I14. Creatures without anus, F529.2. .11.18.-.23.25.-.28.35.-.
Creatures that do not have an anus are described.
Any creature without an anus.
Kaonde, cocowarra, porapora, arandai bintuni, camoró, majprat, mountain arapesh, baruya (Papua New Guinea mountains), kukukuku, orokaiwa, watut, vogeo, gadaba, sora, muria, gondas, cond, pardhan, lushey (?) , dafla, rengma, chan, khmer, atayal, apayao, saisha, bunun, ancient Chinese, Romanians, Ukrainians, Nenets, Nganasans, Dolgans, Mansi, probably tundra (?) Yukaghirs, Chukchi, Northern Alaska Inupiates, Copper, Netsilik, Igloolik, Baffin Land, Polar, Koyukon, Clackamas, Fox, Southern Utah, Lipan, Zunyi, Huastecs, Totonaki, Aztecs, Nahuatl San Luis Potosi, Acateques, Ixil, Cacchikel, Quiche, Tseltal, Pech, Eastern Panama, Embera, Nonama, Yupa, Guambia, Camsa & Ingano, Guayabero, Sicuani, Cuiva, Yabarana, Sanema, Warrau, Taulipan, Wapishana, Cariña (Guyana), Calinha, Trio , colorado, kayapa, sekoya, kofan, napo, shuar, aguaruna, yukuna, letuama, tucano, desana, kabiyari, tatuyo, barasana, bare, carijona, uitoto, yagua, chikuna, urubu, spike, juruna, cashibo, tacana, tupari, trumay, kamayura, nambiquara, rickbacza, paresi, chamacoco, northern and southern Tehuelches.
(Wed. Creatures with no mouth or anus.
Kaonde, cocowarra, arandai bintuni, porapora, camoró, majprat, mountain arapesh, baruya, kukukuku, watut, saibai, mawatta, vogeo, gadaba, sora, muria, gondas, cond, pardhan, ancient Greek sources on India, the best (?) , chan, Khmer, Atayal, Apayao, Bunun, Chinese, Nenets, Nganasans, Dolgans, Mansi, Tundra (?) Yukaghirs, Chukchi, Central Yupik, Northern Alaska Inupiate, Copper, Netsilik, Igloolik, Baffin Land, Polar, Kuchin, Koyukon, Quarry, Vishram, Vasco, Clackamas, Tillamook, Kalapuya, Yakima, Ne Perse, Fox, Blackfooted, Mandan, Hidache, Yokutz, Monache, Western and Northern Shoshones, Southern Utah, Lipan, Zunyi, Huastecs, Aztecs, Nahuatl San Luis Potosi, Acatec, Ixil, Cacchikel, Quiche, Tseltal, Tsotzil, Pech, Oriental Panama, Embera, Nonama, Yupa, Guambia, Camsa, Ingano, Guayabero, Sicuani, Cuiva, Yabarana, Sanema, Warrau, Taulipan, Wapishana, Cariña (Guyana), Calinha, Trio, Colorado, Kayapa, Sekoya, Cofan, Napo, Shuar, aguaruna, yukuna, letuama, tucano, desana, kabiyari, tatuyo, barasana, baniwa, bare, carijona, uitoto, yagua, chikuna, urubu, sipaya, juruna, kashibo, takana, tupari, trumai, kamayura, nambiquara, rickbakza, paresi, botocudo, chamacoco, northern and southern Tehuelches).
The first human beings without an anus.
Kaonde, Baruya (Papua New Guinea Mountains), Dafla, Gadaba, Sora, Gondas, Cond, Pardhan, Khmer, Chukchi, Huastecs, Aztecs, Nahuatl San Luis Potosi, Eastern Panama, Camsa and ingano, yabarana, sanema, taulipan, urubu, tacana, tupari.
Arace of people without an anus in a remote place (underworld, sky, distant island, etc.).
Porapora, better (?) , chan, rengma, isneg, atayal, apayao, ami, saisha, bunun, Chinese, Nenets, Nganasans, Mansi, tundra (?) yukaghirs, Northern Alaska Inupiates, Copper, Netsilic, Igloolik, Baffin Land, Polar, Clackamas, Fox, Southern Utah, Lipan, Zunyi, Totonaki, Acatek, Ishil, Kakchikel, Quiche, Tseltal, Pech, Embera, Nonama, Yupa Guambia, Guayabero, Cuiva, Sanema, Colorado, Kayapa, Sekoya, Cofan, Napo, Shuar, Yagua, Chicuna, Spike, Juruna, Cashibo, Tacana, Paresi, Chamacoco, Northern and Southern Tehuelches.
A particular character or animal species does not have an anus.
Cocovarra, Arandai Bintuni, Camoro, Vatut, Majprat, Mountain Arapes, Vogeos, Muria, Romanians, Ukrainians, Dolgans, Koyukon, Sicuani, Warrau, Wapishana, Carinha (Guyana), Kalinha, trio, aguaruna, bare, carijona, yukuna, letuama, tucano, desana, kabiyari, tatuyo, barasana, uitoto, trumai, kamayura, nambiquara, rickbacza.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Kaonde [Leza created the first men Mulonga and Mwinambuzhi, they did not have genitals or anus; L. gave Mulonga two bundles, told him to put one between his legs and the other Mwinambuzhi; he put himself , became a man; smelled bad from the second bundle, threw it away; Mv. came to L., he gave a new one, Mv. became a woman; for the man to throw away the first parcel, the young men pay a ransom for bride]: Melland 1967:156-157.
Australia. Cocowarra [Anzhir lies under a tree, he has a big butt, but has no hole; Yalpan cuts his anus with a piece of quartz; A. creates people from fallen excrement , then goes underground; I. goes south]: Waterman 1987, no. 435:37.
Melanesia. Arandai-bintuni: Miedema 1997, No. 18 [Inómsamhu had no mouth, anus, penis, ears; he cooked food and threw it into the river; Tomotóhó and Tómona women came, with them two Ibansibá's little son; they saw food swimming, threw away the cold, took it still warm; the women put a snake in the food for Inomsamhu, he was frightened, cried out, all holes were cut; all people gathered; only in the last Kampong they found Ibansibá, because both children, feeling their father, cried there; he took the children, sailed away with them], 20.2 [Iboori has wives Taumona and Taudho; Taumona retired to give birth to the forest, in which Taudho; for more than a year, and the wives say that the son has not yet been born; Iboori hears the boy's voice, realizes that he is being deceived; becomes a bird, flies away; both women, taking the baby, go to him search; they find Inom, who did not have bodily holes; he throws the cooked food into the river, when he came across warm tubers, women found Inom; they put a snake with food for him, she hit him, he All holes were cut; while working in the fields, both women prepared so much food that they called all the people together; their boy was constantly crying; Iboori came unnoticed; when he came to his son, he stopped to cry; he took the boy, sailed away with him in the boat; the wives ran along the shore, he turned them into two different types of trees]: 46-47, 51-53; kamoro: Drabbe 1947, No. 1 [while the younger brother was frying fish, The elder went to the mouth of the river, met two girls, offered to marry the brothers; their father has no anus, mouth, eyes, ears; his brothers cut through these holes, he vomited and feces; they washed him, they dried it; the wives said that he was going to kill his sons-in-law, who pierced him with spears and buried him; two female spirits (Warenai) sealed their wives' eyes, sailed into the sea themselves; someone found the women, cleared their eyes; brothers killed women spirits, brought their wives back], 2 [the young man's mother has no legs or anus; he climbs a palm tree for coconuts; an old man comes up, climbs his legs forward; the young man puts a leaf in his anus; both come to the old man's house; there boxes, in each bird, a young man plucks it, cuts it into pieces, they turn into many men, they beat drums]: 165-167, 168-169; mountain arapes [a person sees two women in one breast they stick out, the other hangs down; decides to steal the second one; the wife finds out that he has no anus, so he has a swollen stomach and black skin; she gives him water and a snake to drink, she gnaws through her anus, the wife washes her husband; enemies they are being killed; their son and daughter go to live in two different villages]: Mead 1940, No. FLVII: 388-389; abelam [people baked tarot in the sun; did not have an anus or defecate, their stomach was full , they regurgitated digested food through their mouths; the sun made their anuses with a sharp stick; {another var.}: the Walesakitagwa woman had a fire; a man and a woman came to her, said they did not have anal holes and bake food in the sun; V. made holes for them, gave her a package in which her pubic girdle told them not to open it along the way; they opened, fire broke out, the forest caught fire; V. ran, put it out, then the bundle again, people brought the fire home]: Huber-Greub 1988, No. 8. 1. 13:283; baruya [the first man and woman have their genitals and anuses closed; the sun throws flint into the fire, he explodes, scattered fragments have made holes; since then, people can have sexual intercourse and defecate]: Godelier 2003:188; kukukuku [the first ancestors sculpted children from red clay, in children there was no anus and genitals; dried in the sun; the young man got together with the girl, she gave birth to a child; his umbilical cord was cut off, wrapped in tarot leaves heated on fire]: Fischer 1968, No. 5:372; Majprat [ At first, only bamboo knives, Sekirit was the first to make a stone ax and whetstone, cleared a large area; Tafu had no mouth or anus, had a tail; his dog caught a possum, he dried the meat; hearing a murmur in at the source, threw all the meat there, believing that his sister was there; Titmaw exchanged one ax for cloth from S., came to Taag, put a sharp stick under his tail, hit it with an ax, making him anus; screaming at his mouth opened and Tafu began to eat; Titmaw married his sister, who got out of the water when she heard his brother scream]: Elmberg 1968, No. 37:272-273; cotton wool [husband went into the forest, became a wild banana; two The woman's sons began to chop him, blood splashed; the mother said that they cut down their father, left milk in a leaf for the youngest, went across the Watut River; the elder left the youngest in the sand by the river, went to steal bananas from their grandfather's property; he had no anus or penis; he waited for the thief; called both brothers to his village; there was a piece of wood in his house that he considered his wife; the brothers found him, he became a real woman, they hid her in bamboos; he found her, he was happy; they gave him a drink of water in which they put leaves, worms, etc.; (apparently, as a result, he had a penis and anus); his wife gave birth to two daughters with him, his grandchildren married them]: Fischer 1963, No. 2:136-137; Orokaiva [Moralalan lived alone, had no holes in his body; the woman obtained a tarot from him, made him a man; M. ran away to the cave, she still lives there]: Williams 1930:277; vogeo [Jari is the daughter of the Snake, marries not the original groom, but another; while her husband is away, she calls the snake mother to sit with the baby; the husband finds himself a son wrapped in a snake is killed by a snake with an ax; I hides a house, pots, tarot in my vagina, goes to the other side of the island; Kamarong is fishing there, does not know home, pottery, or agriculture; I get everything out vaginas; K. has no anus, he spews what he swallows through his mouth; I pierce his anus with a stick, marries him; this was his first marriage]: Hogbin 1970:34-35; south New Guinea [about a man without anus and without mouth]: Landtman 1917:426f in Laade 1971:40; porapora [Arero woman hid in a stone ax hanging on the wall; came out, pierced children with sharp leaves, cooked, ate; her they waited, she jumped back into the ax, he was thrown into the fire, he jumped into the river; from there A., as a woman, moved to the top of a palm tree; the trunk could not be cut down, they called her brother Ambang, he hit her with an arrow, she was finished off with batons, the meat was divided, A. asked for a vagina; at night his vagina glowed, he kept it in a bag to illuminate the forest when hunting wild boars; A.'s mother did not care about his property, he killed her; met her separated people who had grown together in two; they did not have anuses, and men also had holes in their penises, A. made them; other people lived in a hole, croaked; A. taught them to speak and walk; A.'s grandmother was W.; into the vagina an eel jumped to her; she gave birth to a son, hid him in the sink, from there he went out to her as an adult man; her great-niece Arero peeked, pulled the eel out of the sink, killed it, cooked it, let W. eat it; she created a crocodile, lured Arero to a tree above the river, she fell, the crocodile killed her; the victim's mother threw a bag of W. into the river, but she managed to take a fire, a dog and a heron with her; she sailed to a place where people did not knew fire, cooked in the sun; W. secretly cooked in the house of two brothers, the dog and the heron were her watchmen; the youngest watched, W. married the elder; Unkinye came to ask W. for fire, stole it; his brothers found, released W., cut W. into pieces; the head grabbed the elder's testicles, it could not be torn off; the youngest climbed the breadtree, but threw down only the unripe fruits; the elder climbed, the head agreed get off temporarily; he threw the ripe fruit, threw it away alone; while his head grabbed him, the brothers ran away; his head grabbed the boar's face, he took it away; tore it off the trunk of a bethel palm tree]: Schwab 1970, No. 3b: 774-778.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lushey [Chhura came to a village where the children had a special physical disability; he corrected it, everyone died from it; the latter was still alive, everyone began to say that it was his child, his tore it apart; C. replied to these people that if they killed him, he would take all their fermented wort; they were frightened, hung C. in a basket above the pond; C. lured the merchant there, left himself]: Shakespear 1909:397; dafla [Abo-Tani's daughters Niriyo and Nimiyo, Talang married Nimiyo; AT came to visit her; she was unhappy, hid her father in the basket, told her not to look; he watched T come . with other men, they began to cut each other with swords; then the old woman collected and revived the bodies, everyone began to feast; felt the presence of a stranger; at's forehead noticed drops of blood, realized that he spied; gave them supplies, warning him that something bad could happen in his house now; AT found ashes; went to look for who killed his family members; saw monkeys, tied their bows, and became as a bird, began to sing that monkeys are murderers; the monkeys are surprised because no one knows that they killed members of the AT family; rushed to their bows, began to pull a bunch, could not untie themselves, pierced themselves in despair with sharp sticks, died; one monkey hid the bow in the bushes, AT did not find it; shot at the AT bird with a hole in the ass; since then people have an anus]: Bora 1995, No. 14:18-20; chan [black dwarfs open copper doors to the Sun in the morning; they don't have an anus, they eat the smell of food]: Parry 1932:487; rengma [Che came to people who didn't have anus; they they belched the digested through his mouth; C. climbed a tree, relieved himself in front of everyone; people asked them to make anuses for their children; he pierced the children with a hot rod, put them in a box, told them to open it no sooner than he himself will reach a distant mountain; he is being chased, he hides in a tree; one of the pursuers stabs the trunk furiously, not knowing that C. is in the tree; when the tree is ready to fall, C. pees with fear, people without anuses, they think it's raining, they leave, covering their heads with knives; Iku (Ichu) smears his face with clay, his pursuers do not recognize him]: Mills 1937:250-251 (=Ho 1967, No. 217:378-379).
South Asia. Muria [Rakshasa's daughter has teeth in her vagina; as a girl, she bit off her penises; as a tigress, she ate her penis and gives the rest to her 10 or 12 tigers; this is how she killed six brothers; The youngest seventh deity was told to put an iron rod into his vagina, he knocked out their teeth; he climbed from the tigers to mangoes, became small, climbed inside the fruit, the parrot brought it to the Raja's house, he married a princess; Rakshasa's daughter was told to become a bat that has a single hole in the body, i.e. eats, copulates, defecates through the mouth]: Elwin 1949, No. 26:386-387; gadaba [at Budra Bodo Gadaba and his the wife had 12 sons; they ate roots and fruits, spewed what they ate through their mouths; after receiving rice seeds and legumes, they sowed them, harvested them, began to eat, their bellies were swollen and could burst; woman Ilad Kaniya made holes for men and women with a hot iron rod to remove urine and feces]: Elwin 1949, No. 97:297; litter: Elwin 1949, No. 100 (Lamjhia Saora) [people had only Urine holes; seven Bhim brothers ate meat, their bellies almost burst; Jamosum came out of the lower world, gave them anus with an awl]: 298; 1954, No. 47 (Hill Saora) [people did not have an anus, they only drank water; once they killed and ate a horse, their bellies were swollen; Kittung told the rat to gnaw holes in them (it climbed through its mouth, came out from the other end)]: 465-466; gondas: Elwin 1949, No. 98 [people had no anus, hardly ate; one person took the vine on which Basmasur Dano set up a swing for firewood; he ordered food to come out from the other end, so people are now all the time hungry, eating often], 99 [people spewed food through their mouths; Mahadeo gave them anuses and urethra]: 297, 298; condas (kuttia): Elwin 1954, No. 29 [anuses and urinary tract first There were no canals; people's bellies were swollen; Jaonra Pinnu made holes with an iron pin], 33 [about the same, Nirantali pierces the anuses with a thorn]: 486, 458; pardhan [people spewed what they ate and drunk through the mouth; then they got holes for urine and excrement]: Elwin 1949, No. 101:298-299.
Burma - Indochina. Khmers [above Mount Sumeru is the heavenly world of beautiful long-lived creatures - tevoda; they decided to punish the people living on earth for their sins; first, the earth was burned by seven suns, then everything was flooded by the flood; when the waters began to fall, eight creatures were sent from the sky - próm; they began to eat sea foam, then earth, then plants (when they appeared); according to another version, they ate mushrooms first, then the fruits of the vine, then rice; rice filled their bellies with excrement, they made two holes, P. split into men and women, and gave birth to new people]: Chesnov 1982a: 340.
Taiwan - Philippines. Atayal [Sijuma comes to Shiguts people; surprised they only inhale steam from cooked rice and vegetables; they are surprised he eats food; S. shows them defecation, one of the sh. ask make an anus for him; S. pierces him to death with a hot iron rod, runs away, hides in a tree; w. chase, their bodies are light and fast from being fed by steam; do not notice what is hidden; S. gets off, pushes blood-red betel leaves into the battleship's hole, goes home himself; w. come back, pierce the leaves with a spear, think it's in their enemy's blood, they return satisfied]: Norbeck 1950, No. 3: 14-15 (=1954:62-63; =Ho 1967, № 212:372-374); Saisha (Garawan) [was a village of Saipahanan women; its inhabitants had no anuses, they ate the smell of food; a man named Lubugots came to these women, they gave birth to many children from him; offered women to make anuses, pierced several with a hot iron bar, ran away; the pursuers found an anteater's hole (?) , they started poking her with sticks, the tips turned red; the women thought that L. had killed, who had filled the hole with coloring leaves in advance, and returned home himself]: Ho 1967, No. 194:356; pazeh [older brother saw a turtle laying eggs on the shore; reached out to them, the turtle grabbed his hand, dragged him into the sea; he sailed to the island; the locals did not have an anus, they ate the smell of what was prepared food, then the food was thrown away; they were surprised that a person ate food; he made a boat out of deer skins, returned home]: Ho 1967, No. 215:376-377; ami (Kivit) [a fisherman named Sadapan was taken to the sea to the island of women; they feed on the smell of cooked food; they have neither anuses nor vaginas; when they saw that S. was eating like a pig, he was put in a pen; he found a knife, got out, ran to the shore; the whale took him home]: Ho 1967, No. 214:376; bunun [Ikolon people in the underworld have tiny anuses and feed on the smell of rice; there was no rice on earth yet; a man from the ground hid a seed in his penis, but it was found; then the woman hid it in her vagina; Ikolon was ashamed to look there, so they brought rice to the ground]: Ho 1967, No. 216:377-378; isneg [people in Madatag ate steam from cooked rice because they did not have anuses; their relatives punched holes for them, but these people are still stupid]: Ho 1967, No. 219; apayao [a Pakiyan woman married a Madatag man, moved in with him; people ate a ferry there cooked rice; the wife discovers that her husband does not have an anus; made it with a sharp stick, he was able to eat like her; made anuses to all people in Madatag]: Wilson 1947b:88 (quail in Ho 1967, No. 218: 379-380).
China - Korea. Catalog of mountains and seas [(Catalog of the great deserts of the north); there is also the kingdom of the Immaculate; they are from the Zhen family]: Yanshina 1977:124.
The Balkans. Romanians [The tick (Ixodes ricinus}) has no anus, so when sucking blood, it swells; Nightingale did not have an anus before; when he came to his godfather, he could not eat enough; asked for an anus to borrow from Tick, did not return]: Dänhardt 1910:139.
Central Europe. Ukrainians (Podolia) [Nightingale did not have an anus; going to a church holiday, he asked for a loan from Tick to eat well; refused to return it; Tick decided to take his anus back for a while, since then The nightingale doesn't sleep at night]: Dänhardt 1910:139-139.
Western Siberia. Tundra Nenets [a giant with an overgrown ass only smells food; this is half a man; shouts with a bird so that people do not recognize him; a person who comes out of the plague bites off his nose; an old woman falls into his plague; his the inhabitants smelled boiled reindeer meat, it turned into feces; at night, husband and wife were kind, spitting into one cup; the old woman found a rotating eye in it - a child born; her eyes disappeared; the old woman ran away with an ax and a bubble of deer blood; lay down with her legs spread out and sprayed blood between her feet; giants with overgrown buttocks thought she killed herself with an ax]: Lehtisalo 1998: 33-34; Nenets [among demonic characters, there is a horror without a mouth and anus mal tanga ("clogged ass"), which feeds on the smell of food, which then turns into sewage]: Khelimsky 1982:399; Nganasans: Simchenko 1976 [syupsia ("Chukcha" in modern texts) do not eat food, but smell it; their women do not have genitals or anus; their children grow up from the eyes "living in meat"]: 62; 1996 (1): 78-79 [the brothers of two cousins went hunting; they were carried away by two "Chukchi"; in their plague, a girl who had been stolen earlier; at night, prisoners hear laughter from where they sleep with their women are kidnappers; during the day they leave, there is only one guy left, the prisoners examine him, his body has no holes or genitals; there is something soft in his back, they tore it with their fingernail he died; under the bedroom with a bag where the Chukchi laughed at night, found a plate with two eyes, when they looked at them, their eyes disappeared; the prisoners went home; the Chukchi returned, found two dead - that guy conceived at night, chased; the girls took off their pants, showed themselves to them; the Chukchi saw that they were "cut long ago", the body was cut, and the people were alive, did not pursue], 80 [Nganasan caught, brought the girl to syupsya; she was not on her body holes; she showed him her eyes hidden under his arm to conceive]; Mansi [in the distant past Torus made darkness; the sun has not risen for almost a month; while men go to get food, people come (Nenets - from the word er, strong) as tall as a dog's tail, they steal children from people, torment their wives, grab dogs; they do not have an anus, they smell food, then dump dogs]: Rombandeeva 2005, No. 59:355 (briefly 1991:21).
Eastern Siberia. Dolgans [an old man catches a boy, the child of the mountain owner; the boy has neither genitals nor an anus; he is fed full like a bag; he is dead]: Popov 1937:89; Evens [God made a mosquito the size of a sandpiper; the devil told it to be small, but numerous and not have a back hole; therefore, when full, the mosquito dies]: Danilov, Danilova 1991:22.
Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi: Ostrovsky 1997, No. 12 [the hunter goes to the booth where a handsome man is sitting; he feeds the guest meat, but does not eat himself, because he does not have an anus; the hunter pierces his anus with a knife, he eats and spews what they eat for the first time; shows the hunter naked people; when he kills them, they turn into animals; the hunter gets a beautiful wife; in the forest world she was a she-wolf]: 83; Pilsudski 1991 [=Ostrovsky 1997]: 46-48 (same as Pilsudski 2003, No. 20:95-97).
SV Asia. Russified, probably, tundra Yukaghirs (p. Hiking in Nezhnekolym District) [a group of Zyryans go traveling in a leather boat; they sail to 1) Arctic foxes they see as people; they ask them to leave their island faster so as not to step on them; 2) to half-people who from time to time unite into whole people; halves dive with fish on each finger; a tree with many branches first sinks in the sea, then rises, fish on every knot; 3) to people who do not have anus and urethra; they kill deer, cook, absorb the smell through their armpits; after that, the meat becomes unfit for food; the old man agrees to eat with guests, they pierce the necessary holes first for him, then the rest; 4) to cannibals; guests are given "berries", these are the fingertips of children and women; the meaningful tells his comrades not to eat, to let food down under clothes; puts the hosts to sleep; guests run away and sail home to their wives; they've been gone for three years]: Bogoras 1918, No. 21:86-90; Chukchi [The creator comes to the first person; he is a goal, he can't do anything; Creator teaches him to eat; pierces his anus with a sliver; now the man defecates]: Bogoras 1928, No. 10:311.
The Arctic. See the M16 motive; brother and sister come to people without anuses. Northern Alaska Inupiate (nunamiut) [at first animals were like humans, only in human form retained the nose of the corresponding animal; father Kayaktuaguniktuu ("good kayak rider") He tried to kill him several times; he left; his mother gave him akutaq (Eskimo "ice cream") goodbye; when animals approach people, he must be licked four times, these creatures will be like himself for him; he marries a caribou, lives in a herd; his wife is afraid to cross the lake because she has only two fingers; he hits her, she runs, becoming a caribou, who now have a third joint on her hoof; K. comes to the village, where pregnant women have their bellies cut; marries; wife is giving birth, everyone is crying; K. helps her give birth normally, since then women have not died leaving offspring; K. comes to musk rats, marries; these people are only they lick juice; horrified when K. swallows pieces of meat; surprised when he defecates; K. tells them to lick the crap, which also makes them anuses; one of the partridge men shoots K., that dodges, kills all the partridges with arrows; the giant throws his ulu at K.; K. catches him, throws him back, cutting off the giant's right hand; he throws his left hand; with his teeth; dies when the ulu cuts him throat; a piece of fin tree tries to attack him, he kills him with arrows, blood flows; this cannibal dies]: Gubser 1965:39-42; brass: Jenness 1924, No. 93 [Alguna pursues musk oxen, gets to people whose bodies are imperfect; they only suck meat, not eat; goes on, sees a group of women chasing two men, catching one and tearing apart; when A. returns home, it turns out that he has been away for seven years]: 89; Rasmussen 1932 [(the whole myth is not given); people without anus suck juice from meat; after that, meat is considered excrement; their women during childbirth rip open her stomach; if the incision is too large, the woman dies]: 207; netsilic [Aninga is blind; his mother Agthulg-Rarnan points his arrow, lies that he did not hit the bear; eats meat herself; his sister Aleka feeds him secretly; he asks him to be taken to the sea; two Loons in human form lick his eyes, making them keen; he harpoons a walrus, tying a tench to his mother, a walrus drags her into the sea; brother and sister leave; her mother's spirit in the form of a strip of fire, a moving belt blocks the road; they jump over these obstacles; the sister goes to ask for water from the spirits with claws on hands; they want to kill her, her brother kills them, heals their sister; they come to people without anuses; they suck meat to fill them; brother marries, sister marries; those women do not have vaginas, pregnant women are ripped open belly; sister gives birth normally; her mother-in-law pierces her vagina with a meat fork, dies; sister smears black on the face of an unknown lover, identifies her brother in the morning; they decide to turn into something; sister suggests, brother rejects options (wolves: their teeth are too sharp; bears: clubfoot; musk oxen: sharp horns; seals: sharp claws; etc.; in the sun and month); they light moss torches, they run, take off; the sister extinguishes her brother's torch, so the month is cold]: Rasmussen 1931:232-236; igloolik: Rasmussen 1930a (hall. Fox) [no anuses or genitals; brother marries, cuts holes in his wife; she gets pregnant, her mother is going to cut her belly; she gives birth normally; all women make holes for themselves with forks for meat; some die]: 77-80; Spalding 1979 (Repulse Bay) [Aningaat is blind; his mother points his arrow at a polar bear, says A. got into a dog; feeds him a dog, eats him with her daughter bear meat; his sister secretly gives it to his brother; takes him to the lake; Loon dives with him, rubs his eyes three times, he sees the light; ties the tench to his mother's belt, harpoons a large beluga whale, which takes her mother to sea; brother and sister come to people with long nails; sister comes into the house to ask for water; the inhabitants begin to rip off her meat; brother breaks in, kills everyone with an ice ax; wipes his sister's back with snow with with urine, the flesh recovers; they come to the cup-and-ball players; A. picks up one device, runs away; come to people without anus; A. tells her sister to take her husband there; she gives birth; local The foreman says that they now have a man with an anus and a penis; pierces his anus; the other pierced, missed, died; A. began to secretly go to his sister; she smeared her nose with soot; both came into the house for meetings, there is a holiday; everyone laughs at A. when they see his black nose; his sister dips the moss torch in fat, runs away; A. runs after her, but did not dip the torch in the fat, so it quickly went out; the sister became the sun, A. month]: 48-50; Baffin's Land [a woman has an adopted son and daughter; the young man is blind; she tells him to shoot a bear, lies as if he missed, eats meat alone; his sister brings him pieces; Loon dives with him, making him sighted; he calls him to mash to hunt white whales, tells him to keep tench, she takes her to sea, she screams, I swaddled you; turns into a narwhal; brother and sister travel; sister comes into the house to ask for water; the inhabitants scratch it with their claws; the brother kills them; brother and sister come to people without anuses; they chew food, spit it out; the sister marries alone; the pregnant women are cut in their bellies, retrieving the child; the brother explains that the sister will give birth on her own; her son has an anus; people sit on stakes, piercing themselves; some die, most successfully make their anuses]: Boas 1901b, No. 4:168-171; polar Eskimos [people without anuses - deer fat, spew them through their mouths; urinate through a hole in the palm of their hand; sister gets married here, pregnant; shaman wants to give her a cesarean section as usual with these people; she normally gives birth to a girl who has an anus; her grandmother sits on a sharp stick to pierce her anus; dies]: Holtved 1951a, No. 37:152-165; 1951b, No. 37:59-64 (translated in Menovshchikov 1985, No. 230:445-449).
Subarctic. K'etetaalkkaancee (literally "The One Who Sailed in a Boat Among People and Objects", "The Traveler"; Thompson 1990:3) greeted the man (this is the Long-Eared Owl), but he just smiled; they made a fire and fried hazel grouse; when K. gave another wing, he pointed to the fire; he had no mouth and ate while burning food; K. cut through his mouth and anus; he spoke, clenching his lips tightly; so owls have a small mouth; in the morning K. saw his friend in a tree, he turned into an owl; it is believed that a long-eared owl can make bad and good predictions]: Attla 1990:37-40.
The coast is the Plateau. Clackamas [the hero makes a ladder out of arrows, climbs to heaven; comes to cannibals; they hunt people; they have no excretory or genital holes; cannibals give the hero a wife, but he does not can have sex with her; leaves cannibals, marries a Sun woman]: Jacobs 1952:125.
The Midwest. Fox [man gets to dwarfs; they rip open the bellies of pregnant wives; he teaches their women how to give birth; dwarfs have no anuses, they are surprised to see a person relieve themselves (he probably does they have anuses; without details); dwarfs are attacked by their terrible enemies cranes, geese, goose; a person easily kills birds, roasts them and eats them]: Jones 1907, No. 5:75-77.
Big Pool. Southern Utah [A dog marries a girl from a tribe of people without anuses; they feed on food, hunt people, mountain sheep their horses; ask for anuses for them; he pierces a man with a knife; makes the first arrows for people]: Lowie 1924, No. 45:73-74.
The Great Southwest. Lipan [a group of warriors travel to distant places; people with pinhead-sized anuses feed on food steam; give warriors wives; their children have normal anuses]: Opler 1940, No. 3:45 ; zunyas [twin brothers descend into the underworld; dwarfs live here who eat the smell of food; they are attacked first by jays, then by pots of soup; many dwarfs die; brothers catch birds easily into snare, they break pots, they eat soup; they pierce the anuses of dwarfs; children come to us from that world, so they only eat air until the umbilical cord is cut; old people come back to the same place, with them indigestion is common]: Cushing 1901:400-410.
Mesoamerica The Huastecs [the Lintayoyo race built pyramids; when working in the field, they brought a green pebble with them, put it in a hole, and it was filled with drinking water; l. had a third leg in crotches, so they did not defecate or give birth to children; children were sculpted from clay; ate the smell of cooked food; the gods were angry that they wasted food, sent a flood; all l. (or only women) turned into fish]: Alcorn 1984:60; Totonaks [thunder dwarfs eat smell, have no anus]: (AI Davletshin, personal report, September 2012); Aztecs ( Texcoco) [The sun fires an arrow from the sky, it pierces a hole in the ground; the first man and woman come out of it; their bodies do not have a lower part; when conceiving children, a man puts his tongue in his wife's mouth; they are not know fire, eat meat raw]: Krickeberg 1928:12-13; Nahuatl (San Luis Potosí) [the first people do not have an anus, they eat the smell of food; Cintetly makes holes in their back]: Croft 1957:328-329; quiche (Totonicapan) [the priest sent an Indian with a letter to God; to get to the sky, you have to cross the sea, because on the horizon it joins the sky; when you get ashore, a person saw a cornfield and began to eat corn; he was captured and brought to the king, wanted to be executed for stealing; the king asked if he really ate something; the locals only smell tortillas, but they have no anuses; man ate tortillas, showed what was happening to digested food; the king asked him, as well as several volunteers, to cut through the anus; the man asked him to let him go - he would deliver medicine to heal the wound; on the way back I saw a boat; it shouted that the king was dead; the man ordered to sail the distance faster, went to heaven (hereinafter referred to as Christian motives)]: Tax 1951:2657 in Norbeck 1954:64-66.
Honduras-Panama. Pech: Flores 1989:36-38 [To cross the river, the hunter Setuska undresses with only a knife, throws himself into the water, is swallowed by a snake, which sails with him into the sea; on the fourth attempt he manages to kill a snake with a knife from the moment he is at the shore, he comes out bald; in a country overseas, S. finds nine virgins, the daughters of Mother Corn; they have a lot of boiled corn; the girls say he does not eat this garbage, they give him something else; he marries his youngest, they have children; he wants to go home, the girls put him and his son on a crocodile, give all kinds of seeds; he lives at home for three months separately from others, teaches how to grow corn], 39-40 [the serpent swallowed the hunter Setusca in the river; while in his womb, he ate animals that the serpent also swallowed; cut off his heart, went out on the island; there Mother Corn's nine daughters; they have no anus, they eat the smell of boiled corn; S. married his youngest, they have a son; he wants to go home; his wife sends him on a crocodile, does not tell him that he is saw; grew corn at home in 9 days; told and died; (same in Flores, Griffin 1991:51-54)], 41-44 [the hunter knows he must get to the corn girls; swallowed by a snake when crossing the river ; a snake cuts his womb, goes out to the island; there women cook their cobs, eat the smell without anuses; he cuts through them; he is given all kinds of maize; he wants to go home, he is sent on a crocodile; he teaches grow maize, says maize is girls and women]; Eastern Panama (kuna?) [The sun sends a boy and a girl from heaven to earth; the girl is older, holding a maraka (shamanic rattle) in her hands; people raised children; when they were washed and combed, pieces of gold came out of their bodies; the children ate the smell of food for a long time, cleaned themselves through the navel; when they grew up, they were married, but the young man also married other women, and the girl married an Indian; angry, the Sun deprived them of the privilege of eating smells and they began to be relieved like everyone else; they come from casiks]: Adrian de Ufelde 1908:129-130 in Casimir de Brizuela 197:62.
The Northern Andes. The hero enters the underworld; some of its inhabitants ask for anuses; they die. Embera: Isaza Bravo 1987 [Buro-Poto was born from a tumor on a man's leg; he died; B. asked who killed his father; Jaguars (los viejos thought B. would hunt jaguars and die); killed all jaguars with arrows, a pregnant female remained, new from her; Snakes (the same with snakes); etc.; they said that his father was killed by a snake that looked like cancer, but huge, lives in a pond, swallows people whole; B. put firewood on the raft, made a fire in the monster's stomach, began to crumble the monster with a knife; killed an unborn cub, fried it, fed the others swallowed; swam out with a raft over the ass; killed Moon; built a staircase, hand to the moon, left a stain on it, the woodpecker cut off the stairs, B. fell to sunset; the Sun took him on its underground journey along the river; there were people who ate the smell, only B. ate, they asked them to make anuses, died, B. revived them; crabs attacked, for underground people it was death, B. destroyed them easily; a few days later the Sun took it with it; a lot of food in a small basket; at home, B. began to suck blood at night, kill women; they poured boiling water on him, he petrified, made corn grinders out of it]: 128-129; Rochereau 1929 (katio) [a man was bitten by nutria caviar, he conceived The boy Gerú-potó-uarra (El hijo de la pantorrilla), who was born between the thumb and second toes on the same leg; the man soon died, exploded, mosquitoes, flies, and gadflies came out of him; the boy ate just menstrual flow; asked who his mother was; Died; who killed? ; Keith; took the harpoon, let the whale swallow himself, came out of the womb two days later, realized that it was not the whale that killed his mother; Ancumia (the sea monster); found her, not her; Moon; climbed the willow, told grow to the moon, the Moon turned out to be a beautiful woman, the man hit her, the spots remained; the woodpecker cut down the tree, it fell to another part of the world, the land of the god Tutruicá; there are flat, only peaches grow palm trees, blue stones, good for abrasives; people are immortal, they eat only a couple of cooked peach palm fruits; they have no anus; the man became relieved, he was told to leave; three ate with him, he made them anuses , they died; he came out of that world by the same willow trunk, he was led by a snake; those dogs are snakes, ours are from dogs T.]: 100; Wassen 1933, No. 3 [Karagabi makes immortal people out of wood, but they go to the lower world, they have no anus, they feed on the smell of food; cutting his hand, K. does not want to use wood anymore, sculpts people from clay, they are mortal; if they were not from clay, they would change their skin as snakes and crustaceans]: 110; Zuluaga Gómez 1991 [a man was born from a woman's foot; the moonlight that is too bright prevents him, he climbed in, ripped out the moon's eyes, now her light has faded; someone has cut off the vine, man fell into the underworld; there are people without an anus; a man pierced the child's anus, he died; someone was walking, a man climbed a tree, who came saw his shadow, began to catch, then looked up ordered him to go down, brought him home; the man ran away, hid at the Old Partridge; she drove the pursuer away, showed the way home]: 97-100; nonama: Lotero Villa s.a. [the man gave birth to two legs sons, died; they ask who killed their father; Serpent; killed snakes; Jaguar; etc.; finally, the Moon; wanted to get to it, the woodpecker cut off the vine; one brother was eaten by a snake, the other keeps asking about father; killed the Sun; where the Sun sets, people without anuses]: 22-23; Raul González at Pinto García 1978 [without mouth and anus; bodies filled with sand]: 123; Wassen 1935, No. 8 [two people were born from a woman's leg; at night they turned into waura ("wooden dolls"), preserving their human appearance, killing people, drinking blood; asked their mother who killed their father; Snake; killed all the snakes in the forest; El Sierpe (a giant snake); they rafted to Sierpa, but the guacamayo warned her, she crawled away; the brothers put firewood on the raft, the snake swallowed it; they placed a pole between their jaws, a fire was made in the womb; the snake was half-dead, one came out through the anus, ended up in the lower world, nothing was known about him; the other, through his mouth, continued to suck blood; the sky was close to the ground; the man made clothes from the fluff, took off; at sunrise, a woodpecker flew out, hit him in the face; the man fell, but managed to scar the face of the moon; fell where the sun went down; a boy played on the beach, bore fruit with caimito trees, said that his father owned them, he would be today; this is the Sun; came white, wearing a gold hat; promised to take the man home; the boy throws fruits into the water, the fish ate them; so distracted the fish so that they would not eat the Sun; the Sun and the man dived into the underworld; the Sun left him at the huts, promised to take it back; sinculos (people without anus) said that the kuna wanted to kill them; man began to make onions and arrows; the kuna turned out to be shrimps; now the "British" are crayfish; the man explained that these enemies are eaten in his world; he went out of need, two boys asked them to make anuses, died; the Sun brought a man to earth; the man asked his deceased brother-in-law, who replied that he could not be cured; people decided to kill the person who came so as not to drink more blood; corn, mixed with water, doused at night, man became a stone; it was broken, the fragments turned into mosquitoes that fell into the water into leeches]: 133-137; Pinto García 1978:119-120, 124 [by Cadavid Gutierrez: these people live on the moon]; Chaves 1945 (chami), No. 2 [a man marries an ant woman Arrumia, she takes him to the lower world; there he ends up in the country of arremuco, people without anuses; he has many women there; his mother comes to him, marries there]: 145-146; Zuluaga Gomez 1991 (chami): 98; yupa: Villamañan 1982, No. 6 [Pépento live underground; they neither eat nor relieve themselves, they only drink broth; get married, have children, die]: 21; Wilbert 1974, No. 8 [dwarfs put food on the back of their heads, let it slide down their spine; this is how they eat; the hero marries a local girl]: 87-88; guambia [hero descends into the underworld; dwarfs live there without an anus; he pierces their anuses, they die]: Rowe 1954-1955:154; kamsa, ingano [first people, particularly women, feed on smell cooked food; the hero makes their anuses with a knife; some die, others recover]: McDowell 1989:112-113; 1992:105-106.
Llanos. Sicuani [Kvemeini sets a trap, Furna falls into it; turns into a turtle; Quemeini sends her daughter for her; Furna turns into a human, the girl takes him into a husband; turns into a tick, she brings him home on her genitals; at night, her father-in-law hears someone blowing the wind; realizes that a man is sleeping with his daughter because he and his family do not have anuses; later Quemeini turns into a snake, into the Milky Way]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 11:64-65; guayabero [dwarfs (?) in the underworld; no details.]: Schindler 1977a:220; kuiwa [a person came to Toboyaiwi people (localization is uncertain); they don't sleep at night, they turn rocks into dogs, they hunt for them; they there were no anuses, they spewed food through his mouth; a man marries a girl T.; holes his wife, mother-in-law and father-in-law's anuses with his penis; the penis is so sick that the person left T.; they have since had anuses]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 140:208-209
Southern Venezuela. Yabarana [first man and woman have no bodily bottom; spew food through a hole in their throat]: Wilbert 1959:56; Sanema: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 25 [bird people (Psarcolius) viridis or Gymnostinops yuracares) make anuses and vaginas for the first women; the beaks of these birds turn red; previously, male bats copulated with each other, conceiving children in their calves], 275 [dwarfs without anuses and guts live in the underworld; they are constantly hungry; they eat raw meat and women who hide their periods without chewing]: 64-65, 500.
Guiana. Warrau [Kororomanna killed a monkey, got lost in the forest; at night, chebu forest spirits began to hit the trunks with sticks; K. hit the monkey's stomach like a drum; one of the x. asked him show his hand, leg, face; K. shows parts of the monkey's body; blows the winds; x. hears a sound, asks him to pierce his anus; K. pierced him with a bow; x. promises that other x. will avenge him, disappears; K. hides on the Euterpe palm tree; x. beat the corpse of a monkey, thinking it was K.; he laughs; big eyebrows x. prevent them from looking up; one stood on his head, saw K.; x. trying to cut down a tree; their axes from turtle shells, pod knives, break; the biggest x. climbs the tree with his feet forward; K. pushes him down, shouting the words that x. promised to shout, the other x. kill him thinking they are killing him K.; K. runs away; hid in a hollow, where the woman says that her snake husband will come; but in the morning a hawk sang, K. said it was his uncle, the Snake was frightened, let him go; K. found a fallen tree on the path with a baby in a hollow; it was child H., K. killed him, hid him; the woman. wrapped the ground in a bundle with K.'s trail, walked away; K. replaced it with earth with her own trail; the woman threw the bundle into the fire, herself burned down; K. went to the ropa, his leg stuck, it was trap x; they put it in the basket, moved away, K. ran away; threw an arrow into the skull; he ordered him to be worn for it (in coryum tape, as women carry a load) and feed; the skull became fat, the bark was torn from weight; K. asked to wait for him to find another bast, ran away; the skull mistakenly rushed after the deer, killed him, began to count his fingers - two, not five! The man laughs from the other side of the river; the skull jumped into the water, drowned, all the ants came out of it; the other x scoops the pond with his scrotum; K. poked him with an arrow, x. thought it was gadflies, then stuffed K. into deck; K. gave x. tobacco, became friends with him, he gave him a small package of fish, he brought it to his mother, there were a lot of fish; on the way, various animals told K. about his mother, carrying different fruits that K.'s mother gave them (rat - yam, aguti - cassava, paka - yam, deer - cassava leaf, tapiriha - pineapple]: Wilbert 1970, No. 187:424-430 (the episode with perfume without anus, p. 424-426); taulipan [humans and animals have no anus, they blow the winds through the mouth; the anus exists as a special character; divided between all creatures]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 25:77-78; wapishana [forest spirit without anus]: Wirth 1950:177; carinha (Guyana): Gillin 1936, No. 12 [the forest spirit is covered with hard hair, has protruding eyebrows and is devoid of anus], 13 [The sloth continuously emitted gases; covers his anus with clay]: 202, 204; kalinya [the forest spirit has no anus; asks the hunter to give him an anus; the hunter pierces him with a stake, the spirit dies]: Magaña 1988a, No. 96:182; trio: Magaña 1987, No. 35 [spirit without anus and penis asks a person to make an anus for him; he pierces him with a sharp stick, the spirit dies; the man comes to take a bone to make a flute, the spirit comes to life; dies again after eating uruku; the old woman revives him]: 138; 1988b, No. 1 [ a person makes holes in the garden, plants cassava; Vulip (forest spirit) does not understand what he is doing, what it means to eat, defecate; he does not have an anus; a person shows how to defecate; V. asks make an anus for him; a person pierces him with a digging stick, he dies; after three months the body is still without signs of decay; the person wants to cut off V.'s leg and make a flute out of bone; V. comes to life, thanks, wants to marry a man's relative; V.'s soul is in his knee; he comes to an old woman who makes red paint from uruku; wants to eat paint; she offers him boiled fruits, he swallows them hot, dies again; man revives him again; V. takes him to his village, gives him something like manioc soup; thanks the man for now having an anus and penis; man returns home]: 574-576.
Ecuador. Colorado: Calazacon, Orazona 1982 [underground residents feed on steam from cooked food; two people fall into the underworld, eat, relieve themselves; they are given wives to conceive children with anuses; one was given to an old woman, his penis is pinched by her vagina, he dies; the other was given a young woman; he returns to earth]: 274-276; (cf. Wavrin 1937 [in the lower world, where the Sun is at night, there are dwarfs, everything is small there; giants live in the sky, everything is huge]: 515-516); kayapa: Barrett 1925 (2): 364-365 [dwarfs without anuses live somewhere on earth], 376 [dwarfs without anuses live in the underworld; they can only have sex in moonlight].
Western Amazon. Sekoya [people without anus live in the forest; sleep during the day, work at night; eat the smell of food, it then loses its taste; four women conceive children from the hero]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 43:199-204; kofan [see motive I28]: Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 75 [a loser hunter follows a herd of wild pigs, becomes one of them; through a hole he descends with them to the lower world; their owners live there kuanqua; a person spends a year there; k. has no anuses, feeds on the smell of cooked meat; a person defecates, k. enjoy the aroma; k. wrap their penises around their waist; penises crawl them women in vaginas], 76 [starting at (75); a person is frightened to see him smear his home with crap; returns to earth]: 134-137; napo (or canelo) [a person climbs a rock, from there to the cave hunts tayu (Steatornis peruvianus) birds; another wants to take possession of his wife, removes the rope; a man walks through the gorge, comes to dwarfs; they cook food, eat its smell; do not let what they smelled for a person is their excrement; when they see how he relieved their need, they are also asked to do their tiny anal holes; some die from surgery; dwarfs ask them to get along with their wives so that they can give birth to children with anus; dwarfs tell a man to follow the cougar, who brings him home, his wife remains faithful]: Ortíz de Villalba 1989, No. 48:92-94; shuar [two young men want to marry stars; two stars in the form of caterpillars come down to them; one throws his own, the other brings home, she turns into a girl; has no anus; eats in the garden groceries, spews cakes and chicha; mother-in-law is unhappy with the disorder in the house; offended, the star returns to heaven, her children follow her, her husband remains]: Pelizzaro 1993:221-224; aguaruna [hunter lost his way, sleeps under the roots of a tree; the forest spirit Ivian demands that his head, leg, and other parts of his body be given to eat; the hunter gives body parts to dead monkeys; blows the winds, I. wants too; the hunter pierces his anus, I. dies; the hunter returns to this place, sees I. lying on his back trying to take his teeth, he jumps up; in martial arts, a person throws I. and other spirits on the ground three times; I. leads him to his house; asks why his head is shiny; the man takes off I.'s scalp, runs away; ambushes birds in a tree; I. climbs there, the man pushes him into a ravine, I. dies]: Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 77:637-639.
NW Amazon. Bar [the tapir has no anus, asks the hero to do it for him; dies as a result of surgery]: Pereira 1980 (1): 245-246; carijona [good hunter Račaike (from rača - wind gun ) always relieved himself in one place; the Dung Beetle put a noose there; R., out of curiosity, sticks his foot in a noose, falls into a trap; pretends to be dead; the Beetle tries to cut off his head, hits a tree; juice flows, Beetle thinks it's fat, mixes it with crap, takes it as a side dish for meat; carries prey in a basket; puts it on the ground near the house, sends his wife for her; R. runs away with Beetle's ax; The beetle took shape chief, came to R. to ask him for an ax, he gives him; The beetle takes his form and flies away; R. continued to defecate in the same place, wiped his ass against the tree; it turned out to be a forest feature - Itutari; R. fired a poisoned arrow when the poison reached his head, the tree fell, but R. bounced; bananas, sugarcane and lulo grew at this place; R. cleared the area, planted them; climbed onto a palm tree for fruits; I. appeared with a club; R. threw his soft, offered him to lie down with his arms and legs apart; killed I. with a heavy bunch, finished him off with a club; set up a shelter, hunting birds; (another) I. appeared, saw that R. relieved, asked him to make an anus; R. pierced his hole with a stake; I. glad, since then they have been less annoying to people; (two plug-in episodes before the previous one); motmot flew through the hole in the hollow; R. wanted it too, the bird closed both holes; R. became fluff, flew through the hole; killed the birds from the wind cabin, then revived it; Parrots reply that they are flattening their testicles; R. also flattened died; revived, killed parrots, revived]: Schindler 1979, No. 15:128-138 (episode with anus No. 15f: 136-138); yukuna [see K1 motif; one by one, Kawarimi asks three groups of cranes to take it; the latter give he has feathers; they tell him not to look down when they fly over the little ones, or else he falls; people shoot arrows in the cranes, they shout that they are being bitten by a scorpion, an ant, a spider; at the next little one he looks, falls, The cranes pick it up, bring it to her aunt's husband; this is the anaconda, Pamitewa's aunt; the cranes have flown away, K. pretends not to wake up; P. lets his daughter carry this crane across the stream; K. turns into a man, rapes her; runs, touches a trap, hangs by her legs to the sky; smeared with crap; Imu sends a daughter, she says that the game has rotted, sends her father; I. believed that K. is dead, brought home, ate cassava crap; K. promises daughter I. to lie with her if she frees him; she put a deer on the grill; at night I. throws the hook, he pretends to be her hair; I. threw smut in four directions, the world caught fire; K. hides in the water in the leaf axil in the water; comes to the ogre Dragonfly (Iñapurá); accidentally burned (now the dragonfly is like this); asked hide it from I.; he hid it in the water; at the request of I. sent an anaconda, then a caiman, a manatee; both cannibals live together, Imo eats excrement; someone cooks in the house; K. opened the box A parrot girl appeared; wants to go back to the box, he did not allow it; burned his penis; she hears this word for the first time; neither she nor Imo and Inyapur have genitals or anus; anyone copulates part of the body; K. and Parrot (i.e. Dragonfly's wife) have sex; Dragonfly asks why K.'s penis is erected - wasps have been bitten; Dragonfly's wife asks to kill him; he hears K. blowing the winds to him I like the sound, he asks him to pierce his anus; K. pierces him to the heart, he dies; K. marries a widow (Parrot); Wolves (Martens?) they stole it, left Mother Komarov in return; K. killed her, mosquitoes flew out of her; K. took his wife; then see motive K8A]: Jacopins 1981:127-150; letuama [the name of the great mother Rupari Kumurua, her husband Great Anaconda; the cranes gave the shaman feathers, he flew with them to RK; she gave them cakes, wrote to the sucker, began to burn pepper; the shaman coughed and gave it to himself; Anaconda frightened him; the cranes flew away and took the feathers ; RK told the shaman to watch the children; they were snakes, he killed two naughty ones; copulated with her to exhaustion, she showed her way home; then showed the frog; he got to cannibal women; they gave eat, saw his penis, asked what it was; - Women's food; agreed to show how, but with one at a time and without witnesses; he has been living with the main woman for a year; they have children; aunts ate them; birds they warn that he will also be eaten; he hid in a hollow with wasps, became a wasp himself; the wasps drove the women away; going on, the shaman fell into the trap of a dmon; he smeared himself with crap; he tickles him with a wand; brings his daughter; the daughter turned the man into a cricket, hid it in the house; the man came to Dragonfly; he did not have an anus, pretended to eat and feel better; asked to give him an anus; the man pierced him with a stake, killed him; took him wife; came home; when the mother came out to meet him, the wives turned into..., flew away; (about a spirit without anus p. 200)]: Palma 1984:194-202; tucano? [forest spirit]: Bruzzi 1994:190-192; desana [Vahsupymange has three sons; one was born without an anus, V. made a hole in it, he died; the other has a mouth on his throat, the third has no nose; they are gone]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1968, No. 9:202; 1971:259; Kabiyari: Bourgue 1976 [Yakamamukute (Sky) did not have an anus; (his umbilical cord connected to the pupuchu, the Banesteriopsis caapi vine; Jaguar Hehechu was her process; this is only in the paraphrase Bonnemère 2001:40); Hehech is associated with the earth; I came to dance with H.'s children, killed them; one escaped, became a bird; I threw the other into boiling water like a worm; X . collected pieces of his body, joined him with cotton wool, he turned into a monkey (mico); I pretended to know nothing; invited Y. to dance; blew the winds loudly; I asked him to make an anus; H. pierced him his anus died; his body exploded to become the sky, that is, the sky separated from the earth; H.'s remains turn into a hill, the blood became clay; the other remains have given rise to the sons of Y., four cultural heroes Munully; they measure the land to determine where its center is; they build the first maloka by cutting down the only Teviji tree, there are no others yet; the roof is flat, falling after the first rain; M. take the night to the toad Karu; at first they do not pay, K. hands them a vessel with wounds; demands gold; after receiving the night, M. carelessly open the vessel, darkness sets in; M. create nocturnal animals screaming at a certain time; when it is time for dawn, the sun rises; M. receives a vessel of earth from the Mapitare worm, inadvertently opened, the earth is dispersed; the water in Pira-Parana is hot, fish cannot be eaten, it causes diseases, and There are no other rivers yet; M. come to a tree with water and fish, owned by Kamanatana, the wife of the Mapitare worm; brothers eat ants and Kamanatana feeds them tapioca; the youngest of M. (his name is Mamitiri) spies, sees that this tapioca is Mapitare sperm; Mamitiri, in the form of a hummingbird, finds a tree owned by Kamanatana; M. opens a hole in which she kept animals and animals spread through the forest; M. dazzle Kamanatana, send them down the river to the rapids; they cut down trees that turn into different rivers; when a tree owned by Kamanatana is cut down, it does not fall, it is suspended for the vines; they send the white Maniritare squirrel to cut them down; the fallen tree turns into Apaporis, the vine turns into the Cananarí River; the sky at sunset is colored with squirrel blood; the brothers tell the snake to make a channel rivers winding; brothers turn into parrots, fly to Thunder, replace its lightning with a parrot's tail, carry it away, distribute it to all communities]: 121-131 [summary with comments and interpretations], 138-143 [ accurate summary]; Correa 1989 [Yaguar Ye'shu had four sons; while he was working clearing the site, Yakamukute ("Sky") came to dance with his children; one boy cut off the strap of the basket, in which Y. had rattles, he could not collect them; ordered the water to boil the worm, threw the children into the cauldron; the youngest became a bird, flew to his father; J. took another one out of the cauldron, who became a monkey; Four years later, J. arranged a feast, called Y.; said that he had pierced his anus with a stake; Ya. wanted to be pierced and died; his sons Mujnuyi were fishing and fire, see motive B17]: 36-37; tatuyo (or bar) [Watí comes to Hudá's children ("grandfather, ancestor"), offers to cook edible caterpillars, pushes them into the cauldron; two younger boys turned into birds, flew to their father; father took out the bodies of the elders, turned them into capuchin monkeys; H. meets V., blows the wind; hearing the sound, V. asks him to make an anus; the man pierces him; V. dies, turns into pottery clay]: Gomez-Imbert 1990:195-208; Barasana [while dragonfly parents are on the property, Wati-Goode-Mangu (Spirit without Anus) comes into the house, tells the children to dance with belts made of wild pigs teeth; the youngest reports parents, who teach children to steal a basket with belts; V. returns for it; pushes the children into a boiling pot; the youngest turns into a bird; the father turns the rest into edible animals: bones into monkeys- capuchins, flesh in wild pigs Tayassu tajacu; V. meets Dragonfly; he blows the wind; V. asks him to make an anus too; The dragonfly pierces him with a stake, V. dies; The dragonfly scatters flesh along the rivers, she turns into clay of different colors]: C.Hugh-Jones 1979:197-198; tarian [Kurupira asked the man to give him his son as a friend; he refused, then Kurupira stole and killed the boy; the man came to K., telling the ants to enter his hut; the man and K. ate fish, the man relieved himself, and K. cannot because he does not have an anus; asked him to do it; the man made a hole in it with sharp stems and pulled it out entrails; K. died]: Brüzzi 1994:190-192; uitoto [forest spirit]: Preuss 1921, No. 25:96; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 16:134-135; yagua [people without anus live underground; fish live theirs corn, turtles are their benches]: Chaumeil 1982:49; chikuna: Nimuendaju 1952:118-119 [hunter Choe loses prey; he guards, cuts off a jaguar's leg reaching for meat; brings it to the village, everyone shows; among the audience is the Royal Vulture, who was a thief; taking his paw, he puts it to his body, flies away, pulling out C.'s eyes; in his house in the sky, he hangs a bundle with his eyes from the ceiling beam; a grasshopper and one type of termites cannot gnaw through the vine; other termites gnaw, a bundle with eyes falls to the ground, C. inserts her eyes back; the old vulture woman gives a boat to run away from Royal Vulture; C. pushes so hard that he falls into the ground; meets strange creatures there; the Blind have a lot of food; C. steals it, the Blind can't catch him; dwarfs incredibly strong, they throw C. like a ball; people without anuses eat steam from cooked food; C. marries, his wife eats with him, he cuts through her anus, she dies; C. returns to earth]; Pereira 1980 (2) [in heaven marries a vulture's daughter; descends to earth with her; falls underground; people without an anus eat the smell of food; returns to heaven]: 462-463.
Eastern Amazon. Shipaya [Kunyarima is the son of Kumafari (aka Marushava, from Morubishab - chief); his brother Arubiata is the son of Possum; the brothers come to Adjia ( Adji); they do not have an anus, defecate through their mouths; K. shows a way to defecate, a. want him to pierce their anus; brothers pierce a. stakes, they die; brothers bring their meat to Marushava; he feeds to them still; when the meat runs out, M. blows on the bones, they are covered with flesh again]: Nimuendaju 1920:1021-1022; juruna [Jaguar inserts his penis where the woman urinates, she gives birth to Sinaa , who has a second pair of eyes on the back of his head; S.'s wife gives birth to three sons, one of them conceived by an animal; for treason, S. sends her to the site where she is killed by wild people; her sons hunt birds, guan says that it was not him, but wild people who killed their mother; wild people do not have anuses; the younger brother shows them a way to defecate, the older one makes holes; most die from it; the rest are chasing for the brothers; they bring their grandfather Jaguar the meat of wild people to eat; now he tries this meat, it never ends; he tests his grandchildren, telling them to maintain a hot brazier; all three they stand the test, hiss when immersed in water; their grandfather gives them the names: Dubata (Sr.), Panharima, Urubiata]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:232-240; urubu [first people eating rotten wood, spewing digested food through their mouths, women don't have vaginas; Anavira (originated from a walnut tree of the same name) pierces anuses and vaginas with a sharp stick; penises were small , A. enlarged them; did not order them to copulate in public; showed how to clear the plot and plant cassava]: Huxley 1956:171.
Montagna - Jurua. Kashibo [people without anuses live underground]: Frank et al. 1990:42 (note 2).
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [red-haired dwarfs, eating the smell of food]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 2 [After a sloth-induced world fire, humans came out of the underworld; first humans (without an anus?) ate the same wind], 41 and 42 [hold the earth; when they turn gray, the earth will fall; passing by, the Sun and the Moon tell them that they are still young, they tear out their gray hairs], 220 [the brother of a good hunter's wife is not knows how to hunt; he invited him to go into the hole for the battleship, closed the exit; the battleship brought the man to the lower world; wild pigs his herd; the battleship's wife cooked pork; Idsetti Deha came, little men and women; the battleship is their master; they have no anuses, they inhaled the smell of cooked food, and so did the Battleship and his wife; the battleship hunted like this: it took off its shell, scraped itself with a comb, plunged into a boiling pot, went through the bottom of the boiler into the forest along with the water; killed animals, fried, sent fried food to his wife underground back into the pot; the wife taught this to man, made him a good hunter; ID they gave the man a wife; the child, like his mother, did not have an anus; a year later, the Battleship brought the man to the ground, gave two combs, one for him and the other for his sister's evil husband; he now asked to teach him hunt; undressed, scraped, rushed into the cauldron, cooked and died; var.1, Ixiamas: man climbed the battleship's hole himself; for underground people, tapiti hares are jaguars; man easily kills hares; he was given two girls, he refused; taught me how to smoke wasps and set traps on hares; two years later he found his way back and came back; var 2, Tumupasa (as var. 1, but shorter); var. 3, Tumupasa; about like var 2 ; dwarfs without ass gave man two women; children were born without ass; the man was dissatisfied, returned to earth; var 4, San Jose; the man grabbed the battleship by the tail, he dragged it to the lower world; there Idsetti Deha, red dwarfs; only drink broth, urinate, but have no anus; unhappy that a person stains their land with crap; he clings to the battleship, comes back; var 5, Buenaventura; Battleship He was friends with a man, brought him underground, where dwarfs are the owners of wild pigs; they only drink broth; he pierces the anuses of some dwarfs, they die; tapiti for them is a jaguar; a man killed him, smoked wasps; eight days later, he grabbed the tail of the Battleship, returned to earth], 222 [in the lower world, dwarfs eat the smell of food; two people entered the battleship's hole; there are many wild pigs, bakers, tapirs ; wasps are the size of a hummingbird, their bites cause people and animals to die; on salt marshes, animals come to our land; and come back]: 39, 88-89, 351-354, 354-355; tupari [first ancestors Waledad and Wap decided to steal Woodpecker's ax to cut down a tree with edible fruits; Valedad sent a gadfly to bite him, the brothers cut off Woodpecker's feathers so as not to catch up; he set fire to the world in revenge; Wap burned down, Valedad waited out the fire in the Spider's hole, blew, the wind brought Vapa to life; instead of an anus, Valedad and Vapa had a tail, food was spewed through their mouths; Spider's wife and daughters gnaw off their tails, make anal holes; when the tree was cut down, streams of water poured from the sky; Valedad picked nuts and planted]: Caspar 1975:190-191.
Southern Amazon. Trumai [the otter had no anus, the Sun pierced its hole]: Murphy, Quain 1955:74; Kamayura: Agostinho 1974, No. 2:169-170; Münzel 1973:49-50, 67-68; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Otters spew what they have eaten through their mouths; see Catsinim (the rodent) relieve himself; ask him to make anuses for them; he pierces the Otter, killing; the fish warns the last otter; it manages to swim away with only a small hole; it gives rise to current otters]: 70; nambiquara [two tick people live; one has no anus; he only drinks broth; the other pierces his anus, he dies]: Pereira 1983, No. 85:112; Rickback [the newlyweds went for honey; at night, his wife did not let her husband into her hammock, he stayed by the fire, the centipede crawled into his ear; it hurts, he wants to be eaten by a jaguar in vain or swallowed an anaconda; a man in the lake hits a leaf, producing thunder and lightning; a man went down to him, asked him to be healed, he opened his skull, took out a centipede; gave him a thunder leaf; man killed his wife; his sister's eldest son went to look for her missing youngest son; they came to a snake man; he has a long penis, he copulates while lying in his hammock far from women; warned at night not get up out of need; nephew got up, stepped on penis, man and woman died; man and nephew came to catfish people, they do not have anuses, defecate through their mouths; ask them to cut their anuses, five died, others realized that it was impossible; they came to the Rats, Battleships, Yellow Ants and many others; when Woodpecker killed them; at this time, my sister drowned his calebas, she realized that her son and brother died]: Pereira 1994, No. 4:58-65; paresi [the mother of frost came from the south, began to fish with poison; for her fish is firewood, Erone eats fish, she is frightened; E. met the forest spirit of Toloa; he does not like If he is seen from behind, his gut sticks out there; E. shouted from a distance what he saw, made a deer, T. thought it was E., took it home; E. killed people who were frying fish, left the old woman; went out on the road of lost souls; they want to eat it, he says it's salty, they go to the river for a drink, he hides in a tree; How did he get in? - Feet forward; he killed the first arrow, screams, Here E falls, they ate theirs; E. came to people without an anus, defecate through their mouths; put fried fish under them, saying it's crap; asked them to make anuses; E. pierced them with a stick, they died, the old woman remained; one blind man in the tree pulls out honey, the other below; E. catches honey, gives wax to the lower one; the upper one threw an ax down, E. his took it away, threw it into the water, he became a fish; E. met a tapir family, his daughter was sick; sent his parents for edible leaves, cooked and ate his daughter; tapir and tapiriha chase E., hides a nightjar under his body, the pursuers look into his mouth, tearing him up, now he's big; the female saco-boi swallows E., tells the tapirs she has a sore throat; the tapirs are gone, E. stayed overnight with the woman saco - boi, burned the man's boat; in the morning he was chasing; E. to a tree, telling him to grab the fruit, hit the head, killed; at the house cabore-do-sol hid in shallow water, covered himself with a piece of bark, like fish, children they shoot arrows, throw them at fish and onions, E. took it all away, in the evening he came to this house, the children recognized the arrows, E.: No, these are mine; they go swimming, the children wash it, everyone says, My hand, leg, ass and etc.; Father will come, kill you with this spear, we will eat; E. swapped spears (one hits, the other always passes by); killed the owner who came; the same episode with spears in the turtle house; into marten houses ( irara), they went for honey, ordered them to look after the children, did not order them to untie the parcel; E. untied it, the children died, their parents revived them; the owner of the forest came, E. turned the fruit into stone, threw it from the tree, killed her baby; she wants to spray milk from her chest into him, but E. does not look at her; called for other spirits, but E. did not get it; E. returned to his mother, was absent from April (when it was frozen) until September]: Pereira 1986, No. 17:261-282 (people without anuses: 268-269).
Chaco. Chamacoco [people saw a giant battleship buried in the ground, people came down for it; it was the Mother of the Battleships; she warned of the flood, ordered the construction of a tower of logs and clay, take refuge in it, kill her, eat her meat; after the flood, the Mother of the Battleships, who killed her, ordered her to gradually get used to the sunlight; people dispersed in different directions, became the ancestors of different peoples; who killed The mother of the Battleships went north, got to people who did not have anus, ate honey diluted in water; cut holes for them to consume solid foods; perfumes that they did not turn into those who hide from the flood take all their food for themselves; the battleship Mother's killer has turned them into various animals]: Escobar 2007:230-233.
The Southern Cone. People live in the sky without an anus. South Tehuelches: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 5 [Sunmen in the sky are like owls spewing food through their mouths; they have urination holes and genitals, but no anus], 92 [Fox went up to heaven, people live there without an anus, feed on the smell of food; they see how the Fox frees himself from what he ate, pierces the anus of one person at his request; he dies; the fox weaves a grass rope, to go down; it's short, he falls, fills a bump, and flowers grow out of it on his head]: 20, 134-135.