I25. Bribed Guardians, B325.1,B567.1
Dangerous creatures guard the path to or entry to the character's house. The hero appeases them with gifts or words, they let him go back and forth, sometimes punished by the owner for this.
Sudan - East Africa. Sudanese Arabs: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 13 [Hadariya's wife's man with daughter Nayya and another with three daughters; H. died, half-sisters persuaded N. to ask his father to get the young man by named Green Beans (ZB); he has 7 fathers and 7 mothers, his palace is guarded by ants, hyenas, lions, slaves; the old woman tells ants to take millet (Pennisetum glaucum) with them and throw something to smoke for slaves, meat to lions and hyenas; ZB began to show different things and ask if N. was better than them; N.'s father always said it was better; ZB wrote that it was foolish for N. to wish him as a husband that he would marry him slaves; N. told the old woman to sell her, ZB bought her; she went home, leaving a note: it is foolish for the ZB to hope to make N. a slave; ZB found N. and married her; the sisters persuaded N. to find out how to kill ZB; that: we must burn the seven-headed snake, spray the ashes on the bed; the sisters did so; the ZB fell ill, his relatives took him away; N. went, met an old man, asked how to kill men in their country; old man: stab a thorn into her head; she stabbed, put on the old man's skin and clothes, asked the birds what they ate; one said that ZB was sick, the other that if you burn their liver and wings and mix them, it would cause it potions he will recover; N. killed birds, prepared a potion; cured ZB; asked for his sword and scourge as a reward; brought him home; ZB came, saw them, was surprised; went back; N. for him; sisters then they robbed and blinded her; the nomads picked her up; she began to weave carpets, asked to sell them to cannibals, exchanged the carpet for the eyes; ZB came, N. admitted; they burned the sisters, everything is fine]: 91-94; Hillelson 1935 [when the girl cried, it was raining, when she laughed, pearls and corals fell, when she blew her nose, it turned silk; brother was on the road, it began to rain, he realized that his sister was crying, he came back; there the old woman told the sister asked her brother to get the talking parrot; the brother went after him, stopped at the old woman's house; she told the slaves to throw pearls, the ants to throw dried meat, the lions the leg of lamb; then go in and pick up the parrot; brother brought a parrot, sister laughed, pearls fell down; Russian translation in Lebedev 1990, No. 30:160]: 13; Somalis [the old woman tells the young man that cannibals live in the city; there is a snake on the princess's belt, entrance The cannibal camel and the dog are guarded; you have to give the camel hay, the dog meat, touch the snake with a stick, she dies, then pick up the princess; the young man marries the princess]: Kirk 1905, No. 5:164.
North Africa. Morocco, Tunisia [parallels to the Palestinian fairy tale Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 22]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989:352-354; Egyptian Arabs [see also i25a; woman takes off her clothes from her feathers, bathes in a spring, then flies away; the king sees this, steals clothes, asks his wife for an article; the woman agrees if the king blinds his former 40 wives; one of them is a princess, the rest are slaves ; the dazzled are kept in the basement under the kitchen; each has given birth, the children have been eaten, the princess has kept her own; the boy steals food from the kitchen, feeds the blinded; the king meets a young man who calls himself the Kitchen Bear, but his real name is Mohammed the Intelligent; the new wife guessed who this young man is; pretended to be sick, asks the king to send M. for medicine - the heart of a black valley bull; he fell to the guli's chest; she gave a balloon , to follow, and slaughter the bull with a dagger; if he is asked to hit again, do not hit; next time, the heart of a red valley bull (the same); the new wife decides to send M. to her sister to have him killed; sends to bring a heavy white valley grenade (weighing about 50 kg); Guli's son teaches to find pomegranates, he is from the sister of the king's wife; throw the ring, follow it; throw bread with meat to dogs, then cannibals, they they will let in, grab a grenade and run without looking back; the wife tells you to bring a flying castle from Mount Kaf; the cannibal teaches you to give the maid frankincense, she will take it to her room; there is a bottle with the life of the king's wife and another with the eyes of blinded wives; and a wand that drives the castle; and a spear that hits orders left and right; when the maid fell asleep, M. killed the scarab in which her life was; M. ordered Kill everyone with a spear, carries the lock, opens to his father, breaks the bottle with the life of a witch wife, restores sight to blinded women, receives the throne from her father]: Spitta bey 1883, No. 12:12-29 (summary in Nowak 1969, NO. 177:182-183).
Southern Europe. The Spanish (Extremadura) [the princess looks at the snow and the blood of an animal slaughtered by a shepherd; he utters a verse in which blood is opposed to snow; there is a king who wakes up once a year in the morning on Ivanov Day; if a girl is nearby, the spell will be removed and he marries her; the princess goes in search wearing iron shoes; the Sun comes to her mother, she hides her from her son; he does not knows where the king's castle is, sends the Stars to his sisters; they don't know, maybe Brother Wind (Aire) knows; his mother hides the princess; The wind says that there are two lions at the gate of the castle, they should leave the food he chewed; burps food, his mother hides it in two bags, gives it to the princess in the morning; the princess throws food to the lions, enters the palace, everything is motionless; the princess sits by the bed for months sleeping; a black woman offers to buy it, on the night of Ivanov Day she is at the bed, the king marries her; the palace comes to life; the king leaves for gifts; the princess asks to buy her a hard stone and a bitter stick (poems), she does not want to live; the king hears the princess ask for a stone in her room and he answers, telling her story; the king marries her, executing a black woman]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 425G: 259-265 (translated to Malinovskaya 2002:110-116); Italians (Tuscany: Florence) [a pregnant woman steals parsley from the sorceress's garden; they catch it, let it go for a promise call the child Petrushka, gives it to them; the woman gave birth to a girl, called Petrushechka; when she grew up, the witches reminded her mother of the promise, she had to agree; 1) the witches brought P. into the dark the room, told to make it white, paint the walls with birds; the witch's cousin Meme suggests doing everything if P. lets herself be kissed; she refuses, M. is happy, does everything anyway (the same when each new act of help); 2) the witches are told to bring a Belle-Jullar box from the witch Morgana; M. gives two pots of lard; tells you to lubricate the hinges of Morgana's gate, throw bread to the dogs, give an awl and give the shoemaker (he pulls his hair out of his head and beard, sews Morgana's shoes), give the cook a panicle so she doesn't shovel the ash with his hands; P. takes the box, Morgana's guards refuse to detain her; along the way opens the box, little men and the orchestra jump out of it; Meme appears, puts them back; 3) the witches are going to cook P., tell them to boil the pot; M. advises to say that there is not enough firewood; P. and M . lights blow out in the barn are the souls of sorcerers, the last is Morgan; they take possession of all the sorcerers' property; got married, began to live in Morgana's Palace]: Kotrelev 1991:101-105; Italians (Piedmont; 717 -718: the old assistant's motif was added by Calvino; in the original, the assistant is the enchanted queen) [the pear tree owner sends 4 baskets of pears to the king every year; once there were not enough pears and the man hid his little daughter under the pears; in the palace they noticed that someone was eating pears, they found a girl, called Perina ("Grushka"); she grew up, everyone likes it, the maids are jealous, they tell the king as if P. boasted to get the witch's treasures; P. walked past an apple tree, a peach tree, reached a pear tree and climbed on it to sleep; in the morning, an old woman under a pear asks where P. was going, giving fat, bread and millet; P. comes to three women who wiped the oven with their hair; gave them millet for this; gives them bread to dogs; comes to the blood-red river; the old woman taught them to say: "Wonderful red water, I'm in a hurry and I I'll try you"; the waters parted, P. crossed to the other side; the door to the palace constantly opens and slams shut, P. greased it, passed, grabbed the treasure box, ran; the witch tells the doors shut, the river to drown P., the dogs to grab, the stove to burn; the door, the river, dogs, women at the stove praise P. and refuse to prevent her; on the way P. opened the box, the chicken with the golden chickens they ran away; P. reached the pear tree, where the old woman placed the runaway back; advised her to ask the king for a chest of coals in the basement as a reward; they brought her a chest, and the prince jumped out of it, married P.]: Calvino 1980, No. 11:35-37; Sicilians: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 36 [someone steals apples from the royal garden; older son guards, falls asleep; same average; youngest cuts off apples a hand stretching out through the fences; in the morning the brothers see a well, only the youngest decided to go down; killed a sleeping giant, freeing three princesses; brothers lift them up on a rope; when a young man should get up, they cut off the rope, but he tied a stone; the younger princess must wait for him for a year, a month and a day; the old king is blind from grief, he will be cured by the water of Fata Morgana; the brothers went to look, they did not find it; in the lower world a horse (this is FM's brother) teaches his younger brother to put an iron rod into a gate that opens and closes; a roll of wet paper into moving scissors; throw half a goat to two lions; water FM is her sweat pouring from the spring; grenades are nearby, three fruits must be picked; the young man did everything and also went into the castle, kissed the sleeping FM; FM and the lions are chasing, but the horse tells me to throw grenades; they turn into a river, a mountain, a mountain of fire; FM returns; the young man meets the brothers, they take away a bottle of water, the king sees the light, divides the kingdom between his eldest sons; the youngest is imprisoned with a horse; he orders to beat and cut it; a young man appears - brother FM; the younger one smashes enemies, forgives brothers, but takes the kingdom for himself; FM is, recognizes the young man as the one who kissed her, takes her as a husband, marries a brother to a young man's sister], 49 [The poor shoemaker has three daughters; he sits on a rock, exclaims, Oh! ; a young man appears, asks why his name was, takes him to an underground castle, gives him gold, tells him to marry his youngest daughter; she agrees; it was King Cardiddu; the witch bewitched him because he refused take her daughter; he forbids his wife to unlock one room; sisters come and advise her to unlock; at night she lights a candle, wax drips on K., she ends up in the woods; the king says she must now go to witch; she demands to sweep and not sweep, make and not make a fire, cook and not make a bed; every time K. appears, teaches how to make half; teaches you to ask the birds to wash the pile underwear; a witch sends a girl with a letter to her sister; K. teaches that it is necessary to praise the river, where water is mixed with blood, she will calm down; take bones from the donkey, give the dog hay, and the dog's donkey hay; praise the door, it will stop opening and closing; you can't open the box along the way; run as soon as the witch reads the letter, it says that the letter that brought the letter must be eaten; the girl opens the box, it starts to ring, K. comes to fix things for the last time; the witch tells the door, the dog, etc. to keep the fugitive, but they say that the girl was good to them; the river is evil against the witch when she runs up, drowns her; the witch gives her daughter to K.; the girl stands at the foot of the bed, the witch's daughter is in bed; K. asks to switch places for a while; the witch brings down the floor, her daughter, not the girl, dies; K. s They run away to his wife, he turns into a vegetable garden, she is a gardener; a church and a clerk; a pond and an eel; a witch cannot catch him; at home she crosses her arms over her head until she is open, K.'s wife is born; K. tells ring the funeral bells, the witch believes he is dead, takes off her hands, K.'s wife gives birth to a son; the bells ring for health, the witch smashed her head against the wall]: 234-242, 324-332; Corsicans [two fairies envy the beauty of a girl named Pretty Fairies; disguised as a beggar, they asked her to walk with them; promised, if she goes with them a little more, a golden frog; spindle; spinning wheel; brought to themselves; tell Place the floor and not sweep the floor when you return, cook and cook the meat, set the table so that the tablecloth does not touch the table and the table does not touch the floor; little Giuvanninu della veritá teaches what to do (do not sweep in the center of the room, fry on only one side, put paper under the tablecloth and under the table legs); fairies tell me to bring a sieve from Aunt Luke (some terrible witch); J. teaches swap the straw and wafers (hosties) in front of the dog and donkey, praise the water source, put something under the door to prevent it from slamming, put the spindle on the steps of the stairs leading to the second floor of the house where Luka; Luke stumbles on spindles, falls, the girl grabs the sieve; Luke tells her guards to stop her, but they refuse because she did them good; the fairies want to throw it on the girl and J. are something heavy, but they throw it on them themselves, they die]: Massignon 1984, №: 27:60-62; the Sardinians [the young man goes in search of the Beauty of the World; his father let him go; he went into the palace; there the old man explains how to get to the beauty: to praise the gates that close and open, as well as the steps and doors; the young man comes to the king; he promises his daughter if the young man gets (him) Beauty peace; the beauty of the world is in the third of the oranges; she stays with the young man because he immediately gave her wine; refuses the king and stays with the young man; the king dies of grief]: Aprile 2000:273; ladins [son chose the profession of a hunter, his parents gave him hunting equipment and a Curasch dog; once killed a fish, a duck and a hare with one shot; the old woman ordered not to give them to his mother to cook, but to take them tomorrow with by himself; he went into the hut; the girl said that robbers would come; there were two beds on the second floor - don't lie in them; told the robbers that she had sheltered the beggar, they pulled the rope, knives fell on the bed; he agreed with the girl, they filled the robbers with boiling water, he finished them off with a knife; the old woman said that the leader was saved now; along with the girl; the girl would pretend to be sick, ask for milk from the cows the owner, who has 70 cows; there is a bear (throw a duck to him) and a lion (throw a hare) as watchmen; they will serve him; give fish to the dog; return to the girl, say that he did not bring anything, animals hide; the girl will say that her chest hurts, she will send them to the damn mill for flour; the ladies will be given a stone to grind, we must lower the bear, the lion, the dog on them, they will tear everyone apart; the girl will say that the chest is gone, he will ask permission to tie his thumbs; a robber will break in, the young man's animals will tear him apart; he will kill the girl himself; the young man forgot to give fish to the dog, she almost died, but he fed the fish with pieces, the dog recovered; the young man did not take the money of the robbers, but went to tell the king about it; there is mourning in the city: the seven-headed dragon demands a girl every year, now it is the turn of the king's daughter; the young man let his animals on the dragon cut off his tongues, promised the princess to return in a year and 3 days; when he returned, he was told that tomorrow the princess would marry the coachman: he allegedly killed the dragon; the young man sent the dog with a note to the maid; the princess told her father that she was released by a hunter, not a coachman; the young man showed his tongues, the coachman was torn by four horses]: Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 56:194-203.
Western Europe. French: Cosquin 1886, No. 3 (Haute-Marne) [the English king hunted in France, chased a bird, did not catch it, spent the night in a poor house; the hostess just gave birth, the king agreed to be godson, called the boy Eugène (E.); left a letter - let the young man come with him when he was 17 years old; E. set off; before that, the godmother (marraine) warned that if he met hunchback or crooked, we must go back; E. returned twice, but the third time his humpback classmate Adolf, E. went with him; at the inn A. stole his horse; when E. caught up with him, he made E. swear that he would say that he was the king's godson, A., not E.; the king believed; promised to give his daughter to his godson, but she was kidnapped; all the courtiers fell in love with E. (who was called A.) and A. was hated; A. says that E. boasted to get a giant's mule; the old man teaches: the giant has a thrush, he sings loudly, he must cross the sea when the thrush sings; the giant gave the mule on the condition that E. would return it later; A. persuades the king to tell E. to get the giant's thrush; the giant gave the thrush with the same condition; the giant's lantern (the same); find and return the king's daughter; the old man teaches you to ask for help; he tells you to build a ship without using iron, take with you a mule, a thrush and a donkey, 300 virgins; on the way, the giant weaves, the virgins spin; on the way, a fish castle, they it is necessary to crumble the bread, the fish missed the ship; the king of fish let his fin call it; then the ants - E. gave them millet, the king of ants gave them a paw; then the rats (gave bread - wool); crows (meat is a feather) ; giants (E. gave a lot of bread - a hair from the king's beard); the princess in the queen's castle with silver legs, turned into a lioness spewing fire; the lioness is glad; the queen orders to bring 300 measures of canvas, woven by virgins (E. gives); further tasks: 1) a garden on the site of the mountain (the giants removed the mountain, the rest of the helpers set up the garden); 2) bring living and dead water; the crows gathered, but no one knows where is the water; two old drunken soldiers appeared; the first was imprisoned, but released at the request of the second - otherwise he would not bring water; they went underground, collected water; the queen sent pigeons knock over the bowls, but the crows drove them away; the giant teaches: first demand that the Queen restore her human appearance, then kill her by splashing dead water in her face; returning to her father, the princess asked to postpone the wedding for 8 days; said she dropped the ring into the sea; the fish did not know where the ring was, the same two drunken soldiers took it out; the princess asked for her castle, where she lived with the Queen; giants, ants and others delivered; then A. called E. to hunt, shot him, threw him into a hole; the princess saw crows, revived E. with living water; E. showed the king his letter, married the princess; A. was burned alive]: 32-43; Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 408 (Nièvre) [the prince smashed a jug of butter carried by an old woman with a ball; she wished him love for three oranges; the prince fell ill with love and set out in search with two satellites; they come to the south, east, north wind; the mother of the winds hides them every time and teaches them what to do next; they come to the castle; they oil the rusty door and it opens; they throw them predatory pigs have acorns that give giants ropes to get water out of the well (they took it out using their hair instead of ropes); they let other women sweep the heat out of the oven (they did it naked with their hands); sweep the dusty dirty stairs; they comb the lousy old woman, who falls asleep for the first time in many years; the prince sees and takes three oranges, runs away with his companions; the old woman tells the stairs, etc. detain the fugitives, but they refuse, because those who came cleaned them, fed them, etc.; on the way back, the prince opens one orange, comes out, asks for a drink, dies; the same with the second; the third opens at the spring; brings a beauty to a king who knows the prince's father and dreamed of marrying a prince to his daughter; sends the prince for jewelry and clothes for the beauty he brought in, and his daughter stabs her in the head is a pin and the girl flies away with a dove; the liar says she has darkened from the sun and wind; the prince's father and courtiers are surprised that his fiancée is ugly; on the eve of the wedding, the dove talks to the cook ; sits on the prince's arm; he groped and took out a pin; wedding; the liar was burned at the stake]: 59-63.
Western Asia. Syrians [a merchant gives three daughters for three giants; gets sick; they need dancing pears, singing apples, jumping quince to recover; three sons go to get them at the fork in the fork the roads leave their seals; the younger Adi-bek meets an old man; he teaches him to catch a sea horse, cross the sea, the Black Country, the Gorky River; there will be hay in front of the lion, meat in front of the donkey, it must be changed; in the nightingale Bulbul-Khazar castle, talking apple trees, pears, quince; beautiful there, she must be kissed; A. returns with fruits, beauty (and, obviously, with a nightingale); finds and buys older brothers; those agree to have him seal them; A. climbs into the well to get water, the brothers cut off the rope, carry the fruits (and the nightingale); A. gets out of the well, visits the sisters with his wife; the first two husbands sisters show the way to the third, who gives an invincible fiery sword; unrecognized A. conquers his father's kingdom; when he sees him, the nightingale stops crying, starts singing again, apples, pears, quinces began to sing, dance, jump; A. shows his seals on the brothers' hips; agrees to pardon them]: Belov, Wilsker 1960:287-294; Palestinians [when going on Hajj, the merchant promises gifts to three daughters; elders asking for a bracelet, a dress, the youngest (from another wife) Sitt il-Husun, the Chief of the Birds; the merchant's camels stopped in Aqaba, he remembered that he had forgotten about the youngest's gift, returned to Mecca, found the house of the King of Birds, it was empty, the merchant called him three times; at home, the King of Birds began to fly to C., spent the night with her in the guise of a young man; the sisters asked S. to find out what was dangerous for him; it turned out that the glass was broken; they laid glass, he was wounded, flew away; S. goes in search, hears one dove say to another that the King of Birds can be cured by rubbing his feet with pigeon blood and feathers; S. killed a dove, found, cured her husband; her sisters tell her 1 ) sweep and clean the whole city, 2) fill 10 feathers with feathers; the husband teaches you to turn to spirits, they do everything; 3) bring a wicker tray from the ghoul; the husband orders to shift barley to horses, meat to lions, fix it Gulya's house has a stone terrace; she takes away a tray, a wall, lions, horses refuse to detain her; S.'s wedding with the King of Birds, they fly away together]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 12:117-121; Palestinians [Hasan rides with his mother to the fork; rejects the Path of Safety, the Path of Regrets, chooses the Path without Return; meets a giant, hits him in the legs with a sword, who gives him the key to the palace; mother H. heals the giant, gives birth to two sons from him; the giant offers to get rid of H.: the mother says she is sick, needs pomegranates, next time melons from a neighboring garden; sheikh tells X. to go, despite the sides, H. brings pomegranates, melons; mother demands living water to cure a burnt finger; H. washes, cuts a gulya, he refers to his sister, her youngest son brings X. to the upper world (the earth seems to be the size of a coin), tells shift the meat from the horses to the dogs, barley, on the contrary, to repair the door (after that they do not obey the ghoul's order to grab H.), H. brings a jug of living water, and on the way the princess replaces him; learning that the power of H. in his 7 hair, his mother pulls it out, the rumble cuts him into pieces, puts it in a box, throws it into the sea; the servants bring the box to the princess, she revives H. with live water; H.'s eyes were taken away by his brothers born from the ghoul, the princess tells them to exchange them for bracelets; H. cuts the giant and his children into pieces, then his mother, sends the treasures to the princess; comes among the grooms with a sheep's stomach; the princess chooses him, king tells them to live in a hut; taking their true form, H. smashes the king's enemies three times, opens to him; a lavish wedding]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 22:188-198; Syria, Arabia [parallels The Palestinian fairy tale Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 22]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989:352-354.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans ["ghost stories"; the king marries the daughter of the ruler of one of the possessions, does not love her, finds a lover living near the palace; dies; his spirit is beloved, indicates what to do; after receiving the jewel, the official wife returns to her country; the beloved gives birth to a son, is accepted into the palace by the mother of her deceased husband; his ghost continues to visit; teaches what she will do, to bring him back from the world of the dead; a young woman gives wine to an iron man drinking molten brass; grain to lambs; meat to warriors; her blood to giant guards; in the castle she does not take from the altar an eighth heart that asks him to pick up and a ninth heart that asks him not to touch; eight devils stalk a woman but bribed guards refuse to detain her; husband comes to life]: MacDonald 1931:312- 315; Mongolian translation of Twenty-Five Tales of the Vetal [Nagarjuna tells the young man to bring a magical dead man with which he will increase the human age to a thousand years; he must go through the gorge, where the huge dead are, they must sprinkle flour, say magic words; cross the river (the same, the dead are little), across another (the same, the dead are children); the magic dead will climb the mango tree , you have to pretend to cut him with a "White Month" ax; the dead man will come down, put him in a bag, carry him silently; every time the dead man tells a fairy tale, the young man answers, the dead man flies back, that's it Repeats (framed novel genre)]: Vladimirtsov 1958:17-19; Tibetans [rich young man Dokzen and peasant daughter Pacmo fell in love; but father married D. to the counselor's daughter; he died of anguish ; began to come to P. on the night of the full moon; taught him how to save him; let him go south; give milk to an iron man who drinks molten metal; cakes to two sheep with iron horns; sweet wine to Yama's fanged servants; on a platter, 8 old hearts will ask them to take them, and his heart will scream, "Don't take me!" ; we must take him and run; 8 wizards tell the guards to stop the girl, but they say that they treated them well, while the wizards did not; D. came to life and stayed in P.'s house]: Komissarov 1997:118- 122; Tibetans (Amdo) [a dog comes to a woman with three daughters, asks her to keep her zamba bag until he returns from Lhasa; three years later they decide to eat zamba, eat it, the dog comes and demands for eaten by the girl; gets the older sister; by the river she agrees that she will eat meat and tsampa, and the dog is given bones; replies that it is not his, but he, the dog, must move her to the other side; dog sends her back, gets her middle daughter (the same as her), then the youngest; she shares meat and tsampa equally, says that the water can carry it away, carries it herself; the dog marries her, brings her to the palace; dressed up, sends him to a party; everyone admires the handsome horseman; the next day, the woman goes to the bazaar, where she sees the same rider again, recognizes familiar clothes; when she returns home, burns the dog's skin; the husband says that he will not live without dog skin for more than 7 days, because his life is under the power of a demoness; the wife goes to the demoness, the husband teaches what to do; you need to replace her buryuk with your leaky one, find and return the black white stone in which her husband's life; on the way she drinks from a dirty pond, divides hay equally between two horses, bones between two dogs; while the demoness goes to fetch water with a leaky swapped wineskin, a woman finds a stone, runs away; dogs, horses refuse to detain her, the pond allows her to drink cold water, and for the demoness, the water is poisoned, she dies; everything is fine]: Kajihama 2004, No. 19:71-77; lepcha [people are constantly dying; the king turns to the fortuneteller; he predicts that in addition to six sons and the king will be the seventh; in heaven, the mother of Rum smells smoke; her husband says it is King Lyang- bad asks to send him a son; someone who can 1) throw a heavy stone, 2) hit a needle with an arrow behind the mountain, 3) cut along the horse's hair before the steam from the cup of tea rises to heads, 4) bring a lot of firewood; two older brothers can't, the youngest baby does everything easily; falls like a hailstone next to Queen Tang-kung-ramit on the ground; she breaks off a piece, swallows; others the pieces are swallowed by a cow, a mare, a chicken, a goat; everyone gets pregnant and gives birth; T. gave birth to a bag, buried it; the king dug up, there is a copper vessel, there is a boy in it; the king gave him the name Ati-azyak-pono; he sends his own older brothers marry King Lung-da's seven daughters; along the way they must hoist flags of the same color on a black, green, red, white mountain; pass a plain with spruce and two suns around; there heat, you can't take off your hats; the king gives daughters, does not tell you to play the flute and harp on the plain; but the youngest three began to have fun with the brides, sat under the spruce tree, the others also had to; 4 flooded on four sides black, green, red, white seas; the Paril-bu snake came out of the sea, demanded that his younger brother's remaining home be given to him; disappeared, the waters subsided with him and the sun alone disappeared; the demon messenger came for A.; A. went to the snake, left the bride two rings, if they changed places, he died; first A. quietly went into P.'s mouth; he ordered to get the queens Zer-y-ong and Komyong-pandi; the girl gave A. rice to throw dogs, meat to tigers, a roll of cloth to the demon Shang-tang-krbu, he will become a friend; when leaving, A. sowed rice - if it dries, he died; the demon could not swallow A., recognized A. master; A. dropped the knife into the pond, asked the demon to drink water; came to Z., became her husband; there was no water, the demon drank everything; Z. showed where the knife was, the demon regurgitated the water; Z. took an oath from her 7 demon brothers that they would not eat A.; demons they offer to hide; turn into trees, partridges, streams; Z. each time tells A. where they are (gives a knife to cut trees, etc.); demon friend A. defeats seven in combat; they offer rooster fights, goats, horses; each time A. asks his heavenly parents to send animals (those who descend in the hailstone give birth to a cockerel, a goat, etc.); A.'s animals win; also a wild bull and a peacock; A. destroys an army of demons; the remaining ones are destroyed by a peacock by firing fire from under her tail; A. enters Z., her fang to the sky, the other to the ground, one chest hangs, the other is thrown behind her back; then she again beautiful; demon friend swallows a snake, A. with his wives Z. and Komiong returns to his brothers; allows a demon friend to swallow three younger ones; kills him, revives the young Dediong-pono swallowed by him, gives Princess Eu-Ramit, leaves him to reign on earth, returns to heaven with three wives]: Stocks 1925, No. XXVI: 406-420.
Burma - Indochina. Khmu [a poor young man comes to the rich; everyone slaughters cattle, eats meat, and he collects bones in a bag; everyone tries to get to the girl sitting behind seven doors; dogs guard the doors, drive away who come; the young man on his way back and forth gives each dog bones; the girl tears off a flap from his clothes; then tries to find out whose clothes he fits; this is how he identifies the poor young man; her father gives it away to him, soon dies, the young man inherits everything]: Lindell et al. 1977, No. 11:63-65.
South Asia. Kashmir (translated from Hindi) [the fakir lets the childless queen eat barley grains, a son Sherdil ("lion's heart") is born; he goes on a journey with a blacksmith, carpenter and grinder; they come to an enchanted city, everyone takes turns cooking; a dwarf rides up on a rat, demands food, turns into a giant, throws the cook at the tree; when it's S.'s turn, he kills the enemy, leaves the grinder king of the city; in another city, S. kills a witch who appears to be a girl, puts a blacksmith king; in the third, a carpenter; each sister has a grain of barley, while the barley plant is green, with S. all in order; flowers float along the river; S. finds a tree, a basket on it, a beauty's head in it, drops of blood fall into the water, turn into flowers; finds bodies on the bed; puts her head to her body, the princess comes to life ; the genie who stole the princess decapitates her during his absence; S. asks to know where S.'s soul is; in the desert there is a tree, grass in front of the dog, bones in front of the horse; we must pass by them, remove them from the tree a cage with a starling, a bee in the starling, the genie's soul in it; to pass, you have to give the horse's grass, the bones to the dog; S. did so, killed the bee, the genie died; the princess let a box with her hair along the river, The royal son found her; sends the old woman to his wife Sh.; she found out that S.'s life was in his saber; on the advice of the old woman, the wife changed her sword, the old woman threw her into the fire, S. died; the old woman brought her to her master, the princess asked to wait six months; the barley shoots withered, the brothers found them, repaired their sword, S. came to life; the carpenter made a flying palanquin, brought the princess, threw the old woman from a height; S. returns to his homeland]: Zographer 1964:327-339 (=1976:71-80); Konkani (Goa) [Moses and Edward are sleeping in a hut; a beautiful woman (demon's daughter) enters, puts a ring on the finger of the good M.; the old man does not tell you to follow a certain path, M . and E. go; evil E. enters the house to dance, plays, loses everything, is captivated; the daughter of another demon explains how to get to the beauty who left M. the ring; we must leave the grain and egg at seven gates for seven demon guards; M. finds the owner of the ring; her father demands to identify her among 500 girls (she will put a pin in her mouth); gets a wife; buys E., he kills M., puts on his clothes; his wife does not believe finds, revives M.; E. executed, M. stays with his wife in the palace]: Davidson, Phelps 1937, No. 3:19-22; Santala [the Raja has two sons with two wives and one from a third; his name is Lelha ("fool"), his brothers despise him; Jugi (something like a dervish?) tells the Raja that if his garden is filled with flowering plants, the whole city will be fascinated; the Raja refuses food, his wives, then his sons come and persuade him; the older brothers have set up a garden; Jugi wants so that the branches have precious stones; the older brothers promise this too; but at night someone cuts off the flowers; the elders guard, fall asleep; L. takes 4 servings of roasted beans with him, eats slowly; in heaven four heavenly maidens descend successively, L. grabs each, she leaves her curl to call her if help is needed; in the morning, the Raja sees a blooming garden; but Jugi talks again about gems; older brothers go in search; L. easily catches up with them by summoning a heavenly horse, then hides it; cooks for brothers; a heavenly maiden will marry someone who jumps a certain distance over a certain distance time; L. summons her horses four times, each time she wins, jumping faster; marries a heavenly maiden; she teaches how to get stones; they are from her sleeping older sister; we must give grass to an elephant, a goat to a tiger, a shoe for a dog, the same on the way back; there is a tree on the island on which these stones grow; L. and his brothers mine stones, back the brothers sail in one boat and L. in another; the Raja demands to show the stones, in The fruits picked by the brothers do not turn out to be anything, the brothers are thrown into prison; the Raja promises to give L. his daughter and the estate if he shows the stones; when he sees the stones, he gives them; frees the brothers; the same for another Raja ; the brothers push L. into the water, but he is safe, returns home before them; the brothers are forced to bring L.'s wives back; the heavenly maiden who slept came with the army; the brothers said that only L. knew about the stones ; L. asked his wife four times as large an army, took her older sister as his fourth wife; L. became Raja, his brothers became his servants]: Campbell 1891:65-89; Muria [Raja's wife quarreled with his youngest brother and he left; came to Rakshasi Jal Kaniya; said he wanted to marry her sister Bael Kaniya, who lived inside a Hungarian quince fruit (Aegle marmelos); JK hid the young man from her husband, but he came, sniffed him out and promised not to harm him; but when he saw it, he decided to swallow it; the young man became small; when Rakshasa swallowed him, he cut his liver and stomach with a knife, went out; Rakshasi said that hers only her husband could help overcome the predatory guards around that tree; the young man revived the Rakshasa; when they arrived in the forest, the Rakshasa gave the tiger a goat, a bear fruit, a snake's milk; when the fruit was picked, Rakshas ordered not to cut it on the way, but only at home; but the young man broke the ban; a girl came out of the fruit and began to cook; but the young man fell asleep and she could not wake him up; the underground inhabitants took her away in Tarbhum Ghotul (lower world); the young man woke up six months later; heard a voice from an anthill, dug it up; the ants built an anthill on the head of a long-haired sadhu; he said he had been meditating for many years; explained that the only way to go down to TG was by weaving a rope from the bark of the twelve forests; when the rope was ready, the sadhu lowered the young man, promising to pick him up if he gave a signal; the young man killed the underground inhabitants, the sadhu began to pick up the girl and him; BK said that she had forgotten the necklace below, the young man jumped after him; found the necklace, but could not get to the ground; two vultures came down to peck for the corpses of the dead; the female agreed to put the young man on her back and carry him to the ground; he found Jogal Karo, the daughter of a sadhu; she said that her father had locked BK; for promising to marry her, she said that her father's life was in a bird's nest in the middle of the sea; gave a ring; the young man threw it into the sea, a frog came out, brought it to that nest, he took it; the sadhu forbade his daughter to marry a young man, took him to the temple to sacrifice Chandi Devi; offered to eat rice on the floor like roosters peck; the young man asked for a show, hacked down a sadhu, but his blood gave rise to a thousand of the same ones; then JK tore off that bird's legs and wings, and then cut off throat; sadhu died; the young man took BK, but JK shot him with a bow out of jealousy; the mongoose revived him; BK said: let JK also be the young man's wife; all three returned to the boy's brother, lived well]: Elwin 1944, No. I.5:24-38.
China - Korea. Chuan miao [an orphan makes a flute, a wreath of gold and silver, with two {only one} companions goes to marry Ntzï Ni Leo's daughter; gives jewelry to girls who tell treat guard dogs in a friendly way; these are black tigers, then striped, they let the young men in, receiving gold and silver from them and swallowing; the orphan chooses a bed not made of gold, but made of bamboo; NNL asks choose a wife among many women; his daughter warns that she will be dressed like a criminal, carrying a broken pot and a basket of holes; in front of the girls, an orphan plays the flute, the bride responds, repeating how she is dressed; he chooses her; the bride gives amulets, knives and spears are immobilized with their help, NNK recognizes the orphan as her son-in-law; his wife tells you to choose a bad horse; at home, a Chinese landowner demands to catch 260 birds (hawk- cuckoos), otherwise she will select his wife; immediately invite the emperor to the feast; the wife makes birds out of clay, the horse immediately brings the orphan to the emperor and brings him; the emperor takes his wife; the orphan appears in a birdskin costume; the wife never laughed, now she laughs, asks the emperor to change clothes with the orphan; the wife tells the guards to kill the emperor in feather clothes, the orphan becomes emperor]: Graham 1954:242-244; Koreans [a blind fortuneteller helps a monk find a spring with energizing water; a monk becomes a robber Karado, attacks young people, takes the bride away; groom hides stork from hunters; a grateful stork asks for fish, puts the young man on his back, flies; every time he screams, Hug, the young man throws fish into his beak; the fish ends, young man puts his finger in the stork's beak; he cannot swallow it, spits it out, throws the rider into the water, the young man swims to the shore; old man Dogu tells him to throw rice to geese, bread for dogs, money for wars, they will let K. into the castle; the wife tells the young man to call himself her brother; sticks Man-li ma needles into the horse's tongue, K. leaves on another horse; taking out the needles and hacking the sleeping servants with a sword, the wife and the young man they go to M.; the fortuneteller reports this to K.; D. turns a woman into a monastic hat, her husband into a cassock, a horse into goats; when asked by K. D. answers with a Buddhist exclamation; K. returns, the fortuneteller finds out the truth, K. pursues again, D. kills his horse, the fugitives escape; when their son is 9 years old, K. arrives; the boy promises tell me where the parents are if K. ties a stone to a hanging rope and swings it; the stone swung back, killed K.]: Shkurkin 1941:43-62.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece [the king and queen have three daughters; the youngest is Psyche, Venus is jealous of her; tells Cupid to fall in love with the unworthy and be unhappy with him; K. himself fell in love with P.; the oracle tells her parents leave her at the top of the mountain; from there K. takes her to a beautiful palace; K. spends nights with her, she does not see him; sisters come, advise you to light a lamp at night; oil dripped on K.'s shoulder, he disappeared; P. went to look for a lover; when he came to the sisters, he took revenge on them; each one says that when he flew away, K. expressed a desire to be married to sister P., let Zephyr bring her; both sisters jump off the cliff, hoping that they will fly to K., but break; P. came to V.; she beats her, mixes 7 types of grain and tells her to divide (the ants divided it); get a piece of golden-fleece sheep wool (the reed tells her not to approach the sheep, they ferocious, but collect shreds of wool from the bushes); bring the waters of Styx (Jupiter's eagle brings); V. gives a bottle, tells you to go to Proserpine, let her put a piece of his beauty in it, bring her, V.; stone the tower shows the way to Hades, teaches you to take a copper to pay Charon, not to talk to the lame donkey driver, not to pay attention to the dead old man who will ask him to take him on the boat; give a cake to Cerberus to let him go to Proserpine; on the way back the same (a second cake to Cerberus and a second copper to Charon); when he went to the ground, P., contrary to Proserpine's warning, opened a jar of beauty and fell asleep; K. woke her up and sent her to V.; Jupiter persuaded V. to allow P. and K. to marry, gave P. a drink of immortality]: Apuleius 1959, Book 4-6:167-202 (Apul. Met. IV28-VI24); Greeks (Lesbos) [the poor man has three daughters for marriage; the coffee maker advises not to grieve, but to throw a net in the name of his eldest daughter; the catch was unusually large and 800 piastres were enough to pass off the daughter as a mule driver; two years later, the same with the middle daughter (2,000 piastres, greengrocer's assistant); when the net was abandoned in the name of the youngest, it was a huge lobster, it was loaded into two carts and brought home; daughter's father: this is your husband; at night a beautiful young man Melidoni is nearby; drinks and food appeared, the girl is happy; mother and sisters feel sorry for her; they see Prince Charming three times, they offer to marry him, not look at the lobster; unable to stand it, the girl replies that this is her husband; he leaves immediately: you are unlikely to see me again; the girl goes in search, taking three pairs iron-soled shoes; a year later she saw a dried pond; a cannibal lies in the mud, long eyelashes cover her face; the girl put a wand under her eyelashes, cut them off with an ax, poured water on the cannibal and hid behind a tree; she could not see for 15 years; if you are a woman, I will make a queen if a man is king; the girl left after the cannibal swore not to harm her; explained what M. was looking for; the cannibal told her to spend the night with her, tomorrow her and her two sisters would come; turned the girl into a button and put it in her pocket; son: I can feel the human spirit; Melidoni? I know that his beautiful wife betrayed him; the cannibal sends the girl to her sister, a year later she came, everything repeats itself; the cannibal says that M. is the son of her younger sister; gives a frying pan and three apples; it is necessary come and knock an apple on the pan, M. will appear in different guises; you can't let him kiss her; the girl did not allow herself to be kissed, but gives an apple every time; M. (he in the guise of another man) turned it into a button, brought it to his mother; took a bite from her that she would not eat his wife, turned the button again to the girl; she demands to sweep and not sweep the room; M.: litter and then sprinkle dust; cook and do not cook the meat (cook half and chop the rest and start cooking only when the cannibal returns); the cannibal tells you to go to her sister for yeast bread for her son's wedding; M. in the form of a boy (supposedly he is M.'s son); you have to walk barefoot on the thorns and grab them for their softness; praise wormy figs; in front of the donkey bones, in front of the dog hay - change; source blood and pus: drink and praise water; grab yeast at the top of the stairs and run; the cannibal tells you to detain the fugitive, the donkey, the dog, the spring, the thorns refuse; the cannibal tells you to fill the pillow with feathers, feed the dog, bring the donkey to dance, and bring bread intact; M. summoned the birds, they threw off their feathers; beat the donkey, let him lie; at the wedding you will be given torches; do not throw it, even if they will burn their hands and then throw them at the bride; the brides' hair flashed, everyone left to extinguish, and M. and his wife returned to her parents, who by then had burned the lobster shell]: Paton 1901, No. 16:86-93; Greeks: Hahn 1864 (1), No. 72 [the king is told that the church is good for everyone, but there is not enough nightingale in the pulpit to sing when reading the Gospel; three princes go in search; at the fork there is an inscription: you will return on this road, you will die on the second, you will not return on the third; the brothers disperse, leaving a ring under the column; the youngest cuts off the snake's eyebrows, from which it saw nothing; the snake tells you to eat and Praise the rotten figs, drink and praise the smelly water, then kill the dragons and pick up the nightingale; the young man met his brothers, who left him in the well, brought the nightingale; the horse remained at the edge of the well, the merchants took the young man out; he returned to his father, the father drove away the eldest sons; the nightingale's mistress asks the fig tree and the river why they did not apprehend the thief; they say that they were praised; she takes them with her comes to the prince, he marries her]: 77-80; Paton 1901, No. 21 (Lemnos) [when Princess Kyra Florou combs her hair, beads fall off her hair, flowers from her lips; when she cries, the storm begins; dying, the queen tells her son not to leave her sister; the old woman advises her to find a groom; tells her brother that it must be King Rhodope's son; the monk tells the beast guards of the three gates to throw at the sheep; ask the sword rising and descending for a moment; not answering the king's question who he is; the king finds a portrait of CF, promises to send ships for her; her brother warns that her sister is at sea will turn into an eel, sail away; KF is placed in a glass box; an old woman is forced to accompany her, throws KF into the sea, is replaced by her ugly daughter; the prince is forced to marry her, but her brother they put him in shackles; a year later he asks for permission to walk along the seashore; an eel sister wraps around his neck, tells him to kill her, cook her, let the king eat her, bury his bones, a rose bush, an old woman will grow tells him to cut him down, the trunk must be preserved; when he comes to the monk, the brother hits the trunk with an ax, the sister revives his hair; beads fall; with this money, the young man builds a new monastery, gives gifts to the king; CF feast appears to the king and his son; wedding; the old woman is cut into pieces, scattered across the field, putting a horse in her saddle bag; the old woman's daughter is sent to the kitchen]: 203-207; Albanians: Dozon 1991, No. 12 [king He spent the night with a wealthy Wallachian shepherd; that night the mistress gave birth; the king ordered the boy to learn languages and give a cross; when the young man is 15, let him come to him and show him the cross; the young man grew up, He went to the king, went down to the spring; the servant, threatening to throw a stone at him, forced him to change his clothes and status; swear that the young man would not expose him; he promised that he would free himself from his oath only after dying and being resurrected; the king kindly accepted the deceiver, and the young man was among the servants; the deceiver pretended to be sick, asked his servant (i.e. young man) to be sent for cabbage, which Luby was guarding; in a dream, a young man An old man came and ordered him to take 14 measures of honey and 14 milk and come at noon, when Luby was not at home; on the way, the young man met that old man; he taught: clean the walls of the tone in Luby's house, hide, leave honey and milk; Luby will eat and ask the person who brought this food to show up; ask for cabbage; eat three legs, and he, the old man, will give a head of cabbage for the deceiver on the way back; that's what happened; the deceiver again pretended to be sick: we must get the Beauty of the Earth; the old man tells us to ask the king to give him a thousand lambs, rams, a hundred measures of wheat and honey, and 10 brooms; we must throw lambs to eagles, wheat to ants, honey to bees, rams to lions, clean the walls and door to the chambers of the Beauty of the Earth with brooms; animals will ask what reward the young man would like; ask lions, bees, ants and fur, feather fishing, etc.; if fur and burn, animals will come to the rescue; the Beauty of the Earth asks the guards why they did not stop the young man; guards: you did not feed us like this, did not clean us; she tells the young man to separate the mixture of wheat, barley, rye and overnight land (ants divided); bring living water from behind the crushing mountains (eagles: at noon, the mountains stop for half an hour; they brought a young man, he collected water and they brought it back); identify her among 12 girls (a bee sat on her); the deceiver asks the king to kill the young man, he did it himself; the Beauty of the Earth sent a servant to bring the victim, revived him with live water; the young man was able to tell the king everything; the deceiver was torn apart four trees; the young man went to visit his parents, leaving the king's wife the robe he had bought for the Beauty of the Earth; ordered not to give it to her until he returned; there were dances and the Beauty of the Earth refused to participate without this robe; the king's youngest daughter secretly handed it to her; she tells the young man that he will find it, wearing out three pairs of iron shoes; after wearing out his shoes, he stopped in a tavern, where they feed for free : You just have to tell us what he saw along the way; one person told how he dropped a bottle of water, went down the ravine and saw 12 girls bathing; the young man went to the ravine, grabbed his wife's clothes and threw it into the fire; the beautiful woman stayed with the young man forever]: 83-96; Serkova 1989 [going out in a storm with a lantern for a midwife, the husband saved Coral, who could have crashed against the rocks; the captain baptizes the boy, tells him when he grows up , to come to Istanbul, but not to travel with a beardless man; he imposes himself as a companion, invites the young man to go down to the well, takes an oath to change his status and clothes with him; the king (obviously former captain) considers a beardless godson, a young man a servant; the old woman teaches him to kill a monster guarding the water, an elephant with diamond skin, get the Beauty of the Earth, follow the road that says "You'll go, don't you will come back", do not go where you "return"; give meat to eagles, grains to ants, honey to bees; they miss, promise to help; the mother of the Beauty of the Earth tells 1) to disassemble three varieties of grain overnight (ants dismantle), 2) get a ring from the river (eagles tell ducks), 3) identify her daughter among 12 girls (a bee sits on her); eagles carry the young man and the Beauty of the Earth to Istanbul; a beardless one kills him, cuts him to pieces; the beauty of the earth revives him with living water; when he dies and is resurrected, the young man is free from his oath, tells everything to the king, marries the Beauty of the Earth; the beardless man is hanged]: 136-151; Lambertz 1952 [Kjoftlárgu (devil) fed the louse, she became the size of a ram, brought the king, suggested that whoever guessed what kind of beast it was should marry the royal daughter; only K. himself guessed, took the girl to the lower world, concluded in the far corner his palace; of the king's three sons, the eldest hears, the middle sees that underground, the youngest goes down a rope into the well; in front of horses, bones, in front of dogs, grass, the young man shifts; horses and dogs promise to help, give the young man an eagle ("doodle bird"), he must be fed meat; they do not give the young man K. who comes, he leaves again; the brother puts his sister on a doodle, he flies to the ground, she feeds his meat, there is not enough meat, she cuts off a piece from the calf of her leg, returns home; her brother stayed downstairs; a crying girl comes, she is the daughter of the richest citizen, given to be eaten by K., he closed water sources, passing water off as girls; a young man shot K. with a gun; blood flowed immediately from the springs, and clean water two days later; the young man married a girl, they were helped to return to earth]: 29-36; Serbs [by old age, the king was deaf and blind; there is a well with rejuvenating water; the eldest son sailed by ship to another kingdom, rude to the local king, thrown into prison; the same middle son; the youngest is polite and kind; the local king sent him further; the hermit sent him to the hunter, who asked the birds; only the eagle knows the way, tells him to take supplies; throw 12 lions at the ram; give two girls a broom, they collect garbage with her hands; the third carries water on her hair, she must be given a rope; she must enter the city at noon when the queen is sleeping; the young man collected water, took the queen's ring and slipper, and put a stamp on his knee; girls and lions tell the queen that she did not care about them, and now they were given brooms, rope, etc.; the king, whose brothers are young, freed them, bathed in the water brought, is younger; on the way home, the elders the brothers changed the water; the king drove away the youngest son; the queen is looking for someone who took her wonderful water; the elder brother cannot answer what else he took; the same middle son; the queen threatens to destroy the kingdom; drew portrait of his son and tells us to look for someone who looks like him; the elder recognized his shepherd in the portrait; the prince agreed to return when he found out that it was his son; wedding; the younger prince became king of the two kingdoms]: Karadzich 1856 in Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:43-50, in Arkhipova 1962:185-191, in Tesic 2017:10-18); Bulgarians [the tsar asks for a wonderful nightingale; the younger prince follows the advice of an elder (horse): drinks blood and pus from the source, sweeps the stove, steps of the stairs, changes food in front of the lion and the ram (the lion had hay, the ram had meat), etc.; takes a bird, kisses the girl; she asks the guards to detain the thief, they miss; the hero also takes the girl; brings the bird to his father, gets the girl and half the kingdom]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, no.*550**: 203; Macedonians [the king is sick; he will be cured by the nightingale Intizal; who of three sons, a nightingale will bring, he will hand over the throne to him; at the fork there is a stone: whoever follows the first road will return, the second may not return, the third will not return; the brothers leave under the stone her rings, the youngest rides the third road; greets the mother of 40 dragons; she replies that if he hadn't greeted her, she would eat him; takes an oath from her sons that they will not eat the hidden one; they do not know about the nightingale, they are sent to 80 dragon brothers; the youngest of 40 leads there; the same place; the youngest of 80 dragons leads to the river; you have to whip up the foam, there will be a bridge; hang the left half of the door on the right hinges and on the contrary; in front of the lion, the hay, the meat in front of the ram, must be changed; drink from a spring with blood and rot, praise the freshness of the water; go up the stairs, there are two sabers, outweigh; a girl sits, if her eyes are open, she sleeps; you have to kiss her, pick up the nightingale cage; the girl wakes up, tells her to grab the thief, but sabers, lion, etc. answer that 9 years did not outweigh them (etc.); the girl asks take her with him, he will die without the cows; the young man takes her; returns with his brothers, his father marries him to the girl he brought, gives him half the kingdom]: Martin 1955:40-46; Romanians [from the childless empress finally, her daughter Luminoară ("Little Light", L.) was born; something bothers her, she did not leave the palace for a long time; when she left one evening, she was fascinated by the light of the sun; went to search The light of the Sun; taking off the murdered warrior's clothes, dressed up as a man; she began to serve the master, who was defeated, she came to the spring, next to an old woman, L. exclaimed that she was black as darkness; the old woman is happy that L. called her by name because her name was Darkness; told her to go east and climb a glass mountain; after 12 days L. reached the mountain; the blacksmith shod her horse and he climbed the mountain; then the plain; she She came to the palace, where there were three girls; they decided to call her brother, but she explained that she was also a girl; when she saw that L. was sad, the sisters gave her a sword: if taken out of its scabbard, the enemy army would die. only the leader would remain; L. went further east, destroyed the king's opponents, and he married her against her will; she ran away, went east again, met a decrepit old man; cut his hair off washed her hair, he showed the way further east, gave a piece of bread to throw a piece of bread to the three-headed dog; L. threw it, the dog let her through; the light in the palace blinds her eyes, she drank from the spring, then she could look; achieved her goal by going beyond Sunlight; but his jealous mother turned her into a lark; he has been trying to fly closer to the sun ever since; 2nd var.: parents' names Titus and Gheorghina; L. grows up a day like others in a year; when she reaches the river, a girl in white appears from the spring and predicts that L. will achieve her goal, but her happiness will not last long; a bridge has appeared; L. reached the old woman, she gave a ring and a branch, ordered to outline the sign of the cross with a branch; then she flew by air to the Sun Palace; around the water stream, in order to cross, you have to give silver or wander around the world for a year; L. gave her ring, threw bread to a double-headed dog; the Sun's mother asked her everything, turned her into a lark]: Rev. de trad. pop. 8, 598, 601 in Dähnhardt 1910:387-389; Romanians [king banned in the evenings light a fire; the servants found three sisters sitting in the light; the eldest promises to strain his hair for his coachmen, the middle to sew the horsemen, the youngest to give birth to two gold-haired sons; the king fulfilled them desires; the elders are envious that they only spin and weave; they replaced the children with puppies; the king ordered his wife to be buried in manure, putting the puppies to her nipples; the children are descended in the box downstream, found and raised by a shepherd; A year later, their mother gave birth to a gold-haired girl, who was also lowered down the river, replaced by a puppy, and was also found by a shepherd; the aunts found out about this, sent it as a sorceress; she told the girl that the feather of the Calman horse will make it even more beautiful; the brothers went in search; there is hay at the well in front of the dog, and the bones in front of the donkey, the brothers changed them; grabbed the feather from the horse's forehead, ran; the owner of the pen tells the dog, the donkey and the well detain the fugitives, but they refuse; the sister stuck the pen in her hair; the brothers and sister came to the king's ball; the sister talks about everything; the king executes the evil sisters, returns his wife and her children]: B₂ rlea 1966:455-456.
Central Europe. Russians {Arkhangelsk, Ryazan}, Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Galicia, Kherson), Belarusians: SUS, No. 480A*=AA 480E [Sister (three sisters) goes to save her brother; she treats the cat, apple tree, birch tree, stove, doors, etc. gently and attentively, they help her escape from Baba Yaga (and carry her kidnapped brother); the rude sister dies (she fails to take his brother away)]: 141-142; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [the peasant sends three daughters to Velvet Tsarevich, to Barkhatova's mother for a debt; the elders refused, the youngest Vasilisa the Beautiful dressed up a man, cut her hair, went; came, she was given a room; the mother says that she is a woman, but her son is not, a man; if in the morning there is a hump under her shoulders and a log under her back, then a woman, or vice versa, man; VP hears, shook her feather bed; went to the bathhouse, the Sun put her horse, he did not let B. in, she managed to wash herself; returned to her father; he asks his daughters what to bring out of town; the eldest: a handkerchief, medium: dress, VP: a crib with 4 doves; my father brought it only from the third trip; once the cooks did not feed two doves; at night two doves: let's take the VP to B. Tsarevich, but the other two do not want; on the next day, all the pigeons were not fed; they brought the bed with the VP to B. Tsarevich, left it there, the bed crumbled, the pigeons flew away; B. Tsarevich took the VP as his wife; she ring against the wall: until she grew moss, I will not talk to anyone; sometimes she talks to her husband, not to her mother-in-law; she gives her a basket and scissors, tells her to go cut her sheep; husband: sent to death, teaches her what to do; sit on a tall stump, leave basket and scissors, tell the sheep to cut their own hair; bears, wolves, foxes and all sorts of animals came running - they cut their hair; the stump fell, the VP brought wool; mother-in-law sends to his aunt for a bird; the husband teaches what to take from with ourselves and what to do; two mountains: let's get together and disperse, we'll clamp the woman and clamp the sorceress! she threw them on the whetstone; the gate (the same is resin under their heels); the dog in the hallway - meat; the pomelo - tied them with a silk belt; the broom - the same; the cat - threw him two whitefish, he began to eat them; the aunt went underground Sharpen her teeth, the VP grabbed the birdeau and ran, leaving the spits responsible for herself; when the aunt chased, all the guards say that she did not care about them, but the VP took care of them; now the mother-in-law tells me to get it whiten white clay from the fiery river; VP asks a bird with an iron nose to dive; first gives half of the wine taken with it and one and a half white bread, and when the bird takes out the clay, it gives the rest; when she returned, her husband is already marrying yaga baba; VA came, yagu-baba was shot at gate 7, VP lives with her husband]: Balashov 1970, No. 52:177-183; Russians (Moscow) [mother-in-law sends daughter-in-law to shear sheep ; these are bears; a girl climbs a tree, tells the bears to cut their hair themselves; the same is to milk cows (these are she-wolves); her mother-in-law sends her sister Baba Yaga to bring her hips; she tells her to weave, she goes to sharpen her teeth; the girl leaves the spits that are responsible for her; gives the cat oil, prayerfully put the stag in the hut, moistened the door with water1 and prayerfully closed; they all answer Baba Yaga that the girl is good with them it did, so they missed it]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 43:98-99; Russians (Ryazanskaya) [the old man and the old woman have a son; they married him; mother-in-law sends sheep's daughter-in-law to shave (shear); she bears instead of sheep; daughter-in-law sat on an oak tree, calls: nurses, you are gray, come, shave yourself; bears came, shaved themselves; daughter-in-law brought this wool to mother-in-law; mother-in-law sends cows to milk; instead cows are wolves; daughter-in-law sat on an oak tree and says: cows! come, come for yourself; the wolves have come, they have milk themselves; the daughter-in-law brought milk to her mother-in-law; she sends her witch sister to ask for hips; daughter-in-law has come: aunt! give mother a thigh; the witch asks to be spun, goes underground to sharpen her teeth; asks her niece if she is here; niece (daughter-in-law): yes; daughter-in-law (niece) spat on all four sides; the witch asks, here whether she; yes; daughter-in-law (niece) gave the cat a lump of oil; the stag prayerfully puts it in the hut; sprinkles the door with water, closes it prayerfully; gives the dog a piece of beef; left; Baba yaga has come; saw that her daughter-in-law has left ; asks the cat if he let me in; cat: she gave me a lump of oil, and I did not see a burnt crust for how long I lived with you; stag: I have lived with you for a century, I have not seen a burnt crust, she put me prayerfully; door: I'm at you have lived for a century, I haven't seen a burnt crust, but she slammed me prayerfully; dog: I've lived with you for a century, I haven't seen a burnt crust, but she gave me a piece of meat; so my daughter-in-law left]: Khudyakov 1964, No. 20:91; Russians: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 103 (Voronezh) [stepmother sends stepdaughter to her sister Baba Yaga for a needle and thread; the girl's aunt teaches her what to do; Baba Yaga tells her to weave, heat the bath, wash her niece; fill firewood with water, carry water with a sieve; the girl gives the cat ham, he gives her a comb, a towel; the girl runs, gives bread to the dogs, pours oil under the heels of the gate, bandages her with ribbon a birch tree, so that her eyes do not quilt, gives a handkerchief to the worker; at this time the cat weaves, is responsible for the girl; says Baba Yaga that she did not feed him; the dog, the gate, the birch tree, the worker also answer; Baba Yaga flies in a mortar, the girl throws in a towel (the river; Baba Yaga drives her bulls, they drank the river), the comb (the forest, Baba Yaga did not gnaw through it); after listening to the girl's story, her father shot his wife]: 156-158; Kretov 1977, No. 26 (Voronezhskaya, 1964, p. Kamenno-Verkhovka of Novousmansky District) [The sorceress marries the poor beauty three times for her son, and receives consent for the third time. There is no groom. Makes a girl milk her cows. The girl has never done this, she asks her mother, she replies that she should say "cows, milk yourself", the sorceress is surprised how her cows did not tear the girl apart and gave her milk. She orders the girl to shear her sheep, everything repeats itself, the wool is collected in a bag by itself. The girl is allowed to rest, she hears a noise, realizes that the sorceress wants to "tear" her apart, turns to the old sorceress, who gives her a bar, a comb, butter and grain. The girl puts a piece of bread on her head, the birds take it and do not touch the girl, sprinkles grain - they peck the grain, do not peck her eyes out. The girl lubricates the lock with oil and the doors dissolve easily. She hears the sorceress chasing her, "scraping her teeth". She throws a bar, a mountain appears, the sorceress returns for an ax, cuts a mountain, throws a comb - the sorceress cuts down a dense forest. The girl swims across the river when the sorceress is in the middle, throws resin, the river boils and she dies. The girl returns to her mother]: 42-43; Belarusians [three sisters have husbands leaving; a witch comes to the eldest, takes the child; the woman runs to the witch, along the way she finds herself fulfilling the requests of mountain ash and apple trees , pears, cows, wells, sauerkraut (peel, milk, cover, knead the dough); the witch boils the resin, asks her hair to be straightened; the woman throws a pot of resin at the witch, grabs the baby, runs; the cat ripped through the witch's eyes, an apple tree, etc., showed the way, the witch tore the child; the same with the middle sister; the youngest fulfills requests, receives milk, fruits and other gifts from trees, cows, etc.; throws them everything to the cat; when asked by the witch to rip her eyes out, the cat tells her to wait every time for him to eat bread, drink milk, etc.; the woman runs home]: Afanasiev 1958 (3), No. 558:316-317; Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [the grandfather brought his stepmother; went to work; the stepmother tells her stepdaughter to go to her sister for a needle and thread - he will sew a new dress for the girl; the girl sees a toad fighting with a mouse, crushed her; drove the toad away; a grateful mouse gives a piece of meat, bread, butter, a red ribbon; the witch who puts her behind the spinning wheel should throw meat to the cat, bread to the dog, grease the gate with oil, tie the ribbon to a birch tree; they will not rush, they will miss it; then the girl drove away the snake that crushed the lizard; she gives a towel and a comb; the witch constantly asks if the girl is spinning and preparing to buy it herself and slaughter; the cat, who received the meat, spins for the girl, tells her to run; the cat, the dogs, the gate, the birch say that the witch has never done them well, but the girl did; threw the comb (forest), the towel (the river); the witch returned for a broom to fly across the river, but the girl ran home; her father just returned; drove her stepmother away]: Verkhovyna's Tales 1970:407-412; Eastern Ukrainians (Kherson) [after parents' deaths, a boy and a girl live with an old woman; she sent them to Baba Yaga; BYU tells them to carry bath water with a sieve; the cat advises to cover the holes with clay; then: heat the bath without straw; cat: under the shelf brushwood; BYA steamed and left; the children gave bacon to the cat, bread to the dog, smeared the gate, they opened; the cat gave a brush and a handkerchief; on the way there was a prickly pine tree, the children tied her needles with a ribbon, she missed it; cat, the dog, the gate, the pine tree answer the BYA that she did not care about them, and the children took care of them, so they missed them; the children threw the handkerchief - the river; the brush - the thicket; the BYA stopped chasing]: Yastrebov 1894, No. 19.1:154- 156; Czechs [a son was born shaggy like a bear, the king heard about his mind, will give him his daughter Mina if he turns Labu, otherwise he executes; in the morning the river flows across the castle; build the same castle; bridge from his castle to the royal one; the young bear gets M., becomes human at night; the wife and mother burned their skin, the husband is gone, the wife goes to look; the sun: ask my brother of the month; month: ask the wind; wind: it is from the sorceress overseas; carries across the sea, teaches you to throw one bouquet to a bird, the other to an old woman, otherwise they will kill; the sorceress allows you to talk, but the king falls asleep; on the advice of one of queen, the king changed the wine bowls, the sorceress drank and fell asleep, the king killed her with a sword; the castle turned black red, everyone parted, M. and the king began to rule]: Talova 1956:110-113 (=Bogolyubova, Talova 2000:219-224).
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [Sultan Reshid has 4 sons, the youngest is 12 years old; the Sultan sowed golden wheat, poured the harvest into ingots; someone steals wheat; the eldest son went on guard, fell asleep; the same second; the third saw an arap, which jumped off his horse and began to mow wheat; the young man grabbed him by his long white hair, causing the arap to lose his strength; he was lowered into the cellar, tied to each hair with an iron weight; R. notified the neighboring kings, inviting them to look at the monster; the youngest son Kerim played the ball, he fell into the cellar to the arap; K. found the key from his father, went down; the arap asked for the release of 10 hairs; then shook off the rest of the weights, summoned the winged horse; when he flew away, he promised K. to help him; the assembled kings asked R. not to kill his son, but only to expel him; K.'s mother wrote to her relative Dervish Sultan a request to shelter boy; Kerima was caught up with rider Ali, changed food supplies; K. ate salty cakes, wanted to drink; went down to the well; Ali made K. swear that they would change names and statuses; D. appointed the deceiver was his heir; he was going to marry D.'s daughter, but she disgusted him; the deceiver said that his servant could get 40 horses with golden manes and tails; K. drove the data he did not know where to go, he fell asleep; the arap carried him to his palace; the Arap's wife gave him a box in which a winged duldulle is easy to fly around the universe; the eldest daughter is a walnut, in which a table is magic; the youngest is hazelnut, wearing festive clothes; the arap himself gave three glasses of water, K. became one of the strongest heroes in the world; 40 days later K. flew on a duldula to D., with him 40 horses with gilded manes and tails; the princess saw K. feast alone, fell in love; that night the capital was flooded with light; deceiver: the servant can find out where the light source is; K. came to the arap; he sent in search of eagles and nocturnal birds; it turned out that the sorceress's bird of paradise dropped its pen; K. spoke about this and was sent for a pen; he brought it; the deceiver sent for the bird itself; K. and the arap feasted for 35 days, then we went to the sorceress; at the gate there is a lion and a horse, they should be given meat and hay; they must drink from a rotten stream, praise the water; eat wormy pears, praise them; if after the third attempt they do not grab the sorceress will turn the cage with the bird into stone; the tree on which the cage dodged, but the third time K. grabbed the cage; the pear, the stream, the lion, the horse refuse to detain K. - he praised them; the old woman advises the deceiver to tell K. to get the sorceress herself; arap: now in the palace of the sorceress who will sleep, you must lubricate each door with fragrant oil; take an oath from the sorceress with all the sanctities of the world and heaven; her dwarf servant flew for the mistress; when they arrived, Kerim's oath expired; Ali was tied to 40 horses; D. married K. to his daughter and sorceress; the wedding was 40 days and nights]: Kondaraki 1875, No. 6:68-82; Crimean Tatars [(Zap. Sergei Tumanov in Feodosia); when he dies, the father orders his three sons to pass off their three sisters as the first to marry; the younger brother insists on fulfilling the father's will, gives the older sister for a lion, the middle sister for a tiger, the youngest for the huge Black Raven (CV); the youngest sees three women at the well, shot through the youngest's wineskins, who tells him to suffer from love for the daughter of the Sun and Moon; the brothers give the prince a golden bridle on a campaign , a diamond saddle, the best horse; he spends the night with an old heroic woman living in the country of CV; she goes to his wife CV, throws meat to 40 lions and tigers guarding the passage, the latter was not enough, the old woman cuts off her leg ; the young man's grateful sister made the lion regurgitate the meat, put it back, sends an invitation with the old woman; the brother comes, his sister hides him; eclipsing the sun, the Raven arrives, becomes a man; convenes creatures find out where the daughter of the sun lives; the latter knows; the prince sits on her with his horse, feeds her meat and water on the way; leaves her in his nest; every year the snake kills her chicks; the prince cuts the snake, feeds the chicks; the bird swallows and regurgitates them, allowing them to fly; the king catches the princess bird, gives them to his daughter; at night he turns into a man, drinks her sorbet; she guards; he becomes her lover; marries; they go to his house; at rest, a Black Arab takes her away on a tripod horse; the prince comes to his city, stays with an old woman; she receives the keys to an Arab, releases the prisoner, the prince takes her away; the Arab asks the horse whether to go now or after he is drunk; the horse: I will have time to sleep; Arap catches up, cuts the prince into pieces, puts him in a bag, the horse takes the bag to the Raven; the mother The crow glues the pieces with pomegranate juice, revives them with pomegranate; the captive pretends to love an Arab, he talks about a tripod horse; in the ninth meadow, a mare runs north, gives birth, four wolves come demand food; the Arab is not enough for the fourth, he has eaten the leg of the foal; the prince feeds all four, receives a four-legged foal from the same mare, takes his wife; the tripod throws off the Arab, he is killed ]: Potanin 1883:725-729; Stavropol Turkmens [Khan only has a daughter, no heir son; the daughter promises that everything will work out, leaves on a piebald horse; the horse shows the golden hare, tells him to catch and give it to the old man, not to take the money; they come to Almaz Khan, the servant persuades him to give the girl difficult tasks; 1) catch a golden hare for A. (horse catches); 2) make a barn {i.e. a palace?} from bear teeth (the horse tells you to lubricate the bank of the stream with resin, bears who come to drink get stuck, the girl gets her teeth); 3) get Bermez Khan's daughter (the horse tells me to give thorns to camels, alchiki boys, bones to dogs, an old man and an old woman of a fur coat, mix the water of a pond divided into two parts with spoons; daughter B. takes away, he tells the servants to detain the fugitives, everyone says that they were treated well ( they mixed water, gave them fur coats, etc.), B. stops chasing); 4) bring a black foal of a kara-jacket (witch); they take it away, the kara-jackets are chasing, the horse says that if her curse catches them on the descent in the ravine, a girl will die, and if she, a horse, will die at the bottom of the ravine; when they are at the bottom of the ravine, the kara-jacket tells the girl to become a horseman, the horse has time to give two hairs; the horseman wants his daughter B., A. I agree to give it if the groom goes through boiling milk; those hairs help, the dzhigit is unharmed; comes with his wife to his father]: Bagriy 1930 (2): 103-109; Kalmyks [Khan's son fell in love with a simple girl; died; on the full moon, he came to her; said that he would come every day if she overcame obstacles; treat the iron old man with vodka; feed two huge rams with fresh snow; give beef and pies to warriors in shells; make a bloody sacrifice to two demons in front of a building with a banner made of human skin; there are nine ghosts in the house and nine hearts at the khan's throne; only one fresh one will ask do not take it (you must take it), the dried ones will ask you to take it (you can't take it); the girl takes her lover's heart, ghosts rush after her, but demons, etc. say that she gave them gifts and miss it; at home the girl finds a living lover, they got married]: Badmayev 1899:97-99; the Terek Cossacks (Naurskaya) [the tsar goes blind, sends his sons to bring land from the country where he was, he will see the light from her; the eldest, middle son brings land where it is covered with gold, where the tree exudes milk and water; the king says he was next; the youngest chooses a frozen gelding, comes to the right place; on the way back picks up a golden pen; stops at the Sultan; wanting to take possession of the pen, the vizier suggests 1) sending the prince for the sea maiden; at the bottom (all on the advice of a horse), the prince gives a wolf in front of which lay hay , meat; lamb instead of meat - hay; they let them into the palace; oils 90 doors; the queen tells the doors, the wolf, the ram to detain the prince, they refuse; the prince brings it to the Sultan; 2) get the bird , whose feather was golden; the horse tells them to sprinkle cereals, replace the water in the lake with wine, hide in the camel's carcass, leave the other to the birds; the prince grabs the intoxicated, pecking meat king bird; 3) goat's milk sea king; at the bottom of the sea, a horse fights a goat, wins (the horse is covered from goat bites by camel skins); 4) bathe in sea goat's milk (it's boiling); the horse spewed water into the cauldron, cooling it; The Sultan began to swim - he cooked; the prince puts the vizier in prison, marries the queen of the sea, treats his father from blindness]: Vostrikov 1904, No. 1:66-74; Terek Cossacks (v. Naurskaya) [the tsar goes blind, sends his sons to bring land from the country where he was, from it he will see the light; the eldest, middle son brings land where it is covered with gold, where the tree exudes milk and water; the king says he was next; the youngest chooses a frozen gelding, arrives at the right place; on the way back he picks up a golden pen; stops at the Sultan; wanting to take possession of the pen, the vizier suggests 1) send the prince for the sea maiden; at the bottom (all on the advice of a horse), the prince gives the wolf, in front of which lay hay, meat; ram, hay instead of meat; they let them into the palace; lubricates 90 doors with oil; the queen tells the doors, the wolf, the ram to detain the prince, they refuse; the prince brings it to the Sultan; 2) get the bird whose feather was golden; the horse tells them to sprinkle cereals, replace the water in the lake with wine, hide in camel carcass, leave the other to the birds; the prince grabs the intoxicated king bird pecking; 3) the milk of the sea king's goat; at the bottom of the sea, the horse fights the goat, wins (the horse is hidden from goat bites camel skins); 4) swim in sea goat milk (it is boiling); the horse spewed water into the cauldron, cooling it; the sultan began to swim - cooked; the prince puts the vizier in prison, marries the queen of the sea, treats his father for blindness]: Vostrikov 1904, No. 1:66-74; Karachays [rich and swaggering Shyrdan proposes to target his son; if sledges fail to kill him, each will give five minors prisoners; S. hides his son behind his portrait; Nöger pretends to be poor, sells children into slavery at night; asks for permission to shoot him and kills the boy; S. offers him to steal from the fortress white horse; N. gives roosters millet, dogs chicken heads, takes the keys to locks from his sister Agunda, takes the horse away]: Aliyeva 1994, No. 112:526-528; Adygs: Aliyeva 1978, No. 29 [senior, middle daughters refuse to take off their father's legs, the youngest takes off; shares apples with the elders; the father digs a hole in the apple tree, masks them with a carpet, the daughters fall through; if they wish, the pit opens, food appears; the eldest promises Khan to prepare clothes for one hundred riders, the middle one to feed 50, the youngest to give birth to a son and daughter, half white gold, the other yellow; the khan leaves, the sisters replace the children with puppies, thrown into the river; the khan orders his wife to be put in the skin of a bull, tied to the gate; the children were taken by Hogouash dogs (PH, the mistress of the river); an attached mother sees her children coming out of the water, sitting on a stone; asks a woman who passed by to give her flour, makes one cake with breast milk, the other on water, asks her to leave it on a stone; the boy gets a cake with milk, the girl gets a cake on the water; when he learns that the children have eaten cakes, PH says that they cannot become her children, lets her go ashore; the poor man finds a home in the forest, the sisters of the khan's wife do not tell him; persuade her sister to ask his brother to get an unusual pigeon; PH teaches call sour pears sweet, take two with you; call the muddy river transparent, praise the sands; the young man grabs the pigeon, the owner orders to keep the kidnapper, the sands, the river, the pear refuse; the sisters of the khan's wife they persuade her sister to advise her brother to marry Irish-Irish-Kahn; PH says that she turns those who come to her into stones; the young man is stone; her sister goes, A. looks back at her third cry, everyone comes to life; feast; a young man goes to visit Khan's father on the condition that he unties the woman at the gate; angry dogs (these are the puppies thrown up) are friendly to him; the khan returns his wife, ties her sisters to horses; since then princes and khans do not divorce their wives]: 238-243; Karashev 1957 [three daughters are naughty, a father digs a hole in the forest, lures daughters with apples, daughters fall into a hole; the prince's companions find them; the eldest promises to sew clothes for the prince's retinue, the middle one to feed everyone, the youngest to give birth to a son with the sun and moon on her forehead, a daughter with golden hair; Pshi marries the youngest, marries the elders to her bakols; absence of millet sisters throw newborns into the river, replace them with puppies; millet tells his wife to be buried waist-deep in the ground at a crossroads, putting puppies to their breasts; the owner of the river raises children; when they grew up, sends them to the ground; pshi finds them, brings them to her place; aunts persuade her sister to ask her brother to get 1) the golden bird of beautiful Su-Isuret; 2) her own mirror; 3) herself; he steals objects; asks SI to marry him, she turns him into a stone, he manages to call the mistress of the waters, she disagrees with him, he takes SI; SI sees a woman buried to the waist in the mirror; everyone goes to free her; dogs Only her children are allowed in; evil sisters are tied to the tails of seven horses]: 210-220; Huth 1987:124-137 (Abadzekhi) [Tleubokozh and the pshi who called him on a hike steal a herd of dust from the other brothers; each time pshi does not hold a stallion who runs home and informs him about the kidnappers; T. consistently kills three others; dying of his wounds, tells Pshi to go and shout, T. is dead; after that comes to life; someone kidnaps foals; T. cuts off the kidnapper's leg with an arrow; mother and sister T. find crippled hog in the reeds, take them as husbands; on the advice of a frog, the sister pretends to be sick, asks T. bring an apple from a beautiful garden; T. kills three-, six-, nine-headed dragons that were taken to eat by a girl; each gives birth to him a son, their mares from T.'s horse to a foal; the last wife advises to give a hundred eagles guarding the garden a chicken, a hundred shooters on the arrow (they fight against each other for arrows), take hay from the dog, give it to the horse, take the meat from the horse, give it to the dog; the owner of the garden calls guards, they let T. with apples go back; his grown sons meet him; at home, T.'s mother and sister gave birth to 25 others, they ate almost everyone; T.'s sons kill these others and sister T.; mother and her husband- T. throws him into the reeds], 235-248 (shapsugi) [Nogai is blind; sends three sons for a piece of land from a place where his horse's hooves did not set foot, then he will see the light; the eldest, middle sons soon they return; the youngest finds a golden pen; pshi adopts him, gives seven pelyuans as workers; they ask the magician to help them lime it; he advises to say pshi that the young man boasted to perform difficult tasks; the horse helps to do everything; 1) get a bird with golden feathers (lures millet, catches); 2) get two lion cubs; 3) a wild boar; 4) the beautiful Gegulez; the horse asks to smear it with resin and sand, defeats the guard horse, he helps, tells a hundred dogs to throw lamb carcasses, a hundred eagles skins, prevent G. from taking out the whip, she turns it into stone; the young man revives the previously petrified ones with this whip; G. promises take millet if he dives into boiling milk, millet and seven pelyuans are cooked; the young man's father reports that he pretended to be blind for his son to get G.]; Abaza [every year someone steals millet crops for Ishaq's field; the eldest son Hajibekir goes to guard, falls asleep; the same middle Mhamat; the younger Solman roared the stallion, the leader of the herd; he gives three horses for himself, hairs, if burned, will come to help; S. horses are bought for a lot of money; the prince calls him to him, S. calls his magic horse; on the way, despite the horse's warning, picks up an eagle's feather; the prince likes S.; envious the adviser suggests that S. give him a pen; then 1) bring that eagle; the horse tells him to dig a hole, fill in grains, all the birds flock, S. catches an eagle; 2) the golden tail of a ram living in the river; the horse teaches you to lure the ram with salt, cut off the tip of the fat tail; 3) a puppy of a female who is between two seas; the horse teaches you to throw pieces of cloth to the bushes, saying that it is for them on their pants and shirt, how to cross a bridge through the bushes, pick up the puppy; 4) the daughter of the Sun and Moon, living in the womb of a whale; she comes out of the whale to watch the goods brought by S., he brings it to the prince; 5) the chest of the daughter of the Sun and Moon; S. climbs into the whale's mouth, when he returns a day later, takes out the chest; 6) the bride makes a condition to bring her the gold ring of her Sun Father and Mother Moon; the horse advises what to do; the fish is a bridge over the sea; agrees to pass her if S. asks how much more she has to hang like this bridge; Summer and Winter fight, let them pass between them if S. asks how much more they have to fight; the moon first hides S., then shows her husband; they they say that Summer and Winter will fight forever, the fish will always hang as a bridge; S. gives answers to those, passing between Summer and Winter, across the fish bridge; the bride tells the groom to swim in boiling milk; the prince commands S. to swim, the bride gives him her ring, he leaves the cauldron unharmed; the prince is cooked; S. marries the daughter of the Sun and Moon, becomes a prince]: Tugov 1985, No. 47:131-138; Ossetians: Britaev, Kaloev 1959:142-153 [(a long story in which the hero flies in a wooden blue car); father suggests finding a Nart fandyr, a silver bell, a golden goose; hunters tell 1) to get drunk from bitter river, praise its taste; 2) eat sour apples from an apple tree; 3) throw a roe deer carcass to a damask wolf; 4) a hare to an iron-billed kite; 5) a silk dress of the Zaliag Snake; 6) lubricate the gates of the fortress; The one-eyed giant tells the guards to hold the thief, but they say he was generous to them and the giant was not; the stalker giant drowns in a bitter river], 193-204 [the widower marries another; scatters over a hole apples, girls fall through; their tears wash the way out; Aldar finds them; the eldest promises to sew clothes for the people from a piece of metaria, the middle one to feed everyone with a plate of flour, the youngest to give birth to a boy with gold with a tuft, a girl with silver curls; when leaving, Aldar gives his pregnant wife a bell; sisters plug his horse's ears; put puppies, leave the twins at the female on the edge of the forest; Aldar orders his wife to be sewn up and puppies in cowhide, wipe their feet on her; children grow up with a female; aunts persuade the girl to invite her brother to bring the girl from the Copper Tower; the horse carries the young man between the interpreting mountains; calling the hostess towers, the young man begins to go into the ground, but when he sees his golden crest, the hostess agrees to marry him; the tower flies over the mountains to the young man's house; the aunts offer to get a singing fur coat; the young man drinks water from an acidic river, eats sour apples, gives wheat to crows, meat to wolves, they let it through; takes Shuba, she asks the guards to stop the thief, they refuse; Aldar comes to his son's castle, that's it explains; Aldar's wife is bathed in a milk lake, her sisters are torn apart by horses]; Libedinsky 1978 [during the famine of Dzila sends his son 1) to the heavenly Uatzilla to bring bread; Kulbadag-us gives him clothes the dried remains of a winged horse, he comes to life, flies to heaven; K. warned W. to ask W. for a wooden scoop; the owner of the scoop does not run out of grain; 2) Syrdon persuades the sledges to send his son D. to heavenly Falwar for cattle (brings a twig, the stable is full of cattle); 3) bring an Aldar fur coat from Black Mountain with a sable; on the way ferocious wolves, eagles, self-closing doors; K. tells wolves to throw rams, eagles - turkeys, grease the doors with fat tail fat; the young man takes his fur coat; the doors respond to the pursuer that they did not see fat from him, and the young man smeared them; the same eagles, wolves; 4) bring the horse W. (he gives); 5) make D. a mustache like W. (he gives a handkerchief, D. touches their mustache, they become like W.); at S.'s instigation, sledges kill D.: immediately magic objects return to W., sledges are hungry again]: 432-440; Dzagurov 1972, No. 33 [comrades they reproach the young man: first find your father, and then quarrel with us; he tells his mother to fry corn and clamps her hand; she has to say that his father was kidnapped by a giant, and his father's horse is head over heels in manure; does not believe that the son will be able to raise his father's sword; the young man came out his horse, easily raised his sword, leaves, the horse shows the way; the young man whipped the decayed corpse of the giant: come to life, but be blind; the lively says that his wife was stolen by the same giant who took the boy's father; at night he tries to throw trees and stones at the young man; the young man turns him back into a corpse; the young man finds the giant, cut off 6 heads, ordered to tell him where his father was, then cut off his seventh head; on the way, the horse slipped through, only cut off his half-tail; the young man's father was a shepherd, cleaning his fur coat from lice; the young man brought his giant's ears wife; she tells the giant's mother to be afraid; the young man killed her, but she cursed him: he will not rest until he gets the daughter of the king of jinns; the horse teaches to give the birds millet, drink from the spring and praise the water, throw the ram to the iron-faced wolves; lubricate the door hinges; the young man found the girl and lives with her for a month; then they loaded all the property on all the felt and galloped away; the young man destroyed the pursuing army, but one warrior killed him with a dagger; the fox began to lick the blood, the woman killed him; the fox bought him at the spring, the fox came to life; then the woman revived her murdered husband; he says he was about to marry his daughter Barastura is the rulers of the afterlife; the young man again revived that giant with a whip and gave him his wife, kidnapped by a seven-headed giant; the young man returned home to his wife, everything is fine]: 91-99; Libedinsky 1978 [Sat á does not hide from Batrazd that his father Khamyts was killed; Akhsartaggat is sent by the wind to tell B. that H. has been killed; he asks S. to fry grains for him and close them at hand; clamps his hand; S. calls the killers from Borat family; he kills murderers]: 362-371; Miller 1902, No. 3 (Digors) [Bestaser-Sila died, left three sons; the youngest Zanbolat breaks the witch's tub three times with an arrow; she tells him to better look for the kidnapper the horse left by the father; D. asks his mother to fry the corn kernels, clamps them in her hand, she admits that there is a horse that gives birth to a stallion every day; the brothers are frightened, D. takes the foal from the one who comes out from the land of a seven-headed giant; K. forges a sword and a mace for D.; D. goes underground, kills the seven-headed giant and his wife, two more giants, frees three girls; they tell them to throw millet black birds (they are happy, they were not even given bran), two iron wolves two rams, oil the door hinges (they did not lubricate the door hinges before); they let D. pass; he kills an iron horse, a felt man, steals underground cattle; brothers put a sword in front of D.'s bed, scream, he jumps up, is left without legs; brothers take cattle and girls; D. comes armless and blind, with them their brothers did that same; all three kidnap a girl, make her sister; a witch sucks blood from her heels; D. and his companions found a witch, they and the girl climbed into her womb, got out healthy; killed the witch, released the girl; D. hired a swineherd; came to his wake; killed both brothers with one split arrow, tied their wives to horses; awarded a swineherd]: 78-98; Sokayeva 2010, No. 14 [God became friends with earthly man George, gave him a weapon; said that there is a deer in the East, whose body is bells and cannot be killed; George has grown old; his son Geor has also become a hunter; contrary to his father's warning, he kills deer; the father tells him to take the skin to the king; the royal treasurer asks George where he takes the skin and offers to buy it for a lot of money; the king orders Georg a house made of bird bones. "George gave his son 50 buckets of glue. Geor took them to the milk lake, fell asleep; three Sun chickens and birds from all over the world flew there and rushed to the glue." One of the chickens promises Georg to build a house out of bird bones and gives him a magic pen; he meets the royal treasurer again, who begs him for a pen for money; Geor builds a house for the king; the king sends for Beautiful Julata; Geor takes 7 girls and 7 boys with him; there is a snake in the tree, does not let the ship pass, Geor threw him a bull's carcass, missed the snake; then the wind from the eagle's wings prevents him from sailing, Geor throws the eagle a ram's carcass; Geor marries J.; the king sends an army, Geor asks God for help, he sends an eagle, then a snake, the wind blows the army from its wings, the serpent sinks ships; J. turns the treasurer and king into black wolf and goat; wolf eats goat, wolf slaughtered by shepherds; George and his son rule the state]: 73-74; 2012, No. 5 [the king has 3 sons and a daughter, he promises to give the throne to whoever brings the curiosity; the eldest brings a leaf the size of a burku, the middle one brings even larger, the sister is indifferent, offers to bring a silver chicken wing; the youngest on horseback, who eats nails, brings; the sister asks for the whole chicken, the horse teaches where to catch these chickens, the brother brings them; the sister offers to bring the owner of the chickens; the horse tells me to drink from the dirty, bitter river, praise the water; pick a pear, praise the tree; throw the sheep iron-billed crows, bull carcass to wolves, grease the doors with fat tail fat; 3 girls call the door, one plays, the other sings, the third cries; crying is the owner of the chicken, she asks the door, wolves, etc. to stop the kidnapper, they do not obey, the young man takes her away; the sister tells her to bring seven iron-faced mares, milk, boil milk, swim, he will be king; the horse orders him to be smeared with glue, lying in the sand, became huge, his mares were frightened, listened; the horse teaches him to come to heaven to Uastyrji, steal his pot for brewing beer; at home, whoever tries to milk mares is killed by them; the horse tells them to let their master milk ; whoever jumped into the boiling milk all died; the young man came up whole; the girl became the head of the kingdom (the end is illogical)]: 59-64; Ingush [Cesca Solsa and Byatar go to the world of the dead Al to ask his master Elda, which of them is better and stronger; the entrance is guarded by a nine-eyed, nine-legged, fanged, shaggy, lice covered creature Yeshap; B. calls him beautiful, E. lets them pass for promising to bring a gift from Elda; he gives a comb, Yeshap is happy, lets the heroes go back]: Dalgat 1972:304-309; Kumyks: Ganieva 2011b, No. 11 [the snake crawls into the old man's shoe, demands to give his daughter; only the youngest agrees; her father sends her to the snake in the barn; the snake sheds her skin, becomes handsome, the barn becomes a palace; the sisters ask the youngest, out of envy put a knife in the crack from where the snake crawls out; he is wounded, returns to the lower world; the wife goes to look for him, puts the ring in the jug of the maid who came for water; the snake husband recognizes the ring; his mother and aunt are azhdakha, they want to marry his aunt's daughter; the mother tells the girl sweep the way to his sister Azhdah's house, the Serpent arranges everything himself; tells me to bring yeast from her house; the Serpent tells you to praise black thorns, pin them to his chest; drink blood and pus from rivers, praise them; close the slanting gate; take the bone from the horse, give the dog, the hay from the dog to the horse; the girl takes yeast, runs away; the dog, the gate, etc. refuse to detain her, because the hostess Azhdaha treated them bad, but the girl is good; the snake is brought to the bride, he cuts her to pieces, runs with the girl, both chases; the serpent throws a comb (thorny forest), salt (salt swamps), needles (turn into two trees); The serpent and the girl climb on them, azhdaha after them, the Serpent throws two spinners, they turn into millstones, crush the ajdaha; the boy and the girl have achieved their desires], 53 [the father agrees to take a new wife only if a leather boot placed under the roof will rot; she finds out if her boot is rotting, getting married; tells me to get rid of three stepdaughters; father digs a hole in the forest, they fall into it; they dig an underground passage to the khan's stables; khan asks what gift everyone has; the eldest promises to sew clothes for forty riders, the average to cook for forty guys from rice poured into the shell of eggs, the youngest to give birth to a son with a golden tuft, a daughter with with a moon-like forehead; the elders cannot fulfill their promises without the help of the younger one; the youngest gives birth, the sisters put their children in a chest, descend them down the river, replace them with puppies; the khan orders her to be wrapped in skin, put doors; the fisherman picked up the chest, the girl Suvsar and her brother Tabulda ("foundling") grew up; the khan meets him; the sisters guess who he is, send the old woman to persuade S. to ask T. to bring a wonderful branch wood and wonderful water; T. comes to the palace, there is meat in front of the horse, hay in front of the dog, he changes it; praises thorns, lubricates the gate, takes away the branch and water, the gate, etc., refuses it hold; a watered, wonderful tree grows; the old woman says to ask T. to get the beautiful Karachach; T. calls K., begins to stone, after the third hail K. comes out, T. and previously petrified come to life; in the house of T. and S. K. burned an old woman who came in the stove; T. comes to the khan, offers a wooden pigeon to eat; says that a woman cannot give birth to a puppy either; Khan comes to K., she explains everything; Khan has figured out how to take K away . from the son; K. throws him off the glass mast; mother T. and S. were washed, her sisters were wrapped in cow hides, T. was chosen khan]: 175-179, 479-488; the Avars [dying, the father tells three sons to guard his grave, to give three daughters for those who ask; the eldest, ordinary brothers are afraid, the youngest grabs a gray horse, he carries him to seventh heaven and to the seventh lower world, tamed, gives his hair; the same with nest, black horses; sisters are given for a wolf, a hawk, a falcon; the king consistently promises three daughters to whoever jumps on horseback over the tower; each time the younger brother calls a horse, takes the girl away, the brothers are jealous; all three go down into the dungeon, feast there, the older ones are drunk, the youngest kills the 9-headed serpent, cuts him off, hides his ears; the old man comes out from under the bush, thanks the snake for the murder, gives younger brother has a daughter; Black Narth (CHN) will demand her; the old man warns not to stop on the way home; the young man falls asleep, ChN takes his wife; he finds sisters disguised as a wolf, a hawk, The Falcon was also taken by the Narts; they do not know where ChN lives, but the Bat shows the way; while ChN sleeps, the young man takes his wife, ChN catches up on a three-legged horse, kills the young man; the horse brings bones to his younger sister, her husband gives his second life to the boy; the young man asks his wife to ask ChN where he got the three-legged horse; there is a plain under the stone, where the horse, his brother and their mother graze; the horse lost his leg when a wolf rushed at him and ants; the young man throws wheat and meat to them, takes the horse away; the horse kills the pursuer - CHN; the young man gives his wife to his brothers, takes two for himself]: Saidov, Dalgat 1965:215-230; Dargins [snake demands from ploughman to give her daughter; only the youngest agrees; in her palace, the serpent sheds her skin, turns into a handsome man; the older sisters sweep, find skin, burn; the husband disappears; the wife descends the hole into the lower world , there the boy came for water, she throws a ring into the jug; Agaikhan's husband recognizes her; his bloodthirsty mother Vahig gives difficult errands; 1) clean the house using triangular needles (the wind cleans); 2) cover the house with feathers (birds perform); 3) bring a zurna with a drum from behind the mountains for A.'s wedding; A. teaches to praise, sip blood and bitterness from rivers, shift meat to dogs, hay to horses, closed gates open, close open; the girl brings a zurna and a drum, the guard orders her to stop in vain; V. passes A. off as a freak - the daughter of another V.; A. kills her, with a girl in the form of pigeons they fly to the ground, V. is chased by an eagle; pigeons into oats, an eagle into a chicken with chickens, pecking grains; two grains did not notice, returned to the lower world, and A. and his wife became human, they live well]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 42:378-383 ; varnishes (village. Tabakhlu, 1836) [=Ganiyeva 2012b, No. 44:399-407; a red cow tells a hungry stepdaughter to suck her horns, honey flows from the right, oil from the left; the wind blows away the wool, the stepmother tells her to find her and return it; the cow teaches me to go to people who grind pearls, gold, corals, wish everyone the best, ask themselves, they will show the way to the wind Chassage; horses will have bones in front of them, hay must be changed in front of dogs; name the muddy river oily, take a sip; at Wind Chassage, Aerial Asiyat, you should ask for wool back; she will ask you to scrape the rooms, they must be whitewashed, cleaned; pull out your hair, tear your clothes - comb them, wash them; and so it happened; the girl put her finger into the river, it turned silver, the river missed her {apparently parted}; the same was a bloody river, the girl called it honey, her finger turned golden; C. poured it on her head golden water, her hair turned golden; C. offered to sleep on a golden bed, wants to make the girl a daughter, hides her wool under her head; the girl pulled her out, ran; the old woman tells everyone to grab she calls the river bloody, but they only give the girl even more; the stepmother plants her own daughter to spin her hair next to the cow; the wind blows away the wool, but the cow teaches the wrong way; the girl scolds the people she meets, gives bones for horses, hay for dogs, from the water of the muddy river, her fingers are covered with ulcers; C. tears her hair and clothes; she pours dirty liquid on her head, her face and body are covered with ulcers and boils; the cow has been stabbed to death, The stepdaughter buried her bones; asked them for beautiful shoes and clothes to go to the wedding; one shoe swam along the river; the prince found him, he fits his stepdaughter, the prince took her to his wife; stepmother and daughter too let's go; the bride is thirsty, the stepmother gives her a drink, taking her eyes out; throws her into the well, dresses her daughter in her dress; the merchants pulled the girl out of the well, she turned into a canary; flying into the prince's garden, asks the gardener to say hello to the prince, and let the tree dry up; the prince sees that many trees have dried up; the canary was caught, the false wife ordered her to be slaughtered, a tree grew out of blood; The prince is pouring dates from him, his wife is scratched by thorns; his wife orders to make a cradle for her child out of wood; the old woman's son picked up the chips, threw them behind the chest; they turned into a girl when she cries it falls down (?) , when she laughs, pearls, silver and gold horseshoes fall from under her feet; the cradle squeezed the child to death; the old woman's son fattens a lousy horse in the palace; the girl turns it into a painted horse; the king comes to see him, falls in love with a girl; girls are going to tell fairy tales, a true bride tells her own; stepmother and her daughter are tied to horses; wedding]: Khalilov 1976, No. 46:109-119; Georgians (Akhalkalaki District) [at the king's request, his three sons erected a temple; the old man says that the temple lacks Queen Peri's singing bird; the sons are going in search; at the fork there is an inscription: You will return on the right road, maybe on the middle road , if you come back, you won't come back on the left; the older brothers go right and straight, becoming employees of an innkeeper and baker, the younger George to the left; heals an abscess in the deva's ear by piercing him with an arrow, he sends him to a three-headed maiden (he needs to throw lead to chew), three-headed to an old Davy, whose beautiful daughter was kidnapped by 12 devas and seven brothers can't be repulsed; G. kills 12 devas, the old woman teaches what to do ; 1) there is something like milk in one spring, blood in the other, both liquids are disgusting, you should drink and praise; 2) go through the thorny bush and praise it; 3) swim across the salt lake, praise it; 4) the yielding feathers around the palace look like pillars, you have to bow to them; take a cage with a bird in the queen's bedroom; the queen tells the guards to hold the thief, but everyone says that G. praised them; G. found brothers; they came to the crevice; the elders can not go down - it's hot; G. went down, the princess kidnapped by the seven-headed devil below; gives sabers against the deva and against the peri; after killing the deva, G. does not strike a second blow; brothers they raise the princess, leave G. below; give her father a bird, but she does not sing; they imprison the princess; G. sees two rams, sits on a white one, rises to the ground on it; returns, marries the princess, forgives brothers]: Bogoyavlensky 1892a, No. 4:57-70; Georgians (Karelian District) [the tsar is blind, asks his sons what is fuller, faster, more beautiful; only the youngest son says that spring, harvest, look; tsar sends him back his sight; the horse advises to help the king of the West in his fight against the king of the East; the envious courtiers of the king of the West command to send a young man to build a palace for ivory (the horse tells him to pour to the wine pond, the elephants are drunk), behind the bird king (the horse tells me to lie under a pile of grain, grab the king bird), behind the beautiful Nigozeti country; she is served by a mare, the horse's sister, stronger than him; at the door in front of the goat bone, hay in front of the wolf; we need to change their food, open closed doors, close them open; the young man grabs the beauty, the doors, the goat, the wolf refuse to help, are happy to change; the horse holds a mare; beautiful asks for a bath of boiling milk, pushes the king, courtiers, into it; the young man gets kingdoms, a beautiful woman; the horse shows where the drug for blindness is (it flew to heaven); the father saw the light]: Chikovani 1954:49-53 (= 1985, No. 6:31-33); Georgians (Kakheti, Pshaviya) [the king asks his sons to get a "rejuvenating wonder" for him; the elders failed, the third youngest finds his father's bird horse; {contrary to warning} picks up a red apple and a feather on the way; comes to his father's friend; the courtiers are jealous, tell the king that the young man wants to destroy him and for this purpose carries an unusual apple in his pocket; the king demands to show the apple and then get the apple tree itself; cannibal snakes on the roots of the apple tree; the horse pushed the snakes away and took away the apple tree; the king asks for the bird that dropped the pen; the horse preys (this is the golden chicken); the king demands get the beautiful owner of the chicken; in front of her home there is a fetid spring, a poisonous apple tree, black crows, wolves and a squeaky door; the young man praises the taste of fruits and water, feeds wolves and crows with bacon, with them smeared the door; takes the beauty away, the door, the wolves, etc. refuse to detain him; the king wants to marry a beautiful woman, but she requires milk from her horses like four and a storm; the young man preys; the beauty tells boil milk: whoever comes out unharmed will be her husband; the first bathes herself; then the king dies; when it is the young man's turn, the horse throws ice into the milk; the young man brings the beautiful woman to his parents, she rejuvenates with their magic towel]: Razikashvili 1909:94 f in Tikhan-Tsereteli 1909:143-145; Georgians [vizier Alumbar is old, the king let him go; he has three daughters; each offers to go to serve wearing men's dress; older, middle get scared when he rushes at her dressed as Arab; younger: if you didn't look like my father, you would blow your head off; father sends an imaginary son to his friend deva; "young man" calls himself Almaskhan; the eldest, middle daughters of the deva say they spent the night with A. as brother and sister; the third - as husband and wife; teaches you to choose a plain skate and a ring with red with a stone; the horse gives her hair; the king's daughter calls A., he does not go; she is angry, pretended to be sick, she needs the liver and heart of a boar; A. burns her hair, a horse appears, leads to the lake where she comes boar, tells to poison the lake with opium; the boar fell asleep, it is easy to kill him; the princess asks to know the mystery of the petrified city; on the way, the horse orders to give honey to flies, cheese to ants; in one house petrified to the waist king of the city; the servant told him that the bulls are losing weight because the queen harnesses them at night; the king goes instead of the servant: the queen's lover is the king of the kaj; in the morning the king makes it clear that he knows everything; the queen turns the city into stone, feeds the king every day and hits him with a stick; A. grabs the queen who has entered, she tells her to be petrified, but thanks to her ring, the spell does not work; then the queen tells A. to become a woman if he is a man, and vice versa; A. becomes a man; the queen removes the spell from the city and the king, A. kills her; the king's daughter receives A., but the king releases him from service; A. marries the youngest daughter of the deva]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 67:293-304; Armenians (Turkish Armenia) [the king builds the church three times, the hurricane destroys it; the hermit says it needs a thousand-voiced nightingale; three princes go for it nightingale; at the fork, the hermit explains that a person who has traveled along a wide road will return, maybe along the middle road, but he will not return along a narrow road; we must praise the taste of the water in the salt river, call the thorns flowers immortality, take the meat due to the lamb, give the wolf, and give the hay from the wolf to the lamb; open the closed gate leaf, close the open one; take the nightingale while the owner sleeps for seven days; older brother drove along a wide road, became a servant; the middle Arab turned him into stone; the youngest did everything, took the nightingale, but kissed the sleeping mistress; she tells the guards to detain the thief, they do not obey; a young man frees his brothers, turns an Arab into stone; the brothers lower the youngest into a well for water, leave him there, bring a nightingale to his father, who does not sing; the owner of the nightingale comes to the city, leaves the deceivers and their father went to prison; some women pulled the young man out of the well, he comes to town, answers questions from the nightingale's mistress, marries her; the nightingale sings]: Khachatryants 1933:66-72 (=Wingate 1910, No. 4:507-511); Azerbaijanis [padishah Deshkuvar is childless; the dervish gives an apple, orders to give it to three wives, when the sons are 15 years old, one must be given to him; the khan's daughter gives birth to Hanbala, Bey Beybal, a driver camels - Nerbal; the dervish is given to N.; the skull warns that it will be baked in a tandoor; N. pushes him into the cauldron; in the fortieth room, a lion, a horse, a bird; in front of them grain, meat, hay; N. swapped places as it should be; they promise to help; N. dresses poorly, lives with an old gardener in the city; the older princesses do not like him, the youngest wants him to bring her flowers; the bird brings him an unfading bouquet; his son Vizier and son Vekil N. gives the same bouquets in her true image, but for this he puts a stamp on his hand; the daughters of the padishah throw an apple at the one they want to marry; the elders throw an apple at the sons of the vizier and vekil, the youngest is for N.; the sick padishah needs game broth; the lion drives all the game for N., the other sons-in-law come back with nothing; N. gives game, stigmatizes the other hand of rivals; but the padishah has recovered only after the broth from the head of the roe deer given by N.; Padishah D. goes to war; only N. defeats him; N. repairs the court over everyone, retires to a castle in the mountains with his mother, wife, gardener, bird, lion and horse]: Azerbaijani tales 1986:128-159; Azerbaijanis (Shushi County, Elisavetpol Province) [King Melik-Nadir orders to kill his daughters; when he leaves, he tells his son Ghazanfar to kill his sister if he is born; he felt sorry for the girl; MN returned, orders them to be executed, the nobleman persuaded them to be sent to the desert; G. kills seven divas, throws them into the well; the sister throws the leftovers there, one diva survived, became strong; agrees with sister G. to lime him - pretend to be sick, ask him to bring 1) melon from the diva garden; G. defeated the hero, she fell in love with him, gave him a flying horse, G. brought a melon; 2) apples from the diva garden; his heroic wife tells him to feed the terrible dog, greet the bridge; the seven-headed diva tells the bridge and the dog refuses to stop the kidnapper; the wife changed the apples; 3) the sheep tail with branched horns, which lives in the north; G. brought it, but his wife replaced the usual one, kept the magic fat tail; sister invites G. to tie his hands to test his strength; when G. cannot tear the rope, the diva cut it to pieces, put it in a bag, tied it to a donkey, drove him into the forest; G.'s dogs guarded the donkey, his wife found it, revived it with a medicine made from fat tail and magic apples; G. cut off the diva's arms and legs, burned his sister; returned to his father; found a portrait of the beautiful Shahbaz-Pari in the chest; G. follows her; takes giant Kara-Kulamali as his companions, who killed all the babies in the village; he smashes the army, gives beautiful G., warns not to step on the carpet that the father will spread out (he himself wants to take possession of the beauty), not to untie the old man's hands - this is a seven-headed diva; G. untied the old man, he took the beauty; G. summoned K., who brought him to the beautiful woman, she found out that the diva's life was in a bottle, G. had broken it; the father sends a vizier from G. with an order to destroy G.; in the desert, the vizier pulls out G.'s eyes in exchange for water; K. saved him (two pigeons: you can regain your sight with my pen), burned his father and vizier, married a beautiful woman]: Bogoyavlensky 1899, No. 13:109-120; Turks : Aganin et al. 1960 [the bragger hunter shoots an arrow through his wife's earring every night; he really only hunts hares; the neighbors dressed up the boy as a bear, the hunter is frightened; the old woman advises his wife send a hunter to an Arab beyond Mount Kaf, who supposedly shoots better; the lioness guards the gorge; the old man gives magic bread to tame it; the hunter throws pieces to the lioness, the birds, the dragon; the Arab is monstrous giant; the hunter ran away from him, threw bread to the diva, who hid it in the hollow of his tooth; told the Arab that he did not see anyone, he went back; the diva tells him who broke his tooth; there were 40 brothers; they were met a giant who is knee-deep in the sea; he caught whales, cooked them in the sun, swallowed them; chased his brothers, killed several, and broke the narrator's tooth with a stone; the hunter swore he would no longer brag, received diamonds and gems from the diva; the firebird brought him home; he lived happily with his wife]: 80-85; Stebleva 1988, No. 27 [the younger sister's horse secretly turns into a young man from others; she does not marry, at night meets an imaginary horse; burns his skin; he flies away as a dove, says she will find it when she wears out her iron shoes and staff; at the spring, the maid says she is collecting water for Chamber-Tiar; wife disguised as a beggar, throws her ring into the jug; THU recognizes him, comes for her; the devas want to eat it, THT's mother gives tasks; 1) sweep - do not sweep the room (collect garbage in the middle); 2) go to to the neighbor behind the bars (give the meat lying in front of the horse to the dog, the grass from the dog to the horse, venerate the neighbor's chest thrown behind her back); 3) fill the cauldron with tears (add salt to the water); 4) fill the bag in peace (the birds gave); during the wedding, Thu tied the daughter of the devas to a pole instead of the padishah's daughter, runs with his wife; she throws a comb (thorns), soap (slippery), a jug (water); Thu became a gardener, his wife became a garden; a tree and a snake that wrapped around him (the devas broke the net - they tore off their little finger); into flowers at the feet of the padishah; he gave them to the devas, they bite into grains, the chickens peck, two grains remain, turn into a boy with a girl, play wedding], 72 [the padishah has forbidden lighting a fire; three orphan sisters violate the ban, they must work; if the padishah married her, the eldest would weave a carpet on which the army and all the inhabitants would sit; the average would cook a pilava cauldron, it would be enough for everyone; the youngest would give birth to a boy with a month and a girl with the sun in her forehead; the padishah hears this, tells them to bring sisters; the older two confess that they only wanted to to marry, sent to a goose stable; the youngest became the wife of the padishah, gave birth to the promised children; the sisters tell the midwife to lower the babies in the chest down the river, the mother to put the puppies; the padishah tells them to bury the wife is waist-deep at a fork in the road, no one cares in her face; the old dervish found children; when he died, he left them a ring (wearing a wish arap), a skin and a whip (if you sit on his skin, hit them with a whip, the arap will deliver to any place or destroy what is ordered); brother and sister are transported to a fork in the roads in the country of the padishah; their mother's sisters find out about this, send a midwife to persuade their sister to asked her brother to bring 1) a poplar with playing leaves; the arap brings to the borders of that country, teaches me to politely treat the half-blind Balkis Khan, she sends to the Nailan, the young man grabs the poplar, N. does not have time to turn the person who came into stone, B. does not detain him, because he was kind to her; 2) a bird from that tree (the same; you must drink it from a source of blood and a source of pus, praise him, they do not detain the kidnapper); but the tree does not play, the bird does not sing; 3) the owner of the poplar; the young man picked up the Zumranka bird that had fallen from the nest; their mother spat in the water he had prepared for him to die of poison, but the chicks explained that he helped them; Z. poured water, gave 4 feathers; N. gradually turns the young man into stone, but he burns feathers one by one; after the fourth he is alive again; N. returns with him by his wife; calls the padishah to guests, tells him to put a golden spoon in his pocket, accuses him of stealing; just as the padishah could not steal the spoon, the woman could not give birth to puppies; the padishah tells his wife to open and buy, return the children, sisters Execute wives and midwives at the top of the mountain]: 105-109, 293-299; Walker, Uysal 1966, No. 5 [Bey's son's horse steps on the witch's foot at the spring, she tells the young man to fall in love with a cucumber girl (OD); father sends him behind her; at night, the young man overhears how the owner explains to his daughter what to do; 1) give milk to the lion, meat to the tiger, chewing gum to the witch; 2) the source from which blood and pus flow, say how clean he is, drink three handfuls; 3) split off a pine chip, give it and all his gold to the giantess while the giants sleep (their eyes are open); the giantess will give three cucumbers; three girls inside the cucumbers; open cucumbers are where there is water, otherwise the girls will die of thirst; giants tell creatures and objects to stop the young man, they say they are grateful to him; two girls died of thirst; the third waits for the young man on the poplar, while he is having a wedding; the ugly maid saw a reflection in the source, decided it was her own; next time she asks how OD got in; putting eggs one on top of the other; then OD told the tree to bend down; the maid said that she was now her mother; looking in her hair, she pulled out the hair of life; OD fell, sesame grew up in that place; the maid explained to the young man who came that she was fool from the frost and sun; the young man attached sesame to his hat; married a maid, she asked to throw sesame into the fire, two pigeons flew out of there; resin to the branches, the pigeons stuck, they were slaughtered, poplar grew out of blood; from they made him a cradle for the maid's son; an old woman picked up one sliver; in her absence, the sliver turns into OD, cleans the house; the old woman grabs her, adopts her; in hunger, Bey's son distributes his horses; there, where OD steps, green grass grows, the horse eats it; the rest of the horses starved to death; the young man comes for him, the girl speaks in riddles; he comes back, she tells everything; the maid and the child were sent into the mountains, the horse threw them into the abyss]: 64-71.
Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Osmanov 1958 [the dervish gives pomegranate to be eaten by the Shah's childless wife and the apple is the vizier's wife; the vizier gives pomegranate to his wife, she gives birth to daughter Bibi-Mehrnegar (B.), the Shah's wife - son in in the form of a black snake named Mirza Ustu-Humar (M.); the Shah orders the vizier to give his daughter for his son; at night, the serpent sheds its skin and becomes a young man; at the request of her father-in-law B. burns the skin; M. says that she does not finds it before she wears out seven iron dresses, a pair of shoes, staffs, chews seven boxes of chewing gum; on the way she meets seven divas, throws each one in a box; throws it up a ring in a jug that the maid carries for M.; she pours water into M.'s palm, he recognizes the ring; to prevent his aunt from eating B., M. disguises her as a maid; opens it, promising the divas not to kill B. ; the aunt demands 1) sweep the yard with a broom covered with pearls so that no one falls (M. performs); 2) water the yard with a sieve (the same); 3) take the "play-dance" box to my aunt's brother, bring it from him" grab and plant"; on the way she opens the box, cannot put the dancers back; burns the hair, M. comes, puts it back, tells her to do everything against her aunt's orders; accordingly, B. throws the horse's straw , bones to the dog, calls a hole of mud and blood honey, opens a closed door, closes an open door, greets everyone, leaves one box, grabs another, runs, doors, etc., refuse to detain her; M. marries her aunt's daughter, cuts off her head at night, B. says goodbye to all objects, forgets about the stone (a measure of weight); B. and M. run, the stone wakes up her aunt, she pursues; the fugitives throw 1) a reed (thickets) reeds), 2) needle (needle forest), 3) salt (salt marsh), 4) sea foam (sea); aunt asks how they crossed; M. replies what's on the stones; she steps on foam flakes, sinks]: 15-24; 1987:43-48 [asks for the snake the lumberjack to marry him; agrees the youngest of three, Mehrnegar; the groom is the enchanted Snake King, who takes the form of a young man at night; the sisters ask the youngest to ask how to burn him skin, steal, burn; husband tells M. to put on iron shoes, take an iron staff, flies away in the form of two pigeons; M. comes, throws his ring into a jug of water, her husband recognizes her; tells her to pretend maid; mother-in-law is going to marry her son to his sister's daughter, tells M. to bring water with a sieve (the husband makes sure that the water does not spill out); sends a letter to his sister to bring scissors; the husband orders on the way Call everything differently (dirty water is clean, etc.); M. grabs scissors, runs, objects do not hold her, because she praised them; the husband kills the snake bride, runs with M.; throws needles (forest), salt (salt mountain) ), a wineskin with water (sea); the pursuers died in it, the couple returned to M.'s house], 250-256 [a childless woman promises a stump that if she becomes pregnant, her son or daughter will serve him; Bibinegar girl born and raised; walks past a stump with two others; a stump tells her to stop; her mother sends her to the stump, a young man Maisaskabar comes out of it; with him carpets and a wheel from which emeralds and yakhonts fall; M. gives B. a fur coat - if she disappears, they will part; her aunt overheard; hopes to marry B. as her daughter; put B. to sleep and burned her fur coat; B. has only a turquoise ring; B. goes in search; shepherds are rude to her they answer: these are herds of M., a ransom for B.; the boy did not let him drink, she told the water to turn into blood and pus; M.: what is this? ordered to let me get drunk; B. threw a ring into the jug, M. realized that she was nearby; M.: everything around the diva; B. was hired as a maid in the house of M., whom Aunt B. married to her daughter; at night M. cut off his wife's head, rode away with B.; aunt chases, M. threw a piece of sheepskin (mountain); a piece of iron (iron mountain); salt (salt sea); aunt: how did you swim across; M.: stand on that pebble (it's sunshine); aunt drowned; a few drops of her blood splashed ashore, became a gazelle; M. brought her home; in her absence she butts B.; when everyone was sleeping, the gazelle became an aunt, gathered everyone in the house to sleep in a vessel, gathered throw B. into boiling water; B. asks for permission to pray; a virgin appeared, taught her to break a bottle; M. appeared, threw the gazelle into boiling water; gives B. a bottle of her aunt's life, tells her to go to her house, pick up those lying in front of her give bones to the dog with a camel, and straw on the contrary; praise the dried garden, which the aunt calls thorns; clean the dusty carpet and bed; agree to comb your aunt, and when she falls asleep, hit her ground your head and run; the bed and everyone else refuse to hold B., the dog tore his aunt; B. ran to M., he ceased to be a diva, became human, everything is fine], 301-306 [the childless woodcutter wants to kill a snake, which promises to become his son Sabzkaba ("green caftan"); orders to marry the ruler's daughter Shakarhava ("sweet wish"); he requires 70 bags of jewelry, etc., S. sends and receives a wife, takes off his snakeskin at night; warns not to burn it; otherwise, in order to return it, you will have to wear out 7 iron dresses, shoes, staffs; Sh. Sh. came, threw the skin into the fire; Sh. searches; meets women, girls, everyone says that their father S. went to S. and disappeared, they would kill her; one girl carries water S., S. throws a ring into the jug; S. meets Sh., tells them to venerate his mother's breasts are diva; mother-in-law tells him to pour tears on the floor (S. performs); wash the black bag white (dip it in water when white water flows); bring a sieve from her diva sister, she must tear Sh.; S.: there are bones in front of the horse, straw in front of the dog, you have to shift; put cotton wool in every bell on the door; S. grabbed a sieve and ran away; at the wedding of the divas, S. and S. put hot candles in their arms, but they candles were not thrown; at night S. killed the bride and groom, ran with Sh.; brother S. chases, S. became a broom, S. became a rope; uncle (garden and gardener); father (mill and miller); mother (cypress and dragon); S. killed mother, everything is fine]; Tajiks [the old man has three daughters but no son; he is blind; the eldest daughter dresses up as a man, visits an old woman, who says that many brave men died looking for a cure, the girl returns; the same middle daughter; the youngest is not afraid; the old woman sends her to the healer; he will ask for the seed of the tree that the three-headed diva has for medicine; everyone must do good in the diva's abode; the old woman gives a mirror, a comb, a bar; the girl cleans and adjusts the gates of the fortress, shifts hay to horses and bones to dogs; sewed sleeves for baking bread, gave them to girls who put cakes in tonur with her bare hands; the diva sleeps with her eyes open; the girl pulled out a bag from under his head and ran away; the maids, dogs, horses, the gate refused to grab her; she threw a mirror (river), a bar (mountain), comb (forest); divas stops chasing; witch doctor gives seeds; his friend says that the hero is a girl; chrysanthemums are placed at her head (if a woman withers); the girl got up at dawn and picked fresh ones ; but the healer's son saw this and went with her; the father saw the light, the young man married his daughter]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:77-83; Romaskevich 1934a, No. 34 [the tsar has 6 sons with 6 wives, but no seventh from his beloved; dervish gave an apple to eat with his wife, a son was born; he was chrome, grew up quickly; all the brothers took a hundred mists and went to trade, the youngest too, his name was "native of Iran" (TI); his servant was with him; the fire went out in the morning; TI came to the old woman; her lower lip hangs on her chest, the upper lip comes under her eyes; she asks to get the princess, whom her 6 sons are in love with, then she will give all her wealth; TI went up to the castle, kissed the girl, bit off from the prepared dishes, called out to the divas, cut off everyone's head as they climbed the wall; brought the head of one of the divas to the old woman, who also cut off her head; came to the princess's father, presented the heads of divas; the king will give her daughter if TI gets a mare with 40 foals; the princess teaches you to take sugar and dates with her; give dates to ants that are the size of a goat; pour sugar into a bitter spring, the mare will come to drink; TI did so, saddled the mare, followed by 40 foals; the king gave his daughter; TI sees a man who drained the river with a cauldron; won, became his branded slave; a man with millstones on legs (same); eating trees and stones (same); in one place people are hanged by forelocks - they fall in love with the king's daughter; TI goes to ask the princess, the king tells; 1) eat a lot of pilaf and drink a pond salt water (Opivalo and Oedalo performed); 2) break the pole in two (the man with the millstones made the pole thin and broke it); the king gave his daughter; along the way, the White Div took both wives and disappeared into the mountains; TI came, when divas are hunting, tells wives to find out where his bubble of life is; divas: it's a bush (wives are playing around the bush); divas: at noon, a yellow bull comes to the spring, a bubble in his left thigh; TI got a vial ordered the diva to bring wives and all the riches, then broke the bottle; at night, three pigeons say: with a stick made of this tree you will heal a madman and only a healthy mind; a leaf will make a blind person sighted and vice versa; Sprinkle the bark into the sea and it will dry out; sister TI came to the mosque but did not recognize him; he threw a ring on the plate, told him to give it to his parents, they recognized his son's ring; he made them sighted with leaves; wedding; no information about the brothers]: 255-266; Turkmens [a sick padishah asks his sons to get a nightingale whose singing he heard in a dream; elder Gulyam and middle Veli Dev throws into the well; younger Mammadjan kills a deva with a stone, frees the peri; to finish off a deva, you have to kill his soul, she is in a bottle in the dragon's right ear; M. makes the dragon sneeze, finishes off the deva; peri tells the black maiden to deliver M. to his sister, a prisoner of a two-headed maiden; seven sisters in total, each next is a prisoner of a deva with a large number of heads, up to seven; M. kills every sixth, each has a bottle of soul at a goat, an old woman, etc. (just like in the first episode); the sixth girl explains: a dragon crawls to the plane tree every year, devours chicks; the grateful bird Zamyr will bring the dragon that has killed the dragon to where the nightingale is; we must give millet to the chickens, bones for dogs, salt for camels, tie the tongues of bells with rags on 40 steps of the stairs; M. did everything, the chicks ate the chopped dragon, the youngest left a piece under his tongue to prove to his mother that the dragon was killed; Zamyr brought M. to the room with the sleeping devas and the nightingale; M. first met with the sleeping beauty, so the nightingale raised the alarm; but M. took him and managed to sit on the bird; with the beautiful M. changed rings; Zamyr throws cooked meat and water; the meat is over, he cuts off a piece of caviar; Zamyr keeps it under his beak, puts it back; M. takes seven girls and treasures, finds it in the brothers' well; the brothers dazzle him, throw him into the well; they catch the dog's eyes, but it keeps them, takes care of M.; the padishah's nightingale does not sing; the nightingale's mistress finds M. on the ring, lowers him into the well puts his braids back in order for M. to get out; the nightingale begins to sing, his father recovers, his brothers are thrown into the desert]: Stebleva 1965, No. 22:71-92; Sarykoltsy [the rich man promises to pass off his son as the princess, if he brings a magic kaka flower; he comes to an old woman, takes her as a grandmother; she teaches her to call the waterless gorge a water gorge, a crooked bridge straight, take a bone from the camel, put the dog, hay - from a dog to a camel, call the creaky door uncreaky; and vice versa, call the water gorge waterless, etc.; take a flower; the witch tells the gorge, camel, etc. to detain the thief, everyone replies that the witch called him that, and the kidnapper, on the contrary (this is good for them); the father gets the princess for his son, gives wealth]: Pakhalina 1966:103-106; the Vakhans [the maid tells the king that his three favorite sons are they sleep, and the son from his unloved wife wants to go to Mount Kaf to bring the Pearl that Shines at Night; the king sends sons, loved ones go along the road from where you will return, the unloved ones from where you will not return; kills black, white, red divas, three wagers are left waiting for him; the latter sends him to the Simurg bird; she has a nest on a plane tree; every year the dragon comes out of the pond, eats its chicks; the prince cuts off his three heads, chicks tell their mother that he saved them; Simurg carries him, runs out of meat, he cuts off some of the caviar; on Mount Kof Simurg belches a piece, puts it; explains how to take the Pearl and the White The Queen's Falcon with Hair in Forty Gyazov; the scorched garden should be called blooming, the crooked bridge and the crooked gate should be called straight; under the dog, the hay, in front of the horse, the bones must be changed; the hair of the sleeping Queen with Hair in Forty Gyazs must be nailed to 40 pillars; the pearls in the legs and heads, inner and outer trousers should be swapped; in the inner keys, you need to unlock 40 rooms, take the Falcon and the Pearl; the Queen woke up, tells the guards (gate, bridge, etc.) to hold the kidnapper, they refuse; on the way home, the prince buys the brothers from slavery; they tied a sword to the door of the tent, the prince stumbles upon him, stays without legs; his brother pulled out his eyes, put him side by side; the dog and the horse take care of the prince; the voice tells him to hold on to the dog's tail, it leads to the spring, the legs grow, the eyes grow in the eye sockets; brothers they bring the Falcon and the Pearl; the Queen with Hair comes to Forty Gyazov, asks each of the brothers how they managed to get things; she cuts off one's nose, the other's arm, and the third leg; makes them find prince, takes him as her husband, his father gives him the throne]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 8:113-125; Rushantsy [the tsar gives his three sons guns, let them marry wherever the bullet hits; the elders were hit by a bullet the houses of the king and the arbob (foreman), the youngest has a pile of stones; her rupture, the young man sees the serpent, greets her; the big one offers to choose whichever he likes, the young man chooses a motley snake; the brothers avoid the young man, at night, the snake becomes beautiful; when she washed her hair, the brothers saw her, pushed the snake shell into the hearth; the brothers offer the father to get rid of the youngest in order to take possession of his wife; the father tells 1) bring a cauldron with 40 ears; mother-in-law leads to Baba Yaga; along the way, you should call the crooked bridge straight, the sloping garden flat, the loose sand hard, the squeaky door good, take the hay from the dogs, put the horses, bones on the contrary; BYA will sleep with your eyes open, you have to take the cauldron, do not touch the door with your eye; the young man touched, but all the servants of the BU refused to detain him; 2) a mare with 40 foals; mother-in-law teaches how to once, the mare should not touch the ceiling with its head; you have to hit her head with a bottle of sour milk, she will scream, the foals will run after her; 3) the Green Book; in the cemetery, you must take the jews harp from the Lady, playing it, in exchange she showed her grandfather in paradise; he gives an apple to give a piece to her brothers and father; they ate and died]: Andreev 1927d: 113-137; kafirs (kati; west in 1968 in Kabul from a native sat down. Kulem) [the man had three daughters and a son; daughters married diva brothers; the man fell ill, gave his son all the keys to the house and did not give the key to one room alone; when the father fell asleep, the young man pulled out from the key to that room was out of his pocket and opened it; there was a millstone; the young man looked through his hole and saw a beautiful woman; she said: "At one time, your father missed [me], now you're in in turn, you will miss me"; the young man came to his father, who sent him in search; the young man met his sister's maid at the spring; threw a ring into her jug; when the maid poured water on her hands to the hostess, the ring fell into the pelvis; the sister, recognizing his brother's ring, sent him for him; fed him and hid him under the house; the divas returned in the evening; the children began to repeat that the mother's brother was in the basement; the mother was angry, pulled her brother by the hair; the divas stabbed a goat for him; the next day the young man left; met his second sister's maid at the spring; the situation repeated; the same: with the third sister; the young man met a witch who was the sister of the divas; gave her a note from one of her brothers; she recognized the handwriting, let the young man go; the situation repeated with the second and third witches; the young man met the shepherd and asked him where Paradise is the shadow of the sun {the name of the beauty}; the shepherd gave him a staff: "When you reach the river, raise your staff and point to the water; [water] will part and you will go to the other side. You'll get out of there and you'll be in front of the gate. Dice are thrown in front of the donkey and hay is placed in front of the wolf. You throw the hay to the donkey and the dice to the wolf. There are two poles there. Put the one on the right to the left, the one on the left to the right. When you enter the house, pick up the beds spread out, and spread out the collected beds. This house is the house of Paradise - the shadow of the sun"; the young man did as the shepherd told him; R. saw the young man, he asked her where the diva's soul was; R. replied that he did not know; in the evening the diva came and fell asleep; R., on the advice of the young man, took it children in the thicket of thorns; the divas asked why the children were crying; R. said they were asking where their father's soul was; unable to withstand crying, the diva said: "My soul is in one parrot, and a parrot - in a cage. This cage is in a large cauldron, and the cauldron is buried in a hut on the summer." In the morning, the divas flew away, and R. and the young man went to the summer and started digging; they pulled out the cauldron, it had a cage, and the cage was a parrot; the young man tore off his legs, wings and head; the diva fell apart; the young man took R. to his home, his father had a feast]: Grunberg 1980, No. 4:141-145.
Baltoscandia. The Eastern Sami [two brothers tell her sister not to leave the house; once they did not leave her wood or water; she went to get water; a man came out of the lake and carried her away; when they found a bucket by the shore, the brothers weaved a rope of birch branches, the youngest went down to the bottom; tells the hut to turn to the forest with windows, to it with a door; the old woman says that the meat has come; lets him eat half a pig; he throws a ring on the floor, the dog barks, the old woman goes out to see what's going on, he hides the meat; the old woman gives a ball of wool, rolls to the old woman's younger sister; she sweeps the floor with her tongue, takes bread from the oven with her hands; gives a ball, that she goes to her older sister (the episode with the pig, the ring and the dog is repeated); the old woman tells me to take the first horse, it is small, ugly; the man takes another one, comes to his sister, there are three boys they shout that an uncle has arrived; takes his sister away; Stallo-steel catches up with a man, kills; the old woman revives; the same with the second horse; the third time a person takes a little one; the old woman gives two dogs, tells leave them halfway, throw them bread; sister tells them to leave, S. almost catches up, but dogs grab it, eat it; brother and sister kill two children, take the third with them; brother and sister get up; when Son S. climbs, the rope is cut off; in the lower world, the younger brother of the rescued sister meets son S., brings him back; brothers kill him by knocking down a tree on him]: Kharuzin 1890:353-354; Veps [widower marries Baba Yaga's sister; she sends her stepdaughter to the witch for a needle and thread; Yaga tells the worker to heat the bathhouse, wash the girl and then fry her; the girl gives the maid a handkerchief, gives the cat pie, meat for the dog, smears the door hinges with oil, ties an apple tree with a ribbon, runs away herself; Baba Yaga gnaws trees during the chase, makes the bulls drink the lake, but the girl escapes]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 7:201; setu (Satserinna; recorded in Estonian) [the man went to sell linen, returned a year later, leaned over to the water for a drink, someone grabbed him by the beard, let him go for his promise give what she did not know at home; during this time the wife gave birth to a son; (he grew up); one girl told the young man to take with him two loaves, two belts and a ball of yarn; the ball rolled, the young man followed; threw two lions at belt, the other two for bread, they missed it; Damn (vanahalb) tells me to plow the field, etc., bake bread; 2) build a church; 3) build an iron bridge; daughter Devil tells me to go to bed, that's it performs; 4) choose a wife from his daughters, turned into mares, turtles (the assistant will bite and bite other horses, pigeons); the young man gets a wife; she tells him to run, leaves responsible for saliva himself; Damn sends sons in pursuit, wife throws bark behind (forest grows; sons Devil chop, hide axes, lark says he sees where, they have to hide), clay (mountain; same : lark, shovels), water from a glass (lake; Devils drink, burst); young man brings his wife home]: Järv et al. 2009, No. 33:139-141; Finns [mother dies; widow neighbor with her own daughter, persuaded the girl to advise her father to marry her; began to tyrant her; sent her in the winter in the same shirt for strawberries; the girl asked Frost to give her warm clothes, he gave her; she came to the house, there were three little ones little men, the girl shares bread with them; they sent her revenge snow, strawberries under her; one gave the girl even more beauty, the other made gold coins fall from her mouth, the third promised that she will marry the Queen; her stepmother sent her own daughter; she refuses to take revenge on the snow; the little men make her even uglier, toads fall from her lips, she is destined to die miserably; one day her stepmother gave her stepdaughter a piece bread; he rolled, the girl behind him; the ram asks him to cut his hair, the cow to milk, the sheaf to tie; the girl does everything; comes to Hiishi's estate; his wife is at home, she orders to heat the bathhouse and at the same time weave cloth out of wool; while the girl was drowning, the mice hid and weaved everything; H. orders to milk the cows, these are she-wolves and bears, the cat milks; strain the milk - sparrows perform; Hiishi himself came, gives bell, extinguishes the splint - will catch a bell at the ringing; the mouse runs with a bell; in the morning H. gave the girl gifts, put her on the cart and sent her home; old woman H. tells the cow, the ram to detain her, they refuse; tells the oak to beat it with branches, the sheaf protected it; the stepmother sent her own daughter to X.; she refuses to shear the ram, milk the cow, knit a sheaf; drives away mice, cats, sparrows; the mouse did not run with with a bell, H. caught the girl and crushed her badly; on the way back, the oak whipped off, the cow beat her hooves, the ram butted; the girl returned barely alive; the stepmother sent her stepdaughter to wash her skeins of wool in the ice-hole; the queen saw her and married her; she gave birth to a son; her stepmother came, cut off her golden hair, tied her daughter to her head, pushed the Queen's wife into the water; the horse pulled her out and hid her in a stable; the king I found her there; asks the old woman what to do with someone who will replace his wife and push the real one into the water; the old woman: put it in a barrel of thorns, throw it into the water; they did so with the old woman and her daughter; everyone good]: Concca 1993:94-104; Danes [the king asks his daughter to see what's in his hair; she takes off the big louse; they put it in oil, it grows; when the barrels are too small, the louse is stabbed and removed skin; the king is dissatisfied that the princess rejects all suitors; promises to pass her off as saying which animal the skin has been removed from; the wolf sniffs and tells the king that it is the skin of a lice, tells give the princess; brings her to a luxurious castle, forbids lighting a fire; at night the wolf turns into a man, but the princess does not see him; when she gave birth to a son, the wolf immediately took him away; allows him for three days return to parents with the condition that they do not take anything with them from their house; but the mother gives the knife to put on the bed; the husband will be scratched; if he screams, he is a troll, and if he moans, the man; he groaned; forgave his wife, but since then he limped on her right back leg; when the wife gave birth to a daughter, the wolf also took her away immediately; the wife visited her parents again; the mother gave a box of matches and a candle; the wife lit a candle; the husband said that a witch bewitched him for 7 years because he refused to marry her daughter; became a wolf and ran away; she came to Sister Wolf's castle, where her son was; the second sister had a daughter with a wet nurse; the wife went to glass mountain, saw how the Wolf climbed it; she also slides; the old man gave iron shoes to climb the mountain and ointment, heal the cuts; on the mountain in the castle, a woman was hired to the kitchen; a local young hostess She will soon marry the Wolf; the witch tells her daughter's white flannel and black to be washed (the old man performs); tells him to bring jewelry from his sister for the bride; a young man gives a ball to follow; stick a rod in a door that slams all the time; give a bag of grain to geese; tongs to two people who move the heat with their bare hands; ladles are given to girls who interfere with the cauldron with their bare hands; give two loaves of bread to guard dogs; a pot of fat to lubricate the door hinges; the witch's sister can't eat anything, not look back on the way back; the witch's sister gave a calf's leg, the woman threw it under the bench, she answers from there; the second time she hid it under her clothes, the witch's sister believed that the woman had eaten her leg; when the woman runs back, the witch's sister tells the guards to hold her, but everyone refuses because she treated them well; the witch's sister warned them not to open the box on the way, but the woman opened it, the bird flew out and disappeared; the young man asked for the calf leg that remained with him the woman under her clothes, sent her to bring her jewelry again, her leg ran and brought it; having received the box, the witch allowed the woman to attend her daughter's marriage; gave the woman two torches; she can't move, she can burn; the prince grabs them and hands them over to the witch and her daughter; they burned down along with the castle; the meadow on the site of a glass mountain; the couple took the children, returned to the woman's parents]: Grundtvig 1878:251-276 (=Mulley 1878:225-236); Danes: Grundtvig 1920 [the poor have a son, they cannot find a godfather; the beggar agrees to be, gives the boy the name Willy Faith ; leaves a rusty key; when a young man is 14 years old, a house appears, he opens it with a key, there is a talking horse; V. leaves on it; the horse does not tell you to pick up glowing feathers, V. picks it up; is hired by a groom to the king; he forbids lighting the light at night; the feathers glow like fire, V. paints a portrait of a beauty; the groom brings it to the king; the king: this is the daughter of the king whom I killed and who ran away; tells me to get it; horse: it became a bird, it was her feathers; she ordered the king to give a ship; worms are thrown to the fish along the way, barrels are thrown to the whales, meat to wolves and bears on the other side, bread to giants; there is a bird in the castle, turns into a girl; the dog helps to find her among fabrics, straw; on the way back she throws away the keys, but the fish find them and give them to V.; the girl demands that the king bring her castle to her; the king commands the same to V. (giants bring); girl: I need keys; V.: I have them; the girl demands the water of life and the water of death; the horse with V. jumps into the forest, tells me to kill the crow, the raven brings the water of life to revive it, V. takes the bottle ; the horse tells us to let the viper go to the nest; the raven brings the water of death to kill it, the young man takes it; the girl sprinkled V. with the water of death and then the water of life, he has become handsome; the king wants the same, she does it; he wants to go again; but the water of life is over; V. becomes king, marries a girl; the horse tells him to cut off his head, turns into a prince - brother of his wife V.; everything is fine]: 9-26; Holbek 1987 [father does and sells sieves, but drinks everything; the son goes to sell sieves instead of him, gets lost in the forest; sees a portrait of a beauty on a tree, but cannot reach it; a horse appears, tells him to obey, then the portrait falls into his hands; in the castle, a young man was hired by a groom; his purse is filled with money, and his doodles turn into portraits; the servant sees a portrait of a long-missing princess - the one found in the forest; the king does not believe that the young man did not see her, since he has a portrait of her, sends her to get it; the young man goes to the phoenix bird; on the way, the horse turns into a dog; people he meets ask to know 1) why the pear is not bears fruit; 2) where is the missing princess (the other); the young man throws meat to two struggling snakes; millet to two struggling swans; they let it pass; at the lake crossing, the ferryman asks to know how long it takes for him remain a ferryman; in the phoenix house, the princess (the one in the portrait) hides the young man under the bed; asks the phoenix questions on her own behalf; in the morning, the young man and the princess, taking gold, run away; crossing across the lake, the young man says that the ferryman should tell the person he is transporting to take his position; the phoenix in the form of a dragon pursues, but attacks the nails that cover the ship; swans bring the princess (the one they asked to find), she was in a castle hanging in the air; the young man tells him to dig a huge toad from under the pear, generously rewarded; when the young man returns, the princess from his hanging castle visits; they tell the king about this and he tells him to get the castle, because the princess misses it; swans raise snakes into the air, they snack on gold chains, the castle falls on the ship, is delivered; servants they continue to slander the young man, he and his dog are going to be burned; the dog orders to put on the fire the dragon fat that the young man has kept; when smeared with it, the young man and the dog do not feel the heat of the fire; both turn into handsome; the servants themselves throw themselves into the fire, but burn; the young man marries the princess from the hanging castle, and his assistant to the one who was kidnapped by the phoenix; the king objects and goes to the phoenix; remains ferry driver]: 567-568; the Swedes [the king and queen are childless; the queen loved boat trips; the ship stopped suddenly; voice: give what is under her belt; she agreed, not knowing that she is pregnant; the ship sailed again; when he found out what was going on, the king assured his wife that he would protect her from the siren (Meerweib); the prince grew up playing with two cousins, the sons of the neighboring king; his horse carried him to sea and they disappeared into the waves; the prince at the bottom of the sea walks the path to the golden castle of the siren, the lady of the wind and waves; the siren designates him as his page; if he serves well, he will return to his parents; first task : wash my daughter's white yarn and white black yarn; princess: my name is Messeria; if you promise to remain faithful to me, I will do everything; but don't tell anyone; called my mother's little men, everyone took one finished and washed properly; the second task is to separate the two types of grain (wheat and Korn); the little men separated; the third task is to clean the barn in which oxen have been standing for 20 years; now the young man must choose one of her daughters; all of them in the form of different animals; the princess warned that she would be a cat; the siren sent a young man to her sister to borrow her wedding dress for her daughter; M.: there will be a lattice in the gate, grease it with ointment from this horn, you can open the gate; then two men will cut the oak tree with wooden axes, give them iron axes; then the other two threshing with iron flails - give them wooden ones; give them meat two eagles; siren's sister doesn't eat anything; the prince did everything; quietly hid the food offered; but the food answered the siren's sister's question: I'm here under the bed; next time the prince hid the food in the stoves are the same; the third time he hid it under his clothes on his body; the siren's sister believed that the prince had eaten everything; gave her a box of wedding dresses; when the prince left, the siren's sister consistently ordered the guards ( eagles, woodcutters, etc.) detain him, but they say that he helped them and they would not detain him; on the way to the siren, the prince opened the box slightly, although M. did not tell them to do so; a sheaf of sparks broke out ; the prince remembered the little men M. called; knocked on the stone, asked them for help; they jumped out, each grabbed a sparkle and returned them to the box; the siren asked for the prince's luxurious wedding with M. then the young went to the prince's homeland; when he arrived at the king's city, the prince insisted that he go alone first; M. ordered nothing to eat; but he succumbed to persuasion and ate cookies (Pfefferkorn); immediately M. forgot everything that happened to him; they decided to marry the princess next door; during the wedding feast, M. came in as a maid and released two doves; the dove tells the dove three times that he will forget her, how the prince forgot M.; the prince remembered everything, hugged M. and called her his only bride]: Hyltén-Cavallius, Stephens 1848:255-274.
Volga - Perm. Komi [young man dog during the day, man at night; the king gives tasks (build a bridge, palace, church, set up a garden overnight); the dog does everything, marries the royal daughter; the queen peeks, sees in bed for a young man; the dog runs away to Baba Yaga; the wife goes to look, throws meat to bears, peas to magpies, iron on needles, water to the burning steppe; the young run away, live well]: Novikov 1938, No. 47:161-162; Udmurts [Egypt's evil widow tries to lime Anna, the wife of her adopted son Ivan; orders to shear sheep; I.: these are bears and wolves; I. orders to climb an oak tree, knock on it with scissors; animals are trying to get A. their hair, A. brought it; E. sends A. to bring birdeau from his sister; I. tells them to take various foods and items with them; A. gives meat to dogs, oats to geese, a silk belt birch, oils door hinges, tailor needles, roll to the cat; sister E. goes to boil the resin to throw A. into it, the cat tells her to run; is responsible for A.; A. runs away from sister E., throws the brush, grows up forest, walnut - river; stalker asks how to cross; "Spread your handkerchief and swim"; she drowned; A. called E., says that her sister is drowning, drowned her in the same way]: Klabukov 1948, No. 32:92-98 (= Kralina 1960, No. 45:124-129); Mordovians (Erzya) []: Evseviev 1964, No. 24:193-196; Bashkirs [three sons go to look for a cure for their blind father; at a fork in the roads there is an inscription: going to the right will be lucky, to the left - unlucky, straight - both; younger brother goes to the left; the girl in the copper palace tells you to move the barrels of living and dead water, the young man kills the three-headed maiden; the same episode in silver (6-headed) and in a golden house (12-headed deva); a girl from the silver palace advises to lubricate the gate on the way to the 12-headed boy, transfer hay from the dog to the camel, and from the camel to the dog; in The young man sees how the old man and the old woman each pull their fur coat; the young man covers the old woman with a fur coat, the old man's skin; taking medicine and, contrary to the ban, kissing the sleeping girl, the young man runs away, the devil chases, a dog, a camel, a gate, an old man and an old woman refuse to stop the young man; he blows down all 12 heads with arrows; the brothers are jealous, they hang a sword in front of the tent, he cuts off the young man's head; he is revived by someone who recognizes him girl from the golden palace; a young man heals his father, forgives his brothers]: Barag 1988, No. 40:272-281; Kazan Tatars [the hunter shot a duck with pearl feathers, gave it to the padishah; viziers: let him get it the same fur coat; the old woman sends to another, the one to the third, who has such a lamb in her herd; the young man brings the skin; the viziers: let him get the main pearl; this is Sylu's girl from the same third old woman; the first tells the guards to give clothes, bone in front of the bull to the dog, and the hay from the dog to the bull; he takes S., the guards refuse to detain the fugitives; S. refuses to marry the padishah, goes beyond a young man, he himself became a padishah]: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 66:329-335; Bashkirs [an old woman makes a boy out of dough, he comes to life, this is Ikmekbay ("sculpted from dough"); overcomes a bear; the tsar tells him take the bull away, then Queen Kyunhylyu's horse ("sunny"), then steal her; the old woman tells her to grease the gate with tar on the way, give lamb carcasses to dogs, bread to the guards, shovels to the maids, a mirror with a comb - the main slave; I. takes K., her servants do not detain him; K. says that the king is going to throw I. into the cauldron, gives a ring; I. does not cook, the king himself jumps into boiling water, dies; I. marries K., reigns ]: Barag 1988, No. 47:334-340; Bashkirs [Kuzykurpas and Mayankhylu were married before they were born; seeing that K. was growing up as a hero, Father M. Kusyar Khan migrates to seven mountains, valleys and seas; an old woman, whose son was wounded by K., advises him to return his bride better; K. asks his mother to serve him hot roasted wheat in the palm of her hand, clamps her hand; mother tells everything; the old woman gives advice on how to ride Kuk-Tulpara; tulpar tells him to cut his back, get his father's weapons and clothes out; carries K. to the land of Kusyar Khan; on the way, the old man advises, passing between two lakes, pour water from one to another, otherwise the lakes will close in front of him; grateful lakes explain that they were separated, that now K. will connect with M.; the sheep comes to M. to tell about the appearance of K.; M. does not believe, he beats a sheep, since then the sheep fat tail has been split; K. and M. live secretly together; tulpar takes them away from the wedding feast at which Kusyar Khan was going to kill his son-in-law; calling tulpara, K. burned only two, not his three hairs; therefore, Karagul (the contender for M.'s hand) caught up with the fugitives, took M. away, wounded tulpara; waiting for the horse to recover, K. sends a sparrow with news to M. (the crow and the magpie refused); Karagul's wife catches and torments a sparrow, finds out where K. is; Karagul kills sleeping K.; M. kills Karagul, then herself; two apple trees have grown on the grave of K. and M., on the grave of Karagul burdock; he tormented apples, apple birds appeared from the bloody juice, swans came from them; crows appeared from burdock thorns; apple-birds pecked crows]: Sagitov 1987:247-264.
Turkestan. Kazakhs [Temir-gendik ("iron navel") killed enemies; his sister found him crushed by a stone; married him; hid it in a chest; tells her brother that she is sick, tells her brother that she is sick and tells him to get black saiga milk with a bell around his neck; the person he meets advises T. to give the dogs meat from the thigh, the camel a whip, saying "get on a leash"; they skip him, he kills three dhow (devas), cuts off their ears; gives out milk, runs away; the old woman calls the dhow, T. throws her ears; the camel tells the old woman that she did not supply him with a leash, the dogs that she did not feed them meat; T. opens to his mother, kills his sister and her hero, becomes the khan of two peoples]: Potanin 1916, No. 36:142-143; 1972, No. 3:112-113; Kyrgyz: Kebekova, Tokombayeva 2007 [the rich bai Kozhomberdi has a son Janadyp and a daughter Karlygach; J. has a Koektelka horse ( Gray Roe Deer), a white falcon and a white gun; he hunts on Aydin-Köl and Jekendyu-Kul lakes (a clear lake and a lake covered with reeds); his sister asks his brother to give her his horse, falcon, gun, allow hunt in the same place; her brother does not tell her to go to the Kyok-Beles spur; she went, there Chekirkan Khan Kalmakov, hostile to his brother; he was frightened, thinking that J. had come, but calmed down when he realized that it was his sister; she agrees with him; C. says that her brother will not give her well; her sister pretended to be sick, asking for old man Muryok's living water; those who went for her did not return; K. told her brother that lingered because a giant swan almost carried away a falcon that grabbed him; his wife advises J. not to go to M., but he is on his way; at this time, C. slaughtered his people, made his father, mother and wife his slaves - the father herds the cows, the mother of the calves, the wife delivers brushwood in the wild with torn nostrils; at this time the horse tells J. that M. has a fox spy; it must be fresh alive, starting from the tail; when J. skin to the neck, the fox admitted that it was necessary to grab the crow - only he would tell; J. Killed one crow, wounded the other, he ordered to cook two bundles of thorns, two ligaments of tendons, two bags of meat, give to their two camels, two old camel masters (demoness), two dogs; J. took water, M. threw a knife to peel the skin, cutting off the horse's caudal vertebrae; the horse found a mirror at the burnt camp, J. looked - he became an old man from a young man; after drinking living water, he regained his youth; gave the horse, which was also younger; the horse says that there are 40 black starlings in Sister J.'s womb; they must be destroyed before they appear on light; mother and father did not recognize J.; sister came up and started shouting at slave parents; J. shot her, there was a chest in her womb, there were starlings in her womb; J. killed 39, fought with the 40th for 14 days; the horse tore off his thigh, helped kill; after that J. killed C.; after drinking live water, the old men and wife J. also became younger]: 11-17 Sabyr uulu 2008 [Khan Garshas has only son; returning from hunting, he saw a roe deer at the entrance to the cave ; she ran into the cave; the young man looked - she was beautiful in the cave; she became a roe deer again and pooped, jumped over the fortress wall; Khan G. orders to surround the fortress, promises to execute the one over whose head the roe deer will jump; she jumped over the head of a deva named Echermat and ran away; E. chased her, followed by the Khan's warriors; towards the caravan of another khan's son; he gives the caravan to the warrior leader and asks to say that E. was killed; he took E. for himself; said that he was looking for a beautiful woman from the city of Cheungmagun (apparently Chin-Machin); E. asks him to sleep for 40 days, and then promises to get a girl; tells him to wait 40 days; on the way to Chynmagyn, each of the bridges was guarded by 5 guards; bells on the bridge; E. turned into a child, took water in his mouth, began to pour water into bells; then turned into a fly and flew across the bridge; then 40 elders; E. pretended to be a dervish named Majurup; one elder did not believe it; by evening he fell ill, he was taken to the mountains and abandoned; then 40 girls; E. pretended to be an orphan girl; she was taken to watch fire in the hearth; the girls got used to her; she taught them blindfolding and blindfolding games; E. went on, 40 horsemen on the road; E. pretended to be an orphan boy; he was taken look after horses; E. developed timidity in horses, they took the riders to nowhere; 40 dogs, E. threw their bones; sycamore tree leaves branches into the sky, at the foot there is a seven-headed dragon, at the top in gold a girl guarding the golden cage by Dev Semuruk {from the Simurg bird}; E. turned into a dragon with 15 heads; when he saw him, the 7-headed dragon left; E. flew up a sycamore tree as a bird, persuaded deva Semuruk take the girl to the khan's son; then Dev Semuruk left, and Dev E. fell asleep for 40 days, telling the khan's son and girl to follow the dog; but they fell behind, got to the deva brothers; the girl hid in thickets, and the khan's son was thrown into a bucket of salt water; but the dog realized that the Khan's son was in trouble, woke E. up, he went to the devas' house, called, they went out one by one, he tore off their heads; E. fought for a long time as the seventh deva, the girl helped E. win by throwing a lasso over another deva; E. asks the girl not to open one door in the caravanserai; she opened it, there are two calves tied there: black and red . black asks him to untie; became a black deva and does not tell her to untie the redhead; she untied, both devas took her away; she gave birth to a boy in fear; E. came to her, teaches her to tell the deva that her teeth hurt, let will bring a dental remedy; then the girl must pinch her son to cry; say she wants to know where the deva's soul is; dev: go all the ground 7 times to get to a place where there are two mountains; at their foot lake, capricorn grazes by the lake, there is a heavy key to the cave in Capricorn's stomach, there are two pigeons in it: black and red; these are the souls of two devas; E. overheard it, killed a black dove, brought a redhead, tells the deva to let go the prisoners; the devil let go, E. brought him to his home in Kuykap (Mount Kaf); put a yurt to the khan's son and his wife; but E.'s elder daughter-in-law harbored envy of people; threw the scorpion into the pond where the Khan bathed son and wife; E. saw and knocked down a scorpion with a click, but at the bottom a drop of scorpion blood fell on the girl's face; E. began to suck blood; Semuruk descended from heaven and showed a scorpion hidden by his elder daughter-in-law Echermat; E. drove her away; Semuruk took the Khan's son and wife to him; when flying, some stars collided and fell down; so we see shooting stars]: 331-335;.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [Karaty-Kaan om buried a golden bowl, seven camels, seven slaves, seven song girls; the new khan sends poor Dita for a bowl; the old woman gives him combs, needles, iron pillars; when buried with K. rush at him, he gives songwriters ridges, slaves needles, camels to rub poles against them; runs away from the bowl; camels, etc., do not stop him; K. tells him to give the bowl to his son so that he becomes an empty cauldron, and his daughter-in-law is forty; and so it happened]: 127-131; Kandarakova 1988 [throwing reindeer hooves to dogs, tendon guards, becoming a cat, the guy penetrates in the girl's chambers, regains his appearance; they have a son; when leaving, the wife does not tell you to open one barn; the husband opens, 77 seven-headed Tielven's are sitting there; he gives them water, they lock him up with son in the barn; the wife returns, kills the Tielven, puts the latter on the moon; the children are told not to reach out to the moon; one held out, T. went down, grabbed him; the boy tried hold on to the willow; seven-headed T. is visible on the moon, a boy with a willow in front of him]: 120-122; Nikiforov 1915 ["Toybon Khan and nine good Zaisans" (hereinafter T.) summon old man Olökshin ' a; he is old, he has three daughters; the eldest, the middle one go instead of him, return; the youngest comes, looks like a hero; it turns out to be a young man - Ain Shain Shinshirge; Kudai gives him a horse Ilizin 'a; T. offer difficult tasks; 1) bring the fangs of the Karaguly beast (he's like a mountain, ASHSH defeated him, they fraternized, K. gave fangs, T. begged him to take him back, K. devoured half of T. ; the same with Ker-balyk fish; 2) bring a shaman from the sky; she is also a Kan-Kerede bird; ASHSH finds her two daughters in the house, they hide her, they say that the mother will come with wind and rain - the wind of her wings, drops sweat from them; KK arrives, agrees not to swallow the ASHSH, visit the land with him; her daughters marry ASHSH; when a shaman hits a tambourine, T.'s people and cattle do not multiply, but die; 3) bring from Vladyka Yerlik's dead are two distilling jugs and a fur coat; mother-in-law gives ASHSH poles, coals, eyes, tendons (in hell two camels rub against poles, not against an ASHSH horse, well done not burn coals from ASHSH, but they take ready ones, girls do not pull thread tendons out of the horse, crows peck their eyes); ASHSH crosses the hair bridge J aza ("past") Baspas ("don't step"); at the hoe stump, if she lies on the ground, a woman dies, if she lives on a stump; near a peak (the same sign for a man); the lungs of two people are connected in a stream, the water does not carry them up or down (two kama have not finished their studies, this is their punishment ); the horse teaches you to throw sand into the yellow swamp, to say Father's Good (swamp), if you are Altai, the swamp dries up; then two people tied to poplars, they catch trying to escape from E.; Información suplementaria a mare hits a person on the head with a hoof (a man stole and ate a foal from a mare); a black stone is plugged in his mouth (took bribes); an old man and an old woman have a cauldron crushed by a stone (stingy during their lifetime); naked the young woman holds a marl in her hands, the other laughs (the second asked the first one three times, she did not give it); the spouses pull the blanket from each other, the others lie covered (the former quarreled, the latter lived in harmony) ; E. asks to bring three horses, I.'s horse helps to do this; E. leaves ASHSh. on his throne for a while, tells him not to go to the mountain; ASHSH goes, sees lakes of people's tears, shrubs made of their hair; gives vessels and a fur coat, asks I.'s horse in return; I. breaks down, returns to the ASHSH to the ground; E. asks the ASHSH to migrate, devours T. and all living things in his land; ASHSH says goodbye to his parents, goes to the upper world]: 31-64; Potanin 1916, No. 59 (west from a baptized Altai in the village. Onguday in the river valley Ursul) [Altai-Buchi went to fight Demichi-ter; his wife Edil-Jebil and sister Edil-Kojil wrote a letter with the duck to Aranai-Charanay, Elden-Chaldan's son, that they would be better off without Ab; they gave Ab wine with sweat workers and a horse; Ab fell into a hole; AH ordered Ab's sixth horse to be tied, his thumbs cut off; three more horses, two dogs and two golden eagles Ab were also confused and taken away, but Demichi-Jeren's horse (DD) tricked them into freeing them, becoming a sparrow, took Ab's thumbs away; Ab's wife gave birth to Kan-Sorysh, DD, becoming a sparrow, carried him through the smoke hole in the yurt; the mother cut off her son's leg, but DD stole his leg; from the sky from the milk lake, where the birch tree is in bloom, brought the girl Temene-ko, she revived everyone, put the cut back, married the COP; Ab tied his wife to the tails of nine horses; went underground to fight with Aranai-Charanay; fished with a fishing rod with a bait of 6 bulls, this fish is gone; marries Kan-Jackpay's sister; goes to look for his missing son; the serpent climbs into the nest of the Kan-Gerede bird, Ab kills him; the chick replies that when his mother arrives, it will rain a little, there will be wind; the bird sends Ab to Yerlik to look for Altyn-Gerel; the wife gave needles (open it in front of two camels, have time to pass between them), one hundred eyes (let two crows and two magpies bite), threads (give two girls so that they do not tear them out), coals (give coal burners so that they do not burn themselves), iron (to blacksmiths, so as not to split themselves); a woman, a goat and a foal in front of her, she stole them from a mare and a goat during her lifetime; it is not enough for some spouses to hide 9 sheepskins, others feel good under one; children who looked sideways at their parents are hooked for eyes; the woman who killed the child is hanged by the navel; who condemned people, and freestyle himself, the soles are pinned with iron; the woman has a male bone, the man has a female bone, both freestyle; the murderers boil in sulfur; Ab beats E. with twigs that have grown out of her hands, she promises to help him; Ab made a live head go to Kutai, dead to Yerlik; (etc.); Kan-Jackpay nailed Jergenis-Boko's lower lip (boko is a strongman) to the ground, lower to the sky; Kan-Sorysh cut his stomach inside and got out]: 181-186; Tuvans (b. Buren-Gol) [Khan's son wants to take his wife Ulberg; she hides her husband; Karabta Khan's son turns into various objects, W. finds and defeats him every time with the help of his wife; then Khan W. sends W. to Yerlik for a damask knife; on the way, a flower meadow, a cliff, a boiling sea must be libated; two women should be given veins for sewing, two camels should drive two pegs into the ground, two dogs - a piece of meat, three heroes - a lasso; W. takes a knife; they all let W. go back and forth when W. takes the knife and E. chases him; E. kills Khan and his son, takes his knife, hits him Yerlika]: Potanin 1883, No. 131:412-416 (similar episode with camels, dogs, heroes, crows in Orus-ool 1997:159-163); South Altai Tuvans [on the advice of a horse, Ergen-ool agrees become a friend of a black snake; he turns into a young man on a blue horse; he sends him to his house, hands him a golden casket; it contains cattle marks, scissors, a needle; he throws it away, finds a beautiful woman in the morning, yurt, lots of cattle; Haragathy Haan sends servants to fry quails; quails burned down, E.'s wife gave them three pieces from the tail of the sheep, sprinkled them with her milk, XX and his people ate this month; XX comes to her yurt, she makes him stick to objects three times at night; E. arrives in the 20th century, his horse reaches the clouds with his withers, rolls the boulders of the lower world with his feet; XX tries unsuccessfully poison E. with araka; XX offers to hide; the wife turns E. into an iron on fire, hearth tongs, scissors; tells her husband that XX has turned into felt wool on the roof of the yurt, a reed stem, a yellow whip ; XX tells you to kill Erlik Haan and return; his wife asks you to take sandbags, tendons, leather sticks, sheep's tail; a black dog runs through the scorched pasture; he must be fed a sheep's tail, strangle him, put his tail in his mouth; pour sand on a snowy mountain to cross it; camels will ask if to scratch about you or your horse - give them leather; women - pull tendons out of you or from a horse, give them tendons; in the world, Erlik E. meets that black dog; the dog says that when Erlik is awake, he says, I sleep, and when he sleeps, I don't sleep; by morning Erlik fell asleep , E. tore off a piece of his heart, flew away with a falcon; sees a man leading a black dog; this revived Erlik led to him XX]: Taube 1994, No. 3:61-69; darhatas (recorded from a Tuvan who understands only Darhatsky) [Tangyl Mergen wins, makes hero Khaeran-Hara-Beho a friend; they kill 23-headed Athar Shar Mangys; at this time, 30-headed Mangys swallowed TM's house and sister; then swallowed them themselves; TM cut him from the inside, freed his sister and people; goes to get the betrothed Dagina, the daughter of Lusai Khan; shoots an arrow at the fox, the fox is entangled in the plumage of the arrow, asks not to kill, talks about obstacles to paths; red rock to the sky; two crows pecking their eyes; two cannibal camels; two Khasyr-Basyr dogs; vast sea; TM pierce the rock with an arrow, throws bags of eyes to crows, solonets to camels, dogs have bones, horses have jumped the sea; they meet Lusay Khan's shepherds, one of them says that L.'s death in a white stone in a mouse hole under the ridge; to get daughter L., you must win her fiancé Kuruldey-Mergen's competition; horses were allowed to run around Mount Sumbur, but KM people shot TM; KM married D., but she wants to bring her betrothed to life, flies to Erlik, takes a bottle of potion, says HHB kill the tiger that TM was reborn into, pours the killed potion into the nostril, which is reborn by Tanguyl Mergen; TM kills L., destroying the receptacle of his soul, kills KM (his death was stuck in a needle stuck in bow); they returned home, TM gave his sister HCB]: Potanin 1883, No. 148:512-517; the Mongols [childless Khan Solombo Lama predicts that his property will go to the poor boy; S. takes the child is raised, buried alive in the snow; an old woman found him, he grew up, married; S. found out, told the young man to bring the soul of the deceased from hell; the wife gives her a bag of eyes (give it to crows), the bag lived (women ), salt (cannibal camel); on the way, a woman asks why she has horns; people why the temple they are building is collapsing; man why he stuck to the boat; gives her eyes, veins, salt; passes between golden and silver mountains; Vladyka's wife is kidnapped by the young man's sister; hides it in a hole under the hearth; the wife asks the returning ruler why those people were punished (the woman did not give milk to the poor man, temple builders used to be robbers; the boatman profited from transporting people); you can take some gold and silver from the mountains; in the morning, Vladyka left, his sister told what he had learned, gave the soul of the deceased; he brought S. gold and silver; S. himself went to hell, was torn to pieces on the way]: Mikhailov 1967:161-166.
Eastern Siberia. Ayan Evenki [Nivaniken hunts, Kukeki does the housework; three women come down from the sky, comb K.'s hair; N. watches for women, hides a pair of silver wings; the wife asks K. to return them, for which she gives that K. did not eat; it turns out to be a deer stomach; N. kills K., goes to look for his wife; the old woman sends him to her sister; she tells me how to get to the place where is his wife now; he runs with an ermine past a kite that covers the sun; after killing two deer, he throws them to two bears on the sides of the path; throws a crest on the rock, which becomes a ladder; killing two goats, throws them to two wolves, they let him in; a long-haired woman comes out, N. kills her; returns his wife; K. revives at home; he brings N. to the hole, N. falls into the underworld; two girls have each other a friend is taken away by a needle, N. breaks a needle, gives each half; the same with boys quarreling over an arrow; the old woman asks if he will put the pillow to the mountain or to the shore; N. replies that to the mountain, wakes up at home; digs a hole under K.'s bed, he fails, kills girls and boys, says he does not return to the shore]: Voskoboynikov 1960a, No. 11:79-83.
SV Asia. Chukchi [the girl told her father that the vazhenka has a wart; father: you just want to slaughter her; the girl saw the devil, threw it into the canopy, left; in the yaranga there is an old woman, at the entrance there is a wolf and a bear on a leash, the girl threw meat to them, they let it in; old woman: if you need my help, scratch your left hand; when the girl returned to the old camp, there were only yaranga poles, hell by the big cauldron and the few remaining deer; the girl fed him 10 cauldrons of meat, put him to sleep and ran away; the devil catches up; she consistently throws him her torbas, siskins (torbas stockings); when the hell swallows the second siskin, scratched her hand; the old woman lowered the bear and the wolf, the wolf killed the devil, the girl stayed with the old woman]: Brodsky, Innecay 2018, No. 21:46-48.
The Arctic. Scoundrel: Birket-Smith 1953:167-170 [The raven marries Tresky's daughter; the girl wants crane eggs, the Raven pulls them out, marries, takes his wife away in a boat; killer whales ask him to close his eyes, kidnap him wife; the bird tells the Raven who is the kidnapper, for which he receives larvae; puts him under water; the Raven consistently comes to the Old Cod Woman, Halibut, Red Snapper, Perch; everyone replies that the kidnappers have just passed by; Perch warns that Killer Whales have a Crane as a watchman, gives a spear to bribe him; the Raven gives a spear to the Crane, since then the cranes have a long beak; Killer whales sleep, the Raven snoops, how they accidentally croak, grab it, put it under a stone, make a fire on top; the Raven has bark with him, he chews it, spits out red juice, killer whales think it's blood, take it out, throw it into the latrine place; his wife comes there; the Raven tells her to go back and wait; gets out, washes; pretends to be a leader, takes Squirrels, Martens, Lasok, Norok with him; the Killer Killer Chief asks why his men are so fast; The raven replies that he cut out a piece of each of their liver, lungs and heart; invites killer whales to lie in a row, smears each eye with resin; the leader has one eye barely sees; the Raven rips open the Killer Whale one by one , the chief notices this, runs away through the chimney; The raven and his wife load the boat with the property of Killer Whales, sail away], 171 [see motif L74; The bear bites off the man's hand, the Raven returns it, heals the patient; for this The chief gives him a daughter; the Raven takes her in a boat, brags about killer whales (blackfish) that only his wife has such a rich fur coat; they promise to give him fish, ask him to close their eyes, kidnap his wife; the Raven comes to the old woman, the mistress of the tides; the bird helps him fall under the water; the Blue Watchman Crane screams, the Raven gives him a copper spear, since then the cranes have a long beak; the Crane that pops out Killer Whales explains that he yelled when he sleepy; takes the girl out of the Killer Whale house, the Raven runs away with her].
Subarctic. Helmet [A beaver sails in a boat down the river; an old shrew helps him with advice, gives him two fish; a snake on both banks of the river; he throws fish into his mouth, they eat fish, Beaver swims by; turns into a bird, lets two sisters catch himself; the eldest takes him to their bed, he turns into a man; father-in-law cooks him in a cauldron, he flies out as a bird, comes back; father-in-law gives difficult tasks; see motif K27]: Teit 1917a, No. 1:435-441 (the episode with snakes on p.236).
NW Coast. Tlingit: Swanton 1909, No. 4 [Killer whales kidnap a woman who comes to the water; the husband follows her; the Chief of the Sharks advises the husband to wish the slave's axe to split; the axe splits, the husband repairs it, for this, the slave agrees to help], 59 [the leader of Killer Whales marries a woman; when entering the sea, the husband lifts the water like a blanket; passes several villages where different types of fish live; the cod is pale, walks upside down; a man paints Cod red; Sharks show him the village of Killer Whales; while a slave floods the hearth, the husband takes his wife away; Sharks kill Killer Whales to prevent the chase]: 26-27, 215-217; Hyda (Skidgate ) [killer whales take the woman away, the man at the bottom of the sea takes her as his wife; the husband first gets to the floating seaweed, then goes down to the bottom; gives gifts to the Heron Watchman, who hides him; grabs his wife when steam envelops the room where she is sitting; returns home with her]: Swanton 1905:244-247 [see motif K27; an old man helps her husband find his wife's trace; advises giving the Heron tobacco and wicker cedar branches; The heron hides husband in his mouth; hides him again when he and his wife run away from her captors], 338-340 [The marten takes her husband to the floating seaweed; he gives the Heron cedar branches, a drill, a whetstone; the Heron hides him under with the mouse; the husband helps the slaves Raven and the Raven cut down a tree; they throw a vessel of water over the hearth to fill the room with steam; at home, the hero hides his wife in a box; one day he finds him empty, and in a box hole]; hyda (Masset) [the young man lives with his grandmother; the uncle sees that he is a good hunter, gives his daughter for him; at the request of his mother-in-law, the son-in-law gets a sea otter; the wife goes to the sea to rinse the skin, the killer whales take it away; the husband goes down to the bottom of the sea, gives mouse fat, whetstone to the Heron (sharpen her broken beak), Geese - tc! al (plant?) , they skip it, everyone explains how to overcome the next obstacle; a man makes a Tesla broken by a slave intact, he promises to pour water into the hearth; in the clouds, the couple takes his wife away; throws it behind hair from a comb (bushes), a comb (mountain); they climb a rope to the surface; the Killer Whale slave does not delay, but pushes the boat]: Swanton 1908a, No. 35:495-500; bellacula [Blackfish kidnaps Vaovalis's wife, when she comes to the sea to wash clothes; in the underwater world, a slave splits a log with a wedge; V. tells the wedge to break; repairs it himself; a grateful slave promises to fill the hearth with water; steam envelops the room, V. takes his wife away, climbs a rope into the boat with her; finds the bones of his adopted son in her, who died waiting for exhaustion, because V. spent a year; V. revives him]: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 544-546; Heiltzuk [Vavalis sends his wife to rinse the cat's skin; the woman is kidnapped by Killer Whale; the husband follows her; the Crow, Halibut, Cod reply that the woman has passed recently; the chief's slave splits the logs; V. tells his wedge to break; repairs the hearth for promising to fill the hearth with water; hiding behind clouds of smoke, takes his wife away]: Boas 1928b: 105-107; uvikino [the young man shot a log, and it turned out to be pink salmon; Salmon offers to go with it to his country; on the way gives a bait fish to help kill an eagle; eagle feathers will serve as a valuable gift; near the salmon country, the Crane raises anxiety, Pink salmon gives him fish to stop talking; the same with Kingfisher; the young man marries a female leader, she is a chinook salmon; all the fish received an eagle's pen; two years later, Pink salmon delivers the young man and his wife to the boy's father; the young man's wife remained human, no longer turned into fish]: Hilton, Rath 1982:86-95; quakiutl [{beginning missing?} ; Omal (Raven) comes to the Killer Whale's servant, tells his four wedges to split; he repairs it himself; the slave helps him find the Killer Whale's wife; O. hides in the wood, hugs the woman when she takes firewood; kills many Killer Whales, Ducks; returns to Earth with a woman]: Boas 1910, No. 18:217-223.
The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [seal hunter tells new wife not to look if she hears dogs chewing; woman watches; sees first wife in Wolverine guise; she bites her in half; husband burns her Rossomokha, pushing into the earthen furnace, revives his new wife; one day he brings a white seal, asks his wife to wash the carcass; she enters the water, the marine inhabitants take it away; the husband dives, brings stones to the little fish, under which fish live, makes blind geese sighted; Satsan cuts down a tree to make the kidnapped woman fins; the husband tells the wedge to split; repairs; for this S. pours water into the fire; the husband carries wife; S. prevents the pursuers from leaving the house, Geese and Fish put obstacles in their way; the sea floods the earth to the sky; the husband kills his wife with an ax, throws it into the water; the water begins to fall; first Muskrat, Then the Beaver dives, both repeatedly bringing portions of clay from the bottom; man makes new land out of them]: Jenness 1934, No. 8:141-143; halkomel (snanaimuk) [hunter kills seals; his wife goes to wash the skin, carried away by Finval; the husband goes down to the bottom; makes blind women see, they show the way; the crane shows the way, gets a spear; the slave asks to repair the split wedge; for this he pours water to the hearth in Finval's house; husband grabs his wife, they get home safely]: Boas 1895, No. V.3:55-56; skagit [Grizzly and Brown Bear are married to Woodpecker; Bear brings ripe berries, Grizzly green; The bear warns her husband that the Grizzly will kill her by looking for flint arrows in her head; the Bear's youngest son sees the Grizzly fry his mother's chest; the woodpecker makes the sons from the Bear arrows with flints, from Grizzly - with charcoal tips; the former kill the latter (this is not a game); Woodpecker gives them berries, feathers, spears to pay bushes, tinder for spruce, Crane; flies away from the Grizzly, taking a baby; bribed bushes they let the Bear's children in, but prevent the Grizzly from escaping; the Crane stretches its leg like a bridge; the Bear's sons cross to the other side, give the Crane a spear; he pretends to have a leg ache; twitches, when the Grizzly steps at her, throwing her into the river; she swims out; runs to Flint, the Bear's father, with whom his grandchildren are hiding; he invites her to enter the house backwards; the blade cuts her in half; sons fly to the forest to their woodpecker father; the baby turns into red feathers on his head]: Hilbert 1985:130-136.
The Midwest. Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 70 [Menapus warns his son Wolf not to cross the bay on ice; he breaks the ban, the ice breaks, the Wolf sinks; the spirits fear M., send his son away back; M. tells him that it is too late, tells him to go to the sunset, light the lights there; all the dead will follow him; the spirits make a big game of lacrosse for all animals; M. pretends to be a stump; Bear, The snake tries, confirms that it is a stump; M. shoots at the spirit leader, runs away; Kingbird replies that he is watching where the giblets of his son M. emerge; M. touches his head, now the feathers are tousled; the old woman goes to treat the leader of the spirits, M. asks her, kills her, puts on her skin; the way to the leader is guarded by two bull frogs, Garter-Snake; M. promises them the leader's fat, they miss it; now these frogs have a greasy mouth, and the snake's body shines; M. kills the leader, runs away; The old badger hides him in a hole]: 153-159; Ojibwa (chippewa): Barnouw 1977, No. 45 [the young man lives with his aunt; sees girls bathing, they turn into frogs, he brings them to his bed; his aunt hears giggling at night; throws frogs away in the morning, tells his nephew to marry women; on the way, the young man stumbles upon his younger brother, turned below the waist into a stump; he says that their uncle killed their father and other brothers, explains how to walk along the path leading to women; a man gives tobacco to two snakes spewing flames on the sides of the path, calls them grandfathers; shows two swans a red cloth; reaches women and turns back; they kill snakes and swans for letting an alien pass; they follow the young man themselves, become kind when they leave from under the father's authorities; the uncle pretends to be dying, demands to bring him a bear and two otters to recover; the young man gets them; the perfume gathers for the feast; the uncle's sisters cry that they should eat his dogs; uncle Shoots his nephew in the chest, he turns into a squirrel, unharmed; kills his uncle with an arrow; heals his stump brother, gives him one of his wives; the younger brother forgot that it is impossible to mention his uncle, he immediately appeared; brothers and wives ran away, got rid of their uncle]: 64-68; Blackwood 1929, No. 3 [the giant killed everyone, the grandmother hid Manabazoo in a hole from the teepee pole; M. made all the animals out of the ground, revived them, released them into the forest; smeared fat boat to swim across resin near the giant's house; bribed the guards - made the whale the greatest fish, poison rattlesnakes, painted them; gave tobacco to bears (like whales); fed parrots, they did not pick them up alarms; they reported that the giant's vulnerable spot was under a scythe at the back of his head; M. hit the place with an arrow, took out paint, released birds from captivity, painted it; the woodpecker made it beautiful for help, the crow and left the crow black for ridicule; the squirrel showed where the bag with the hearts of the dead people was; on the way back, M. and the squirrel were swallowed by a whale; M. pierced his heart with an arrow, released black paint; the grandmother saw her on water; M. ordered the birds to hammer a hole outside the whale, M. and the squirrel came out; M. painted the seagull white, gave claws en masse, made the bird leader; on the feast, M. gave voices to the birds; the squirrel carried their hearts to the graves, M. revived people; gave the squirrel the right to all nuts; people named M. Hiawatha, "All-Father"]: 329-332
Northeast. Seneca [with the help of a magic arrow, a young man kills many deer, marries the leader's daughter; sorcerers kill him; his wife follows him into the world of the dead; throws two cougars along the pheasant guarding the path; the dead dance; the Mother of the Dead puts the woman's husband's soul in a pumpkin bottle, gives it to her, tells her to cover the holes in her husband's body with clay when she returns, then let his soul into his mouth; the man comes to life]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 116:565-573 (also Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 2, 24, 114:83, 149, 554, 571 in Thompson 2000, No. 113c:308); Seneca [Hodadeio lives in a teepee with her older sister; when she leaves, she closes leash door; he plays with the raccoon's leg, throwing it up and shooting accurately; hears some sounds on the bunk beds under the roof; sister: this is your brother Casheed; she scrapes off a little chestnut, cooks, knocks on the pot, the pot is filled with porridge; after eating, Casheed sings, but is still weak; then gives tobacco to smoke; the voice is stronger; the sister leaves, H. cooks all the chestnut at once, gives all the tobacco, now Cashed is strong; sister: more There are no chestnuts, Casheed will die; witches have chestnuts in the east of the world; there are trees across the river, two rattlesnakes on the other side; then a narrow passage in the mountains, two giants on both sides; then hill, there is a woman; if she sees, sings, witches run out and kill; H. learns to catch bigger game: chikadi, robin, partridge, turkey, raccoon, deer, bear; sister does not tell me to go to north; H. is coming; the stump has become human: I am a great sorcerer, I will rain spears on you; H. ordered the teepee to become stone, the spears would not pierce it; sister: you went north; H.: I will not do it anymore; but he let him into that part of the forest is fire, the sorcerer's head burst, an owl flew out of it, flew away; {H. wins and kills uncles and cannibals}; crossing the river, H. gave the snakes a chipmunk and told them to leave; gave a cake to the giants, gave beans to two herons, told them to leave too; told the mole to lift it up a steep mountain; grabbed half a chestnut and returned to sister; H. hears a scream; sister: your brother is screaming; he is tied to a pole and burned with fire; his tears turn into wampum, he is collected; and the tobacco was stolen by the great sorcerer Long Eyebrows; H. came to the village, where his brother is tortured, stayed with an old woman and her grandson; their names are also called to collect wampum; two women burn their brother from different sides so that the wampum falls down continuously; H. sedated everyone, untied them and took their brother to old woman; made a stone teepee where everyone slept, made it hot, everyone died; then he knocked down a tree on the bones of his relatives: get up, the tree falls; everyone came to life, bounced; leaving his brother to recover, H. came to Long Eyebrows; hits him on the head with a hammer, but he: the mice are running; finally raised his eyelashes, tied him behind his head, scraped his eyes with the sink and looked; chased H., but he hit him with arrows, took the tobacco and told the tobacco to fly to his sister; took lively people there; the old woman's grandson, although he was one of the cannibals, promised not to eat human beings anymore; marking places where must be wigwams, H. created wigwams for lively people; {on p. 343; further adventures}]: Curtin 1922:327-350.
Plains. Sarsi [The Sleeping Serpent (NW) needs flint to sharpen his father-in-law's horn scraper; he takes his wife, goes south, where the Stone lives; he kills men, takes their women, and has many wives ; two rattlesnakes lie on the sides of the entrance to his tipi; the NW calms them down; he is given a bowl of poison, he blows, the liquid evaporates, he returns the empty bowl; he also removes the rattlesnake from the pipe, smokes it; leaves his amulet (wolverine's tongue) in the doorway, he pierces the Stone's heart; the corpse is placed on the fire, it explodes into pieces of flint; now people have flint]: 143-144.
California. Chumash [Eagle's nephew Xelex harpoons sea bass; Swordfish takes him away; the Eagle sends the Coyote to bring his nephew back; at the bottom of the Coyote gives the Door of the House to Swordfish tobacco, it opens; throws poisonous mushroom powder into the face of an old Swordfish, making him talk about the customs of Swordfish; 1) Swordfish let the Coyote eat huge pieces of whale meat; he sticks a flute through him passes meat through it, pretending to eat; 2) brings a huge whale; 3) wins the run, surrendering a lot of coyotes from their excrement and telling them to run separate sections of the distance; makes the Sword- revive fish K.; returns home with K.; he gets married]: Blackburn 1975, No. 26:175-189.
The Great Southwest. Navajo [the brothers of the Gods of War come to their Father Sun; at the entrance they are consistently threatened by pairs of guards - bears, snakes, lightning bolts; they appease them by casting spells and showering them with flower pollen]: Buxton 1923 [White-bead-woman has two children; she tells them that their father is a hill; they don't believe it; The wind says Nayezesegoni was conceived by the Sun; they go to the Sun; the wind teaches that tell the guards (a cougar, two bears, a snake, lightning), they miss; the Sun's wife hides those who come in a cloud; the Sun finds, offers a steam room, heats iron instead of stones; someone has dug a hole, children hid in it, did not burn; the informant does not remember the next three tests; The sun gives a poisonous decoction, the Wind teaches to neutralize it with the help of a caterpillar; the Sun recognizes children as its own, dresses like the other two children in their home; those who came asked for help against monsters; the Sun gave them lightning arrows, sent them to the ground with lightning; with the help of the Wind, N. dodges the Giant's blows, knocks down the Giant's armor himself, kills, returns to her mother; she is getting younger; N. kills a horned animal; a mountain ram]: 298-302; Matthews 1994, No. 111:110-111, 232 (note 111); (cf. O'Bryan 1956 [see M24 motif; 12 young men kill two Rock Dancers (JS); JS surround them; two brothers escape, the rest are killed; brothers ask for help from the Flintlock Men, old men Bear and Snake they kill the leaders of the JS, demand the sisters of two brothers for this; the brothers do not want to give them up, offer competitions, the Bear and the Snake win; they come to girls in the guise of handsome young men; in the morning they see next to The Bear and the Snake; they say that the Flintlock People will now kill them anyway, help them escape; the younger sister goes to the plain, the eldest stays in the mountains; enters the cave; two bears, two bears, two, are guarding the entrance caresses, crane with crane; chipmunk whistles, guards let a woman pass; she gives birth to a girl in a kiva; then marries, gives birth to a boy; see motive F64]): 131-137; Hopi: Fewkes 1895 [woman conceives twins - Young Man (Tuyu, aka P üüko ñhoya) from sunlight and Echo (Palu ñhoya) from a stream of water; brothers destroy monsters (see motif J60); they go to visit the Sun Father; the rocks at the entrance to heaven move and then diverge; an old man sits on a rocky cornice near the abyss into the lower world by the path; collides passers with his legs straightened; The twins bounce, magically make him sit quietly; the same with other guards - the Bear, the Puma, the Snake; the Sun puts the twins in the oven, they are neurodym, he recognizes them as sons]: 132-137; Stephens 1929, No. 8 [The Pyüükoñhoya and Palüñahoya twins live at their grandmother's house, go to their father the Sun; the guards of the Sun House are the Bear, the Puma, the Rattlesnake, the Passage in the Rock, the Walls who close and then disperse; the twins throw the Spider's magic remedy to the guards, they skip them; the path goes along the edge of an abyss in which the lower world; an old man sitting with his back to the wall suddenly stretches out his legs, the twins jumped back, pacified him with the same magic remedy]: 18-19.