Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I15. Creatures without mouths.


Creatures don't have mouths. Usually their mouth is then cut through.

Kamoro, Arandai Bintuni, Majprat, Gimi, Taupota, Saibai, Mawatta, Southern New Guinea, Dobu, Ancient Greek Sources for India, Nenets, Upper Zeya Evenks, Central Yupik, Kuchin, tanaina, tagish, inner tlingit, quarry, vishram, vasco, tillamook, kalapuya, yakima, ne perse, blacklegs, mandan, hidatsa, yokutz, monache, northern payut, western and northern shoshoni, zunyi, tsotsil, nonama , shuar, baniva, guariquena, botocudo.

Melanesia. Arandai-bintuni [Inómsamhu had no mouth, anus, penis, ears; he cooked food and threw it into the river; Tomotóhó and Tómona women came with them two young sons IbansiBá; they saw food swimming, threw it away, took it still warm; the women put a snake in the food for Inomsamhu, it was tested, cried out, its holes were cut; all the people gathered; only in Ibansibá was found in the last Kampong because both children, feeling their father, cried there]: Miedema 1997, No. 18:46-47; kamoro [while the younger brother was frying fish, the eldest went to the mouth of the river and met two girls, offered to marry his brothers; their father has no anus, mouth, eyes, ears; his brothers cut through these holes, he vomited and feces; they washed him, dried him; the wives said he he is going to kill his sons-in-law, they themselves pierced him with spears, buried him; two female spirits (Warenai) sealed their wives, sailed into the sea themselves; someone found women, cleared their eyes; brothers killed women spirits, brought them back women]: Drabbe 1947, No. 1:165-167; Majprat [first only bamboo knives; Sekirit was the first to make a stone ax and whetstone, cleared a large area; Tafu had no mouth and anus, had a tail; his dog caught the possum, he dried the meat; hearing the murmur at the spring, he threw all the meat there, believing that his sister was there; Titmaw exchanged S. for one ax for cloth, came to Taag, put a sharp stick under his tail, hit her with an ax, punching his anus; screaming opened his mouth, Tafu began to eat; Titmaw married his sister, who got out of the water when she heard his brother scream]: Elmberg 1968, No. 37:272-273; gimi [the first person did not have a face or mouth; he threw food into a hole on the top of his head]: Gillison 1986:50; taupota [a woman had no mouth, gave birth without a man, hid the baby in a hollow; in a hole in the top of her head put food, she screamed, her mouth erupted; she sent the girl to take her son's food, she saw a snake in the hollow; the same second, but with her friend, not afraid, found the young man; both married him; one gave birth to a boy; both went to the party, the mother-in-law warned him to follow the trampled path, the overgrown path leads to Taumudukoro; the one who gave birth insisted on walking along the overgrown one; T. was all in thorns, squeezed the baby to death, returned to her mother; both women returned to her husband; he told the lost child to dive, put her hand in the large sink; the sink slammed shut, the woman drowned]: Seligmann 1910, No. 17:397-398; Saibai [Gasu had no mouth, only smelled food and water; his daughter Sui felt sorry for him, cut his mouth; his wife Bugid gave birth to a son, demanding that S. eat excrement and urine baby; she was just pretending; B. called for excrement, they answered where S. had thrown them away; B. beat S.; she made the figure of a red-billed red-legged white bird, moved into it, flew away]: Laade 1971, No. 17:37-40; mavatta [on Boigu Island, the stepmother forced her stepdaughter to eat her baby brother's excrement; she ran away, met a man without a mouth who ate the smell of food; she cut through his mouth, left with him]: Landtman 1917:429 in Laade 1971:40; South New Guinea [about a man without an anus and without a mouth]: Landtman 1917:426f in Laade 1971:40; Dobu [fisherman does not share his catch with the wife's elder sister, who causes the wind, brings it to the land of the dead; every day, when the sun is between noon and sunset, women cook on fire, men build a house, everyone gathers in it, two set fire, all go up to the clouds in clouds of smoke; a fisherman comes to the village of Closed Mouth; they put their food in a hole on the crown; a fisherman hits them in the face with a killed snake, they have mouths; In the next village, people put everything off until tomorrow (husband, wife and children sleep in the rain); for the inhabitants, the next day is night and vice versa; the next day people fly on their wings; in the next, people they sit with their long buttocks stuck in the ground; the next one they weave even in their dreams; the next they make boats; the fisherman returns home]: Fortune 1932:182-185.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Ancient Greek sources [Plin. NH VII, 2, 25-26: Among the nomadic Indus, says Megasthenes (an author of the 3rd century BC, who described India), there is a tribe (gens) that have only holes instead of a nose that drag their legs like snakes; they are called Kirts; to the outer limits of India, in the east, near the origins of the Ganges, there is a tribe of astoms, rootless... Above them, in the extreme part of the mountains, there are five and pygmies that do not jump three inches in size; Aul. Gell. Noct. Att. IX, 4, 10: These same writers (Ctesius, Onesikrit) say that there is a tribe (gens) at the extreme limits of India that does not eat food at all, but is saturated with the smell of flowers; pygmies also live not far from them; of these, the biggest ones are no more than two feet and a quarter]: Stahl 1982:45.

Western Siberia. The Nenets [among the demonic characters is a horror without a mouth and anus mal tanga ("clogged ass"), which feeds on the smell of food, which then turns into sewage]: Khelimsky 1982:399.

Eastern Siberia. The Evenks of the upper reaches of Zeya (Verkhnealdan or Uchursko-Zeisky) [one of the two brothers went hunting, attacked the trail of an elk; when he followed the trail, his path crossed some bright and bright creature; then the hunter saw that the elk had already been killed and there was a brilliant man standing beside him on blue skis; the man invited the hunter to lunch; while eating, he pushed pieces under his arms because he had his mouth it was not; when he fell asleep, the hunter stole his skis, stood on them, they rushed him like a whirlwind; with the help of them, the hunter quickly returned home; his older brother ordered the skis to be returned to their owner; the hunter refused, so his brother decided to do it himself; he skied slightly touching the snow; when the skis stopped, the hunter's older brother saw a man sleeping, with bright rays radiating; the older brother put his skis beside him, hid and waited; the man woke up, got on skis, rushed through the snow, rose into the air; the silver dust that rose remained in the sky - this is how it turned out The Milky Way]: Zevenis 1961:84-85

The Arctic. Central Yupik [the first people rip women's bellies open to get a baby; one woman gives birth normally; people want to kill her husband; he swims away in a kayak; ends up in a women's village; those They kill the caribou with a big stick; he sails to people without a mouth; they feed on the smell of food; after that, the food becomes rotten; he continues his journey]: Fienup-Riordan 1983, No. 19:247.

Subarctic. Kuchin [the older brother is jealous of the younger brother; breaks the log, makes a coffin; invites his brother to lie down and try it on; closes the lid, lowers it into the river; takes the coffin to the shore where the Dog Eskimos live (= eagle people); they have no mouth, they eat the smell of rotten meat; the hero cuts through their mouths; then they cut their mouths, each other, some in a hurry make a vertical cut; the hero gets a wife; local people they rip open the bellies of pregnant wives, the hero teaches them how to give birth; hawks are moose for them, the hero easily kills hawks; a dead hawk that falls from a tree has run over several people; the hero is given eagle plumage, he flies in it home, lifts his brother into the air, throws him into the fast; takes him two wives; one of them lubricates his feathers with her milk, his wings weaken; he grabs the beaver, which drags him under water; wives take him in husbands a piece of resin; it soon falls to pieces]: McKennan 1965:132-136; koyukon [K'etetaalkkaancee (literally "The One Who Sailed in a Boat Among People and Objects", "The Traveler"; Thompson 1990:3) greeted the man (this is the Long-Eared Owl), but he only smiled; they made a fire and fried hazel grouse; when K. gave another wing, he pointed to the fire; he had no mouth and ate while burning food; K. cut through his mouth and anus; he spoke, clenching his lips tightly; so owls have a small mouth; in the morning K. saw his friend in the tree, he turned into an owl; it is believed that a long-eared owl can do bad and good predictions]: Attla 1990:37-40; tanaina [no details; there was only rainwater; Kittleguyo let the water out by cutting horse cabbage; cut through the mouths of animals (=first ancestors) to make them could talk; taught women how to give birth; women in labor used to have their bellies ripped open]: Osgood 1937:173; tagish [(western 1950); two boys fell asleep on the ice, the ice floe came off, they swam down the river; with them the dog, they killed it, covered the ice with blood so that it would not melt so quickly; when they stuck, they went back; the cannibal drove one into a tree, began to cut the trunk; the other came up, offered to cut it instead, hacked it cannibal; brothers smashed his head, mosquitoes flew out (they weren't there before); the brothers met a man with a second person on the back of his head; killed him and his dog; came to people without a mouth (or rather with a tiny a hole instead of a mouth); they let the meat worm, ate larvae; the brothers tore the mouth of one boy, then, at their request, other people; they began to eat meat and talk; the brothers came to others people who extract children by ripping women's bellies open; brothers taught these women how to give birth; contrary to warning, they spend the night under a tree; a huge squirrel ate the youngest; the elder called people, they killed the squirrel shaman revives swallowed bone]: McClelland 2007, No. 79:390-393; inner tlingits: McClelland 2007 (3), No. 125 [two boys and a dog swam down the river on a broken ice floe; grandmother manages to throw food with them; to prevent the ice floe from melting, they smear the dog's edges with blood, the ice floe no longer cracks; they jump ashore, come to people with tiny mouths, they only eat larvae , their dogs are porcupines; their women do not know how to give birth, pregnant women have their stomachs ripped open; brothers teach them how to give birth, tear people's mouths to eat and speak normally; the old woman sends brothers home, gives a staff, who will show the way, tells us not to spend the night at the squirrel house and the snake house; they stop, the eldest hides in a tree, leaves a block in his place; the youngest remains below; a huge squirrel swallows it, the elder kills her with an arrow, pulls her brother out of her belly, all his hair has fallen out; they stop at a snake house, where the younger brother died; the elder has returned home], 135 [two brothers and a dog were carried away on an ice floe; they smeared the edges of the ice floe with dog blood to prevent it from splitting; they came to people with tiny mouths, and women rip open their stomachs to remove the baby; the boys widened their mouths so that they could eat properly, taught them how to give birth; the brothers went home, met a giant, hid from him in a cave; he asked for help - another giant took his wife away; threatened to fill the exit with a stone if his brothers did not go with him; the eldest went, the youngest refused, he was overwhelmed in the cave, now his voice is an echo; rabbits for the giant are moose, the boy killed two the giant was able to eat only one jaw; then the giant killed two moose, for him they were rabbits; the whole tree for the giant was a stick, the muskrat was a louse; the giant made an ax out of the beaver's fangs, gave it to the boy; the other the giant was fishing, the first to kill him; the giant's wife put her breasts over him, they crushed him; the boy cut them off, the giant's wife died; the giant killed twin babies, married the daughter of the first a giant who has just her period; sent the boy home with a stick pointing the way; gave a bear dog, allowed him to kill him with his shoulder blade; in the morning there is always meat on his shoulder blade; the boy returned home], 149 [two boys swam away on an ice floe that has come off; they have a dog, they smeared the edges of the ice floe with blood from her nose; they come to people without a mouth whose women do not know how to give birth; they wait for the meat to worm, eat larvae, rip open their wives; boys tear their mouths, teach them how to give birth]: 557-556, 610-617, 673-675.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [Ayasu comes to five homes; the fifth is inhabited by people without mouths; they eat the smell of burning fat; A. cuts their mouths with a knife]: Jenness 1934, No. 30:191; Vishram [Coyote sees how a person catches fish by diving after it; steals salmon from him; he points his finger in different directions, finds a Coyote, mooes something; a man has no mouth; a Coyote bakes fish; a man smells it and throws it away; a Coyote cuts his mouths and all the inhabitants of his village; refuses the proposed woman; people still have big mouths in this village]: Sapir 1909b: 18-25 in Hines 1938, No. 16:86-89; Vasco: Hines 1996 , No. 5A [two sisters hold salmon by the dam; the Coyote turns into an alder log, swims, the youngest picks it up, the eldest tells them to be thrown away; turns into a baby in the cradle, the youngest picks it up; while the sisters they dig roots, he breaks the dam for five days, turns back into a baby at night; releases salmon up Colombia, sisters turn into birds (like swallows); in the Vancouver area, Coyote met people without mouths, they cooked, smelled, threw them away; he cut their mouths; the chief offered him a daughter as his wife, he refused (I take women whenever I want! )]: 51-53; Spier, Sapir 1930 [(quail in Hines 1996, No. 9B: 53-56); people without eyes and mouths feed on odors; Coyote cuts through their eyes and mouths]: 279; tillamook [Ice lives with its people in Nehalem village; they sail to hunt sea otters; they cannot catch up with a sea otter with a white face; they come to the village, there is a woman, she was a sea otter, their arrows in her house; she agrees to board their boat, takes a purse with him; Ice thinks it has food, but there are living things; he throws it overboard; the woman says that if she brought her to Nehalem, people would not die; jumps into the sea; they sail to Salmon village, they eat one; to people with tails; to naked people who cover their ears like blankets at night (their ears are normal in size during the day); to invisible spirits, they throw baskets; into the house, the door which opens and closes as fast as the woman in the house speaks; Ice runs in, grabs meat, manages to jump out; the door only cuts off a little flesh from his buttocks; to people without mouth that feeds on the smell of food; Ice cuts through the boy's mouth, he can talk; watches Ice copulate with a mouthless girl; Ice cuts through everyone's mouths, tells them not to copulate in public; formerly mouthless they conceived children differently from us (it is not said how exactly); they come to cannibals, Ice turns the boat into a feather, escapes the chase; to people with tiny mouths, they feed on dental mollusks; they come back home]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 1:3-9; yakima [a huge bird carries people and animals; a man quietly climbs onto her back, flies to the nest where the female sits on eggs; several months quietly feeds on poultry meat; sees a boat with little people, asks him to pick it up; these people breathe through a tiny hole, eat, inhaling beads; hordes attack them every spring geese and ducks; during the battle, feathers and fluff clog the breathing holes; a man peels off his feathers to save many; the attack is repulsed; he is chosen as a leader, given a wife, he has children; by old age he returns home; now little people are probably all slaughtered by birds that regularly trained to fight on the island where they lived; some say this story took place in Puget Sound]: Hines 1992, No. 20:69- 76; ne perse [Coyote kills a monstrous beaver; makes tribes out of his body parts; discovers he forgot to cut through Chinook's eyes and mouths; corrects a mistake]: Clark 1953:175; kalapuya [Coyote travels; in one village it shows that cancer is not a monster, but food; in another it is the same about salmon; in a third, people have no mouths; he cuts through the boy's mouth first, then the rest]: Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 2:222-226.

Plains. Blacklegs [The old man makes the first women's mouth; first cuts it vertically; dissatisfied with his work; sews and cuts horizontally]: Maclean 1893 (blood): 166; Wissler, Duvall 1908, no. 3:20; mandan [son of the Month comes to people who have no mouth; they cook corn, they eat the smell; it cuts through their mouths, they can eat]: Bowers 1950:204; hidatsa [girl goes beyond the Months; her son digs a rhizome in the sky, making a hole through which the ground can be seen; she and his mother go down a rope from a tendon, the Month kills his mother with a stone, the boy is unharmed; lives with old women; kills monsters; a bald man comes out of the hollow, screams, all the meat becomes bitter; the young man became a spider, climbed a tree, turned a bald man into a harmless owl; the white Raven warns buffalo about the appearance of hunters; the young man became a wounded bison, brought the herd to people, went to the steppe himself, pretended to die; crows and magpies flocked, the last was their leader, the White Raven; the young man caught him by the legs, plucked him; he flew away; the young man threw one feather into the air, it turned into a white Raven; the young man painted it black; people have tiny eyes and mouths, the young man widened them; knocked out the predatory moose all the big teeth, left two; eventually turned into a Morning Star]: Lowie 1942:4-6.

California. Gashowu [the hawk woman lived alone; killed deer and immediately ate them, leaving only their skin behind; the wolf and coyote came to her; she fed them acorn porridge, made food from dried venison and gave it with her; promised to continue to feed them and their children, but they should not tell anyone about it; the magpie was a healer, she found out everything, others followed; the eagle chief sent a pigeon to forty; she told about a hawk woman; all the men came to her wanting to marry her, but she refused; the coyote pretended to be sick; the wind caused him to tear off the roof of the house; she had to let the coyote rope secure the roof; the woman did not want to leave him in the house for the night, but she had to; did not allow the coyote to take possession of it; at night she put a rattlesnake in her vagina; the coyote put a wooden cover over his penis, the snake broke its teeth; the woman agreed to take out the snake and they came together; they had a son; he was put in water for three days and grew up; the coyote made many beads and the son became a player; wanted to kill the owl, but he bewitched him, turning him into condor; the coyote shouted: Kill the owl before the son finally became a condor, but he only cried; the condor flew away; the wife put the snake in her vagina again, she bit the coyote and he died; the condor became hunt people; tried to make his mother a cannibal, but she refused; brought two boys and a girl, told his mother to fatten them; she told the boys to kill him, otherwise he would destroy them all; when the condor He came to drink, the boys started shooting arrows at him, and their sister pulled them out of the condor's body and brought them back to the brothers; the condor did not feel anything; his mother hid the children in a hole, in the same place herself covered it with a stone; the condor almost flew to the top of the sky, but then fell; they burned his body; his eyes flew out of their orbits; they could not be found and the current condors arose from them; a woman and a girl went down to the earth through a hole in the sky on a rope of feathers, and the brothers came to where heaven meets earth; there people without mouths feed on the smell of cooked food; the brothers showed how to eat, cut through alone man's mouth; he spoke; cut through others' mouths; everyone could eat and speak; brothers returned home]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 14:205-209; monak [Falcon and Raven flee from the skeleton; come to people without a mouth (one of them is Rainbow); they feed on the smell; grateful to those who come cut through their mouths; The rainbow offers to play ball, intending to kill the losers; see motive J39]: Gifford 1923, No. 8:323-324 .

The Big Pool. Usually: people without a mouth feed on the smell; they are grateful to the hero who cuts through their mouths. Northern Payut [The creator has driven giants, water babies, and other dangerous and strange creatures into a deep cave; among creatures living there, those without mouths feed through their nostrils]: Marsden 1923, No. 1:183-185; Western Shoshones: Steward 1943b:278-281 (Elko, Nevada) [the sky is too low, the Sun is too hot; Rabbit and his brother Sand Rabbit went east to kill the Sun; brother doesn't listen Rabbit, digs a hole straight, not with turns; Rabbit's arrows burn in the air, but he hits the Sun with a sedge bark (sage bark); The sun has fallen, the ground has caught fire, the brother burns, the Rabbit only has a burnt neck and limbs; The rabbit wanted to make a new Sun out of the old gallbladder, but it had green spots, so he turned it into the moon, and the new sun from the Sun's bladder; pushed his head away the sky is higher, the sun has placed there; on the way home, the Rabbit comes to people without a mouth; they smell grease with their noses over the fire; he cut through one flint's mouth, the others cut through themselves, speak ; two hunters cannot hit Rabbit with arrows; at home he takes paint from his sister, paints his face, comes to the girls' house; their brothers look in, are frightened; sisters ask to erase the paint; the brothers come in, everyone roasts the rabbits, the fat from the others goes to the one the Rabbit roasts; the rabbit ties the young men's hair, burns it in the house, pulls their sisters out; they accuse him, he also throws them into fire; an old woman weaves a water basket; The rabbit braids it inside the basket, rolls it, she dies; the girls on the rock laugh at the Rabbit; he makes a fire around them, turns them into marmots, which people will be fry; kills snowbirds; tells Coyote that he pulled out and threw his pubic hair, which became oatmeal; Coyote turns a few of his hairs into oatmeal; wants more, pulls out his insides , dies; envious of two girls, the Rabbit turns into a little boy, picked up; at night he feels the girls' breasts, wants milk; in the morning he takes a digger, digs a ditch, turns a layer of earth over with camp, everyone dies; Rattlesnakes shoot Rabbit, he turns them into rattlesnakes; two boys say water and trees are rattling at them; Rabbit shoots; willows rush at them, don't give sugar from their trunks; The rabbit makes everything usable; these boys were Hummingbird, they politely addressed the Rabbit, he liked it]; Smith 1993 [a bird kills one of the hunters, another is taken to the island; dies after fragments of obsidian are thrown into its food; the mother of a bird makes a boat out of its wings, a man sails in a boat to the shore; some people give him special clothes and shoes that help him overcome lands inhabited by monsters; leggings protect him from snakes; in the end he comes to people without mouths; they feed on the smell of cooked food; a man cuts through their mouths ; returns home]: 51-56 [the mother of the bird advises throwing fragments of obsidian into the blood the bird drinks], 101-105 [the woman throws the fragments herself; gives sets of protective clothing herself]; Powell 1971 [a man wets arrows in the blood of a murdered friend, lets a bird swallow them; creatures without a mouth are ant people]: 269-270; Northern Shoshones: Lowie 1909b, No. 24 [see motif J25; Nineyune bird takes the brothers to the island; the thrown out kills her with an obsidian knife; the Bird's mother gives the young men her son's wings to fly off the island; the brothers come to the Owls who have no mouth; the Thrown out cuts their mouths, now they can eat; brothers return to their mother], 25 [two young men stay overnight; Nyneyune's bird sits on a tree; boys shoot at her, she takes them east to an island in the middle of the sea; kills one, the other kills her with an obsidian knife; N.'s mother makes a boat out of her son's feathers; water boys kill the water monster Panzoavitz, which tried to swallow the young man; give him mocassins to cross the field cacti, through the land of rattlesnakes; he passes a monstrous mouse; comes to Owls who have no mouth; they feed on the smell of food; he cuts through their mouths, they eat]: 280-283, 283-285.

The Great Southwest. Zunyi [two brothers (Gods of War) live with their grandmother; she consistently warns them not to go to a certain direction of the world, but the younger brother suggests going; the Rodent digs a passage to the lying Cow; chews hair off her skin under her heart; the older brother kills the Cow with an arrow, she manages to kick the younger one; the rodent gives him medicine; a creature kicks passers-by off a cliff; the older brother dodges, the brothers throw the creature off the cliff into the abyss; old woman Ahdoshla offers to take out insects, puts her brothers to sleep, kills, cooks; they come to life, kill A., make a scarecrow out of her; come to Another world where corn, vegetables, melons are always ripe; dwarfs live there without mouths; brothers cut their mouths, dwarfs eat for the first time; they are afraid of a boiling pot of corn porridge falling on them; brothers eat porridge ; stick and stone that produce lightning, thunder and rain are found in the cave; they bring them home; they drag the effigy of A. with them, pretending to run away from it; a frightened grandmother hits a scarecrow with a stick, the brothers laugh; take hands stick and stone, thunderstorm begins, grandmother almost drowns; brothers think they killed her, but she returns from hiding; tells her older brother to go west, younger brother to go east; she goes to Halonaava herself]: Quam 1972, No. 37:182-194.

Mesoamerica Tsotsil [the first people did not have a mouth, they could not stand, crawled on all fours; they pulled out their intestines to grab food to eat; walked naked, slept in trees; Judas cut out their testicles and penis in an undeveloped body; another person could not find what to cut out of, made a slit; the ax slipped off, so the vagina turned out to be so big; cut through their mouths, people spoke; showed how copulate]: Gossen 1974, #95:303

The Northern Andes. See motive I14. Nonama [no mouth or anus; bodies are filled with sand].

Western Amazon. Shuar [the hunter climbs into its hole for the battleship, ends up in a cave; all the battleships are mouthless; he cuts through one mouth, who says he is his father killed by the enemy; other battleships they attack a person, but he returns to the surface, comes home]: Pelizzaro 1990:199-200.

NW Amazon. Baniva [god wipes his sweat with a leaf of tobacco; his wife touches the leaf, gets pregnant; the fish bites its reproductive hole; the father first cuts Kovai's son's mouth vertically; the mark of This cut has been preserved in people on the upper lip]: Galvão 1959:46; Saake 1968:264; guariquena [Nápiruli was fishing, Mapiríkuli came out of the water, said she wanted to be his wife; pregnant, but does not have a hole to give birth; the fish began to try to do it, two failed, the third did, N. grabbed her tail, the stain remained; the baby was born, disappeared into the water; found the placenta, threw it away, it became a stingray; later a boy came, he had no mouth, first his mouth was cut vertically (since then there is a mark on his lip), then normal; this is Kúwe; he told him to fast before the holiday dabukuri (fruit festival and boys' initiation); young men made a key out of an ant tooth (ants had teeth), bait from wasp larvae, began to catch and fry fish; K. was in the tree, felt smoke; Having risen to the sky, the smoke formed a storm cloud, K. became a cave in which the boys took refuge from the rain, swallowed them; he was in the sky; N. lured him to the ground with alcohol; after drinking, he spewed the dead swallowed, revived him with tobacco; he was pushed into the fire, he rose to the sky with smoke, the sounds of sacred musical instruments were heard; the intestines did not burn down, all kinds of snakes became, ants appeared from his heart, and his hair scorpions and other ants; three bushes grew at the site of the burning, their names are forbidden to women]: González Ñañez 1980, No. 2:148-162.

SE Brazil. Botokudo [the first human couple has no mouth; the father puts bird eggs on the ground, tells the children to scream when the eggs burst; the children scream, their mouths are cut; the children paint their parents, turning them into lizards]: Nimuendaju 1946b:104