Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

i35c. Craftsman God.

One of the mythological characters, using craft skills, makes (usually forges) tools and natural objects for the first time; he is the patron of artisans (usually blacksmiths).

Yoruba, Latins, Ancient Egypt, Irish, Ugarit, Ancient India, Tibetans, Tagin, Ancient Greece, Eastern and Northern Ukrainians, Hittites, Adygs, Abkhazians, Ossetians, Karachays, Ossetians, Karachays, Balkarians, Svans, Armenians, mountain Tajiks, Scandinavians, Finns, Karelians, Komi.

West Africa. Yoruba [Olorun and his wife Odududua were like two tight halves of a calebas; Odudua resisted being in the dark at the bottom, so Olorug pulled out her eyes; she said that he should only eat snails (snails are donated to him); they have a son and daughter, who gave birth to a son Orungan; he chased his mother to take possession of her, she fell in Ifa, rivers flowed from her breasts, parts of her body turned into gods - lightning- Shango and his three river wives, Okean-Olokun, blacksmith god Okun, hunters warriors, and others]: Ellis 1894:41-46 (retelling in Belcher 2005:309).

North Africa. Ancient Egypt [Chenemu; known since the Ancient Kingdom; assistant Sophet (goddess of heaven and New Year, incarnation of Sirius, assistant to the deceased pharaoh) and Satis (Mrs. Elephantine, wife Khnuma); since the 19th dynasty, Khnum himself was "Mr. Elephantine"; Hnum sculpted gods, humans and animals on a potter's wheel and revived them; he was most revered in Upper Egypt and Nubia]: Otto 1975.

Southern Europe. Latins [Cicero in De Natura Deorum, 22.55ff writes about four different Volcanoes; the third is the son of Jupiter and Juno, "famous on Lemnos as a blacksmith" (tertius ex tertio Iove et Iunone, qui Lemni fabricae traditur praefuisse); according to tradition, Chrome Volcano]: Blažek 2010:42.

Western Europe. The Irish: Blažek 2010:49 [Old Irish Goibniu, gen. sg. Goibnenn 'divine smith of Túatha Dé Danann, creator of weapons'], 51 [Goibniu - blacksmith, Luicne - carpenter].

Western Asia. Ugarit [craftsman god Kosar-wa-Hasis is credited with two habitats: Crete and Memphis; he appears at Ilu's invitation to his home and is tasked with building a palace for Jammu; he makes a magic weapon for Ba'lu - two maces; B. hit Jamma with the first mace and killed him with the second; Ba'lu tells K. to make luxury goods as gifts for Ilu and his wife Asirat; Ba'lu treats K. and tells us to build a palace. K. suggests making a window in the palace, but Ba'lu refuses (it is not entirely clear why: apparently, he is afraid of the penetration of Jammu and other potential enemies). K. predicts that Ba'lu will change his mind again. Then the construction of the palace begins. For seven days, the fire, apparently necessary for making gold and silver bricks, burns in it; on the seventh day, the work is finished. After the palace is built, Ba'lu hosts a feast; Ba'lu calls Kosaru-wa-Hasis and instructs him to make a window, a "crack in the clouds." He cuts through a window. Ba'lu roars through him so thunder]: Kogan et al.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [Damchan is the patron saint of blacksmiths {Tibetan exhibition in the Hermitage}]; tagin [Abo-Teni married Fire, but when he approached her, he burned his genitals, a worm appeared in the wound; AT took the worm, in search of his wife, came to the village of chickens and roosters; the rooster pecked the worm, AT got angry, told the rooster to go with him; in search of his wife he came to the dog village, the dog ate the rooster, AT told her to give the puppy to him as servants; the same in the village of goats (the puppy was cared for, AT took the kid); in the village of cows (the kid was buttered, AT took a bull); in the village of buffalo mitans (took a mitan calf); a tree fell on the calf; AT took the tree was brought by Mumsi, the sister of the Sun Woman; the children climbed the tree without damaging it, and when M. climbed in, it broke, AT ordered him to become his wife for it; she told him to build a house and everything he needed; they sat down at the hearth: she would go beyond AT only if the smoke floats in her direction; so happened; M. brought the seeds of all pets and plants, the farm was full; M. gave birth to a son, is losing weight; sent her husband to his parents cannot eat any other food; they put a boy and a knife in the basket, took an oath from AT not to open it on the way; but he looked inside; the boy promised to tell M.; AT saw what M. would do with the basket; she stabbed the boy and ate it raw; AT refused to live with the cannibal; M. took her son and returned to his parents; then AT married Chigo-Chuma; she has only one breast; gave birth to a son, he refuses to take his breast, tells him to be brought to the cheni tree, will drink juice; after 5 days the boy became fat, and after 12 days he went to live in a cave; this is a Ninur craftsman who made the first swords, spears and valuable utensils]: Elwin 1958a, No. 14:177-180.

South Asia. Ancient India: Toporov 1980a [Vishvákarman ("creator of everything"), mentioned in the Rig Veda and Satapatha Brahman, organizer and manager, sculptor, carpenter, blacksmith; creates land and reveals the sky; sacrifices himself to create the world; builds Lanka for the Rakshasa, a palace for Kubera and Varuna, makes a flying chariot for Kubera]: 237-238; 1982e [Twashtar (tvak-" produce, create"; his hands are skillful, a knife or an ax in his hand; he forged a vajra and a chariot for Indra, an iron weapon for Brahmanaspati; he created husband and wife, bride and groom, animals, horses]: 496-497; Blažek 2010 ["These Brahmanaspati produced with blast and smelting, like a smith, existence, in an earlier age of Gods, from non-existence sprang" [translation Gri]: 3.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece ["Commentary on Plato's Parmenides" by Proclus (5th century): "However, it will not be surprising that they also have demon reasons, referred to as art trustees. At the same time, it should be noted that some demons care about some arts, others care about others, and that they were the ones who gave such arts to people. The arts under discussion are somehow associated with the gods only symbolically. For example, it is claimed that the patron saint of blacksmithing is the demon Hephaestus, which contains eidos corresponding to this art; however, the greatest Hephaestus could be said to be using the symbolic speech that he is forging the sky. Similarly, one of the demoness from the family of Athena is the trustee of the weaving industry, and Athena herself is praised as the one who weaves the arrangement of clever species in some other, demiurge, sense" (trans. L.Yu. Lukomsky)]: Procl. In Parm. III. 829).

Central Europe. Eastern Ukrainians [Kuzma-Demyan were brothers, blacksmiths, silverless workers; Kuzma-Demyan's holiday is celebrated by blacksmiths (Kyiv region, Yekaterinoslavshchina); Kuzma-Demyan is "God's farrier", "God's covali" (Kyiv region, Poltava region, Donetsk region); Kuzma-Demnyan were the first plowman and farmer on earth and therefore began to be called saints (Poltava region); Kuzma and Demyan made the first iron plow, they did not know plows before them (Cherkasy region)]: Petrov 1930:197-198, 203, 216, 218, 228-229, 231; northern Ukrainians [Kuzma and Demyan were blacksmiths and silverless (Polesie), all the money earned was given to the poor and became saints (Chernihiv region); K. and D. were "God's farrier", "God's covali", blacksmiths pray to them more than others (Chernihiv region); Kuzma-Demyan was the first blacksmith and did the world's first plow (Chernihiv region); K. and D. invented ralo to make it easier for people to get bread (Volyn)]: Petrov 1930:199-198, 212, 228, 231.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Hittites [in the Hittite and Palai traditions there is the divine blacksmith Hasamili; dates back to the Hatta pantheon; in the myth of the "Disappearance of the Sun God" he is related to Frost]: Blažek 2010:25; Adygs: Aliyeva 1974 [Tlepsh is the god of iron and blacksmithing]: 11; Lipkin 1951 [Thagoledge, the god of fertility, says he is old, gives millet to sledges, one grain of which is enough to cook a cauldron of pasta; sledges hide seeds in a copper barn; Emynyzh, with the body of a dragon and the face of a giant, broke the barn, took the seeds; Satan tells us who the thief is and how to get to E. (from sunrise across the sky to sunset); Aryksha was the first to go, did not return; Sosruko was the next; Sataney explains that E. settled in the west to devour the sun; at the gate of the fortress E. huge swords converge and disperse; S. cuts them with the sword of sledge blacksmith Tlepsh; the girl kidnapped by E. says that E. went to plow to the top of the mountain, taking a bag of seeds with him; S. jumps up the mountain, grabs the bag, but E. on a three-legged horse easily catches up with him and takes the bag away; the girl asks E. to tell him where his soul is; he replies that it is in the door frame; S. takes the bag again, E. again takes him away; the girl gilded the frame; E. says that the soul is in wood; again the same episodes; E. admits that his soul is in a three-legged horse, the son of a mare Tozh, she is from an old woman's herd; S. goes to her, calling frost so that E. does not have time to finish plowing during his absence; helps a wolf, falcon, fish along the way; breaks through tigers, eagles and dogs that attacked him; fell to an old woman's chest; she tells him 3 days herd her herd; wolf, falcon, fish collect scattered horses; S. receives as a reward the foal that the mare also gave birth to at sea; the foal asks to let him go to his mother so that he can drink her milk and became stronger than his brother; S. takes the bag, E. cannot catch up with him, the foal S. tells his brother to throw E., he threw it into the abyss, E. crashed; S. returned the seeds to the sledges, gave the girl to the sledge]: 59-75; Adygs [drought came, people were dying; Tlepsh was not yet a blacksmith, he had bread; Thagalej lived nearby, he had no bread; his wife went to Tlepsh twice, but he did not give bread; she explained to her husband that Tlepsh demands that she surrender to him; Thagalej allowed; seeing that the woman mourned the loss of dignity and honor, Tlepsh said he only tested her; gave her bread; she asked Tha for 12 parts of her body Tlepsha was not afraid of fire and did not burn; it happened]: Gutov 2012:85-86; Kabardian people [Tlepsh is the only blacksmith; he has a stone instead of an anvil, a fist instead of a hammer; Satan sees him naked Hot iron crumples her hands; she made an anvil and a hammer out of wood, threw T.; he understood what was going on, made them out of metal; but there are no ticks; Tlagolege, who keeps the garden, and the lord of the herds Amysh do not know how make them; S. sees two snakes lying crosswise; she pierced their crossed necks with a sharp stick, showed T.; he made ticks out of two strips of metal; after that T. lost the ability to take hot iron with his hands; hears a voice prohibiting outsiders from entering the blacksmith]: Andreev-Krivich 1957:262-266;; Circassians [swear by the name of Tleps; in the spring, while praying, they libate on flatbread and on an ax; in a famous forest they show the grave of Tleps (Steel 1900:112); Tleps is a divine blacksmith, patron saint of gunsmiths, healer of wounded with knives (Vasilkov 1901); god of iron and weapons; Abadzekhs and Shapsugs swear by his name (]: Chursin 2019:96-97; Abkhazians [the god of blacksmithing and forge Shasshu, or Shashv, the "golden lord of Shashv", one of the most powerful and revered deities; according to old man Shach Chukbar (village. Kaldakhvar), takes first place after the supreme deity Antsva; he is represented in 7 persons and is called seven saints; the Shashv cult is common in Bzyb and most of Abzhu Abkhazia; in Gali it does not exist in the district]: Chursin 2019, No. 5.2:95-96; Ossetians: Liberinsky 1949:57-58 [at Shatana's request, Kurdalagon hardens the body of the Soslan Baby], 304 [Kurdalagon: celestial , lord of blacksmithing, the first and most skillful blacksmith]; Karachai people [when Debet started striking iron, sparks turned into stars; when he forges now, sparks fall, turn into starfall]: Aliyeva 1994, No. 144:597; Lipsky 1973 [Fire came together with Earth, she gave birth to blacksmith Debét]: 83; Balkarians [people asked Tairi to be able to walk in the sky too; T. created a multicolored bridge, but only gods walk along it; people who came close burned down; among sledges, only Debet, Yoryuzmek, Satanay and Sosuruk could walk along it]: Malkonduev 2017:133-134; Karachays , Balkarians: Aliyeva 1994, No. 2 ["When the trough was made of stone, the sieve was made of wood, /Tairi Neba married Tairi of the Earth, /The sky rattled, the earth conceived. /It was heavy for nine years and nine days, /Then the earth opened and Debet was born"; the Mother of Water fed him, the Tairi of Fire and the Tairi of Earth taught him the language of fire and stones; Tairi Waters sent him food and water; his body was made of fire and steel; he was the first obtained iron]: 302-303; swans [father brought Sosruk to Straw (= Solomon as a divine blacksmith), who hardened his body except his knees; to kill Sosruk, sledges offered put his head, shoulder blade, side under the millstone; Sosrukv is unharmed, killed a lot of sledges with a millstone; asked to kneel, the millstone interrupted them; Sosrukv consistently asks the coming animals to drink it blood; Wolf refuses (My power will go to your neck!) , Crow silt; Sosrukv consistently asks coming animals to drink his blood; The Wolf refuses (My power will go into your neck! drinks (You'll take the chicks out with your back and run so they don't tear you to pieces!) , Quail refuses (You'll take off noisily to make everyone scared!)] : Dzidziguri 1973, No. 9:84-85; Armenians [the first blacksmith was the prophet David; being a righteous man, he took iron out of the fire with his bare hands and forged it on stone; one day, when David came out of the forge, only his student remained there; a dog comes and lies down next to the student; she puts its front legs one on top of the other in the form of scissors, and lowers its face on its crossed legs; when he sees this, the student made ticks like crossed dog paws, then took iron with ticks, poured it into the fire, heated it and, taking it out of the fire, began to forge on the anvil he had made; D. comes, holds out his hand to the fire behind the hot iron and ran for the first time; holds out again - the same thing; D. was surprised and asks the student - why is this so? the student showed him ticks and an anvil; D. immediately leaves everything and leaves the forge]: Ganalanyan 1979, No. 813:262.

Iran - Central Asia. Mountain Tajiks (Vanj, Western 1949) [Iron was brought by Saint Jabrayil (in other versions of Khizr) from heaven for Saint Dowood. He told Dowood to make iron tools with his bare hands. Dowood lit a fire, put iron in it, and began to make plough tips, sickles, hoes, pickaxes. Jabrayil also handed over the mecha to Dovud. Dowood commissioned Master Hurdak to iron. Khurdak forged iron for a while, but once acted unrighteously. He refused to forge a plough tip for the poor man, but made it for a rich man. After that, Khurdak was no longer able to work with iron with his bare hands. Khurdak complained to Dowood that he could not take hot iron with his bare hands. Dowood reproached him for his wrongdoing and ordered him to make ticks like dog's front legs and continue to work with these mites. Khurdak made such ticks. Then Khurdak and other blacksmiths took the hot iron out of the fire with mites. Dowood is considered the patron saint of blacksmiths, jewelers and anyone who works with metal]: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990:193.

Baltoscandia. Kalevala [Väinämöinen: "I can't tie Sampo, /Decorate the lid with a colorful lid/But when I get home, /I'll send Ilmarinen:/Let him miss Sampo, /Arrange a colorful lid, /Let him Your daughter/Let her be happy./He is a blacksmith, and the first in the world/He is the first master in art. /After all, he has already forged the sky, /He bound the roof of the air, /So that there are no traces of forging/ And traces ticks are not visible" (rune 7:325-338); Ilmarinen: "Of course, I'll wear Sampo, /I'll decorate the lid with a colorful lid, /Taking the end of the winch's feather, /From a lamb of summer wool, /Adding grain to barley./ After all, I forged the sky, /I bound the roof to the air/Before any start, /Before anything happened" (rune 10:271-280); Ilmarinen: "There is no miracle here/That I am a real blacksmith, /If I forged it the sky, /I arranged the roof of the air" (rune 49:341-344)]: Kalevala 1977:97, 125, 552; Karelians [the plot of the mythical blacksmith Ilmarinen, who forged the sky, is mainly included in the texts, generally not having cosmogonic content; in the Olonets range, the hero is only referred to as a "divine iron forger"]: Kundozerova 2015:134; Finns [Ilmari became identified as tajvahan tagoja (the blacksmith who forged the sky); and the poetic equivalent of "sky"]: Frog 2012a: 217; Scandinavians [ German divine blacksmith; his name is known in two versions: *Walunðaz (Old Icelandic VDlundr, Old High German Walant) and *Wēlanðaz (Old English Wēland, Middle High German Wielant, Old Icelandic Velent)]: Toporova 1989:442-443; Scandinavians (Younger Edda, Gulvi's Vision) [One 'forged heavens and earth and air']: Blažek 2009:402 {in Younger Edda 1970: 15 translated as "He created heaven and earth, and air, and everything that belongs to them"}; (translated by Ilya Borisovich Gubanov: "Ţá mælir Jafnhárr: "Hann smíðaði himin ok jö ; rð ok loftin ok alla eign țeira"; "Then Equally High says: He forged heaven and earth and that air and everything that belongs to them"); Latvians: Laurinkienè 2003 [God asks the blacksmith forge the sun; paints the sun red, puts it in the sky]: 94 (=Laurinkene 2004:235); Lithuanians: Laurinkienè 2003 [world in darkness; a blacksmith forged the sun out of iron in six years, threw it on sky; in John Malala's chronicle 1281, the name of the blacksmith Teliaveli, who forged the sun]: 94; Laurinkene 2004 [world in darkness; the blacksmith forged the sun in six years, threw it into the sky]: 228; Veckenstedt 1883, No. 47 (samoites) [God created a huge creature: a head from a piece of the sky, hair from the branches of a tree, a mouth from a crack in the sky, teeth from white sea stones, a body from a mountain, flesh from the earth, bones from stones, from stars are eyes; the moon saw and captured this image; this creature was bisexual, protected the earth from monsters, giants come from it; when the creature died and began to decompose, it dwarfs crawled; men descended from the marriage of a giantess and a dwarf; God settled an angel in the middle of the earth; he was angry with him, tore his head off, threw him, she became the moon, she could see her face; he also threw his torso, but it fell back, a hill formed, grass and trees grew on it; bones became stones, blood became sea and lakes; God cut off one angel's wings, cut them apart, threw them into the sky, they became stars, and God settled a wingless angel on earth - the first man; from a part of his flesh, God made him a wife, they have children]: 210-211.

Volga - Perm. Komi: Konakov 1999:110 [Kudym-Osh is the first blacksmith; after visiting neighboring peoples, he learned from them how to mine iron ore, smelt iron, and blacksmithing; when he returned, he went around Komi land, mined ore and made iron tools and tools], 185-186 [Kudym-Osh ("the bear from the mouth of the Ku River"), according to one option, the son of a bear and a witch; after he taught Perm how to process iron, they began to make boats, and before that they sailed on rafts; he also brought cereal seeds and taught Perm residents how to grow them].