns, then changes his mind; locks the bride in the dungeon, asks for and receives gold and diamonds from the horn; tells the miller that his wife is dead, gets a second daughter, everything is the same with her; the miller gives more shoes, they start beating the king, he frees the girls; becomes a miller and dies, the miller becomes king, T. and T. marry kings]: 349-355; the Basques [the poor man agrees to take as godson to Malbrook's newborn son; he gives money, disappears with a baby, also dubbed Malbrouk; young M. grew up, released to his parents for three days; returns with two brothers; they they change hats for the night with their three daughters M.; the elder M. mistakenly kills their daughters, the brothers run away; the king has three daughters missing; the elder, middle brothers are afraid to go down to the bottom of the well; M. goes down, kills two snakes, goes upstairs with two princesses for brothers; goes looking for a third; divides a sheep between an ant (head), a hawk (giblets), a dog and a wolf (both half of the carcass); they give the ability to turn into any of them; the woodpecker reports that the princess overseas has no soul; M. flies there like a hawk, hides on the princess's chest as an ant, she persuades tell a monster where his life is (a fox in a wolf, a dove in a fox, an egg in a blue); M. in the form of animals gets an egg, the monster dies, M. brings the princess to the king; says he will get a dowry first; steals the elder M. has a cow, from whose horns diamonds fall (the shepherdess distracts), the moon (pours out water, you have to go get water at night, shine); when he goes for the violin, he is caught; asks M.'s wife to untie him, he helps cook firewood; cooks it for herself; M. gets a wife, then a throne]: Webster 1879:77-87; Portuguese [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter, father's bull guards her; in his ear or horn - tablecloth- magic; either he helps her find food or helps her spin; stepmother watches the bull; pretending to be sick, asks him to slaughter; stepdaughter runs away with him; the bull carries her through copper, silver, golden forest; tells you not to touch the trees, but she accidentally touches them and takes them with her; because of this, the bull must fight demons every time; the girl lubricates his wounds; he tells him to kill and bury him, on this Everything a girl needs appears in the place; or a murdered bull turns into a prince and marries a girl]: Cardigos 2006, No. 511A: 126-128; Maltese [teacher, having views on the girl's father, persuades her to kill her mother, dropping something heavy on her; as a stepmother, she hates her stepdaughters; a cow feeds them, giving them honey cakes from her horn and milk from her udder; her stepmother sends her own daughter to see what's going on, the cow maims her (deprives her of an eye, makes her lame); the stepmother kills a cow, it turns into a gold plate; the youngest stepdaughter marries a prince]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 511A: 149- 151.
Western Europe. The Irish (Longford County) [the king and queen had a son; the queen died, the king remarried; his stepmother disliked his stepson, he was sent to herd cows; he began to cry, and a red one came up to him the goby asked what was going on; the young man said that he was starving and had to sleep outside; the goby offered to unscrew one of his horns to find food, and admitted that it contained the soul of the deceased queens; the young man unscrewed the horn, found a knife, tablecloth, food and drinks; after eating, put the tablecloth in the horn and screwed it back; the goby began to feed him every day; the stepmother wanted to find out why the young man gaining strength; noticed the goby leaving him; told the king that she was sick and asked for the heart and liver of a red bull; the king agreed to be stabbed; the goby ran away; there was a castle in the forest where four giants and their mother lived; the young man brought the cows to their land, in the evening they gave so much milk that there were not enough buckets; the next day the young man brought the cows there again, the giant began to track him down; the goby told the young man to sit on his back and told him not to touch the trees; warned the young man to take his skin if he died; in case of danger, he should stand on this skin, swear by his heart and with a red bull's liver - this will ensure victory; they jumped, the young man hit a branch, the forest rang; a big bull rode to them, the red goby defeated him; the next day they returned to the forest, the giant followed them chased; the young man touched the branch, a bull appeared, killed a red bull; the young man took his skin and horn, allowed the cows to graze in the giants' possessions; one of them came, the young man stood on the skin of a bull, killed who came; in the following days he killed all the giants except one; came to their castle, met the mother of giants there; she helped him hide; when her son returned home, the young man killed him; took possession giants' treasures; richly dressed, he went on a royal hunt; they were surprised by a stranger; when he returned home in old clothes, the stepsister knew from her golden hair that it was him; The two of us went to the castle of giants, decided to get married; the stepmother, after learning that he was rich, died of a heart attack; the king repented]: Mac Gréine 1930, No. 16:268-272.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Toto [orphan herds the master's herd, starves; old woman: there will be molasses in the left horn of the brown (red) cow, rice in the right horn; the orphan is full, the rest is hidden in the hollow; this was taken away by a crane; an orphan chased him; three days later the crane stopped and told the orphan to come to him; let him throw a handful of mustard on his tail, and find it on this trail; following the trail, the orphan came to the old woman who told him about the food in the cow's horns; she warned him not to enter the crane's house through the main entrance - they would kill him; let him enter through the side door, find the vessel and ask the crane to give it to him; the crane agreed, ordered not to open the vessel home; on the way back, the vessel became heavier; the orphan could not resist taking out the cork; the beauty came out, asked to marry her; the orphan left her in the tree and went to the village to pick up people (to bring his wife solemnly); the cannibal ate the girl, took her place, took her form; they began to live in their own house; a pumpkin grew, she prevented her from entering the house; imaginary wife she pulled it out, but a pomelo tree grew in the same place; the imaginary wife gave birth, left the child in the shade of this tree; the fruit fell and killed him; the imaginary wife cut down the tree; the old woman came and took what was left; in A girl came out of the fruit in her house; asked the old woman to bring betel, filled the vessel with gum and smeared it on the inside of the house where the orphan and witch lived; the old woman told the orphan everything, and when she saw blood (i.e. bethel), he believed; the old woman ordered to dig a hole, push the cannibal into it; he cut off the cannibal's head, threw it into a hole and buried it; returned his real wife]: Majumdar 1991, No. 20:269-275.
South Asia. Kashmiris [a brahman warns his wife that if she eats anything without him, she will become a goat; he will become a tiger without her; she once ate and become a goat; brahmana remarried; stepmother morit the first wife's children are hungry; the goat tells her to knock on her horns, food falls out of there; the stepmother sent her one-eyed daughter to find out why the children are fat; pretended to be sick, ordered the goat to be slaughtered; she promised the children that her bones would also feed them; one day a girl dropped a ring into the river, the fish swallowed it; the fisherman found the ring, gave it to the king; he found the owner, married her, took care of her whole family] : Knowles 1888:127-129; himachali plowmen [the brahman has a daughter Tilko sundari (T.); the mother died, the father took another, the stepmother has his own daughter; tyrannitis, does not feed T.; the ram orders him to be hit three times on the horns, from food is poured into them; the stepmother sends their own daughter to the ram, who butts her, knocks her eye out; the stepmother tells the ram to be slaughtered; he tells T. to bury his bones in the four corners; everyone goes to the party, the stepmother told T. peel manure and mustard seeds; sparrows peel seeds, crows peel manure; where T. buried her bones, she finds festive clothes, jewelry, shoes, and a horse; when running home, T. loses his shoe; it was brought to the king , he promises to marry the owner; everyone tries on the shoe, she came up only T., the king marries her; one day T. came to visit her stepmother; she began to comb her hair, stuck a pin in her head, T. flew away as a bird, her stepmother sent her daughter to the palace instead of her; the bird flew to the king, he stroked her, felt the pin, took it out, the bird became a woman again; the liars were executed, everything is fine]: Ranganatha 1981:163-165; Oraons [Jangralal and Nandia the bull are the sons of a woman; N. turns his manure into rice, creates a palace from a hut, goes with J. to marry him; they meet and accompany him The appearance of a man is a snake Gun-nang, a flute player, a lame drummer; there are seven girls in the lake, the youngest is the most beautiful; friends smear mud on her; N. gives J. and his companions food and clothes from his horn; offer to play hide and seek; J. and his three companions find them three times, and the girls three times cannot find the young man hiding in N.'s stomach and horns; J. washes the youngest girl, marries him; N. warns not to create a palace, a young wife should not go anywhere; prohibitions are broken, Raja wants to take possession of J.'s wife; suggests that a bull and an elephant fight; a bull kills an elephant; for a bull to knock down iron pillar; N. knows that he will die, tells him to bury his body; when he tears off, N.'s legs turn into four horses, bones into swords; companions defeat several Rajas, take their daughters as wives, return to J.'s Palace, where his mother is waiting; after learning that her eldest bull son is dead, she dies soon]: Elwin 1944, No. 12:40-53; Santala [stepmother tyrannites stepson; he herds a cow, she tells them to do a plate and a cup of leaves, fills them with rice from her horns; the stepmother found out that she pretended to be sick - let them slaughter the cow; the cow told the boy to prepare a rope with weaknesses put it in a prominent place; the cow was tied up, but when she was hit with an ax, she and the boy flew into the forest, turned into two herds of cows; the boy's hair swam along the river, the princess saw She ordered to find the owner; the barber said that he did not know such a young man, he found a pet parrot; he grabbed the young man's flute, carried it, he followed him, came to the king, who got engaged; when the young man returned to the cows, they were so tired of being tied that they knocked the young man down, tore out all his hair with their hooves; when he drove the cows to the king, they almost all disappeared one by one; the king broke off his engagement, made the young man simply servant]: Campbell 1891:15-18; gadaba (Koraput County) [the gods created the middle world but there were no cultivated plants; the chief's young son was trampled by a cow with a bull; the chief threw an ax at the cow and broke it her horn; from there 12 species of cultivated plants (grains) in human form jumped out and began to dance as they left; Dharmo Deota and Basmoti's mother stopped them, blew on them and they turned into plants]: Elwin 1954, NO. X.8:160.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece ["Hercules arrived in Calidon and married Oinea's daughter Deyanira. In a fight for the right to become Deyanira's husband with Aheloy, who took the form of a bull, Hercules broke one horn off the bull. He married Deyanir, and Aheloy got his horn back, giving Amalthea's horn for it. She was Gemonia's daughter and had a bull horn. According to Ferekides (mythographer of the 6th century BC}, this horn tended to deliver to its owner in abundance any food or drink he wanted" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)]: Apollod. Bibl. II.7.5; ["Historical Library" by Diodorus of Sicily (1st century BC): "<... > some poets tell us the following myth. Hercules allegedly fought Aheloy (and the river god took the form of a bull) and Hercules gave one of his horns, which broke off in battle, to the Aetolians. This horn has come to be known as the "Amalthea horn". It is said that it contains an abundance of everything that ripens in autumn - grapes, apples and other fruits" (trans. O.P. Tsybenko)]: Diod. Sic. IV. 35. 4; [cf. Excerpt from Anacreon's text (6th - first quarter of the 5th century BC): "Do not give me [plenty of benefits], /Amalthea a magic horn, /And not a hundred, and even half years/I would not like to reign /In a hundred years Tartessa" (trans. J.E. Golosovker)]: Anacr. Fr. 16 (Gasparov 1999:370); Palaept. XLV [About the Incredible Palephate (probably 4th century BC): "It is said that Hercules carried the so-called Amalthea horn everywhere, from which, at his request, whatever he wanted appeared" (trans. V.N. Jarho)]; Croats [the widower married a widow, both have a son; the wife demanded that her son herd cows and her husband's son oxen; give his own bread and cheese, and her stepson crusts; ox: twist my right horn, you will find food there; when you see my stepson full, my stepmother pretended to be sick, she needs that ox's meat; ox: when the butcher comes, jump on my back; took the young man far from home; warned: I'll butt with with a fat ox and I will win; and a thin one will kill me; then take both my horns, but do not open my left horns until you come home; but the young man, when he reaches the bridge, opened his left horn and from there the cattle came; vila: I'll put back, if she was allowed to come the morning after her wedding night to brush his wife's hair; the young man thought: it is not yet known whether I will get married; so he promised; he found only his father at home, the farm is in decline; young man sent his father to the king to ask for a princess; after the third time, the king descended to talk to the peasant: if your son has the same castle as me, I will give it back; the young man looked into the horn: the castle is better than the royal one; now the king demands cattle; the cattle come out of the horn; the wedding; the pitchfork appeared in the morning; but there was yarn in the corner, with three breadcrumbs in it; the crumbs spoke: if you go from God to God, and if hell, then to hell; Vila combed the princess and disappeared]: Leskien 1915, No. 44:197-199; Hungarians [the wife died, the poor man took another one, from that 5 daughters with three, four, five, six and a family eyes, the last one on the back of his head; the mischievous ox teaches the owner's son to take food from his right horn; stepmother sends daughters to spy; every time the young man waits for all eyes to fall asleep; about the seventh eye I forgot; the stepmother asks her husband to slaughter the ox; he tells the young man to sit between the horns, flies away; they fly into the copper, silver, golden forest; every time the ox tells him not to pick the flower, the young man picks; the ox has won copper wolf, silver forest lion; tiger, dragon, hare in gold; killed a tiger, a hare tore him apart; a young man picked up a horn; a herd came out of it at rest, the young man does not know how to put it back; a witch drives him for a promise never to marry; a young man marries a miller's daughter, who leaves bread and a scoop with a broom at the door with a handle down; the witch orders to open, the scoop, the broom, the bread refuse; the witch admits that the mill is stronger than her and bursts]: Ortutai 1974, 7:158-164; Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 313b [the poor man gets a wonderful horn or egg provided that he uses it only returning home; violates the ban on the way, many pets appear from the horn; Wolf (Cat, Serpent, Smock) helps to place those who have come back with the condition of giving him an unborn child or invite him to his wedding when the child grows up], 511A [stepmother does not feed her stepson; he gets food and drink from an ox horn; stepmother spies, is sick, she will be cured by ox meat; or asks husband sell an ox; the ox and stepson run away together; or the stepson receives a cow as a gift from his godson at birth; she runs away, gives birth to an ox or two, who takes care of the boy; with the help of an ox, the hero in a day plows the field, gets the princess and half the kingdom; when he dies, the ox tells him to secretly bury his horns; they grow into a tree that brings golden apples]: 113, 187; Moldovans [Fat Frumos is a strong guy; the stepmother tells her husband to get rid of him; the father sent him to herd the cattle, gave him an ash cake; the white bull tells him to get food and drink from his horn; the stepmother takes turns sending three daughters; the eldest, the middle one falls asleep, the youngest talks about everything; the stepmother is sick: you have to bathe in the blood of a white bull; the bull teaches FF to pretend to catch him, and takes him away, putting him on his back; they stopped in the forest; the deer tells us to go out: this is his domain; the bull refuses, they are fighting, the deer threw the bull on the ground so that the horns fall off; FF took them, knocked them, the cattle began to come out of their antlers - not back drive; the lame wolf drove for permission to eat FF when he becomes the groom; FF wants to marry, people promise to drive the wolf away; while the best man was talking to the wolf who came, FF ran away, he was sheltered by Baba Zhgiver, then Baba Khadyra, then Baba Byrkosha, each gave her a dog; Byrkosha gave another ring and a handkerchief; he waved, the waters of the river parted, FF crossed dry; on the other side there was a girl, FF, did not know what it was wolf's sister; she persuaded her to trust her with a ring and handkerchief, with their help let the wolf cross the river; the wolf hid in a hole in front of the doorstep, but the third dog lay down, pressing him down; the next day under the bed (same ); under the table; the wolf's sister persuaded her to leave the dogs, locked them in the cellar; FF climbed into a tree from the wolf, called the dogs; threw one and the other bast to the wolf, the wolf gnawed them, began to gnaw on the trunk; dogs they heard, broke the door, ran, tore the wolf; FF returned the handkerchief and ring to Baba Byrkoshe, returned to continue the wedding]: Botezat 1981:305-316.
Central Europe. Luzhitsy (Upper Lusatia) [mother died, father married godmother, who began to tyrant her stepdaughter, she had 4 daughters: with 1, 2, 3, 4 eyes; stepdaughter herds a cow; prettier, although stepmother gives her clay rolls; her stepmother consistently sends her daughters to spy; her stepdaughter puts them to sleep every time (sleep a peephole, sleep another), but forgot about the fourth eye; the four-eye says that the cow gives her stepdaughter food from one horn, a drink from the other; the stepmother is preparing to slaughter a cow; she tells her stepdaughter to ask for her udder, there will be a pebble in it, it must be planted, a ringing glass tree will grow up, and A dog would yap under her; the master saw the girl; the stepmother ordered her to be wrapped in chains, but she escaped and jumped onto the wagon on which the master took his wife; when she gave birth, the stepmother came and pushed she went to the pond, replaced her with her daughter; the woman turned into a duck; the husband is surprised why the wife became ugly; at night a duck flew in, became a woman, fed the child; says that the lipka does not ring, the dog does not ring yaps, son cries; on the third night, the husband managed to grab his wife; she tells her to cut her belt in one fell swoop; the husband took a dagger, cut it; the wife remained human, told everything; the stepmother was tied for hair to the horse's tail; the lipka rang again, the dog yapped, the son smiled]: Erben in Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017:183-188.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians: Britayev, Kazbekov 1951:32-38 [three orphan girls do not live well with a rich man; the eldest ran to the khan to herd goats and lambs; the goat gives her beautiful dresses from the horn; when she comes to the goat the owner's daughter, a snake crawls out of the horn; the khan killed, cooked the goat, the orphan hid the bones under a stone, in the morning the goat comes to life, gives dresses from the horn again; the khan drowns the orphan, she goes to Donbettyr; he gives Khan's house for orphans, the khan is drowning, his wife and daughter make a rich man as laborers], 178-186 [the three brothers did not get anything, they swore never to hunt; the elder sees a golden deer, he asks not to join him shoot, the elder shoots, the arrow pierces him; the same with the middle brother; the younger one buried the elders, wounded the deer, who asked him to bandage his wounds, bring him into his house and close the windows and doors tightly; food and drink from the left family, dancers and dancers come out of the right, the young man plays the flute for them, then they return to the horn; Aldar found out that he ordered to bring a deer, but it is impossible to turn the horns away; Aldar tells me to bring a girl who was not born of father and mother; a deer tells her to go to the mound, turn to a woman; she came out of the mound, hid the young man, asked her Waig sons to go to their place father, sent a young man on this horse; the eagle and the fish give their feather and scales to summon them if necessary; the young man invited his companions to dance, the girl went out to see, he took her away; she became a bird ( the eagle caught it), with a fish (the fish caught), promised not to run away anymore; the young man brings her to Aldar, who puts the girl in the tower, tells her to get ivory to make furniture; the deer teaches her to fill the pits with an intoxicating drink, salt and tobacco, the elephant began to drink, fell dead; the girl tells Aldar to fill two cauldrons with milk, one of them to boil; tells Aldar to swim in the boiling water, he is cooked; she bathes in the cold with the young man; wedding; deer antlers get food and drinks, dancers come out]; Dzagurov 1973, No. 38 [when a daughter goes dancing, stepmother hides her stepdaughter under a firestone; the cow tells her to get clothes and shoes from her horns; stepmother spies, asks her husband to slaughter a cow; a cow teaches her father to throw ash in the eye, run away with her; they come to another village, the spouses take them home; the girl is passed off as beloved], 64 [an orphan girl herds Khan's sheep; they have run away; the goat pulls outfits out of her horn for her; the khan's daughter demands the same from the goat, a snake crawls out of the horn; the goat has been stabbed, the orphan hid bones, the goat came to life, the snorva gave her outfits; the khan threw the orphan into the river; the water spirits (Donbetirovs) saved her, brought her to a powerful man; he ordered the khan to be thrown into the river, the Donbetirovs ate him; the orphan returned to her two sisters, the goat gave them all three outfits from the left horn, food from the right horn]: 120-127, 309-311; Dirr 1930, No. 29 [stepmother starves stepdaughter, sends sheep to herd; sheep tells the girl to get it food from his horn; stepmother sends her own daughter to see why his stepdaughter is in good health; the ram tells her to be taken to the rocks, where she was crushed by stones]: 136-141; Lucky (village. Tabakhlu, 1836) [the red cow tells the hungry stepdaughter to suck her horns, honey flows from the right, oil from the left; the wind blows her hair away, the stepmother tells her to find it and return it; the cow teaches me to go to people who grind pearls gold, corals, wish everyone the best, ask themselves, they will show the way to the wind Chassage; horses will have bones, dogs have hay, you need to change; call the muddy river oil, take a sip; Wind Chassage, Aerial Asiyat should ask for wool back; she will ask you to scrape the rooms, they must be whitewashed, cleaned; pull out her hair, tear clothes - comb them, wash them; that's what happened; girl she put her finger into the river, it turned silver, the river let it through {apparently parted}; the same was a bloody river, the girl called it honey, her finger turned golden; C. poured golden water on her head and hair became gold; C. offered to sleep on a golden bed, wants to make the girl a daughter, hides the wool under her head; the girl pulled her out, ran; the old woman tells everyone to grab her, calls the river bloody , but they only give the girl even more; the stepmother plants her own daughter to spin her hair next to the cow; the wind blows away the hair, but the cow teaches the wrong way; the girl scolds the people she meets, gives bones to horses, hay to dogs, from the water of the muddy river, her fingers are covered with ulcers; C. tears her hair and clothes; she pours dirty liquid on her head, her face and body are covered with ulcers and boils; the cow was stabbed, her stepdaughter buried her bones; asked they have beautiful shoes and clothes to go to the wedding; one shoe swam along the river; the prince found it, he is just right for his stepdaughter, the prince took her to his wife; the stepmother and daughter also went; the bride is thirsty, stepmother gives her a drink, taking her eyes out; throws her into the well, dresses her daughter in her dress; the merchants pulled the girl out of the well, she turned into a canary; flying into the prince's garden, asks the gardener say hello to the prince, and let the tree dry up; the prince sees that many trees have dried up; the canary has been caught, the false wife ordered her to be slaughtered, a tree has grown out of blood; dates are falling on the prince, his wife is scratched by thorns; his wife orders to make a cradle for her child out of wood; the old woman's son picked up the chips, threw it behind the chest; they turned into a girl when she cries (?) , when she laughs, pearls, silver and gold horseshoes fall from under her feet; the cradle squeezed the child to death; the old woman's son fattens a lousy horse in the palace; the girl turns it into a painted horse; the king comes to see him, falls in love with a girl; girls are going to tell fairy tales, a true bride tells her own; stepmother and her daughter are tied to horses; wedding]: Khalilov 1976, No. 46:109-119; Lezgins [stepmother loves bald daughter, tyrannites stepdaughter Bibikhatun; mother from the grave tells me to suck the horns of a red cow, honey in one, oil in the other; stepmother pretends to suck the horns of a red cow, one honey in the other; the stepmother pretends to sick, tells me to wrap himself in the skin of a red cow; the mother tells you to put the cow's bones in a hole, they will turn into clothes; wearing them, B. secretly goes to the wedding, returns, loses his shoe; the son of the padishah is looking owner; the rooster shouts that B. is in a tandoor, bald at the screenings; the padishah's son finds B., marries; bald changes clothes with B., pushes her into the river; a plane tree grows up, bald tells her to be made of it a cradle, the old woman brought one sliver into the house; in her absence, a sliver turns into a girl, cooks, the old woman finds her; she fattens a horse, the girl washes her hair and legs, grass grows, a spring hits, the horse is the most well-fed; the padishah's son calls the girls to scratch their hair, hears B.'s story; the bald one is put on the donkey backwards, expelled]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 46:420-423; Rutultsy [fisherman's new wife says that there are not enough fish for everyone; he takes his son and daughter to the forest, hangs an ax to knock on the trunk in the wind, leaves; his sister warns his brother not to drink from lamb, horse's hoof, he drinks from the other becomes a bull; they return to her stepmother; one of her daughters does not notice anything, the other sees her stepdaughter eating butter from one ox horn, meat from the other; stepmother tells the bull to be slaughtered; slipper the girls are carried away by the river, the padishah's son finds him, looks for and finds the owner; wedding]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 47:425-428; Georgians: Bogoyavlensky 1894b, No. 5 [dying, the tsar bequeathed the throne to his eldest son, and the youngest was a horn and a bag; the youngest went on a journey; found out that in the horn of a serpent who makes wishes come true, and the bag is filled with money; after building walls, planting a garden and erecting a building, he should have received the princess; the king gave him a drink, found out everything, took away his horn, ordered the snake to drown the prince in the sea, but he left him on the island; the prince tasted two varieties of dates; one gives a horn on his head, and the other disappears; returned to the tsar, sold the date, became a healer; the tsar returned the stolen goods, gave his daughter]: 116-119; Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 65 [stepmother tortures stepdaughter with work; the cow says to her stepdaughter that in one honey in her ear, oil in the other; the stepmother watches, finds out, tells her husband to slaughter the cow; she tells her stepdaughter not to eat her meat, put the bones in her skin, bury it; the stepdaughter drops the spindle into the old woman's yard, she asks look in her hair, look at her pickles; the girl does everything, she is not surprised that there are snakes and frogs in the jars; the old woman tells her to walk past a white, black spring, dip her head in yellow; her hair became gold; her own daughter disgust the old woman, she tells her to put her head under a black spring, she has a donkey tail on her head; stepmother tells her stepdaughter to sort out the millet by her return; neighbors they give a sieve to sift millet; in a hole where cow bones should be, a girl finds a horse and luxurious clothes; on the bridge she loses her slipper; the king orders to find the owner, marries her son's stepdaughter; the stepmother asks The stepdaughter takes off her dress, pushes her into the pond, replaces the prince's wife with her daughter; the prince sits by the pond, admiring the fish; the imaginary wife affects the sick, tells the fish to cook; poplar grows out of bones, the wife tells me to cut down; the old woman picks up chips; someone cooks in her house, the old woman finds the girl; the prince comes in, the girl tells her story; the stepmother and daughter are tied to the tails of horses]: 278-286; Armenians: Nazinyan 2014 [stepmother sends her stepdaughter to herd a cow and spin her hair; a spinning wheel fell into a hole in the ground, below Vishap's mother chews a piece of lead and spins; the girl asks for a spindle, she invites you to go down, tells me to wash your hair and comb your hair; replies that her hair is clean and soft; the old woman gives dung instead of bread, lizards instead of sauerkraut, the girl does not eat, but praises the taste; the old woman tells her to dip her head in white water, her hair turns golden; says that the cow is not missing, and oil will flow from one horn, honey from the other; the stepdaughter returns, the stepmother sends her own daughter; she drops the spindle, calls the old woman an old hag, refuses to touch her nasty hair, calls the dung dung and lizards lizards; the old woman tells her to dip her head in black water, grows on the back of her head donkey tail; the old woman says that blood will flow from one horn of the cow, pus from the other; the stepmother tells the cow to be slaughtered; the mother of the vishap tells her stepdaughter not to eat meat, bury the bones; leaving for a praying mantis, the stepmother tells you to collect the scattered millet and fill the pelvis with tears; the old woman advises to sweep the millet with a broom, pour salt water into the basin; where the bones were buried, there is a horse and outfits; when leaving the holiday, stepdaughter lost her shoe; she glitters in the river, the prince marries the one whose shoe; everyone tries it on, only fits her stepdaughter; stepmother hides her stepdaughter in tonir, dresses up her own daughter; the rooster screams about it who arrived; wedding; stepmother and her daughter were beaten and expelled]: 45-50; Khachatryants 1933 (recorded in an Ararat village by a native of Persia) [wife died, leaving son and daughter; daughter from his new wife; stepmother tyrannitis stepsons; the red cow gives them her milk, they will be kind; the stepmother sends her own daughter, her milk is bitter, she withers; tells her husband to slaughter the cow, the daughter will recover; the cow tells the children to smear their faces her blood (they will become beautiful), bury her bones; introduces an old woman, she will help; gives one of her horns, he will feed them; cow meat is delicious for children, like straw for stepmother; invited to a wedding, that old woman dug a hole where the bones are, took out good clothes for the children; next time the stepmother tells the children to fill the cauldron with tears to cover half a liter of millet; after the wedding, the girl dropped shoe; the prince asks the father to find whose she is; the prince marries his stepdaughter; she comes to see her stepmother, the stepmother replaces her with her daughter; the prince sees a change, tells her stepmother and her daughter to be tied to their tails mares; their heads came off, they were flaunted]: 168-174; Azerbaijanis [the fisherman has an adult daughter Fatmajykh and a little son Kiyavyzhykh; his mother died, the fisherman took the fanged Bash Khanum; she gave birth to bald ones boy and girl; ordered the old children to be taken to the forest; the father tied a board to the tree so that it would knock, and the children thought he was cutting wood; left; K. was thirsty, F. did not tell me to drink from the spring - you will a horse; then a dog; K. got drunk from the third, became a bull; said that he would now feed his sister with honey and oil, which were in his horns; took his sister; although the father and stepmother had moved, the bull found them; F . said that her brother was run over by a bear, and she came in a bull; she was sent to scratch her hair, the bull fed her; the wind carried away the tow; F. ran after her, ran into the hut; there were Baba Yaga, snakes in her hair and centipedes; F. asked her tow, the old woman asked how she liked the hut; F. praised the cleanliness; the old woman blessed her; told her to wake her up when the white, red and black water ran; washed her with three by waters, F. became white-bodied, her eyebrows and eyelashes black, her cheeks and lips red; gave her tow; her stepmother sent her own daughter; she called the old woman ugly; three waters made her body black, her eyebrows and eyelashes white, a red spot appeared on her forehead; then the stepmother pretended to be sick, asked for bull meat; he tells her sister to collect his bones and throw it into the well, where a beautiful outfit will appear; the stepmother and daughter went to meeting to the Shah, and F. ordered to separate the millet from the ash and fill the bowl with tears; the rooster and the chickens were separated, the rooster advised to prepare salt water; wearing the dress in the well, F. came to the palace, showered everyone with flowers, and her stepmother with ash; when she ran back, she lost her slipper; Tsarevich Mamed ordered to look for the owner; the rooster screams that F. was in a hole, tied hand and foot; M. married F.; stepmother's daughter pushed her into the sea, put on her dress; in the morning the rooster screams: her sister was drowned in the sea, swallowed her catfish, she carries the Shah under her heart and asks for salvation; the fishermen caught the catfish, took out F.; M. asks the liar if she wants a golden knife or a seven-year-old mare; she does not understand whether she wanted a mare; she was put in one bag, and the puppy and the pan in another; frightened by the roar, the horse rushed, the body scattered across the valleys; M. stayed with F.]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:3-19.
Iran - Central Asia. Persians [Gurgin is left without a mother, his stepmother torments him with work, starves him; a white-marked cow tells him to drink honey and oil from her horns; his stepmother sends his own son, a cow is not given to him, he reveals the secret, the stepmother pretends to be sick, asks for the cow's liver and heart; the cow tells G. to tie her with a rotten rope; when they want to slaughter her, she runs away, taking G.; tells her to make a flute to make her summon, leaves him in a tree in the forest; he is seen by the daughter of a padishah, asks his father to marry her; G. asks a cow to bring his father to the wedding; receives a wife and a throne]: Osmanov 1958:140-146; Yagnobtsy [ an unloved wife pushes her beloved into the pond; she feeds her son well, her stepson poorly; the ram tells him to feed him rough bread, gives him delicious things from her horn; the stepmother pretends to be sick, will recover, if his stepson eats meat; he goes to the pond, complains to his mother; she makes the knife turn into a nightmare and dough; the king orders to drain the pond, the wife is alive at the bottom, the twins Hassan and Hussein are on her lap; feast; divas took the king's daughter away from another wife and the daughter of another king; princes Soka and Boka find them, B. kills one, the second diva; S. envies, lowers B. into the abyss for a gun, cuts off the rope, he falls on the gray a horse, with sulfur on a bull, from a bull in front of an old woman; kills foxes that ate her chickens; kills tigers who ate plowman's bulls; wolves that ate shepherd's cattle; they all send to a plane tree on which Simurg bird's nest; the dragon comes out of the pond, kills chicks every year; B. kills the dragon; Simurg asks for meat for 40 lambs, 40 wineskins of wine; the shepherd, the plowman gives; Simurg brings it to the ground, there was not enough meat, he bites off a piece of B.'s leg, belches and takes root on the ground; B. takes his gun, which S. could not take away, kills a dragon in a village on earth, which provided water in exchange for people left to eat; the tsar asks B. not to kill his brother, marries the vizier's daughter]: Andreev, Peschereva 1957, No. 10:79-87.
Baltoscandia. Danes [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter; she herds cattle; red bull tells me to get food out of her horn; they run away; contrary to the ban, the girl breaks a twig when they jump through the copper forest, the bull fights a copper bull; then a silver bull in a silver forest; a golden one kills him; the girl keeps the bull's right ear, it gives her everything she needs; is hired as a maid in the kitchen; in a different form three times comes to church; names objects (token objects): water, comb, towel; running away for the third time, loses a golden shoe; wearing a gold dress, sitting in a golden carriage, is behind a shoe; wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 59:24-25; Swedes [a woman has a daughter One-Eyed, Two-Eyed and Three-Eyed and a stepdaughter she hates; stepdaughter is told to herd cattle (cows, goats, rams), do not feed; the witch teaches touch one of the animals with a stick or turn the horn of one of the cows, then the food will be abundant; the stepmother sends her daughters to watch her stepdaughter; she puts the first two to sleep, and the Three-Eye wears her does not work {obviously forgot to say "sleep third"}; the cow was slaughtered; the witch tells her stepdaughter to bury the insides of the killed animal; a tree with silver leaves and golden fruits has grown, to pluck them maybe only a stepdaughter; or a stepdaughter rides a cow; they drive through a brass, then silver, golden forest; contrary to the prohibition, the stepdaughter plucks a leaf, and as a result, the animals are torn to pieces a cow; a magic tree grows out of its buried antlers; it wears expensive clothes for a girl; or a girl wears a cow's skin (transition to the story "donkey skin", K33D, ATU 510B); in the main version The prince sees a tree, asks to pick its fruit, only his stepdaughter can do it, the prince marries her, the tree follows them to the palace]: Liungman 1961, No. 511:126-127; Finns [stepmother hates stepdaughter; when she sends her cattle to herd, she brings her food back, but is full; stepmother sent her own daughter to spy, she fell asleep; went by herself; sees how the cow Kirju pours out delicious eating from the horn to a tablecloth spread out; stepmother and husband agree to slaughter a cow; she puts her stepdaughter on her back, runs away; at the royal palace, a cow tells her to kill her, wear her skin; if anything needs , let her ask at the grave; the prince goes to the wedding, asks for a comb; the heroine, who has hired to herd the sheep, gives it to him, he throws it back; when the prince leaves, the heroine asks the cow for a dress and crew; during at the wedding ceremony, she is seated next to the prince as the first beauty; the prince asks where she comes from; "From the land of combs"; next time soap (the same); the third time she is in a towel; this time she is in a hurry, not She hides her dress under a stone, but only covers her skin, loses her shoe; everyone tries it on, it only fits the heroine; she sheds her cowhide and marries the prince]: Cox 1893, No. 109:390.
Turkestan. Kazakhs (Tarbagatay) [the old man ruined the bull's back and let him into the field; the magpie pecked his back even more, the ox pulled out his ass, the fox attacked from the front; when the old man came, there was only one head left; she said: Don't regret being eaten, break my head, you'll find so much in both horns that you will live 6 years without mercy; the old man found silver in one horn, gold in the other]: Potanin 1881, No. 8:153.
Eastern Siberia. Evens [people lived in heaven; the girl's parents died, she hired a rich man who decided to marry her off as an old man, and she wanted to be a young man; for this she was expelled: she was put on her eight-legged deer, sent to the ground; when she was hungry, the deer gave her its horn, she sucked, she was full; below was the sea, the deer began to fall down, told him to rip out his hair, throw it down, wool turned into logs, the girl made a raft out of them; she weaved nets from the deer's neck hair, caught fish, this is how they fed; the deer ordered him to be killed, his skin should be laid on the water - there will be earth, wool - forests, Put your head in the middle, break your bones around the edges; if you don't kill lice, they will become deer; put your heart to your left, your lungs to your right; the deer's last breath became the wind]: Robbeck 2005:212-213.