Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I3. Thunder Weapon .12.13.15.-.19.21.-.24.26.-.

Lightning (and thunder) produces an object (sword, arrow, whip, mirror, etc.) in the character's hands; lightning is an object.

West Africa. Kissy [rain is the tears of Sia, the little daughter of the supreme god Meleka; she often cries because people are doing evil; then M. screams and takes out her sword - thunder and lightning; first M. and her daughter lived in the same place, S.'s tears also shed in the same place, filling the sea; M. handed his daughter to the winds and they began to bring rain to land]: Pinney 1973:61-62; moshi [Wende asked give him her knife to the toad; she gave it, but in exchange asked her to fill her basket with water; W. still rains the ground, but the basket does not fill; the zipper is that knife]: Tauxier 1917:497.

Sudan - East Africa. Sudanese Arabs (baggara) [the woman has 4 adult sons, she is pregnant again; she cannot raise brushwood on her back in the forest; the son from the womb asks if she can help; how to get out? refuses to be born normally or through his mouth, wants through his little finger; his name is Abu Saraera, he was born fully armed; with him a white ram with razors on its tail; he came on a ram following mother; at home he tied his weapon around the neck of a ram and sent it to the savannah; the AU brothers do not like it: let the mother keep it with her, but he will not go hunting with them; the AU burned her hairs unnoticed by his mother a ram; a ram with weapons appeared, the AU rode on it, caught up with the brothers; they came to the drone, she has 4 daughters; AU warns not to sleep with girls and not to drink or eat anything; brothers: you will still point out spend the night with the cattle; the AU let the sheep go; the gulya gave milk to the horses; when the brothers fell asleep with the girls, the AU gave the brothers girlish hairstyles and the girls men's hairstyles; answers the gula that she is awake: her cattle is too much voices loudly; gulya slaughtered the cattle; next time the AU answered as if through sleep; seeing men's hairstyles, Gulya cut off the heads of her daughters; the brothers rode horses, AU on a ram; gulya chases and shouts: those who drank my milk die; the brothers' horses have fallen; the AU put the brothers on his ram; the gulya caught up and grabbed the ram by the tail; but there are razors; she hurt herself and stopped the persecution; came to AU's mother's house as a beautiful girl; AU kicked her out, but her older brother accepted her happily; when she fell asleep, she pulled out one eye for him and returned to her; people begged AU to go get her eye back, elder the brother was guilty; the AU came to the drone under the guise of an old woman; ordered to tell the maid that he (i.e. the old woman) was Guli's sister; pretended to defecate with hair, bones, scraps of human and animal skin; gulya believed it was her sister; she complains that the manager of her cattle and slaves has lost an eye and now she has to do everything herself; gulya: I can give it; - How can I insert it? - Lubricate the eye socket with black goat milk; AU returned the eye to his brother; the gulya turned into a big tree in the middle of the village; the children climbed on it and began to play; the AU drove them away, but their parents were indignant; the AU became cutting roots is like iron; gulya has become a ghoul again and took away all the children; parents are willing to pay dearly for the AU to return the children; he went to the drone again; Guli has a pregnant cow with a bell, she is watching for the kidnapped children, and the gulya knows where the children are by the sound of the bell; the AU replaced the calf in the cow's womb; she calves; the calf kicks in the stall, wants to see his mother; when the cow and the children have gone away , AU took his form, killed a cow, hung her severed head with a bell on a tree; the wind shakes her, the bell jingles, the gulya thinks that the cow and children are in place; the AU returned all the children to their parents; when clouds rise, AU is not visible; and when lightning, he throws a razor out of his ram's tail and can split a tree or kill a person]: Frobenius 1923, No. 27:299-308; anuak [owned lightning stork; while fishing, this light was lit and all the birds were fishing; the rain began to pour cold rain on the stork and it had to give Rain lightning]: Evans Pritchard, Beaton 1940, No. 11:63.

Southern Europe. Basques [lightning - a stone (bronze, iron) ax or flintlock knife that fell to the ground]: Zelikov 2018:27.

Western Europe.

The Germans (Black Forest) [when thunder is heard, the children say the Savior is shooting]: Meier 1852, No. 290.2:259

Western Asia. Oman [Kibaykib was partly a genie, lived alone and didn't bother anyone; ate donkey meat, which he cooked on hot stones in a hole in the ground; he had a magic sword, lightning, which he even cut iron and stones; Kibaikib used it to cut stones from which he built towers; he often slept in a place called Navm, in one of the towers; one day a poor man named Qadah came for a swim in the spring, Ayn Nagab and saw jinnia bathing naked; he jumped on her, hugged her tightly, squeezed milk out of her breasts and drank it; ginnia: after drinking my milk, you became a son among my sons, otherwise I would I destroyed you; and now I want you to steal Kibaikib's sword; I'll tell you where the pagan is hiding; you'll find him in Ramiyat Sir; if Kibaikib is lying with his eyes closed, he does not sleep, but if open, he sleeps , and you can take the lightning; determine where it is by the glow near his heads; when Kada came and saw the lightning, Kibaikib's eyes were open; he crept up and grabbed the lightning, but could not do it silently; Kibaikib woke up and Kada jumped like a leopard]: Insall 2000:100 -101

Australia. Vikmunkan [rainbow serpent Taipan throws his big red knife tied to a rope at the trees in anger; it's lightning; pulling it back on the ground produces thunder]: Roheim 1945:196; Kunwinku (non-Pama-Nyung family) [Namarrkon looks like a mantis. There are lightning rods around the body. There are axes on the shoulders and knees. He cuts trees with these axes. The thunder begins when everything is in time.] https://www.kunwinjku-aboriginal-art.com/lightning-man-dreamtime.html.

Melanesia. Foi [enemies attacked, a man named Kepi and a woman survived; K. came to the enemies, waited for them to fall asleep, and carried the bow out of the mansion; with this bow he killed enemies and obtained lots of pigs; people came to him to eat pork; a boy came to him; at night he took an onion and was dragged into the sky; now he shoots there all the time, it's thunder]: Slone 2009:28; upper arapes [spirit Rain destroyed the village with lightning; a woman set fire to leaves stained with her menstrual blood, smoke to the sky, Rain running, lost her stone ax, now shown]: Fortune in Mead 1940, No. FXXXI: 385; marind-anim: Wirtz, Neverman 1981, No. 68 [Dehewei gave a man named Molma an imbasum spear; his lightning children took it away, but M. remembered what she looked like people began to do the same], 15 [when Divahib descends to earth, breaks through the sky, thunder sounds; once gave man his best weapon imbasum; sons of D. lightning they took it back; people made spear metal on the model of imbasum]: 160-161, 230-231; so [after a prolonged downpour, the elderly couple came by boat from the island to the mainland, where they have a vegetable garden; on a branch A black man saw the trees, but the man came up to him; he went down, got them to their island; he was a thunderstorm; the clouds cracked, he fell and could not return to heaven; he was holding something like guns; when he shoots, there is thunder; the old woman gave him yams; he has long fingers, crooked legs, some teeth are long and some are short; the couple hid Thunder for three months so that his fellow villagers did not kill; to return to heaven, you had to light a huge fire; when the smoke reached the sky, it would rain, the clouds would thunder and the Thunder would rise; and it happened; before rising, thunder promised old people to send rain or dry weather depending on what they needed; that's what happened; people on the island no longer suffered from heavy rains or droughts and didn't tell others about it]: Slone 2009:78-80.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Garo: Mandal 2009 [the blacksmith forged a sword; told the cat that he would sell it for four baskets of rice; the cat doesn't have any; he let the wind go and the blacksmith liked the smell so much that he gave the sword to the cat on condition come every day and let the wind go; when the monkey found out what was going on, did the same, but the blacksmith hit her with a hot iron bar, since then the monkeys had a red and naked ass; the thunder asked the cat for a sword briefly, took him to heaven; since then, this sword has been at Thunder]: 88; Rongmuthu 1960 [episodes of a long text about the exploits of Goera, who became the god of Thunder; after the death of her husband, a young widow had to incest with her uncle by mother; G. said who he was while still in his mother's womb; mother G.'s other two brothers were swallowed by a giant boar; he has seven heads on one neck, seven fangs in each mouth, and one eye in the middle of each forehead, trees, thickets and streams on his back; G. received a lightning sword and a bow with lightning arrows, killed a boar; began to eat his flesh to argue with the tiger; pretended that the piece was stuck in his throat, sent the tiger to fetch water; time threw the meat away, it turned into deposits of quartz; the tiger believed that G. ate everything; then G. defeated many other monsters, including a giantess who covered her ear when she lay down sleep; after completing his exploits, G. took to heaven]: 152-184; Playfair 1909 [retelling an episode from Rongmuthu 1960; Gōéra (Thunder) exercises with his sword, lightning is the shine of his sword; G. used to live on earth, killed a monstrous boar with a sword]: 88; khasi [all the animals came to the festival, Thunder with his drum; asked Owl for his shiny sword; ran with him to heaven, now he beats the drum there, waving a lightning sword]: Rafy 1920, #19:97-99; vancho [dancing, god Rang waves his lightning sword]: Elwin 1958b, no. 13:71; rengma [lightning: when heavenly spirits need certain trees, they throw stone axes; if they enter the house, it means that the house was built from such trees; these are polished Neolithic axes, the Eastern Rengmas do not pick them up, and the Western ones bring them into the house as good luck amulets]: Mills 1937:246; ao: Mills 1926:303 [two people went to fight the Wind, but he threw them into heaven; now they are at war with each other; thunder is their shields collide, they also cause wind, drops of sweat make rain], 305 [lightning - heavenly people cut trees with axes]; miji (Dhammai) [there is a Chingnui tree in the sky; when the fruits are ripe, the god Subbo- Grang tries unsuccessfully to cut it down with a sword to reach them; chips are lightning, thunder is the sound of blows, hail is falling fruit; the trunk is too thick to knock it down]: Elwin 1958, No. 3:66-67; kachin [ all the good places on the river are already occupied; the young man goes to another place; he is told he is biting; he finds a stone in the basket; so several times; he brings the stone home; someone cooks in his absence; he the girl is waiting for her; she was sent to him by her father Thunder; they do not have machetes; Thunder sends his four sons Cloud, Rain, Wind, Lightning to clear the area, plant pumpkins; they also collect them, inside each rice; the young man still asks for a machete, the Thunder reluctantly gives; the chicken comes to peck for rice, the young man waves a machete, lightning kills the bird and cuts off the head of Thunder's daughter; the thunder revives her and takes the machete; tells make sacrifices to him when it comes time to burn vegetation on plots]: Gilhodes 1909, No. 44:125-127; Lakher (Tlongsai, Hawthai) [lightning occurs when thunder collides in the air axes; they are thrown by Khazangpa at the Pachichariapa lizard; sitting on a tree looking up, it swells and then exhales air; a stream of wind hits son X., then H. himself is angry, trying to kill lizard]: Parry 1932:499; cookie (purum): Das 1945 [The lizard tells celestial beings not to fall into its tail; puts out its tail, they hit it with guns - thunder strikes]: 217; Parry 1932 [ The Wulai lizard climbs a tree and screams defiantly; God throws an ax at it in response]: 499; Shakespear 1912 [lightning is a reflection of God's clothes]: 184; best [Thlandropa married his daughter Khuavang, and the one from him whose shot sound is thunder]: Shakespear 1912:95; anal [lightning is a gleam of God's sword]: Shakespear 1912:184.

Burma - Indochina. Sedang: Nikulin 1970:205 [Heaven told the lightning god to kill a certain Nam's wife; the god of lightning killed with a stone ax on the head; Nam's friend overheard the conversation, he and N. cooked food and drinks in a hut by the road that the god of lightning was to walk along; they invited him, he got drunk, forgot about his wife N.], 206 [The sky was sending rain unexpectedly; people decided to send messengers; the bird raised the sky of man, frogs and toads; The sky has granted the request; since then, the thunder god has warned of the beginning of rains with blows to the gong]; banar [Glaikh is the god of thunder and lightning, a mighty hairy old man; his daughter went down to the ground; the young man Irit saw her, married her; they had a son; G. is outraged that his daughter has gone to earth, threatens to kill them, a thunderstorm begins; I. decided to hide from G.'s ax in the forest; the god of trees created such thickets that G. could not break through them, left, carrying his ax; his daughter remained among the people]: Nikulin 1970:220-223; Viets: Knorozova 2000 [the god of Thunder inflicted on the offender blow to the head with a stone ax; Vietnamese peasants called Stone Age axes thunder]: 31, 169; Nikulin 1970 [the Viets could have killed lightning with a stone ax on the head; Stone Age axes called thunder stones]: 375; shans: Milne 1910:203 [if the thunder roars softly, it means the spear wind, the sword and the sucking wind crossed their weapons; if the blows are loud and frequent, it is Sakya picks up the demon drum Sura and hits it; if there is a deafening roar, Sakya shakes with his own weapon], 307 [one informant said thunder is the clapping of players' hooves on the stars horse polo]; zhuang (Yunnan) [the sky was close to the ground, since then the tops of bamboo have been crooked as they rested against the sky; the thunder god emitted lightning, blinking his eyes, creating gusts of wind with his wings , kicks - thunder, an ax and a chisel in his hands, destroyed everything with them; came to visit a man named Bubo; after eating and drinking, decided that he should collect tax from farmers; B. offered him a choice of tops and roots; he said he was a celestial, so he chose the tops; B. planted a tarot, the thunder got rotten leaves and dry stems; the following year he chose roots, and B. planted rice; the following year, the thunder promised to pick up both the tops and the roots, but B. planted corn and took the cobs; the thunder told his general Lumeng not to send rain anymore; B. told people to open the locks the heavenly river, the water irrigated the fields; then the thunder raised the sky higher, leaving only the tree of the sun and moon to communicate; B. led the people to take water from the underground dragon, but he was the thunder's brother and refused; then B. grabbed him by the horns and told him to pluck his beard; the dragon gave him water; but in the third year there was drought again; the thunder sent General Lumang to repair the locks; B. climbed a tree into the sky, pushed L. into the river; one of the warriors, Qigao, warned that the thunder was going to kill people by drought; B. put his sword to the thunder's throat, making it rain; the thundertaker came down to take revenge, slipped on wet mats, caught and tied up; B. went to get salt to kill the thunder and pickle his meat; tells his children not to let him go, drink him, or give him an ax; the thunder persuaded them (they gave him water with indigo paint , so he turned blue), gained strength, flew out; gave his tooth, telling him to plant it: only Fuyi and his sister will be saved during the flood; the thunder opened the locks of the heavenly river, and the dragon released the waters of the underground lakes; B. swam in an inverted umbrella; the thunder wanted to hack him with an ax, but B. cut off his legs himself; the thunder was afraid that with the waters of the flood B. would be in the sky, dropped water; B. fell with his umbrella up the mountain, broke, his heart bounced to the sky and became Venus; F. and his sister escaped in a pumpkin (which grew out of a thunder's tooth); went out when the waters came down; turtle, bamboo: you must get married; brother and sister: if you come alive, get married; kill a turtle, cut a bamboo, they are reborn; Venera-B. also told them to marry: light fires on two mountains, if the columns of smoke merge, then you can; sister gave birth to a piece meat; they cut it and scattered it, people came out of the pieces; the thunder attached cockclaws to his legs instead of the severed feet; after the dragon's beard was pulled out, two pieces were left: they his carp children; Qugao has become an earthworm; when he crawls out, the thunder tries to cut him in half; if worms crawl out, it means a thunderstorm; shamans recognize turtle shells and bamboo stems future]: Miller 1994:137-150.

South Asia. Jhoria [during the festival, seven unmarried sisters danced with other girls, and seven boys beat drums; they took to heaven and liked the God of Clouds so much that he did not let them go back; told them: when he starts raining the ground, girls should dance and boys beat drums; this is lightning and thunder]: Elwin 1954, No. V.4:68; Birkhor [in the rainy season on trees yellow frogs jump and voice; Ram-Lakshman throws arrows at them, making thunder]: Roy, 498 in Elwin 1949:89; conds (kuttia) [thunder when Bhimenja shoots his rainbow]: Elwin 1954, No. 15:88; a coya [Gour herding cows, saw a girl in a lotus, took her home, raised her; a man named Sonia fell in love with her, made a hole in the wall at night and introduced his girlfriend through her penis; she took a sword and cut it off; the penis grew wings and flew to Deur; he hid it and told the girl to wait: now he will let it go and she can kill him; when the girl throws hers at it sword, we see lightning-the glitter of the sword]: Elwin 1954, No. V.7:69; Hindi (North India, Mirzapur) [the Khaiwars says lightning is God's arrow he fires when chasing demons]: Crook 1892-1893 , NO. 185:47).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangi (batek tech) [Karei in gold clothes cuts down trees and kills spirits with a gold and iron sword; thunder is his voice, lightning is its reflection or shadow]: Endicott 1979:174; mangaray [ thunder and lightning - a shot from a Deva gun when he intends to kill bad people]: Arndt 1931:841.

China - Korea. Miao [The Thunderstorm causes thunder and lightning with an iron hammer and chisel]: Riftin 1993:314; li (Hainan, w. Ledong) [there are 5 suns in the sky, the earth is hot; two brothers and younger sister lived; went to grow dry rice; my sister watched hemp and cotton in the garden; a dragon lived in the river; he raised cows and in the evenings he drove them to land to eat hemp and cotton; after eating, the cows defecated with beautiful flowered skirts; the sister found them, was surprised; waited for and caught one of the cows; the dragon offered ransom for the cow; the girl did not agree; then the dragon offered to marry him; the girl agreed; the younger brother found out and climbed into the river to find the dragon and borrow a cow from him; the dragon refused; He ordered to build a large barn upon his return, and then ask the pipe to make the cattle visible and invisible; the brother did so, asking for cows, sheep, pigs and dogs by the pipe; they appeared, filling the entire barn; the older brother decided to pick up the pipe for himself; asked for the pipe to give him cattle, but made a mistake in the spell, and the animals that appeared were lame and crooked, and some died before reaching the barn; the elder brother got angry and cut the pipe into pieces; the younger brother made a tank out of pieces, lowered it into the river, and it was full of fish every time; the older brother he also wanted fish; took the tank, but when he lowered it into the river, the tank was filled with cow and pig manure; the elder brother burned the tank; the younger brother found a stone in the ash; began to go hunting with it; throwing it at animals, hit the target every time and returned with the prey; the older brother took the stone, but each time hit his own forehead; threw the stone into the river; it was swallowed by the fish; the younger brother caught it, gutted it, but the stone had by that time turned into a dagger, which the younger brother had begun to keep; the god of thunder in heaven found out about the dagger; stole the dagger; the lightning source was its tip; the younger brother decided take revenge on the god of thunder; for 9 years he planted wormwood, then piled it up and set it on fire; the heat from the fire reached the sky; he did this five times in a row; the god of thunder began to beg for mercy; the younger brother demanded get rid of the 4 suns; let it be warm and cold on earth, the people would be happy; the god of thunder agreed]: Zhou 2002, No. 15:21-22.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Dionisica Nonna Panopolitan in Frog 2011 [when Zeus went to sleep with Pluto ("sleep") and left his lightning, Typhoeus stole it and hid it in a cave; Z. came disguised as a shepherd ; T. offers to compete in the game (on a musical instrument), he will play on a stolen lightning; then this story ends, moving on to the story of Zeus's stolen tendons; the shepherd says that Z. burned his lyre - if he could pull Z.'s tendon over the lyre, he would play; T. returns his tendons, the shepherd hides them in the rock; cliff again; Z. returns his thunder instrument]: 87; Hes. Theog. 139-141 ["Kiklopov also gave birth to Kiklopov with a haughty soul - /By the number of three, and by the name of Bronta, Steropa and Arga./Zeus Cronida made lightning and they gave thunder" (trans. V.V. Veresaeva)]; ["The Earth, the nurse of the herds, left Pegasus and ascended /To the eternal gods. He now lives in Zeus' wards /And brings lightning and thunder to the Wise Thunder" (trans. V.V. Veresaeva)]: Hes. Theog. 284-286; [Zeus frees the brothers and sisters swallowed by the Crown; "His blessings were not forgotten by a grateful soul/Brothers and sisters and gave thunder to him along with scorching/Lightning: first in themselves Giant Earth hid. /Relying firmly on them, he rules people and gods" (trans. V.V. Veresaeva)]: Hes. Theog. 504-507; [during the fight with Typhon, Zeus "inflamed his anger and grabbed his weapon - /For his thunderstorm peruns, lightning and thunder" (trans. V.V. Veresaeva)]: Hes. Theog. 853-854; [Athena: "I believe in help/From Zeus and - can I say? - one between the gods /I know how to get keys from the vault, /Where zippers are stored under seals" (trans. Vyach. Ivanova)]: Aesch. Eum. 826-829; [about Orpheus: "He sang like Kronos and Rhea reigned among the blessed Titans, /Zeus was still young, while, understanding like a child, /He lived in the cave of Dictaia; Cyclops, a native land, /They did not gather yet strengthen its strength with perun, /Thunder and lightning, which brought great glory to Zeus" (trans. N.A. Chistyakova)]: Apoll. Rhod. I. 504-508; [Jason's cloak was decorated with several woven images: "There were Cyclops among them sitting forever: /Zeus was forged by Perun. It shone brightly /It was almost completed, only one ray was missing. /So they quickly forged it with iron hammers" (trans. N.A. Chistyakova)]: Apoll. Rhod. I. 725-728; [In avenging Asclepius, Apollo killed the Cyclops who made Perun for Zeus]: Ps. -Erat. Cataster. XXIX; [Zeus mastered the Kiklopov; they gave him "thunder, lightning and perun", Pluto a helmet, and Poseidon a trident]: Apollod. Bibl. I. 2.1; the Greeks (Zakynthos) [the giants wanted to own land and sky; climbed the mountain, began to throw rocks at God; but he threw his thunder club at them, killed many; one tied them together many reeds, climbed over them to heaven; God struck him with lightning; others tried to put mountains one on top of the other; God sent an angel and he took the giants inside the mountain]: Schmidt 1877, No. 1:131; Slovenes [in Eastern Styria on Good Thursday searched the fields for taranbalto, a magic axe that (like a thunder arrow) falls to the ground during a thunderstorm, goes deep into the ground and appears on the surface itself is only 7 years later, on Good Thursday; whoever finds it will be happy; if you find such an ax and put it under the ear, lightning will never hit the house, and the cows will give more milk]: Kolberg 1964:162 in Rakhno 2021:97; Bulgarians [when Elijah the Prophet rides a chariot, there is thunder, and when he whips his horses with a scourge, lightning flashes; thunder (lightning) is a fiery arrow with with a flint tip, Ilya marks them as sinners]: Marinov 2003:51-52; Gagauz people [St. Ilya rides through the clouds on three white horses in a fire cart; thunder is the noise of the cart's wheels, when it intensifies, St. Ilya is angry; lightning is the fiery arrows that St. Ilya throws devils at; they hide behind humans, cattle and dwellings; cats and dogs are driven away from themselves during a thunderstorm]: Moshkov 1901:56.

Central Europe. Ukrainians: Abramov 1914 (Novograd-Volynsky) [thunder - God strikes an evil spirit with a fiery arrow; lightning - Ilya on a chariot of fire with three angels; one supports him, the other rules horses, the third cuts through the clouds with a sword; then you can see the real sky - fiery (lightning)]: 381; Chubinsky 1872 [lightning is a tool in the hands of Archangel Michael, hitting, like an arrow, the "head" and young demons (Kholmskaya Rus); {then there is a lot of data of the same kind throughout western and central Ukraine}]: 21-24; Ukrainians (Kherson, Elizavetinsky district) [hell was friends with God; hell owned thunder, and God owned the sky; to take possession of thunder, God began to walk on earth; hell did not have water, he asks to teach him how to get land; God tells me to dive, take from the bottom of the earth, hold in your hand and the one that remains at least under your fingernails, scatter it across the water; the devil left his thunder on the rocks and dived; God to the Archangel Gabriel: hurry up the thunder, he's on our land, and what is put on our land is ours; G. hid behind a stone; hell dived, but popped up and looks: did anyone take the thunder, did not take it; the same second time; hell thought that God forgot about the thunder and dived to the bottom; G. grabbed the thunder; seeing that the devil was rising to the surface, God froze the sea; hell only broke through the ice with his head for the third time; chased G., already grabbed his leg and snatched out a piece of meat - now people there is a notch on his foot; God: yes, you hit him with thunder; G. broke off his wings with thunder, now the devils do not fly well; G. gave thunder to God; then God came down, the hell had already created the earth; God wet his finger, splashed a man appeared with water behind him; hell tried it too, but his man does not speak or walk, but is covered with hard skin; then he spat on him; God: you turn him inside out; damn it, drool and the snot is left inside, and that skin is only at his fingertips, it is his nails; God has returned to heaven, and hell has made people; he envies that he has a lot of people, but everything is on earth, and God has few, but in heaven; hell decided to take over the sky himself, and overthrow God from there; God to the archangel, who holds the sky in his arms: shake; devils fell down, where whoever fell, stayed there; now you can't build a hut everywhere; you will build in hell, you'll work all your life; then God came to hell again, he was building something, one hut was very big - hell; hell then had a receipt: after death, all his people; he tore this receipt Christ, when he went to hell; God to hell: show me how to sit in that heat; hell climbed in, closed the doors; God: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! the exits are completely closed; but one hand of the devil remains free; he asks the other devils to rescue him, or else he will disappear; the elder has come up, and the one sitting in the heat threw him against the rock; so now the eldest devil crooked, and the first one is still sitting, cannot go out; that's where God's friendship with the devil ended]: Yastrebov 1894, No. 1:119-121; Russians (Tverskaya) [The Lord sends the Prophet Elijah on a chariot of fire to disperse evil spirits, which causes thunder (chariot) and lightning (fire arrows or sparks from under the horse's hooves); Ilya does not go anywhere in winter, so there is no thunder]: Kolchin 1899, No. 9:13.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Hittites [Telepinus became angry at something, put his left boot on his right leg and his right boot on his left leg and left. Then smoke enveloped the sacrifice tables, the cattle stopped multiplying, the country was struck by drought, and the gods at the feast were unable to satisfy their hunger. The sun god sends an eagle for Telepinus, but the eagle can't find it. The god of thunderstorm returns with nothing - he only smashed his hammer against the gates of the city where Telepinus lived. Then Mother Goddess Hannahanna sends a bee. The gods do not believe that such a small creature will be of use, but the bee finds Telepinus sleeping in a clearing and bites. Telepinus jumps up and smashes everything furiously, but goddess Kamrusepa softens his anger. Telepinus, and fertility with it, returns]: Ivanov 1977:53-61; Kalmyks: Basayev 2004, No. 18 [during a thunderstorm, Dragon Lou rushes noisily across the sky, firing fire arrows at white sky pigeons; power is given to him by a talisman (myrda) in the form of a wand with precious stones; when he loses it, he falls to the ground, looks like a camel with kind eyes and a long neck], 51 [during a thunderstorm Merkit drove the horse, felt that the dragon was throwing arrows at it; after a powerful blow, the thunder would stop, saw a helpless camel on the ground: the dragon did not calculate his strength, fell to the ground; asked for merkit help him rise to heaven; he helped, since then the dragon has not touched the Merkits; only a member of the Merkit tribe can touch a person struck by lightning], 176 [Erlik Nomin Khan sends shulmus destroy the merkit Mazan-batyr; he pretends to sleep in a yurt, knocks a boiling pot over the shulmus; next time he lies down in the steppe, putting grass in his ass, a cake under his arm; the shulmus do not hear heartbeats, undress M., decide that the corpse is already overgrown with grass, leave; E. asks for help from the dragon Lu; S. beats off, breaks his lightning arrows, Lou crashes into a mountain, falls, appears as a camel; M. three times whips him so that he remembers him, returns the myrda amulet to him]: 49, 102-103, 288-294; Abkhazians: Bartsyts 2005 [God pursues the line and shoots him, and he hides behind a tree, behind an animal, and even for a person who must say during thunder and lightning, God bless us]; Lukyanov 1904, No. 4 [George the Victorious constantly chases the line, firing his arrows to the mountains, trees and other objects in which he hides]: 28-29; Chursin 1956 [during a thunderstorm, heavenly powers (god Atha, St. George, angels) chase evil spirits and hit them with arrows or bullets]: 156; Ossetians: Takazov 2014 [lightning is the shine of Nart Batraz's sword]: 32; Chibirov 2008 [Thunder strikes with its lightning arrow tree where evil spirits hide]: 90; Karachai people [Yoryuzmek found the Mother of Heaven in the sky, she put her wind chest in his mouth; he stayed there, protecting heaven and earth from evil spirits; thunder - his scream, mists are breathing, rain is sweat, lightning is a fiery lasso that he throws at enemies; sometimes the lasso falls off and reaches the ground; when he cuts enemies with a sword, there are lightning]: Aliyeva 1994, No. 143: 596; Ingush [rainbow - bow of God Sela (Seli Iad), lightning - arrows; after the rain Sela hangs a bow in the sky]: Tankiev 1997:33; Ingush: Aliroev 1976 [rainbow - "Stela's bow", lightning - "shank" Steles "]: 223; Akhriev 1875 [Zhebrail-melek chases the devil with a big sword in the clouds and waves it, trying to hit the devil; lightning comes from the shine of the checkers]: 10; Tankiev 1997 [rainbow is the bow of God Sela ( Iad sat down), lightning - arrows; after the rain Seli hangs a bow on the sky]: 33, 43; Chechens: Dalgat 2004 [(=Dirr 1908:1072); rainbow - "sat down bow", lightning - "sat down"]: 168; Potanin 1883 ["sky bow"]: 745; Vainakhi [lightning god Sieli's bow]: Seferbekov 2000:10; Ingush and/or Chechens [thunder produces the blue zehop bird flying in the clouds when it rains; or Jabrayl-melek chases in the clouds behind the devils and waves his sword, which causes lightning]: Dalgat 2004:166; Nogais [lightning - aiyndiryk (ayy - "sacred spirit that brings joy", hole, durre - "whip"]: Kapayev 2012:19; Kumyks: Hajiyeva 1961 [Jabrayil jumps across the sky, whipping clouds with a whip; whipping is lightning]: 329; Khalidova 2012, No. 26 [an angel on his chariot travels around heaven and is angry at the fact that the clouds are in no hurry to return from the sea with water; at the same time, he whips the horse with a whip, which causes lightning to sparkle, and the sound of the chariot rattles thunder]: 49; Avars (Khunzakh, p. Gonokh) [lightning is the "golden axe"; where lightning fell, you can find a golden axe; or thunder is the voice of an angel, lightning is his whip]: Seferbekov, Shigabudinov 2006:79-80; Dargins: Seferbekov, Shigabudinov 2006 [lightning - "fire (or rain) axe"]: 79; Dargins (Muregins) [when clouds gather, God sends an angel with a whip to disperse them; thunder and lightning from the whip]: Khanagov 1892 : 153; khvarshins [lightning is a fire ax that Allah throws at people in anger]: Seferbekov, Shigabudinov 2006:79; Lezgins: Khalidova 2012, No. 2 [great spirit Four-color Voice first created Heaven and Earth merged together; then created the Red Bull, placed Heaven and Earth on its horns so that they would not fall into a dark abyss; the Ox's legs hesitated in the water, but his head was motionless; CHG fertilized Big Water, it gave birth to the Sun, it rose in a golden chariot drawn by four horses; dirty waters rose behind the chariot, occupied part of the sky; to clear the sky, the Great Father created God Alpan, gave him a lightning sword; when the demons saw it, they ran away; at the direction of the Great Father, A. waved his sword, separating Heaven from Earth at a distance of a lightning sword], 38 [many one-horned enemies attacked the Lezgins; The sun told God Alpan to fight; when struck by his lightning sword, the enemies turned into holes in the fields, wheat bugs; the rest became snakes out of fear and buried themselves in the ground]: 30, 57; Georgians ( Guria) [with every lightning strike of St. Giorgi kills one of the devils; if the devil tries to hide near a person, he may die from lightning]: Mamaladze 1893:113-114; Swans [when thunder, devas collide in the sky; lightning - shots from devil guns; some believe that devils are rolling a copper cauldron across the sky - it rattles]: Virsaladze 1973, No. 7:50; Megrelians [God summoned St. George to heaven, sending an angel after him; seeing that St. George eats a whole bull, an angel shrunk his stomach at night because they don't eat so much in heaven; during a thunderstorm, St. George jumps across the sky; lightning is an arrow that hits the line; and he hides in the sea or with a fly under a tree]: Fähnrich 1997:79-81; Armenians: Harutyunyan 2004 [storm clouds - fiery bodies vishaps, thunder is their scream, lightning is Gabriel Hreshtak's arrow, the staff or rod of angels with which they hit the Vishaps]: 198; Bunatov 1893 [steel falls from the sky during a thunderstorm; therefore, lightning takes seven wet felt carpets with water and put them somewhere; if lightning strikes directly on the carpets, the fallen steel will pierce them, lose its strength and remain on the surface of the earth; this steel can be used to make daggers and checkers whose wounds do not heal]: 179; Azerbaijanis (Shemakha) [the thunder comes from angel Gabriel jumping across the sky on his Raf Raf Raf horse, and lightning is a spark that comes from his blow whips]: Efendiev 1893:207; Kurds (Azerbaijan) [a rider with a fiery whip jumps across the sky; thunder is the whip blows to the horse, lightning is the sparks that fall in at the same time]: Chursin 1925b: 16.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [to rain a certain place on earth, God sends a little angel the size of a bee; he rides in a cloud; if she is stubborn, he hits it with his scourge, causing lightning and thunder]: Donaldson 1938:84; mountain Tajiks (Hovaling) [lightning because Kambar carves fire with flint and flint to burn his gun's wick while hunting for heavenly wild goats; rain - Kambar swims, splashes fly; snow rides on horseback on ice, pieces of ice fly from under the horse's hooves; rainbow - Rustem's sling or Rustem's bow; Kambar hangs his bow when returning from hunting]: Andreev 1927: 22; Kalashi [thunder comes from fairies playing horse polo in the sky; hitting each other with spears causes lightning]: Hussam-ul-Mulk 1974a:73.

Baltoscandia. Edda [giant Holyme stole Thor's hammer. Loki took Freya's feather outfit, flew to the yotuns, and found out that Hold was demanding Freya's hammer to return to his wife. Freya is furious. The people's father Heimdall advised Thor to wear a woman's outfit and pretend to be Freya. Loki, in the form of a maid, goes with him. The hold is surprised that the bride eats so much and her eyes sparkle so much. Loki explains that she hadn't eaten or slept for eight days because she was so eager to see the yotuns. Hrum brings a hammer, Thor kills all giants, men and women with it]: Elder Edda 1963:60-63 (commentary in Frog 2011:87); Swedes, Norwegians, Faroese, Danes [about the same ballad story up to the 19th and 20th centuries]: Frog 2011:88; Uther 2004 (2): 49; Finns, Karelians, Estonians, Seto, Livs, Latvians, Lithuanians [opponent The Thunder is stolen by his musical (or other) instrument, which he uses to make a thunderstorm; he or his assistant comes unrecognized, undertakes to play his instrument (others are unable to do so) hits enemies with thunder and lightning; Lithuanians have many details omitted]: Frog 2011:82-86; Lithuanians [Perkunas rides across the sky in a fire cart with a hammer in his hand; Perkunas is an angry man with a whip in his hands]: Laurinkene 2019:307; the Eastern Samas [Tiermes (thunderstorm) throws lightning from a rainbow, chases the Myandash-Pyrre deer; when he catches up with the first arrow, the rivers will flow back, the lakes will run out; second - the ground will be covered by fire, the Old Man from the North will burn; when dogs rush to M. and T. stabs a knife into his heart, the stars will fall from the sky, the earth will turn to dust]: Charnolusky 1962:80-81.

Volga - Perm. Komi [during a thunderstorm, Ilya Muromets, kneeling, rides across an iron bridge in a cart drawn by four pairs of horses; sparks from under the wheels are lightning, his bow arrows are lightning; Leshy tries take refuge under fir trees, in pine roots, on the border - where they argue]: Limerov 2005, No. 24:36; Udmurts: Gataullina 2008 [Gudyri-Mums (Thunder Mother) rides in the clouds on a chariot of fire during a thunderstorm; Inmar sends her to lightning Shaitan, thunder is the roar of the chariot wheels; during a thunderstorm, you can't hide under a branched spruce, Shaitan sits in the branches, a man will be killed with him]: 50; Moshkov 1900 [Ilya The prophet and his son ride tarantas and sometimes meet and argue; lightning: Ilya the Prophet shoots Sheitan; if he hides behind the best man, he still shoots, so killed by lightning consider righteous; eggshells should not be thrown as a whole to the ground, because shaitan hides in it during a thunderstorm; if lightning strikes a tree, you can see a flame at the top - this is Shaitan's blood burning]: 198; Marie [Kyuderche-Yumu rides three horses in a chariot, produces thunder, throwing stones at evil spirits; if evil spirits get into the water, you can't get into it there]: Moshkov 1900:198; Mordovians: Smirnov: 289 in Endyukovsky 1932 [Purgine Pass is armed with a rainbow and stone arrows; fights with devils who tease him; if Satan kills, his blood breaks out, and the object in which he hid lights up; Satan is depicted as snakes]: 234; Harva 1952 [lightning and thunder axes are pirgine weapons with which he strikes evil spirits]: 158; Bashkirs: Rudenko 1925 [God sends an angel to punish Satan; the angel directed and drove the clouds that thunder during the collision, punished Satan with a whip; at the end of the whip there are fiery stones that break and produce lightning ; the devils hide from lightning in a person's home, so lightning strikes there as well]: 300; 1955:315-316; Khisamitdinova 2011 [lightning is a "tengri whip", a servant of fire; in the southern Bashkirs, the deity of lightning is humanoid creature clicking with a whip; the impact of a whip sparkles lightning, thunder]: 209-210.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [during a thunderstorm, an angel shoots arrows into the line, and he panics anywhere, in houses and growls (thunder); lightning is the blows of a whip with which the angel drives clouds; Chokan Valikhanov writes that lightning - These are arrows fired at the evil spirit]: Castagné 1932:54.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars [natigay/natsagai - zigzag lightning and a scourge in the form of lightning struck by Satan during a thunderstorm]: Korusenko et al. 2013:210; Buryats: Agapitov, Changalov [ the archery told his wife and children that he was old and his days numbered; he rode off on horseback, took the middle road, went to heaven; four young men told him to guard their house, forbidden him to open the chest, wear winged robes; he broke the ban, found colorful stone arrows in the chest; looking at the ground, he saw a thief in his neighbor's garden, threw a red arrow at him; the owners of the house said that his lightning burned the whole village; wearing his robe, he flew and became Thunder]: 6 in Holmberg 1927:441-442; Buryat tales 1889 [a person sees a ladder to heaven, rises to Ewege-Malan-Tengeri; he asks become his servant; he looks at the ground, sees a thief stealing sheep, throws one of the stones EMT keeps in his chest; he sends him to see how lightning hit the thief; he becomes Thunder, lives from now on in heaven]: 7 in Holmberg 1927:442; Sharakshinova 1980 (according to Khangalov, vol.1:300-301) [Huhuday Mergen (one of the good Western Tengrians) was an earthly man, taken to heaven alive, why was he a well-aimed shooter and a good hunter; he was made a keeper of thunder and thunderstorms, which appeared in the form of a box of stones; he produces thunder at the behest of the gods; he throws stones on the ground, hitting evil spirits and sinful people]: 61-62; Sandschejew 1928 [Jasal-Sagan-Tengri throws fire arrows at evil spirits during a thunderstorm]: 975; Oirats (durbuts) [Tengri rides lu (dragon); when the reason pulls, lu gets angry and screams like a camel; T. throws an ayungo arrow at a one-legged tyrin who runs so fast on one leg that the arrow barely reaches him]: Potanin 1883, No. 2.1:138-139; Mongols [1) lu is bo, shaman; 2) lu is a heavenly camel with three people; one sits between humps, hits a tambourine, which causes thunder; the other waves a white flap on which it is written Tangut prayer (lightning); the third sips the occasion, water flows from the camel's mouth: it's rain]: Potanin 1883, No. 2.4:139; darhats [Boroldzoy Obogon's lamb gave birth to a bald lamb; BO gathered to dedicate him to Tengir Hormusty Khan, but the raven pecked out his eyes; for this, BO gouged out the crow's eyes; TH sent the wolf to eat BO's horse for this; he replaced a good horse with a bad one, ripped off the wolf's skin; TH sent Lou killed BO's sheep; BO drove the sheep to another place, Lou fired an arrow, smashed the mountain; TH sent devils for BO; BO began to cook manure in the yurt; the devils were surprised, they began to watch, BO burned their eyes with a brew; TH came himself; BO lit candles for him, showed him how he honored him; explained that the raven pecked the eyes of the sacrificial lamb, and the others did not obey TX's orders (he ordered to kill a good horse, and the wolf bit to death bad, etc.); TH admitted BO was right, BO became rich]: Potanin 1883, No. 153:517-519; Tuvans: Katanov 1907 [the dragon causes lightning when it waves its tail, thunder is his cry; when Aza enters a tree, Purkhan, chasing him, splits a tree; a dragon's arrow (fulgurite) looks like a heart; useful only in the hands of an experienced shaman]: 82; Potanin 1883, No. 2.2 [Uly-Kairakan produces thunder; winters on high mountains, and in summer he rises to the sky; throws lightning at a chipmunk, which for some reason he is angry with], 2.3 [Hormust-Tost-Kara-Tengir throws lightning at people and animals who did something nasty heavenly kairakans]: 139.

Western Siberia. Mansi [where a thunderous old man will hit the forest, you have to put barley and bread there; in 7 years the thunder ax will come out, you must put it in a bag where the flint is, carry it with you]: Kannisto 1951, No. 38:108- 109; Eastern Khanty: Karjalainen 1995 [Tremugan represents Pai (thunder) if he is on the move as a large, black, loud screaming and capercaillie bird, but usually as anthropomorphic creature; the rainbow is his bow, the ancient stone tool found in the ground is his arrow, which he shoots to kill the cantah elek-ot screaming in the trees of Forest Cobald; when in Trees break down in the storm, dragging along the caught Forest Cobald, who in his trouble tries to cling to the trees and at the same time breaks and pulls them out; whoever finds the thunder arrow becomes lucky fishing and hunting]: 221-222; Kulemzin, Lukina 1977 [thunder and lightning - rolling across the sky and screaming of a bird that looks like a female capercaillie with wings in the form of two mallets; when she opens her red mouth, lightning sparkles; You can't get close to her, she screams loudly; Torum sends lightning from a rainbow to a tree where an evil spirit hides]: 124; Potanin 1883 [the rainbow is the bow of Thunder, from which it strikes those hiding in trees spirits]: 742; Shatilov 1931 (R.Vakh) [the evil spirit Ylyan-Pelek-lung (spirit on the north side) knows thunder and lightning; frightens people, shoots red-hot stone arrows at people, trees, earth]: 102, 130; Northern Selkups: Prokofieva 1961 [Icha fights Kyzy, the son of his mother's sister and an alien hero; they rise higher to the sky, it's hot there, their chain mail they solder, they freeze; the Old Mother descends from the upper sky, breaks the chain mail with a hammer, freeing both; orders I. to stay in heaven, shoot at evil spirits with lightning - K.'s servants; they hide in tree hollows; I.'s horse running across the sky causes thunder, fire from his nostrils blazes when I. shoots; K. lives in a sea of the dead, followed by a village of the dead]: 55-56, 59; 1976 [an bow lies on one of the clouds Oia; its shadow is seen as a rainbow; there is a cloud of rain and hail nearby; Iy shoots evil spirits with his bow when they come out of the ground through tree hollows; therefore, lightning often hits thick hollow trees; thunder is the voice of an angry Oia, or the sound of Num'a's footsteps or the creaking of his sledge's runners; when the thunder thunders, swamps form on the ground; fused sand from lightning - "an arrow fallen from the sky"]: 108; the Kets [the great shaman Doh strikes with lightning the evil spirits of Kyrs, Hosyadam's servants; lightning is obtained from his arrows hitting the cloud like a spark from the impact of flint on flint; in winter, when there is no thunder, good spirits make a fire in the sky - the northern lights]: Anuchin 1914:8.

Eastern Siberia. Okhotsk Evens [Helergun turned into a beetle on larch; the sun's heroes hit her with lightning, a thunderstone, but H. is unharmed, picks up the stone; the Fox sits on the second larch, also unharmed, carries away a thunderstone in his mouth]: Weaver 1986:164-165; Evenks (Western) [the spirit of thunder pursues and kills spirits contrary to him with stone arrows and on the same basis kills people and cattle]: Rychkov, pp. 81-82 in Levin 1931:111; Evenki Orochons [Kandykakh is an anthropomorphic demon who has a huge mouth instead of a head; devours animals, hunters are left without prey; then the owner Agda's thunder in the form of a man with eagle wings throws hot daggers - thunder arrows - into his mouth; they burn his stomach, he goes to the lower world for a while]: Mazin 1984:18; central Yakuts: Pripuzov 1885 (West-Kangalassky ulus) [thunder and lightning are produced by two deities: "daring howler" and "master axe"; they send their blows to the ground to pursue unclean spirits; after thunderstorms in the field find round or oblong stones; consider them thunder arrows fallen from the sky; they are used as amulets and remedies]: 61-62 (retelling in Troshchansky 1902:48-49, in Holmberg 1927:443); Khudyakov 1969 [Yakuts do not stand under the forest during a thunderstorm; the devil hides there, who is hit by a thunder arrow, thunderstone]: 276.

Amur-Sakhalin. The Udege people [Agdi's thunder is a snake with wings, sleeps in a cave in winter; his daughters are Sausalid's rainbow and Agdi Sauni's lightning; help their father track down the evil spirit with mirrors, S. only during the day, AS in the afternoon and at night; A. fires fire arrows at evil spirits; Agdi Holoni's swift is his assistant; collects water from rivers with his beak, sprinkles clouds; when water accumulates in them, it rains]: Podmaskin, Kireyeva 2010:35; Orochi [Agda's asexual spirit, master of wind, thunder and lightning, is a huge snake with legs and wings spewing flame from its mouth (Arsenyev's archive); during a thunderstorm, Enduri drives evil spirits and lightning throws at them; stone axes were sometimes found in the roots of trees torn out during a thunderstorm, considered A. (Sternberg 1933:410); if people are guilty, A. throws axes at them too]: Bereznitsky 1999:31-32; Nanais [during a thunderstorm, the thunder dragon Mudur pursues buseu devils hiding into trees, people, etc.; in every tree broken by lightning they find a piece of white stone - a thunder ax]: Shimkevich: 127-128.

SV Asia. Markovo [lightning strikes only creatures and objects that the devil hides behind; silice-colored fragments of stone are called thunder arrows]: Dyachkov 1992:233; itelmen [lightning: spirits -gamulas, drowning their yurts, throw out the remaining smut; thunder: Kutkh drags boats from the river to the river; if the peals are rare and strong, Bilyuchey is angry, throws a tambourine to the ground; rain - the urine of Bilyuchei and his gamules, and the rainbow is embroidery on the hem of his new kitchen]: Krasheninnikov 1994 (2): 167-168.

The Arctic. Copper [lightning is Asiranna firing arrows; either lightning produces the sky (kilak) or the souls of the dead]: Jenness 1922:180.

NW Coast. Bellacula [four brothers hunt mountain sheep; meet a strange-faced man carving thunder and lightning with two crystals; one brother is killed by lightning, two die, the fourth teaches how to make a Thunder mask]: McIlwraith 1948 (2): 209-210.

The coast is the Plateau. Quinolt [see motif K27; Sisemo marries Thunder's daughter; father-in-law demands lightning from the underworld; the inhabitants there play ball with her; S. turns into something, I don't know what, takes her lightning; stalker torches Thunder floods with rain; puts lightning under his arms, gives a piece to all animals and birds painted red]: Farrand 1902, No. 9:113-114; modoc [five The Yaukul brothers, whose bodies are covered with five layers of stone, kill men, make women slaves; five Tkpun brothers are forced to hunt for them; orphan Rabbit, T.'s nephew, meets one of T., who says that I killed his father and other relatives; Rabbit's grandmother covers him with five layers of stone, gives him a lightning spear; he kills four I.; to kill the youngest, he gives him spears and five T.; turns Y. and their mother into waterfowl feeding on dead fish, marries their sister, frees her mother and other women; to defeat five Caudokis brothers (they too kidnap women), tells the mole to dig holes around them, they fall into them, the Rabbit kills them, turns them into worms, marries the eldest from K.; the old Juljulkus has a daughter and son; the son kills daughter's husbands, but falls into a wormhole, Rabbit turns him into a cricket; J.'s spear is a small lightning, Rabbit changes spears with him; kills fire men, gives his lightning spear to the Darkness for his daughter, turns Darkness into darkness so that people can sleep comfortably]: Curtin 1912:169-182; yakima [thunder is the flapping of a huge bird's wings in a storm cloud; lightning is flint darts it throws at objects that aroused her anger]: Hines 1992, No. 19:65-66; takelma [to stop thunder, they pinch dogs, making them bark; it is possible to scare off a raccoon type animal that produces thunder with blows to the tambourine (producing by his drumming the noise of thunder]: Sapir 1907:49.

The Midwest. Winnebago [the evil leader tells his sons to kill the young man; the furious Thunders hit the ground with their clubs, creating the current valleys and ravines; the chief and sons have disappeared underground, turned into earthworms]: Smith 1997:100-101; Western Forest Cree [thunderbirds live on rocky mountains; they have a mating season in June; in August, young birds climb to their wings and are capricious; thunder - the sound of their wings; they throw hot rocks at anything they don't like]: Vandersteene 1969:42.

Plains. Mandan [see motif K39; two hunters marry Thunder's daughters (=Eagle); father-in-law cannot kill a snake, a huge beaver, a red rabbit; hunters kill them easily; all birds flock peck at snake and rabbit meat; hunters return home after receiving lightning clubs]: Beckwith 1938, No. 4:57-62; Osage [old woman falls in love with her son-in-law; invites daughter to swing on a swing above the water, cuts the rope; daughter sinks; husband rejects mother-in-law; Thunder gives him a zipper axe to bring his wife back; she is tied at the bottom of the river; four times the husband brings her to babysit their little daughter; each time the woman is taller rises out of the water; on the fourth, her husband breaks her chains with a lightning axe, returns his wife; kills her mother-in-law by piercing her ears with a red-hot arrow]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 22:26-27; throw off the pawnee [see motif B5A; The Morning Star reached the dwelling of the Evening Star, defeated it; she gave him everything she owned; both gave their power to the other for the benefit of people; the power of the Morning Star was a scattering of flint, the Evening Star was the storm; the Morning Star I put flints into the storms, this is how lightning turned out]: Chamberlain 1982:22-26.

California. Pomo: Barrett 1933, No. 25.IV [the young man makes a belt, hat and other things for himself, then for his younger brother and sister; all three go up to heaven; older brother goes south, younger brother goes north, sister east], 39 [man gets angry when his sister and husband don't give fish to his son; goes into the ocean, becomes Thunder; when he moves, thunder sounds; holds a rectangular crystal under his left hand; taking it out and moving it, he produces lightning]: 134-135, 188-190; chumash [the girl comes to swim; Thunder approaches her, holding it in her hand current is the object he uses to produce thunder]: Blackburn 1975:105.

The Big Pool. Utah [lightning and thunder - this is Tovots shooting at the clouds to make it rain]: Powell 1971:78

The Great Southwest. Hopi: Stephens 1929, No. 5 [a girl conceives twins from the Sun and Rain; they come to the Sun; he tests them, recognizes them as sons; offers to choose gifts; they reject jewelry, take a bow, arrow, lightning], 6 [destroy monsters with this lightning]: 10-13, 15; Zunyi: Bunzel 1932 [The sun sends its two sons to bring people to the ground; they put a lightning arrow in rainbow, shoot down, go down to the fourth underworld; light a fire; see people with membranes, tails, horns; lead them to the ground]: 584-593; Cushing 1901 [Áhaiyúta and Mátsailé ma live with their grandmother; when they hunted gophers, it rained, a thunderstorm began; they were M. (younger) offered to steal their lightning clubs from the rain gods; giant steep steps lead to heaven; the brothers woke up their centipede grandfather; said they wanted to steal thunder and lightning; the centipede climbed into heaven and entered the sanctuary of the rain gods; they meditated and did not pay attention; the centipede quietly took the club and went down to A. and M.; then brought lightning; the younger one began to play with with lightning, and the eldest with a thunderstone; it starts to rain, the grandmother inside the house drowns; the twins bury her, after 4 days red pepper grows from her heart; the brothers scattered the seeds so that people could grow this plant; the rain gods punish the centipede by touching it with lightning and handing it over as small]: 175-183; Handy 1918, No. 13 [gods of war Uyuevi (elder) and Matsailem ( younger) live with their grandmother; come to a house full of lightning and thunder stones; play with them, take them with them; the rain gods are angry, send a shower, the grandmother drowns; brothers throw away stolen items]: 462; oriental ceres (Sia) [thunders are humanoid creatures with flint knife wings; flapping their wings produce thunder; lightning is the arrows of lightning men]: Stevenson 1894:38; Navajo: Burlin 1907:359-360 in Edmonds, Clark 1989 [A changing woman conceives twins from the Sun; they come to her father; he gives them rainbow arrows, ray arrows, lightning arrows to destroy monsters]: 99-100; Stephens 1930 [Nostin (The Old Creator) goes east to the cloud-made Teholtsodi house, finds large black bows and arrows, eagle feathers; uses them as a Thunder Weapon ( feathered arrow is lightning); H. and other ancestors fight each other using lightning arrows]: 91-92; Western Apaches (White Mountain) [girl climbs to the top of the mountain, gets pregnant from Suns, gives birth to a boy Nyenesgan 'a; lies under dripping water, gives birth to a second, Tobaciscini; both come to the Sun; testing them, he stabs them with sharp thorns; they are unharmed, recognized as his sons, exterminating monsters]: Goddard 1919:93-101.

NW Mexico. Yaki, mayo [black water snakes with wild sheep horns cause floods as they descend down the river; a dwarf shoots at them, producing thunder; the rainbow is his bow]: 1943:64; Beals 1945b: 199 -200.

Mesoamerica Otomi [lightning is the souls of women who die during childbirth; they beat drums that produce thunder]: Galinier 1979:486; Huastecs: Alcorn 1984 [three Maams bring rain; oriental (Mushy, or San Juan) leads; turns from boy to old man every year; Nordic froze after an accident while learning to cause rain; sacrificed himself and revived god; western - San Pedro; all three rush across the sky, waving machetes and stone axes and spilling water from calebas (shom)]: 58-59; Stressner-Pean 1952 in Mendelson 1967 [Mamlab Thunder they drive rain clouds from the east to the mountains with their lightning machetes or axes, hurrying to connect with their frog wives inside the mountain caves]: 406-407; coastal Totonaki [twelve Gromov sheltered an orphan; they tell him not to touch the chest of clothes and weapons; he opens it, takes the contents, the storm begins; the thunders have caught up with him, tied him up at the bottom of the sea; he always asks if Ivanov is not today Day; if he finds out that today he will be free, he will cause a flood]: Williams García 1954:77; mountain totonaks: Ichon 1969, No. III-10 [see motif K27; The crocodile wants to swallow a young man; he tells him open his mouth, cuts off his tongue, cuts them into four pieces; puts them with river foam in four reeds; pieces of tongue turn into lightning; he gives them to the Thunders, tells them to make thunderstorms and showers (there were no clouds before ); young man - corn, reborn annually]: 68-69; Kelly 1966 [Thunders thunder with the blows of their swords; lightning is the gleam of swords]: 397; Veracruz Nahuatl, half-hearted [hunter pursues a deer; he asks him to cling to his tail, brings him to the cave of Thunder; Thunder's wife shows the man a raincoat, clubs that emit thunder and lightning, frogs and toads that you can touch cause a flood; a man puts on a cloak, takes a club, touches frogs; a storm begins; the Thunder throws him into the sky, making him one of the Thunder; this Thunder is the intercessor of humans]: Münch 1983a: 169-171; yucatec [during the ritual of the five chucks (the gods of thunderstorm and rain), they depict men, each with a calebass of rainwater and a wooden sword that causes thunder and lightning; chief Chuck is at his zenith, four to the cardinal points; In: white, C: red, Z: black, U: yellow]: Villa 1969:171; Kekchi: Dieseldorff 1966 in Van Akkeren 2000 [see motif A3; Thunder grabs its axe, haunts the future Sun and Moon]: 234; Sapper 1897:267 in Thompson 1930 [thunder is the blows of a stone ax with which Tzultacaj cuts a tree]: 60; kekchi, mopan [Mahamamats forest spirit asks a person for honey; eats with wax; when a person climbs a tree, M. makes it tall, leaves; various animals refuse to help because a person hunted them; coati form a chain, tell him not to step on a pregnant female; man comes, but manages to jump to the ground; runs, gets to Chuck, he makes him his assistant; he violates prohibitions, C. helps him out every time; C. waits for guests, tells him to sweep, man sweeps frogs, but they were guests and musicians; in the absence of C., a man opens a bag of wind, takes a calebass of water, a drum, thereby causing a hurricane, rain, thunder; falls to the ground and breaks; C. It revives it, brings it back to earth]: Thompson 1930:146-149; chol [Lak Mam throws his lightning axe to split trees and get large edible larvae; people find these axes, and the fragments of his nails are obsidian flakes; Lak Mam himself is old and only his voice is heard in the distance, and lightning is thrown by his sons]: Hopkins, Josserand 2016:70; lacandons: Boremanse 1986:178-179 [Subin lives in a lake, swallows people during a drought; the sun goes down, water bodies dry; Ah-Kin-Chob kills S. with his lightning axe; drought ends], 330-331 [water monster S. kills people, coming for water; causes drought; Thunders kill him with their green lightning axes]; chorty (synopsis of several versions) [hero - Kumix Angel ("younger angel, younger brother", hereinafter K.) lives with his four older brothers; he has a cut on his leg; when he bathes, the fish swim to eat his blood and flesh; his brothers rubbed him on a rock, threw him into the water, it foamed like a vine that poisons him fish; brothers disgust realize that the fish they eat is fed up with K.'s body; or K. turns into a fish himself; when the brothers leave, K. revives and cries on the shore; the old cannibal woman K'ech'uj takes him home; var: she takes the bloody foam on the water for her own miscarriage; K. hunts birds and deer, but K'ech'uj secretly gives the meat to her lover; after learning that K'ech'uj and her partner are not his parents. K. kills both; K. hides in a guitar that the hummingbird took to heaven, meets her mother there; all her property was taken away by the Bronze King; K. turns the few remaining beans and corn grains into abundant supplies, rebuilds the house built by his uncle San Lorenzo (SL) and where K.'s mother lives; arranges the ritual of feeding his father's brothers, i.e. four-way winds; causes SL with the power of a drum; deceives his father's weapons (sword, drum, flute, ring, cloth) owned by a monkey, battleship, crocodile; defeats and kills the Bronze King (sometimes with lightning); hitting the drum and inflicting sword blows (thunderstorm), creates a milpa; older brothers create a mountain to also climb into heaven and see their mother; eagles begin to descend from the sky, threatening human existence; K. destroys the mountain with lightning; the older brothers are told to hide their heads, but they stick them out and are blinded; their tears are a small November rain; K. turns them into frogs - "rain priests" at the four ends of the world; K. finds a grave father; when trying to revive him, a flock of partridges distracts him and revival fails; according to one version (Girard 1995:404), K. rises to heaven and becomes the sun]: Braakhuis, Hull 2014:452-454; tsutuhil [angels (=Thunders) have the right to visit women every 15 days; one breaks the rule; takes off his clothes, puts his weapon on the ground, climbs a tree to eat fruit; the snake wraps around him, sucks his tail blood; the angel asks the merchant for help; he shoots Angel's weapon, lightning kills both the serpent and the Angel; brings the merchant to the king of Angels in a whirlwind; the killed Angel comes to life; the king beat both the merchant and the Angel]: Mendelson 1958, note 5:125; mocho [see motif G3; the ant finds corn inside the mountain, tries to carry it out; The owner catches it with a loop, squeezes it, since then the ants have a narrow waist; the ant asks him to let go, tells the King where the corn is; the King asks Red Thunder to break the mountain; Thunder destroys it with its ax; ants bring corn to the King, people find corn; thunders sweep through the air, holding axes which thunder is produced]: Petrich 1985b: 159-169; mom [Mr. Clouds brought a man to him; he sees angels who produce rain by running, lightning (and thunder) with their sparkling swords; storm - the sound of their cloaks; left alone, the person puts on his raincoats; the angels stop the storm, scold the person; tell him to cook some beans; he puts a large portion, the beans swell, fall out of the cauldron; Angels bring man back to earth]: Morales 1977, No. 10 in Bierhorst 1990:116-117; juice: Cordry 1952b, No. 1 [Thunder looks like a boy, sits on a tree, can't fly away without its snake whip and not in able to pick it up himself]: 501-502; Villa 1975 [wife dies, husband takes another; son of the deceased Pedro cries; Thunder takes him home; asks him to cook, put only one measure of beans; P. puts two, boiled beans overflow; the same with other types of food; P. puts on Thunder's clothes, comes to where Thunder works, he gets angry; Toad is Thunder's wife, cooks for him, her tortillas are cow droppings; P. kills her, makes a drum out of her skin; thunder is angry; people build a church, can't lift a log, P. picks her up alone; people are afraid of him, they want to kill him; he turns into an eagle, now lives on at the top of Mount Tres Picos]: 227-229; mixteks [caves are the sanctuaries of rain people; they produce thunder with their drums; lightning is their yuchi (machete; an ancient word for obsidian knife); obsidian - petrified lightning]: Monaghan 1995:108-109; Miche: Lipp 1991 [during a thunderstorm, Ene (Thunder) fight against each other; pieces of flint and obsidian are their weapons]: 29; Miller, Villa Rojas 1956, No. 8 [a man has a son and daughter playing with machetes all the time; old people decide they should turn into Thunder because it doesn't rain; brother and sister turn, it rains eight days later ]: 112;

tequistlateca [The thunder child gets stuck in a tree; a woman finds her husband cut down a tree, freed the boy; Thunder gives a "thunder knife"; if you stab him on the site, even in a drought, it will rain in the field; the knife disappears when a person shares a secret with neighbors]: Carrasco 1960:107; tricks: Hollenbach 1980, No. 10.6 [Thunder swam in the sea, crocodile snake was about to swallow it; the man gave him his explosive belt; the thunder smashed the snake to pieces]: 470-471; 1988 [The thunder man lived in the mountains and Thunder Woman on the coast; the man's corn grew poorly; a woman helps him, but only the tops of his cobs grow; harvests are better on the coast; he has hit a tree, is stuck for a year; the rains have stopped; a hunter comes to the tree, Thunder asks for his ax; receives, frees himself, it rains; one day Thunder hits the coast, swims, the crocodile snake tries to swallow it, it gets stuck in her throat; asks a man to give him his explosives; kills a snake with an explosion; now lives only in heaven]: 15-17; chinanteca [peasants hear a call for help; he is called by Thunder stuck in a tree; the peasant gives him his fallen ax, leaves, There is a thunder, Thunder is released; Thunder's father meets a peasant, calls to him, treats]: Weitlaner, Castro 1973:211-212.

Honduras-Panama. Hikake [at first there were no rivers, only lakes; the monster Nen swallowed those who tried to take water from them; three women and men who drowned came to Tomam Segindo (the youngest son of the main god, controls dead in the west); he asked Brother Tomam Mayor to make rivers; TM sent his son Nompwinapu-u; he went down to Nen, hiding snakes under his clothes; at first he wanted to destroy all the lakes, but Viejito (the first Indian) asked to leave; Thunder threw his axes into the lake for 4 days; Nen tore off Nompwinapu-u's three toes, but he threw his snakes at him; after 4 days, rivers appeared; each has its own snake; if dies, the river dries up]: Chapman 1982, No. 13:77-78, 100 [the stone axes found in the ground are Thunder axes]; guatuso [a female deity owns lightning, a parrot's tail; incinerates embryos in pregnant women so that people do not reproduce; her name is to drink cocoa, they ask her to see how her lightning works; lightning has returned, but has only hit trees since then]: Constela Umañ a 1993, No. 8:153-156; Huetar [Fisherman fishes unsuccessfully in a thunderstorm. He meets a huge man in a cape, he offers help, asks not to touch the cape. He puts it in the river, the fisherman collects a lot of fish. He takes his cape out of the river, goes to wash. At this time, the fisherman picks up the cape. Seeing this, a man picks him up on a cape, the fisherman is frightened, runs away with a fish. The man picks up his cape and begins to produce lightning and thunder again. This man is lightning]: Quesada Pacheco 1996b: 294-295; bribri [thunder and lightning are God's gun; he hunts his grandmother's quetzals, hits the ground or a tree; when lightning hits the zompopas nest , God kills the zomopera snake]: Bozzoli, Murillo Chaverri 1984, No. 8:11; Eastern Panama (kuna?) [The thunder is stuck in the blackberry bushes; hunters release him, bring him home; he produces thunder with split reeds; he was asked to show the flints he carries in his purse and eats; he came to rabies, flames and one flint came out of his mouth, many died; disappears]: Casimir de Brizuela 1972:127-128.

The Northern Andes. Kogi [Thunder is an angry chief who destroys trees with his machete; a downpour is his dancing wife]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (1): 237; guajiro [Rain steals a weapon from the Howler Monkey that summons thunder and lightning]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 97-99:60, 260-285; guambia [a naked old man in the clouds throws his golden rod to the ground; it's a lightning strike; the rod returns to it itself]: Hernández de Alba 1965:99-100; paes [pihaos killed people; Llivan's brother, Pihao, captured him, removed his skin, ate the meat, folded his bones back, filled his skin with ash, sent him home; when L. turned to him at home, he crumbled to ashes; L. was fasting, in the mountains he saw a big red man throwing stones into the stream; he; this is Thunder, he gives his spear metal, it produces thunder, lightning, wind, rain; L. hid at home a spear metal in a pot; told his mother to give it to him, but she was not a shaman, she saw a green snake in the pot; L. took it himself, told his mother and sister to hide under the pot, but they did not have time, lightning killed them together with Pihao, L. revived them; Pihao hid their treasures in an underground cache; became Thunder]: Nachtigall 1955, No. 3:294-297; sibunda (kamsa+ingano) [sling is a weapon of Thunder]: McDowell 1989:178-179.

Llanos. Sicuani [the hero and his men go to heaven, making a chain of arrows; replace Thunder's lightning rod; defeat him in a duel, stay in the sky]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 14, 16, 44 [boy asks his grandmother to buy it in a trough; produces starch; people tell him to swim in the river, collect starch; when angry, the boy tells his grandmother to stay awake to hear a rumble; she falls asleep; only Kinkaju hears him and knows where the Kalievirne tree grew; see G5 motif; people cut it down; after the tree falls, people are mortal; C. tells us to dance to find ease and go to another world; old woman Ibarruua breaks abstinence, takes Cayman as a lover; summons him by putting an inverted calebas on the water and tapping it; people kill their lover, let I. eat his penis; I. tells the fish swallow C.; his brothers arrange rapids on the river to stop fish; revive regurgitated C.; shoot up, only a virgin manages to fix an arrow in the sky and make a chain; in the form of termites C.'s people climb into heaven; thunder Yamahyonö lives there; C. replaces his club, Y. cannot kill people, C. kills him; his wife tells ants to collect pieces of his flesh, I am reborn; Y. and C. reconcile; people continue to climb the chain of arrows; the Bat cuts it off, the fallen turn into turtles, parrots]: 80-81, 90-91, 191-199.

Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [Thunder's sister digs cassava on his property; for this he kills her; pulls two boys out of her womb; the youngest wants to marry Thunder's daughters; Trogon collaris reports that Thunder killed his mother; he replaces lightning reeds with fake ones; when Thunder wants to burn it with lightning, he burns it himself, becomes the new Thunder]: Civrieux 1960:180-185; 1980:89-93.

Guiana. Pemon: Armellada 1973, No. 2 [During the downpour, the Thunders came down to replenish their gunpowder; a downpour is their clothes, a boat, and a river at the same time; a flying termite bit one of them; for Thunder it's like a snake bite; he fell behind his comrades, stayed on the ground; the man easily cured him with a jam; Thunder gave him his gun, told him not to put much gunpowder; the man put a lot, threw him up with an explosion into the air, he himself became one of the Thunders; Thunders are red-faced dwarfs with curly hair], 15 [a man marries Thunder's daughter; he demands to cultivate the site before returning (birds do this and other tasks); a person replaces the Thunder Club with a powerless fake; a man's younger brother turns into a tapir, Thunder kills him; a man puts the tapir's heart in a pot, it turns into an ogre bird Mochima; birds kill M. with poisoned arrows; M. feathers turn into huge earthworms; reeds grow on the grave, from which wind guns are made]: 19-20, 59-61; taulipan [ Thunder is armed with a club]: Koch-Grünberg 1923:263; vapishana [Tuminkar fights a giant named Baukur; T.'s weapon is thunder and lightning; T. puts B. in heaven, that turns into Orion, still throws meteors]: Farabee 1918:101, 107 (quoted in Goeje 1943:40); Ogilvie 1940 [as in Farabee; T. throws shooting stars, B. - lightning; T. throws a mountain, cutting B.'s thigh]: 68; kalinya [Thunder is a squad of warriors who smash the heads of enemies with sparkling clubs]: Goeje 1943, No. b19:41; waiwai [husband cries for his deceased wife; her spirit comes, leads; husband by the river calls the boat in vain; the wife makes sounds like the voice of a turtle; an anaconda rises out of the water by a bridge; they cross; on the site, the husband drives the opossum away - it turned out that it was his late mother-in-law; man Sees a dead shaman asking Thunder to use his mirror, scourge and fan against those who killed him; there is a thunderstorm on earth; a man returns home]: Fock 1963:82-85; aparaí [Apotolo dances all night; women refuse to dance with him; he turns his club into lightning; both he and the women are killed; his wife's brother (sister's husband?) Shikopuli goes with his club to another village, helps the Aparai destroy their Oyampi enemies; on the way home, one person wants to wash the club in the river; it turns into an electric eel]: Rauschert 1967, No. 20:191-192.

Ecuador. Kayapa [lightning is a sword or club in the hands of Thunder; Thunder is angry with people during the rainy season]: Barrett 1925:362; Colorado [Thunder is a black man when drunk drunk with tobacco juice - walks, runs, throws his spear (épée au coté; lightning)]: Wavrin 1937:517.

Western Amazon. Sekoya [thunder clubs; the hero makes a copy and gives it to Thunder instead of the original]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 4b-c: 53-55; Napo: Foletti Castegnaro 1985, No. 1e [Quilyur Brothers Jr.) and Dushira goes up to heaven, plays with bows and arrows, making lightning; K. shoots further; thunder shoots at him in anger, he falls to the ground; D. looks for his brother, picks tree mushrooms; hears a scream these were K.'s ears; frees his brother; brothers rise to heaven again; K. becomes Morning, D. Evening Star]: 71; Wavrin 1937 [Thunder feeds on huge snakes and caimans; throws its harpoons at them during a thunderstorm]: 524

NW Amazon. Bar [Thunder ear pendants that lightning fly out]: Pereira 1980 (1): 265-268; baniva [see motif F38; first-ancestor women steal sacred flutes; men defeat women, using their weapons; they're thunder and lightning]: Saake 1958:276; tarian [while Thunder sleeps, brothers replace a strong club with a weak one]: Bruzzi 1994:131-132; Barasana [like a Tarian]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 2E: 269; Kabiyari [like a Tarian: replace lightning with parrot feathers]: Correa 1989:49-50; macuna: Århem et al. 2004 [see motif J15; Meneriyo turned to the path leading to the ogre ~Gãs; he kills her with a dance rod; G.'s mother saved her baby Ryãkomakü (her son from her Month-Brother) by releasing him into the river; R. goes ashore to play, painted butterflies (they were white); Mawão's three daughters buried one of them in the sand, wrote on the sand, butterflies flew, R. approached them, the girl grabbed him; he stopped crying in the younger one's arms; he grew up in a day; W. had to take him to G.'s house, talk about his mother's death; W. tied him with bitter leaves; G. licked, it turned out to be bitter; in the forest G. became a jaguar, but R. became a lizard, escaped; at night R. put a deck in his hammock, G. attacked it; in the afternoon, G. and his brothers threw M.'s head like a ball, and R. gave a lighter calebass; if R. did not throw his head over the maloka, he would be eaten; R. carried force from his mother's head to the calebass, threw his ball; since then, children have not been allowed to throw the ball over the maloka (it's like throwing their mother's head); R. threw garbage into the backwater, puño fish have appeared ( Serrasalmus rhombeus) and piranhas; he created a fruit tree on the shore, fish constipation like a bridge to it; when G. and his men went, R. told the bridge to fall apart; piranhas ate everyone, but G. only ate their legs, he rose to heaven; W. invited R. to burn the site from the middle, lit it himself along the edges; R. became a fish in a pit of water, waited out the fire; W. sent R. for Thunder's daughter; R. replaced Thunder's lightning club with a wooden one fake; R. brought G.'s daughter to W., telling her to be unfaithful; she took the Pisces Chief as her lover; knocked on the calebass on the water, calling him; the bird told W.; W. killed his lover with an arrow, cut off his penis, gave his wife under the guise of a fish; told her what she ate, turned her into a dolphin; fish began to fight W., he defeated them, took to heaven; in the morning W. appears in the form of a rainbow]: 484-494; Trupp 1977 [jaguars eat woman; baby Ri Hako Makö jumps from her womb into the river, he is caught by the sisters of Umawadö, a rainbow snake; he kills jaguars; W. heals an escaped jaguar, tries to kill R.; 1) sets fire to a felled down on The vegetation, sending R. there, turns into a fish, jumps into the water; 2) tells Thunder's daughter to be brought; W. finds Thunder sleeping, replaces Thunder's club with his own, kills Thunder, comes with his daughter to W.]: 50-56; toucano [thunder ear pendants]: Pereira 1980 (1): 265-266; desana [lightning is a) the Sun's gaze at the ground; 2) the result of a paye (shaman) throwing his enemy quartz cylinder]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1971:98; maku [the youngest of two Idn Kamni walks along the river after the holiday; the old woman washes her grandchildren, says the jaguars ate all IR relatives; the same is said Bushmeister (IC paints it), old deer woman; IC comes to the jaguars, they cooked it, ate it, throw it into the river; it is swallowed by fish; the old deer woman catches it; leaves the contents of the fish stomach in the basket; two IK brothers come out from there; the old deer woman tells the youngest that he will also die; he tells the spider to bite her; he climbs a tree, sees the Jaguar garden (the grandmother did not want him to see) ; younger IC steals cassava from the Jaguar garden; meets Jaguar girls, copulates with them, they get pregnant; IC goes to heaven, gets a lightning club from Thunder, tries on wild boars, they run away; he goes to Thunder again, gets real; at a festival where the Jaguars wanted to eat it, he destroyed them with a lightning club; the old deer woman looked, her head was torn off, she became a large battleship; right bones IC Jaguarov took Thunder, the left at the desan]: Silverwood-Cope 1972, No. 4:221-227; Andoque [Garza de Bocana (Heron of the Estuary, GB) came to Garza de centro (Heron of the Center, GS, aka Nenefí); seeing how HS's wife bathes, wanted to get a better look, fell into the water, drowned, HS revived him; GB went to his place, prepared the Talking Tree war in revenge; the two sons of HS saw two worms on the tree; theirs it grew bigger, they started shooting wood chips; the battleships wanted to knock down the tree, but could not approach because there were stinging wasps and ants; the birds could not peck insects; the HS asked Thunder to give his sword, but he gave a fake soft balsa and a copy of the mirror; the sword broke against the tree, the tree laughed; GS sent a bat and her brother to Grandma Sna, who woke her up with a coca in her knee; she she wrapped a dream from her left and right eyes in a sheet, gave them; on the way they unfolded the sheet, fell asleep, sleep returned to the hostess; HS sent a Comet to her; he took a dream from the hostess, came to Thunder, put him to sleep; Thunder left a son from an Andoque woman, his name was Thunder of Stone; HS asked him to change his father's sword to a wooden one, who changed him, receiving two fruits, Chrysophilum caimito; HS asked Thunder Stone to use it himself weapon; he first lightned with a mirror, the insects trembled; hit with his sword and fell; the second time the tree collapsed, half fell on the river, the other on the Hinterland, some leaves turned into frogs; The thunder woke up, wanted to destroy people, but his son threatened to stand up for them; the fallen tree turned into a sandstone stone, the root came out and became a toad]: Landaburu, Pineda 1981:57-63 (=1984:60); whitoto [brothers carry a male club, leaving Thunder a female club]: Pereira 1980 (2) [Thunder Club and Mirror]: 496; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 23 [club]: 206; Urbina 1986 [club and mirror Thunder; a wooden fake is left instead of a club]: 59; yagua [see J4A motif; An orphan takes revenge on a mother whose brothers ate his father and she herself took part in the meal; produces lightning and thunder with a rod obtained from an (electric) eel; the mother splits in half; the orphan buries two parts in two holes, a pair of frogs appears; now, during a thunderstorm, the tadpoles fall off their tails and they turn into frogs]: Powlison 1993, No. 15:96.

Eastern Amazon. Urubu [see motive J9; Mair leaves his wife, who first goes to Oposuum, conceives his second child, then to the Jaguars, dies; her children kill the Jaguars, come to M. ; he gives them bows and arrows; in resentment for their mother, the brothers throw them into the forest, they turn into snakes; M. wants to know if his children are in front of him; tells 1) to remove the bait from the hook Anyang 'a; Mair's son takes the bait, then pulls the forest for laughter; Opossum's son takes the hook in his mouth, is caught , eaten; in the form of an ant, Mair's son collects his bones, revives him; 2) go to Grandfather Wind; he is not at home, Mair's son tickles his wife, her husband hears her laughter, blows, a tree falls on the brothers; The son of the Opossum dies, is revived by his brother; 3) walk between two converging and diverging grating stones; Mair's son passes, the Son of the Possum is crushed, revived by his brother; M. realizes that the youngest of the brothers is not his son, he tells him to go back between the stones; the son of Possum is crushed again; Mair's son rises to heaven in anger, taking the stones with him; they are now produces thunder; Opossum's son goes up to his brother]: Huxley 1956:217-220.

The Central Andes. Huamachuco (dep. La Libertad) [Ataguju creates Guamansuri (Huamansuri), sends him to land in Huamachuco, where the Guachemins (Huachemins) live; they force him to cultivate their fields; he seduces their sister Cautaguan; they burn him, push his bones into dust, she goes up to the sky to A.; Cautaguan gives birth to two eggs, dies, throw eggs on a pile of manure; they are born from Catequil and Piguerao (Piquerao), raised by a woman; Catequil revives his mother, she gives him the two slings left by his father; with them he kills some of the Guachemins, the rest drives away; asks A. to populate the land with new people; he tells them to dig on Guacat Hill (Ipuna), people come out of the ground; Catequil produces thunder and lightning with his sling]: Relacion 1918:19-21; San Pedro 1992 in Topic 1998:112 [summary]; Incas and Indians of mountainous Peru in general: Cobo 1956:160 in McDowell 1989, in Silverblatt 1990:15-16 [The thunder in the sky holds a baton in his left hand, and in his right sling; when Perun throws it, lightning flies out of his shining clothes; to rain, he takes water from the river we call the Milky Way; under the name of thunder they also worshiped lightning, rainbow, rain, hail, tornado, etc.]: 178; Polo 1916:6-7 in Silverblatt 1990 [Chukiilya, Katu Ilya, Intiulyapa: a man in the sky holding a sling and a club and producing rain, hail, thunder and everything other things that happen when clouds cover the sky]: 17 (same quote in Ciancia 2018:17-18); atacameño [Rey Trueno appears during the rainy season; with rain, thunder, lightning they fall to the ground rocks; people ask San Santiago to throw rocks from his sling into the clouds, thereby causing rain]: Lehnert 1993:154.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashinahua [dwarfs in the sky cut down tree-sky; thunder is the sound of their axes; ants heal felling]: Capistrano de Abreu: 429 in Metraux 1944:133-134; ashaninka [shaman was in hunting hut; killed Agouti; a downpour poured in, then a thunderstorm began; Thunder came up to the shaman and invited him to go with him; lightning was the gleam of his machete, thunder was the sound of seeds in the calebastic rattle; but he was too hot, that he could get on his shoulders; after the thunder struck, the shaman picked up the seeds and gave them to his wife, she planted them; people have been growing calebasses ever since]: Zolezzi 2014, No. 32:239; machigenga [bearded saanka'rite feed on tobacco alone; their dogs are jaguars; their projectiles produce thunder and their hats produce lightning; kurákuna (Thunders, from ketsch. kuraka - ancestral elder, chief) is not much different from saanka'rite; their dogs are bears; they shoot at evil spirits]: Baer 1984:164-165; character [see J16 motif; jaguars kill a woman , her son Marinke kills almost all Jaguars, but one escapes and there are many jaguars again; people are afraid, wondering what to do; To turn into a tree? - They'll cut it down; Hide under the ground? - Will they trample; Hide in the rocks or the river? - They will find it; the boy offers to go to heaven; everyone is happy and in a hurry tramples on him, he turns into tobacco; the sky falls lower, M. and people climb there; M. throws an ax to his grandmother, but falls into her, she turns into a curasso bird, sings before the storm; M. - Thunder, wields his club in the sky]: Gray 1996:118-128.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Guarazu [a woman invites her husband to lie in a hole; he goes to bed and falls asleep; she puts it in a basket, covers it with leaves, puts animal meat on top; her sons suspect that father in the basket; one leaves his eye and saliva to watch; they see and hear a woman ask her husband if he will die soon; the son goes to wash his eyes, the fish takes him away, he remains with one eye; since then these fish eyes are human; brothers pour four strips of ash around the house; stepping over them, the mother falls and dies; brothers treat their father; the woodpecker promises to give them a gift if they do not kill him; steals sticky oil the owner of a peach palm tree, lubricates their arrows with it; the toad pees on the arrows, the oil partially dissolves; brothers and father make a chain of arrows, go up to heaven; the father becomes Thunder, scolds loudly wife; brothers fire their lightning arrows; because the glue is partially off, lightning can be forked]: Riester 1977, No. 3:226-230.

Southern Amazon. Kamayura [Tupan's axe, lightning flies out of it]: Agostinho 1974, No. 9:195; Münzel 1973:130-131, 142-143; nambiquara [a person comes to an unfamiliar house; they give him a cheech from the peck (Caryocar brasilensis); tabia hangs above the entrance, when the wind blows into it, thunder sounds; the man runs away; the thunder shouts to him not to be afraid; cuts through the house with his wooden sword]: Pereira 1983, No. 91:117-118.

Araguaia. Tapirape [Thunder's helpers or pupils (pets) - topü; dwarfs as tall as a hand, covered in fluff, wearing red parrot hats, swimming across the sky in boats, shooting arrows - lightning; thunder is the rumbling of their boats]: Wagley 1940:257

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 35 [(Banner 1957:46-48); the Bekororoti hunter was deprived of dividing the tapir, he was given only his skin; he shaved his head, painted himself black paint, took a wooden sword, called his wife, left the village; his voice was heard, the people went out to kill him, but he killed them with fire from his eyes, and with a wave of his sword, struck them with thunder and lightning; went up into the sky, the first thunderstorm began], 36 [(Lukesh 1968:167-169); the Bebgoroti hunter was deprived of sharing the tapir, left giblets; he refuses them too; he is told to wash his hands, he says he should be covered in blood; cut his hair for his wife and children, on He shaved a triangle on his head, since then Kayapo has had this hairstyle; tells him not to leave the house when he is in heaven; finds a genipu tree, painted himself and his family with black paint (since then, from the fruits of the genipa they make black paint) makes the first sword club, painted the handle with a genip, wiped his bloody hands on the end; he climbed the mountain with a club, cursing people, his words began to turn into thunder blows; rises to heaven; arrows fired at him fall at his feet; he hits enemies with lightning coming from his club; since it rains across the sky, waving his club, thunder and lightning; raised heaven is also wife and children]: 115-116, 117-119; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 13 (pau d'Arco) [(Nimuendaju, MS); the Bebó hunter killed the tapir, but was deprived when dividing him; he refused to wash off the blood from his hands, did a club sword, told his wife to paint his body with black latex, climbed a tree; they tried to pull him down, but he killed many with a lightning strike and went to heaven]: 43-44; apinaye [the person falls ill, in an ant crawls his ear, the patient becomes covered with ulcers, everyone will be left; the Hummingbird takes out the ant, the Vultures take it to them; the Thunder Club produces croms and lightning; Thunder gives a person the same; man returns; his club thunders his wife and her lover with thunder; sends a scorpion to sting them into their genitals; then a swarm of stinging wasps]: Wilbert 1978, No. 157:387-388.

SE Brazil. Botokudo [spirits fire burning arrows during a thunderstorm]: Manizer in Ploetz, Metraux 1930:210; kamakan [in anger, spirits hit each other hot stones (or flints - pierres & flints - pierres & #224; feu), causing thunder and lightning]: Metraux 1930:270.

Chaco. Matako [Tupa produces lightning with a piece of iron and thunder with a stone pestle]: Calífano 1974:51

The Southern Cone. Araucana Araucana [5 texts; two nephews marry Uncle Latrapai's daughters; he tells 1) to cut down an oak tree with one blow (text 1); cut down a tree that spews fire when hit (texts 3 and 5); cut down a large tree near the volcano where thunder Pilyan lives; L. gives axes that break when hit; brothers ask P. for an ax, an ax (= thunder) falls from the sky, they knock down a tree with one blow or all oaks; or wives extinguish the fire with snow), 2) knock down a firestone (wives extinguish with rain and snow), 3) kill Guanaco the ogre (swallows one young man, he cuts the monster's heart, brother helps get out outside), 4) kill a bull (caught by the Thunder Arcana)]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1929:42-51 (=Lenz 1896, No. 5:31-36).