Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I127. The Big Dipper - bed.

Big Bear - bed, couch.

Beja, Nubians, Sudanese Arabs, Arabs (written tradition), Baiga, Seraiks (Multani), Rajastans, Santals, Haria, Sora, Gondas, Kolam, Dhiri village (Hindi or Marathi, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh border), Telugu, Tajiks, Pashtuns, Braguis, Kafirs, Dardas, Udmurts, Baikal Evenks.

Sudan - East Africa. Nubians (dongola) [áțgarț'bed, bed skeleton; Big Bear'; áz/gar․óssinč () 'bed legs; Big Bear']: Armbruster 1965:16, 164; beja (Amar'ar dialect) [an - gareeb, gareeb, angi 'Big Dipper" (dosl. 'bed, bed skelet')]: Blažek 2006:389; Sudanese Arabs: Aglen 1936 [four star bucket - dead man on the bed; three star handles - his three daughters; closest to the bucket holds his father's leg]: 354-355 ; Owen 1933 (north of White Nile Province) [bucket handle stars: three concubines ("gurias") at the Sultan's bedroom; {apparently, the bucket is the bed; the first star of the bucket handle is the plump and cutest girl; in the text this is just about her, because we are talking about a calendar and this star is one of the most significant celestial objects observed for the annual cycle}]: 69.

Western Asia. Arabs (written tradition): Ahmad ibn Majid 1985 [Ahmad ibn Majid's Book of Benefits of the Fundamentals and Rules of Marine Science, written in 1475-1490: "The Hearse is a common name for all seven [ its stars] {i.e. the stars of the Ursa Major}. When you add Two Ravens, Two Wolves and Two Overtakers {= α, β}, which are located at its front, it is called the Big Bear, and all the stars around it are Gazelles and theirs Cubs {= ō, A, π, ρ, ∞, d}, their Jumps and Watering Hole. And when you separate the first four [stars] from the Hearse, called the Lodge {= α, β, γ, δ}, the three [others] are called Virgos {= ε,, α}, or rather, they are the sons of the Hearse"]: 299; Sulaiman al-Mahri 2011 [the treatise "The Makhrian Support for the Accurate Definition of (Fundamentals) of Marine Sciences" by Sulaiman al-Mahri, dating first half of the 16th century: "Hearse (Ursa Major): the first two stars of this constellation are called Front, the third Basket, the fourth Hidden, the fifth Rich, the sixth Hug (because it hugs The Outcast {Alcor}, and the Outcast is called An-Na'sh and As-Saidak), the seventh is the Counselor. They have other names as well. The third and fourth stars are called the Two Chrome stars because they are behind the first ones. The first four are called the Bed, and the last three are Virgins (Mourners); the Bed is also called the Hearse"]: 44.

South Asia. Seraiki (multani) [palag pihra or kh āț'Big Dipper" (dosl. 'bed, bed')]: O'Brien 1903:6; mundari [kumřu h ār ipil 'Big Dipper" (dosl. 'bedstead thief star')]: Bhaduri 1994:98; baiga: Elwin 1938 [The Moon is the Sun's wife; since she was also his sister, the couple decided to separate; their bed ran away in shame; Nanga Baiga broke He placed him in the sky with a hammer; a bed with broken legs - the Big Dipper]: 156; 1939 [1) The Big Dipper is the bed on which the corpse is carried; when carried out, it is dark, the night when they bring in, it is day; carrying the body, people always cut the bed with axes; that's why the fragments of the bed are scattered across the sky; 2) seeing the queen (just a woman), the king (gonde) jumped off the couch so sharply that her leg broke off]: 335; santals [Big Dipper is an old woman's bed and thieves who came to steal a frying pan; the farthest star is a ridiculous thief, standing at a distance not to laugh at everyone (according to Census of India, p.101)]: Elwin 1939:335 (note 1); haria [Big Dipper - feet from bed]: Roy 1937:431; Dhiri village (Hindi or Marathi, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh border; in the database, conditionally referred to as Marathi) [Big Dipper is a bed with three thieves tied to her (by Russel & Hiraral: II, p.529)]: Elwin 1939:335 (note 1); sora (Gajapati District, Srinivas Gomango Informant, Christian, d. Nouagada) [sandi tui (sandi - charpai, Indian ottoman, consisting of a rectangular frame with four legs and a flat part of a rope wound around the frame, tui is a star). Four stars in the form of a rectangle, i.e. the bucket is a charpai, the first star of the bucket handle is a rope, the second is a man, and the third is a tiger waiting for a person. Legend has it that there was a man who had everything: buffaloes, goats, chicken, but had nothing to sleep on. He decided to make himself a charpai. To do this, I cut off bamboo and made a rope out of special grass - all this happened on Tuesday. He made a frame and started wrapping a rope, but at that time a tiger crept up to him and took it away. The man's relatives went to ask the priest why the tiger ate the man. He said that people should not cut rubbish on Tuesday because Tuesday is a day of fire, Tuesday is not allowed to engage in slash-and-burn agriculture, cut down trees and cut plants, because otherwise the tiger will lose its home]: Krylova, Renkovskaya 2017, field materials; gondas [Big Dipper: three thieves (bucket handle stars) want to steal a bed (four bucket stars) whose legs made of gold, silver and copper]: Vahia et al. 2019:55; kolam [four bucket stars: couch; three pen stars: kolam, gonda and pardhan (chief) got up from the couch]: Vahia et al. 2019:55; Telugu : Hiebert 1971 [(Western 1963-1965); Big Dipper - Four legs of a merchant's bed with gold buried under it; three thieves sneak up to steal it]: 95; Rauschenbusch-Clough 1899 [four stars the Big Dipper bucket is the bed of an Arunzodi girl who rose to heaven (the brahmana was looking for a woman who could turn sand into rice by faith; A. put rice in one pot, iron in the other, began to cook, in rice was in one pot, curry in the other; but A. was from a caste whose members eat cow meat; brother A. wanted to kill her and the brahmana, since A. was going to disturb the purity of their caste; then A. cursed her caste by making their outcasts); the three stars of the pen are three thieves; they have already dragged the bed, so it twisted]: 56.

Iran - Central Asia. Bragui [katathāk 'Big Dipper; bed, bed {bedsteads} ')]: Bray 1986:162; Tajiks (Charikar city, thirty miles north of Kabul) [Big Dipper - Bed ( Chor-poy). Alpha, beta, gamma, delta - the legs of a wide bed. Epsilon is a sheep, zeta is a wolf who wants to eat a sheep, this one is an old woman (pirazan) who drives away a wolf]: Andreev 1927e:65; Tajiks (Khodzhent County, Samarkand Province) [Big Dipper - A broken bed (Choilob-i Wyron). Alpha, beta, gamma, delta - crooked bed legs. Other stars include a fleeing apprentice (shogird) who made his legs wrong and pursuing his master (ustod)]: Andreev 1927e:65; Pashtuns [budy kat 'The Big Dipper '( dosl. 'old lady bed')]: Abayeva 1978:110; kafirs: Konow 1913 (kati) [pru sh t 'Big Dipper; bed, bed']: 231; Robertson 1896 (band not specified) [name Big Bear Bears - Prusht (bed, bed); the first tail star is the husband, the second is the wife, the third is the lover {or the mistress}]: 658; dardas (kohistani) [p ālg 'Big Dipper (dosl. 'bed skelet'); š{ and two other similar dialect variants} 'bed, bed; group of stars as part of the Ursa Major ']: Zoller 2005:278, 386.

Volga - Perm. Udmurts [Big Dipper - Jack-Cook (furniture leg table, i.e. four-legged table]: Potanin 1884:225.

Eastern Siberia. "Tungus" (southeastern Evenks?) [Big Dipper - Saktãwun ("bed")]: Potanin 1883:712; Baikal Evenks (probably Nerchinsk) [s äkt äwun 'Big Dipper" (dosl. 'bed, bed')]: Castrén 1856: XV, 100; Yakuts (central?) [Ursa Major - Arangass; same word for polaty on four pillars where shamans are buried]: Potanin 1884:225.