Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I120B. Get the animal out of the ear. .21.27.-.29.31.32.

The character pulls food, clothes, and other valuables from the ear of an animal (most often a horse or cow).

Bhutan, British, Irish, Scots, Bosnians, Romanians, Moldovans, Hungarians, Western and Northern Ukrainians, Ossetians, Georgians, Megrelians, Lucks, Braguis, Danes, Lithuanians, Veps, Chulym Turks, Far Eastern Evenks.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bhutan [the parents have a daughter Boded; they decided to leave, leaving her: the harvest on the site is scarce, and there are Shinpo demons around; they told B. to dry the grain, driving the birds away from it; the raven screams that the parents they leave; B. rushed into the house, but they have not yet left; no longer listens to the crow; finally, he screams that the parents are gone; no one is at home, the girl climbed the peach tree to see if they can be seen on the road; who then asks him to throw a peach; she threw it; "fell into the manure, go down, throw it again"; the same; "give it in your hands"; D. held out a peach, shinpo grabbed {man} her, put it in a bag and took it to his house; there is an old hungry dog; whispers: if you feed a little, I will give three words of wisdom; B. had food left with her, she fed the dog, who told her to take three bags of seeds out of her ear: they will come in handy when you run; Sinpo tells B . grind rice, say "I'm here" every now and then; the louse promises to be responsible for it: let him take it out of his hair and leave it in a spit; when the saliva has dried, the louse died and stopped responding; Shinpo rushed in pursuit; B. threw the seeds of pepper trees, a forest of pepper trees grew; then pine seeds; bamboo seeds; shinpo is about to break through bamboo; the moon has risen; B. asks her to lower her iron chain, not a ladder from wool; the moon Acho La La answers every time: wait, I'm still washing my face; cooking breakfast; eating breakfast; cleaning the dishes; looking for a chain; straightening it; the moon lowered the chain, B. climbed; shinpo asks him to lower the chain; the moon answers the same thing as the girl (I wash my face, etc.); lowered the wool ladder; when he climbed half, cut off the stairs; the shinpo fell, fell deep into the ground; on the moon you can see a girl who milks a moon cow]: Choden 1994:35-40.

Western Europe. The British [when she dies, the queen tells her daughter that a red calf will take care of her; the king takes a new wife with three ugly daughters, she does not feed her stepdaughter, she sits on ash in the kitchen, her they call Rushen Coatie; the calf tells her to take food out of her ear; the stepmother tells her daughter to spy, asks her husband to slaughter the calf; the dead calf tells her to collect all his bones under a stone, will grant wishes; but one tibia is missing; everyone goes to church; the calf runs up limping, brings rich clothes, explains what to say to make dinner ready by himself; but the RC must get home before others; when the sisters come back, they talk about an unknown beauty; next time the RC lost her crystal shoe; the prince tells me to try everything on; the stepmother cut off her fingers and the prince took her to the palace on the heel of one of his daughters, but the raven shouted about it; when he saw blood dripping from her shoe, the prince took the liar back; the shoe jumped out of the prince's pocket and put on RC leg; wedding]: 163-168: Jacobs 1894; Irish [giant childless king and queen: if you promise to give me your first child when he is 24 years old, I will give a necklace that the queen does not owe shoot, and within 10 years she will give birth to 4 sons and 3 daughters; when the boy is 24, his parents sent a cook's son instead of him; the giant gives a whip and asks what the young man would do to him; he would drive away cats and dogs from the roast; giant: tell the king that I need their son, not a cook; another young man replies that he would drive dogs away from the fox he had received; giant: another deception, and I will destroy the castle and you and all the children; prince came; moving with lightning speed on a boat and on horseback, they finally reached the castle on the mountain; the giant's assistant is the kidnapped princess; 1) clear the uncleaned stable for 7 years; the princess cleans instantly, she has magic that the giant does not know about; tame the horse (the princess took the leather bridle instead of the gold bridle that the giant gave the young man, and the horse stood up as if dug); get 5 eggs from the crow's nest; princess gave two sticks to climb the smooth trunk; tells me to remain silent when the giant gives her to him as his wife and leaves her together for the night; left three dolls to answer for her; they galloped away; the giant pursues; the princess tells you to take an elm twig out of the horse's ear and throw it behind; a dense forest; a giant has passed; a handful of water (lake, the same); the princess gave an apple, told me to throw a giant in the forehead; a giant fell dead; they are already near the prince's parents' castle; the princess sends the prince forward, he should not kiss anyone; the girl who used to be in love with the prince kissed him and he forgot the princess; a wedding with that girl is being prepared; the princess settled in with the woman and began to knit by the window; the prince saw her but did not recognize her; she came to the wedding, took out the chicken and the cockerel and they began to dialogue, describing everything what happened; {skipped pdf page; apparently the prince remembered}]: Kennedy 1875:56-63; Scots [Campbell 1890 (1), #2:25-38; sparrow and mouse quarreled over a grain; war has begun birds and animals; the Queen of Tetertyne killed the Snake when she was ready to kill the Raven in a duel; he carries him across valleys and lakes to his first, second, third sisters, and the third becomes a young man; gives a bag, tells them not to open it on the way; the young man opens, a palace with a garden appears; the giant puts them back for promising to give their son, who will be born when he is seven years old; the young man becomes king, marries, seven years later the son is a giant; the boy's mother gives her son to a cook instead of her son; the giant asks what his father would do if he received the rod; he replies that he drove away if from the treats of dogs and cats; the king has to give his promised son; a young man grows up in a giant's house, who offers him a choice of one of two daughters; the young man demands a third, Red-haired Mary; a giant requires 1) cleaning the barn (M. does everything), 2) cover the house with bird feathers (the same), 3) get magpies out of the nest and cook magpies (M. cuts off his fingers and toes, they turn into steps of the stairs, the young man pulls out eggs, his fingers grow, except for the little finger, which the young man did not touch when he climbed); 4) recognize the bride among her sisters (she does not have a little finger); M. tells him to run, leaving answer apple slices; M. tells you to take the mare's ear out of the mare's ear, throw behind 1) a sprig of thorns (thorny thickets; the giant runs home for the ax, then carries it back, because the crow promises an ax steal), 2) a pebble (a mountain, a giant runs home for a pickaxe and a hammer), 3) a bottle of water (a lake, a giant sinks); M. tells not to kiss anyone at home, a dog kisses a young man, he forgets M.; M. hides in a tree , the wife, the daughter of a shoemaker, see her reflection, take it for their own, refuse to carry water, since they are so beautiful; the shoemaker takes M. into the house, says that the Queen is marrying, takes M. with him to a feast; from one Two pigeons fly out of the glass, tell the story of M.; Korolevich marries M.]: Shustova 1994:363-373.

The Balkans. Bosnians [Fata's stepdaughter is beautiful, Hata's own daughter is ugly; stepmother and H. go to the wedding; the cow tells F. to take a box out of her ear, she wears a beautiful outfit and jewelry; the same the next day; on the third day, the Sultan's son approached her, she ran and lost her shoe; the sultan told everyone to try it on; Fate approached her; stepmother persuaded F. to take H. in escorts; at the suggestion of her stepmother, H., when they were driving through the forest and became thirsty, gave F. water in exchange for her eyes, threw it in the forest, and came to the Sultan's son instead of her; the cow found F. and brought it to the people to the house of the pious Haji; they saw flowers grow on the ground on which F. was walking; the cow began to live in the same house, supplying everyone with milk; ordered another box to be taken out of her ear, in To whom pearls formed from tears; Haji must be sent to exchange them for her eyes; H., the imaginary princess, gave her eyes, F. saw the light when Haji moistened them with water brought from Mecca from the Sem-Sem spring; The Sultan promised a reward to whoever would cure his sick daughter-in-law; when F. came, she saw that the necklace around H.'s neck was burning and strangling her; F. took it off her; the Sultan and his son recognized the real one bride; stepmother ripped by horses; Hajji awarded]: Preindlsberger-Mrazovic 1905:54-67; Romanians [dragons stole the sun, moon, stars, and the king's eyes; two older princes went in search, but went into trade, lost money and detained them as debtors; younger Dragan Chenuse ("chenushe" means "ash"), who had previously been sitting in ash, got on a horse that ate hot coals, took up weapons and armor, and also the ash cakes given by his mother, and went in search; bought the brothers, taking gold from the horse's ear; while the brothers were sleeping, he killed a dragon on a copper bridge that stole the stars, those returned to heaven; the moon on the silver one; the long battle on the golden bridge; DC promised the crow more meat than the dragon promised, he sprinkled it with cold water and the dragon with hot water; DC killed the dragon, freed it the sun; chipped in with his mouse, penetrated the mother of the dragons and took away the box with her father's eyes; the dragon sent two daughters to look like an apple tree and a well, and starved and thirsty on the brothers; DC crossed them with a sword, blood poured in; sent the brothers home to carry his father's eyes, came to Mark Armenash himself, asked for 99 quintals of hot coals; when the dragon tried to stick her head, he poured coals into her mouth and she exploded; DC went with MA to get his bride, the daughter of the Green King; they meet and accompany someone who hears oats grow and sees what is happening in the other world; a shooter, a destroyer trees; drank; ate; capable of freezing the sea; this latter covered the sea with ice to cross to the country of the Green King; they were put in a hot iron house, which froze it; drank and They ate and ate everything that was offered; to compete in the run with the old woman, she put the runner to sleep with a dragon bone under his head; the shooter knocked out the bone; they got a princess, crossed the ice, the freezer melted the ice again, the king and queen who rushed to pursue drowned; DC met the old man: there is no water, the dragon closed the spring, allows you to take water in exchange for people, the princess's turn; DC killed the dragon, cut off the tips of his tongues; a dwarf with a long beard came to his hut, ate all the meat; DC split the beech, pinched his beard in the trunk; the dwarf pulled out the beech, disappeared into the lower world; DC came bloody trail; ordered him to be lowered into the black world on a rope; pretended to be a musician; the devils promise many wagons of gold if he could free their king's beard from the beech; DC cut off his head, ran up to rope, twitched, but no one picked up the rope; hears the squeak of the griffin chicks: the dragon crawls to the nest to eat them; (killed the dragon); the griffin swallowed it and regurgitated, making it stronger; agreed to take it to the ground; on the way, the meat ran out, DC cut off a piece from her feet and from under his knee; the princess recognized DC by the dragon's severed tongues; the brothers' wives poisoned DC's wife out of envy; he went for living water; the old man gave him a staff and a sheep, telling him not to leave them in the forest where the entrance to hell is located; the bird, flying, dropped three feathers (her wife's hair) and three drops of blood (which fell from her wife's cheeks); DC left the staff and sheep in in the forest and went home; turned into a walnut tree]: Bîrlea 1966:384-387; Moldovans [the master has a daughter Kyrmyz {from Turkish "red"}; he promises her to whoever goes up to her tower will take it off a ring, he will call it by name; the Dragon succeeds; Gaitan's favorite horse teaches him to fall behind her husband, hold a sword in his hand, breaks forward, the Dragon's head is cut off; G. tells K. to get the shepherd's clothes out of his ear, she pretends to be a young man; Ion suspects that this is a girl, the sorcerer invites him to test; but K. overtakes him on horseback, talks about a wattle fence, not a spinning wheel, chooses weapons, not towels, but gives himself away without stepping over a broom, but sweeping the floor with it; I. takes K. as his wife, goes to war; sends a letter home, Draconich replaces him with an order to burn K.; G. extinguishes the fire, carries K., she gives birth to two golden-haired sons, G. tells him to be killed, his chest has become a zamk, his head is a table with food, his eyes and ears are two wolfhounds, his wool is a garden, his hoof has become an old woman -servant; Dragon in the form of another old woman asked the boys to throw hairs at the dogs, they turned into chains, but the dogs tore them, killed the old woman; K. recognized her as Draconich; I. returned from the war, traveled around the world, dogs brought him to K. Castle, the couple met; in the morning the castle disappeared, G. reappeared]: Botezat 1982:226-234 (=Moldavian tales 1968:276-285); Hungarians [queen died, king went to war, the little queen remained; the Hofmeister wants to lime him to give the throne to his son; in the stable, an unkempt foal tells the boy to bring him hot coals; swallowed them and became strong, tells him to take a silver outfit out of his ear, collect gold and silver, sit on it, brings him to the city; gives a whistle to call him, jumps away himself, telling everyone to ask all questions answer "I don't know"; the king takes him home; he serves in the kitchen, grew up; every time the cook leaves him to watch the soup, he spoils the soup (threw a cat into the cauldron; added salt; burned a pig); his assigned to the poultry house, he beats eggs, releases chickens; assigned to the gardener; calls his horse and tramples the whole garden; he was made a swineherd; royals must throw an apple at whoever they want as husbands; youngest threw them at a swineherd; they were placed in a boardwalk; older sons-in-law hunt; Dunno calls a horse every time, sells silver and gold game to her sons-in-law for a hundred gold, they do not recognize him; Tatars attacked Dogs, Dunno smashes them; the king praises them, asks them to come to the ball; Dunno spoke, came to his wife; everything is clear, the king gave him the throne]: Ortutai 1974, No. 9:189-230; Hungarians [son at 7 years old the poor man became a strong young man; he was named Beautiful András (A.), went on a journey, stayed in a cave; the gold-fin pelican brought him a letter from Rózsa, the fairy queen: let her come wants to make sure that he is as handsome as in his picture; A. followed the pelican for a long time, overgrown with hair and beard; the dwarf told him to sit on it, moved him to the land of fairies; there is a castle that rotates on his paw cats with 7 skins; the dwarf turned into that pelican; A. swam in the white lake, his hair fell out, he was younger; his old clothes were gone, his beautiful clothes were gone; the pelican brought a second letter from R. - let him come to her immediately; there is a rose in his pocket - it turns into a plate of food; he climbed up the giant spruce for a long time, a garland stretches from it to the rotating castle; A. reached the top of the castle along it, but You can't get off there, it spins; then he cut off all his hair, beard, mustache, eyebrows that had grown back, made a rope out of them, went down to the window, entered the castle room through it; R. did believed the three maids that A. did appear, beat them, but then saw him herself; demands that he clean three horses and their stall; the more A. works, the more manure; these horses are tá ltos (i.e. related to witchcraft and perhaps to past shamanism); one of the horses: let A. put the broom and shovel with the handle down, they will do everything themselves; take a copper nut out of his ear , he wears a silver sword and gold clothes; then go up on a pile of manure, there is a bush; touch it with a sword, pull it out, under it the saddle and bridle, put them on it; teaches him to hide under the tail of a buffalo, so that R. does not find him; then brings him to the place where the swan-drawn chariot brought R.; do not look her in the face; upon his return, A. convinced R. that she did not see him, and he was always in the stable; everything repeats itself (sword and clothes in silver walnut; A. on horseback follows R. along the Warrior's Road, i.e. along the Milky Way); for the third time, get a bean from under the tail, wearing a sword and clothes in diamonds; R. fell ill (from love); A. appears on horseback three times in her garden; the third time she does not torment her anymore and goes to her; wedding; they are alive if they don't die]: Dégh 1965, No. 3:28-45.

Central Europe. Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Tyachiv district, p. Dulova) [The tsar has three sons and a daughter, the eldest sons study well, the youngest Ivan Farmudz is stupid, Pepelyanik. The brothers decide to find out why their father has one eye crying and the other laughing. The oldest one comes first. The king reads, there is a saber on the table, he swings at his son, he runs away, the king throws his sword after him, and she pierces the door. It's the same with the middle son. When the IF enters, the king swings, and the IF puts his head on the table: the king has the right to kill him. The king reports that he was sold to an unclean man in his mother's womb. When he dies, the devils will smash his bones across seven powers, so one eye cries. But he hopes his sons will protect him, so the second one laughs. He tells you to cook 7 fathoms of firewood, dig a grave in 7 fathoms deep, sons spend the night near the grave and burn a fire, sabers in their hands, three snakes will arrive at night: at 9 o'clock - three-headed, at 10 - 6-headed, at midnight - Chapter 12 If someone comes for a sister, give it back. The king is dead, the brothers spend the night at the grave. The elders fall asleep. IF kills a 3-headed snake, blood almost flooded the sleepers. The IF puts logs under the heads of sleepy brothers. Kills the 6-headed, the blood almost flooded the sleepers, the IF seats sleepy brothers. A 12-headed serpent arrives. Ivan cuts 6 goals, then 6 more, but one always returns to the place. The IF pierces the snake's neck and presses it to the ground, the blood cools down, the head cannot grow. Blood flows like a river, and IF puts the sleepy brothers standing still. The fire went out, the IF climbs the ash tree, the light is in the distance, the IF is walking, the forest is on the way, two women ask to judge who is older. It's Night and Day. The IF ties them to poles at a distance, tells them to remain silent until they return, otherwise they will cut off their heads. It comes to a fire of 300 fathoms of firewood, robbers (sprays) sleep around. The IF cuts off the stick, splits the end and pulls out the smut in a split, but the coal falls on the senior robber. The IF runs away with fire. The robbers wake up, the younger and middle do not see anything, the eldest gets up, his head rises above the trees, he sees the IF, steps several times, catches up with the IF, puts it in the palm of his hand, brings him to the fire, calls it an ant, promises to kill for stealing smut. IF calls himself the best thief in the world. The robber demands help to steal the king's daughter. The sun never shone on her, the wind never blew on her forehead, golden hair on her head, her beauty is indescribable. The robbers have not been able to steal it for three years: there is a golden rooster at the royal gate and as soon as they approach, he starts singing and the army shoots. The IF crawls up, kills a rooster, finds the room where the girl sleeps, calls the robbers one by one, cuts everyone's head, changes rings with the sleeping princess, leaves a note: IF hacked three snakes, Night and He tied the day to trees, shot a rooster, cut off the heads of the robbers, and exchanged rings with the princess. Night and Day are asked to let them go: it has been dark for 7 days. The IF judges this way: in summer it should be a long day (a lot of work, the harvest must ripen), and in winter it should be short. Night and day sign an eternal contract. The IF returns, cuts the frozen blood of snakes, the brothers who wake up fainting with fear. The Interfax rules the state. At midnight, musicians come and demand to give what their father ordered, otherwise they will leave no stone unturned. The IF throws their sister out the window. The musicians are playing, the wind is blowing - a train of 100 carriages flies across forests and seas. The neighboring king promised a daughter to whoever would kill the thieves. A gypsy servant finds the bodies and pretends to be their murderer. Preparing a wedding. The IF is late, the gypsy demands not to let him in, but the king lets him in. The Interfax ridicules the groom, expects execution for insulting the future royal son-in-law. At the gallows, she tells me what he did and where he put the letter, shows the princess's ring. The people rejoice, the army and servants disperse the gypsies. After the wedding, IF goes to his brothers, the king lets him go, but forbids him to take his wife with him, who was not shining in the sun or blowing the wind: she will be kidnapped by the wind. The IF does not listen, the whirlwind takes the princess away. The queen gives three years to find her daughter, otherwise she executes her. The IF wanders, there is a hole in the trunk of the oak tree: "This is where the wedding with Farmudz Mariika came in." The IF comes to a small hut like a box. There, his brother-in-law tells his wife to cook: her brother starves to death. He puts the IF to bed, asks the horse where the IF's wife is. Horse: In the seventieth country, the Filthy King stands for a cook. Pogany also has a horse, his older brother, he is stronger, he will catch up, the poganin king will cut Ivan to pieces. You have to put a bag on the horse so that the horse will then bring the chopped one. The brother-in-law equips the IF on the road, the horse brings him to the realm of Poganin. Ivanova's wife is just on her way to the well with the buckets, singing plaintively. The IF puts her on a horse. At the same moment, Filthy's horse laughs. Poganin grabs an iron pitchfork, rushes into the staff, finds out that the IF stole his cook, but he has time. He snaps his teeth and eats two wagons of nuts, smokes two wagons of tobacco, sleeps for two hours, takes a sword, sits on a horse and starts after him. IF Horse: It burns the fire because the Filthy King is catching up. Let the IF ask Poganin to cut him with a sword, throw him in a bag and put him on his horse. This is what happens. Poganin picks up the cook. The brother-in-law tells his wife to bring a trough from the attic in advance, folds the pieces of the IF body, pours it with healing water, and everything grows together. The brother-in-law has two souls, he blows on his body, releases one of them, the soul enters the IF, and he comes to life. His brother-in-law explains that he won't be able to revive him again. His mother, who is the oldest over half the world, could help, knows a lot, but she can eat it when she sees it. The IF has been going to her for six months. Baba feels it from a distance, roars: she has been living in this place for 10,000 years, but has not seen an earthly person, she has not eaten fresh human beings for 3000 years. The IF calls her a sweet mother, a dear matchmaker, and says that her son sent him. Baba wants to see it but promises to eat it. He takes two iron poles, 10 m each, supports his eyelids, otherwise they cannot hold on. The IF talks about everything, the woman feels sorry for him. He sends him to his husband, but there is little hope that he will regret it, he is even angrier, he is 6 months away. He feeds him with tin dumplings, he does not feel hungry during the journey. My grandfather senses it from an even greater distance, 15,000 years, has not seen a person, he has not eaten human beings for 5,000 years. The Interfax calls him a sweet father, a dear matchmaker, says that he has been pardoned and sent by his wife as the oldest in the world. Grandfather: I ate millions of people, but I have never met such an affectionate and kind person. She wants to watch and then eat it. It supports the eyelids with iron poles 20 m long. He regretted, feeds the IF with steel dumplings. It gives two twigs that grow out of the ground. There is a basement under the house, there are two horses, one must be hit with one twig and the other with another, he gives these horses because he is old, the horses must be obeyed, they will do everything. The IF goes down into the dungeon, sees wooden tremblers on four legs, hits them with a twig - the tremblers turn into a stallion and a mare. The horse is happy, asks you to take him out of the basement, take a wooden ax, cut three thousand fathoms of firewood, and light a fire. A wooden ax cuts trees into ready-made logs. Horses eat fire, eat ashes 100 meters deep, drink all the water, drink the lake three times: now they are invincible. The horse tells you to take diamond clothes out of his left ear, and a saddle with a bridle for a woman from his right ear. The horse asks how to carry it, IF: so that neither he nor the horse is harmed. The horse is happy to have waited for a good king. Pogany's horse is his son. They arrive at the well, the IF dresses his wife in diamond clothes, puts him on a mare, and rises above the sky. The horse in the filthy king's stine laughs. They're flying in pursuit, there's no time to wait. Pogany's horse calls his father and mother, asks him to wait for him, otherwise he will be tortured. They advise you to fly into the sky, throw off the pollution. Poganin is still falling, and if he fell, it would rumble with all the thunder and the earth would crumble. The horse rushes after his parents, flies with them. The light is all over the sky, people think the whole world is on fire. The old tsar cries with joy, the IF invites his brothers to a feast]: Lintur, Chandey 1965:9-29; Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [the king has a meadow of silk grass; someone grazes on it; the tsar promises his daughter that finds out; three sons of an ordinary man undertake to guard; the middle, the youngest did not see; the youngest Ivan the Fool feeds the mouse; she says that these are silver, gold, diamond horses; everyone must be removed do not give the bridle; I. hid the bridles in the hollow, did not tell anything; the grass is intact; the king does not want to give his daughter for I.; will give it to the one who jumps to the third tier {tower}; each of the horses orders to remove a harness and a sword (silver, gold, diamond) from her left ear; the princess gives I. a handkerchief, then a ring, then hit I. in the forehead with a royal seal; he hides gifts in ash, pulled it on the forehead of the stocking, but it was found; the young were settled in a goose stable; enemies attacked, unrecognized I. smashes them; replies to the king that he is from Libovaros (Hungarian: goose town); so three times; the king bandaged the knight wounded finger; recognized his handkerchief; handed I. to the crown]: P. Literature in Pankeev 1992:112-122; Northern Ukrainians (Chernigov, Nezhinsky U.) [The king, queen and one daughter died, leaving the second daughter and son; when the father died, he buried them to hide them from the snake; the serpent flew in, asking the pomelo, pokers, hooks, axes, shelves where the king is hid the children; everyone replies that the king or queen was kind to them; he will drown (bury the heat, take the pots out of the oven, chop them, etc.) and put them (put them), so I stand (lie); but the snake insists that the chisel shows signs of work (wrinkles); it agrees and tells you to go out, throw it behind you and dig it where it falls; the snake dug up the children and carried them into its hole; on the way, Olenka invites you to look for the snake from lice; the snake fell asleep, Ivan cries; the bumblebee puts the children on his back, carries him away, but the snake caught up and returned; next time the goby offers help; carries children, catches up with the snake; the goby tells I. get into his right ear, get out of his left ear, he has a scallop and a handkerchief in his head; I. waved his scallop - a thicket, a handkerchief - the sea parted and the goby ran dry; the serpent was afraid, built for himself the house and stayed in it; brother and sister came to another house; the goby tells him to slaughter him, hang his legs in different places; in the morning they were the dogs Protyus and Nedvyus, a kladenets sword and a gun; the sister went out to wash the river, ask the serpent from the other side to take out a handkerchief and wave to cross it; O. told I. that she wanted to wash the handkerchief, waved, the sea parted, the snake passed; O. agreed to pretend sick, ask for animal milk; when I. comes up, the snake turned into a needle, telling O. to stick it into the wall, otherwise the dogs will tear it; the dogs caught up with the hare, she let him milk, gave a bunny; the same with a fox, a she-wolf, a bear, a lioness, a tigress; the serpent offered to send I. to the mill so that the animals would remain locked behind 12 doors; when I. left the mill, the doors closed; I.'s houses asked permission climb an ash tree before death; magpie: don't go down, the dog's three doors have already gnawed; dogs have come running, tore O. and the snake]: Malinka 1902, No. 16:277-282.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [someone's horse poisons millet; three brothers decide to take turns guarding; the elders are sleeping, the younger Funuktz (Cinderella) caught a horse, who gave him a bridle to call him when necessary; Aldar's daughter in to the tower; he will give it to whoever rips the ring out of her hands; the horse tells F. pull out his saddle from one ear and his clothes out of the other; F. flew past the tower twice; the third time tore off the ring; Aldar called the men to identify the groom; F. came in beggar clothes, and He covered the ring with a rag; but Aldar's daughter noticed the ring and gave the bowl to F.; F. appeared at the wedding in his heroic appearance]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 36:108-113; Georgians [stepmother tells his stepson named Sizmar protects the grain from the chickens, he fell asleep, the chickens pecked the grain; his stepmother beats S., who says that in a dream he found himself in Baghdad, the moon is sitting on one side of him, the sun is pouring on the other, the morning star is pouring silver water from a golden jug in his hands; his stepmother tells him to sleep, S. says that this is impossible, she drives him out of the house; S. comes to the capital of the king of the West, he is brought to the king; after learning about the dream , he demands to give it back, throws S. into the pit; Princess Mzetunahavi ("not seen by the sun") has been secretly carrying S. food for three years; refuses to the king of the East; he 1) sends four mares, tells us to guess which of them mother, eldest, middle, youngest daughter; S. teaches M. to lick salt, mother will be the first to run to the water in the morning, followed by her eldest daughter, etc.; 2) orders to break a piece of rock salt into balls; S. advises ask to show what size balls to break; 3) fires an arrow, no one can pull it out of the ground; S. climbs out of the hole along the rope dropped by M., pulls out an arrow, returns to the hole; only S. managed to raise an arrow and let him go back to the king of the East; the king of the West agrees to give S. a daughter if he teaches the king of the East a lesson; on the way S. meets and takes satellites 1) A speedboat tied to his leg millstone, 2) A sharp ear listening to ants fight underground, 3) A clever who changes wings with live pigeons; the king of the East tells 1) to bring water from the healing spring before his speedboat; that puts a sleepy potion on Speedboat; Sharply hears about it, S. cuts off the millstones from the Speedboat's leg with an arrow, he is the first to bring water; 2) bring What I don't know what; The Clever sends S. to the forest old woman; she tells me I don't know what to serve her to eat; food, wine appear; the old woman leaves, S. offers I don't know what to eat with him; he is grateful, goes with S.; invisible, beats the king; the king tells S. poison; Sharp hears about this, Lovkoruk changed his plates, the king's viziers died; the king of the East is fleeing; the king of the West gives a daughter for S., but settles them in a stable; the Tsar of the East goes to war; S. takes gold armor out of the winged horse's ear, defeats the horse, the king of the West bandages his wounded finger with his handkerchief; S. recognizes him by him, gives him the kingdom; he refuses, takes M. and leaving; he sends four mares, tells them to guess which of them is mother, eldest, middle, youngest daughter; S. ut]: Chikovani 1986:43-46; Megrelians: Stepanov 1898, No. 15 [dying, father commands three sons to watch his grave; the two eldest did not dare to go to the cemetery; the younger Gedlachi the fool cut off the head of the beast, which rushed to dig up the grave; the father went out and gave a horse; the horse ordered remove from his ear what lies there; there are horse ammunition, clothes, weapons; the king will give his daughter to whoever flies on horseback to her 2nd floor; unrecognized G. performs the task, receives the princess, forgives brothers old ridicule]: 47-50; Lucky [mother is dead; neighbor persuades her daughter to ask her father to marry her; he postpones but then agrees; stepmother prepares sandcake for stepdaughter and ash; persuaded her husband to leave her daughter in the forest; she climbed a tree; wolves, bears, foxes pass consistently, promise not to eat her; but Zaza-white cow comes, digs the sky with one horn, the earth with another; the girl's tears fall on her, Z. tells her to jump on her chest; leads her to the dungeon; allows her to eat everything but not touch the jugs; the girl put her finger, it turned silver; then Z. tells her to swim in jugs; the girl turned silver and gold; from the cow's right ear, the girl pulled out expensive jugs and other dishes, clothes and jewelry; Z. passed her off as Khan's son]: Omar-ogly 1868: 51-52.

Iran - Central Asia. Bragui [wife died, husband took another, stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter; her own children are ugly, stepdaughter is beautiful; the calf tells her to put her hand in his ear, she pulls out any appearances; stepmother spies, pretends to be sick, says that she will recover if a calf is slaughtered; the calf tells him to keep and bury his head, wishes will continue to come true; stepmother betrayed her stepdaughter is married, fed a turnip before the wedding; at night she needs to go out of need; she defecates in her husband's pants; in the morning he believes that he is to blame, asks to wash her pants, promises to reward generously for silence; seeing gold jewelry on her stepdaughter, the stepmother turned to ash]: Bray 1938:83-88.

Baltoscandia. Danes [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter; she herds cattle; red bull tells me to get food out of her horn; they run away; contrary to the ban, the girl breaks a twig when they jump through the copper forest, the bull fights a copper bull; then a silver bull in a silver forest; a golden one kills him; the girl keeps the bull's right ear, it gives her everything she needs; is hired as a maid in the kitchen; otherwise He comes to church three times; names objects (token objects): water, comb, towel; running away for the third time, he loses his golden shoe; wearing a golden dress, sitting in a golden carriage, is for shoe; wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 59:24-25; Lithuanians [stepmother tells her husband to take his stepdaughter to the forest; he hangs a board to knock in the wind, like he is cutting wood, leaves; the bag is not flour, but ash, not lard, and a head; the girl enters the hut, the Bear asks to open the door even with a ray; she opens her hand; feeds the Mouse; ash porridge, but delicious; makes the Bear a bed of stones, logs, millstones; The bear tells him to run around the room, the keys ring; the mouse runs, the bear throws stones, the girl is sitting under the stove; the bear tells him to blow in his ear, pies fall out, the carriage with horses fall out; the dog barks that the old daughter is going with gifts; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she does not feed the Mouse, the Bear kills her, burns her, six sparrows bring a tub with ashes, the dog barks about it; the stepmother burst angrily, father and daughter eat pies], 226-228 [stepmother sends stepdaughter to sleep in a ram; there devils offer to dance; she asks to bring her water first to wash, soap, then various pieces by piece garments and jewelry; this is how time passes until the first roosters, the devils disappear, clothes and jewelry remain; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she asks for everything at once, she has to dance, in the morning the stepmother finds her dead], 229-230 [stepmother sends her stepdaughter to spin on the edge of the well, pushes her into a well; she finds herself in a green meadow; the old man asks the sheep to herd, a month later the sheep are well-groomed, the old man offers the choice is red, white and blue caskets, the girl chooses white; opens the house, the palace appears; the stepmother pushes her own daughter into the well, she does not take good care of the sheep, chooses a red casket, at home opens, the fire that breaks out burns her and her stepmother], 382-383 [the poor woman has forgotten the child in the field; people hear him being lulled by the laums, find him dressed, lauma tells him to be cut off from the canvas she has left, it won't end, but you can't look at the end; the rich neighbor leaves the child on purpose, he was torn to shreds; the woman looked at the end of the canvas, it was over]: Lebitte 1965:221-225; Veps [ parents died, the girl went begging; the cow asked to be pulled out of the mud, the girl pulled her out; the cow washed her from one ear and clothed her from the other; the girl went to church, the lordly son I noticed her; on the third day he smeared the stairs with resin, the galoshes stuck; the lordly son began to try on everyone; Baba Yaga cut her daughter's leg, blood was pouring, but the galoshes still did not fit; they found a beggar Masha, A galoshes suited her; she dressed again from one cow's ear, washed her face from the other, became beautiful; wedding]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 49:172-173.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chulym Turks [White Khan and Black Khan met while hunting; agreed that if wives give birth to children of different sexes, they should be married; BH's wife gave birth to a daughter Beautiful Rich, and his wife gave birth to a son Goat ("Handsome"); BH's wife came to CH: there her son-in-law crawls, takes bread out of the garbage and eats; she decided not to give her daughter for this, BH has migrated far; CH is dead; K. plays money with teenagers, he is told that his fiancée ran away; the old man advises to tell his mother to cook porridge; K. put his mother's hand on the cauldron {or put it in the porridge - unclear}, she had to confess; he caught the stallion, who says his name is Kuryan (" Brown") and together they are Kozuguryan; ordered to get the saddle out of his left ear, clothes from his right ear; the horse is flying through the air; goes on reconnaissance, finds out that his mother is dead; they meet BH shepherds who herd horses, cows, sheep; K. met KB, they are fleeing, captured, they have a knife at the design bureau, they killed themselves, are buried on different banks of the river, poplars grew on the graves, united; BH K. poplar burned, The girl's poplar disappeared by itself; then two birch trees grew up; the girl's mother came and saw pike and crucian carp, which the lovers turned into]: Lemskaya 2013:295-303; Eastern Siberia. Far Eastern Evenks (probably Uchursky) [in the depths of bygone years, a young man appeared at the mouth of five deep-water rivers with thundering valleys and blazing capes, under a sprawling tree Tyvgunay; he does not know where he came from; he made a bow, saw two ducks, but does not shoot (maybe they belong to people, it will be bad if I kill); they fly away, sing: grateful they did not kill; one says left a thimble on the hummock, tells him to take it - it will help; T. came to the camp, there is a rich leader; promises a daughter to someone who pulls a pierced bow out of the ground; no one can; T. did not try, returned under his tree; a man is sitting there, saying that he is his older brother (his name is Cholbon Chokuldai), looking for it for several years; T. talks about the leader, his daughter and bow; CH: enter my horse's left ear, there is food; go to the right - there are clothes; T. gained strength, dressed in armor, both drove on a huge heroic horse; HCH pulled out his bow, the shaft broke, the arrow flew to the sky; the brothers flew to the sky Horse to the upper world to find out where the arrow hit; there are people like mosquitoes, cattle like spiders; smoke from the ground, there is half charred old man and old woman; old man: liver disease, give me some liver; old woman: they gave it to me to make skins, if I give it to you, I will be hit on the head with a gold poker; then the same about the brain (they will hit me on the head with a poker); then the old woman to the old man: when you were young and you the heroes won, flew to the upper world, taking us with me, I left a two-year-old boy HCH for larch, and a six-month-old T. under a branched tree; when I heard, the brothers broke into the plague, parents rejoiced; mother: there are invincible heroes in this country; they are now lying because some death from the middle world took half of their bodies off them; they fry us on fire and they ask who we left in our homeland; gathered shamans to find out if those who failed to predict were being killed; the brothers fed their parents, came unnoticed in the plague of heroes; the shaman began to spin: young men who released death, are here; the heroes do not believe, they want to cut off the shaman's head; she asks the young men to show up not to be killed; two heroes Singkeltuken Eden (SE) and Begaltukan Eden (BE) ask the brothers give them back their full bodies, because it is shameful to kill cripples; they did; during the battle, HC sees nothing, begins to weaken; his horse tells him to hit him with a silver hatchet, then he will see a raft with a smoke smoke attached to the SE horse; it was divorced by an old woman, she must be killed; HH did it; SE offers to take a break, leads to him, offers to sit down; HH fails and flies down; SE turns to to someone below: I let you down the strongest hero; in response: if he drives cattle in front, they would keep them alive for several days; HCH throws lumps of clay, they turn into cattle; HCH leads to a plague, where they smoke and eat people; the old woman says to HC: if you smell this country, you won't return to earth; HC and the local leader look at each other for 30 days without closing their eyes; then the leader closed his eyes, three days later day two; HC saw a bell above him and a hole in the upper world far above; became a spider, then a bird, crawled, flew; jumping into the hole became human again, then the bell thundered; the monster I leaned out: and let the people of the middle world come to me with their cattle, then sometimes they will be able to return; so shamans pay for cattle; HC led SE to fight against the rock where heaven and earth come into contact; there the sky is like scissors; HF was the first to jump, the sky cut off the tip of the horse's tail; when SE jumped, he was cut in half; HC found T.; he was barely alive, his enemy BE too; BE fired an arrow, telling him to hit a fish in the sea and bring him; the arrow did it, the fish is the soul of HCH; T. sends an arrow to the larch for a little swallow; it is about to slip into the hole in the upper world; T. remembered the thimble, threw it, he shut it up a hole, an arrow brought a swallow; BE: none of us will win, we will not fight anymore, we will exchange souls; T. and HC took their parents and returned to earth; T. married the girl who gave the thimble, and HH - on the daughter of a hero whose bow he pulled out]: Myreeva 2009:128-145.