I17. Bodily anomalies of inhabitants of another world .
Creatures without a mouth, anus, genitals who do not know how to give birth live underground, in the sky, overseas, in a certain area. (Traditions that describe women who are unable to give birth are marked*).
Porapora, Upper Arapes*, Mekeo*, Fr. Tami*, mono*, Saint Croix Islands*, Yap*, Marshall Islands*, Tuvalua*, Rotuma*, Niue*, Cook Islands*, Mangareva*, Marqueses*, Rengma, chan, Atoni*, Central Flores*, Dongo (Sumbawa) *, Varope*, Athayal, Saisha, Bunun, ancient Greek sources on India, Nenets, Nganasans, Mansi, Far Eastern Evenks (Upper Zeya), tundra (?) Yukaghirs, Kodiak*, Central Yupik, Northern Alaska Inupiate, Copper, Netsilik, Igloolik, Baffin Land, Polar Eskimos, Kuchin, Upper Tanana*, Tagish, Inner Tlingites, Quarry, Chilkotin*, Vasco, wishram, clackamas, tillamook, yakima, kalapuya, thompson*, lillweet*, shuswap*, clamat*, fox, mandan, hidatsa, yookuts*, monache, northern payut, western and northern shoshones, southern utah, lipan, zunyi, totonaki , acatec, ishil, cacchikel, quiche, tseltal, embera, nonama, guahiro*, guambia, guayabero, cuiva, sanema, lokono*, colorado, kayapa, sekoya, cofan, napo, shuar, yagua, chikuna, spike, juruna, cashibo, tacana, paresi, rickbakza, chamacoco, South Tehuelches.
Melanesia. Porapora [the Arero woman hid in a stone ax hanging on the wall; she came out, pierced the children with sharp leaves, cooked, ate; she was waiting for her, she jumped back into the ax, him thrown into the fire, he jumped into the river; from there A., as a woman, moved to the top of a palm tree; the trunk could not be cut down, they called her brother Ambang, he hit her with an arrow, finished her off with batons, separated the meat, A. asked for a vagina; at night his vagina glowed, he kept it in a bag to illuminate the forest when hunting wild boars; A.'s mother did not care about his property, he killed her; met people fused together in two, separated; they there were no anuses, and men also had holes in their penises, A. made them; other people lived in a hole, croaked; A. taught them to talk and walk; A.'s grandmother was W.; an eel jumped into her vagina; she gave birth to a son, hid him in the sink, from there he went out to her as an adult man; her great-niece Arero peeked, pulled the eel out of the sink, killed it, cooked it, let W. eat it; she created a crocodile, lured Arero to a tree above the river, she fell, the crocodile killed her; the mother of the victim threw a bag of W. into the river, but she managed to take a fire, a dog and a heron with her; she sailed to a place where people did not know fire, they cooked in the sun; W. secretly cooked in the house of two brothers, the dog and the heron were her watchmen; the youngest watched, W. married the elder; Unkinye came to ask W. for fire, stole it; the brothers found him, released W., cut W. into parts; the head clung to the elder's testicles, not to tear it off; the youngest climbed the breadtree, but threw down only the unripe fruits; the elder climbed, his head agreed to get off temporarily; he threw ripe fruits, threw one away; while his head grabbed him, the brothers ran away; the head grabbed the boar's face, he took it away; tore it off the trunk of a white palm tree]: Schwab 1970, No. 3b: 774-778; upper arapeche [man he began to cook a marsalai pig; it does not cook, the man was carried by the river, he came to women whose husbands are flying foxes; they only scratched their vaginas, they only gave birth to girls, and old age; one woman found a man, hid it in her bag, was pregnant with him, killed her flying fox; another woman noticed, also copulated, forgot to pour ash on the stairs (the first one left ash, to see traces); the man has sex with all women, and sleeps with his wife at night; when it is time for her to give birth, the women opened her womb with a knife, removed the boy; the man regrets not being invited; others gave birth to sons normally; they began to kill flying foxes, burned down their house; one told the birds that they killed the man, left his penis in the village square; the women buried him]: Mead 1940, No. 34:378-380; about. Tami [two men go to women's island; get married, teach how to give birth; pregnant women had their stomachs ripped open before]: Neuhauss 1911 (3): 550 in Hutton 1914:484; mekeo [Amaka went to bed from the upper reaches in boat, and at night she was carried down the river; he woke up, saw a vegetable garden, the owner's name was also Amaka; both are glad they were namesakes; A. from the lower reaches told his wife to prepare tarot, he put it in the sun; A. s The lower reaches went away, allegedly out of need, made a fire, baked a tarot; A. from the lower reaches let areca palm and betel chew, putting a wand in his wife's vagina and moistening the gum; A. taught me how to use lime from the upper reaches, then the gum is red; A.'s wife from the lower reaches began to give birth, her husband wanted to cut her stomach; A. taught her how to give birth from the lower reaches]: Mosko 1991:145; mono (Shortland Islands) [the younger brother fell behind the elder; took food and the water that the elder left him climbed into heaven; married the two daughters of a local chief; local people do not eat in the rain, because they cook only in the sun; the man made a fire and showed how cook; the eldest wife is pregnant; the husband did not allow her stomach to be ripped open, she gave birth normally, everyone is happy; the husband and wife went down the rope to the ground; the brothers allow them to be baked in an earthen oven; the elder ate, and the youngest, thanks to his forces in the sky, is unharmed; became a great chief]: Wheeler 1926, No. 22:54; Santa Cruz (Solomon Islands) [as in Niue, Rotum, Rarotonga; {women from lower or the upper world of the world do not know how to give birth}]: Dixon 1916:79.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Marshall Islands (Ailinlapalap) [a pregnant woman's husband on Mäjil is going to cut her belly to take out the baby; the rats, who were his wife's perfume, came to teach her how to give birth normally; The husband is happy to see that the baby was born]: Erdland 1914, No. 9.2:243-244; Yap: Müller 1918, No. 87 [there was no sun, celestials went down to play on the ground in the moonlight; Gavur Yelyel created the sun; everyone threw themselves (from the heat?) Peloolop remained on the ground; he sailed in a boat to the country of Mal; when one of the women in Rumun was about to give birth, her stomach was cut, her child was taken out, her mother was buried; when Yelafad found out, also returned on earth, arrived in Rumun; met a man, asked about his daughters; the eldest rejected him, the youngest married him; J. was with skin disease during the day and a handsome tattooed man at night; his wife was with him all night worked, so J. woke up when it was already a day, the tattoo was left; the baby was born normally; wife J.'s father wanted to hit his son-in-law with a spear, but the daughter said she was alive; J. returned to heaven, so that the son would not taste coconuts; he once tasted a fallen nut, looked up, saw his father in the sky; rose to heaven in a column of smoke; there were other children J.], 88 [Sirigitšig sailed to Science, taught there people use fire, got married; taught his wife how to give birth, before that, pregnant women had their stomachs ripped open in Nauru; returned home]: 665-666, 671-672; Tuvalu (Waitupu): Kennedt 1931:165-167 [Te Alo swam to the end of the world; there people, men and women, alternately stand, supporting the sky; TA took two women, drove them to earth's waters, where they caught a cold and died; he took them back and they came to life; returning to earth waters, TA told the satellites not to look ashore when they approached the islands; when the satellites looked, one island disappeared; they landed on Paolaola Island; there women could not give birth and did not know fire, women in labor were ripped open, the woman was buried; SHE married, the wife gave birth, the TA taught them how to do it; gave these people fire], 168 [two brothers hid under the boat from a huge bird; the bird brought them together with the boat to the tree; at night they tied the bird to the boat and the boat to the tree; the bird took off with all this, its tail feathers came off, the brothers descended them to an unknown island; took wives there; one wife must give birth, her mother is ready to cut her daughter's belly; the husband teaches how to give birth, gets a fire that the locals did not know before]; Cook Islands (Rarotonga) [to the spring near the village On a full moon, a man and a woman come out of the lower world; steal vegetables from the local garden; eat them raw; people put a net at the spring, the man runs away, the woman is caught; the chief marries her; When preparing to give birth, she asks to take care of the baby after her stomach is cut and buried; the chief explained that earthly women give birth normally, the woman in labor remains alive]: Dizon 1916:79; Niue, Rotuma [like Rarotonga; people who don't know how to give birth come down from heaven, they're cannibals]: Dixon 1916:79; Rotuma [Toak enters spirit island; teaches a local chief's daughter how to give birth]: Beckwith 1970:504; Mangareva [Tangaroa wanted to take Toa-tane, daughter Tane, as his second wife; he did not want to give up his daughter because the pregnant woman would cut her belly to take out the baby and the mother would die; Tangaroa convinced daughter Tanya what will teach her to give birth naturally]: Buck 1938:111; The Marquises [Kae leaves the sea, the fish swallows it, he cuts her belly from the inside, goes out, ends up on the island of women; they satisfy themselves with pandanus roots; K. marries Hina-i-Vaino'i; teaches her how to give birth (local pregnant women were ripped open); after learning that H. becomes young every time she swims on the surf, K. asks to send him home; H. calls his whale brother Tunuanui, he brings K. home; his son arrives later on another whale; K.'s people want to kill him because he begins to dispose of K.'s property, but he announces who he is , singing spells; either he or K. forget to send the whale back, but this has no negative consequences]: Beckwith, p. 502 in Ho 1967, No. 207:367-368 (Russian translation in Permyakov 1970, No. 170:421-429) .
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Chan [black dwarfs open copper doors to the Sun in the morning; they don't have an anus, they eat the smell of food]: Parry 1932:487; rengma [Che came to people who did not have anus; they regurgitated what they had digested through their mouths; C. climbed onto a tree, relieved himself in front of everyone; people asked them to make anuses for their children; he pierced the children with a hot rod, put them in a box, told them to open it no sooner than he reaches a distant mountain; he is persecuted, he hides in a tree; one of the pursuers stabs the trunk furiously, not knowing that C. is in the tree; when the tree is ready to fall, C. pees with fear, people without anuses think it's raining, they leave with knives covering their heads]: Mills 1937:250-251 (=Ho 1967, No. 217:378-379); ancient Greek sources [Plin. NH VII, 2, 25-26: Among the nomadic Indus, says Megasthenes (an author of the 3rd century BC, who described India), there is a tribe (gens) that have only holes instead of a nose that drag their legs like snakes; they are called Kirts; to the outer limits of India, in the east, near the origins of the Ganges, there is a tribe of astoms, rootless... Above them, in the extreme part of the mountains, there are five and pygmies that do not jump three inches in size; Aul. Gell. Noct. Att. IX, 4, 10: These same writers (Ctesius, Onesikrit) say that there is a tribe (gens) at the extreme limits of India that does not eat food at all, but is saturated with the smell of flowers; pygmies also live not far from them; of these, the biggest ones are no more than two feet and a quarter]: Stahl 1982:45.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Athoni [Rote Island was part of Timor; fish (dans-vis) began to dance, made holes in the ground, Rote broke away with all the inhabitants; Lis Lahuru Nai La'at killed fish; local women did not know how give birth, pregnant women were ripped open, so the population did not grow; Nai Bai Finit and his wife came for fire; the wife ordered not to kill the pregnant woman, rubbed her (juice) with tree seeds, and safely removed the child; people began to multiply]: Middelkoop 1971:447; dongo (Sumbawa) [heaven and earth were not far from each other, bamboo rested on the sky, and has been growing since then bent; a vine grew from the ground, She was ascended to the upper world; the women there did not know how to give birth, the child was cut out of her mother's womb, she died; one young man had a wife in heaven; he brought the baby to earth, let his mother feed; When he saw them give birth on earth, this man called his mother to heaven, who helped a local woman give birth, began to go down accompanied by two dogs; gave them food, they got into a fight, one wanted to bite the other leg, ate a vine; then the sky rose high, the ground fell]: Arndt 1952:485; central Flores [Goro climbed the vine into the sky to hunt; local people brought him to the woman in labor , gave a knife to cut her belly; G. taught them what to do, the woman gave birth naturally; G. brought this knife with her to the ground]: Suchtelen, 164-165 in Fischer 1932:243; varop [for now Serakaramori was fishing, his wife and mother-in-law cooked his child with porridge, left; S. came back, began to eat porridge, found a child; the departed woman arrived on the island, where the young man wanted to shoot her with an bow, she stopped him, followed him; he married her, copulated with her, inserting his penis into his ear; his wife climbed onto a banana, he saw her vagina from below, thought it was a wound, told her to get off to cover the wound with leaves; she explained why the vagina was, neighbors saw him use his vagina for its intended purpose; people used to take out the baby by cutting the belly of a pregnant woman, she died; the woman showed how to give birth normally; people admitted that they did the wrong thing]: Held 1956, No. 62:110-112.
Taiwan - Philippines. Atayal [Sijuma comes to Shiguts people; surprised they only inhale steam from cooked rice and vegetables; they are surprised he eats food; S. shows them defecation, one of the sh. ask make an anus for him; S. pierces him to death with a hot iron stake, runs away, hides in a tree; sh. chase, their bodies are light and fast from being fed by steam; do not notice what is hidden; S. lies down, pushes blood-red betel leaves into the battleship's hole, goes home himself; w. come back, pierce the leaves with a spear, think it's in their enemy's blood, they return satisfied]: Norbeck 1950, No. 3:14-15 (=1954: 62-63); Garawan [was a village of Saipahanan women; its inhabitants did not have anuses, they ate the smell of food; a man named Lubugots came to these women and gave birth to many children with him; offered to make women anuses, pierced several with a hot iron bar, ran away; the pursuers found an anteater's hole (?) , they started poking her with sticks, the tips turned red; the women thought that L. had killed, who had filled the hole with coloring leaves in advance, and returned home himself]: Ho 1967, No. 194:356; bunun [Ikolon people in the underworld has tiny anuses and feed on the smell of rice; there was no rice on the ground yet; a man from the ground hid a seed in his penis, but it was found; then the woman hid it in her vagina; Ikolon was ashamed there search, this is how rice was brought to the ground]: Ho 1967, No. 216:377-378; apayao [a Pakiyan woman married a man from Madatag, moved to him; people ate steamed rice there; wife discovers that her husband does not have an anus; she did it with a sharp stick, he was able to eat like her; made anuses to all people in Madatag]: Wilson 1947b:88.
Western Siberia. Tundra Nenets [giants without anus smell food, it turns into feces]; Nganasans: Simchenko 1976 [syupsya ("Chukcha" in modern texts) do not eat food, but smell it; their women do not have genitals and anus; their children grow out of eyes "living in meat"]: 62; 1996 (1): 78-79 [the brothers of two cousins went hunting; they were carried away by two "Chukchi"; in their plague a previously stolen girl; at night, prisoners hear laughter from where the kidnappers sleep with their women; during the day they leave, there is only one guy left, the prisoners examine him, his body has no holes and sex organs; there was something soft at the bottom of his back, they tore it with their fingernail he died; under the sleeping bag, where the Chukchi laughed at night, they found a plate with two eyes, when they looked at them, his eyes disappeared; the prisoners went home; the Chukchi returned, found two dead - that guy conceived at night, chased; the girls took off their pants, showed themselves to them; the Chukchi saw that they were "cut off long ago", the body was cut, and people were alive, did not chase], 80 [nganasan caught, brought the girl to syupsia; her body had no holes; she showed him her eyes hidden under her arm for conception]; Mansi [in the distant past Torus it made darkness; the sun does not rise for almost a month; while men go to get food, they come (Nenets - from the word er, strong) as tall as a dog's tail, people steal children, torment wives, dogs they grab it; they don't have an anus, they smell food, then dump the dogs]: Rombandeeva 2005, No. 59:355.
Eastern Siberia. Far Eastern Evenks (Upper Zeya) (Upper Aldan or Uchursko-Zeisky) [one of the two brothers went hunting, attacked the trail of an elk; when he followed the trail, his path crossed some bright and a bright creature; then the hunter saw that the elk had already been killed and there was a brilliant man standing beside him on blue skis; the man invited the hunter to lunch; while eating, he pushed pieces under his arms, because his mouth he did not have it; when he fell asleep, the hunter stole his skis, got on them, they rushed him like a whirlwind; with the help of them, the hunter quickly returned home; his older brother ordered the skis to be returned to their owner; the hunter refused, so his brother decided to do it himself; he skied slightly touching the snow; when the skis stopped, the hunter's older brother saw a man sleeping, with bright rays radiating; the older brother put his skis beside him, hid and waited; the man woke up, got on skis, rushed through the snow, rose into the air; the silver dust that rose remained in the sky - this is how it turned out The Milky Way]: Zevenis 1961:84-85
SV Asia. Russified, probably, tundra Yukaghirs (p. Nizhnekolymsky District Hike) [a group of Zyryans go traveling in a leather boat; they sail to 1) Arctic foxes they see as people; they ask them to leave their island faster so as not to step on them; 2) to half-people who from time to time unite into whole people; halves dive with fish on each finger; a tree with many branches first sinks in the sea, then rises, fish on every knot; 3) to people who do not have anus and urethra; they kill deer, cook, absorb the smell through their armpits; after that, the meat becomes unfit for food; the old man agrees to eat with guests, they pierce the necessary holes first for him, then the rest; 4) to cannibals; guests are given "berries", these are the fingertips of children and women; the meaningful tells his comrades not to eat, to let food under clothes; puts the hosts to sleep; guests run away and sail home to their wives; they have been gone for three years]: Bogoras 1918, No. 21:86-90.
The Arctic. People in a faraway land with no anus. Northern Alaska Inupiate; copper; netsilic; igloolik; Baffin's Land; polar Eskimos; Kodiak [two brothers sailing far beyond sea; one killed; the other goes to people whose wives have one shoulder taller than the other; this is because they cut their side during childbirth to take out the baby; the man marries, stops the woman's father from slaughtering his daughter, teaches his wife how to give birth; since then, those women have given birth normally]: Lantis 1938:153; central Yupik: Fienup-Riordan 1983, No. 19 [first people rip women's bellies open to get a baby; one a woman gives birth normally; people want to kill her husband; he sails in a kayak; ends up in a village of women; they kill a caribou with a big stick; he sails to people without a mouth; they eat the smell of food; after that the food becomes rotten; he continues his journey]: 247; Tennant, Bitar 1981 [Tepakluk sleeps on the ice, carries him away on an ice floe; nails to an unknown shore; all the women there are crooked; local the man explains that their abdomen was cut from the side to remove the baby; the man's wife is pregnant, T. helps her give birth normally; one day he hears from the children that they are going to kill him in the spring; his master sends him home in a kayak; he gets home safely, his sister is happy]: 215-219; Bering Strait inupiate [takes a person on ice to an unknown shore; he marries there, wife pregnant; her father is going to rip her belly open with a knife; man explains how to give birth, no more women were slaughtered]: Jenness 1924, No. 40:69; Northern Alaska Inupiate (nunamiut): Gubser 1965 [ At first, animals were like humans, only in human form they kept the nose of the corresponding animal; Kayaktuaguniktuu's father ("good kayak manager") tried to kill him several times; he left; his mother said goodbye to him akutaq (Eskimo "ice cream"); when animals approach people, he must be licked four times, these creatures will be like himself; he marries a caribou, lives in a herd; his wife She is afraid to cross the lake because she has only two fingers; he hits her, she runs, becoming a caribou, who now have a third joint on their hoof; K. comes to the village where pregnant women have their bellies cut; marries; the wife is giving birth, everyone is crying; K. helps her give birth normally, since then women have not died leaving offspring; K. comes to musk rats, marries; these people only lick juice; they are horrified when K. swallows pieces of meat; surprised when he defecates; K. tells them to lick the crap, which also makes them anuses; one of the partridge men shoots K., he dodges, kills everyone with arrows partridges; the giant throws his ulu at K.; K. catches him, throws him back, cutting off the giant's right hand; he throws his left hand; with his teeth; dies when the ulu cuts his throat; a piece of fin tree tries attack him, he kills him with arrows, blood flows; this cannibal dies]: 39-42; Hall 1975, No. PM39 (Noatak) [carry a man and son on an ice floe; they sail to an unfamiliar shore; local people rip the bellies of pregnant women open with a flint knife to remove the baby; the person teaches how to give birth; residents are grateful, they send those who have come home]: 212-214; inupiate: Ostermann 1952 [four brothers disappear one by one; conceiving his fifth son, the husband carves sparks that fall into his wife's womb; lets the baby swallow hot stones, making him invulnerable; the young man goes to avenge his brothers, meets various strange creatures; gets married; when his wife is ready to give birth, her father is going to rip her belly open; the hero helps her give birth normally]: 235-237; Rooth 1971 [Kayak gets to people ripping their bellies open to reach a baby; teaches them how to give birth]: 15; copper [people without anus suck the juice from meat; after that, meat is considered excrement; their women are ripped open during childbirth; if the cut is too big, the woman dies]: Rasmussen 1932:207; netsilic [Aninga is blind; his mother Agthulg-Rarnan aims his arrow, lies that he did not hit the bear; eats meat herself; his sister Aleka feeds him secretly; he asks him to be taken to the sea; two Loons in human form lick his eyes, making them keen; he harpoons a walrus, tying a tench to his mother, a walrus drags her into the sea; brother and sister leave; her mother's spirit in the form of a strip of fire, a moving belt blocks the road; they jump over these obstacles; the sister goes asking for water from the spirits with claws on hands; they want to kill her, her brother kills them, heals their sister; they come to people without anuses; they suck meat to fill them; brother marries, sister marries; those women do not have vaginas, pregnant women are ripped open belly; sister gives birth normally; her mother-in-law pierces her vagina with a meat fork, dies; sister smears black on the face of an unknown lover, identifies her brother in the morning; they decide to turn into something; sister suggests, brother rejects options (wolves: their teeth are too sharp; bears: clubfoot; musk oxen: sharp horns; seals: sharp claws; etc.; in the sun and month); they light moss torches, they run, take off; the sister extinguishes her brother's torch, so the month is cold]: Rasmussen 1931:232-236; igloolik (hall. Fox) [see the M16 motive; brother and sister come to people without anuses or genitals; brother marries, cuts holes in his wife; she gets pregnant, her mother is going to cut her belly; she gives birth normally; all women make holes for themselves with meat forks; some die]: Rasmussen 1930a: 77-80; polar Eskimos [see M16 motif; brother and sister come to people without anuses; their bowel movements are − deer fat, spew it through the mouth; urinate through a hole in the palm of her hand; sister gets married here, is pregnant; the shaman wants to give her a cesarean section as usual for these people; she gives birth to a girl normally, who has an anus; her grandmother sits on a sharp stick to pierce her anus; dies]: Holtved 1951a, No. 37:152-165; 1951b, No. 37:59-64 (translated into Menovshchikov 1985, No. 230:445-449).
Subarctic. Kuchin [a tribe of people without a mouth]; upper tanana [Tsaosha comes to Mosquitoes, marries a girl; pregnant women Komarov rip open their stomachs; T. teaches them how to give birth; Mosquitoes kill an insect with spears, calling it a bear]: McKennan 1959:189; tagish [(western 1950); two boys fell asleep on the ice, the ice floe came off, they swam down the river; with them a dog, they killed her, they smeared the ice with blood so that it would not melt so quickly; when they stuck, they went back; the cannibal drove one to the tree, began to cut the trunk; the other came up, offered to cut it instead, hacked the cannibal; the brothers broke his head, mosquitoes flew out from there (they weren't there before); the brothers met a man with a second person on the back of his head; killed him and his dog; came to people without a mouth (or rather with a tiny hole instead of a mouth); they They gave meat to worm, they ate on larvae; the brothers tore the mouth of one boy, then, at their request, to others; they began to eat meat and talk; brothers came to other people, they took out children, ripping open women's bellies; brothers taught these women how to give birth; contrary to warning, they spend the night under a tree; a huge squirrel ate the youngest; the elder called people, they killed the squirrel, the shaman revived the swallowed from bones]: McClelland 2007, No. 79:390-393; inner tlingit [two boys swam away on a broken ice floe; they have a dog, they smeared the edges of the ice floe with blood from her nose; came to people without a mouth, whom women do not know how to give birth; they wait for meat to worm, eat larvae, rip open their wives; boys tear their mouths apart, teach them how to give birth]: McClelland 2007, No. 149:673-675.
The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [without mouth]; vasco [people without mouth on the river. Columbia]; vishram [people without mouth in the Vancouver area]; clackamas [people in heaven without anus]; tillamook [overseas; without mouth]; yakima [in a distant land, without mouth]; kalapuya [without mouth] mouth]; quarry [see motif B6, L1; brother and sister stay alone, get married; their young son kills people by taking their tongues out to sleep; two girls were in ritual isolation, escaping; pushing a child into a fire, his ashes turn into mosquitoes; one conceives from a stone; dies because her child is too heavy and hard; the other conceives from a pen, gives birth to Ahlnuk and his three brothers ( Ahlnuk, Tachandalkan, Taslas and one more); they kill a big snake that drowned people; kill two grizzlies that did not give people water; A. asks the person what he is doing; I'm carving a club to kill A. ; A. touches his lips with his finger, he falls dead; brothers come to people who are going to cut a woman to extract a child; A. teaches childbirth; a man harpoons fish with his pointed tibia bone; A. turns into salmon, the person misses, breaks the bone against the stone; sharpens it again; A. makes him a normal leg, gives him a jail (the origin of the jail)]: Jenness 1934, No. 6:129-136; chilcotin [The seagull puts its feet like a bridge over the river, cleans when a person enters the bridge, so drowns people; hits fish with a special spear; Lendixchuks turns into fish, cuts off the tip the jail pierced into him, sails away with him; with his sons he comes to the Seagull, returns the tip in exchange for building a steam room; teaches Chaika to give birth to his wife; he had previously ripped open his bellies wives, pulling out the child; when the Seagull puts his legs like a bridge, L. jumps ashore, breaks Seagull's legs, turns him into a seagull]: Farrand 1900, No. 1:111-12; shuswap: Teit 1909a, No. 4 [Kava travels, meets various people with strange customs; teaches how to catch and eat trout, not frogs; not to bury sleepers; not to rip open the bellies of pregnant women], 54 [the son of the Old Man dies (first death), he goes looking for him; meets people with strange customs, teaches them to do the right thing; 1) people who bury sleepers; 2) ripping open their bellies to pregnant women; 3) eating frogs, not fish; 4) undifferentiated between the sexes]: 652, 746-748; lillouette [four brothers meet a man with a knife who is going to rip open his pregnant wife's belly; teach how to have children]: Teit 1912b, No. 1, 49 [Brothers - Bears, Husband - Coyote]: 294-295, 368; Thompson: Hill-Tout 1899 [see M18A motif; three brothers come to a man ready to cut his wife's belly to extract the child; every wife gives birth to a girl, she grows up, a person marries her, kills her to extract a girl, etc.; the younger Sqaktktquaclt helps to have a boy, the woman will continue to give birth]: 205-206 (full text : 195-216); Teit 1917b, No. 3 [the Quatquetl brothers travel, turn those they meet into animals and stones, kill monsters, making them harmless animals and plants; they meet a person ripping his wives open their bellies when they need to give birth (teach them how to give birth; without details)]: 20; Klamath [Antelope trusts the Frog's son; his name is Swaya; the frog swims with him further along the river; kidnaps and adopts; someone tells the young man that the Frog is not his mother; he kills the Frog's daughters; goes in search of the mother; meets Louse, asks what she is doing; Waiting for S. (obviously to attack him); Show me how; Louse pressed his finger; same episode with Flea, Ant and others; Dragonflies are all men, S. turns some into women, so they began to breed; one says his wife is pregnant, asks what to do; S. teaches; Gmokamč tells S. that his mother is an antelope; but he forgets and kills her; five blind Pelican brothers are frying fish; S. steals one from each; but then he caught fish for them]: Barker 1963, No. 5:51-57.
The Midwest. Fox [man gets to dwarfs; they rip open the bellies of pregnant wives; he teaches their women how to give birth; dwarfs have no anuses, they are surprised to see a person relieve themselves (he probably does they have anuses; without details); dwarfs are attacked by their terrible enemies - cranes, geese, goose; a person easily kills birds, roasts them and eats them]: Jones 1907, No. 5:75-77.
Plains. Mandan [son of the Month comes to people who have no mouth; they cook corn, eat smell; he cuts through their mouths, they can eat]; hidatsa [son of the Month comes to the village, among the inhabitants whose eyes and mouths were tiny; the young man widened them; knocked out more and more large teeth for the predatory moose, left two; and finally turned into the Morning Star.]
California. Yurok [Wohpekumen does not find women on earth, comes to heaven; there are 10 brothers and sister; she has a child (from W.?) , the brothers are going to cut her stomach and W. kill her; W. made a drug, gave the woman a drink, she gave birth; since then, her bellies have not been cut; W. paid for the dentalium shell woman, returned with his wife and son to earth]: Kroeber 1976, No. F2:281-283; yokutz [where heaven meets earth; without mouth]; monach [without mouth].
Big Pool. People in a faraway country. Western and northern shoshones [without mouth]; southern Utah [no anus]; people in an underground cave. Northern Payut [no mouth].
The Great Southwest. No anus. Lipan [in a faraway country]: Opler 1940, No. 3:45; Zunyi [in the underworld].
Mesoamerica No anus in a faraway country. Acatec; ishil; cacchikel; quiche (Totonicapan) [the priest sent an Indian with a letter to God; to get to heaven, you have to cross the sea, because it is on the horizon connects to the sky; when he got ashore, a man saw a cornfield and began to eat corn; he was captured and brought to the king, wanted to be executed for theft; the king asked if he really ate something; the locals people only smell tortillas, but they do not have anuses; the man ate tortillas, showed what was happening to digested food; the king asked him and several volunteers to cut through the anus; the man asked Let him go - he will deliver medicine to heal the wound; on the way back he saw a boat; they shouted from it that the king was dead; the man ordered to sail faster, went to heaven (hereinafter referred to as Christian motives)]: Tax 1951: 2657 in Norbeck 1954:64-66; tzeltal; tsotzil (San Pablo Chalchihuitán) [dwarfs in the underworld don't have an anus, they feed on the smell of food; they once lived on earth]: Köhler 1979a: 272.
Honduras-Panama. Stoves [overseas; without anus]; Totonaks [thunder dwarfs eat smell, have no anus]: (A.I. Davletshin, personal report, September 2012).
The Northern Andes. Guajiro [a man climbed into a hole after the battleship, ended up in the lower world; his wife followed him, the inhabitants of this world come from them; to remove the child, their women are ripped open; our world rests on their homes; a man who came to the lower world and gave birth to its inhabitants met a golden man wearing a golden hat on a golden mule; it was the Sun; a man asked to be brought to earth ; The sun told me to sit on a mule behind him; then he planted it on a piece of wood in the sea, the man came home]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (2), No. 117:837-838; embera [underworld; without anus]; nonama [underworld; no anus]; guambia [underworld; no anus].
Llanos. Underworld; no anus. Guayabero; cuiva [underworld?].
Southern Venezuela. Sanema [underworld; no anus].
Guiana. Lokono [a person enters the lower world along the battleship's hole; red-haired dwarfs live there; their pregnant women rip their bellies open during childbirth, then sewn up; the person teaches them how to give birth; returns to earth]: Goeje 1943, No. d40:128-129.
Ecuador. Underworld; no anus. Colorado; kayapa.
Western Amazon. Sekoya [no anus, forest]; cofan [no anus, underworld]; napo [no anus, somewhere in the gorge]; shuar [no anus, sky; no mouth, battleships in the underworld].
NW Amazon. Underworld; no anus. Yagua; chikuna.
Eastern Amazon. The localization is unclear; no anus. Spiking; zhuruna.
Montagna - Jurua. Kashibo [underworld; no anus].
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [underworld; no anus].
Southern Amazon. Paresi [forest people; no anus]; Rickback [the newlyweds went for honey; at night, the wife did not let her husband into her hammock, he stayed by the fire, the centipede crawled into his ear; it hurts, he was in vain wants to be eaten by a jaguar or swallowed by an anaconda; a man in the lake hits a leaf, producing thunder and lightning; a man went down to him, asked him to be cured, he opened his skull, pulled out a centipede; gave a thunder leaf; a man killed his wife; his sister's eldest son went to look for her missing youngest son; they came to a snake man; he has a long penis, he copulates while lying in his hammock far from women; warned not to get up at night out of need; nephew got up, stepped on penis, man and woman died; man and nephew came to catfish people, they do not have anuses, defecate through their mouths; ask cut through their anuses, five died, others realized that it was impossible; they come to the Rats, Battleships, Yellow Ants and many others; when Woodpecker killed them; at this time, my sister drowned a calebas, she realized that my son and brother died]: Pereira 1994, No. 4:58-65.
Chaco. Chamacoco [people saw a giant battleship buried in the ground, people came down for it; it was the Mother of the Battleships; she warned of the flood, ordered the construction of a tower of logs and clay, take refuge in it, kill her, eat her meat; after the flood, the Mother of the Battleships, who killed her, ordered her to gradually get used to the sunlight; people dispersed in different directions, became the ancestors of different peoples; who killed The mother of the Battleships went north, got to people who did not have anus, ate honey diluted in water; cut holes for them to consume solid foods; perfumes that they did not turn into those who hide from the flood take all their food for themselves; the battleship Mother's killer has turned them into various animals]: Escobar 2007:230-233.
The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches [sky; no anus].