I21. Burned by the sun.
At sunrise, inhabitants of the underworld or country have red (yellow) hair and/or red or black skin and/or suffer from the heat of the sun that passes by them on a small distance. See motive I20.
Shilluk, Lakher, Chan, Ancient Greece (regarding India), Mentawai, Toraja, Solor, Alor and/or adjacent islands, Bagobo, Blackfoot, Alabama, Koasati, Totonaki, Masateki, Tseltal, tsotsil, yanomami, lokono, akuryo, trio, kayapa, takana, kayapo, apinaye, pilaga.
Sudan - East Africa. Shilluk [at night, the Sun runs from west to east along the bottom of the Nile; whoever is lucky enough to be where it emerges from the waters in the morning will see little red people; to enlist them favor, it's good for them to bury beads and a burnt smoking pipe (gebrannter Pfeifenkopf) by the river]: Hofmayr 1925:364.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lakher [The sun is a woman living in the east; small strong black dwarfs open the gates for the Sun before dawn; fleas hear this sound, start biting pigs, rubbing against poles poultry wake up, roosters wake people up; at night the sun shines in the world of the dead]: Parry 1932:487; vat [black dwarfs open copper doors to the Sun in the morning; they don't have an anus, they eat the smell food]: Parry 1932:487; ancient Greek sources: Stahl 1982 [Solin reports (Solin. p.206, 4): In the "mountainous areas" near the Ocean "[tribes] closest to the Indus River on the south side [sun ] burns more than others: in general, the color [of people's skin] indicates the strength of the heavenly body; pygmies occupy mountainous areas]: 45.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Mentawai [when the Sun and Moon descend westward in the sky, a crocodile living in the sea swallows them, but they soon reappear; then the red people living on the western edge of the world they throw tarot flour dumplings into the crocodile's open mouth; the Sun and Moon return to heaven]: Schefold 1988:71; Western Toraja [people living in the east are burned to black by the heat of the sun when it enters the world through the east door; they use the heat of the sun to bake bananas; if the sun delays sunrise, these people delay it because they want to have time to bake the fruit; they they eat them all day; the sun's guards make sure that they don't swallow it by fish, so they feed them grasshoppers; the sun tries to swallow the shark, it's visible as the constellation Shark; to avoid falling into its mouth The sun deviates on its way north and then south]: Kruyt 1938, No. 21:368-369; the Eastern Toraja [The sun enters the world through the eastern gate, leaves through the western gate; the eastern ones have dwarfs; they there is no food or fire; at sunrise they buy unripe bananas from the Sun and give them to their children; they must have time to bake bananas in the sunny heat, otherwise they will be left without food for the whole day; var.: Eastern the gate is inhabited by giants whose babies are the size of an adult; once parents threw a baby into the forest, he grew up; a giant sea eagle sat on a tree; the young man sat on his spur, which brought him to giants in the east; they kept him, he lived with their girl, became pregnant with her, she grew up, became much bigger than him; the young man saw giants use the moment of sunrise to bake bananas] : Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 4:373-374; Solor, Alor and/or neighboring islands [there were lots of suns, the earth was suffering from heat; the village of Rera ("Sun") Datu was inhabited by little men and women but children It wasn't there; they poked long bamboo poles into all the suns until there was only one thing left]: Vatter 1932 in Maaβ 1933:375.
Taiwan - Philippines. Bagobo [people who live where the sun rises ("at the door of the sun") are very black; they hide in a hole until noon to escape the sun's heat, leaving vessels ready to cook rice; by noon the rice is cooked, they get out, eat it, they work]: Benedict 1913, No. 6:18-19.
The Balkans. Ancient sources on India ["Myths" attributed to Guy Julius Gigin, who lived at the turn of the eras, but most likely date back to the 1st and 2nd centuries: "Phaeton, son of Clement, son of the Sun, and the nymph Merope, who they consider Oceanida, after learning from his father's story that the Sun is his grandfather, got his chariot from that chariot, but made poor use of it. Because he was driving too close to the ground, everything caught fire from the proximity of the flame. Striked by lightning, he fell into the Pad River. The Greeks call this river Eridani and was the first to mention it by Ferekides. The Indus, on the other hand, caused the heat of the near sun to darken their blood and turned black" (trans. D.O. Torshilova)]: Hyg. Fab. 154.
Plains. Blacklegs (piegan) [a young man with a scar on his face asks his sister to marry him; she promises to marry a young man if he loses his scar; the young man goes to the Sun; the farther west, the darker people; a black man says that during the day they hide from the heat of the Sun in a cave; a young man goes on, meets the Sun's son, the Morning Star; the Sun makes his face clean, the Sun's wife, the Moon, cannot tell the difference a young man by his son; now his name is "The One Mistaken for the Morning Star" (Jupiter); the Sun warns not to go down to the west and down to the east; the young man goes, kills seven birds in the west (Clark: geese) there were seven cranes in the east; the Morning Star was afraid of them in panic, they were deadly for celestials; the Sun gives the young man a shirt and leggings with ornamentation reminding him of this feat; closing his eyes, The young man finds himself on the ground, explains the meaning of the ornament, teaches how to make a steam room; returns to heaven, seen as Jupiter (Quail in Clark 1966:242-248)]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 4a: 61-65.
Southeast USA. Alabama, koasati [people are burned and bald at sunrise and sunset; they throw rocks into the sun that passes by; to avoid rocks, it moves fast at sunrise and sunset]: Martin 1977:4.
Mesoamerica They suffer from the heat. Mountain Totonaki; Masateki; Celtal; Tsotzil.
Southern Venezuela. Yanomami (Vaika) [when the girl was in her first period, a piece of sky fell; its inhabitants (this place on earth or sky?) found themselves in the underworld; these are Amahini yellow-haired dwarfs, a few cm tall; they only feed on pijiguao fruits]: Zerries 1958:282.
Guiana. Lokono [red-haired]; akuryos [red or black-haired because they are burned by the sun]: Jara 1990:63; trio [people living near the black horizon because they are burned by someone passing near by them by the sun]: Magaña 1987:171.
Ecuador. Kayapa [Pa'ca'mbele dwarfs live at the hole from which the sun rises, made small by the heat of the sun]: Barrett 1925 (2): 353.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 41 [Idsetti deha's red-haired dwarfs live on the edge of the lower world; there are many; four of them hold land in the south and four in the north; they don't have entrails]: 89.
Eastern Brazil. People suffer from the heat at sunrise, shooting arrows into the passing sun. Kayapo [(Banner 1957:48); The Sun is ferocious, the Month is timid; complains that the Sun has taken all the fat; the Sun throws hot food into the belly of the Month, the spots are still visible; The Month is running away to heaven, the Sun is not can catch up with him and then begins to haunt the inhabitants of the earth, especially in the east; the heat of the sun has made their hair the color of fire; in revenge, they shoot arrows at him, these are rays at sunrise and sunset]: Wilbert 1978, No. 10:66; apinaye [Nimuendaju 1939:180-181; red-haired people in the east suffer from the heat of the nearby Sun; they shoot at it every morning but cannot hit because they must turn your face away, otherwise it will burn; then they decided to cut the sky support so that the Sun could not pass its own way; while they rest, felling overgrows every time]: Wilbert 1978, No. 3:31-32.
Chaco. Pilaga [The Sun (Katená) is a beautiful long-haired woman; it's very hot where she rises, black people, sunburned by the sun]: Idoyaga Molina 1989:21.