Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I23. Slamming door, K736. .


door of the house opens and slams by itself, pushing people in or out. See motive I22.

Southern Europe. Sardinians [the young man goes in search of the Beauty of the World; his father let him go; he went into the palace; there the old man explains how to get to the beauty: to praise the gate that closes and then open, as well as steps and doors; the young man comes to the king; he promises a daughter if the young man gets (him) the Beauty of the World; the beauty of the world in the third of the oranges; she stays with the young man because he immediately gave it's her fault; refuses the king and stays with the young man; the king dies of grief]: Aprile 2000:273.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians (east: Dusheti district) [the king grew old, sent his eldest son to the Qajas for the water of immortality; he came there with an army, the whole army became petrified; the same with his middle brother; the youngest with two comrades come to the old man, the old man sends to his older brother, the eldest to the oldest; the oldest teaches to put a scrap under a door that opens and closes, to slip on horseback; only a tail the horse was cut off; the young man met with the sleeping woman, left her a letter, took away three apples and the water of immortality; gives water to two older men to drink, and the youngest after he revives the petrified ones; the elders the brothers put the youngest to sleep, changed the water and apples; the king wants to execute him, the young man asks the servants only to cut off his little finger and bury his dog; the queen woke up, read the letter, told the king to send her someone who took away the water of immortality; the king sends his older brothers, she imprisoned them for bread and water; the king dug up the grave - there are the remains of a dog; ordered to look for a young man with his little finger cut off, he was found, sent to Queen, he correctly answers what was on the way; the queen calls him the husband and father of her son; the young man received both kingdoms, pardoned his brothers]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 78:46-49.

SV Asia. Chukchi [a young man comes to a rich house to marry the bride; the door closes, crushing those entering; the young man slips through quickly, only a piece of his clothes is cut off]: Bogoras 1902:55:666.

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate: Curtis 1976 (2) [a young man rejects brides; takes a poor girl but she can sew well; his boat sticks to the land of perfume; the stone opens and closes the entrance to the house; the young man slips; lives with a spirit woman; she sends him back with a load of furs, etc.; he lives with his former wife and with a spirit woman who has settled with them; rich, becomes a shaman]: 181-183; Hall 1975, No. PM4 (Noatak) [Kupkuk travels, meets bad people, he has two dogs - brown bears; rocks hanging above the door fall on incoming people; K. pretends to come in, jumps back, rocks fall, he kills the owner with arrows; marries in another village; the wife warns that her people have a tyrichik, a long dragon with many legs, sharp horns along his back, tentacles with which he sends people into his mouth; K. kills him with a spear; people bring his mother T.; it is not clear whether this is the woman who revives him, or another one; K. throws the villagers into the mouth, cannot escape, rushes himself; it is light inside, many dead are swallowed; K. cuts the bone on his stomach, t., he exhales; K. comes out through his nose; the wolverine returns to his wife; she leaves the glove, K. turns into a little miñnuk in the little finger, becomes human; lives with his wife and her parents]: 117-125; netsilic [shaman hunts seals by the ice-hole; The month goes down, invites him to his sleigh, brings him to heaven in the village the dead; the walls of the passage to the house of the Month converge and diverge like a chewing mouth; the shaman slips; in another room there is a Sun woman sitting with a child in her arms, her lamp is hot; the shaman returns home]); Baffin's Land [people are constantly tearing the boy's clothes; his grandmother teaches him to become a seal, to lure hunters into the open sea; one Kiviuk escapes; sails to an old woman; a human head in her house teaches him to lay a flat stone; at night an old woman tries to pierce K. with her sharp tail, breaks it; the door in her house closes when K. tries to leave; he slips through, just the edge the clothes are cut off; K. comes to two women; the young husband has a piece of wood; brings her seals when she lets him go to sea; K. marries her, the piece of wood is jealous but powerless; the woman's mother kills her taking out her lice; puts on her skin; K. learns the change when he sees that his wife is unable to carry the seal he has caught; sails away in a boat, returns home]: Boas 1901b, No. 15:182-185.

NW Coast. Tsimshian [a young man comes to marry the chief's daughter; the door in the house opens and closes, crushing the grooms; the young man sticks a piece of ice into her, she stops]; quakiutl: Boas 1895, No. XV.1 (nimpkish) [Gyi'i goes to marry a girl whose father kills suitors; sails in a self-propelled boat with feathers and wings of seagulls; sails to his aunt, who gives him three stone tiles tie them to the legs and buttocks; gives shells; G. gives these shells to a person who also helped with advice; he leaves them on the shore, since then there are shells to feed people; gave another person, then Same, but these are inedible shells; he sailed to four blind duck women, steals the roots they bake; each thinks the other has taken it, they fight; they smell it; G. spits in their eyes restoring sight; they tell him that a girl and her father are about to come; G. ties an octopus to her face to look like an old man; the girl takes him as a slave, her brother doubts; in the boat, the girl speaks an imaginary slave who should marry G.; G. throws off an octopus, appears in his form; the door to the girl's father's house slams shut, crushing the incoming ones; G. makes a false move and then slips through; father-in-law offers to sit down, G. ties his stones, they break the tips that killed other suitors; G. throws shells into the fire, the fire goes out; under the guise of salmon meat and berries, the father-in-law gives sisiutl meat and milk; G. pretends to eat, hides pieces under her clothes; gets a wife who gave birth in the morning; father-in-law calls to split the trunk, deliberately drops the wedge, asks for it; sees blood, but it turns out that G. jumped out and waits for his father-in-law in the boat; when they sail, G. throws coniferous needles and pieces of wood into the water, they turn into fish and dolphins, jump on his father-in-law, he dies; at the shore, G. revives him, his father-in-law admits defeat]: 135-137 (=2002:307-310); 1910, No. 16 [Kankilah marries the youngest of four daughters, Dvananalis; father-in-law asks to get a hammer that has fallen into a split log, takes out the spacers; blood splashes; K. is unharmed, brings a hammer; turns a rotten deck into a dolphin, who splashes water on his father-in-law, his face swells; K. and his wife return to their younger brother; he died; wife He jumps him off with living water, he comes to life], 35 [Kanekelak goes to marry Dzavadalis's daughter; meets blind geese and ducks, a blind woman; spits in their eyes, they see the light, give him instructions; he breaks the vaginal teeth of D.'s youngest daughter with his finger, marries her; slips through the door, which usually pinches grooms; thrown on thorns, turns into an ermine; sent to split (?) wood; D. takes alder juice for blood, fluff for his son-in-law's brains; K. returns with firewood; his father-in-law is carried in a boat, causes a storm, his father-in-law dies, K. revives him]: 195-199, 455-462; chickpea [young man rises to heaven; rubs the eyes of blind women with his penis, making them sighted; they teach him to overcome obstacles; the door jambs to the house of the Sun are jaws that close and then diverge; young man slips through the door; marries the daughter of the Sun]; bellacula: Boas 1898:73-83 [gutting salmon, the chief's wife finds a boy in one, raises her son, both grow up right away; Salmon brother tells him to scream as he approaches his hut by the shore; the human brother forgets, sees half-alive salmon on the floor; then a boat arrives, the man sails with it; they sail through the countries of Smelt, Herring, Candlefish; in Salmon country is jumped into a house whose door slams shut every now and then; Salmon eat seaweed, offer a boy and girl to a man; thrown into the water, they turn into salmon; the owners tell them to save bones and giblets, throw into the water; children are reborn, but the boy is limping, the girl has no eye; an eye and bone are found, thrown into the water, the children recover; Salmon's daughter does not tell her to go to bed with her; the man pokes stone, breaks vaginal teeth; she gives birth to a son and daughter; in the form of salmon, everyone returns to the human world; caught, man and wife take the form of human beings; man teaches how to throw fish bones into water; wife and children return to the salmon; a man rises to the sky with a pen; a woman gives him a bubble with a cold wind; the Sun 1) locks the person who comes in a hot cave, he opens a bubble around the icicle; 2) tells daughters to become mountain sheep, gives man arrows with tips made of coal; rams drive a man to the abyss, he descends with a feather, kills rams with his arrows; the Sun mourns children, man revives them; gets two eldest daughters of the Sun as his wife; 3) The sun tells them to check the top, a log falls on his son-in-law, he swims out with salmon; 4) The sun drops a hammer into the water, tells them to get it, covers water with ice, the son-in-law slips out the crack with a fish; 5) The sun tells you to get a bird (a partridge or similar to it); the son-in-law tells it to peck out his father-in-law's eyes; he admits defeat, his son-in-law restores his sight; a year later he goes home to earth, his wife goes down with him in the sun's rays (these are her father's eyelashes)], 103-108 [the son of a man named Nutsxoasenem loses all his property and his wife to his son Senxalolela; people leave the loser alone, only a friend secretly tells me where the fire is hidden; the snow extinguishes the fire; the woman tells the abandoned person to follow her, lets eat a strip of meat from her chest, restoring his strength; they approach the rock, the door to it opens and then slams shut; the young man slips; inside is a holiday, these people are Wolves; he marries the Wolf who saved him; she says he is not must smoke on her blanket; at first he does not know that this is a euphemism for infidelity; kills many mountain sheep, Wolves bring meat; he calls him to play ball, his wife says that her former husband was killed in playing time; The wolf is ready to gnaw the man's throat, but he throws the ball; no longer participates in the game; falls in love with a girl at the source; promises his wife that this is the last time; they go to live with his parents; his former wife meets him; the she-wolf takes her son, leaves; he looks for her, becoming a wolf; Bobrikha tells him to go under water; there he reaches the country of the Wolves; the son rejoices in his father, the wife believes that he loves her; he stays with Wolves].

The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin [Lendixchuks kills Groundhog; comes to his mother with his sons; she cries, the stone door of the house begins to slam shut; L. sticks his rod Ptox into the crack, together slips out with his sons; when he takes out the rod, the door cuts off his little finger; since then, his little finger is shorter than the rest of his fingers]: Farrand 1900, No. 1:12; comox [the old man owns fire, the door of his house opens and closes, killing incoming people; The deer puts a chip in his hair, jumps into the house when the door opens, sits by the fire to dry; the sliver lights up, it runs away, brings people fire]: Boas 1895, No. 8:80-81; snohomish [the cannibal carries the Loon man; he runs to Thunder and Flint; the door in Flint's house opens and slams shut all the time, cuts the cannibal into pieces]; upper chehalis [ The Bear and the Puma are the wives of Woodpecker, each with five sons; the Bear collects ripe blackberries, the Puma collects red blackberries; invites the Bear to look for lizards in each other's heads; the Puma has lizards in her hair, she eats them; on the fourth day she sucks the Bear's blood, on the fifth day she bites off her head; the Bear's children see Puma roasting their mother's breasts; the Woodpecker gives them strong arrows, and the Puma's children; the cubs are killed with their own with arrows, the Puma's children; the woodpecker sends the Cubs to their grandmother, tells them to follow the path where the paint is red; they follow the other, get to the Wolf, run away, come to their grandmother; she tells the Puma to enter the house backwards a slamming door cuts the Puma in half; the corpse is burned]: Adamson 1934, No. 26:43-46; tillamook [the house doors open and slam as fast as the woman inside the house speaks; the hero runs in, grabs meat, jumps out; a closed door touches his buttocks a little].