Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I132. To the sky through the antlers of a deer. .29. (.33.) .34.37.

The deer rests its horns against the sky, and a person climbs them into the upper world.

Abkhazians, Georgians, (Kazakhs), Dagurs, Nanais, Udege.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [the hunter tears flowers behind the fence, brings flowers to his sister; they satiate; in his absence, his sister is taken away by the flower owner, the dragon Agulshap; he falls asleep, she asks God to save her, and ends up in the room ; a young man gets up from the coffin, goes back to the tomb for a day; when he died, God was able to resurrect him for his father-king only at night; the husband sends his wife to give birth to his father; a son was born, bit a nipple a mother, forced to say who comes to her at night; a young man sends her to the end of the world; a husband and wife lie on a hatchet, others push on a wide skin; a skinny bull is among the best food, obese without food; the deer suffers - one horn rests on the ground, the other against the sky; the young man climbs his horn into the sky; the mother of the Sun and Moon hides the young man from them, gives them water with which they washed, and he will resurrect his father with it; the deer killed animals, promises not to do so, released, the young man is lucky; the obese bull did not complain about work during his lifetime, the skinny one was dissatisfied; friendly spouses during his lifetime are not cramped on the axe, grumpy cramped skin; a young man disguises himself as a shepherd, resurrects his father; general feast]: Bgazhba 2002:121-128; Georgians: Epiphany 1894a, No. 7 (Imereti) [angels tell the girl that her three brothers will soon die : the eldest is hunting, the middle is fishing, the youngest on the wedding day - a snake will crawl out of the new shoes; if the sister tells, he will turn into a pole of salt; the eldest was killed by a deer while hunting, the middle one drowned in the river; before At the wedding, the sister throws her brother's shoes into the fire, the monster screams; the brother's wife considers his sister a sorceress, the sister says she is stony; the brother leaves to look for a way to revive her; sees bad a bull grazing on the succulent grass; a woman holding bread in her hands but screaming in hunger; another woman sweeps rubbish and the wind brings it back into the house; a deer with one horn in the clouds and the other in into the ground; he tells his horns to climb into heaven; a young man comes to an old woman; she promises to ask angels about the fate of the young man's sister and those he met along the way; the bull is bad he worked, let him get drunk from the spring; the woman did not let the poor give out all her bread; the other did evil, we must take the garbage out the back door; the deer killed her older brother and others, let he will put the upper horn behind his back, then he will pull out the lower one; the young man sprinkled his sister with water, which the angels used to wash her feet, she came to life]: 56-65; Jaliashvili 1970 [mother found three grains, three sons plowed three fields, bread he was born, but the thunderer Elia hit the younger field with hail; he came to the rich man, promised to collect his bread in a day if he gave half the harvest; he did not have time to tie the last sheaf when the sun went down; An unlucky man is hired for three years to herd a deer for half a flock if all the sheep are intact; on the last day, the wolf carries one sheep; three heavenly girls go down to swim, the Unlucky one grabbed one, took as a wife; the ring of the heavenly maiden fulfills wishes; the king tells the servant to fry the pheasant; the servant sees the Unlucky Man's wife, gets stunned, the pheasant is burned; the king sees the beautiful woman himself, sends her husband for ferocious milk buffalo, he brings her; the king orders to take a jug of buffalo milk, go up to the plane tree, go down, the milk should become yogurt; the wife orders to dip the ring in the jug; the king orders him to be brought to wife's eldest daughter of the Sun; The unlucky one goes for the ring; the fish asks to know why it is so inflated, the plowmen why the share breaks, the shepherds why the sheep die; the unlucky one climbs into heaven on poplar growing on the head of a deer; the Sun and the Moon are the father-in-law and mother-in-law of the Unlucky One; he beat Elijah and the wolf; the sun apologized, promised to help; the fish must be hit - a bag of money in his belly; change the share from wooden to iron; sheep must be sheared in spring; the tsar should be told to turn into a hare, the viziers into wolves; this is what happened]: 22-30; Mashurko et al. 1904, No. 3 [the eldest daughter asks her father to buy a dress, medium the all-seeing mirror, the youngest the rose of paradise; the father steals a rose from Davy, who tells her youngest daughter to be given in return, calls her "Rose of Paradise"; in Davy's house, she hears him telling her sister to slaughter PP; she herself Sister Davy cuts and cooks, runs away, throws a mirror (glass forest), a comb (a forest of combs), scissors (scissor forest); PP hides in a house whose doors do not open to Davy; there is a coffin with the prince, alive at night; servants bring him food; RR cleans the house, the prince finds her; when it is time for her to give birth, he sends her with his ring to his father; she gives birth, the prince, his parents, comes at night they catch, in the afternoon he dies again; the wife goes to the Sun, to which her sister is married; on the way she meets the suffering (the king's wife is suffering from childbirth, a man is standing in the middle of a burning bakery, the deer rests its horns on sky); she rises horns to heaven; The Sun does not kill the one who comes when she learns that she is his wife's sister; gives water to buy the prince, tells the woman in labor to be put on straw, the person to leave the burning bakery, deer bend his head; everyone is happy]: 27-35; Stepanov 1893 [a servant sent to the mother of the Sun to find out why the mistress cannot be born; on the way, the ploughman asks why his cattle are so difficult to drag iron plow; Sheep entangled in thorns - how can it free itself; shepherd - why his sheep run away; Wolf - why shepherds catch up and beat him; Deer supporting the sky with horns (that's why he doesn't can move), tells him to ask him to be rid of such horns; allows him to rise to heaven by her horns; to prevent the Sun from killing a person, the mother of the Sun turns him into a needle; answers her son that the human spirit comes from the ground; The sun tells the mother about the unusual, explains that 1) the woman in labor should be put on hay, surrounded with a goat hair rope, put iron things next to her, call the person who frees the frog from the snake's mouth must tell the mother and child to separate; 2) the ploughman must make a plow out of wood, leaving the cutter and rod iron; 3) people must shear the sheep to those long hair did not get entangled in thorns; 4) the shepherd must sprinkle the herd with the blood of the black sheep, the sheep will stop running away; 5) The wolf must kick, splashing mud on the shepherd, he will stop running like this quickly; 6) The deer must rub its antlers every three years, they will fall off, new ones will grow up; the mother of the Sun tells the person to first go down the antlers, then only give advice to the Deer; the person gives advice; the mud that fell on the shepherd's feet has become a kneecap, and since then the legs have bent less than before]: 129-135.

(Wed. Turkestan. Kazakhs [the famous hunter Buldymergen sees a golden deer in the mountains; he asks not to shoot, turns into an old man; his son is a khan of the underworld, there is a gorge with a seven-headed dragon, every week he takes a girl, a boy and ten rams; the poison does not work on him, only B. can master it; B. takes his diamond sword, lets himself be sucked into the dragon's mouth, cuts it with a sword, receives it as a reward treasures, coming home]: Bosingen 1984:94-95).

Mongolia. Dagurs [in the north, Chunjina is Hungduledi Mergen's older sister; his fiancée is Tarelan, third daughter of Tulamir Mergen; in the south, Archuni Mergen with three wives; while XM is not at home, A. took his sister away; she I managed to write about it in blood; XM jumps to save her; the horse tells me to kill the guards and spies AM - a boar, an owl, a snake; the snake must be hit from the inside by cutting his heart; XM jumps into his mouth, hurts his heart, but the snake's blood poisoned him, he lies breathless; the horse resorts to TM for help, he rides his 8-legged horse, but cannot defeat AM; his daughter tries unsuccessfully to revive XM; he is revived by a heavenly maiden ; XM marries both; kills AM's sons, after a hard battle, himself, then his three wives; brings his sister home, but during this time her heavenly wife and two children were taken to heaven by her heavenly father; XM climbs there from East Mountain through deer antlers that have grown to the sky; finds sons and wife; wife gives a hat to protect her head and feather to moderate heat or cold; father-in-law offers challenges; strongmen beat XM with iron sticks on the head (the hat is protected); he is put in an icy cellar, then in a hot cellar (the pen is warmed and cooled); he gets a wife, and they and their children go back to the ground through the antlers of the deer; they live well; XM's sister married a good hunter]: Bender, Su Huana 1984:69-82.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanai (Naikha) [a complex text with numerous transformations of heroes; at the source of the river, the Goyala (Fanged) and Soyala (Horned) trees; Mergen puts the head and tail of a snake in their mouths; they they call themselves his helper spirits; one moves, raises his shaggy horns to the sky, Mergen rises to heaven through a hole in heaven through these horns]: Aurora 1986, No. 30:188-196; the Udege : Arsenyev 1995 (1): 117-120 [(=Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 103:265-467, referring to Arsenyev 1917-1925, No. 1:701-705); old man Kanda hides his daughter in a box; When he asks her to be married, K. demands to bring her from heaven sunlight; E. meets a fox with two, then 11 tails; shoots 10, since then the fox has one tail; brings K.; he replies that he does not need fox tails, but sunlight; E. goes again; two birds fight over the nest, E. reconciles them, makes them a second nest; fish in shallow water, E. lets it into the water; meets Brother K.; he promises to help if E. sprinkles a bag of chumiza by the sea and then collects it; birds collect; pour a bag of abdu (coppers) into the sea, collect the fish; brother K. asks him to give his daughter, but K. demands sunlight again; the old woman gives a small saw; E. will meet a bear, a wild boar, an elk, lying without moving; then red deer with horns to the sky; the bear's teeth grew into the ground, E. sawed them off, the bear is grateful; tells the deer to climb into the sky by the horns, saw off on the way back; in the sky it is necessary to bow to the Month, he will help; E. sawed off the boar's fangs, but he left without thanking; in heaven, the old man (obviously the Month) gives a parcel, tells him not to open it on the way; going down to the ground, E. saws off the horns deer, he is grateful; runs a bundle through the wool, now the red deer's ass is red; E. gave the bundle to K., took the girl; K. and his wife unfolded, burned down; after marrying, E. gave the tiger a beautiful shirt (since then that striped), the tiger taught her how to hunt well; the magpie helped E., he gave her clothes too], 124-131 [{probably the Udege people, but perhaps the Orochi; Arsenyev did not share the Udege and Oroch texts at first}; boy tells his father that he will go looking for a wife in heaven (the name of both son and father is Egda); birds are fighting over the nest, E. makes a second nest, the birds are grateful, since then they have been able to make nests; E. takes those who find themselves on fish shoals into the river; measures wild boar fangs of the right length (they have grown into the ground); the same goes to a bear; he teaches a red deer whose horns have grown into the sky to rise to heaven; old man Kanda, his wife, will be in the sky Bolihe and their daughter; K. tells us to pour chumiza into the sea, then the shells, collect them back (the fish are collected); catch a 10-tailed fox; the fox teaches you to bring a parcel from the upper sky that will give the Month; E. with an arrow cut off 10 tails to the fox, one is left; K. asks to bring a month; in the sky, the old woman tells me where she is; gives a parcel, tells him not to open it on the way; E. gives it to K., he opens it, the flame has burned him and his wife; E. measured the horns of the right length with a red deer, drank off, red deer happy; E. got a wife, goes to get a second one; overtakes, kills hazel grouse, black hazel grouse; shoots at someone at night; nuthatch explains that E. killed the monster Amba, which killed everyone who reached the ends of the earth; the old woman praises for this, shows a river that falls into the underworld as a waterfall; there are fish, toads, skeleton, monsters; E. returns, then talks about what he saw to people; the old woman gave seeds, since then berries have been growing on the ground; E. again overtook killed hazel grouse, black hazel grouse; found a farce, got a second wife, brought him home; about the same Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:71-76, the name of the hero Egdig)]; Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 32 [the younger brother goes to look for his wife, the sister gives half a crest and a whetstone; turns into a hare, hides in a tree near roads; old man Kandá, his wife, their eldest daughter Emende, drive on sledges drawn respectively by wild boars, pigs, piglets; the youngest Belé Chiha drags herself sledges with human bones; a person marries C., each time she teaches what to do; 1) K. will hit his feet with a spear (a person puts a dead owl there in advance, a spear covered in blood); with a hot spear (puts it on his place as a dead hare); 3) will give poisoned food (a man quietly puts it in an angelica, e. ate it, died); 4) K. and the old woman shamanate, preparing to kill a person; he puts seven funny idols around the fire, K . his wife and his wife laugh, the son-in-law and C. run away; they throw half the ridge (thicket), the whetstone (mountains); K. and his wife could not overcome the mountains, the man from C. returned to his sister], 103 [(Quail from Arsenyev 1917-1925, No. 1:701-705); When he wants to take the old man's daughter Kanda, he gives difficult assignments; 1) E. finds a fox with 11 tails, shoots 10 (since then the fox has one tail), brings K.; he says he did not ask for it; 2) the girl's uncle sprinkles wheat (the birds collect), 3) throws a bag of small money into the water (collect the fish); 4) the girl's father demands to bring sunlight from the sky; the old woman gives a saw, E. saws off those ingrown into the ground is the fangs of a boar, he teaches him to climb into the sky through the red deer horns that have grown into it, then saw off; The month gives a bag of sunlight, tells him not to open it yourself; E. gets a wife; when K. and his wife open bag, heat burns them]: 235-241, 465-467.