Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I34. Dangerous tree. .

It is necessary to approach a tree that is surrounded by fire, spews fire, throws sharp chips, etc.

Kuchin, tillamook, okaina, witoto, bora, andoque, rickbacz, carage, cracho, araucans.

Subarctic. Kuchin [Father-in-law bear demands that Jateaquaint bring material to make an arrow shaft from a tree throwing sharp chips around; took resin from a tree splashing boiling resin; in both cases D. calms trees by spitting on them]: McKennan 1965:100-103.

The coast is the Plateau. Tillamook [the hero in heaven wants to marry the daughter of an old thunder man; he tells me to 1) go to three burning trees (the Ice cools down), 2) approach the dogs (this is a grizzly, the hero killed them), 3) get a hammer from the bottom lakes (the hero dived, the Thunder covered the lake with ice; the hero created a hammer that was not at the bottom, cut through the ice, came out), 4) get the fish from the top (there is no fish; the hero turned into a small fish; his thunder fried but did not eat; the previous groom became a big fish, was eaten, weakened); the hero adjusts so that Thunder skewers for frying whales burn; Thunder gets stuck in a split spruce; roars in pain (sound thunder)]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, #14:55-58.

NW Amazon. Okaina [the mother's lover killed the father of the twins, they were born after the father died; they ask the mother where the father is; she replies that she climbed for fruit, fell off the tree; the brothers try to fall, are alive, they ask again; she comes up with something again; they injure a butterfly from the sarbakan, which refers to the grasshopper, he refers to the woodpecker; the woodpecker tells him to be cured first; says that in the direction where the sound of the slit gong comes from , lives the father who ate them; brothers reward the woodpecker by giving him a red hat; the brothers waited for and killed Drake {the mother's lover and the murderer from the father; Blixen, p. 116: this is a deviation from the usual option, in which is either a jaguar or a monkey}, made soup with it, given it to its mother; she tells them to make a trap, turns into a rat, falls into this trap; the brothers are leaving; their mother is now a frog, hiding in the ground, they dig there, find a worm egg, decide to raise a brother; they pierced an egg, got into his eye; a boy came out, remained one-eyed; two sisters saw two sparkling worms on the tree; called people, worms More and more, they cause fire, a tree threatens a world fire; brothers (two and a third one-eyed) are called for help; they go to Thunder, climbing into the sky, throwing carrizos that pierce each other (var .: climbing the tree); the twins could not create a chain of darts, the younger brother created it; the dart chain turns into a vine (they argue which one is too smooth, the other is prickly); to Thunder do not come, they fall asleep; then they go to their grandmother, the snake, who gives them a dream wrapped in a sheet; the one-eyed man says he saw that the grandmother did not put anything; they open the bag, fall asleep; the grandmother reluctantly sleeps again; Thunder falls asleep, his daughter does not; while One-Eyed flirts with her, the twins replace Thunder's club and mirror (causes lightning); when they came down, añuje, at their request, cut off the vine, she fell, injuring her paws; the brothers told the battleship to undermine the roots of the tree, knocked it west with Thunder's weapon; the Thunder was surprised that its former strength was gone]: Blixen 1999, No. 5:113-134; bora [{v Guyot only mentions the "tree of anger" in comments, but it is clear that the plot is similar to that recorded by neighbors - Okaina and Andoke}; the axis of settlement of the boron is from Z. to V. along the course of the Cahuinari River, which flows into Caquetá; in the myth, the "tree of anger" falls in this direction; its roots are at the Kahuinari estuary, the tip is where the savannah formed on the site of trees eaten by a rolling head (see motif L5); branches trees have become branches that lead deep into the forest, where the maloki (community dwellings) of the boron are located; the "tree of anger" and the "anaconda of creation" are associated with dance sticks that beat the rhythm; at the beginning The "tree of anger" was knocked down by animals]: Guyot 1972:156-157, 168; utoto [Kud Buneima put himself into a trance after drinking tobacco juice, went to play ball with Dyaroka's people, his head was torn off with a ball , it was cooked, eaten; his son Magyari Buneim was offered to eat his father's meat; he and his brother get a magic cure, kill opponents; they see that his mother mourns their death; the mother tells them that rodents planted cassava and ate it; the brothers caught the rodent in a trap, recognized the mother from the wound on her leg - she was a rodent; they cremated her, cried; they went up to heaven to get people's magic remedy diarrhea; when they went down, they went down to the tree, they were called for help by the Muinane tribe, i.e. the tree broke people's heads; the eagle sits on top, shouting, "We are eating MA!" ; the worms on the tree struck Brother MB with lightning; their urine poured in a stream; then MB rose to heaven, took the name Hítoma (Sun); he took an egg from the hummingbird's nest on a palm tree, containing his brother, his name now a hummingbird boy; at night his brother was eaten by beetles; H. became hard as stone, killed beetles, but one escaped; H. went underground]: Preuss 1921, No. 9:314-330; andoque [Garza de Bocana (Heron of the Estuary, GB) I came to Garza de centro ("Heron of the Center", GS, aka Nenefí); when I saw the HS's wife swimming, I wanted to take a better look, fell into the water, drowned, the HS revived him; GB went to his place, prepared a war in revenge A talking tree; the two sons of HS saw two worms on the tree; there were more and more of them, they started shooting with chips of wood; the battleships wanted to knock down a tree, but could not approach because there were stinging wasps and ants; birds could not peck insects; HS asked Thunder to give him his sword, but he gave a fake one made of soft balsa and a copy of a mirror; the sword broke against the tree, the tree laughed; HS sent to Grandma Sleep the bat and her brother, who woke her up with a coca in her knee; she wrapped a dream from her left and right eyes on a sheet, gave it to them; on the way they unfolded the sheet, fell asleep, the dream returned to the hostess; HS sent to her A comet; he took a dream from his mistress, came to Thunder, put him to sleep; Thunder left a son from an Andoque woman, his name was Thunder of Stone; GS asked him to change his father's sword to a wooden one, which he changed, receiving two fruits Chrysophilum caimito; GS asked Thunder Stone to use his weapon himself; he first lightned with a mirror, the insects trembled; hit him with a sword and fell; the second time the tree collapsed, half fell on the river, the other went to Hinterland, some leaves turned into frogs; Thunder woke up wanting to destroy people, but his son threatened to stand up for them; the fallen tree turned into sandstone, the root came out outward, became a toad]: Landaburu, Pineda 1981:57-63 (=1984:60) (=Pineda 1975, No. 4:453).

Southern Amazon. Rickbacza [women leave men, carry fire across the river; first one iguana steals coals; women come and extinguish them; men find a tree that spews fire, not to it approach; pick up fire seeds that have fallen to the ground, find fire]: Pereira 1994, No. 1:33-34.

Araguaia. Karazha [Father-in-law tells two brothers to get resin for rubbing; fire burns around the resinous tree, swallows bring water, fill it]: Baldus 1937a: 226-228; 1953:213-214:84-86.

Eastern Brazil. Crasho [old man leads his wife's young brother (sister's husband?) look at the amazing; a huge web swings from side to side; a young man slips through the hole with a midge; they see opossums who will eat them will grow old; yams - who eats will become a woman; becoming as a bird, the young man flies over the quagmire; fire breaks from the tree trunk every now and then; after becoming a hummingbird, the young man manages to slip through; something like an arrow moves up and down; again in the form of a hummingbird, the young man slips; both men go home]: Wilbert 1978, No. 161:401-406.

The Southern Cone. The Araucans [two nephews marry Uncle Latrapai's daughters; he tells 1) to cut down an oak tree (usually spewing fire when hit; they cut down with an ax of Thunder, or their wives put out the fire with snow), 2) knock down a firestone (wives extinguish with rain and snow), 3) kill Guanaco the ogre (swallows one young man, he cuts the monster's heart, his brother helps to get out), 4) kill a bull (caught with an arcana Thunder)]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1929:42-51; Lenz 1896, No. 5:31-36.