Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I121. Paired constellations.


Constellations (usually Ursa Major and Ursa Minor) are considered as two identical, paired objects. (For Africa, Eurasia, and Alaska, they are paired names; for most of America, they are semantic associations, but the names are not paired).

Isubu, Murle, Tigre, Tuareg, Latins, Italians (mostly north, found in Abruzzo), Basques, Portuguese, Germans (all?) , Dutch, French, British, Welsh, Arabs (written tradition), Ancient Greece, Hungarians, Romanians, Moldovans, Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Russians (Arkhangelsk), Ukrainians, Belarusians, Rumeis, Lezgins, Armenians, Persians, Tajiks, Icelanders, Danes, Lithuanians, Estonians, Finns, Chuvash, Udmurts, Bashkirs, Khakas, Kets, Nenets, Central, Northeastern (and others?) Yakuts, Evenks (Podkamennaya Tunguska), Evenki Orochons, Nanai, Ulchi, Orochi, Wilta, Kuchin, Winnebago, Mikmak, Pawnee, Northern Payut, Quiche.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Isubu [recorded from a student in the mission; there is a constellation of Tole elephants, or Greater Tole; and there is Tole Humans, or Little Tole {no constellations specifically specified}]: Keller 1903:60.

Sudan - East Africa. Murle [Ursa Major is the "elephant of commoners", Malaya is the "elephant of leaders"; the three-star handles of the Ursa Major bucket are the owners of the first and second spears and the stone on which the spears are sharpened; more The Dumec constellation is known (not identified), others do not stand out]: Lewis 192:132; tiger [Ursa Major is "the real seven", Ursa Minor is the "false seven"]: Littmann 1910:59.

North Africa. Tuaregs: Basset 1910 [Ursa Major is a camel, Malaya is her camel, the North Star is a black woman who keeps a camel on a leash so that its mother does not leave; stars, γ ;, μ, ν, decide whether to kill a black woman; she froze in horror]: 16; Bernus, AG-Sidiyene 1989 [The North Star is the stake to which a camel walking around (Ursa Minor) is attached; His mother, the Big Dipper, is watching him]: 144; Duveyrier 1864:464 in d'Huy 2013 [Ursa Major is a camel, Malaya is her camel, the North Star is a black woman who is leashed a camel so that his mother does not leave; the stars, γ, μ, ν, decide whether to kill a black woman; she froze in horror; or it is a camel's head (Benhazera 1908:61; Stefanini 1926: 127) or the stake to which the camel is attached (Bernus, AG-Sidiyene 1989:155)]: 94.

Southern Europe. Italians: Allen 1899 [Dante: Ursa Major and Ursa Minor - Two Dancers]: 447; Volpati 1933a [Little Bear - Little Carriage in Ticino, Friuli, Trenino-Alto Adige, Emilia Romagna Abruzze]: 484-485; Basques [Big Dipper: Seven Thieves, Five Stars, Six Stars, Chicken with Chickens {clearly transferred from the Pleiades}, Shepherd with a Key, Herd of Oxen, Oxen Thief; Malaya Bear: Seven Stars, Seven Thieves, Seven Goats]: Knörr 2001:412; Latins [Ovid's Mournful Elegies (Line of Era): "A small beast and a large one, one of which directs /Greek ships , the Phoenician path is different, /You, who all see the sky from the top, /Do not immerse the stars in the waters of the sunset seas" (trans. S.A. Osherova)]: Ovid. Trist. IV. 3. 1-4; ["Medea" by Lucius Anney Seneca (1st century); in search of poison, Medea turns to heaven: "Come down to me from heaven, a snake like/The vast river has shy two beasts/In mighty loops - bigger and less/ (The first one shines for us, the second for Sidonians)" (trans. S.A. Osherova)]: Sen. Med. 694-697; [Medea: "I violated the laws of the universe:/The sun was shining among the stars, and the Bears {ursae}/touched the sea. I mixed the course of time" (trans. S.A. Osherova)]: Sen. Med. 757-759; ["Astronomy" by Marc Manilius (1st century): Two Bears]: Manil. Astr. I, III, V; Gamkrelidze, Ivanov 2013 [septen-trion (es), septen-trio maior - Ursas Major, septen-trio minor]: 111; Portuguese [Ursas Major and Ursas]: Cam ; es in Allen 1899:421;

Western Europe. French, German [Ursa Minor and Major]: Allen 1899:447; Dutch, British [both bears are depicted on the coats of arms of Antwerp and Grenengen and are often shown together on English inn signs]: Allen 1899:431; Welsh [Big Dipper - Arthur's Plough-tail; other material {Ursa Minor?} - Smaller Plough-handle]: Trevelyan 1909:35.

Western Asia. Arabs (written tradition): Ahmad ibn Majid 1985 [Ahmad ibn Majid's Book of Benefits of the Fundamentals and Rules of Marine Science, written in 1475-1490; Ursa Major and Ursa Minor - two Hearses, Big Maidens Hearse and Lesser Virgos Hearse]: 267, 278, 281, 285, 424, 448; Allen 1899 [Al Dubb al Asghar ("The Lesser Bear")]: 449; Sumer, Babylonia: Kurtik 2007: 216-217 ["The Firstborn of Emach, (part) of the Great (Heavenly) Cart" - α or β of the Ursa Minor (1000 BC, the pole of the world was located near β)], 239-249 [Fox - "The Star on the drawbar Carts stands" (g Ursa Major, Alcor); associated with Erra, the god of war, anarchy, hunger and plague, sometimes identified with Nergal; the connection with Erra seems to be due to a negative attitude towards the fox in Mesopotamia], 295-301 [MAR.GID.DA - "The Wagon", "The Great Carriage", the Ursa Major constellation, one of the most revered astral deities in Ancient Mesopotamia], 301-302 ["Sky Cart", "Anu's Cart" - Ursa Minor].

The Balkans. Ancient Greece ["Apparitions" by Arat Solia (c. 315 - ca. 240 BC): "Two Bears are running around /They run in touch with the axis, for which they nicknamed them "Carts". /They always hold their heads each other's lobe, /The shoulders of one another are flush with the other, /They look to the sides, however, nasty. Believe it, /From Crete, they ascended at the behest of the great Zeus/To heaven, as a reward for being a baby/Beside the ideological spurs on the fragrant Dict/ They hid it in a cave and there for They fed for years; /Meanwhile, the Kurets were distracted by the Dictean Kron./Distinguishing them, one was named Kinosura, /Helika was the name of the other. According to Helik, the men of the Achaeans/In the sea of open ships, they determine the direction, /And the Phoenicians surf the space, trusting Kinosure. /It is true that Heliki is clear it is easy to guess the outlines: /It is fully visible immediately with at nightfall; /But Kinosura, although small, is more convenient to helmsman, /For it rotates in a smaller circle: /It is with her that the Sidonians check the infallible path. /Between the Bears it is like a river stream, /Winding is a great wonder! - Dragon" (trans. A.A. Rossius)]: Arat. Phaen. 26-46; [Kallimachus iambas (3rd century BC): "... I sailed to Miletus. Thales won this, /Thales, that there was a wise husband in everything else - /He gathered stars into the heavenly cart, /For which the Phoenicians keep their way to sea" (trans. ABOUT. Smyki); apparently, we are talking about Ursa Minor - i.e. it is considered similar to the Big Bear, which was also associated with the wagon]: Call. Iamb. I (fr. 191 Pf.). 52-55; ["Historical Library" by Diodorus of Sicily (1st century BC): the Cretans founded the city of Minoa in Sicily; "they later erected the Sanctuary of the Mothers and began to pay tribute to these goddesses great honors, adorning the sanctuary with numerous dedicatory gifts. The veneration of these goddesses is said to have come from Crete, as the Cretans also respect them in particular. The myth says that in ancient times they raised Zeus in secret from his father Crohn, and for this Zeus took them to heaven and turned them into constellations called the Bears. Arat also agrees with this. {the following is a quote from Arat. Phaen. 30-35}" (per. O.P. Tsybenko)]: Diod. Sic. IV. 79. 7; 80. 1-2; [Strabo's "Geography" (line of eras): "After all, Homer means the "Arctic Circle" with the words "Bear" and "Chariot"; otherwise he would not say that "she is the only one who shies away from washing" in the Ocean, as so many stars move daily in the same part of the sky that it has always seen. It is therefore not good to accuse him of ignorance for knowing only one Bear instead of two. After all, probably, during the Homer era, another Bear was not yet considered a constellation, and this group of stars was not known to the Greeks as such until the Phoenicians marked it and used it for navigation" ( lane G.A. Stratanovsky)]: Strab. I. 1. 6; ["Catasterisms" by Pseudo-Eratosthenes (I-II centuries): "This is the so-called Little Bear, and most people called her Finica. She was held in high esteem by Artemis. Not knowing that it was Zeus who seduced Finika, the goddess turned her into a beast, but later, when she found out what was going on, she glorified her: she placed her second image in front of the first one among the constellations, so she I had a double honor" (trans. A.A. Rossius)]: Ps. -Erat. Cataster. II; [mentions of two bears]: Ps. -Erat. Cataster. III, V; Allen 1899 [The Minor Bear - "The Phoenician Bear" (as opposed to the regular one, the Big Bear)]: 448; Mladenova 2006 [the designation of the Ursa Minor as a "small wagon" has been known since the Hellenistic era]: 75; Hungarians [Orion Belt stars - "three Hungarian reapers", other stars (not localized) - "three gypsy reapers"]: Kale 1996:213; Romanians: Mladenova 2006 ["big cart", "wagon with four oxen" and "small", "with two oxen"]: 74; Volpati 1933b [Ursa Major and Minor - two wagons in which Traian carried captured Dacians along the Milky Way to Rome]: 38; Moldovans [ Karul Mare 'Big Bear', Karul Mick 'Little Bear' (car 'voz; chariot', mare 'big; great', mic 'small; weak (about sounds); young')]: Borsch et al. 1961:277; Bulgarians (Novo Selo, Vidinsko) [Ursa Major and Ursa Minor were two wagons traveling in different directions; where they met they stayed forever]: Popov 2003:271; Bulgarians, Serbs, Slovenians [Ursa Major and Minor - "Big Carriage" and "Small Carriage"]: Mladenova 2006:72-73; Croats [Ursa Major and Minor - Velika Kola and Mala Kola]: Kale 1995:117; Slovenes [Big Dipper - "wagon", Little Bear - "small wagon"]: Matičetov 1972:53 -54; Albanians ["big wagon" and "small wagon"]: Mladenova 2006:75.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [Ursa Minor - Malaya Moose; Cassiopeia - Ostyatskaya Elk]: Ruth 1987:22; Ukrainians [on the star map of 1699 I.F.Kopievsky The Little Bear is called "Lesser Wos"]: Karpenko 1992:190; Belarusians: Avilin 2015:73 [Big Cart - Small Carriage, Big Bear - Little Bear], 223-225 [Big and Small Bear], 223-225 [Big and Small Sieves {obviously Pleiades and Hyades}]; Poles [Furman and Furmanem; Big Vaz and Small Wagon; Great Plough and Small Plough]: Gładyszowa 1960:60-61; Poles, Czechs, Slovaks [ Ursa Major and Minor - "Big Wagon (Cart)" and "Small Carriage"]: Mladenova 2006:72-73.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Rumei [amax 'cart, supply; Ursa Major '(everywhere); max 'arba (Greek), cart, cart, cart; Ursa Major" (B. Karakuba, M. Karakuba, Bugae); manjar 'arba for transporting mowed bread, straw, hay; Big Bear'; mega amax 'Ursa Major '; chubans 'shepherd, shepherd', chubanyk amax' Big Dipper (B. Janisol, Constantinople, Styla); Amaxits 'wheelbarrow, wagon; Little Bear' (Sartana, Chermalyk)]: Diamantopoulo-Rionis et al. 2006:22, 124, 126, 129, 240; Lezgins [Ursa Major and Minor - Big Dog, Smaller Dog; Big Dipper is also a "bucket"]: Rizvanov, Rizvanov 1990:41; Armenians [sayl - "cart"; when used as asterism, it says that it has seven stars, i.e. clearly means Ursa Major; Anania Širakac'i (7th century AD) uses the expression "another Sayl", which suggests Little Dipper]: Abeghyan 2012:566.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [Hafturengh Kihin, the last word indicates smaller size than the Ursa Major]: Allen 1899:450; Tajiks [wanderer (name remains unknown) with whom I am met in mid-July 2009, on the way to the mazar in the Kafirnigan Valley, replied that the Big Dipper was Haft Dodaron (Seven Brothers) and Malaya was Haft Dodaron Hurd (Seven Lesser Brothers); he said the same My sister Shamsiddini Mirali's husband in previous years; when asked about the brothers' father, he pointed to a lonely star far from the Bears, calling it gusfand ("ram")]: R.R. Rakhimov, personal communication 20.10.2009.

Baltoscandia. Danes, Icelanders [Little Bear - "Thor's smaller wagon (or smaller throne)"]: Allen 1899:450; Lithuanians: Vaiškūnas 1999 [old Lithuanian names for Mars are "Little Animal Star", Saturn - "The Big Animal Star"]: 172; 2007 [by the Sun and her daughter on a wagon; once the horses got scared, the wagons turned over, the Sun and her daughter remained in the sky]: 119; Estonians [Ursa Major and Minor - Suur ja Väike Vanker ("big and small wagons"; similar to Sõel ("sieve" - Pleiades) and Vana sõel ("old sieve") - Hyades]: Kuperjanov 2003:133-135; Finns: Allen 1899 [Ursa Major - Otawa, Otawainen (in Kalevala), Ursa Minor - Väha Otawaa]: 424, 450; Berezovich 2006 [Otava (Suomen Otava") Finnish Ursa Major") 'Ursa Major"; Ryss än Otava, Ven äj än Otava ("Russian Big Dipper") 'Cassiopeia'; Lapin Otava ("Sami Big Dipper") 'Little Bear'; Ruotsin Otava ("Swedish Big Dipper") 'Little Bear']: 8.

Volga - Perm. Marie [Big Dipper - Kugu crust w ě holes ("star - big bucket"), Ursa Minor - Easy crust w ě holes ("star - small bucket" )]: Kirillova 2011:239; Chuvash [Big Dipper - Altar çaltar, Ursa Minor - Kurka çaltar; çaltar - "star", altar and trigger - both they mean "bucket", but of different types]: Yukhma 1980:265-266; Udmurts [Big Dipper - Kösha Kodzuv ("bucket star"), Little Bear - Ichöt Kösh ("small bucket")]: Kirillova 2011:238; Bashkirs [Big Dipper - Yetegen Yondoz (Seven Stars), Ursa Minor - Kese Yetegen (Kese - "small")]: Maksyutova 1973:383.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas: Butanayev 1975 (Sagai) [Ursa Minor - Aday Chitigeni (Chitigen - Ursa Major, Aday - Dog); this constellation follows Ursa Major like a dog]: 235; 2003 [Pleiades - Ülger, Orion - Adai Ülgeri (Dog Pleiades)]: 49

Western Siberia. The Kets [ket, Selkup and Evenk chased the elk; the Selkup, then the Ket overtook Evenk, but the Ket returned for the forgotten pot and fell behind; the Evenk refused to shoot, said he would kill with a stick; the Selkup missed, ket wounded the elk in the shoulder blade; everyone was in the sky; the four stars of the Ursa Major bucket were the legs of an elk, the left front (knocked down) slightly aside; three stars in front were the nose and ears elk; bucket handle - selkup, ket, evenk (last); point near the middle star (Alcor) - bowler hat; six stars (three outside Ursa Major) - arrows; Ursa Minor - also elk, hunting for who existed before; one exogamous half of Ket society considered the Big Dipper to be its own]: Alekseenko 1976:84-85; the Nenets [Si'iv ("seven") So'om (not etymologized, cf. Khomich 1976:20) - Ursa Major; habi (ostyak) So'om" is another constellation {obviously Ursa Minor}]: Anikin 1994:87-88.

Eastern Siberia. Yakuts [Ursa Major - Arangas]: Anikin 1994 [(details on etymology); Ursa Minor, unlike Bolshoy (her own, real), is the Tunguska Storage (Tunguska Labaz Star)]: 86-87; central Yakuts [Ursa Major - arangas sulus; Ursa Minor - tongus arangas sulusa]: Pekarsky, Popov 1928:4; northeastern Yakuts (recording no indicated; most likely, Verkhoyansky district, where N.S. Gorokhov was born and lived) [Pleiades - Yurgal ("produshina, duvalka"); "I have not heard any legend about Orion: but three bright stars (it seems in a belt) Orion (Jacob's cane?) they are called Omuk yurgyala - Lamut yurgal. Does this have anything to do with the idea of deer hunting, because deer is exclusively a Lamut pet?"] : Gorokhov 1882:36-37; Evenki (Podkamennaya Tunguska) [moose Haglen (Heglun) - Ursa Major; goes to the thicket of the heavenly taiga for a day, is not visible; at night he goes to the tops of the ridges; Ursa Minor is H.'s calf; the moose is chased and killed by three hunters; the next night, the surviving calf leaves with its offspring and repeats itself]: Anisimov 1959:11-12; Evenks - Orochons [there was no night, the sun was shining round the clock; the bug elk (male during the rut) grabbed the sun, ran towards the sky; the uterine moose (enneung), walking with the moose, ran after him; Night fell; hunter Mani took a bow, two dogs, ran after them; moose ran across the sky, M.'s dogs caught up and stopped them; The elk handed the sun to Moose, began to distract the dogs himself; Moose ran to heaven hole (North Star) to escape from his pursuers; M. shot Moose, started shooting at Moose, hit her with a third arrow; took the sun, returned it to people; all participants in the space hunt have turned into stars; since then, day and night have changed, space hunting is repeated; every evening moose steal the sun, and M. chases them and returns the sun by morning; four bucket stars Ursa Major - male elk tracks; three pen stars, three fifth magnitude stars near them, and the star closest to the Hounds of Dogs constellation are the tracks of Mani's dogs that stopped moose; M. himself is five stars below the bottom of the bucket, which are part of the Ursa Major constellation; the Ursa Minor bucket is the traces of an elk trying to escape from its pursuers; the first and second stars of the bucket handle are M.'s arrows; the third star of the bucket handle (North Star) is the hole, or hole, through which the elk tried to escape]: Mazin 1984:9-10.

Amur - Sakhalin. Orochi [the hero of Sangimat skied across the sky, leaving a trace - the Milky Way; he stepped on big stars, they crumbled, forming the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper]: Bereznitsky 1999, No. 17:150; Wilta [Ursa Major ("Vault, Barn") - da j and Paule, Ursa Minor - Nuci Paule]: Missonova 2013:188, 193; Nanais [păule (feule ~ fule) 'hung (for yucola) ', DaPaule 'Big Dipper, N'chi Paule 'Little Bear']: Cincius 1975 (2): 360; ulci [păule (n-) 'hung; Ursa Major; Ursa Minor']: Cincius 1975 (2): 360.

Subarctic. Kuchin [Big Dipper - "bench" (yati, the Seat), Little Dipper - yatiqvl ("small bench"), Dragon - "hook, fork" (gaigvlsvt, the Crotch); Bench and Little Bench have begun fight; Hook separated them by stepping between them, so his legs are wide apart; he threw his spear at the Bench, hitting him in the back and almost tearing off his tail; a star in the constellation Ursa Major {obviously Alcor} was a spear wound; the Bench and the Little Bench began to fight; Hook separated them, stepping between them, so his legs were wide apart; he threw his spear into the Bench, hitting him in the back and almost tearing off his tail; a star in the constellation Ursa Major {obviously Alcor} is a spear wound]: McKennan 1965:73.

The Midwest. Winnebago [seven virgins collect sacred herbs; seven warriors guard them; an evil shaman quietly approached virgins disguised as a young man; they report this to the healer; the next once they run; Ma-on (the Creator) takes them to heaven, turns them into the Big Dipper; strikes the pursuer with lightning, makes them the North Star; the healer also throws warriors into the sky, they become Ursa Minor]: Smith 1997:28-30; Steppe Cree [woman knocks on dry wood; snakes crawl out of the hollow, she caresses them; husband watches her; calls snakes with the same signal, cuts off their heads; leaves the smallest (the origin of snakes); tells the eldest son to take the youngest on his back and run; gives them an awl, a stone, a flint, a beaver tooth; sends his wife for meat, curtains the entrance to the hut with a net; a woman finds dead snakes, rushes to the house, gets entangled in the net; her husband cuts off her head; runs to heaven, her body chases him, he turns into a Big Dipper, his wife's body into Little; the wife is forever pursues her husband, but is afraid to approach the North Star, which protects him; the head chases his sons running west; the elder throws an awl (a barbed fence), a stone (a mountain, a huge worm gnaws through the gorge for the Head), flint (a wall of fire), a beaver's tooth (river); he accidentally throws his tooth forward, the river blocks the road; two old bitters stretch their necks like a bridge, brothers cross it; The head steps, causing pain to the Vypi, they throw it into the river; the older brother throws a stone at it, the head turns into a sturgeon]: Ahenakew 1929:309-313.

Northeast. Mikmak [by Chretien LeclercQ (between 1675 and 1683) [Mikmaq's Big and Minor Bear are also Big and Lesser Bears]: Whitehead 1988:233.

Plains. Pawnee: Dorsey 1906, No. 35 (Pitahauirat) [When the Morning Star told people where each of the great gods would stand in heaven, an old man and a young person died; they were placed on a stretcher ( stretchers) and their stars carried them around the North Star; these are Ursa Major and Ursa Minor; the North Star said that someday the Southern Star will rise so high as to grab people carrying these stretcher and then people will die]: 35-36; Fletcher 1903 (skidi) [Big Dipper - four men carry a sick or dead person; Ursa Minor - four people carry a sick child]: 14.

Big Pool. The Northern Payut [Shinob's son (one of the two creators) is a mountain ram; he climbs a high mountain, a rockfall cuts his way back; his father turns him into a North Star; Big and Ursa Minor are mountain sheep walking around this mountain and trying to climb up too]: Palmer 1946:71-75 (Quail in Edmonds, Clark 1989:130-133).

Mesoamerica Quiche: Bassie-Sweet 2008 ["Léxico médico quiché-español" wukub cakix has the designation for seven stars Ursa Major (this is Dennis Tedlock 1985:360); Tedlock 1985:360 and Lamb 1981:243 identify Vukub Kakisha's wife Chimalmat with Little Dipper {Bassie-Sweet further argues this identification}]: 279-280; Milbrath 1999:38 [Both the Pleiades and the Hyades are designated in mots, motz ("handful"); Pleiades - "a handful of corn", Hyades - "a handful of beans"], 274 [Vucub Caquix - Ursa Major; in Popol Vuh, he climbs a tree to proclaim himself the Sun, but Hunahpu hits him with an arrow, ending his reign as a false sun; his wife is Chimalmat; Tedlock believes that the word nahua is associated with chimal ek, or Ursa Minor; in the images In the classical period, the Hun Ahau twins kill the Main Bird Deity, possibly Vukub-Kakisha; VK is the ancestor of the scarlet mako, but the images are more like vulture features].