I36. Thunder and lightning are siblings or spouses.
.11.-.13.20.-.23.25. (.28.) .
Two brothers (two sisters, brother and sister, multiple siblings, young husband and wife) turn into thunder and lightning, either into two thunders or one into thunder and the other into an animal.
Mbundu [two brothers], manden [brother and sister], mosi [brother and sister], bugun [brother and sister], malgashi [older brother in whale, younger at lightning], Tokelau [brothers], bugun [brother and sister] , kachari [brother and sister], bodo [brother and cousin], karen [grandmother and grandson], Gujarati [young husband and wife], johoria [7 siblings], nabaloi [two halves of a child cut], kankanai [ two brothers from one cut in half], igorot [two brothers from one cut in half], (paywan [girl turns into thunder], Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Samara) ["Tsar Thunder and Queen Molonya"], Ukrainians [Lord and Mother of God]), Chukchi [two sisters], Asian Eskimos [two sisters], Kodiak [two sisters], Nuniwak [two sisters], Northern Alaska Inupiate [brother and sister], caribou [brother and sister] sister; three sisters], netsilic [brother and sister], polar [brother and sister], screams [two brothers], choktav [two brothers], vintu [two brothers], mountain mivok [two brothers; two sisters], nisenan [two brothers], chukchansi yokutz [two brothers], jokutz [two brothers].
Bantu-speaking Africa. Mbundu [Nzua gets married, but his father immediately tells him to go to town on business; on his return, he learns from his wife that the ma-kishi have robbed and killed everyone; the twins Sudika-Mbambi and Kabundu Ngulu speak from the mother's belly; born, they build a house for their parents, the materials themselves are stacked; S. goes to take revenge on the ma-kishi, tells K. to watch the planted tree (if it wilts, he is killed); on the way he meets and takes him as companions people, the first part of each name is "Kipaland" and the second part is different; 1) Building a house on a rock (synonymous with "doing the impossible"), 2) Carving eight clubs in a day, 3) Harvesting in Kalunga (underworld), 4) Bowing his beard towards Kalunga; the last Kiyandala-midi, who eats a thousand, rinses his mouth by a hundred; when he hears the name S., who "puts a stick on the ground, raises an antelope to the sky", in fear runs away; while the others are fighting the ma-kishi, each of the four K. takes turns staying at home; an old woman comes, promises her granddaughter, if K. defeats her, defeats everyone; S. remains the last, kills the old woman, frees her granddaughter from a stone house; K. is jealous, they dig a hole, S. falls, they bury it; at home, her brother sees that the tree withers, wateres it, it comes to life; S. finds a way in the hole, comes to the old woman, the bottom of her body who rests and digs up the ground; S. helps her dig; she tells her to walk along a narrow road, gives her a jug of red pepper and a jug of wisdom; for them S. gets a daughter Kalunga-Ngombe, but she must be taken away from kidnapper snake; S. cuts off 5 (or more?) the snake's heads, brings the girl; the father-in-law demands the return of the goats and pigs stolen by the crocodile, the crocodile swallows S.; the brother again sees the dried tree, finds Kalunga-Ngombe, kills the crocodile, revives S. from bones; brothers drive four Kipaland away, quarrel over women (Kabundu Ngulu wants one of S.'s two wives), separate; older brother thunder in the east, younger brother in the west]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975: 169-177.
West Africa. Munden {bambara? cf. Below is a version of bambar that does not directly mention turning the protagonist into thunder} [the girl's father promises her to someone who will come faster; faster than any antelope, but the chameleon hides on her back, first touches the girl, gets a wife; she gives birth to a son, then a daughter; the mother tells them to take food to their father; they call their father, the chameleon answers; the children do not believe that he is their father, they laugh; (in anthropomorphic form) the father tells them to always be together; they hear the chameleon again, they kill him, the mother drives them away; they come to the lioness, kill, cook one of the three cubs, feed the lioness; she asks to bring her cubs breastfeed; the boy brings one twice; explains that he has already eaten beans, so he does not want to suck; the same with the second; fed the lioness and the last, hid in a hole, threw her skulls to the lioness children, put a bag over her, sold the lioness bag to merchants - supposedly a big dog there; ordered her not to open it right away; at night, the merchants opened it, she ate them, the old woman was left alone; the children climbed on tree, they lowered the rope to the lioness, she got up, they threw the rope, the lioness crashed to death; the tree was high, don't get off; the bird put the children on its wings; boy: the bird stinks, I'll cut off its wing; girl doesn't mind: we have to be together; the wings are cut off, the bird has fallen, the children have crashed to death; the turtle revives the boy, who does not want his sister to be revived, but the turtle also revives her; sister: let's eat the turtle! went to buy firewood; the brother tells the turtle to leave, but the sister catches it; they come to the blacksmith and ask him to cook a turtle; he has swollen testicles, the children offer to cure it, burn it, run away; they come in a peanut field, a boy tells a story, people understand that this is about how he maimed a blacksmith; the blacksmith puts the boy in a bag, walks away for a while; he tells the blacksmith's children that there are peanuts in the bag; they untie the bag, get inside instead of the boy, the blacksmith throws the bag into the fire; the boy screams that he burned his children, runs away; comes with his sister to the village, gets a wife; sister: let's kill her; brother does not I may disagree, they kill the girl, run away, climb trees; two old men come, the sister pees, they think it's raining; the brother poops, they notice them, they cut down the tree with axes, it starts to fall, two lizards restore it; a sister kills one lizard, a tree is cut down again, but a second lizard restores it again; a sister kills a second lizard, people cut down a tree, brother and sister go up to heaven, since then they have been making rain and thunderstorms]: Frobenius 1922b, No. 95:170-177; bambara [a boy of 8 years old Kama Kamasoro has a sister of Fatima Kamasoro 15 years old; when dying, mother and father told his sister everything obey her brother; (hereinafter F. tries to object to K every time, but he reminds her of her parents' will); K. tells F. to make him a bow and arrow to hunt rats; hit a rat, and she hid in the barn; K. set fire to the barn and killed the rat, the grain burned; ate the rat, left its head on stone; their only slave ate it; K. killed the slave to get a rat's head out of her belly; F. hid the cow, but K. tied A bag of gold at her foot, found a cow on an ash trail and stabbed her to have a wake for her father; tells F. to go wandering with him; comes to the lion, he offers to hunt together; K. climbs on a tree asks the antelopes who have come why they were not there before: the lion waited for them; the antelopes ran away; then the lion hunts F., and K. stayed with the lions; he killed them, made stuffed animals; wrapped the lion {in cloth?} , carried it, exchanged it from the chief for jewelry for his sister, saying that it was selected meat; when he later unwrapped the bag, the living lion jumped out, but told him not to be afraid: he would go to pay K.; when the lion was ready eat K., a big bird took K. and F. under its wings and carried it away; K. broke the bird's wings, K. and F. fell and crashed; the turtle took the amulet and revived F.; she advised not to revive K., but the turtle revived and him; K. roasted the turtle, but F. refused to eat it; they came to the king, where there is eternal darkness; every time the sun is about to rise, the big bird says three magic words and the sun hides again; K. and F. stopped at the old woman's house, she gave porridge, K. broke a plate of porridge on the old woman's head, forcing her to serve two roasted roosters; K. mockingly responds to the bird's three cries; she comes to eat it, K. cut off her head; plucked the bird (F. could not do it, the feathers were too big), fried it; F. said she could not eat it; the sun was rising; the leader would give the hero half of the kingdom, but let him show the bird's head; the impostors bring only feathers; K. comes to dance; someone Sambou says he is too small, let him dance after him; K. hit him, he fell, ran away; K. took out his head the birds and showed everyone; the sun (at the sight of the bird's head) disappeared again; K. hid his head, the sun appeared again; K. refused to take half of the kingdom and the leader's nine daughters; took one for himself and the other as servants sister; they are on their way again; the chief's daughters cannot walk so fast, K. killed them; the chief was told that he sent soldiers; K. broke an egg, a tree grew, K. and F. climbed on it; the chief ordered him to cut down tree; monitor lizard hits its tail and the felling overgrows; K. killed the monitor lizard; the tree collapsed; rope and chain descended from the sky; K. climbed the rope, and F. climbed the chain; they were not seen again]: Zeltner 2013:47-62; mosi : Frobenius 1986 [parents, daughter and son hid to see what Naba Ouende (God) looked like; the girl looked out of the calebasa where she hid, BUT on pain of death told her where her father was (except) killed him, baked him, forced the girl to eat his meat; the same happened to her mother; the girl told her brother not to go out, they ran away, climbed a tree; the boy wrote the chief sitting under the tree into the beer; the chief's men cut down a tree, but the boy clicked his tongue and it recovered; finally it fell, the children took off and became thunder; booming peals were his brother's laughter, a deaf whistle was his sister's whisper]: 91-92; Sissao 2010, No. 28 [the woman has a son Ra& #244; go and daughter Poco; she fell off a tree, crashed to death; a hawk brought them to the nest, raised them; gave them an iron club: if a hawk comes from the east, it's not me, kill him; once he accidentally flew in with east, R. killed him; the children came to the leader, he adopted them, loved them very much; R. set fire to the palace, the leader is desperate, thinks that the children are dead; sat down to cry under the tree they climbed; R. sent to he needed him; the chief understood everything, ordered the tree to be cut down; when it was ready to fall, the salamander said ko-ko-ko, the tree was intact; R. cut off the salamander's head, ate the salamander, put P.'s head by the cheek; the tree was cut down, the children crashed to death, the chief ordered the bodies to be left without burial; but they came to life and left; when they saw people, they gathered for a huge fire-breathing kite to eat them all at once, not one at a time; R . ordered to disperse, killed the kite with an iron club; people asked what R. wanted as a reward, he replied that the sky; the blacksmiths built a staircase, R. and P. climbed it, became thunder; when thunder was heard, P. asks his brother to be more careful, but he replies that he has neither children nor a wife on the ground and hits with all his might]: 75-78.
Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi [someone advises a childless king to catch two fish and eat them with his wife; a maid and a dog eat leftovers; a queen and a maid give birth to identical boys, a dog of two puppies; prince goes to look for the bride; if he dies, the bush wilts; he finds his wife; the beast kaka kills him; the bush has withered, the maid's son goes in search; the prince's wife takes him for her husband, he puts a gun between them; finds the prince's bones; makes the beast revive him; they kill the beast; when they learn that the maid's son slept with his wife, the prince's son kills him; he is revived by the goddess; the prince's son turns into a whale, the son maids in lightning]: Haring 1982, No. 7.303:468-469.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bugun (Khowa) [Haklum harasses his sister Halia; she hides in the clouds, and when she washes her hair, they cover the sky and it becomes dark; her brother rushes after her, she hits him with her pin - with lightning; sometimes a pin falls to the ground; thunder is brother's screams]: Elwin 1958b, No. 2:66; kachari [Ráoná takes an oath from his father that he will fulfill his every wish; father is forced to agree to Raon's marriage to his sister Ráoni; the preparations for the wedding are being hidden from the girl; the mother is forced to confess; Raoni runs to heaven, and when she turns around, the gleam of her face is visible with lightning; thunder is her brother's voice, who is chasing her]: Endle 1911:68-70 (retelling in Elwin 1958b:66, note 1); bodo (Tripura) [Nagurai young man pulled the Nakhapili girl out of the river, who he brought to the current; when the wedding is being prepared, A relative slander that Nagurai and Eahapili are relatives; they run away, but eventually it turns out that this is true; she rushes into the abyss, but does not fall, but flies into the clouds, becoming two type of zipper]: Borgohain, Roy Chaudhury 1975:105-120.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Tokelau [a widow named Mea has sons Thunder Strike, Far Thunder, Lightning; the cannibal bird Veka flew to M. while her sons are away; M. told them this; UG, DC are going to fight V., but she covers them with its wing, they fall motionless; Lightning breaks the bird's wings with a club blow, kills them; tells the brothers to pluck and singe the bird, but they slow, Lightning does everything himself; Mea says her elders sons will now follow the youngest (thunder after lightning)]: Burrows 1923:163-164; (cf. Gilbert (Nonouti Atoll, Western 1963-1964) [at first neither earth nor sky, everything is as if in a shell with Nareau on its bulge; he began to stomp to make heaven and earth firm; I saw people lying in the depths of the dark shell, moved them with a stone tied to a fishing line, they gave their names; he bent their stiff joints with them; raised the sky a little, but it was still low and flat; N. called Katimoi, who caught a squid, cut off two tentacles, made bait out of them, caught Riki (a giant eel, moray eel) with it; R. began to raise the sky; N. ordered K. to support R. in the middle; ordered the stingray to pierce the muscle of the {world shell} with thorns so that it would no longer close and the sky would remain high; cut off the tip of R.'s tail, it turned out to be the current moray eel; N. threw mother-of-pearl the shell, it became the sun, the shell of a sea snail became the moon; N. lives in Samoa, his wife is Thunder, their both sons are lightning]: Koch 1966:15-19).
Burma - Indochina. Karen [Nokhuva is older sister, Nokhudi is younger, mother is dead, they live with Phi Na's father and angry grandmother; Nokhuva feeds two fish by name; PN hears it, tries call the fish, they do not come; then the PN asks Nokhudi to call the fish in his sister's voice; they come, the PN manages to kill the Yaphalau fish, Nokhuva saves the Yaphaunihou fish, tells them to swim away; drowns fat from Yaphalau's fish, it drips, turns into stone, the stone grows up to the moon; Nokhuva asks the goddess of the moon to shelter her, but she replies that she dies periodically, advises her to go to Lightning; Nokhudi stays with Lightning, marries her grandson Thunder; they visit Nokhuva's father; PN wants to kill them by feeding them a dog; Thunder realizes what they give him, returns to heaven with his wife, Lightning destroys the mountain, now boulders are visible - its fragments; thunderstorms are raging every year at this time]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 157:387-390; (cf. Lao [the chief has 9 pious wives and one beloved and cheerful; with nine he rose to heaven; sees that his beloved wife has become a crane; to test her, he has become a fish, but the crane did not grab the fish, Seeing that she was alive; in her new rebirth, the crane became the daughter of a gardener; she planted flowers - whoever she would fall on, marry; flowers fell on the old man, her ex-husband; both began to rise into the air; the father started shooting; different types of lightning are shots from the father and the answers from his daughter and heavenly leader]: Fleeson 1899:38-40).
South Asia. Gujarati people [poor man and daughter live in the forest; daughter wants to help her father; secretly follows him into the forest, lost sight of him; came to a cornfield; two old men told her how to grow corn; daughter and father have prepared the site, but it needs rain; a young man like a prince came out and promised to send rain if the girl agrees to be with him; she gladly agrees; he warns that he may come to in terrible appearance, she promises to love him anyway; he warns that she is risking her life; it rained, the prince took his wife to heaven; one day she saw him smeared with clay, scorpions and snakes on his body; horrified; he stabbed her, and then lightning pierced the sky; he became the master of the rain, and she became the mistress of lightning]: Beck et al. 1987, No. 3:9-12; jhoria [during the feast of seven unmarried sisters they danced with other girls, and seven young men beat drums; they went up to heaven and liked the God of Clouds so much that he did not let them go back; said, "When he would rain the ground, girls should dance and boys should beat drums; it's lightning and thunder]: Elwin 1954, No. V.4:68.
Taiwan - Philippines. Nabaloi [Kabunian married Lutab; other women, out of envy, tied a goat under their house to make K. think his wife smelled bad; but he understood, went with L. to heaven; on the way rock, L. said she couldn't climb over it; K. cut their child in half in anger, gave half to his wife, turned his own into lightning; the wife on earth could not revive her half, K. turned this part into thunder; sends lightning to watch what is happening on earth and thunder to scare people if they misbehave]: Moss 1924, No. 6:237-239 (translated into Rybkin 1975, no. 14:46); kankanay [Star steals sugar reeds, the owner grabs her; she finds the clothes he has hidden, flies away; one of their children dies, the mother goes down to the other at night; argues with her husband who will get it; divides him in half, takes one by heaven; the father cannot revive his own, the mother does it herself, tells him to respond to the call of the other half, but his body has already been decayed, so his voice is weak; these two halves are big and small thunder]: Moss 1920:382 in Lessa 196:153-154; Igorot [after the death of his mother, Dumagid cuts his son in two vertically, resulting in lightning and thunder; the part left with the heavenly father goes down to revive Brother's decayed body; both produce thunder]: Beyer 1913:110 in Headley 2005:41; (cf. paywan [mother and father worked in the fields, leaving her young son in the care of her daughter; the hungry child cries, the girl is tired, but the mother refuses to come to feed him; then the girl climbed on the rock and sang; God felt sorry for her, took her to heaven, and put the baby to bed; 7 days later, the daughter came to her parents; they did not recognize her because she had become a beautiful adult girl; said that now it is forever she will come back; let her be given three grains of millet; putting them in her hair, she promised to plant them in the sky and then destroy the harvested grain; when she hears the thunder, she is the one who cooks for herself]: Whitehorn, Earle 2003, #16:119).
Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelskaya, recorded on a steamer on the river. Pinega, N. Utkin is from Kemi, 1921) [Gregory Vysota lives in a dirty hut and never washes. The fox promises to marry him a royal daughter, he does not believe it. The fox goes to the king, bows from the GW, asks the measure to weigh the pearls, the king tells the servants to leave some resin on the measure, and the Fox stuck one pearl. He comes to the king again, asks the quadrangle to measure silver, sticks a piece of silver. He returns the quadrangle, brings the king a herd of forest animals from GW, marries GW for the princess, and the king invites GW. The fox finds him a shirt, he washes himself, sits in the bushes by the road, the Fox tells the king that robbers attacked them on the way and took away their property, asks for clothes and a carriage, and the king gives them. The princess falls in love with a washed and elegant GW. After the feast, they go to the groom's house. The fox runs forward and warns the shepherds that the king with thunder and the queen with lightning are coming and will burn them if they say that the land belongs to the Serpent, let them say GW. The fox runs to the house of ZL, warns that a king with thunder and a queen with lightning are coming to him, and advises him to hide in a hollow. The tsar and princess and groom learn from the shepherds on the way that they are passing through the GW lands and coming to the ZL house. The fox suggests burning a tree in which the hollow, the Serpent dies]: Ozarovskaya 2009, No. 29:281-283; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Ust-Tsilma, a literate, Old Believer Olga Yermolina, tells a lot fairy tales that ridicule the Orthodox Church, 1979) [Fedor Vysokoy catches a fox in his mouth, wants to sell it and marry with the proceeds. Lisa asks her to feel sorry for her and promises to help Fedor. She steals money (from old women in baths), asks the tsar for a measure, measure Fyodor Vysokoy's money, puts coins under the hoops and returns it. In the forest, he calls the wolf to go with her to the king for a feast, who gathers a pack of wolves, and the fox tells the king that Fyodor sends animals as a gift. He also collects 40 foxes and leads to the king. She leads Fedor to marry the tsar, puts him on the ship's bottom, tells the king that their ship has sunk, and only she and Fyodor have escaped. The king gives him festive clothes. He marries the princess, while the fox runs around the lands of Snake Gorynych, warns the shepherds (they herd cows, horses, sheep) that they must tell the tsar that they work on the land of Fyodor Vysoky, otherwise their king will kill. He runs to Snake Gorynych's house, tells his whole family to hide under straw, because the king is following him to kill him. She sets fire to straw and orders her servants to prepare food. She also returns after Fyodor's wedding with the princess, takes them and the tsar to the house of Serpent Gorynych, and on the way, the shepherds inform the tsar that he is traveling through Fyodor's lands. He occupies the Snake's house and becomes the owner]: Karnaukhov 1934, No. 159:327-331; Russians (the North is probably Olonetskaya) [The fox steals chickens from Kuzma; he waited for her, caught her; the Fox promises to make it happy, tells her to fry a chicken for her; tells the Wolf that she feasted with the king; leads forty forty wolves to the king, says that Kuzma Skorobogaty sent him; the same bears; sables and martens; the tsar speaks Lisa, who is ready to give her daughter for the COP; Lisa cut off her bridges, the Constitutional Court fell into the water; the Fox asks the king to send the COP new clothes; rejects the usual one, demands the front door; the Constitutional Court takes his wife home; Fox to the shepherds answer that they herd sheep, cows, horses not Serpent Gorchnych, but CS; otherwise the Tsar Fire and the Lightning Queen go; the ZG says the same, advises to hide in straw, sets fire, ZG dies; the COP and his wife remain in the golden palace of the ZG]: Karnaukhova 1948:135-141; Russians (Vologodskaya) [Stepan Bogaty is poor, his only occupation is to "wander into the forest" for mushrooms. The fox offers to marry him the royal daughter. Lisa Vasilyevna finds a penny, runs to the tsar and asks Stepan Bogaty to "measure copper". He returns the measure by investing a penny in the chip so that the tsar can make sure that Stepan measured copper. It's the same with a silver coin, then a gold coin. The Tsar believes that Stepan is rich and agrees to give him his daughter. The fox tells Stepan to drown the last horse in the swamp, smear himself with mud and go to the wedding like this. He tells the Tsar that ten Stepan's carriages and horses drowned in the swamp. Stepan is washed, dressed in the best dress - he is not used to such clothes, and when asked by the king about S.'s strange behavior, the fox says that he is not used to such worthless clothes. Tsar: I don't have a better one. A wedding. The Tsar asks Stepan twice when they will go to him - he is silent. She consults with the fox, who tells her to invite the king to her place and follow her. He's running ahead. Running past herds of cows, sheep and horses owned by Master Tsygarin, he tells the shepherds to answer the king that this is Stepan's herd. He runs to his master's house, where the lady's name day is celebrated, makes the owners hide in the hollow ("King Thunder and Queen Molonya are coming"). The Tsar, Queen and Stepan come, inspect the estate and go out into the garden. The master and lady hiding in the hollow become stuffy, they start screaming. When asked by the king, the fox says that devils live in the hollow. The tree was burned, Stepan remains the owner of the estate]: Burtsev 1895, No. 24:126-130; Russians (Samarskaya) [the merchant's son is taken as a soldier; writes home that he has become an officer; then a general; every time he asks for money; the father came - the son serves as a soldier; he gave the horses he had taken with him to a real general, and asked his son for a wolf ticket; the son and two comrades came to the palace, where petrified people; they ate, two fell asleep, and the boy began to read a special book; at midnight three black girls in wool came out asking for pain for two more nights; after the second night they were half white, after the third they were completely white; one of them the sovereign of this kingdom took the boy as her husband; one day he went in a carriage to his father, drank everything in the tavern on the way, appeared poor, hired to herd goats; when he drives past the balcony, the guy plays the pipe, the goats dance; his wife came for him, a wedding, but they are beggars {further transition to Kuzma Skorobogaty's story}; "today they were married, and tomorrow they rushed to Thomas; and Thomas has neither a stake nor a yard"; the fox told the merchant that Thomas has five herds and herds ("a horse herd, a horned herd, there is a herd of sheep, and a herd of goose, yes there is a herd of pyrino, and there is a herd of chicken"); in the village where Thomas lived, the Serpent Gorynych lived there with the Serpent Gorynovna; "these herds there were theirs, and the fox boasted that they were Thomas the Rich"; "the mountain ones are going to mine", and the fox ran to Snake Gorynyvich and Zmeya Gorynovna, told them to get out of the house; King Thunder and Queen Molonya are coming to your house! The king will kill and the Queen will burn!" the fox tells them to climb into a rotten deck; tells the shepherds to say that the herds of Thomas the Rich, otherwise the King will kill and the Queen will burn; when the merchant and his men arrived, the fox advised him to shoot the deck, Thomas's estate got it; after the wedding, a fox comes, asks for a lamb, then a single file; like this every day; Tom let a dog on her, a fox in a hole; asks his eyes, legs, how they helped her escape; asks tail; "And I dragged across the floor so that the dogs would catch up with the fox and pinch"; the fox gave Serke's tail, who pulled it by the tail and tore it; Thomas the Rich began to live badly and make good money]: Sadovnikov 1884, No. 14:80 -84; Ukrainians (Voronezh, Zemlyansky district, pp. Eater, Latanoe, Shumeiki) [Thunder - when the Lord goes across the sky to wash, and the Mother of God runs after Him to milk the cows and with the pomelo, which produces lightning, throws the pomelo and protects the bread; the prophet Ilya rides across the sky in a chariot of fire - the wheels knock, that is, thunder, and the chariot makes fire, or lightning. At this time, unclean souls leave the sky in the form of a flying serpent; whoever a serpent flies will be killed by thunder, and if into a tree or a house, lightning will light]: Fedorov 1903:258.
SV Asia. Chukchi [see Asian Eskimos].
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [the idea that thunder is produced by two girls playing with a spread seal skin and that rain is one of them's urine is well known to the Chukchi, but I think that it is borrowed from Asian Eskimos, who have a similar story]: Bogoras 1902, No. 19:628; Kodiak [two poor girls went begging, everyone was tired; flew away with thunder and lightning] : Lantis 1938:135; Nuniwak Island [two girls were menses; lightning lifted them to heaven, gave them a hard skin, told them to produce thunder; they ran, dragging their skin and producing thunder; shook it, causing lots of lightning; then they started writing, it started raining on the ground; so when it starts to rain, the thunderstorm stops]: Lantis 1946, No. 3:269; Northern Alaska Inupiate: Hall 1975, No. PM158 (Noatak) [boy and girl play and fight noisily; father scolds them, tells them to play outside; they climb into dry seal skin, take fat with them; the skin lifts them into the air; when they touch skins, thunder thunder; lightning - falling drops of burning seal fat; oil outlets at Cape Barrow where the drops fell to the ground]: 390-391; Simpson 1875 (Point Barrow) [Thunder and his family live far away from north; he almost always sleeps, and when he wakes up, he is in a bad mood and tells his children to thunder and lightning by shaking their puffed seal skins and waving torches; they do so until Father doesn't fall asleep again]: 274; caribou: Boas 1901b (West coast of Hudson Bay) [three sisters produce a thunderstorm - Kadlu (produces thunder), Ignirtoq (lightning) and a third, whose name is forgotten (rain); during a thunderstorm, women take each piece of white sealskin with a needle stuck in it and a piece of walrus bone; these items are placed far from the village; the sisters pick them up and produce them from them using thunder]: 146; Rasmussen 1930b [brother and sister steal caribou skin and flint; fear punishment; reject becoming caribou, wolves, foxes and other animals because people can kill them; turn into thunder and lightning using stolen items]: 80; netsilic [brother and sister are poor orphans; find flint and a piece of caribou skin on the heap of garbage; sister offers options for them turn, brother rejects them; caribou: we are cared for; seals: we will be torn; so they reject all animals, decide to become Thunder and Lightning; sister produces lightning with flint, brother thunder, drumming on the skin; kill those who were cruel to them]: Rasmussen 1935 [abridged]: 181; Rasmussen 1931:210, 277-379; polar Eskimos [two var.: girl and her younger brother play noisily; stepfather sends them away play away; they find flint and a piece of caribou skin; the boy wants to come back, the girl reminds him of his stepfather's words; the boy offers to become a seal, walrus, beluga whale, bear, caribou, musk ox, hare, fox, lahtak; can't do it; offers to be thunder; girl turns into lightning, boy into thunder; they pee when they go up to the sky, it causes rain; their mother calls her son to suck milk, but it's too late]: Holtved 1951, No. 5:40-50; (cf. Labrador Eskimos [clouds are wineskins of water; two old women run with them across the sky, water trickles from the seams, rain falls; thunder is their voices, lightning is torches in their hands]: Turner 1894:267).
Southeast USA. Screams: Gouge 2004, No. 15 [the lion came to the hunter's pregnant wife, snatched the baby from her womb, left it in the basket under the bed, the woman's body was dragged away; the father raised the boy, made him an onion, he loses his bows every time; he admits that there is another boy in the thickets who calls himself the brother of the first; one day he came to live in the house; his father tells him not to go where the Poor Hoof is; wild brother offers to go; boys steal his bow, Sharp Hoof chases, tries to hit, his leg gets stuck in a tree trunk; boys cut off his nose, kill him, bring his father's nose to make a smoking pipe; the father lit it, ordered it to be thrown away; he did not tell me to touch the eggs of Thunder; the wild boy decided to get eggs; the brothers climbed for them, took them, went up into the sky, became thunders; one real, another false boy]: 65-67; choctaw [no one cares about two orphans; they decide to turn one into lightning, the other into thunder]: Mould 2004:76-77.
California. Screw: Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 8 [Grizzly woman lay with her legs apart; someone spat in her bosom from heaven, she conceived twins; difficult to give birth, promises to kill newborns; older tells her brother what will come out first; they go out like Lightning and Thunder, the mother loses consciousness; they come to the grandmother, who sends them to their grandfather, he shows where their mother collects clover; she rips her body apart, they throw their insides; people say that these boys killed their mother; brothers turn into thunder and lightning; var.: Grandma tells them not to marry so as not to create new thunder; tells them to go to heaven turns into stone]: 296-299; Demetracopoulou, DubOis 1932, No. 27 [~ (28)], 28 [Grizzly is Hawk's wife; she tried to grab him, but he flew to heaven; something dripped between her legs from the sky, she got pregnant with twins, these are Thunder and Lightning; they're arguing who to go first; Lightning came out first; Grizzly tried to grab the kids, but Kukup'iwit's grandmother managed to grab them and washed them], 29 [~ (28)]: 448-450, 450 , 450-453; mountain mivok: Gifford 1917: No. 2 [The bear invites her sister Olenikha to collect clover; offers to look in her head, gnaws through her neck, eats it, brings the liver to the bottom of the basket; the youngest of two reindeer sisters finds a liver under the clover; the sisters leave the basket and awls to answer for them, run away; their grandfather is Long-legged (crane?) stretches out his leg; the Bear falls into the river, but continues to pursue; another grandfather, Olenyat, the Lizard, invites the Bear to climb onto the roof of his house, open her mouth and close her eyes, throws two in her mouth hot stones; she falls, dies; the lizard took off her skin, cut it in half, gave most of it to her older sister, the deer, the younger; the girls began to run, dragging these pieces that produced thunder; the Lizard sent them to heaven, they are Thunder]: 286-292; Kroeber 1907a, No. 10 [two Deer Brothers strangle Grizzly children in the steam room; they hide in their grandfather's steam room; he throws the Bear in the ass hot a stone, burning it from within; Deer rise to heaven, become Thunders]: 203-204; Wilson 1922 [a deer with two deer came to visit a bear with a bear cub; went with her for berries, she killed her; the deer saw the bear bring their mother's liver; they invited the bear to play, taking turns climbing into the cave, burning in front of her, blowing smoke into it until the cave says that enough; strangled the bear cub with smoke; ran to their grandfather; he taught him how to heat the stones and roll them down the mountain; when the bear chased, the stones killed her; the grandfather made several suggestions to his grandchildren regarding them of further fate, but they agreed only when he invited them to live in heaven; lit a fire to take them to heaven; they began dancing around the fire and accidentally spilled water; and the ferry ascended to the sky where they now live with their descendants; lightning sparks from under their hooves; short sharp peals of thunder are the youngest deer running, and the rolling deaf deer are the eldest deer]: 87-89; southern mountain mivok [ a stone giant kills people, two brothers are orphans; they wonder what to become; the younger one tells us to collect feathers, they put them on their bodies, turn into birds; the elder refuses to become waterfowl; then they turn into Thunders; in summer they fly through a hole in the sky to the other side of the sky; in winter they return, produce rain and thunderstorm]: Merriam 1993:173-178; nisenan [ Olenikha is her husband's sister (brother's wife?) The bears; they go for the clover, Olenikha invites the Bear to look for insects, the Bear kills her; two reindeer boys find their mother's head in the basket; bake the bear cub in the hole, run, telling the stump to answer for themselves; when they climb a rock, they throw a hot stone into the Bear's mouth, she dies, they fry and eat it; their mother's brother came to give him a bone, she fell, turned into a bear, ran away; the mother's brother takes them to heaven; there they roll the ball, find the mother in the house, suck her breasts; at night the youngest asks for water, the mother goes to fetch water, falls into a hole, dies; now the brothers produce thunder and lightning]: Uldall, Shipley 1966, No. 2:21-25; Chukchansi yokutz [Grizzly bear kills Olenikha by taking out her insects; two reindeer boys kill two Tubs in the steam room; run to their grandfather; he kills the Grizzly by throwing a hot stone in her anus; the boys are so noisy that they must go to live in heaven, become Thunders]: Gayton, Newman 1940, No. 130:96; yokutz [people are starving, going to another a place, two little boys covered in abscesses are thrown; only their grandmother stays with them; they turn into Thunder, fill the lake with fish; their mother's brother brings them some food; when they return, reports what happened; their parents rush to them for fish, they kill them with lightning]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 23:215-216.