Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I126. Funeral stretcher constellation. .13.17. (.19.) . (.45.) .46.

The Ursa Major or other circumpolar constellation is a stretcher carrying a dead or sick person, a body prepared for burial, and a grave.

Tigres, Arabs of Western Asia and Sinai, Bodo, Garo, Dhuri caste (Middle India), Persians, Tajiks (Panjshir), Shugnans, Western Evenks, Yakuts, (Seneca), Santi, Omaha, osage, kuapo, pawnee, arikara.

Sudan - East Africa. Tigre [True Seven (Big Dipper) are brothers; Gah (North Star) came and killed one; came to Qeren (two Dragon stars), asked him to be his client, otherwise Seven will kill him in revenge for his brother; so Queren is between the North Star and the Ursa Major to prevent them from getting together; Seven put the victim on a funeral stretcher; three carry in front, three behind; the weakest star in Where the bucket joined the handle, he was killed; they swore not to bury the victim until they took revenge]: Littmann 1910, No. 46:61-63.

Western Asia. Arabs (written tradition): Ahmad ibn Majid 1985 [Ahmad ibn Majid's Book of Benefits of the Fundamentals and Rules of Marine Science, written in 1475-1490: The Big Dipper - "The Hearse", "Bó" the greater Virgo Hearse"; some stars of the Ursa Major are "Hearses"; "The Hearse is the common name for all seven [its stars]. When you add Two Ravens, Two Wolves and Two Overtakers {= α, β}, which are located at its front, it is called the Big Bear, and all the stars around it are Gazelles and theirs Cubs {= ō, A, π, ρ, ∞, d}, their Jumps and Watering Hole. And when you separate the first four [stars], called the Lodge {= α, β, γ, δ}, from the Hearse, the three [others] are called Virgos {= ω,, α}, or rather, they are the sons of the Hearse. As the poet said in his poem: "The hearse virgins walk around like they are antelopes with cubs behind them." The first of the seven [stars] is called the front Hearse {= α}, the second is the Second, the Third and the Fourth [- respectively], and the Two Lame, because they are behind the first two: a separate fourth they call Hidden: it is hidden between the two front Hearses: when it comes into independence above them, they also fall into equilibrium from the west below it, they throw off a full three [fingers], and the rest you have the true north, wherever you are. The fifth is called the Bay, and the sixth is called the Goat, because she stretches her neck to the Neglected One: The neglected is called the Hearse and the Faithful. The fifth Hearse, with its sixth essence, is the ark keel {"i.e. their configuration served as the prototype for Noah's Ark's keel"}; they are measured in the Sofalian country when Taurus is invisible. The seventh Hearse is called the Counselor, it is not far from the Dandy: they are measured and pointed out. They all gather at the Hearse in the image of the Big Bear: the small stars near them, which exceed six sizes, are called the Gazelles with their Cubs. When the High-Ranking and Taurus hide, the seventh Hearse with the Dandy are excellent variables in southern climates, like the Dandy and the Old Camels in northern climates"]: 64, 228, 252-254, 285 , 259, 266-267, 277-278, 281-282, 284-285, 287, 298-299, 333, 336, 339, 406, 479-480; Sulaiman al-Mahri 2011 [treatise "The Mahrian Support for the Accurate Definition of (Fundamentals) of Marine Sciences" by Sulaiman al-Mahri, dating back to the first half of the 16th century; Ursa Major has been repeatedly called the "Hearse"; "Hearse (Ursa Major): the first two stars of this constellation are called the Front, the third Basket, the fourth Hidden, the fifth Rich, the sixth Hug (because she hugs the Les Miserables {Alcor}, and the Les Miserable is called An-Na'sh and al-Saidak), the seventh is the Counselor. They have other names as well. The third and fourth stars are called the Two Chrome stars because they are behind the first ones. The first four are called the Lodge, and the last three are Virgos (Mourners); the Bed is also called the Hearse"]: 35, 38-39, 43-44, 50, 52-54, 56-59, 63-64, 70-72, 78, 82, 84-85, 95, 97, 104-105, 109-110, 113, 116, 118-121; Allen 1899 [Christian Arabs: Lazarus's funeral stretcher (bier); three star pens - Mary, Martha, and Ellamath following them; Arabs of the Persian Gulf: Al Jadi - North Star, he killed Na'ash; his children, including his daughter Mizar with the Alcor child in her arms, want revenge, and Suhail {Canopus?} trying to help; in Syria {Big Dipper} is still called "Funeral Stretcher"; in Arabia, four stars Bucket - Big Coffin]: 432-433; Iraqi Arabs (Baghdad) [ The Children of the Coffin follow the North Star in a funeral procession]: Stark, 57 in Henninger 1954:91; Iraqis (Baghdad) [Children of the Coffin follow the North Star in a funeral procession]: Stark, 57th in Henninger 1954:91; the Bedouins of Sinai and the Negev Desert [four stars of the bucket are burial roads (bier), the three star pens are the daughters of the deceased; the legend of the "daughters of funeral roads" (Banāt An-Na'sh) Known since pre-Islamic times (6th century); "daughters" are dragging and wanting revenge on the murderer (North Star), but they mistakenly suspect the distant Canopus; this story is used in poetry]: Bailey 1974:583-584 ; Rosenfeld 1962 [our names for the stars Ursa Major Alcaid and Benetnash are a distortion of the Arabic words "al-kaid banat na'sh" - "leader of the daughters of the funeral stretcher"; the Arabs counted 7 stars of the Big Female bears in a funeral procession with a funeral stretcher and mourners]: 177; Western Asian Arabs (without specifying the group) [Ursa Minor: The North Star (the star at the end of Ursa Minor's tail) ) - Goat; two stars in front of Ursa Minor - two Calves; inconspicuous lentil-shaped stars between the end and the Calves - fish or millstones (they revolve around the North Star); four stars Big Dipper Bucket - Funeral Stretcher, Pen Stars - Daughters of the Funeral Stretcher: Leader, Goat and Next to Her Missed (Alcor), Black Horse (at the root of the handle); under the Daughters of the Funeral The stretcher on the legs of the Ursa Major is a small pair of stars - Gazelle jumps (i.e. their hooves); in front of the Daughters of the Burial Stretcher of the Ursa Major Star in the form of a semicircle - Pond]: Biruni 1975:71- 72.

(Wed. Melanesia. Siouai (Bougainville) [stars are spirits with the same word as fireflies (keva), associated with death; one of the constellations is a group of spirits going to the cremation site and carrying a pig; meteors - the souls of high-ranking people hurrying to their ancestral sanctuaries]: Oliver 1955:68).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bodo [Orion - people carrying a funeral stretcher]: S.I. Ryzhakova, field materials, February 2006; garo [goddess Noreknak Norekdim gave birth to various gods and various living beings except humans; among them son Salgra (sun) and daughter Misi Susime (moon); when they were children, they quarreled about their future partners and sprayed duct wax on each other; Salgra he washed himself right away, and MS decided to wait for her mother to show how her brother treated her; her mother came and told her to go wash immediately; but the wax could not be washed off, he remained (on the face of the moon); NN gave birth various animals, then plants; the MC also invited her to give birth to fire; NN went to the goddess of death and stepped on something prepared for the funeral fire; then conceived fire; giving birth to him, died; the MC became angry and threw fire far into the lower world; sent a servant to the seventh tier of the lower world to bring a mat; the deceased was placed on a mat for the first time; two roosters were tied to his toes; now it's the Dohsutot constellation; feathers are also stuck in my head - now they're comets; two beauties have come, MC turned them into Castor and Pollux; we need to light a funeral fire; MS sent a crocodile for fire; swimming across the sea, the crocodile could not withstand the heat and dived, the fire returned to the lower world; the crocodile remained in the water, burns on its back remained; then the squirrel carried fire on its tail, lowered its tail into the water, the fire He returned again, the squirrel's tail turned red; the MC sent her younger brother for fire; the fire still did not go, but explained how to extract it by friction or carving - then his servant would appear; the funeral fire was set on fire, now it is the constellation of Pegasus; Cassiopeia is the body carried to the fire; the sacrificial bull was led; he was afraid of the noise and ran away; his hooves were the Milky Way; the raven cleaned at the end of the ceremonies, the dishes got dirty and turned black; everyone who now has black faces was then smeared with soot; the bat penetrated the Sun's wife, the Moon, and smeared her too; the Sun chased him while he did not hide into the cave where his descendants now live; the Sun made animals, birds, insects, reptiles speechless so that they would not complain or beg not to kill them]: Rongmuthu 1960:205-212.

South Asia. Dhuri (Middle India, including Chattigarh) [Big Dipper is a stretcher owned by an old woman; three thieves decided to steal them, God placed them forever with a stretcher on sky]: Krappe 1938:149.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians ("Lily and Majnun" by Nizami Ganjavi, 1188) ["The Star Lonely, like lonely travelers, /Shone on the crown of the South. /The throne sat over his subjects, /And the Third, an amazing thing, is below the Fourth" (from the commentators: "The Throne" (sarr. ) - this refers to sarr-i falak ("heavenly throne"), otherwise an-nash al-kubra ("large funeral stretcher"), four stars in the constellation Ursa Major. In a broad sense, this is the name of this whole constellation. It is closest to the Pole and therefore is presented as rising above the "subjects" (tāwabi) - constellations and lunar houses"); "A compass rotated around those who bypass the firma/The compass rotated Daughters of the Funeral Stretcher. /A Quran Reader was riding next to the Funeral Stretcher, /Would a Quran reader leave a funeral stretcher?" (from the commentators: "Passing the Sky" (falak-navardān) are stars. The daughters of the Funeral Stretcher (banāt-i nash) are three stars in the constellation Ursa Minor. According to Dastgirdi, these stars are compared to a compass because they are close to the Pole, the point from which the celestial circle is drawn. <... > Quran reader (kār) - according to Dastgirdi, the name of the star next to the Funeral Stretcher"); "It was at the beginning of that [letter] with a happy destiny/Vladyka's name, y Who has no partner, /Knower of the secret and the obvious, /The one who put a precious stone in granite, /Who rules the sky and its stars, /Owns the Funeral Stretcher and Their Daughters" (from the comment. translators: "Funeral Stretchers and Their Daughters" - stars of the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor"): Nizami 2008:433-434, 455; Tajiks (Panjshir) [Ursa Major - Noah's Tomb (Kabr I-Nu)]: Andreev 1927e: 65; Shugnans [recorded by student Sultonnazarova Mavluda from her grandmother, a resident of K. Manem (Shugnan) Lutfaliyeva Mushkinoz; seven stars in the sky, similar to each other, are called Seven Brothers; they are sons of Hazrat and Muhammad; when XM passed away, four brothers carried a stretcher (with dead), the fifth performed "falak" behind a stretcher, the sixth carried the sheep, and the latter drove the sheep; if you watch closely, you can see a small star near the sixth star, this is that sheep; some say that the stars {Ursa Major} call Seven Brothers because they are always wandering, and the star behind everyone and shining dimly is the youngest of the brothers]: Lashkarbekov 2008.

Eastern Siberia. Western Evenks (Turukhansky: Baikit District, village. Kuyumba, west in 1928) [Delyach (Sun) has Bag's wife (Luna), a young son; on the migration, B. and the baby were driving far behind; Oshikta (some star) came out to meet him, asked why D. was not expecting his wife; went to her; she told who went to the freaky for a forgotten bag, during which time the deer trampled on the child's shakiness; they all went to Amak in heaven to ask him to revive the child, in front of D., followed by B. and O. carry shakiness with the dead as a child; they can be seen in the sky; D. climbs the mountain in the morning, walks all day, goes down in the evening, he is not visible; at this time they climb Mount B. and O.]: Osharov 1936a: 53-57 (retelling with a commentary in Voskoboynikov 1981 [right: Dylacha, Bega]: 224); Yakuts (central?) [Ursa Major - Arangass; same word for polaty on four pillars where shamans are buried]: Potanin 1884:225.

Plains. Santi [the hunter died in the forest; four people took him - that's four stars of the bucket; the three stars of the pen are his wife and children]: Wallis 1923:44; Sioux (the band is not a decree.) [" according to J.O. Dorsey, the four stars of the Big Dipper bucket are a funeral stretcher carried by four people, followed by mourners; the second star of the bucket handle is Little Sister with infant {Alcor} in arms]: McClintock 1910:523 in Lankford 2007:152; Omaha, Osage [Ursa Major - Wa'-ba-ha, "stretcher" ("crucifix"); Omaha explain what they put on such a dead man's stretcher, carried by four relatives]: La Flesche 1889:9 in Lankford 2007:153; kuapo [Ursa Major bucket is the body of the deceased in the grave; the pen star closest to the bucket is the person who brought food to the deceased; the second star is a woman who comes for food and her crying baby for her; {maybe the baby is Alcor?}] : Dorsey 1895:130; Pawnee: Dorsey 1906, No. 35 (Pitahauirat) [when the Morning Star told people where each of the great gods would stand in heaven, an old man and a young person died; they were placed on stretchers and stars carried them around the North Star; they are Ursa Major and Ursa Minor; the North Star said that someday the Southern Star will rise so high as to grab people carrying this stretcher and then people will die]: 35-36; Fletcher 1903 (skidi) [Ursa Major - four men carrying a sick or dead person; Ursa Minor - four people carrying a sick child]: 14; Lankford 2007 [based on archival materials from Dorsey et al., Chamberlain 1982:109-111 showed that the four stars of the bucket are porters carrying a funeral stretcher, are the shaman, his wife, and Errand Man; Alcor - shaman's wife's dog]: 154; arikara [some constellation (the informant did not remember which one) appears in February and is called Invalid being carried]: Parks 1996:106-107 (quoted in Lankford 2007:154).

(Wed. Northeast. Seneca [at the time of the first people there were 7 brothers, one was lazy; said he could not stand up, four carried him on a stretcher, one walked in front with a torch, one behind him with a pot; the man in front noticed the bear's tracks; the man lying asked him to drool so that they could give him some of their strength; five rushed after the bear, the seventh began to collect firewood for the fire; brothers They said that they could not carry the lazy man, they left him; he jumped up, rushed forward full of strength, hacked a bear with an ax, refreshed him; they began to cook the bear, saw that they were in the sky; blood and fat were shed, they painted the autumn foliage; every year the bear comes to life and everything repeats itself; in the constellation Ursa Major, a man with a pot is a star in the middle of the bucket handle]: Parker 1989 [1923], No. 4:81-82).