Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I13B. Horned snake, B91.3.

.14.16.27.-. (.52.)

A small snake, a snake, has horns on its head.

Ancient Egypt, Germans (Switzerland, Austria), Ancient Greece, Bulgarians, Albanians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, (Russians), Kalmyks, Abkhazians, Karachays and Balkarians, Ingush, Laki, Didois, Dargins, Rutulans, Georgians, Armenians, Talysh, Lithuanians, Veps, Chuvash, Bashkirs, Mongols, Oirats (Durbuts), Buryats, (Teleuts), Khakas, Northern Selkups, Oymyakon Evens, (Aztecs).

North Africa. Ancient Egypt [painted relief in the temple of Queen Hatshepsut of the 18th dynasty: the heads of sacred snakes are topped with horns - symbols of Hathor and the sun disk between them]: Rubinstein 1980b:423.

Western Europe. Germans (Switzerland, Austria; {and northern Germany?}) [a large article about pet snakes with horns and a crown, bringing happiness, giving treasures]: Ber-Glinka 2015:47-52.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Nonn of Panopolitan, second half of the 5th century AD, Acts of Dionysus, song 38; a sign of imminent victory: "A flying eagle appeared to impatient Bacchus /In the sky high, holding the serpent horned in paws/Sharp-clawed, he quickly bent his whole body/And slipped away, rushing his head into the waters of Gidaspa. /The army penetrated with reverent trepidation" (trans. Yuri Golubets)]: Nonn. Dion. XXXVIII. 25-29 (translated to Zakharova, Torshilov 2003:245); Bulgarians [in southwestern Bulgaria, when snakes appeared in spring, women put their scarves on the ground to get shiny snake horns, bringing happiness and good luck]: Plotnikova 2009:439; Macedonians (Prilep) [on the day of the Annunciation, they went in search of a hole from which the snake queen was to come out that day; they should have put it there litter, she will leave her bright horns or gems on it]: Plotnikova 2009:439; Albanians: Pedersen 1898 [if a horned snake gets in the house, that's good; it's short, black; If she threw a piece of cloth, she would crawl on it and leave her horn, which is good for the owner; one said that if she met Martha now, she would fart him in his face; others waited it out with the herds bad weather in the cave]: 110; Ber-Glinka 2015 [pet snake with hair on its head or with golden horns]: 27.

Central Europe. Ukrainians: Bulashev 1909 [while picking mushrooms, the girl saw a moving mass of vipers; on the way back she fell into a hole with snakes; they ate nothing, but only licked the glowing stone; the girl licked, she was starved; in the spring, the snake queen with golden horns told the snakes to make stairs out of their bodies, got out with the girl, said that she would understand the language of herbs if she did not say the word Chernobyl; someone follows her, asks what kind of black grass is; she replies that Chernobyl forgets everything she hears from herbs and trees]: 354-355; Belarusians: Gura 1997 ( Gomelskaya) [Tsar Vuzh - big gray with golden horns]: 294; Moshkov 1901 (Mogilevskaya) [if the king of snakes is shown red, he drops his golden horns, and whoever can capture them will be healthy happy and rich]: 68 (=2004:270); Federowski 1902, No. 48 ["How a guy found snake horns"]: 57; Poles [a golden crown on his head sometimes with a sparkling stone on the king (less often queen) of snakes]: Gura 1997:294; (cf. Russians ["it is widely believed" that there are snakes (snakes, vipers) with horns on their heads - gold or horny; if horny, then one is kind, the other is thin; to determine which one, it is necessary to bury them under two identical trees: one will dry out, the other will become suitable; the horned snake appears in the area every 20 years, and the horns remain valid in the hands of the person who caught them]: Yermolov 1905a: 385; Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians [Chernobyl: the master cooks his ear from a snake; the coachman tries and learns the language of herbs and trees; the master guesses this makes him name Chernobyl and thereby takes away his knowledge]: SUS 1979, No. 672D: 178).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [a man saw a snake with a horn; spread a white handkerchief in front of her, she threw her horn on her handkerchief; a person with a snake horn is considered happy and can become slow; through for a while, the same snake with a horn met that man again; he galloped away from her, she caught up with him and strangled him with her neck around his neck]: Basangova 2017, No. 38:89; Abkhazians [snakes with horns wear shiny pebble; they go out only at night, put their pebble on the ground, look for prey in the light; if you approach the snake at this time, it whistles, rushes at the person; if you remove the snake's horn, put in a glass of water and give water to drink, a person will die; if you scrape another horn into the water and give this water to the poisoned one, he will recover; there are snakes with horns that do not have a glowing stone; when a snake plays with a stone, throws it up, the hunter can grab it, carry it across the stream; the stalker snake will ask for oncoming grass about the thief, but will not be able to ask for water that has already leaked]: Chursin 1956:143; Karachays/Balkarians [there is a bead slightly larger than the blue-green speckled bead in the mouth or head of the snake king; it heals wounds, allows you to understand the language of animals; every year snakes fighting for the right to be the new king; the old one spits a bead on a red rag or twine; another snake carries the tsar in a crystal plate]: Dzhurtubayev 2007:425; Ingush [at the snake during the period two horns grow up: the right one brings happiness, left misfortune; you must bury the right under your house, the left one under the enemy's house]: Semenov 1963:122; Lucky: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991 [patron Lak house - Cooney, a snake with golden horns; whoever sees him will be happy]: 206-207; Hajiyev 1991 [domestic snake (each) was imagined differently; Avars have a white snake 15-20 cm long, among Laks - flat, up to 15 cm long, with golden horns]: 107; Rutulans [when you see a horned snake, you have to cover its horns with something red; they will fall off, they must be taken away, the horns bring wealth and prosperity; one the woman told how she obtained the horns of a five-meter snake in this way]: Khalidova 2012, No. 104:133; Didois [golden horns are an attribute of King Kine, such a snake brings happiness]: Khalidova 2012: 247; Dargins [like Didoans, the name of the snake is Kune]: Khalidova 2012:247; Georgians (Kakheti) [zap. 1903; if you find a snake horn, put it in a jug of wine or in a barn, then wine in a jug, grain the barn will not run out; on moonlit nights, horned snakes play with a jewel; whoever grabs it and takes it away will have wishes come true; these snakes have a jewel, they play on moonlit nights throwing it up; if a person takes away a stone, his wishes will come true]: Chursin 1956:143; Armenians: Bunatov 1893 (Etchmiadzin) [when you see a horned snake, you must tear the shirt in front and back, throw it on the snake, is it {a snake or a shirt?} will turn into gold; the snake king is carried by four other snakes; when you meet him, you must take off your trousers and throw him at the snake king, who will leave his crown of precious stones]: 188; Chursin 1956 (Black Sea) coast) [the horn of horned snakes has wonderful properties; there are snakes decorated with a cup on their heads; the snake gets food in the light of the cup; whoever takes possession of the cup will receive treasures]: 144; Talyshi: Bayramalibekov 1899, No. 2 [to the west of Lankaran, the Kyz-Kalasi and Dev-Kalasi fortresses {"maiden fortress" and "devya fortress"}; the princess is sleeping in Kyz-Kalasi, she will have to be woken up by the prince; in Dev- Kalasi sleeps a seven-headed deva; he exterminated the family of beauty, took her as concubine, but fell asleep; his treasure of gold is guarded by horned snakes; their queen with a crown on her head come to bow to her on Navruz Day; under the queen's tongue has a white pebble in which the soul of a deva; until the pebble is intact, the dev will not die; the prince will run the dragon, the princess will tell you how to get a white pebble (learn the prayer from Saint Sheikh Zaghid); a pebble crush, dev will die]: 4-7; 2012 [Shah Keikavus's daughter sleeps under Mount Alar (west of Lankaran) in the fortress of Giz Galasy ("maiden fortress"); all her relatives were killed by a seven-headed diva; he wanted to take beautiful concubine, but fell asleep and sleeps in the tower of Div Galasa ("divya fortress"); there is also the queen of poisonous horned snakes; all snakes bring her a golden chervonets to Novruz; the soul of the diva is in a white pebble under with the tongue of the queen of snakes; a prince of the Safaviya family will defeat the dragon guard, make him a servant; wake up the princess; she will teach him to go to the queen of snakes, she will give the stone, the prince will crush it to powder, the divas will die, The Safavtyya dynasty will be established]: 107-111; (cf. Georgians (Guria) [there are snakes that have a diamond hidden in a bulge on their heads; they play with them by throwing them into the air; the grabber must run across the river, then the snakes will lose track; such a diamond doubles any coin placed under it; a snake that has lost a diamond takes its life]: Chursin 1956:144; Armenians in Transcaucasia [the queen of snakes of Ararat wears a magic stone in her mouth; throws it up at night; who he will grab and take it away, he will be happy]: Chursin 1956:144; Ossetians [some snakes have a shiny stone, he brings whatever he wants to the owner]: Chursin 1956:144-145).

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [a person sees a snake with a crown/with a scallop/with horns; this is the king of snakes; a person wants to hit/hits the king of snakes with a batog, other snakes rush at him]: Kerbelite 2001:391; Veps [snake, snake of happiness, red snake brings happiness; bylichka: a snake is coming, it has horns, a cow has stepped, crushed, it is ready again]: Vinokurova 2006:156.

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [the old woman found a snake with horns, brought it home, explained to her son that horns give wealth; the son went to the bazaar, began to buy, there was no less money in his wallet; they became rich, the son married, the mother-in-law put her horns in the tow, the daughter-in-law does not understand why the yarn does not run out, threw the tow into the oven; the fire in the oven burns and does not go out; they began to pour, water flowed from the oven, everything was flooded, this is the beginning of the Volga - Adall, "in boots", was the name of the old woman's son]: Aisin 1993:224-226; the Bashkirs [when meeting the king of snakes, you must spread a white handkerchief; the snake will leave horns, crest and crawlers on him, they bring good luck ]: Khisamitdinova 2011:167.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Mongols: Duvakin 2011 (03.08.11, Muren (Somon Muren aimaka Huvsgel), Yarimpiliin Gomb, Khalkhasets, born in 1924, shepherd (raised sheep), born in Idyr Gol somon, lived in Moren all his life) [ A collection of snakes. It has one snake with horns. When a person meets a meeting, he takes off his sock and prays. A snake with red horns comes out. She crawls over her sleeve under a person's clothes, crawls under her clothes, crawls out and puts red horns on her toe. They are a jewel, which is very good for a person. One of the relatives took these horns for herself]; Mikhailov 1962 [=197:188-190; Hurelday meets a snake with coral horns; she gives them to him, spits out the pearl, he swallows it, begins to understand animal language; therefore he does not do wrong, lives happily]: 171-172; Potanin 1883, No. 165 [a man came across a pile of snakes; a snake with two red horns rubbed its head against his knees; horn broke off; it became dark; he found himself in an unfamiliar world where he could not be seen; he slept up the sleeve of Khurmusta Khan's daughter, she then fell ill; the Tsorji Lama was able to see him, lowered him into his yurt for on earth, giving the book Tsagan-Sukkurt with him; having it and a horn, a man became rich]: 548-550; the Oirats [lamas do not come to the poor old man; finally he came alone on a huge white verlude; not a camel in the morning , no llama; the old man went to look; came to a two-horned snake; she gave one horn: show Burkhyn-Bakshi - for which he punished me with a couple of horns, they interfere in the hole; the llama on the rock asks if it will end prayer; three cannibals ask B. for them; B.: the snake has no forgiveness, did much evil; the lamé also prayed only for himself; the cannibals were forgiven; gave a box; at home the old man and his wife became young, there are four types of cattle around the yurt]: Potanin 1983, No. 54i: 272-274; Buryats (Bayandaevsky District, Irkutsk Region, 1975) [a man fell into a snake hole, stayed there for three years; licked a white stone, and so on ate; the serpent khan told him to sit on his back, brought him outside, gave him a piece of his golden horn; you will understand the language of animals until you tell others; man hears a rooster: I control many wives, and the owner could not cope with one; at night he heard one mouse holding the other by the tail while she was drinking milk, then dropped it; laughed; the wife demanded that her husband explain; he told everything and lost its ability]: Bardakhanova, Gympilova 2008, No. 7:45-46; Khakas [snakes have horns that are invisible to the common person; they can be distinguished by a clairvoyant; he took them for luck; snake horns they suppress greed in a person; if they are shown to a miser, he will give his savings without further away]: Butanayev 2003:72; (cf. khakas [the old man was fishing for three days; on his way home, he went to a hut to warm up; there were three mokhsagals {cannibals with cow horns}; "Oh, you stepped on the tail of our fairy tale when you entered!" They tied him to the leg of the bed for three days; released him for promising to give his only daughter; when the Mohsagals arrived, her father's girlfriend hid her father behind the curtain; the first one came in, asked where his father was; - Went a pen for Make an ax out of frog horns. - Do your frogs even have horns? - Do your fairy tales have tails? Then the same with the other two mohsagals (the father went to make a spear shaft from the snake's horn; the knife handle was made of lizard horns); the Mohsagals left, and the girl ordered three poplars to fall on them, so that thunder in they were hit; a thunderstorm began and the Mokhsagals took refuge under the poplars; three poplars fell on them and a strong thunder hit them; they died]: Torokova, Sychenko 2014, No. 33:513-515; Teleuts (recorded by G.M. Tokmasheva, first quarter of the 20th century) [Ker-Sagal's three brothers lived richly; a poor old man brought home a shot bunny; told the old woman to cook it, and he went to the COP to ask for a hoop to dry his skin; going into their house I accidentally heard their conversation; the COP began to beat him and say: "We told each other fairy tales, you, a scoundrel, stepped on the tail of our fairy tale"; the old man began to make excuses; KS: "You have an old man, they say There's something at home that you don't know or see. Give us that - I don't know what, and we'll give you a hoop. If you don't give what we're asking for, we'll hit you again!" ; the old man agreed; the COP gave him a hoop; the old man returned home; saw that the old woman had given birth to a son; noticed how the younger COP came home; ran into the forest, leaving the boy; the COP asked him where his parents were; boy: "My father has gone to forge an ax from the frog's horn!" ; KS: "Why does your father need an ax?" ; boy: "Ker-Sagal will come to us today (so) to cut off his head!" ; CS: "What, is your frog horned?" ; boy: "If our frog doesn't have horns, then where did your fairy tale get its tail?" ; The COP ran away, told the brothers about the boy; they take turns going to the old people's house; the situation repeats itself ("My father left the ram's horn to forge his sword!" , "My father has gone to forge a spear from the snake's horn!") ; the CS did not return again; the old man and the old woman returned home; the boy grew up, hunted and fed them]: Funk 2020:178-181).

Western Siberia. Northern Selkups [snakes had horns on their heads, lived on a hill; one man tied a snake's horn to a tree with a thread while the serpent slept; on the way back he took the snake's horn; snakes began to chase people along the roads; a man killed a snake, hung it in a tree so that it would dry out and not come to life after hibernation; this is how snakes became hornless]: Tuchkova 2004:319.

Eastern Siberia. Oymyakon Evens [a snake with a deer head seems to have contributed to hunting and reindeer husbandry; we have recorded one of the most common legends about it; the hunter sees a herd of deer; when it comes, it disappears, at this point a black snake with a deer head, miniature horns, the body is covered with hair; the hunter travels around the snake three times in the sun, throws his hat to it with the open side; the next day finds a horn in his hat; he became rich, but could no longer sit still, his movements resembled snakes; so he threw out the horn]: Nikolaev 1964:172-173.

Mesoamerica The Aztecs [Mazacoatl ("Reindeer Snake") has deer antlers on its head, lives in a cave, draws victims in by breathing; small masoatls are edible, increase potency, but when excessive consumption causes constant erections and death]: SahagĂșn 1950-1982, book 11, folio 82v at Helmke, Nielsen 2008:22, 57; (cf. Huasteci [{probably from the Spaniards}; there is a small snake with golden horns; whoever puts a cloak over it will break off, you will be rich]: Edmonson et al. 2001:35-36).