I19. They eat the smell of food. .
Anthropomorphic creatures satisfy hunger with the evaporation of cooked food. See motives I14 (people without anus), I15 (people without mouth).
Saibai, Mawatta, Chan, Minahasa, Atayal, Apayao, Sedek, Saisha, Ami, Pazeh, Bunun, Laarua, Paiwan, Ancient Greek Sources for India, Tundra Nenets, Nganasans, Mansi, Oriental Khanty, Southern Selkups, Nganasans, Tundra (?) yukaghirs, central yupik, copper, koyukon, kuchin, quarry, vasco, vishram, tillamook, menominee, seneca (or onondaga?) , Mandan, Yokutz, Monache, Chumash, Western Shoshones, Lipan, Zunyi, Tarahumara, Huastequi, Totonaki, Nahuatl San Luis Potosi, Tzotzil (San Pablo), Chol, Quiche, Pech, Eastern Panama, Embera, Nonama, Camsa and Ingano, colorado, sekoya, kofan, napo, chikuna, takana, North Tehuelches.
Melanesia. Saibai [Gasu had no mouth, only smelled food and water; his daughter Sui felt sorry for him, cut his mouth; his wife Bugid gave birth to a son, demanded that S. eat the baby's excrement and urine; she only pretended; B. called for excrement, they answered from where S. had thrown it away; B. beat S.; she made the figure of a red-billed red-legged white bird, moved into it, flew away]: Laade 1971, No. 17:37-40; mavatta [on Boigu Island, the stepmother made her stepdaughter eat her baby brother's excrement; she ran away, met a man without a mouth who ate on the smell of food; she cut through his mouth and stayed with him] : Landtman 1917:429 in Laade 1971:40; South New Guinea [about a man without an anus and without a mouth]: Landtman 1917:426f in Laade 1971:40; (cf. Arandai-bintuni [Inómsamhu had no mouth, anus, penis, ears; he cooked food and threw it into the river; Tomotóhó and Tómona, with them Ibansibá's two young sons, came; they saw food floating, threw away the cold food, took the food that was still warm; the women put a snake in the food for Inomsamhu, it was tested, screamed, its holes were cut; all the people gathered; only in the last Ibansibá was found in Kampong because both children, feeling their father, cried there]: Miedema 1997, No. 18:46-47).
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Chan [black dwarfs open copper doors to the Sun in the morning; they don't have an anus, they eat the smell of food]: Parry 1932:487; ancient Greek sources [Plin. NH VII, 2, 25-26: Among the nomadic Indus, says Megasthenes (an author of the 3rd century BC, who described India), there is a tribe (gens) that have only holes instead of a nose that drag their legs like snakes; they are called Kirts; to the outer limits of India, in the east, near the origins of the Ganges, there is a tribe of astoms, rootless... Above them, in the extreme part of the mountains, there are five and pygmies that do not jump three inches in size; Aul. Gell. Noct. Att. IX, 4, 10: These same writers (Ctesius, Onesikrit) say that there is a tribe (gens) at the extreme limits of India that does not eat food at all, but is saturated with the smell of flowers; pygmies also live not far from them; of these, the biggest ones are no more than two feet and a quarter]: Stahl 1982:45.
(Wed. South Asia. Gadaba [Mahaprabhu called gods and people to a feast; gods ate but people did not; M. realized that people have no teeth; he took out the teeth of the gods, put them in; therefore, the gods do not eat what they are sacrificed, but only they drink blood]: Elwin 1954, No. 9:443-444).
Malaysia-Indonesia. Minahasa [Mamanua dogs surrounded a wild pig when he came up, the pigs were Lumalundung together; agreed to marry him if he didn't look in her head and tear out her special hair; gave birth to a son Walasendou; M. pulled out his hair, blood flowed, his wife disappeared in the fog; the bird brings M. and his son to the mountain, he climbs the tree, then the vine, the vine falls to the east; The sun is too hot, the Month carries M. to the village; the fly shows where Father L.'s house is; L. takes his son, leaves M. outside the door; the rat gnaws through constipation; L. eats only the steam from the prepared rice; M. eats the rice itself, dies; L. replaces it his insides and eyes are stony, revives him, now he also feeds on steam, lives in heaven with L.; their son goes down to the ground, finds an egg on a tree, breaks it, a woman in it, they have three sons and a daughter]: Wilken 1863:326-330 in Lessa 1961:124-125.
Taiwan - Philippines. Atayal [Sijuma comes to Shiguts people; surprised they only inhale steam from cooked rice and vegetables; they are surprised he eats food; S. shows them defecation, one of the sh. ask make an anus for him; S. pierces him to death with a hot iron rod, runs away, hides in a tree; w. chase, their bodies are light and fast from being fed by steam; do not notice what is hidden; S. gets off, pushes blood-red betel leaves into the battleship's hole, goes home himself; w. come back, pierce the leaves with a spear, think it's in their enemy's blood, they return satisfied]: Norbeck 1950, No. 3: 14-15 (=1954:62-63; =Ho 1967, № 212:372-374); Sadek (Iboh) [Tomnah-oi women imitated the howling of dogs; the hunter's dogs ran to them; the hunter went after the dog, the woman began to copulate with him; When she returned from the field, she met again, his penis broke off, he died; two more men came to the women looking for the missing person, the women met with them; they ate steamed of cooked tubers; the men said that you have to eat the tubers themselves; the women said that pigs do this, put the men in the pigsty; they ran away; the men came to destroy women; they killed many with swords, but they released bees, snakes, centipedes; men set fire to women's houses, women and poisonous creatures burned down]: Ho 1967, No. 192:353-355; Saisha (Garawan): Ho 1967, No. 194 [was a village of Saipahanan women; its inhabitants had no anuses, they ate the smell of food; a man named Lubugots came to these women, they gave birth to many children with him; offered to make women anuses, pierced several with a hot iron bar, ran away; stalkers found an anteater's burrow (?) , they started poking her with sticks, the tips turned red; the women thought that L. had killed, who had filled the hole with coloring leaves in advance, returned home himself], 213 [Saipaharaharan people eat boiled steam rice; the man ate rice in front of them, went out of need; they asked him to make anuses for them too; he pierced them with a hot rod, S. died; the man left, smeared the anteater's habitat with betel; pursuers they dug it up, found an anteater, thought it was the deity that killed them]: 356, 374-376; ami (Kivit) [a fisherman named Sadapan was carried to sea to the island by women; they feed on the smell of cooked food food; they have no anuses or vaginas; when they saw S. eating like a pig, they put him in a pen; he found a knife, got out, ran to the shore; the whale took him home]: Ho 1967, No. 214:376; pazeh [older brother saw a turtle laying eggs on the shore; reached out to them, the turtle grabbed his hand, dragged him into the sea; he sailed to the island; the locals did not have an anus, they ate the smell of what was prepared food, then the food was thrown away; they were surprised that a person ate food; he made a boat out of deer skins, returned home]: Ho 1967, No. 215:376-377; bunun [1) was a hole into the lower world where they live Ikulun's tailed people; they don't have anuses and they eat the smell of cooked rice; people went down there, they liked the rice, but I. refused to bring them with them; they hid it in their penis and brought rice to the ground; 2) (= Ho 1967, No. 216:377-378); Ikolon people in the underworld have tiny anuses and feed on the smell of rice; there was no rice on earth yet; a man from the ground hid a seed in his penis, but it was found; then a woman hid it in her vagina; Ikolon was ashamed to look there, so the rice was brought to the ground; 3) the man went down the hole into the lower world; there was a dwarf's belly 2-3 feet tall; they treated the person to boiled rice, millet and beans, refused to give them with him; he hid the bean in his penis, brought it to the ground]: Mabuchi 1969:28; laarua [the man dug a yam, found a hole in the lower world, went down with his wife; locals the inhabitants eat the smell of food; the husband and wife are full; the husband hid the millet under his fingernail, the bean in the navel, the yam wrapped around his head with a vine of sweet potato; his wife hid various cultivated plants in her vagina; her stomach is so it swelled that when she reached the ground, she sighed heavily; immediately there was a landslide that destroyed her, and only the plants brought by her husband went to people]: Mabuchi 1969:29; paywan (northern) [in the ancients times, a man from the village of Kuraluts went down the hole into the lower world, where people live who eat the smell of food; received seeds from cultural plants from them]: Mabuchi 1969:30; apayao [people cook rice, steam from the cooked; have no anuses; then the holes are made with a sharp stick]: Wilson, Apayao Life and Legends, p.88 in Norbeck 1950:11.
(Wed. Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [dead people eat the smell of food cooked by the living]: Mainagashev 1915:283).
Western Siberia. Tundra Nenets [giants without anus smell food, it turns into feces]; Nganasans [Shunxia/Chukcha do not eat food, they smell it; their women do not have genitals and anal holes; their children grow out of eyes "living in meat"]: Simchenko 1976:62; Mansi [in the distant past, Torus made darkness; the sun has not risen for almost a month; while men go to get food, they come & #235; groan (Nenets - from the word er, strong) as tall as a dog's tail, they steal children from people, torment their wives, grab dogs; they do not have an anus, they smell food, then dump dogs]: Rombandeeva 2005, No. 59:355 (briefly 1991:21); Eastern Khanty: Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 4 (pos. Staroakasomsk, Aleksandrovsky District, Tomsk Region) [=Lukina 1990, No. 7:66; there are such people by the sun, only it's hot there; they don't eat bread, they just put it in front of them, look, throw it back with their mouths; they also trade, catch fur and fish], 78 (Lyaminsky, p. Pim) [three women went for birch bark, one got lost, came to the plague; those people cook, put it on the table, then throw it away; a spark falls on the local woman's face, she says that now a black one will come a woman and she will be buried; on the third night, a black woman comes in, says that she smells dead, that woman is buried; an earthly woman goes where her legs lead; pulls a splinter out of the bear's paw, he takes her to people]: 87-88; southern Selkups [people's whole bodies were covered with a cover shiny like nails; people were strong; when they went to bed, they spit in the cup and had a child there; we were left with them only fingernails and toenails; those people did not eat, they sniffed at the smell, so they were fed up]: Pelikh 1972:342 (retelling in Tuchkova 2004:72); Nganasans [before the arrival of Nganasan, Chukchi lived in Taimyr, went to deer, but they did not eat meat, but only sniffed; they did not know the fish; once they saw the fish in the cauldron, they ran away]: Long 1938:22.
SV Asia. Russified, probably, tundra Yukaghirs (p. Hiking in Nezhnekolym District) [a group of Zyryans go traveling in a leather boat; they sail to 1) Arctic foxes they see as people; they ask them to leave their island faster so as not to step on them; 2) to half-people who from time to time unite into whole people; halves dive with fish on each finger; a tree with many branches first sinks in the sea, then rises, fish on every knot; 3) to people who do not have anus and urethra; they kill deer, cook, absorb the smell through their armpits; after that, the meat becomes unfit for food; the old man agrees to eat with guests, they pierce the necessary holes first for him, then the rest; 4) to cannibals; guests are given "berries", these are the fingertips of children and women; the meaningful tells his comrades not to eat, to let food under clothes; puts the hosts to sleep; guests run away and sail home to their wives; they have been gone for three years]: Bogoras 1918, No. 21:86-90.
The Arctic. Central Yupik [the first people rip women's bellies open to get a baby; one woman gives birth normally; people want to kill her husband; he swims away in a kayak; ends up in a women's village; those they kill the caribou with a big stick; he sails to people without a mouth; they feed on the smell of food; after that, the food becomes rotten; he continues his journey]: Fienup-Riordan 1983, No. 19:247; copper [Alguna pursues musk oxen, gets to people whose bodies are imperfect; they only suck meat, not eat; goes on; sees a group of women chasing two men, catching one, and they tear to pieces; when A. returns home, it turns out that he has been away for seven years]: Jenness 1924, No. 93:89.
Subarctic. K'etetaalkkaancee (literally "The One Who Sailed in a Boat Among People and Objects", "The Traveler"; Thompson 1990:3) greeted the man (this is the Long-Eared Owl), but he just smiled; they made a fire and fried hazel grouse; when K. gave another wing, he pointed to the fire; he had no mouth and ate while burning food; K. cut through his mouth and anus; he spoke, squeezing tightly lips; so owls have a small mouth; in the morning K. saw his friend in a tree, he turned into an owl; it is believed that a long-eared owl can make bad and kind predictions]: Attla 1990:37-40; kuchin [without mouth; they eat the smell of rotten meat].
The coast is the Plateau. No mouth. Quarry; vasco; vishram; tillamook.
The Midwest. Menominee [were people who ate the smell of cooked food; the substance that remained looked edible but was no longer good for food]: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 15:447.
Northeast. Seneca (or onondaga) [young man Dehaehyowe leads 28 young volunteers to sunset to scrape unknown people; many months go by killing people; a giant half a tree tall tells them to stop killing, otherwise they will die themselves; they agreed; when they reached a large lake, they walked across the surface of the waters; on the opposite bank they saw the sky rise and fall; flocks pigeons flew from the world beyond the edge of the sky, then went back; by this time 5 were alive; they hid the scalps they carried, four slipped under the edge of the sky, the fifth was crushed; in the country, for The trees are beautiful in the corner of the sky, their flowers give off a bright light that illuminates the whole country; local people play lacrosse; one plays rude, the chief throws his head into the tree and body as punishment while playing pierces the trunk, the head is visible from the other side; after the game, the leader frees the offender; each of the four visitors is disassembled into pieces, washed the bones, reassembled, the bodies become strong and light; the mistress of the house (later admits that she is the Moon) weaves a cape out of human hair; as soon as she leaves, her dog unweaves everything; later, Luna says that from every deceased person she gets one hair; when everyone dies and new hairs stop appearing, she will finish her cape; local people come (these are Thunders), eating not food, but the smell (exhalations); the hostess puts grain in the ash corn and pumpkin seeds, immediately they germinate and bear fruit; one of the people accidentally fires an arrow into the pond; when they return, the owners smell game; go to this pond, kill terrible things with lightning the enemy is the Great Blue Lizard; grateful to the people for helping to find it; people see the ground below; there is a thunderstorm, a downpour; people see how the Thunders drive and kill a huge horned serpent with lightning; horned snakes live underground; will come to earth at the end of the world; the heavenly leader tells the Thunders to rest, half of his body is made of ice; every day (i.e. year) turns one (winter) or the other (summer) half of his body; Thunders they fight a monster, for people it is a squirrel; people easily kill it, give her skin to the grateful mistress of the house; one of the visitors agrees to become a thunder named Thaw, or Warm Spring Wind; to do this, they push him in a mortar; people visit the village of the dead, it is impossible to talk to them; they visit the house of the male Sun; in the spring they go down to the ground, but the place where the village was covered with forest; they find village, only an old woman heard from her grandmother how people followed the path of the Sun as a child; D. and his two companions talk about what they saw]: Hewitt 1928:792-806 (=Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 119:607-632).
Plains. Mandan [without mouth].
California. No mouth. Yokutz; monache; chumash [The Land of Widows is on the way to the world of the dead; when those women grow old, they are lowered into a spring and they are young again; they only smell food; after that turns into sewage; they smell water to quench their thirst]: Blackburn 1975, No. 12 [souls pass through Widows' Land on their way to the myrtle world overseas], 15 [Sumivovo brothers (younger, son of the Mist) and Six'usus (the elder, son of Thunder) visits the Land of Widows; Sumivovo takes excrement for real food]: 99, 111.
Big Pool. Western shoshones [no mouth]; southern Utah [no anus].
The Great Southwest. No anus. Lipan; zunyi.
NW Mexico. Tarahumara: González 1985 [=Mondragón et al. 1995:16-17; somewhere far away live people (probably hombrecitos) who eat the smell of food; the person who visited them was fed up with that meat , which they threw away after inhaling steam from it; these people throw all the garbage that water brings ashore; otherwise the water would flood us]: 198-201; Olmos Aguilara 2005 [little ones lived somewhere far away little men, fed on air; they were attacked by Goló birds, ate them; they fly east in November and back west in March, always at night]: 268.
Mesoamerica Huastecs [without anus]; Totonaks [thunder dwarfs eat smell, have no anus]: (A.I. Davletshin, personal communication, September 2012); Nahuatl San Luis Potosi [without anus]; tzotzil (San Pablo) [underground dwarfs are too weak to work; they eat the smell of food; protect themselves from the heat of the Sun passing near them, they cover their heads and neck with clay]: Köhler 1977b: 17 ; chol [Chu'jtat brought the earth out of his heart; at first it was like the wind, the wind became a cloud, a cloud of water, water with mud, dirt with earth; he put three people in each of the four corners of the earth Chuntewinikes support her; these people feed only on the smell of flowers and fruits; after that, C. cut off the umbilical cord that connected his heart to the ground; the earth was covered with vegetation; C. created the first people smaller than the Chuntewinikes, but larger than the current ones, very smart; without needing anything, they forgot the creator; C. destroyed them with a flood, sent Vulture to see if anyone was left, told nothing touched, but he began to eat the corpses; C. punished him by telling him to eat carrion; sent Gorlinka, she saw that there was blood everywhere, but some were saved on rafts; having stained his feet with blood, she returned to C.; he turned surviving people into monkeys; the foam of the flood turned into stones that did not exist before]: Gebhardt Domínguez 2001:49-51; quiche (Totonicapan) [the priest sent an Indian with a letter to God; to to get to the sky, you have to cross the sea, because on the horizon it joins the sky; when you get ashore, a man saw a cornfield and began to eat corn; he was captured and brought to the king, wanted execute for theft; the king asked if he really ate something; local people only smell tortillas, but they have no anuses; the man ate tortillas, showed what was happening to digested food; the king asked and he, as well as several volunteers, cut through his anus; the man asked him to let him go - he would deliver medicine to heal the wound; on the way back he saw a boat; it shouted that the king was dead; the man ordered faster to sail the distance, went to heaven (hereinafter Christian motives)]: Tax 1951:2657 in Norbeck 1954:64-66.
Honduras-Panama. No anus. Pécs; Eastern Panama.
The Northern Andes. No anus. Embera; nonama [without anus and without mouth]; kamsa, ingano.
Ecuador. Colorado [no anus].
Western Amazon. No anus. Sekoya; kofan: Borman, Criollo 1990, No. 7 [no one shares meat with a loser hunter; he follows the bakers into the hole where they hide; enters the lower world; some creatures live there (translated as "tricksters"); the main penis is wrapped around his neck; he tells the man to bring pumpkins and sweet potatoes, he sees battleships and worms; after the "trickster" gives him a drink in which he dipped his fingernail, a person sees pumpkins and sweet potatoes; a "trickster" kills bakers; a person eats meat, and the owner only smells and throws it away; a person goes to relieve himself; "tricksters" smell, smear themselves feces; the "trickster" sends a person back, giving a remedy to lure bakers; at first, a piece of it tells you so much that a person cannot crawl into the hole leading to the surface of the earth; some cut off; bakers follow the man; people shoot them, the man is unhappy: why they kill the cubs; the other person also wanted this tool; both went down; the chief "trickster" asks others what they will become (stone, flint, rock); tells people to move away; the first hunter leaves, the second does not, the house turns over, turns into stone; in the spring it turns back, but that man has long died; the first one returns, tells his wife; the bakers stayed in the paddock outside this man's house; after his death they went to the forest]: 75-105; Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 75 [the loser hunter follows the herd wild pigs, becomes one of them; through a hole he descends with them to the lower world; their owners live there Kuanqua; a person spends a year there; k. has no anuses, they feed on the smell of cooking meat; a person defecates, k. enjoy the aroma; k. Wrap their penises around the waist; penises crawl them into women's vaginas; a person becomes a baby, women bathe him, painfully press on the penis; . and people, together with them, turn into colored stones, then regain their former appearance]: 134-137; for example.
NW Amazon. Tikuna [without anus].
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 2 (Sciamas) [the first humans ate the wind; the old woman warned the two brothers that if they tortured the sloth, the earth would burn; they disobeyed, everything burned down; new people got out of the underworld through a hole, placing poles one on top of the other; you can't feed on the wind anymore; the sloth has charred yellow spots on its back], 41 and 42 [hold the ground; when turn gray, the earth will fall; as they pass by, the Sun and Moon tell them that they are still young, pulling out their gray hairs], 220 [the brother of a good hunter's wife does not know how to hunt; he invited him to go after the battleship down the hole, closed the exit; the battleship brought man to the lower world; wild pigs his herd; the battleship's wife cooked pork; Idsetti Deha, little men and women, came; the battleship is their master; they there were no anuses, they inhaled the smell of cooked food, so did the Battleship and his wife; the Battleship hunted like this: he took off his shell, scraped himself with a comb, plunged into a boiling pot, and went through the bottom of the boiler along with the water to forest; killed animals, fried, sent fried food to his wife underground back in the pot; the wife taught this to man, made him a good hunter; ID gave the man a wife; the child, like the mother, did not have an anus; a year later The battleship brought the man to the ground, gave two combs - one for him, the other for his sister's evil husband; he now asked him to teach him how to hunt; undressed, scraped, rushed into the cauldron, cooked and died; var.1, Ixiamas: a man climbed the battleship's hole himself; for underground people, tapiti hares are jaguars; a man easily kills hares; he was given two girls, he refused; taught how to smoke wasps and set traps on hares ; two years later he found his way back and came back; var 2, Tumupasa (as var. 1, but shorter); var. 3, Tumupasa; about the same as in var. 2; dwarfs without ass gave a man two women; children were born without an ass; the man is dissatisfied, returned to earth; var. 4, San Jose; the man grabbed the battleship by the tail, which dragged it to the lower world; there is Idsetti Deha, red dwarfs; they only drink broth, urinate, but have no anus; unhappy that man is staining their land with crap; he clings to the battleship, comes back; var 5, Buenaventura; The battleship was friends with man, brought him underground, where dwarfs are the masters of the wild pigs; they just drink broth; he pierces the anuses of some dwarfs, they die; tapiti for them is a jaguar; a man killed him, smoked wasps; eight days later he grabbed the tail of the Battleship, returned to earth], 222 [in the lower world, dwarfs eat the smell of food; two people have entered the battleship's hole; there are many wild pigs, bakers, tapirs; wasps are the size of a hummingbird, and people and animals die from their bites; in salt marshes, animals come to our land; and come back]: 39, 88-89, 351-354, 354-355.
The Southern Cone. North Tehuelches [without anus].