Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I125. Hyades are the animal's jaw .

Hyades (sometimes possibly the Pleiades or Orion) are the jaw or severed head of a large animal or anthropomorphic creature.

Clemantan, dusun, tetum, hama mapun, bukidnon, carinha, kalinha, makushi, trio, lokono, siona, sekoya, napo, carijona, chayahuita, konibo, shipibo, amuesha, kanamari.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Clemantan [Pleiades - "well", Pegasus - "barn", Aldebaran - pig's jaw]: Hose, MacDougall 1912:139; dusun [people planted yam, Caladium (xanthosome? plants of American origin), beans (there was no rice yet), but wild boars ravaged the garden; in a dream, the old man told the man to make a trap; the boar fell into it, but when the person found it, the meat was already deteriorated; he poked his head with a stick, his jaw fell off; the old man appeared again in his sleep, told him to plant rice; the puru-puru mark on the boar's head with a stick, the jaw and the trap would become constellations; when puru-puru will be a quarter of the sky above the horizon shortly after dark, it's time to plant rice; the por jaw and the blantek trap will follow]: Evans 1913:434-435; tetum [{ the constellation has not been identified, but Orion and the Pleiades have a different interpretation}; the boar ravaged the human field; he ordered his seven sons to guard, but only the youngest killed the boar with a knife; the brothers went home, but the youngest returned for his father's forgotten whetstone; he was captured by enemies; three months later they wanted to kill him, but two birds of prey took him up the tree; the enemies began to cut down the tree, he invited them to stand below, the tree crushed them; the birds lifted the young man to another tree; the same; raised them to the top of Lakan (apparently a mountain); the parents told six sons to take the jaw of the boar, go up to heaven; about the fate of the younger brother is not says]: Vroklage 1952:139.

Taiwan - Philippines. Mapun (hamah) [The Big Dipper is a fish trap with a rope tied to it; if you see many stars, the fishing will be successful; the Pleiades are the pig the spear is aimed at - Orion's Belt; Pleiades mark the beginning of agricultural work; the Milky Way is a snake; the V-shaped pig's jaw is linked to Orion and the hunting myth]: Peralta 2013:213; bukidnon [Magbangal hunter killed wild boars on the mountain; once told his wife that he would clear the plot there; forbid his wife to go with him; in the morning he refused to eat the food prepared by his wife, promising to come by dinner; making a bench in the forest, sat down and told axes and machetes first sharpened themselves on the stone, and then clear the forest; hearing the sound of falling trees, the wife decided that her husband was not working alone and went to see who was with him; as soon as she looked, M. woke up and cut off his own hand with a machete; realized that someone was peeking; told his wife that he would now go up to heaven to tell people the time to sow, and the wife would become fish; Cole's comment: near with the constellation Magbangal, the V-shaped constellation is the jaw of one of the wild boars he killed; the other constellations are hill, axes, bamboo water vessel, Magbangala pet lizard; comm. Emmanuel Salas (http://www.filipinoastrologer.com/magbangal-the-agricultural-guide-of-the-bukidnons/): the constellation M. - Orion {considering that within the annual cycle it rises and enters completely different times, this is very likely; definitely not the Big Dipper}]: Cole 1916:127-129.

Guiana. Carinha, Calinha: Magaña 1983, No. 1 [(Ahlbrinck 1931:433-44; =Jara, Magaña 1983:125); seven brothers chase tapir for a whole year; kill, fry, return to the village; they decide to go to heaven because their sisters are late in cooking; they turn into Sirityo (Pleiades), taking the head of the tapir (Maipuri Yuman) with them into the Giades, a roasting grill ( Sirityo sura-ri) in Pegasus], 2 (Maroni County) [as in (1); the brothers' mother does not prepare meals for them on time]: 32; akawai or kariña of Guyana [Wawaya (wawa means sister, or wife) takes Tapir as a lover; he promises to take her to where heaven meets earth; her husband Serikoai (sirikio means star) climbs a tree for with fruits; when she begins to descend, she cuts off his leg with an ax; his mother cares for him; he walks east on crutches in the footsteps of lovers; kills Tapir with an arrow, cuts off his head; V. and Tapir's spirit flee to heaven, S. after them; V. turns into the Pleiades, Tapir's head into Hyades (Aldebaran - eye), S. into Orion]: Brett 1880:191-200 (=Roth 1915, No. 211:265-266); the tops [seven brothers are forever hungry and they cry; their mother throws their tapir's jaw to eat, calls them lights; they join hands, dance and sing, ascend to heaven; now their mother offers them food; they refuse, but they are not angry with her; become Pleiades {it is not said right at the transformation of the tapir's jaw into Hyades, but it is extremely likely}]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890, No. 6:223-225; translated into Lévi-Strauss 1964, No. 131b: 248; at Koch-Grünberg 1921, No. 45:141-142; trio [Koelewijn, Rivière 1987:30; Orion rises to heaven with a wild pig's jaw and a feather crown; jaw - Hyades]: Magaña 1989a: 212; curl [the Arawaks have the "tapir jaw" constellation (Kamatala); dates back in June {means the Pleiades or the Hyades} when tapirs begin to mate]: Magaña, Jara 1982:116 {link to Penard, Penard 1907: 105, but it's not there on p. 105}.

Western Amazon. If not otherwise: a caiman bites off the leg of one of the two brothers; the brothers turn into small birds as well as a constellation. Siona, Sekoya: Chaves 1958 [Three brothers went hunting, killed a tapir; on the way back they asked Cayman to transport them across the lake; jumping ashore, the latter shouted that Cayman was not theirs a girl, but only a Cayman, Cayman bit off his leg; shamans began to drink yazhe, making the Sun shine and dry the lake; Cayman's stomach was ripped open, the young man was alive but without a leg; all three brothers became to drink the drug, they flew away; the sister refused to drink, the brothers left her at the top of the tree; there she cries, calling her brothers; the caiman's jaw turned into the Pleiades]: 146-147; Vickers 1989 [Baira creates earth after the flood, helps people get out of the ground, kills his father-in-law, who turns into Tapir; B. goes to heaven, tells his nephews to pursue Tapir; they follow the trail of Tapir's excrement, they're all fresher; Cayman carries them across the river, bites off their younger brother's leg; they kill Cayman with an ax, pull out their leg; the Pleiades brothers, the Axe - the Orion Belt, the Hyades - Cayman's jaw, the Milky Way - the trail tapira]: 161-167; Napo: Foletti Castegnaro 1985:57-58; Mercier 1979:28-39 [the wife is pregnant, her month-old husband is missing somewhere; she goes looking for him, asking about the twins route in her stomach; she She picks flowers for the twins, gets bitten by a wasp, she claps her stomach saying they are to blame; the twins fall silent; she comes to the Jaguar grandmother; she hides her under the roof, the woman spits; Murupuma, Puka-Puma can't reach it, Wimba-puma jumps; they eat it, the grandmother asks for giblets, takes it out, hides the twins in the pot; they grow up, call her to the plot where they quickly grew corn; she almost got lost in it; she tells them to bring water, they bring a lot, her grandmother almost drowned; asks for firewood, they bring a lot, firewood has filled her up; they eat wood-grown mushrooms, it turned out that Grandma's ears, she's still alive; the brothers' name is Kuillurkuna ("Stars"); they lured her into a cave with musical instruments, asked her to dance, she sat on a glued bench, stuck; she was closed, she will come out at the end of time; the brothers lured the jaguars to the bridge over the abyss they had dug, brought them down; hid in two rubber bags, let themselves be carried away by the cannibal eagle Anga, who brought them to a nest on a rock; when fell asleep, the eldest killed the male, the youngest did not finish off the female, she flew away to sunset; the duck replied that she could not transport the brothers across the river; Cayman drove, asked what it smelled like; the elder said nothing The youngest does not feel that he smells like caiman; the eldest managed to turn into a fast Suwisuwi bird, and the youngest into a slow Partridge, Cayman bit off his leg; the eldest dried the pond, found him caiman, tore off their jaw, took out their leg, put them back; they climbed the vine into the sky, the eldest became the Evening Star, the Younger became the Morning Star, took the jaw with them (Hyades)], 51 [Hyades - caiman's jaw]; Wavrin 1937 [the man fell into his own trap, hung on a tree, his penis came off, fell; his wife dug a hole for his penis, began to water the chichi, covered it with a vessel; stomped her foot, removed the vessel, the penis came out out of the ground, they copulated; her two sons and daughter wonder why their mother cooks so much chichi; brothers turn into a cicada and a cockroach, watch; later they stomp on the ground like their mother, a penis appears, they they tie him with a rope and tear him off; his mother beats them; the brothers flee to the end of the world where the Morning Star rises; Cayman offers a transfer across the sea, asks if he stinks; they say no; younger The brother sits on Cayman's head, the elder turns into a bird; jumping ashore, the elder shouts to Cayman that he stinks, Cayman bites off the younger's leg; the elder shoots into the sky; the second arrow gets stuck in the sky, then falls into the sea, it dries up; the elder kills all the Caymans, cuts off their tongues; takes his leg out of the latter, his leg grows; continuing their journey, the brothers ask for the excrement of the yns, cuts them off tongues; the last tapira, how long they lie; several years, then a year, six months; when he finds a tapir, the elder pierces a spear; the back of the tapir falls into the water, turns into a manatee, the front into the current tapir; returned to their sister; the elder sent a parrot to make notches in the vine hanging from the sky; the parrot picked up his sister in the basket; the younger brother got up holding four fish; the elder with a harpoon, a forest, and jaws caimana; mother turned into a snake eagle, carried her husband's penis in her beak; siblings and objects turned into constellations; when their coexistence sets, brothers on earth turn into birds]: 611-614; 1979:63-67.

NW Amazon. Carijona [{that the jaw is Hyada is not explicitly stated, but this is likely given neighboring traditions}; the mother tells Tukučimobi (The Sun) and his little brother, a month old, that she will die, tells him cut off her hand, put it in the basket with cassava, hang it over the hearth; when her sons returned from hunting, the food would be prepared; she said that the garden was ruining the agouti, and went to set a trap turned into an agouti, died deliberately trapped; on her paw there was a trace of the place where T. took a sand flea out of his mother's leg the day before; the brothers did as his mother told her, but T. did not believe that the food was eating cooks aguti's paw; tells the kuckuck bird to shout to warn if women appear; but the brothers were far away, did not have time to run; the same with the woodpecker (the brothers noticed the traces of two women); the third time the bird cacambra, the brothers grabbed two women, both wanted a lighter and younger one; T. managed to grab the eldest before she put on her vulture outfit, and the youngest put it on and flew away; because the eldest's clothes were torn, she remains human; in order to take possession of her brother's wife, the Month asks T. to get the parrot's chicks; puts her penis instead of a pole; the erection stops, T. stays in the tree, falls into the hollow; everything the animals were looking for T., the mouse found; rodent animals gnaw through a hole; T. creates a pond, carves two large fish ("whales"; originally catfish) out of wood, fish of all kinds appeared from chips; T. created a dry season for the fruits to burst and the fish to eat them; turned itself into fruit, let the fish swallow itself, went out through the gills, so caught fish, brought it to his wife and children; the Month is ashamed; he went to fish in the same way, fish swallowed it; T. cut many fish before he found a brother in one of them; the month began to beat the fish with a harpoon; tied the tench to an ordinary tree rather than a particularly strong tree, two fish, a male and a female, dragged him away forming the Caquetá River; therefore, it has a wide channel, many islands; T. tried to stop them by creating rapids; T. caught a piece of the Month's leg with a net; the rest of the Month crumbled, so in the sky so many stars; separately in the sky you can see the jaw, head, and leg bones of the Month; people are children like Sun-T. (with lighter skin) and Months (darker; while T.'s wife was owned by his brother, she also gave birth)]: Schindler 1979, No. 1:44-54.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita [Orion - Nunu Paya Nanto ("Nunu's leg"; Nunu - Aguaruna Indians); bright stars in the Orion constellation were people on earth; they fought, killed and ate many others; men The Chaiyahuita went fishing and did not return; the yo'natrashi bird (man) met a beautiful girl ahun, she invited him to her house; yo'natrashi' did not answer her, came back, said where men go; the Chayahuit decided to fight the Awahun, called a kunk woodpecker and an inshi monkey, killed almost all the awahun; the rest rose to heaven to escape and became stars Nunu Paya Nanto; Pleiades - Nunu Ya'pira ("Nunu eyes"); Hyades - Taya Kuvirato' (thaya - "white caiman", kuvirato' - "jaw")]: Shlyakhtinsky 2008; conibo [caiman swallows one of the brothers; they kill a caiman, make a boat out of its bones; take the swallowed leg with them; climb the vine into the sky, turn into a constellation]: Castañeda 1923:405; shipibo [caiman bites off younger brother's leg, brothers turn into constellations]: Eakin et al. 1986 [into stars]: 37; Gebhaert-Sayer 1987:63 [three brothers looking for father or chasing tapir; shooting at the sky, make a chain of arrows, climb it; the eldest turns into the Pleiades, the middle into the Hare, the youngest, whose leg was bitten off by the Cayman, into Orion; Hyades is the head of the caiman], 350-351 [lonely young man uses calebasa instead of his wife; she becomes a woman, gives birth to three sons; they sit on a tree and eat fruits; Tapir constantly comes and asks for fruit for themselves; they throw unripe fruit at his head; he knocks on the trunk, making it fat; brothers go down as ants; follow the tapir's trail; ask his excrement or the trees that have grown from them when the tapir passed; a year, six months, a month, ten days ago, a day ago; he's here; the eldest turns into an ant, climbs into the tapir's anus, hurts his heart; brothers are fresh in the carcass; everyone tries to be a pot to cook meat; only the older one can to withstand the heat for a long time; they ask the Duck to transport them across the river; she replies that her boat is small; Cayman asks not to step on his head; his younger brother steps, Cayman grabs him by the leg, drags him under water; the Sloth drains the river, the brothers take the youngest's corpse out of the caiman's womb; the leg is not enough; they shoot at the sky, make a chain of arrows; Termite and Little Squirrel are afraid to climb, the Big Squirrel returns says the sky is good; the turtle turns the chain into a ladder; the brothers take Cayman's head and brother's corpse, go up to heaven]; Roe 1982, No. 7 [the old man (this is Tapir) makes a boat under the Guava tree; children , sitting on a tree, they throw fruits at it; the old man kicks him with his foot, the tree grows huge; children turn into ants, descend on leaves, then become human again; follow the old man's trail, asking for directions from the genip trees; they find more and more fresh tapir droppings; one became an ant, climbed a tapir in the ass, cut his heart; the tapir died; one turned into a pot, meat was cooked in it; everyone tried but only the strongest could withstand the heat; they had to cross the river; the man sent a boat, a caimana; sitting on his back, the brothers thought what to become, they chose birds; one decided to become a bird panguana; on the coast, the caiman bit off both his legs; Panguana is part of Orion, without legs; all turned into Pleiades, Hyades, Orion's Belt], 8 [at night the young man masturbates to a calebasa; his mother began to put him one at a time and throw it away; two boys came out of the broken calebas; they ask who killed their mother; the grandmother replies that Lightning; they killed the Lightning Spirit; they ask again if they threaten to kill the grandmother herself; she replies that Tapir killed ; they found Tapir from fresh droppings; the youngest became an ant, climbed Tapira into his anus, cut off his heart; the eldest cut the tapir's stomach, released the youngest; the youngest turned into a pot to cook meat; the eldest puts it on the fire, then in the water; the meat is cooked; the Sloth promised to call a bird that will transport the brothers across the river; the bird asks not to step on the bow of her boat; the elder listened, the youngest stepped on the shore, the boat turned into a caiman, bit off his leg; the Sloth dried the river with a magic spear, the eldest cut off the caiman's jaw, took out his brother's leg; returning to his grandmother, the brothers again ask who killed their mother; she replies that they will receive the answer in heaven; the brothers climbed a chain of arrows, the eldest in his hands is the jaw of Caiman, Hyada]: 62-63, 63-66; Waisbard 1959 [into the Pleiades]: 67; amuesha [Yompor Pencoll understood into the sky, playing the flutes and dancing, became Orion's Belt (good constellation); his father-in-law Oncoy (the name is borrowed from Quechua} sang and beat the drum, became the Pleiades (evil constellation); on the way he remembered that he had forgotten tapir's jaw, came back for it; tapir's jaw became Hyades]: Santos-Granero 1989:102 (=1991:70, =1992:117); kanamari: Carvalho 2002 [caiman jaw - Taurus (i.e. clearly Hyades), Pleiades - scorpion, which determine the beginning of the year]: 286; Reesink 1989 [Pleiades are the jaw of a tapir; the Pleiades determine the beginning of the year; {since informants' knowledge of the starry sky was flawed, it is possible that The Pleiades were mixed with the Hyades}]: 123-124.